Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB
Computer Science Canada 
Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB  

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Computer Science Canada Topics
my new signature
[Tutorial] How to read and write to a file in Turing
[Tutorial] How to use a mouse in your Turing programs
[comic] Anti-Turing Pill
[comic] Where did tuirng realy come from?
[Tutorial] How to make your turing programs use the printer.
Very Nice
[music video] Turing MV
Welcome to Turing Help; Important Info & Tutorial Links
[music video] I hate turing
[Music Video] Alternate location
[Music Video] Alternate location
[Music Video] Alternate location
[Music Video] Alternate location
[Music Video] Alternate option
[Music Video] Alternate option
[Music Video] Alternate option
[Music Video] Alternate option
[Music Video] Alternate option
[Music Video] Alternate option
[Music Video] Alternate option
[Music Video] Alternate option
[Music Video] Alternate option
[source code] Text Effects
[cartoon] Turing Yard
Need Help! > Bar Code Program
[tutorial] procedures
[Tutorial] Very Simpel I/O
Help 2.
I need help with a drag racing game
First VB post!
[tutorial] arrays
Ok i'm back... with a little problem on my drag racing game
Oval Collisions
Favourite Game
[Tutorial] Collision Detection
Sys.Exec Help
Some help
A test of skills
printing output
great site!
times table
Code / Decode
A test of skills
simple trig functions in turing
Helping Me With My RPG
Shooter help
:!: Help me please with my turing homework :!:
Turing 4.03
Can one display video files in turing
Making a Tile Editor???
Pixel graphics problem
Help Guys
Check this out
Different colours...
Help needed....
Canada eh?
PLease Read!
Need ur help
funny face help???
help me!!!!1
i am new here help me some1
programming, eh?
a other box one help me out bro
CCC (Canadian Computing Competition)
plz help
Game help... again...
increase font size help !!!!!!!
[Tutorial] Character control on screen (Input.KeyDown)
ne 1 got old projects they can send me (gr.11 turing)
Basic Intro To VB
Basic C++ Intro
[introduction] welcome to the world of VB
Calculating with a draw text
Problem with turing
How Do I Display A .jpg and mp3 file to play when executing
Game Codes
Encoder/Decoder w/ Numbers?
[trig] so you're making a pool game?
SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Urgent Major Problem
hey guys sorry to bug every1 but i need help
help me out guys
more .jpg help it true
Net Chat idea!
Falling Snow
---==importing music files(wav.) ??==-----
Internet Chatting
ftpin my game
even more .jpg help
Quick Dan, look here!
[Tony's CG] Pencil
[RulerOfTheStrees]RPG by Krishon
GUI Text field in Turing
Help! Urgent! Chess!
what other programing languages do you know?
help me!
aother one
Goto feature
Problem designing bouncy ball program
Turing 8
Sorting algorithm
Help With RPG
Can somebody plz tell me how to stop smearing
Exit When
Rand Int
New idea
Is there a go-to-line command in turing?
I'm very knew to turing, and was wondering if there....
Net Explanation please...
History in a text file
For Poleop that whont turing 4.0.4 and dont whont to pay
Randomize Procedures?
URGENT HELP NEEDED IMMEDIATELY!!! Music.SoundOff and process
please help as fast as possible
rpg maker
[Tutorial]How to use sound and music in Turing
[Tutorials] Pictures/Images
[tutorial] Smooth Animation / Moving Background
What do you wnat turing to do?
Pong Game Need Help
Diagonal animation
too many variables?
Standalone EXE File
Shutting down program
Multiple Rooms
Encoding Save File
parallelput problem
Errors w. Sprites
heyy... i have a HUGE request.. PLZ
Disco dance floor.
[random source code] Disco Floor
The "clock" function
Computer Competitions Intro - READ
CCC 1996 Stage1: Problem A: Deficient, Perfect, and Abundan
CCC 1997 Stage1: Problem A: Sentences
heyyy.. thank u for ur answers.. i still need help!! :(
[CCC]Introdusing CCC
Annoying Error. Keep shutting down program
[tetris] by Brightguy
Random words from Tony
Net. procs/functions
Turing game: Breakout
Turing game: Breakout
Top 15 Turing commands
Packaging the Game
Help with a game...
*[URGENT]* Program Using Link List [Question]
CCC 1998 Stage1: Problem A: Censor
3D! Blah! I'll be updating this...
Help Guys
Help with loops!!!
Following and attempt at collision detection.
turing 3D engine
letter appearing individually
Menu on WinAPI
getting around getch
final assessment..please help! :!:
I need no keystroke buffer.
moving to next column
Urgent - Net Help - Multiple connections.
Music.SoundOff not working
GUI Help
help me plz i beg you
Extremely Urgent!!! I need help with putting a timer...
Help With Writing To A File
make into .exe file?
[Possibility of harmful programs]
More RPG Help
hey all, sory i have been gone
help quick before tomorrows exam!
Please Help!!
text RPG by azndragon
Inverse Functions
3d engine
making a chat room
password and window
What do you think of this pic?
Finding a File
Guys, check this wicked online Lord Of The Rings game.Simple
Yahoo....100 members!!!!!
[CCC]Few character arrays from Tony
CCC 2000 Stage1: S1J3: Slot Machines
CCC 2000 Stage1: S2J4: Babbling Brooks
Key Press
Only Numbers
Multiplication table
Help with HTML
finding prime numbers up to 1000000
Help Im In Trouble
Need Help
[tutorial] Finding a Prime number
A challenge
if statement
=help!= random circles in triangle
3d File Editor (also view 3d files)
help plz
help with randomize
bmp/jpg -> Turing Code (drawdot)
Urgent Help
draw program
search engine
GUI help
Enter & r keypress
GUI, plz read
help with a draw program
putting to GUI text fields
reading from file qwerks
Canadian Computing Competition (CCC)
My solutions
Case compared to If
SWAT ... where?
Integer to String conversion
help with string manpulation
importing flash
Help with making this program's programming contest
Attempting Harvest moon game, need artist
getch twice at once? or accepting two keys at once
creating a graphing calculator
I'm out of id numbers!!!
tony's new avatar
How to change the Font size\type of font in Turing
Need Help on Program
Smooth Animation
A series of Questions about Turing
nested loops!
Breif Question on Moving Objects
~~~ » Where Do I Get Turing!!! « ~~~
That Didn't Help
Key Commands of Games
Getch and Setscreen statements
Changing detections (ugly stuff)
Delete a file
SWAT turns in to and gets a new url
Fullscreen (setsc statements)
Pong Game Help (collisions)
Turing Challenge for SWAT staff!
example problem??? I'm totally lost!
anoter example problem!
Movin animations quickly email?
program reading and writing problem, complicated with gui
beware of porno! lol
C++ Graphics
need help with nity gritty of grids
[Tutorial][JavaScript] Flying Text
[Tutorial] Moving Text
[tutorial] Arrays
[tutorial] If - elsif - else statments
writing to a file probleml, HELP NEEDED
Top 5 Most Common Silly C++ Mistakes
[tutorial] loops and faking goto line
[sample code] Hello World
How do you close a window by pressing only 1 key?
problems with getch
Help get an aucuale page!
[Tutorial] Simple Draw Commands (Pixel Graphics)
Setting multiple variables
Scrolling Pictures
deleting record from binary file
Bits and Bites (new shop)
COMPSCI.CA SHOP, What do you think?
print in turing?
Avoiding Crashes
a game concept
Showing Dice in Yahtzee
exiting fullscreen
Graphing calculator
Collage or Uni - for comp engineer...
Movement Code
record ideas
More Graphing calc help
Grr... stupid put command things
what school did u learn turing in?
Utopia Battlefields - Join Tony's alliance =D
colour picker
Help graphig a parabula
Help with graphing a Porabla
creating functions
help with 1d game
getting certian parts of files
[tutorial] Procedures + Functions + Processes
[Tutorial]An Intro To C
bad sort?
Picture to Code
Need Help Urgently
Chat Program
[ 3d Engine Demo ]
[ 3d Shooter Demo ]
[tutorial]Chat Program
~~!Moving Background!~~
help with 2 loops teacher says u cant have them at same time
Need help with sprites
[tutorial]read and write - extended
Colour Chooser
CCC 2003 Stage1: J1: Trident
CCC 2003 Stage1: J2: Picture Perfect
===[3d Engine]===
CCC 2003 Stage1: S1J3: Snakes and Ladders
==[3d Particle Engine]==
rotate pics????
Text on Screen
Turing or OOT/OOT or Turing
Include problems
What is the index command?
Stand alone programs
Changing the default icon for executable files.
help, pls sos
Uploading a score to a server AND Changing mouse cursor
Sorting Array
RPG Tutorial
[tutorial] tables
need help please
[tutorial\Example]Commonly Used GUI Commands
matrix program
Update to My Earier version of Pic2Code
Icon Changer
Sprites in TURING 4
controls question
rearranging strings
Assignment suggestions please.
Need some help ... (please reply ASAP)
Please do NOT post "I need help" titles
anyone know of some good ai program ideas
-=Finished Pong=-
matrix program(im not trying to take credit for others work)
Function command
Using System commands in WinOOt.
Julia sets
Matrix Program
continuing a game????
Need help displaying the lowest of 5 numbers to the screen
using mod with real values
Returning variables with processes
Restarting the program
where can i get turing 4
Julia sets - fractals
Sierpinski Triangle
turing in turing
gui calculator
Working with sprites
l00ping, w00t w00t
Whats wrong with my code?
I Need help with angles and parabolas
calculate the amount of federal tax
stupid game to provide minutes of fun :D
Black Jack
Font Change Error
Code for Closing Run Window At End of Program
Bloodshed C++ compiler FREE!
Appreciate ideas and help for final project
Raycasting and random maze generator
Changing the cursor
ai in monopoly
Manipulate Integers
[Tutorial]How to Make an RPG in Turing
Object movement
Help with a fractions program
need help writing a program display numbers with square root
Drop Down Boxes in Turing
how to ue percents(for a cash register)
Final Project
Chaos Game
Expensive shop prices
My first hacker!(added screenshots)
Game For School
alternative to spritz in turing 4.0 ?
reproduced music songs in Turing/oot
collision detection in a fighting game
how to insert pictures
virus programs in turing
quick questions...
Create a program using integers and shapes
true statement
2D shooter game
Need Help
American Computer Science League
How to add up selected choices
list selections
Maze generator
DWITE contest
Yes No command
Rolling Dice Effect
Arrays Not To Sure
does anyone know where i can aquire a Turing Compiler?
Why is Turing so Slow?
List's Help
need help finding a game...
String manipulation
Text Flashlight (also Pic Flashlight)
3 Key Combinations
Any one good with physic? Ballistic trajectory help needed
Help with circles
declaring arrays
number reversal
Permutations and Combinations
GUI CHECKBOXES "correct my code plz"
clearing screens in games,or parts of screens
File Writing Problem
GUI help required...this isnt covered in the tutorial...
Rate your teacher...
What grade are you in?
need help w/ Worms Game with backgrounds and explosion
undefeated (probably undefeatable) 4x4x4 tic tac toe AI
Symbolic Calculator
The Matrix
PaintBrush Program
GUI Questionaire (2nd turing project)
Forum name corrections?
Decimal > Binary
Small Engine
Random Dice
Text Boxes Selection and Scroll Bars
How to input pics?
simple graphics.....i feel stupid
3d Engines
Fix the code "Stop the flashing"!!
New to Turing...kinda
save a picture
Friendly Numbers
I'm bored.
y'all check dis....where u @?
Shoot a gun
turing to other code
Perpixel Collisions (with Particles)
permutations & combinations
Updated Database
how do i set commands for a button?
[Tutorial] Classes
nick change
Final Projects
Computing Insights 2003
Help Needed
formatting numbers?? -> there a way?
movie codecs
Hangman program
C++ Introduction
Too Quiet!
Programming Challenge
Change my status to LAMER!
Custom Created GUI(added text field)
Help: Comp Sci Test
Feature Suggestions
string to number conversion
sumthin non-turing related
Overhead Shooter
Playing two sounds at once
After making a post...
Help with bomberman game
ball bouncing help
What are the links for the games and stuff
Initializing a two/three dimensional array.
Avatar help...
Unlisted Commands
Anyone like wrestling efeds then go to....
gui program...
Character Entering and checking
i don't understand RGB
Human(ish) 3d Model
String Substitution
Viewing Code
Canging the Picture when key is pressed
RGB help
Ray Casting (AGAIN)
PC Remote Control
this website has Great webdesigning
Where da hell did my bits go?!!!!
2003 hockey playoff discussion
Puzzle Game
Having problems downloading pictures of the net
Blades hangman
free php support
[source code] Custom GUI
Frames per seconds, y doesn't it work?
Tile based engine
Surface Normals
Ok, i did some of it (tetris) but im stuck
My Newbish Game
help me limit a loop
frequencies (sound command) I'm LOST!
[source code] Modeling a wave
Inkey in turing
Help correct my hangman code PLEASE!!
Image Fading
Outputting quotation marks
Lens Flare
Particle Effects
Why turing?
Great sites to kill boredom
One shortcut for two buttons.
trivia game
making characters jump
Does anyone know why my music won't play
Reading a file: checking to see if a file exists.
Computer Contest
put statements
Particle Engine 2D
C/C++ Resources
[Tutorial] phpBB web boards
ice cream
Program is not working properly, any1 care to help?
How would you show bombs explodin in bomberman???!?
effects store
blade's new avatar!!
Favourite songs
Fire Extinguisher
How can you have real time?
Ignorance is bliss
Apache 2.X
Turing for Linux
How do you center?
Text fields in turing
I'm trying to make a wrestling text based game...
The problem with my centering is...
REallyu cool site!!
2d arrays
It bounces and bounces and bounces and doh!!! it stopped =Þ
flash,graphics,3d,php, etc....
simple animation, please help soon! :)
Bandwidth Problems
English marks!
Name that song
Sine inverse
Programmer's Dream - working for Blizzard
More Emoticons?
weird opaque coloring
My first game! **SPACE GAME***
[source] 2D Particle Engine
Max string size
First Post in May
Canvas probems
how do have a smooth moving background
Auto Send Form
Bandwidth Problem
User known As Fwuffy
File I/O help
[source] 3d Particle Engine
New Guy
RGB values
Formatting Text
Just finished installing my new website
how do you use JOY STICK on turing???
GUI and Draw Module
Birds Eye View RPG HELP!!!
Turing 4.1
Does anyone have Turing 3
CMS/Portal as the main page?
How do i get started with opengl?
(Very) Low-Poly Sphere(ish) 3D model
Racing Game
delayed letter typing
math rotation formula...
um i'm new to this...and my turing game doesn't work....
mortal combat game...
my first rpg that doesnt work
new avatar
Chaos (distance)
help with numbers game
GUI stuff
Distanse formula
smart collision detection
Java for Windows XP
Grade/School ?
How do we make sprites more fluent
Homing Device
Goto statement?
mouse follower
Asteroids Demo
Coloured Labels
ABOUT Textfields
Help compsci and get some money for your self too!
Final Assignment...!
help with expressions!!
Find a file?
stick death animation
[Tutorial] Name & Title Effects
Collision Detection...Read Tutorial ...confused..
the tetris game demo(or whada hell ever it's called =/)
wtf?? is sumthin wrong wit the board
plz take a look
Relative motion(pretty challenging)
is this tittle good enough?
The Drunken Panda wuz here! '03
The Drunken Panda wuz here!
Hobbies? Whats your thing?
Old CCC question
Dragon Ball Z
Could I get some help on making a GUI?
DBA Season Finale Yesterday, anyone watched it?
Blades new case
how to become a programmer??
ragnarok online
circles + archs
I Need Help on sprites!!
Cataylst's new rank
octopi's avatar
Help with strintok
Who don't love my new colour
Change colours for GUI
Useful Functions and procedures...
dissolve slide fade
Pool Demo... Hopefuly I will finish this one.. (ya right =Þ
A foot ball game
2D Vector Class
[tutorial]Frame per Seconds
Half Life 2
What's your favourite PC Multiplayer Game/MOD?
clearing text boxes
How could you make a GUI like this one....
Help with Arrays
Pic Help
What the heck, where did all my bits go?
How bout a chat room
Big Updates
Update Suggestions for the site...
Math formula solver...
white space in pictures
Turing Game Competition!
Sound effects in mario
Link that leads to a pop-up
I need help
some colorful procedure
Matrix text effect
How do you make a calculator
General Suggestions to Compsci.Ca people
Mouse Question
Anyone know how to make a classic button masher Olympic game
[Source] Planets Test
Anyone know to make the AI for a 100m olympic style game?
sound effects
how to createtextbox in php
I meant this...
Virus Warning
Another Question
Things to do when you log in
Help with Arrangements of Operators
Favourite Song.
buttons and movement combined
Dungeons & Dragons
Bopper Vs. The Wavemaster
Check out my Site
Using pointer to access a varible
YAY my very first php creation :D
Help with simplifying code.
ice cream
anyone good with php here?
Sprite Request
Something's wrong with my code....
I NEED HELP... joking... what's compile time expression?
Downloading QFTB
Halo 2! Half-life 2! Matrix 2!
Band [This topic is rated PG-4pi]
time redirecting
quitting a procedure
Upgrading PHP
Real Matrix Effect
syntax error
Syntax error (u can see the highlighted part in this one)
Report Cards
Make Text disappear
Anyone know how to make a Long Jump game?
Which is the best school in Waterloo for CompSci?
bubble shooting game
3d (kinda...) text rotation
Flexible arrays
return back button
How can i make this animation smooth
Game Help
How would you use a function for a calculator
scroll bars
All Bases to All bases
[source code](FUNNY) Lame Alarm System
Canvas in VB
explosion (particle effects)
[Tutorial] Functions
Blue Mountain
Generating a random number in C++
How do you create a text field?
Pic ID Problem.
[bug catcher challange] Find bugs in my program
[contest] Bug catcher
timer to call procedure
rolling text effect
200 posts
How Long Can You last?
ghost effects
delete non used varibles
[tutorial] For Extreme Newbies
Quick Question... Answer ASAP!!!!!
tex test
[contest]CCC type contest
Official FREE contest C++ compiler
Opening & Veiwing a file
What are the names for the keys?
combining processes OR not
how do i solve this loop
Simple Crosshair Movement- Help Needed
[Awards] Come, take a look at them
quick question
invisible colourback
"Time Crisis"-like game, suggestions/help needed
Need help with my Tank Game
Help please with text
The turing heart moniter
Starburst screensaver
Picture load
Frequency in Turing
Hall Of Shame
Frequency Turing
Coolest Avatar Contest.
How to stop a process?
flash intro
Lets see ur desktops...................
GUI Database help
Getting an ascii character
Bestest self made avatar ever =Þ
Need a good laugh?
label problem
I wrote a big tut
Suggestions please!
HTML Awards
FPS module
[Contest] Cubular
collision detection
same procedures, different names
THe matrix Revolutions: trailer.....
GAME IDEAS- Check Here First if you need some!!!!
[Tutorial] Forms
[Tutorial] HTML Basics - how to code without using a WYSIWYG
[Tutorial] Password Protecting Your Pages
Processor and video card
Selling bits?
I make baby Jesus cry (and i'm an Athiest)
What are your home pages?
How to make my computer into a server?
Video Card Memory?
[source code] The best and the only chat....
Parabola bullet thing
URGENT HELP NEEDED - Masks (100 bits!)
FootBall game
[source] ???
Playing a midi file in the background and having it loop
choppy animation
NEW AVATAR check it out
What are your home pages?
weird not been declared error...
reached 100
Unoriginality Ticks ppl off
[source] Worms Terrain
How can i make objects disapear on event
OS (office package) help
Does anyone know how to make a board game with Turing.
Help out with the community
whoa whoa!!
first java help post
What is Java
earn bits ! ! ! [Contest]
[Tutorial] Frames
My Game is sooooo slooooooow
[tutorial] creating a web page from scratch
loop program
HTML Awards
Need help with a food program in turing
Link folders
Mmmmmm.... Pie
Net.WaitForConnection freezes the program
Turing Pool
preview colours
drawing stuff
wrong with browser
Key Characters
Creating Widgets in Classes
Final Project Help Needed
How do I make these pictures fit the whole screen?
[Tutorial] Hello World - The Java Way
Java IDEs and Editors
Java Tutorials
Textbox bug
[tutorial] JavaScript- A Mix of Codes
Homer's 3D engine (added the source code)
[Poll] come back ??
how do i get my program to recognize input from a mosue?
1001 bits
Need help creating an Algorithm for deleting a record
dan, bout ur email on msn
[Tutorial] Image Maps
3d questions
simple data base....
My final project, thus far.
Is it possible to foce the mouse to move somewhere?
file transfering
Top Scrolling RPG
F2 glitch in OOT
cool dice game
Pictures in a program?
Game Timer
[source] Mouse module
Net Tutorial wanted.
Need help with my bank machine...
First Post
Dice program
OMG !!!
Textfields and Textboxes
Call procedure with GUI
Ideas for game-almost non existant turing skills
[Tutorial] Arrays
Resource Hacker
Who knows who...?!
robotics experience (actual one)
ur mak in compsci
How tall are you?
my bank machine doesn't work...
wow flash
Fraction program(with Class)
Mouse-Click reaction parameters
flash website
[source] Edge Detection
just a suggestion
[Tutorial] Strings and String Manipulation
Input.KeyDown (chars)
what is the bestest song ever???
C++ software
colourback for text
[Tutorial] Flash Animation ...
Homer textured 3D engine(added the source code)
random letters
movie clips and alphas
[Tutorial] Very Basic
linking a program - blah2.out help!
New Compsci Idea
GUI program
whatdotcolor workaround?
[tutorial] restoring array quickly
I am new!!!!!
Window address
Particle Demo
declaring a procedure in a procedure
Summer AI Challenge
Program to read EXE files?
Class Error
Stuck On Hangman
I need help with openGL!!
MSN 6.0 beta
OpenGL built in C++
[Tutorial] Read / Write to Terminal
one thing i dont understand(about c++ projects)
something that i htink looks cool
Hangmen Game Help
Need ideas for intro to game
help with numbers game again!
Pong ball
How'd ya find us?
Connect Four game... need help with arrays
Terrain Demo
Random popups from "messenger"
pong - not collision detection but something like it
help with For statements
How Do You Tell a Process to Quit
CARD GAMES (No Skill Required To Help)
need a way to output a variable value from a module
Texturing With OpenGL
broswer & turing
Problem Solving Strategies
Tic-Tac-toe- need help making it in turing
need help with blackjack program
[tutorial] GUI buttons not depressing
checking for false
Need Help with Trivia Game
[Source] Font Formatting
who has borland c++ builder 5
Need help with Flawless background w/ animated bmp's over
Music.PlayFile - maximum cd tracks?
Need help with my site
What do u use
Importing Pics
O Canada
What is unix?
Pong source code
Lame Program
Deleting elements in an array
Pictures Not Showing In Run Window
bouncing ball??
Music help in a procedure
Triangle Collision Detection
Studying for Exams??
Picture Fade
Character walking effect for side-scroller
making background stay
using strintok
pop up
Forking quit
How do I make a High Score table?
Having collision problems and [why laws of universe r wrong]
[FP] Stick-Fighting Championship
Ideas for other AI challenges
Visual C++
Suggestion on Forum Layout
Help with collision star game
Scoreboard + Parallelput, clueless on how to do it.
Font help
looping randint
help with slot machine
MY Website(Forum)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No more Ads
Better Turing!!
Level Uping
Compsci Summer Camp
[FP] Risk
detecting drives in turing
Wall Of Shame Coments
graphics help
passing array by reference
[FP] Ultimate Challenge
OpenGL Lighting/Shading/Texturing
Sprites in Turing 4.0.4c
Good Website For Learning Languages
the upload thing doesn't work
[FP Preview]Preview to my game
unknown error
.MAP files
collision for lots of circles
more effects
negative bits
Random 3D surface Generator(first one made in turing)
Multiple Window Data Transfer
Anyone know why this is happening?
better language
disabling GUI buttons
Problem, PictureButton isn't working.
game beginnings
LOL, have you guys ever watched "Zatoichi"???!121!
Im confused on how to output data to a txt file.....
Turing and C++
The Calendar Program
Godspeed vs. Radiohead
how to draw lines
Hi All!!
exit the procedure
Colorful Cat
Bouncing Hockey PUCK
cool 3d site
Whack a Mole
How do I end Forks?
Darkened Skies
GW's Jet Game Yaaay Flashiness
Flashiness during a process, more complicated than it sounds
Game problems!!
Accessing ram using address
Mario background won't load...
Colourback problems...
glaux.h file
Pseudo Codes
Restarting a program
stupid error
[Tutorial] the drawcheck procedure!
$1,000,000 Unreal Mod Contest
Deleting an image
How do I display the system date?
[FP] Othello
NBA predictions?
GUI culminating activity
lil help
Transparency in DOSOOT v2.5
What is everyone's avg?
Still trying to figure this out!
Flagness 2
To ban or not to ban my_skin_smooth
Random poll
GUI, Arrays and Textfields
flash example
Making GUI
Selling items = no bits back?
Need help with looping this food program but keeping values
assert command
Space Invaders help
Getting OpenGL to work
Guess my Avatar
Pictures to Backround
Price of Revenge.
10k Articles
Case Statement Help Needed
just realized sumthin
3d box
random colours
Tic-Tac-Toe help cont.. Code so far
just a thought
[FP] Ultimate Mario
text as background
Fade Out
Text Box Question!!!!
Laws Of Computing
Newbie question
Turing compiler
What is everyone's favorite PC game?
Matrix Cubes
Wall of shame coments (split out of wall of shame)
Sine and cosine
Unfolding box
rotations in openGL
Thanks you for all the help...but i need just a bit more
Cube Class
Can someone post the example of OpenGL (from DevC++)
What is php?
Glass Cube(has lighting)
tea time! Sponsored by openGL
How do u make a file into .exe?
sky boxes
Always there is an error
What textbooks does everyone use?
3D Beach Volleyball
msn popups
Help with my almost done GUI Prog
Clear screen button
auto resize window
A really cool Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do people post so much spam to get bits
Keeping track of entry numbers
Creating shooting star effect
How do you display a text file?
Comparing char arrays
Collision detection using Sprites
How do u put stuff into a text file!
3ds Loader & Mouse control
randomly moving
rounding numbers in GUI.
256 colors
[source code] bank loan calculator
Adding sound to the program
the script: matrix reloaded
Turing Help File
Text RPG
Who gave me the bits???
What textbooks does everyone use? (don't post if hello)
Opening Turing one into another
bubble sort
Open .t File
Welcome to GD ... let's not ruin it
Hmm, programming "ohms in a resistor and color bands&qu
wow.... school years finally over...
New Programming Forum
My first program. (texture, lighting, 3d font, rotation)
Thanks a lot - I'm callin you out hello
Im new Help me out
MMHS Java Coursepack
Looking for Math Tutor Program!!!!!!!!
Im Sorry U Guys
My personal pong
Where can u get C++
Could You Guys Help Me Choose My New Avatar?
view a sample game
Catalyst and Homer_Simpson are mods?
system specs - ur thoughts
A suggestion..
Problem creating 2 player program
midi doesnt play!!
Importing a tileset
Jumping jack women
What does procedure TextDelay do??
Mouse Drawing Program
My bank machine
Ending a process
How do I save my game as an executable?
[FP] MegaMan Arena
flash ad
Custom GUI
How do u save into a textfile
Why do sprites not work in Turing 4.0.4?
Why Dont Mods Delete Pointless Locked Posts
flash game
Empty function
Asok's Space Invaders II!
Space Invaders II
3D Cel-Shader Demo
Request - Can someone post a example of case selection?
[Source Code] Meteor Shower Screensaver
What are u gonna do this summer ?????
New logo, or am I nuts?
Turing Assistance
RecordBase DBMS framework for Turing
running c++
opening windows progs from turing
Newest Version Of Turing
To The Exponent?
Calling a new procedure within a procedure??
Amailer site CHECK IT OUT :)
RPG Armor/Weapon System
spiral thingy
Cats to add..
Input/Output from file
ACSL question
how about a site...?
[FP] Tetris Attack
thuder bolt
equivalent to cosd
Help with algorithm
Battle Procedure (Very Long)
Frame Type Window?
Got any fav PHP scripts? ( post em here :)..duh... )
vectors in 3d
make a list to call in an if condition
kbhit error
Deleting tabs in Word97
[source] Full 3D Engine
Chinese Checkers
Screen Size??
Do you use algorithms etc.?
Who do u like?
lazy mods?
Guitar Tabs
Artificial Intelligence
File Upload
Importing a Font File
dev c++ and opengl tutorials
16 million colors, how?
How do you get turing to recognize successive button pressed
[Game] Wood Wacker....don't let the name fool you
Quick math question...for 500 bits
[Tutorial] Exception Handling
another quick math question for 100
Whos ur favorite star?
evasive maneuvers thread
I dunno what i did but i did it:S
Math Solutions
[source] Full Raycasting Engine
first c++/opengl attempt: triforce logo
Engine Demo
lol one of the best anti-windows jokes around
-= ITS PHP 5 BETA =-
Random integers and their properties
New to Turing (C++/Assembly Programmer)
Triangle Solver Source Code
B.NET IS (@!K#D!
Transparency... Is it Possible??
Can everyone see this?
Homer's Particle Engine
Angle of a line...
Happy Canada Day!!!
[Tutorial] A Complete Look at: Bit Shifting
Best lyrics
new ontario marking scheme (levels)
Full Screen
post count
POSSIBLE Massey CompSci Reform!!
Sprite.SetPosition Syntax
Directories - Opening, Closing, Creating, Etc.
add submittions
Simple Basic Particle Engine
summer compsci
Turing 4.0, anyone??
Mod Wars!!!
Summer / Near Future projects
I Need GUI!!!
OMG, the world gonna end - D2X patch v1.10 Beta is OUT!?!
pre-processor flags
3d studio max question...
hacking contest
another 3DS Max question(connecting objects)
c++ String HEEEELP!!!
Pic.New doesn't work
flash mods
10 bits question
Qt - crossplatform framework (for GUI specially)
Hacker dan's HDD gets nucked
A.I in turing
joke site
Displaying page (like google...)
C++ Function crash
having a class as a member of one structure...
Content Managment -- TikiWiki
NEW PROJECT - "Request Live"
help with JFrame
help with vector
Randint Not so random?
Random numbers
Limit to Pictures??
phpbb 'login' session name
flight sim
Its finaly here!
The Meat Ball Song
[tutorial] Inheritance & Polymorphism
GRR sucks..
Basic syntax/structure of Java
My Inventory Routine Not Working Properly
Flash site - nice one
Do u actually wanna do Computer programming...
programming experiences
Help me on Game interface
[FP] Space Shooter
Encoding takes too long
Basic php
Grr... Dont even know how to use my own site
Instumental Music
Update your phpBB....
I need java vertual machine
Darkness Head of DBZDIVX?
Reading Various Sections of a File
Music Mixes
dTeam project
[Tutorial] - Preloader
PHP Servers
Love the forum but...
Programming forum :P
[source] Pool
How to change the error message on apache?
Need idea for a music site
Checking An Array For Validity
Enum and Union
I'll see you in a month
what compiler do you use?
road trip to Japan
JavaLive: Java 1.5.0 language features
Naked Empire W000000T!!!!!!!!!
Intro to OOP in Flash
C++ console window
Calculating normals...
Need Some Calrification On Saving
what I think of the world...
CD Music
math thread number 3,141,592,653
Action script!
Limit images displayed.
What do u get to make flash stuff
Background color and changing font.
What happened to ctrl c, and new features
a handy dandy image resizing function
Someone -H-E-L-P--M-E- with tic tac toe games
Incredible website
Sub Structure ? ? ? ! ! !
One of my original games...
My Msg Board
which uni's are good
Project Idea - possible???
text location
Whats next?
Cool site for grpahics and etc
My current game.
Hit/Miss System
u guys wanna try out a real MMORPG?
Math Question...Bits Rewarded
hosts that support php
accessing tripod mysql from another server
Making a Music Player?
Battle Royale
Perlin Noise
making a link change the value of a variable...
having user name password system and hiding the password...
including .css file into html
3d models/raycastering - errrr where to start?
link question
map tiles-drawing several small grass tiles etc
dynamic arrays
Psychological Jujitsu
Unknown database problem
Hows the layout?
Functions And/Or Processes
random real numbers
Certain # of characters on page, than makes new page
Check this site out
Help with java applets
News comments
Best version for beginner???
first flash submittion
3d menu
The Pointer Syntax
Saving Once Again
another homer submittion
simple button
one of homer's animations...
one of my first animations
Jarmaker -- create jar archives with ease
javascript help
Java script useful function
private message system
Power Out!!!
CompSci v2
Posting Multimedia
Keyboard Throwing Competition held in Russia
final C++ projects for school
web graphics
where to get opengl
New Computer
Uploading/Apache/Ftp ???!!!
ip address
Anyone got TS? ** UPDATED 3 (the ip) **
directory scanning function
Some pic i made :D [ Photoshop 7 ]
PreLoading Map
my first php based website :D
Nice Graphic Window
need help with not using frames...
Bumpmapping (Specular and diffuse)
how do u like this picture?
finding the screen properties using php.. (possible? or not)
thumbnail generation
Request Codes
manual center alignment
apache: 404 error message...
[Tutorial] Regular Expressions (Basics)
News about v2
Making a subdomain.
tic tac toe
english to binary
address book
Reading the database backward
CNE sucked
i want blue lead
Changing the DirectoryIndex
when did we select new mods?
Warring Possible Down Time
Staff up dates
Panda recieves a v2 upgrade!
V2 Changes
looking good 8-)
Simple Temperature Program
what java IDE should I use?
I'm back :)
upload quota?
EU did it again...
Need Beta Testing Help
Vivendi not to sell Blizzard
Posting Guidelines
Need PHP Gaming Help
Java-like String object
[Source] Java-like String object
[Tutorial] How to make a basic swing applet
[Tutorial] Sorting in java (Bubble Sort)
[Tutorial] Swing GUI dialog boxes
freebe downloads - compsci wallpapers
posting isp's/fp's
some photoshop stuffz i made
i drew this picture with..
stuff i didn't draw... but funny! (wanring: large)
GD...w/e! HELP!
calculus grade 12 homework doer
anyone interested in photoshop?
Pong RPG Lite
Pong RPG
Pong RPG
CompSci to visit Ontario University Fair
Setting Up A Database and Forms
New fourm idea
Math Proof
syntax for math operations?
if codes
New php site i'm working on =) (no framez!!!)
little problem
Program keeps on crashing...
Googles BDAY?
Newbie Question!
Help - Basic Drawing/Animation
Problem with Code - Help Please
Where can I find Turing on the net??
Yet another logo
Didn't notice it untill now =S
Type-Writing Code?
Happy Moon Festival!!!
Fractal Generator
Best Way To Create User Sign-up (PHPMYADMIN)
anit-linux ad by Microsoft
Need tips on my banner
Mail command
Mandelbrot Set
How to make FLOAT add upto 2 decimal places (56.90)
Turings Natural Delay
IS your phpbb even updated??
Save Inu-Yasha
array and database
Site LAGS!!!!!!
Collision Objects
random characters?
I need your assisstant on my site(join my crew)
Best book for help with C++
incoming hurricane :D
sry tony --- can u tell me how to draw
Site Promotion
Loading .Wav .mp3 etc
JOGL - Java Open Graphics Library
SAST (Students Against Stupid Turing)
.jar files
Got wrk for me? :D
Abstract stuff!
Random sh*t cause everyone else is doing it.
Mcmaster Science Olympiad
Looks pritty cool, check it out
Need help with making a website and setting it up
Animated image with php?
the steps...
Font.Draw and variables...
3D Studio Max 6
Bandwidth Issues?
Worst day ever!
Need Help with Java
more steps for something cool
lame AOL users
X "blue" box
3d studio max question...
another 3DS Max question(connecting objects)
Problem - Is there a different command for or?
How do you like your compsci?
Teacher Incompetence
MSN messanger color hack
Okay, how is it?
M$ to charge for their chatrooms
Who turns there computers off, and why?
Lonely spam :S
Process Var's
Multiple If's
Font and get
splitting up input
where's asok
Flash Help
Flash Examples
Short movie (based on a true story)
Basic gravity equation.
[Tutorial] SWING -- The Basics
Palatte comand
Font Styles Error
I created this image (like the others)
Gridding off the run window
Smae Wrod
String Var and Spaces.
find the root of one number to the other
MSN Emoticon template
Need help writing a program!!!!!
Site layout
Help on getting system timer and Time system
A plant cell?
Pic.Draw / View.Set("Graphics) Problem
Matrix Revolution!
Eye color
Open GL wont work on my monitor
Long sentences using string variables being cut off
My 3DS MAX Sh!t
We have 500 registered users
Binary To Decimal Covertor
Typical Cashiers Problem (Involving Trucks/Weight)
Number Formatting [Digits(Len), Sum, Reverse Sequence)
Return of the King
Help to get a write problem fixed
Shout out to rizzix!
matrix code
tony's back
A Last Hope RPG
Bandwidth Issues?
anit-linux ad by Microsoft
flight sim
[comic] Anti-Turing Pill
Cool buttons (small)
SMTP error!
Image problems
First expirement with Photoshop 7
Warcraft 3 BOX
control of font in input / get process
HL 2 Source Leak
Stand-alone program
Liberal Party Takes Ontario
Help! With Get Statements!
University Question (Very Hard)
Gr.12 bi-weekly questions
New Math contest!!! (10 bits)
MSN maintenance?!
how to get the biggest number and smallest number
phpbb gallery
[Tutorial] Abstract Class, Interface and Nested Class
Weird Pop-up thingie...
Help! With Music Insertion!
Random images?
Cool Effect That Needs A Name - Tutorial
[Tutorial] XML-RPC Web Service
JULIA SETS (Graphic Trick)
Calculator (School Assignment)
[Tutorial] XML-RPC Web Service (Windows)
Avatar of the month
Another cool site
Stopping fork processes in turing 3.11 when clicking GUI
Corrupt Input.tu file
flash game
Reseting text fields
GUI.ProcessEvent reset
3 Years FREE! Internet hosting
Who can tell me how to make a line
BBCode syntax highlighting
[source] ASCII
[source] Double-Linked List
How did you find us?
Code Revising
Hey it is me again.How can you print in the program?
GUI drop down selection box
awsome effect!
Raeding and Writing to a File
Multiplayer games
[source][halloween] Draw.Pumpkin
crazy game physics
help with pool
Error Msg
Cool wallpaper [big image]
Jk2 SERVeR LivE!
replace help
Background picture
evil vs others
Time Travel
Close.Window Problem
elevator to space
burning image files
array total
array in order
Very Hard Programming Code .. ( atleast 2 me :P) need help
any jobs in future?
playing with microwaves
I'm looking for a programmer.
From the makers of iPod -- iTunes for windows
Abusing Bits
Targeting a form to a window
Where to download turing 4.0?
plane game, flashing plane image help
BlackJack Game Help
about table
RPG Character Control
interactive areas "buttons"
monkey soup
How to create a multiplayer chat
Mouse Input
what i go through to get here...
Parallelput help? I'm kinda lost!
Help with text
Bit Operations
1000/10 forum style!
Get Value Certain Length
FFVII Advent Children!!!
Help me with Randomized Lightning Bolts! :p
Halloween Scenes (objects)
Image problems...
Hidden files?
How to sort a file by last modified?
Getting information from a php file
hack program
Babylonian method of Square roots
[Fp] The Springy Adventures of Bouncy Bob (Sidescroller)
[FP]nalog $ Digital Clock
help with modify programming code
A few questions
Analog Digital Clock Source
Do you want an overclocked computer?
d2 patch came out, if neone cares
My Halloween Scene
Linking Tables
Help with FinalProject.
Massey people
Need Help
mp3 in c++
Internet Macros
[Tutorial] Saving To Text Files
upper case lower case
randomizer help
Read/Write help
new image problems...
[Tutorial] Message Boxes
A question
help with the font
I was wondering how to make my background black for a game
Home made trojan for anyone interested...
help to draw a swing
appear the word in the corner?
Turing Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dot Racing Game
get the values??
GUI.CreateButton in procedure
i need help with action script ( simple)
longest word in a sentence
Find the mode
first VB proggy =)
Run a Turing source file in a new window
[source code] Random Numbers List
Importing JPGs
oh i learn fast tony >=D
Algorithms for turing - mainly a map generator
help me file?
civilization style game
need help with old CCC question (2001 J4S2)
Lottery Game
a isosceles triangle
Gray, but good ;D
[source code] Antialiasing - Blur Filter
turning an integer to a string
i don't know what's turing saying
strings in vb
[source code] motion blur
What does the ending mean in Evanglion?
Matrix: Revolutions
School Assignments...
Trojan to become
how to make a cartoon turn his head????????
A Dance Dance Revolution Game?
book ends
make a guy run across the screen
a site that looks like this one
strint <-> intsr help
Help with Equation of a Circle y=sqrt(r**2 + x**2)
BloodShed Dev-C++ Graphics....
Java 3d API by sun
about winoot and turing
If statement, needs a boolean type
Chances of stopping
Loop Execution Program
Improving your chat prog
Artimes's Turing Files
Mouse Clicking Program
GUI button problems
DirectX vs OpenGl
Image Preloader
Bitmap file
Bitmap file
Bitmap file library
Bitmap file library
Bitmap file library
Bitmap file library
Bitmap file library
Javascript alert customization unofficial wallpaper
Math Functions on turing....
Nim game???
where can i get a free trial?
the dropping snow
a procedure
Putting Numbers in order...
cannot allocate item
studying the basics on the program...need some help!
Shut down ur messenger service!
stack overflow
Graphic Designer (Spriter) Wanted...
Black jack problem
What desktop resolution do you use?
Cross-browser Compatibility
designing report card
Color Codes
Higher Lower Game (perfect for nebees)
Simple Stop Light Animation
RGB color picker
Flow Chart help
Ultima Online
Here is something I did for my media arts class ( gr 11 )
goto start?
Help on a few turing tricks
Formating Text Boxes...
how do i make the arrow move?
copy things to clipboard
How do u make an arrow move around nd write ur name?
mean of random numbers???
DWITE: november 2003
Help Please...
Cheap loading screen help
Updating a text box
"for" statements
Can anyone help me with this functions question!
How do i get the circle to move?
Another Question
VB and files
I Need Graphing Program
attachment mod
I need an ISUy idea!
Error stopping a process also code help
Error stopping a process also code help
ping pong
Error stopping a process also code help
ping pong
Starting Screen in Middle Of Monitor?
Turing - Building a house
Ever played Conquest: Frontier Wars?
Tidbits and Tricks for programming
Does anyone has this program?
Most stable webserver written (By me)
Need Help
getch & hasch
LKF about My CompSci teacher OTD (get permission to post)
Advanced string manipulation: Help needed
adaptable wall detection
Need help with Movement
string comparisons
ive been working on this ques for hours...
peers requesting work
Question needs to be solved
Redoing the Turing Tutorials Setup Contest?
help with listing names under Alphabetical order
Need help with cards and war
Just a warning of possible stupid questions
Image Swaps not working correctly... Need help please
action script
[Tutorial] Records
my pls
Anyone have a good working Pong game?
Rotating 2D Array
Arrays and classes...
can i have all kind of sort please
how can you open c:drive in turing?
All Hail the New Guy
nis asked me to make him a title page... so i did
Simple, but nice
[Tutorial] recursion
1337 speak
The Shizzolator
new trojan is out
New guy
un-crackable encyrption? possible?
PHP & Forum help
Inverse Sine Function
Problems with my home project
this is the shop page
Help, oh god, help.
Basic yes cool
ISU waht gaem should i do
Help in count!!!
basic Text Effects
Opens Different drives
Text effect
Text effects in Javascript/html
Need for Speed Underground
Rainbow effect
IRC Client in Turing 3.11
Searching stuff.
Do you like the weekly quiz idea?
Poker Game
Rock Paper Scissors Game (Graphics + Sounds + AI)
What is this forum?
Background Music
A game by Nis
First Person Shooter (not rpg er anything)
Another game by nis
ActivePerl -- getting output of external programs
factorial powers program problems
and then there was Conan O'Brian!
[Tutorial] whatdotcolor
Pacman!! (unifinished, alpha 0.1)
What grade are you in?
*Good program for creating flowcharts...
Loop inside a function
the new dodge_tomahawk
Best Flash Game
Who Hates SNOW?
Turing worms... Worth a shot?
Audio CD
I cant get 2 player game on one keyboard
[Tutorial] Terminology
Breakout Game
Mouse CLiCK
What does you computer look like?
Something wierd...
[rant] turing's help files.....way too many typos!!
basic tutorial on simple projectle movement(a bit advanced)
Simple Calculator
Need help with parabola-drawing
An Asteroids Clone
need help with huffman encoding
plz give comments, advice for my final project, an RTS game!
about positive divisors.
War games
GUI Buttons
Need help with fighting game (smoothing animation)
equation calculator
Need help keeping high scores
Need help with Fighting game (Distance and computer movement
Tournament Help
Site Dissappears
Site Dissappears
Site Dissappears
HTML Problem???
The VGAs Sucked
[FP] little shooter thing source code, I made for new Turers
The most amazing particle engine EVER made! (FINAL VERSION!)
case sector is out of range
I need the latest update for OOT 3.1
standalone program ---> source code
a method/class that finds commas
Interest Calc - Homework Question
Using variables as text in Font.Draw
Problem with graphics movement...
Staff Updates and a Sneak Peek
Two buttons at once
pong ball
Lan hook ups in turing?
Created a Sphere with Draw.Arc
multi colour gradient module
Okay... Uploading Music Files...
physics particle engine...
oakley rip off ( lol )
ISU Music...
Problem with GUI
f(x) == f(10x)
Anyone know of an upgrade to Turing 4.04?
my particle engine
particle system
Flash in turing
how to make a scroller game in turing...[FP] scroller demo
[tutorial] compiling source code into .exe file
Black Jack
Could someone tell me what to fix for this pong?
Pong AI...
Reverse Game
Number to letters
draw die
"Goof Proof"
Canadian Flag
Bouncing Ball
counting points in a trivia game
OOT help
bites.....uh, on compsci
draw a sphere
Sharing Legitimate Video Files without P2P
A Button Made by Me
The Computer Science Life
Colour Indexter! Hope You Like
[flash MX contest] The Greatest Story Never Told
Geek Test
Black Jack Added source !!!
Touring Pong Paddle Bouncing Problem
Turing Pong Paddle Problem
How do you make this line into a circle?
My first java program...
sweet sweet monitor radiation
Why is CompSci so slow?
Checkerboard program code needed
procedure problem
Read this post.
Fade effect?
How do i clear last line
coin flip program for school project
tic tac toe help
Pong Scoring Problem
Shooter game
VB or C++
Adding images
Turing to C++
I need help on scrolling
Help with drawbox.... (i think thats the problem)
A Basic Guess a number
[Tutorial] Graphical RPG
weird effect
Is there a way to connect to your home pc from away pc
Those cool operating systems
ASCII to binary
Down Time
Database Help
Net Dealy...
Compiling trouble
my first .gif file
beat this nis
Turing Troubles...
GUI. MENU Select
Strategy Games
Gui Telnet ( easily check email in turing)
why can not show vars?
Opening Ports in a Firewall
Fatal Acception
Problems with program
Best O/S In Your Opinion
DWITE december !!!
document scanner, finds the frequency of letters
Word Search
So, I've got this problem...
counting vowels in user-inputted sentence (how??)
GUI . Menu Enable
My ISP, need whatdotcolor help...
xor? what does it do, how can u use it in encription?
I could use some help on scrolling
PowerPoint Makes You Dumb...
What the...
Mouse commands with a procedure
change name of array by concatenation
how to use xor in turing
HTML code for playing avi files
growing shrinking circle
Running Files in program
3D and .Raw help
Intro Screen moving to new server.
Listing help
help me buy an x-mas present for dan
Try 2 Hack!
Some quick help...
Merry Christmas
Kewl effect
music help
Help on Pong Program
map editor, snake, and a game with a minimap! crashing IE (maybe netscape too!)
Pong game
help with the index!!
Another help in recognition!
[Tutorial] Reseting GUI.ProcessEvent
Turing Paint Function Help
Oval collision help
question about commands.......
Help with arrays
Animated GIF's
Include command problems
integral calculator
integral calculator
XOR encyrption in Turing...
Freeware VB ...
he was a dragon-man,or maybe he was just a dragonman/trogdor
its just me and nis in here isnt it ?
custom objects
and theres more to come
I only did this cause you challenged me
Acessing files in C++...
bedmas sorting
equation thingy
Reading doc files!
[Tutorial] How to use Animated Pictures in Turing
importing pics
a good brochure making program?
ok.. wel heres whats to come from me
playing with turing graphics
Happy New Year
knighthood for... web development?
stupid winsock...
Multidimensional Arrays in Turing?
This site looks alot like :
Cd player
Help me buy a graphic card...
Everything in italic!
good price
Input Key Down
Overlapping pics and adding mp3 files
Whats the best gaming Console from 1995-2004
Fonts and music
does anyone have any source code
Using Font.New and the delay effect
Convert Hexadecimal # to Decimal - Useless but whatever!;)
flipping pictures horizontally
I need help with ideas for items in an Turing RPG
Horizontal scrollbars
Text overlapping picture !!!
A.I. for small game..
[source] How to make bombs drop while player still play game
Turing Message Encyptor
manipulating the variable
Declaring Images in Arrays
Sine Approximation
ISP whatdotcolor problem again...
finding websites...on the web
Starry night program
help with a paint program!
Hi, Im Building a GUI turing Calculator, I need Help.
Operands of comparison
Sorry, Again, I need help, Im Such A newb at turing!
Tic Tac Toe
Explain this code to me please!!!!
Scrollbar GUI
need help on character rotation in (nearly) 3D shooter
Lame Fence
Simple Ideas
Help with using Gui!!
HELP~! With HOuse Assignment
Help, How do you make counters that act upon mouse clicks?
Book of Typo's
Dispose buttons help
Best Online Game
Web Hosting ???
who wants to be a millionaire
Diablo 2 Players UNITE!
Stupid question: Counters and Accumulators
How can I put in a vertical scrollbar into my program?
What's a good site where I can build a website?
What does, Compile Time Expression Expected mean?
turing help - outputting numbers
how do you make a window close?
Bouncing a ball off a semi-circle ??
16 million colour
2 getch lines at once
Mouse error in tic tac toe
USING sprites in turing
Should the money system be change?
Need the value of special keys
Dwite january 16th This Friday
Problem with text files
Draggable fill boxes with random placement
tic tac toe (2)
Need Help with drag command!
Need Help with drag command!
copy exe
Need help with highscores
Crosshair over mouse...
3d Text positioning
images in hsa console?
password and username program problem
question bout ERROR
Turing help plz
Help with using a canvas!
How Do u make Counters that adhere to Graphics?
arranging numbers in ascending order
Help?? How to make Turing search for a given word??
Size of out put screen.
Paint Program:Staying on the canvas.
VB vs Turing...
My program won't close
My program won't close
My program won't close
BASIC GUI.Button program
Potato Head
Character Graphics/Pixel Graphics Turing Commands
meh ... use this until dodge unlocks the other one
Shorty Software Pac Man BETA 2.0 IMRPOVED ! ! !
couple siggs i made
Swish 2.01
[source] viewing a starry night
[source] 3D (kind of) rotation source
adding loading percentages
Running programs on websites!
Regarding School Admin Priveledges
oh man.. High Scores eh?
can someone help me make this program...
Help me with pictures
my primitive hangman game, with 5 words :)
saving and laoding to files help
Run Window
getch help
Input keydown functions
Turing Isometric RPG
picXor ???
Improved Brownian With 10 * & Collision & Offscreen
press any key
simple Progress bar
help me make this bounce
sorting an array
bomberman help
Program to Determine Perfect Numbers
So you're looking for help? check here first
The Wall
how can i do this ?
Randomizing Procedures help
Hey All
buttons and clicks
that volleyball game that dude wanted...
GUI looping
What do i do now?
Making Battle Ship
Error with GUI.GetEventWidgetID when dealing with Canvas
Timer on a Mouse click, like for a shooter
Spam Posts
GUI - small nitpicky problem
Can anyone please send me a code for pong (that works)?
Whont to get some free bits? look here.
Is anyone taking the Waterloo Computer Contest?
CITC's Pong (2 player, complex)
Mazer - Look Here
using arrays for blackjack???
Timer won't work for some reason
animation + proc problem
Does someone know how to make paddles for pong that work?
Swish2 - can sumone please answer some basic questions 4 me?
Game modifications
If You've played Halo, then you have to see this...
Swish2 - Some basic questions REPLY ASAP!
Looping and calculating a final cost...
simontanious processes
Need help in making a pong game
.VCD format
An array that stores each word of a sentence as its own var.
Oh God Not the babies!
Why does CompSci keep on freezing
ball going through the paddle
Story Time!
pic ids
hey guys, wondering if you can help me make domino game
HELP!!!!! Need help with making a certain turing program
Swish2 - can sumone please answer some basic questions 4 me?
Swish2 - can sumone please answer some basic questions 4 me?
Swish2 - Some basic questions REPLY ASAP!
Using a parabola
Hey Mazer - look at this!
removes 4 letter words
any suggestions on a cafeteria menu?
HELP!!! Random numbers and an array
Derek's Philosophy
School project: Hangman
Can someone hook me with a tutorial for VC++
The Compsci Quiz
Insulting Nickname Generator
String arrays in String return methods
Locate File
Checking if a LED is being used
BTS ( Binary Tree Structure )
Screen saver style
Button problems
nimated Door
Selection sort
palendrom string
need help with ball streak
HELP on Input Process! PLEASE READ!
help 2 start hangman.
3 Questions about a game I'm making, Please Help
Bank program
going back to the main page of game...
Font.Draw Commands. Need Help ASAP!!
Multiple GUI Windows NEED HELP ASAP
Valid and Invalid Input...
big-oh notation
error trap problem
creating window using graphics
Need help with my program and with drawing...Please
2D Graphic Tutorials
Controlling main window using "Window." commands.
[FP]Chat Client Advanced++, Not text based. Sexy looking! 8)
New to CompSci
Hockey fans any one
If youre looking for good flash...
button problem 2
Another question for my Millionaire game
I Need Help Using Pic.Rotate With Mouse
music on each page
need help with word ordering game
help me with this please
This annoys me.
Looping/Valid/Invalid Input...
[Tutorial]How to close window at end of your program
dragging words
Trippy mapple leaf Program, Reversed Axises
help me in animation please
Cool Ways To Clear Your Screen: (REVAMPED!) +2 More August13
Cool Star Array (Graphic Visualization)
need help with database
reclusive include problem
Gun's ARE Bad
Bits to first 5 Relevant posts
TRIPLE FIVE-aka Darren
fork statement
Bounce Jim...a bit long but effectively entertaining
Making Pings in java
Naruto? Any One?
replacing alphabets.
Reasons to Send nice emails to Tom West
Help with sounds! Urgent! help ASAP!
help me with this black jack game
ti-83(or 89 not sure) graphing calculators
Circle to Circle Collision Detection and Velocity
i will now break the ice here.
help plz
cd player haha version 0.2 lol
The Bathroom Theory
help ASAP! don't know how to use the click and drag line?
What is the best form of 2D graphic design??
Getting the "Buttons" to work.
ASAP! My buttons (not GUI buttons) won't work.
delay in java
Slot Machine Graphics
Fading Pictures In & Out
My friends VB game
I don't get it!
8ball program!
Help on Metal Gear Solid style game
Help Asap Please, dunno what this does [tictactoe]
price calculation help!
Pong help
Button hiding in complex windows
Fully Graphical Slot Machine
Border and Ball...*Extreme Newb Question*
BATTLESHIP - Computer Ship Placement Help
HELP!!! Text Display within specific co-ordinates. HELP!!!
Crack down
Happy Smiling Face(fully graphical)
help with GL and make up to 1000 bits!
3D flash intro
Tic Tac Toe
Unit Converter for Metric AND Imperial AND Computer DATA
3d intro
Does any1 know how to change icon for turings .exe files
Help with growing arrays
making a .EXE
Problems with sounds
I need help with a timer
using randint, Help asap, isp due tomoro!!
Saving / Loading Files
Turing 4.0.5 Update
Basic car movement game thing.
Help with MAKING pictures!!!!!!
Turing Help-baseball game
some text testing
Clearing Things Up
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire... Major Help!
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire... Major Help!
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire... Major Help!
The Return Of Pic~2~Code!!!!!
Randomizing 5 different blocks
problems with submitting my program
Sounds playing problem
technicality in weekly quiz
Anybody now how to randomize 5 blocks?????
Need help moving imported pics
Bouncing Balls *Physics*
error trap help me please
Trig for a POOL game (realistic angels)
Trig for a POOL game (realistic angels)
POOL tutorial including Realistic Angels
POOL tutorial including Realistic Angels
POOL tutorial including Realistic Angels
POOL tutorial including Realistic Angels
POOL tutorial including Realistic Angels
POOL tutorial including Realistic Angels
in search of turing tutor to teach the commands
what does index do in arrays?
restart programs
Help with making a smoke effect
-=POOL tutorial including Realistic Angles=-
Help making Spray Can effect for paint program
help on the getch command just need some info
Text placed where user clicks
The Person above me
Help with collision detection
Turing 4.0.5
Linkin Park
Help Needed for a cashier program
My first animation... I think..
Simple Frogger Game
Turing Debugger
Anyone like Anti-Flag? Going to...
Photoshop CS
Running seperate turing files in program
Updated Grass with house!
How fast can you type
dots in circular boundary
Having Trouble Creating the game Mastermind
Favourite Bands
stupid flashing background...
The Person above me
Help with JPEG pictures
Counter adding by 1...
Turing 3. 1. 1A
Your first cool program...
Remote Control Car
Come on in.. my first animation...
How does turing handle/interpret text files?
Particle, Problem Implimenting Gravity/Wind
dismal (new DOS type program for windows)
Moving Ball, Flicker Reduction
Pong Menu
how can i sort two sets of data into a 2D array
how to view constants available in turing language
-=[Tutorial]=- Basic Pool game & Realistic Collision Ang
Dos command run through menu
procedure help
Telephone Directory ( TurboC )
DUMBASSES, Im back again (remix)
[Source Code] Intelligence game
How To Do Buttons??
Button help
If statement
requiring information on complex exponential function
to mods
help with a word searching program [look at my code plz]
test my first game
Ord finder
Bash the pengunis!
Lucky Money Casino
Need a little help guys, Basic Javascript
Isometric Maze Generator
Tank Motion
[source] almost done "Who wants to be a milionaire"
Getting Pacman to change direction.. please help asap
Another pointless program... well.. Using Arcs
getting an object to go toward center of window
Calculations off...Running Total
sidescroller background help
[turorial] Making an cool installer for of ALL your files
Its disgusting
Particle Engine W/ gravity & wind:
The Rules
to all ppl who want an avatar
Battleship Game
Help, with my GUI Text Scroller
Is it possible to color exdent/indent GUIframes?
loop in a loop
Parallel Port
Problem With Sys.Exec
Problem with Sys.Exec
Buttons...yet again
garage fee program...feel free to use
garage fee program...feel free to use
garage fee attachment is here...:D
garage fee attachment is here...:D
odd even counting :D
Spencer's Games! (Number game, Tic Tac Toe and Pong)
Coordinate Finder
Re: Shop
Mario Music On Drugs
Final Projects Contest?
Can you make a procedure with procedures in it?
Is ANYONE gonna post here?
changing colour of text in java
neone good with programming language matlab?
Using whatdotcolor with mouse (this ones for u dodge)
A Great cursor clock, with current time
BlitzBASIC 3D & Free Game
My Bits
E-mail at compsci
My Flash Paint Program.
2D RagDoll
Catch the Box Game
Catch the Box Game 2.0 (the new and improved version)
Trash Turing!
hey Mazer!!
[source] My typewriter program...
Comp Sci practical exam tomorrow, what kinds of things...
LED : Help
A few pointers on a program I'm currently writing in Turing
Amazing Wallpaper(Big Image)
[source]3 Different Music things for 3 dif places in a game
The best 3d ragdoll Known to man
Psychic Program! Reads your mind...
2d array, how do I........
Please Help the newbe's
M3 15 T3H 1337 H4X0RZ, 4R3 M0R3 1337 TH4N M3?
sidescroller colldetect help
dice help
how do i store words into arrays? (from text file)
My Own Button Object
the rules
explosion help
[FP] Animation Story - Fred the Tap Dancer
risk dice problem
New Bit Rules
Merge and Scale Images
Tutorial: Basic POOL and realistic collision
Tutorial: Basic POOL and realistic collision
Tutorial: Basic POOL and realistic collision
Tutorial: Basic POOL and realistic collision
Where to start?
create many directories
Decimal to Binary in Turing
Phone Book useful book of numbers
[FP] Payroll
2-dimensional arrays
Quiz Upgrade
Need more space for your upload?
sample 3ds imported
Dictionary of Dan
How fast can you type
Particle Effect - Fire
The Diary of an Angst-filled Drama Queen
[Tutorial] Beginners - Creating Buttons
Contest: Best Picture Using 2D Pixel Graphics
Hexadecimal to Decimal
how do I save records to disk??
2D pixel art contest promotion spam post t hing
[source] Hangman Game without using keyboard
[source] Hangman Game without using keyboard
[source] Hangman Game without using keyboard
[source] Hangman Game without using keyboard
my old ogl engine
[source] Hangman Game without using keyboard
Lens Filter
closing the unused windows
[Tutorial] Using Your keyboard in Turing(Arrow Keys)
Dowload Pauser
I propose compsci get a new category!
[Lighwave 7.5] Part 1 - Modeling a House - Base Structure
[Requested tutorial]
[tutorial] movement (getch,keydown,mouse)
[source] Hangman Game without using keyboard
Hangman Game without using keyboard
Hangman Game without using keyboard
how to change my name?
OC Remixes
Comp Sci Exam tomororow [Written] Please advise
need serious HELP for ISU game (dance dance revolution)
Hangman Game
Help Mail Server!
Stupid Question
Computer Forum!!
Compscis other URL
Compsci Bug Trouble, Post BUGS here
masking passwords
help needed on sort routines
Site Design
donate bits to aliveiswell
drawing ovals with arrays
When is the next DWITE , i lost my calander
slow loading ads
Lame Virus Type Thing
Exams, Exams , and even more Exams
Snap To Grid and Draw...
The Most Amazing Video ever and olny 64KB
[source] My Hangman game... new version
[source] My Hangman Game version 1.1v... (button updates)
Java program
Dice rolling...
where did asok go?
Sound Card Problems (Going insane)
Lens Filter V 2.0
Problems to Solve
Meteors (similar to Asteroids??)
How do I get a picture in my signature
Positioning Text
Learning Collisions .. very hard please help
Favourite webcomics
[FP] Shooting Gallery
Program Installer written in Turing.
to massey people
That thing on the left when you post
Counter Strike
Poll on the main page ?
Surprise for the 1000 member ?
What is the Best Menu System for a Paint Program?
Using array for bmp?
How to Ask Questions Properly
Smoke effect
How to put numbers in order?
um... crappy horseracing game [Button Update]
Sorting records
[source] Super7 Quick Pick Machine Simulator v1.0
Jonos Namilizer
Shop Exchange?
Draw Commands
Stats for pop programming languages ;D
Local Variables That Give a Value to an Array and the Size
A pretty hillarious program I made if I don't say so myself.
GIF animator here we come! :D
Watch your emails , here is what to look for
Help with Tony's Oval Collision.
[FP] Guessing Game
Spybot - search & destroy evil browser hijacking
This is the famous .....
New most users online
getting past the Windows XP login
Does Anyone kno wany good books or websites?
oh no compsci exam tomorrow
cTeam Productions
Compsci Nickname Effects
My number comparison program
Who plays gunbound??
First Fight Scene ... In progress
Star Wars fan film awards
Dice rolling betting game with graphics
Input and output at same time
Baisc String Functions ...
New bees newbee program!
New bees newbee program!
New bees newbee program!
[Conspiracy] Blitz Bits Inflation??
RPG Maker 2003
[suggestion] Compsci Lottory!
My second turing program!!!!
In which cases would you use this button code?
Bitmap to Turing
These hidden programs that seems to make my computer slow.
Jonos Coordinates Paint
[FP] Cinema
Server Ticks
Compsci Wars
What Do You Think Of Mike Rowe ?
roulette, ball number correlation.
.INI Files? Recalling Variables from external File.
[Tutorial] - basics ~ loading/unloading frms +multifrm apps
getting a certain part of the text file
topic count
[FP]Spencer's Games - Edit - Source Code too.
Air Hockey (Pong Advanced)
Paul's Punny Place
New Flash Project.
Im Keeping the cTeam Rank , Hacker Dan
Valentines Day
Cervantes' Sig!
Gettings values to stay on a chart
[source] PackFile
I need help
Quick Reply
Attempt at 3D ...
No Pascal contests?
funny / cool pics :D
Quick question.
very useful program --> cain and abel
Deleting posts
SCO DOS atacks start today
opening a port on router
Hidden Trojan Download ????
Delta's Death Ball Series (batting cage)
Eid Mubarak!!
Longest Flash RPG Ever
collision detection
Secret Messages
[Tutorial]How to make your own commands, (like drawbox, etc)
Don't you find it weird in Windows when...
Changing letters help ASAP!!!
How to reverse word? help ASAP
screenshot of the 1000 user
american idol
Starcraft in C++ Beta 0.7843d
need some help here people
Cash Register Help
Black People Love Us
Who Took my bits
University Computer
Well since none of these tutorials seem to work....
Objects Moving with Different Delays
Printing to a file problem ... embarssing
Help with random number program
[sourse] Simple Calculator, with mouse and graphics
This is how I'm gonna beat ...
Clearing Lines?
funny / cool pics :D
How do you do that image thing?
[source] Hangman Game version 1.1v... (button updates)
AMC12 Part 1
The Making of. ....
finishing my cheap explosion
How to get annoy friends.
[source] Hangman Game, new version 1.1v... (button updates)
[source] Hangman Game, new version 1.1v... (button updates)
shutting down the computer
whatdotcolor for collision detection
Hangman Game 1.1v (updated button)
Hangman Game 1.1v (updated button)
Make an animation
Way back when
Outstanding User Award [ Delta is the Winner ]
Text Based Ceelo
Text Based RPG(wacky kind)
Text Based BlackJack(modified version of regular ones)
[Tutorial] JOptionPane: easy input, output with dialog boxes
Problem. Need a fix.
Rock, Scissor, Paper Game
Bmp Loader DEmo
Due Date
Doubly Link List
Reverse Effect!?!
Camel Lights
[Tutorial] Simple Motion Tweening
Request a Tutorial
[Tutorial] Creating a Simple Button
Here is a cool effect...
What do you want a tutorial on?
Help me please to sort this out
need help with sending data over the net
Numerous Expressions of Bill
[Tutorial] ActionScript - Variables
[Tutorial] ActionScript - Arrays
Idea to promote site features....
change string to int
New forum - BlitzBasic
how to find and change duplicates in array?
Toothpaste Game
12.5 in wheels for FIRST Robotics
[Tutorial] Parameters & Return Values
[Tutorial] Strings
Bounce My Balls
Avatar problem?
PHP manual
Adobe Illustrator Tutorial links
New forum - BlitzBasic
My first, not the greatest.
Request a Tutorial
making diamonds
[tutorial] Basic Collision Detection
The Beginning of my game....
Turing Swiss Army Knife
[Tutorial] Arrays
Very Cool Effect
Opening Files and folders (like through My Compuiter)
Queen's U - E=MC^2 program.
Loading .txt Files
My Games Characters
The Stang
correction plz
computer disabler
Private, Static, Dim, Public....When do I use each one
Names of Files
Compsci.Ca Mascot
File Type Finder
[Tutorial] Rotation and Movement
Help with file input/output
First shot at 3D MAX ;D
[Lightwave 3D] For The Love of Chess
Go see the ButterFly Effect
HELP! multiple choice..
User 999
Starcraft Tournament Result
The most amazing 3D Effect you'll ever see made in Turing!
(TURING) Urgent, need help on multiple choices..
Snake program
[Virus] Do Not Try at School
another game by me. just a target one
Getting the final bugs out of my program
What do you like to do?
Compile .t Files
color help in turing
Compsci Being Screwy
[Example] SwapDepth (Swapping Layers)
[Example]Advanced Rollover
Outstanding Awards (Making fun of people version)
[Music] En Francais! This is great.
Getting the last kink out of my program about running arrays
Java Newsflash
Voom, or virtual ON
making pictures move like race cars~
Shorthairs Personal Cube
Snowman done in Rhino
ready to java......
calin out to da masters:worked wif java for 2 hrs.Need Help!
Anyone interested in joining a flash dev team?
Help with few assiments.
Java 1.5 Beta Surfaces
Will This Winter Ever End?
Errors on your search engine.
Buttons for Dummies!
Screensize and drawing position
For Counter Strike Lovers
Post Replys to All The Programs I Made In 1, here no spam
[Conspiracy] Jonos Sig
Maverick's Spam Thread
a "System.out.println" question...
Convert Integer to String?
Mozilla Firebird = FireFox!
[source] Paul's New and Improved lotto 6/49
How many here from Vancouver?
Spam to Post Ratio
Chatting on mIRC
Saving text files
Problem with cut-off words, Turing 4.0.5 pissing me off
Interactive Ball
String or Int?
A little Side note
need some more help
Where to download naruto, not using kazaa or kazaa lite
makeing a movieng box
Smily's Flag (and Gold) Hunt
PLZ HElp Randomly Generating a Word From an Array
a few questions on some things
change save to disk directory
2D Arrays: Connecting Grass Tiles
how do i put an image in my program?
Da Snake.. problem with the flexible array....
NTFS Data Recovery?
help with if statement.
How do I get input and transfer it into a string variable??
make a calendar?
'Psychic" Program
Counting vowels and the percentage. Help ASAP!
input from the user
Startegy Game... Idea Stage (command & conquer)
Right justisfy?! Help ASAP
Extremely Basic House Prog [Incomplete]
[FP]Grade 10 House(Incomplete)
Another pong game
Score Board
avg vs. norton
Trouble with outputting a text from a file
perfect numbers...
[Artwork] Submit your Artwork here
Help with string array,
Clan Logo
maximum number of divisors - need help
Where Can I get Macromedia Dreamweaver
Good computer?
Conan In Canada
HELP !!!Changing numbers to the order they come in alphabet!
Drive the Tank
changing text colours/background colours in console programs
re - initializing a variable
Microsoft goes open source.
input from file
how do i import pictures
hang man..
code errors
Importing Imagesin Different Dirs... (Era of War)
how do i parse in a double?
turing equivalent
Paint Program
clipboard and gui
How do you make sure the user enters a number only??
What is GUI?
Help with random number guess game
How do i get an Avatar
advcmp.h - Advanced Comparisons of lists and vectors
Pop Up Windows
Double operators
PanMan Semi-Final Version<<<Its In The FP Contest
Confusing Problem With View.UpdateArea (Era of War)
Always state your compiler
[Tutorial] LOOPs and FOR loops
POLL: User Interface (Era of War)
Does anyone have tips on some basic AI?
Emotion Showcase
Put With Line Spaces
[Tutorial] Get the user to send you an email, open website
Delay times
Cool Sig
loop program *urgent*
Flaming Bandwagons
Answers to 99% of all questions!!!! Look in here!
Game of the day (Let's avoid boredom!)
Good Computer Site
Random Number Guess Game
Fantasy Golf.
My Weird Program
my crappy 3d engine
[FP]VB RPG-Not finished
duck hunt
simple isometric game
dots tutorial
uploading bmp. images into turing
the start of an isometric game
Many Balls bouncing
{Conspiracy} Conspiracies
basic pong game
I challenge you to a flame war SHORTHAIR!
Compilers & Interpreters
Donation error
[tutorial] spaceship movement: asteroids style
DarkBasic Intro
VB Team
Blitz Basic Intro
Simpson's Originality
[Game] [Blitz] Pong
[Tutorial][Blitz] Random Numbers
[Tutorial][Blitz] How To Build A Game
[Tutorial] [Blitz] Graphics Engine
[Tutorial] [Blitz] Smooth Animation
Support My Blitz Forum
Font Tags .
Fonts Tags
Boolean Errors?
Test my cheap game
boucing ball help with the code
GUI Sliders
fixed background
ending processes
Java and Graphics... update screen...
2003 S4 Substring (coded in java)
[Game] [Blitz] Cervantes Pong
Read topic
Converting or to our help.
Who Here has played Chrono Trigger?
Please I need Turing Software For School Use.
Scrolling without GUIs!
.torrent files ....
triangle equation practice for math
What To Expect From Blitz 3D
[Tutorial] [Blitz] Making Cameras
[Tutorial] [Blitz] Variables
Checking for a pattern or specific character in a string...
[Animation] [Blitz] Dolphin
For people new to programming
Bored Picture
Eiffel - a humble introduction
ending processes
Displaying Applets on the Web
The <applet> tag
Number converter
lotto 649
Response to G.I._Jane
Cool Animation
real number to string converison
cos and sin
CCC at Massey?
Creating executible files
Pascal, Cayley, Fermat
random integers
Weekly quiz?
Help with Sidescroller Game (Jumping specifically)
[Game] [Blitz] 3D Target Shooter
case command help *urgent*
Repeat the loop
Color Chart For Turing (Picture and CODE) 255 COLORS
Program To Randomly show a bunch of binary...Xtremely Basic
Hex Image
[Tutorial] [Blitz] For loops
Ideas for new program
to those in possession of all the naruto manga on their comp
[Tutorial] [Blitz]Textured Spinning Cube
Who can find their names on Google?
Prime Number Finder
[Tutorial][Blitz] Arrays
help with shooter game
GUI checkbox labels
need help in making a diagonal line move back and forth.
Answer to J5/S3 Floor Plan (2003) CCC??????
[Help] [Blitz] When to switch to 3D?
accessing problems to compsci
a nice effect
shooting mechanism in hockey game?
cool pic :D
physics and applying it to programming
Weird Little Problem
Test of Manhood
A guys Really Good Stick Fight
[Help] [Blitz] Functions
Lottory Program!
New to C++
EoE - Help Thread
Compscis Server is in Sweden ???
dodge locked the person above me
[Library] Turing-like drawing functions
nifty analog clock
[Obj-C] Helpful Links
Avatar of the Month Award
How many people...
Background Gun
I am having trouble with this car movement and collision
Short_1's suggestion
Prime Number Program
A simpler way to do animation?
texture generator
Competition for students: Imagine Cup
Student Competition: Imagine Cup
help with bow-tie program
HELP! Displaying Fractions
50 First Dates
Screen Recorder
need help in windshield wiper program
Paul's little contest of the week
Play problems once compiled
Kevin The Shorts Cool Visuals Program -Old School-
MSN RCP Shutdown Error
Crazy old link game that Tony posted, awsome!
can someone tell me the use of += and -= operators (SOLVED)
Right now I am listening to...
Computer Won't Start
how to make this function??
The Official 'Hello World' Thread (New members say hi here!)
what'z Java
Question on the science of language (c++)
so how did you guys do on this years CCC?
Forming and Sending Decent Sized Packets
3 questions...
does anyone have any solutions to this years contest?
Please help with String
Blocking Spammers
Don't Understand the SnowFall Program!! heLP! plz?
fire works
[Help] [Blitz] my first game attempt
star field
Multiple newbie problems with files and printers
windshield wipers
TIMER..... I was bored
Help finding the median number in a program
Can someone host...
Can someone help out with writing a graphing algorithum
Who's school gonna be in the York Region Programming Contest
Fading Buttons
Help with Collision detection.
If statements
Blitz BASIC Game Contest
Pictures in Motion
little game of chance
tripy ball program
Do you need a host for your avatar??? I WILL HOST PICTURES !
starting my final project...
In need of ideas!
Make a BG Image not repeat it's self!
pixel font editor
speech recognition
fullscreen mode
I do not know how to input my picture underneath my snowfall
How is
Help with music player. Simple problem
SpenSoft Music Player
Who actually...
idea for new section?
moving files
My first program.Try it out.
Holtsoft's gay Ready to Program
Text file program
Game that needs some finishing touches
Going away
Desktop Pictures
multiple windows
the written word
3d Tutorials?
need an opinion/advice
Cool Small Alarm Clock
Need to chnage to functions
CCC 2004 Answers to J5
my website theme
[Contest][Blitz] Cervantes' Slime Volleyball!!
working on my personal website...
Mouse cache
A fantastic new introduction to programming
[source] Bezier Curve
[Contest][Blitz] jonos 3D Pong
Canadian Politics
Most helpful compscier [Round 1] (ding ding)
Death Prediction Program.
Best Flash Websites
Uber Sucky Spaceship Prog
[Eiffel] Array and Dictionary Tutorial
calling static methods
saving buttons
decoding Point2D.Double
[Poll] CCC scores
LinOOT -- OOT for Linux needed.
Sorting array into an index array?
what's canvas?
help with drawing techniques
Are you really a Geek? EDIT: The "Answer" is up
[Tutorial] Reading/Writing Random Access Files
Darkness does flash
Dual Monitors
help with nibbles-like program
How do you
Help with arrays!! ASAP!
Homer's java 3D Engine!(updated: ADDED REAL LIGHTING!!!)
Movie Intro
Cookies for download hits?
big turing program with gui i dont understand andneed help
Bits system
Who has a site and...
and i thought it was easy enough???
Man aint it great?!
case construct, a problem
Hardware Controll
Programming from Hell
help with new project
Most helpful compscier [round 2] ding ding
[join my online gamedev team]+I need help with net commands!
My school project
moon help
importing files
how to set a permenet cookie?
Julia Sets... REALY SWEET Graphic Effect
[Lesson] Introductory to AI
Realy Cool Smile Animation
Examples....... Handy
fps detection
Your Biggest Program??? Question To Everyone.
More Cool Old Dos Made Turing Programs
[tutorial] sine, cosine and tangent
Dancin scooby doo
Tour of Duty
Phone Book
number adding
numbers , adding
Bits, again, not "farming"
battle forum
dTeam Project Releases
Sprites For Turing 4.x!
Using Sprites in turing 4.0.x
Black & White Photo
help with chrono sprite animation
Asus Radoon 9600 XT VS ATI Radonn 9600 XT
Flash Water ripple effect
Favourite P2P Clients
For loop problem
Jet Chase After Burn
Need professional help...
job opportunity
Final Exam : Payroll
Important Request
Mozilla Pipelining
[FP] PacMan by: Shorty Software <Get It Here (Updated)
The Death of Intelligent Spam
where can i download the 4.0.5 update
How to make forms llike this one.
Desktop Picture Awards
[Help] [Blitz] Plotting Points
spinning arc s
How To Send Signals Using Frequency
My nicname
i need help 4 my assignment
Slide 'O' Death (animation)
vowel program help
Random Jokes thread
collision detection in tetris
encryption program
Deleting a registry key
Plotting 3D points onto a 2D screen
some old files
First turing be nice
3Ds Max 6 ... n00b question ... very n00b
Cool Rotating Thingy...
The 3 word story game
[Aplication][Blitz] Model Viewer
[ Bug ] Is it me or...?
Need help with my program...
Menu problems
Google Fight
How can i use the keyboard in flash
Program help
Google's spider is messed..?
Rate your teacher
Rate your teacher
drawing oval problem
my connect 4
team battle:
Malicious Programmers
help with Net module
[Tutorial] Using Shell commands in turing
ECOO London -wide Contest March 10th
File Browsing Module
Help with a database program
Sprite Help
if structures with characters
[Blitz] Title Page - Cervantes vs. Jonos !!
In Need Of Help ... badly
Music help
[Quick Tip] Dealing with monetary values
AI help please
sorting procedures
Turing program
Turing code
program keeps crashing
[Source] Snow
text picture genereator
how do you make a scrollbar
I dont understand
. music codes . .
Desktop Picture Awards - DaFoz or Shorthair
Mouse Position
layer help
Importing units such as DanSprites
What is the best OS?
[source] Metaballs
Kevin's DL manager new version march 17
Picture Effect
Non-Default Turing Windows?
The True meaning of canadian pride!!!!!!!!!
The poll on the main page
Question about post count
Be proud to be Canadian! :D
Source codeanyone??
Hey, anyone having problems...
What have you lost?
[source] paintish proggy
Unique hits
36666 posts!!!
Strange error...
guess what everyone
GFX-PRO Wallpaper 2 BLUE
c++ please help
database program
limits in games
Some Cool Programs I Found
Shooter (Arcade Type) Begining Stages
[source] fractal tree
Input.KeyDown problem
Gone for the break
Sidescroller Game thing - Look here Inuyasha fans! :D
[source] The Typing Tetris Excercise thingy
Using the mouse
Need Help With An Animation
Particle engine in java
spiral thingy
Games and Programming Languages
Game suggestion pls
random number help
so i was trying out the trig functions by making pong
namespace std and <iostream.h> vs <iostream>
chess proggy
Something about whatdotcolor
my crappy Cd player
**template class**
PLaying a CD
Problem with Window
Just a little animation i made
Awesome graphs
transfering files from desktop to laptop
IS this possible?
[C++] String Composing Tip
Yay! Compsci is doin pretty good....
[C++] Why no one should ever write "void print()"
*is new* Need help with FPS. need way to make enemy die DKIP
Problems with my keybord
[Tutorial] The Include Command (Use more than 1 .t file)
[ MySQL ] What data type for decimals?
Taking screenshots with PHP
Help with Read/Write files
Video game music
Beginning of File Transfer program
running cmd and using cmd commands
[Game] Dodge the Ball
Slight Tic-Tac-Toe problem
A little puzzle for ya
Site Design
Flash Mx vs. Studio MX
site looks crappy on mozila!!!
Please help me remove flicker from my game.
Do you know where i could download a turing program likethis
Spank The Monkey
scrolling HTML pages with flash
[Game] copter
Keyboard or mouse
shooting problem
Secure PHP coding!
Taking Turns in A Dice Game Question
MONEY INVOLVED: Need assistant (P A I D J OB)
Sound Edditing
Collistion Detection
Very Good role playing puzzle
Mozilla Compatibilty
Importing Pictures
Help with Net commands
next 3 days..
I really hate cops...
Java Vs. C++ Vs. VB6
Relational operator overloading
Proc help needed
C++ Compiler
I'm lazy, do this for me, seriously.
Launch A Program
What are u using
RPG Cliches
Compsci v3
Clac won't work
Cycle() and print() function
Draw a circle
How to use VB Microsoft Development Environment
Compsci's mirror
[Puzzles] Puzzle Launcher Added - Kevin Folz
yay movie trivia
What games do you play?
RAndomizing Numbers
Nooblers List - Things to do in projects next year
Need help creating Frequency analysis.
Warning, Hotmail virus
[Tutorial] If Statements
Hey remeber popular mechanics for kids?
Splicing Flash Movies
Compsci's newest user, as of now
two questions...
[testing] Win98
3d help (texturing)
Borromean Rings
"Rap" Battle
Loops in Java
Rock paper scissors...
naD rekcaH
my first program
GUI questions
Centrino vs. P4
how to delete data from a txt file?
Need help in replacing a words inside a string
Speech topic ideas
Text Twist Version 2 (Acually Here)!!! YAY!
removing gaps
roman numeral to arabic calculator
Hard proplem for C++!!!
Turing and xml....
Number game: 1,3,4,6--> make 24
request for wtd
Game Tic Tac Toe 2 players
Ball Bouncing Screensaver
Best of Turing Submissions
Looking for help on Best of Source Codes
Style (hover)
Save data to a txt file without deleting existing content??
My little script
[SOURCE] GUI Keypad for number entry into a program
[C++] Iterating Over Arrays
Cervantes' "Evasive Maneuvers" :P updated
Triplane - Amazing Game
Fun with multi-threading
Parametric Effect
100 Bits for any Blitz program over 50 lines
PicMerge not working properly
Get country by ip
3D Game Ideas
Survey/Multiple choice
Where's Waldo?? UPDATED! Randomized And Much Better
[ Site ]
Turing updates
read n run another turing file from oneprogram???
[SOURCE] Virtual Keyboard + Demo(UPDATED AND FIXED)
500 Bit Comic Flash Contest
[Tutorial] Modules
zylum's "Evasive Maneuvers"
Problem with Text fields
CoolGames|MostUsersOnline|FirstUploadedFile| PersonAboveMe
the truth about the iraq war
Recording Streaming Video
A free book / turorial
Google looks different.
3D Perlin Noise
Updated to 4.0.5 and lost my code
Question about dragging a picture:
Building computers
Is there anywehre taht u can....
GRRR! Vars?
Why wont this work right??
good rpgs
[Tutorial] Net Command
A Loop program
Connect 4 and the internet
New Forum
Carl Sagan
Screensaver with time across the screen
Red Light Green Light (Starcraft Map) Remake... TURING STYLE
Please help
Advance Flash
cls flashing... Little help?
Graphics by me
Ragnarok Online
Some help with drawbox (newb)
Dodge The Larva (Starcraft Map) Turing Style. UPDATED!April1
Is there a way to play around with the text?
what do i need
Card Games
random numbers
[Game] Etch-A-sketch - UPDATED!
SCREENSAVER IDEAS???????????????????
Next line in either java or turing
Any kind of software like this?
Newbie need help
put statements clearing line in turing4
good web host
Help with Java Applets
The Death of TechTv?
Windows Media Problems
Need help with 2D array problem
The Coolest Program EVER!!!
Match that font, and win.
Penny Toss Game Simulator
Doble [code] tag bug fixed.
Will you get a GMail acount over a hotmail one?
What's up with the dog?
3D Objects, Krab Style
turing gui help
Sorting to an Array
Code not acting the way i thought i would.
wow, I'm in for a long wait, lol
what do you think?
graphing calculator
[Source] My manga reader
[ Error ] The Java Runtime Environment....
Help me..
Need Help in a plane game.
Missile Defense
Which One Is BEST???
opening new window and some other problem
sin wave surface in 3D
[help][blitz] Text files?
Formula for checking points in a cirumference?
Was bored and trying to make grid
grid in photoshop
Robotics Competition
ok in dreamweaver == bad in browser
poll about jonos
Should Drugs and Prostitution Be Legal?
clicking in link inside iframe
Multi-Dimensional Arrays question. unsure how to set srcCode
RGB strikes again. Problems.
im back
Div help
Compsci time update
In Need Of Help With Pong.
need a little bit of help [DDR]
Building Dance Dance Revolution!
Dance Dance Revolution
blocking popups?
Is there a strintok/intstrok function in java?
Swap word function
Missile Defense FINAL!
Animation and Game Related Help
Lotto 6/49
colision with walls
Do you know PI?
and heres another one
New Turing User... Help w/ images
How can i make a Turing game playable in a internet browser?
Since some people thought my last encryptor was too basic...
does turing 4 has the "show var" like turing 3 doe
Best School Website
bouncing ball
simple paddleball source code
[C++] Function Objects
Help w/ Chat program
This is getting VERY annoying!
need some easy ideas for final
css -> links, and firefox and bordercolor
need help finding a plugin for Firefox...
Can anyone make a pinball type ball for my game?
how do i make a program that converts binary digits?
hey all.... can someone help me find this programm....
Hi, a little help
The Official 'Whats Your Favourite Font' Thread
Compsci goddess!
Centipede game
Tactical Rpg
Any one know what might be the problem?
how do you add a flash movie to your footer???
Low Polygon Gun ...
procedures in procedures/functions/process
To Kill a Mockingbird Music
How to do turing
mouse using graphics
hide mouse
Ian McConville's porfolio - amazing
help needed!
snake game
Network Program
X-MEN... yeah
Trivia Security
Creating Mario-Like Game, Need Help
Anyone here entering into the OBEA contest???
aim script.
Sorting a 2D Array? Please Help Me?????
Shareaza problems
Manga reader finished
Assisted/Non-Assisted Suicide
Moving a file........
[SOURCE]--System Shutdown
Randome Quote and user info sig (dynamic)
Redirect output to printer! HOW???
Earth-shaking Spam Developments
Woot! Satire!
how to make 3D button without using GUI
referer risk : WORLD DOMINATION!!!
need help
Dictionary Program
The longest thread ever. Let's make history.
i'll improve on these
colouring a single word
Video playing help!!! Please reply!!!
Fixing a button!
i am the back
Monday Easter fun.... with FIREWORKS!
screen saver
Fixing another button! Help ASAP!!
Array Subscript Out of Range Error!
MD newer version (not final)
Favorite Wallpapers
HTML Writer
Removing duplicates from an array
Hex to Dec and Bin to Dec with functions
Mouse control
program to find vowels and get rid of them
can someone fic this program plz
Closing Windows
Is there an easy way to make these if statements be one?
Colour sensitive
All Your World, Are Belong To Us!
inheritence & overloaded operators
cdrom interaction and custom alerts
Nvidia GeForce 6800
The official Deniz Spam
:Crazy Pong:
Creating a Magic Square??????
Demo3: GUI,Planet,Config,Scripts
Herve's Bar & Grill ( [the only spam topic]
checking numbers
Just started the Shit
GUI Paint!!!! Must Try!!!!! 2nd Best Ever Made In Turing!!!!
starfield/space screensaver
VBScript Worm
Starcraft Map Remake: Jail Break (kinda) Turing STYLE!!!
CPU Usage
Master Number System Coverter [help]
My Flag
Snake Game project
New Version of Turing??? 4.0, 4.1?
Turing Help
Help me with my rpg prg. stats don't show up for thief.
true/false test program help
american flag
RAM question...
Turing exe, can u make them smaller in size?
Net.WaitForConnection problem
Dang it! Stupid Worms!
optimize.exe ?
View source code (phps)
Spam and Rogers
Binary/ASCII Counter with GUI
Flash MX Javascript -- Open Multiple Windows
BONUS Anime Quiz!
fp ideas
why doesnt this binary converter work?
Reality T.V. Shows Can Bite My Hairy Ass.
anybody know how to play hearts/spades/bridge??? with signature
What's wrong for asking help??
half a battle engine with ATB
Does this shiz sound medieval?
Spcefic this time
3d Animation
First ever program
Fishy Fishy Fishtank - Bubbles fixed.
Clearing Text Fields
Math.Distance Example
web hosting
Keypad+encoder source code
help:american flag
D&D Style Game
help with palindrome question
Need help with drawfill function
C++ Project
Pile of Crap (or all the turing code i have ever written)
Short Way of Writing Code
Go my compsci minions!
Moving .bmp files in a game
Linear Search Help[needed]
How do you check for object collisions?
boring engineering project
cool effect
[Tutorial] Sprites
if state ments are making me mad!!
tilting box
York University Science Olymiad
D-Link Router
Mail server.
Paul's Yahoo Chess Turney [Second Round begins]
[b]PHP[/b] tutorial
Walls For a Snake program
Help Making a BlackJack Game
zylum's yahoo hearts tourny
soup up internet
What is with this strange error in turing?
Need help with a question
Lens Filter V 3.0
hey need help wit code
Some music I made for turing:
stack demo
Direction Change via Mousewhere [snow]
RPG Walls..Collison Detection?
Making a RPg and need help with the monsters.
matrix-ish program
WOOT!!!! 2004 HITS!!!! in the year 2004!!!
double click
Flash MX and Free hand
ISP Game Code - Help Please
Question about CPU and Video cards....common... help please!
Crosshair....without showing the cursor
Help with collision
Connect Four
[Blitz][Submission] Particle Engine
[Tutorial] Using .GIF Images In Turing! YES its posible!!!!
Compsci downtime
In my pong game, why does my left paddle work but not right?
I am having trouble writting a hockey game program
Tutorial to make Flash Site
Copying a File
Google is down?
Hockey program trouble
Loading bitmaps in OGL
Cogeco Upload
Cool Trippy Effect
making a hollow asterisks box
[Tutorial] Printing In Turing Using a Network or USB Printer
Dancing Man
Base Converter
Printing In Turing Using a Network or USB Printer
Pacman music
Help with RGB
BlindMelon's Fatality
Billy's Snow
Useless courses in Ontario
Shorthair Is setting a world Record
Pot Usage
How to set up a server
Hockey Game
Help. "Input String Too Large For String Variable"
Very confusing problem with program, can someone take a look
What dot colour question, or problem more like
Animation At Regular Intervals-Characters and Scrolling Map
[Source]SnowFlake Program (Mouse)
Is there a way to draw clothes easier?
how to make AI for connect four
using Font.New at the schools computer
Amailer is the 12
Stupid Crappy Program using DanSprite.
Disabling Procedure
javascript statistics code from geocites
Why does my program suddenly get laggy?
Turing Cryptography
2 D arrays
Help "How to make button and put letter in the box?&
need picture help
Help with quiz
Chemistry? WHYYYY?!?!?!?!
My newest creation
Screen Saver
Craps help
Collision Detection
general advice
Ghost Drivers
Opening Programs
Whats so good about the name...
Need help to convert this into "colourable"
My first post, please comment
text over the graphics
Photoshop Tutorials - Sites! (post here)
resizing first dimension of flexible array
Clicking a button with the mouse?
Compsci hits new record of max users online :)
Homework problem.
Need help on Background music
Flash files in Turing?
GunBound with an ATB
if statements in for loops
Help with snake game and corrections
Project Need Help!!! Due May 6- Char arrays and sorting
Multiple music at once?
3D Terrain(lighting included)
3d maze gen
Terrain 3D(with lighting)
A pirate joke i heard from someone else
I don't know why this isn't working
Filenames and the Index Function
using setscreen with vars for screen size
Not Quite Programming, but kinda definitely Urgent.
Help with my chain program
Sprites in 4.04
Requesting help with my menu with moving graphic program
erasing picture
Question on images
second ever program - blackjack
making a scrollbar
Multi-Sprite Loader
Explain code please =)
Fav type of music
Wireless Networking Errors
Truncating a real number
How to create collisions~?
How to distinguish between right and left mouse clicks.
[source] Alert Window
Change mouse image
Importing Graphics in Mac version of Turing
Too Much / Too Little?
Need help with moving mouse graphic
boolean error
Look what I dug up!
In Unreal Tourny, ppl used to call it a "Killing Spree&
playing gun shot sounds repeately
Reading .BMP files
Flash Presentation
PLZ help 4 school project! making pong. PLZ help
Downloading turing 4.0.5?
This is my program that works real well check it out!
GUI.Broken (again)
problems using rendered frames from Maya
SPRITES?!?!?!?!?!?!? WAT R THEY?
How would I simulate the function "degtorad" in tu
Texture Pool
Registering / Logging in
Darkness's Situation
Useful text to speech program
3D Pool Demo
saving help needed
mouse-click on image
cant get rid of this virus!!!
Banana Throw: Outside Clipping Region
My Paint Program
How do u add a border to a raceway...please read...
Compsci Chat
OHHH CANADA complete with flag raise
Drawing Lines (on a cartesian plane-type-thing)?
Trying to make worm/gravity game
Oldskool Cutscence - Scrolling Text On Picture Background
How to use loops with other loops?
need stop blinking help
christmas tree problem
General Protection Fault? Forking to a Process
music editing
How to get the direction (in degrees) between two points?
question about multi windows
O i wish it were turing!
Parabola Rotation ***right file now
music editing
hi, a lil help in worm real time game
a simple craps game that everyone should like
a way to draw fat lines in a program(only a class)
Shape Drawing Program
i need help to finish this blackjack game
i need help
radio buttons
a start to a some kind of pacman
a shape class so you dont have to keep typing in the shape
this is my turtle class,you can do alot with it try it out
High scores
Mouse Drawing Program : Reading and Writing files
Final Project [Alpha]
Trapped On An Island
I need help with text animation. Please
A million dollar question
Random Series of numbers, with no numbers repeating!
3-D triangle
mouseover loop problem
Some Funny Pics Store
Restarting game
Object Rotation
2D Map Is Not Fully Being Drawn
Programming for that really old Nintendo...
Multi MSN
easy graphics in java question
Rectangle Rotation
photoalbum(fla included)
How to load an exe file in flash?
How can I buy Book Of Typos?
help with intranet
embedding an applet in an html website
School project.. please help
Tech Tv Merger Causes 285 Layoffs
Computer Engineering
Laser Wars
Pong Game!
playing sound when any button is pressed
new to c++
Go back to
Fractal Generator
Another Problem
loops and getching at same time
Fast Wordlist searching using a trie
Recommend a book for newb
Demo5: Springs!
Is Windows a virus?
How to seperate strings that are over 255 characters?
Final Project
The Dictionary of Dan
Please Help!!!
Colour Tester
Smile Update
True and False Program
Physics Final Project ...
More Funny Pics
[Anouncement] New Emotions For Compsci!!!!
simple database help
need ideas
ATM intro
turing .exe
Phone number using -
[FP]Racing Game with AI (Finally i am done)
[FP]game of life
waterloo represent
GUI and offscreen only
Guess What My Avatar is!
Darkness gets a facelift
Follow Procedure
woot 2k posts for me
Screenshot Contest
Text Fields - No enter
Intro Ideas
Some newbie help here please
Tank W--... Turing Wars V2.1
Music Bomb
Fibonnaci sequence...
final pro
Track and Field
Only For C++ GODs
About Keyboard Use...
Can you see whats wrong?
Full Metal Alchemist is no longer cool
How do i get rid of da cursor?
Turing at school (image help)
OK after intro.....
A realll quicky with files
Need help in number sequencing...
Triangle program
checking input
Lightning Tutorial
router's heat problem
music help
Help on modifying the Paddleball code.
Snake Game
Question of Procedure
Censor Bug
making a picture move around the cursor
dont get it...
Chat/Remote Machine Control/Random Other Uses proggy
fractal-a leaf
Shorter Way?
GUI Troubleshooting
Different approach to 3d (I think)
Pacman w/level editor
shooting game
my bus proj...
click a button, sound made
Need help with setting up web server!
Connect Four AI
A letter to Mr. Bush
Help w/ collisions in my breakout/arkanoid game.
Intro Page Challenge: 200 Bits... + credits and extras
Hydro Carbon naming program
Transposing Music
ok i have rand int problems here :D
COOL EFFECT!!! with Text Draw
Nothing great
Ok.. back again and its not as disturbing
need codes for disapearing the man
need codes for disapearing the man from screen
HI!!! (And more) - EDITED (Plz READ)
Currency Formatting Problem....
use of include statement with variable filename
online chat program
[FP] LOGO Interpreter
shape tweening bitmaps(scaling) problem
Design the New Pic~2~Code.
[SOURCE] Colour palette/chooser
Why do people who are not canadian think..
[Tutorial] File Manipulation
URL Filter
Evasive Maneuvers?
System Command..
AI recursion
internet optimizer
attempt at brushed-metal look.
roses are red
Reward for project!
Templest's Theory of Society vs. Intelligence.
Can turing rename files?
blackjack/menu program
Need help making enemy disappear
Make money man!
Hello - Need Help Deciding On What Game
CompSci advertising
Destructo Disc Movie (stupidest thing submitted?)
I can't do a boundary for my circle race track.
A really simple yet cool MATRIX........
Tic Tac Toe Help
Java Error
Java Error
Java Error
Java Error
Ant game - Colony RPG
MySQL Syntax/Terms
Turing Assignment Help
picture variables
read/write help
mac kills my inner child
Drawing Program
Saving Elements of a Program
Who's going to U of Waterloo?
need help in disapearing the rock from screen
Menu Creator Sample (Module soon hopefully)
Flash help
Top Ten Amount Of BITS :) im 7th, and also newbe god :) YAY!
DOS Turing Update
Need help with missiles in spaceshooter
Help with my monopoly game
How do you draw a picture on top of a backgr...
Who has the game Boggle?
Who Wants to be a Millionaire.....if-elsif statements!!!!!
here is my latest gif
bouncing ball off of walls
HELP HELP Geography game
Coding Style
[tutorial] Installing Linux
Help with input of a pictures
ScreenMovement in my game
Moving Levels.
Problem with Fonts
I need help, someone please help me.....
Tetris-dropping shapes
WAt this error??
Error -> Pic was never allocated
Cosine inverse?
space bar
[ Split ] From Hello World Thred :D
Nothing, but something
Dauntless Series Banners and Buttons
Bowling game help
Euchre Game & Buttons
Incomplete [FP] - Super Smash Tanks (or... Gunbound?)
Using Net. function for more than Turing Chat
Random display
DanSprite problem...
Window Help needed
declaring pictures
Make Background go forever (please help :S)
[Need Help] Checking For Multiple Instances..
Im making a game, but am just plain stuck
Battleship AI help
How do I telling turing that the character has been selected
Can somebody explain this formula for me?
Font Effect
Passing information Classes
refreshing mysql php page
Could you take a look at this
Is it normal - Using Classes
changing button colours....
some one please help me in my game
toshiba satellite 5200
Window.GetActive and Window.SetActive
Post your BATTLECRY here!
For loops in applets
some button questions
posted all me pic with game
June 2004 Desktops ...
Turing 4.0.5 Crash
Disabling some keys on keyboard
Quick Question!
black jack helpppp
Hockey Game Help
Weird Program Shortcut Glitch
Calling procedures from inside procedures
Having Loading picture trouble, not the usual problem
Holy Jesus
you can't pay me enough to work tech support
Restart Code
Resizing and repositioning buttons
help wit random placement of astroids
Shooting the radius of a circle
checkbox help
To Program a Rubrik's Cube
perfect window *any resolution
Porting Turing -> C or C++?
How to use whatdotcolor in my program? and should i?
picture reveal cool effect!!! i was bored
Tetris (again)- giving a value to a 2d array
CS pic
A Need For Speed : My Program Has to be like 10* faster!!
tetris help
Picture Rotation and Merging
counting letters
how do I animate a man running?
Trig?Dividing Screen? or Slope? How to Shoot a Hockey Puck
Card Program, Card Generator
All the Colours of Turing
Bouncing Ball Program!
Moving ARROW program
Blackjack help
Movie Delay Effect
File Upload
Computer Store with turing
can someone fix my problem
Needing some help about record
weird files.
How old are you and where do you live?
i really really need some ideas plz
reading files
transferring to different functions
CustomGUI.tu, Creates Custom GUI buttons!! Ez Interrface!!
Trigonometry Help, Hockey Game, Shooting
Millionaire (beta) help
Game help - images and collision
Graphics Cards
Mario-Style Game with customizable levels
Windows 95 custom shutdown
[FP] Plane shooter
A revolving car...
I need to download turing
Selling Dedicated Server
Does log exist in Turing?
attempt at Mac Capsule buttons.
tic tac toe game
Slime volley ball game code
I keep getting this error...
Working Time Module
Life, the game (with cells)
Need some help with Text Scrolling...
Fill The Hill 2004
stop a certain fork?
i need turing!!!
how to enter a pin number
No statement completion...?
How to generate random numbers without repetition?
how do i put the counting score on a quiz...
score counting, hrlp plz
Spinning box
[FP] Vexed 2.0
mario help
sorting alrithem (spelling)
Help making 2 player programs
always on top
Help Gui. Calculator
My Kill Kenny Game - NEW VERSION NOW -
Delay before Music
randomizing array....
can you delete a part of a string?
[FP] asteroids
Request: Need Someone to host file-15KB on server with PERL!
convert switch case to if else
TIM files
Snake - game - arrays - pretty fun
Applying tweens to text
opening files
Simple Graphics Program
problem opening files
comic by EX
[Tutorial]Circular Collision Data
Help with shooting game
Ball move in orbit
another pencil sketch by EX
some comment
[Tutorial] Fading Text Effects
tell me what I'm doing wrong.
User Login
My procedures are not working.
desktop problem
Hockey Problem...still
doller decimal ?
My First Turing Game: space rocket
3d Ball - cool graphics
I say we start a stats program like slashdot...
[FP] Snakem 2
Game or Graphics Program for a Newbie
Running Music Files in Default Player
circular whatdotcolour testing
Dominoes Game for Turing Wanted!
movie scrept effect with data file
help my procedures do not work
how to bring the black blinking thing next to the numbers?
roses are actually red this time..
blackjack problem with insertion sort and array
Mario/Moving Background Help
I need sprites
hi....i need some help w/ my battleship game
I'm getting good at the aqua's. :)
my breakout game...
Windows Media Player and TURING - WEIRD
Help in making a triangle...
blackjack help needed
Weird Effect with Drawfillpolygon
Black Mage Game (RPG) Plz comment
my last year drawing
Vector Calculator
Help with shooting astroids (closed)
About the graphics; In Applets
A few simple questions
Where can i get any version of Turing from?
My first flash program
My Matrix Procject
[Tutorial] Math.Distance
something interesting I found...
array in an array?
Saving as .exe
help with copying and pasting video
Windows made from Window.Open
array manipulation??? help....
arrays of a type
Background color
need help with loop
Finding Your Coordinates
I need help on minesweeper game
M$ and Bell canada
Help me put button for my game look at it then u will know
java integer output
CS skins problem
Help me put button for my game look at it then u will know
Post links to your favourite websites here! (no more topics)
double button
Windows XP Switch user problem.
Chess Game v1.0 no AI
a different way to do graphics other than canvas
shooting game
[Tutorial]High Score List
Submarine Missile Command Crisis Periscope: Code Red!
how to generate 4 numbers without repetition
Getch input
reversing string
displaying guessed letters
Help Reading from a file..
Contest: Gues that OS!
tic tac toe AI
[Tutorial]Font.Drawing strings,variables w/wo image
Process/Image Problems
Help Needed!
Trig help
How do i do a mouse over?
Can the mouse cursor be invisible?
Space Ship
Space Ship
Space Ship
Someone had to say it... "Chronicles of Riddick" =
breaking an array up? 0o
SIN exam
re: Posting Error
Help to Return Game to Menu
Problem with 2 Processes (1 for, 1 get) - Please help
how do i exit the program?
Arrays. Again.
picture fuzing
Missile Help in Missile Command
Inserting a pic
Graphics problem
can the icon of the exe generated by turing be changed?
question about compiling
missile program i made last year
Shortening this code? or easier to write it?
Millionaire help...... again (exiting, and lifelines)
how do i stop a procedure?
moving imported images
if error occures...
clearing the screen?
Please help me people!!!!!
Dan's Absence
Euchre & the Net
Real and int
Really nooby question but whatever
A little sound problem
Boundaries For Game Using Sprites
external apps and system data
Future Highlanders (S-JAM students)
considering them good~but not excellent
snake game --> last updated July 11
stupid View.Set ("graphics")
Paul's FP (sure, why not?)
loading a pic
help with my basketball program
Making a redirect page...
great! right before the exam!
internet help!
End on color
help with whatdotcolour
Turing and other programs
How to play midi files for my game
"Paul's Games"
Simple 'get' command problem
Help with For loop that gets stuck in my game
Turings input.keydown
Mousecommand help
Distance Finder - Find your way around Canada
second program - licence plate database
please help with a simple thing ...
array -> string
Restarting a Procedure...
Elevator program
I'm Stunned.
Dev C++ HELP
How do you close a form?
Cool Puzzle Game
Help me~!! How to move my character??????
[FP] Super Breakout
The Ultimate 'Essential' Program List
Screenshot Contest
optimizing pc's performance
My final project for Compsci class
help - highscore
who has applied to OSAP?
OpenCanvas tutorial, anyone?
help with life bar
Problems with jumping in my platform game.
my computer is fucked
Problem.....for Drop the ball.
Car Game (Handheld) Cool New Game I Made! UPDATED! June 13th
-Help- Returning Game to Main Menu (Code Included)
The atheist foundation of Australia's list of ways to get...
So Dead Right Now
PONG BABY :includes super advanced A.I.
GUI File save interface
How do you make a heart move across the screen?
help with collision detection
Kirby tactics
Poker Help
Weird computer lag
Selling Gmail Accounts
lil questions b4 the exam
how do you draw this?
View.Set fullscreen?
Tetris Final
uninstalling 180search
VL2 Update
Editting Bitmaps
Windows XP Pro start up
Quality but Cheap Web Hosting
Connect 4!!!!!
press shift 5 times
Catch Fever
Firefox 0.9
php image generation(URGENT!!!)
Stupid Nub Question
My Website
what happens when a e-mail is blocked
How to Shoot...
[FP] Quest Master Shooting Game Dealy Thingy
how to recieve more than one key at the same time?
Module tips
Magnifying Glass
Connecting to a server/database.
Connect 4
I fall further for O'Caml...
Paint Prog
[FP] Jeopardy 2004 - Have you got what it takes to Win Big?
Summer = Boring !
DanSprite Addon...
Need Help coding a Clock program = Gmail Invite.
Evolution of Programming Languages
Photoshop Made banners
screen sizes
Paul Bian please read.
What would you do with 700 GB of space?
Sys.Nargs and Sys.FetchArgs
Form copy.
drunk walking home in snow simulator
Snake Game
image function?
[FP] Tile Map Creator 2004 from semester 2
Using the Net module...
hard drive imaging
Get free gMail Accounts!
checking arrows
Snake ---> By~ TENDULKAR
Free gmail accounts
i need a sketch of this
Duck Hunt
Generate List for your MP3s ! + moreee
very basic login script
Why can't I delete my bullets?
Turing Contest 255chr max - changed to 20 line max
Turing arguments
Status Indicator <yes i coded this!
i bring you: strange thing in the movie "troy"
G A Y Marriage
Snakes and
trouble with pic.scale
change picture in input
Accessing a Specific Memory Address
My latest sig.
new site tell me what you think (Updated)
HTML help please
The War in Iraq
Label font color
Post up your programming forums
Why am I getting an array error here?
[FP]QFTB2 RPG Engine (super alpha) and Kiddy Grade Demo RPG
racing game
image conversion
MSN Minesweeper
help with internet setting
look what i made
Site Title Banner
matrix effect
Kekeke u suck with AWP
What are the bits and donate for??
Start of my RPG
My Vb game tell me what you think
PacMan to beat all PacBoys that have come before
Coin Collecting Game...How many can u collect?
Java Program
Stylistic suggestions for posting on other languages
[Ruby-tut] Hello, Ruby!
[Ruby-tut] Decisions, decisions...
[Python-tut] Conversions of Ruby-tut code V3
Linux pie.
Win95 and workgroups
Amailer, Quick question...
Amailer, Quick question...
Problems, Problems and more Problems
can someone write up a basic tutorial on dynamic programming
3D Engine (rizzix)
What's a good C++ IDE for Linux?
File Hosting...
Its time For the BLITZ team
results for [FP] '03/04
questions on graphics, etc.
"Body Crumbles" - Dry Cell
Go watch now!1!!
[Ruby-tut] Method to my madness
Laptop Hardware
Computer Insights Anyone?
S.O.S HELP:WINDOWS 2000 Quick Launch Bar
Swift 3d v3
I gots a Gmail invite... Come get it! (NO SPAM ALLOWED)
Rounding Decimal Numbers?
Lightwave Bones
******** HL CD-KEY ************
[Ruby-tut] Doing something... again and again and...
drawing pictures in c++
[Ruby-tut] Objects... objects everywhere!
In need of a couple of links/affiliates or w/e
Direct X vs. OpenGl
Little Error
Beware: Terrorist Fireworks!
[help][blitz]collision detection-color?
[Eiffel-tut] Bonjour, Eiffel!
Latest Compsci Team
Complete Nub question here
Announcing the my new programs filesite!
Amailer, Regarding your site...
What's wrong with my code? (Java)
Wicked Info Application
Update Turing GUI
Space Shooter
Linux IM
Nub here - can't make this compiler work properly -
what language is the song "brother" from FMA?
JFrame help
S-Engine Release, New Turing GUI - Version 3.0 Updated
CompSci Counterstrike Clan!
speaker problem
turn on computer automatically?
First Progies Using RGB! But cool none the less...
Maze Generator 2004! Cool Stuff!
Stupid Holtsoft..
How do i stop C++ from automaically opening a window
Vertex cordinates
Event keyhandler
The Maze Game 2004! More Challenging And Fun Then U Think!!!
Um, a banner for a biology handout
Java made Groovy
Introduction to Actionscript
First Animations! (.gif) (Forum Banner)
Converting an Integer to a String?
Fahrenheit 9/11...
updated version of my FIRST GAME!!!
my first game ever UPDATED!!!
Anybody know how to fix this?
need blackjack adding
WC3 jokes
Ragnarok Online
Listing help
Boredom in Ink
GMAil's way of reading a mail..
Variable Names - A noobish question
Image Merger
Saving mouse coordinates
PHP/MySql assistance needed
I need help on making this code smaller
shout boxes
Help me out here guys, analyse this conversation
PHP 5 final release
Expressing a dollar amount as different coins.
Slowing Down a Program
My New Family PC
Virus Scan
Button -> Menu
holy fricking shit...
Dark Realm RPG: Graphical Multiplayer
[Ruby-tut] Practical example: File I/O (and odds and ends)
I need your postal codes
Resetting Time.Elapsed
Changing user names
making turing find words
Truing runing on Linux
My site's on google. :)
method in a method
INVADERS '04 (space invaders type game)
This will give your math teacher barin damage for sure
zhen zi dance
Think you could be a ninja? Test your might!
Americas Army the Game
Inputting for a Loop.
Greatest Thing Ever
fma questions
What it will look like...
Need coding help
Clearing the mouse queue?
[O'Caml-tut] G'day O'Caml
Need help
Sorting in Turing and Returning Arrays from Function
A new way to view London: From a toilet
Interest in computers... genetics 'n stuff?
Zone Alarm 5 help...
Free advertising... :D
"The Coconut"
A type of frame rate control
[O'Caml-tut] Imperative Syntax
VB Mindset?
MSN d/p
Harry Potter Potions Puzzle
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error
how to load flash files in HTML.... yea i a noob...
Video splitting
My New Website's intro page
hot108 banners!!!!
Diabetes Typing Tetris/ trivia thingy
I just came back from inner mongolia (spelling?)
Instead of Stickmen?
Hotmail not Loading
bouncing balls
Stick Fight Animation Contest?
Flash Stick Fight Animation Contest!
Radian Circles
Bingo Game
If you need help with multiplayer NET stuff, post here
What is the Blendtrix? (besides combining Blender/Matrix)
Anyone know where to get a microflash for a website?
need help with draw function
IQ Test
Winamp plugins?
Attention! Anyone buying a laptop!
kick ass wallpapers
Dream Car
A Beginner
Math Question
Questions about "Include" command
Turing Soccer with AI
wee! I'm riding a bike! I'm really riding a bike!
lain is so weird...
Most Depressing Lyrics
"Do you want to leave a message?"
which OS are you?
Help with a piece of PHP coding
hl2 vs doom3
Simple Quick Stick Guy Animation
Easy way to get bits...(bug?)
Not around
Turing Web Server (Alpha)
I'm better in flash then you are :P
Just some stupid animations...
Stupid emoticons
Best Final Fantasy Game
Nifty web framework in action
Kick ass pickup lines.
Win XP Home clean-install
Use Resource Hacker on Turing Files
Help with PHP
[tutorial] .NET Commands (and multi-user interfaces)
The answer the question thread. Quiz Updates
Ready To Program!
[C++] Why use the STL? A quick example
Every os sucks?
megaman help
Fairly simple multi-user client-server setup in Ruby
Suspicious Program - Please help
File Browser
Just do it (please move to spam)
Help with adding lighting effects to images.
Putting the User's Input in Alphabetical Order
"I'm Johnny, I hack stuff." -- Google Hacks!
New deviantart???
Simple, easy-added chatroom...
I'm off to cuba
Simple Multiplayer Games for your website...
New laptop
vote for which laptop i should get (details on page 2)
rts (real time strategy) test
A few new turing commands (using proc etc.)
DragonSpires - Graphical RPG
visual turing
W00t, I'm 16...
[O'Caml-tip] This is seriously cool
2004 CCC S5 solution with memoization troubles
SuSE Tips & Tricks!
gif support in gd 2.0.28
test - opinions needed
Triangle Rotation?
Help downloading Turing
mandelbrot fractal algorithm?
BufferedReader problem.
Tribes 2
Best First Person Shooter
First Attempt in the Art section
On mouse over display info
Here is some Flash art
Zipping folders with php
Help with location
More on .RAW
Tool of Various Uses
Programming for readability and maintainability
Illegal Character
What's your favorite programming language(s)?
Name this song (don't know if it's Mozart, Beethoven or w/e)
The Other Official "Hello World" Thread.
Templest , what have you done
Are YOU ready for Waterloo CS?
question about turning ur main into programs
Color Sliders
CompSci seems to be pinging out...
Where to get a good monitor?
Could someone compile this for me?
[SPLIT] From Bored Picture (about OSes..)
Decent Eiffel intros
How many people visit the main page?
Some bugs ans suggestions.
Anyone seen this?
New Approach to particle engine.
Different ways of saying "Newbie."
Playing with the pen tool. ;)
DragonSpires - My online multiplayer graphical rpg!!
COMPLETE NOOB...i need help plz
again with the aqua... :P
Half-Life 2
Programming challenges
Photoshop not letting me use certain filters. :-/ Help.
Image flipping
this real?
[Eiffel/O'Caml-tut] Translations from Java and C++
Gmail invites...
Excuses, excuses...
A brief look at the language that begot Python: ABC
Simple While program
Windows XP Service Pack 2.
Compsci Convention
High Speed Internet For EVERY1! Even out at the cotage!
Linux Install - WTF?
Hostage (kinda late)
Gmail Invites
Limit table height.
Apple I-Pods are pretty cheap
Website woes.
Some Ruby Help
Blogging and profit
I have 6 more invites to give out, get'em while they're hot
Anime fans required.
Cheap DDR howto?
Collision Detection
Graphics Board Sale!
PicMerge Version 1.0
New Game: Ctrl + V
what is that mean by supproting server?
php bulletin board...
elevator help
wanna download free trial macromedia fireworks mx 2004?
Risk Game (2210 version)
I will not be around for a bit (+ free gmail acounts)
howto become a hacker
New Design for My Website
New Design for My Website
PHP Server
Whats your OS * 50 Bits *
First Day of school in Russia
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
How can i kill My Fork
My site
I am new to the world of programming
I am a noob at programming and need some questions answered
Confirm Window.tu
DragonSpires, the online RPG
can i donate bits for moderator becuz he helped me...
Some of my friends noob graffix
My Graphics
[Factoid] Postless Users?
Displaying x and y
Nice free webhosting
DSS test tonight
Gettext help
Behind The Nicknames
Pic.ScreenSave error
Google Code Jam
DVD Rippers
1st year computer science??
easy colition detection with grid?
FTP Server
Saving a 2D arry to a file.
School starts for me tomorrow...
CISCO Computer Course
My Hip Hop and Rap Site
Appreciation of Help
From C++ to C
wow, self teaching C++ is hard...
Lanschool User Guide
DragonSpires, the online RPG
Time Delay - strings
Question thats been buggin me
PNG image files in turing?
UFO RTS game
Starting Turing
Turing 4.0.1 Setup.exe
Where to buy Normal cologne???
Constellation Effect
Serail ATA
Java: School v.s. Home?
Transferring hsa.console to eclipse
First OpenGL Program Involving Resourses, Textures, & Te
Funcy Flashy Thingy
Dansprites or turing's sprites?
Making .RAW Files
Anyone who wants to make money go here...
Wordsearch Contest =)
Help: Windows not starting up
Attention all Windows 98 Users
My Modding the Xbox Thread
Just spent $100 at Jinx
how to sort an array
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Usability Survey
borland vs visual c++
Hotmail and Gmail... wtf?
Looking for links for website
Boolean Operations
parametric (sort of)
exit window
Stupid cellphone making people.
Spread Firefox!
How do I make columns in a table align?
how do i...
Maverick says: stfu?
Reading from a file help???
Sites with good tips/tutorials for drawing?
JavaScript text box question..
JavaScript text box question..
Fillbox Blinking When Drawn
Email at School
Question about Sun Java's IDE
where can i get turing?
my hip hop site ;) [last topic got locked]
L0rd of teh Ringz0r
Old links don't work.
Mic/Sounds problem
ads on compsci
Registry Entry
avatar not working
Point in triangle algorithm
quick question writing to a file
Read and writing to a binary file
Woah, my return
WhatDotColour/Draw.Dot Trouble
new tutorial
Current Time?
Creating watermark on uploaded images --- PLS help
Guitar -> Greensleeves
a noobs programming question
Cashier Program Help
Apache virtual hosts
Error while making .exe
Turing's limited abilities
Tutorial on binary files
Final Project Zelda game Proposal help.
Passing values to ArrayList
AMD64 Linux Distro
dauntless is t3h suX
Structures/Unions in Java?
How can you draw a box in Turing?
Circle/For Loop help
Splitting Huge Full Album MP3 Into Seperate Tracks(?)
how can i draw horizontal circles?
Remember naD rekcaH?
How fast can you play?
Where do i start?
Easy colour pallet
stick man game
stick man game
Laptop bootup problem
Star Trek Blackjack
[Tutorial] 3 Step Guide To Random Integers
Help: i need help to figure out arrays
Pictures as buttons
Text graph-x and viewing it properly accross all platforms.
Noooo... pikachu!
IBM DeveloperWorks article on JRuby
[O'Caml Tutorial] From the Bottom Up 1: Numbers
Replacing sections of strings.
include and unit questions?
assigning array char of boolean values?
More of the Poignant Guide completed
MySQL Error while installing!
troubles with DanSprites
Vincent Massey
Server status
String \ characters.
Sorting Problem
Turing 4.0.0
re:turing command
Cool blackjack game
alien vs predator
Just curious... enums?
A problem with Recursions
Please don't let this be real
Something related to loops i think
Computer Science Programs
Domain Name Registrarion
Making an Immage darker and scarrier
Macho Microsoft
My ball game
Restart the program?
File I/O ... Reading and Writing to a file
Kill the cats?
The Daily WTF
Letter Program
Whose messing with teh (NOT MONKEY! ) forum?
Developing Debug Class
Saving variables
Converting HTML files to PDF format.
Totally noob turtle class question...
Top X reasons to use language Y
please help
outputing the highest and the lowest numbers.. help! asap!
Move the ball
my rpg
Capitals and lowercase letters in the get statement
Unresolved external?
Problem with functions
Maya Personal Learning Edition Vs. Full and Other Moddelers
Pacman + Easy to use Editor
[Tip] Solve your first error first
This Land...which land? That land!
[Tip] Style: using indenting and spaces
Is there a Shareware version of Turing?
New at java need help!!
Help with Time Calculator
help with sum and average calculator
Compiling a Java Game
Blitz Compiler
[Tutorial] Finding the Minimum and Maximum in an Array
help with draw random stars
how do you square a number?
listnen to this song
Dispay text files
a special function listing all the factors of an integer
PCL 2(chat)
X'mas card in java ( demo )
chat application with source code
dos utility
postfix / infix notation
Snake Arena
Apache Help
[Tutorial] Premature Optimization... Don't!
[Tip] Compiling 1.4.x code with Java 1.5.0
MSN Messanger 7
Server logic.
Factorial Calculator
Phpbb Forum file attachments
help with flash
[Tutorial] Extracting data from a string
Artificial intelligence
[rant] Wtf .. photobucket ...
Welcome To Gr. 12 - JAVA @ L.S.S.S.
Kodak vs. Sun Microsystems
Mind Factory
[Tutorial] Putting data into a string
please help me with federal income tax problem
arithmetic tutor
Good java sites
Dan should read this.
drawing lines
error traping
Animation Introduction
Password Protection of Internet Connection
Gmail Notifier..
crazy circles
A blast from the past
Problems with MSN colours
Azureus and Zone Alarm
Limit of a series
Java Net Code.
Half-Life 2
the battle
Hiding the file PHP file extension
File checking
[ HUGE ] Big scale pictures.
Nub Question (ActiveX Control)
Quick question (Dos logging)
need help making small maple leaf move around on screen!
[Ruby-tip] Enums... sort of
[Sample] Basic Random Numbers
Deficient, abundant, and perfect
Half-Life2 Keygen. (Fake)
what would life be like without computers?
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Java Phone Book (winnar)
Flash Mx 2004
My Computer :|
Mutlidimensional Array question
adding music/soundefects from harddrive?
The Matrix ... really
[Help] [Basic]TI 83 Plus
bouncing stars
Waterloo U unlimited
[Ada-tut] What is Ada95, and how do I get a compiler?
The benefits of actionscript ^_^
Eclipse auto indent?
[Ada-tut] Basic program structure and using the compiler
[Ada-tut] Simple IO
Clouds Tutorial
Attaching Dreamweaver MX toolbars to their rightful place.
[contest] 10 bit math questions
Java Buttons Help
A Different take on Fight Club.
[Ada-tut] Declaring variables and simple math
[Ada-tut] Functions and procedures
Just BASIC 1.0 released
MSN Difficulties
question about fma
MySQL Admin help!
[Ada-tut] Control Structures: If ... Else
Turing runs on Linux!
american flag sort
[Ada-tut] Control Structures: Case
[Ada-tut] Control Structures: Loops
where to put code?
loopin GUI problem
Another Reason Why I Hate M$
URGENT: Turing Paint Program >Stuck on color x/y cords.
black jack help
External Ada95 material
Can You Say Ripoff?
Working Out
Martin's band of the Day
help!, im tryingtomakepassword
help with picture filename (combining words) (nevermind)
The Official Dr. Bruce Willis Quotes List
Sound troubles with Music.PlayFile
Another Java button question
need helping opening programs
I need help in making my sorting algorithim idea work
Hack into A Tech TV Computer Challenge
i need help! i would like to encrypt pass
moving and importing pics
2 questions
Perfect number contest. (i guess)
[Tutorial] Optimizing an iterative search for primes
[Tutorial] Dealing with spaces in Sys.Exec
Transferring value from one fucntion to a variable?
help! i have two files, one module, the other main, module..
Questions about the 'sound' command
Some ideas
Software Piracy
Google Desktop?
Solar System Simulation
Stock Market Game
Space Conquest (Turn Based Strategy)
Yet Another Blackjack
My Beta Pac-Man
Microchip under your skin?
Desktop (Screenshots)
shading in java
problems having 2 import files
i need help! i need to put data into arrays in a loop
How do you run something at the same time?
Help with GUI title screen
Yet another programming language
How do you play music in Java(RTP!)
How do you draw triangles?
is there a cls command in java like in turing??
whatdotcolor help please
little hlep guys....
transportation help
kick ass game
Invisible GUI
Program gone crazy....
whos doing DWITE?
Conversion from binary to decimal ???Help?????
Proper Format
Farenheit 9/11
McMaster Olympics
Hard Drives
The coolest thing
hacking passwords
My Monitor
H omosexual.
PHP MYSQL linking
Positioning Text on A Screen
Answer wont display right
I feel stupid! How do I quit a running program?
NetBeans Reading Files
This is a text game i made cus i was bored!!!
What NOT to do as a CS student
GMail Drive Shell Extension v1.0.
Does anyone mountain bike on here?
importing numbers from text files question...
How to import music
School project help
JAVA programing error (fatal crash everytime)
JAVA programing error (fatal crash everytime)
program issue
school project
Pretty slick flash picture
riddles and brain teasers
Palindrome program help anyone!!!!
text based RPG needs some pointers
Multiple buttons errors
Ubuntu Linux
multiple buttons tags
What job do you plan on having?
Joystick Help
New Chat Program (with errors). Opening Files = Crash.
Python help
help with polygons
Drawing Mathematical Equations
First Thingette : Colors
Farenheit 9/11
Start of a D&D type game....
Is clearscreen possible in Java? (Borland Jbuilder)
bugged guessing game
Buttons/Counter Question
Math Function Draw-er
GUI Chat Program
help on reading and writing to a file in turing
selecting only a part of a bitmap
Naoki Stop Bringing up old Topics
Why the _hell_ am I losing bits!?
Mountain bike movie made by me.
Movie Clip duplication/deletion
[Tutorial] (Actionscript) - Basics
one question.. [ inheritance ]
Forcing a Tutorial - Mouse
small car tips
First Post and New Program!!
How to view Thumbs.db files?
Old topics... 'nuff said?
Turing Net commands + turing game = ?
game of life
Need Help Opening Programs [PART 2]
DLL's that Turing requires? And/or new installshield? (Wine)
Ugh..It's not working!! - Animations
The Person Below Me
OpenGL errors..
First Program Hope Its Good!!
Menu items.
Setting a Picture as the Background
Freekign Awsome New Halo 2 Commercial
middle letter?
How do I stop my game from pausing when I shoot?
Zelda Game
car racing game with moving background
[C] Basic String Handling in C
[C] Why you should learn C
U@UWaterloo Day
New Computer
Slot Macine help
Animation glitch?
D: C, C++, Java, Ada, and Eiffel got together and had a kid
How do take pics from a paint program to tourng??
Idea for project
Where to go next?
Translations from Turing
How Do you remove a SWF password
[tutorial] error proofing
Jumping Ball
Is the site going down?
Exception handling in Turing?
[D] Major Points Of Note For C++ Programmers
Characer Movement - Climbing up a ramp?
does this board have md5 built in??
whats all involved in building an forum??
Travelling in an arc
"The Grudge"
x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1
[contest] Halloween!
Turing run window
[Tutorial] Conversions: Number <=> String
Martin, help with HTML
Flash- flash tutorial
[D] Operator Overloading for C++ Programmers
External device to controll power to 1 device?
Joystick modification.
Understanding Statements and Expressions
To Solve NQueen's
Generating random Draw.Object's in a specified area?
Direction by degree
Newbing It Out (Methods)
a program that has 7 games in it ...check it out
changing font?
Bitching about the curriculum
Find Mean 3 Numbers IRC channel
Name Variables Intelligently
[Ruby-tut] It's Object-Oriented!
simple AI - urgent
Bush or Kerry
Bush or Kerry
Read/Write program help
transportation help
ufo mobile
trippy by twinkle toes
Enemies in Game
just recustion
macromedia in firefox?
Simple Yet Cool Loading Screen (No not a stupid little bar)
Turing Reference (F10 Guide)
Random numbers
WINKEY Shorcuts help..
compiled program icons
WINKEY Shorcuts help..
Cold Fusion
Help with internet re:turing
The coming soon forum
60000 posts
space invaders
Nice little addition to the old turing 3d engine
ANyone heard of Anark
font help
(Graphics g)
finding ip addresses.
NEED HELP PLZ! java integer - real program
[Python-tut] Python Basics
I NEED HELP....and fast(pong game)
graphics in a turing game
Win32 Application Error
collison detecton with sprites
Old School TV Blur
How Do you remove a SWF password
No pointers...hmm...
PLEASE HELP ME RIGHT AWAY! a small but important question
What is this symbol
Java 5.0 and the Scanner class
jar to win32 exe?
Open windows
Simple Pacman AI
Animation problem
Question regrading arrays, functions and file i/o
Get input from user...
Prime # Outputter
need help with pong
Pong Game..score dont add up...any suggestions?
C, C++ and Assembly tutorials
Turing --> CMD
Alan Turing
Some Trippy Stuff :D
Where can I upload my avatar to?
wtd, ruby questions
Why it's a good thing that Bush won the election.
First Program I've made, guessing game, go easy
Jaxlib - opensource java lib
err? looping formula error?
cool thing by twinkletoes-
if u dont like it too bad (by twinkle toes)
mods, will someone edit my subject??
rpg with arrays
Chat program suggestions
Problem with looping. I need it to output a list of parts.
how do i test a speed for ADSL??
Computer doesnt beep.
Determining what power supply to use
temperature conversions
wtd, what do u use for programming??
Does anyone use mIRC??
AI for pac man
Anyone taking a comp course in college / uni in Toronto?
new program
Kyoto Protocol. CBC interview
Help plz
the fastest to slowest internet connections
Where can i get glaux.dll
API (Application Programming Interface)
4.0.1(p) -> 4.0.4
My hangman only draws in one part of the program <_<
I hate women's equality organizations.
Circular Collision
Hourly snapshots
Need Help with increasing size of font
Array program problems
World of Warcraft
Turing + Registry
Help For A Final Project?
Quit button, now I need a Restart button......
need help
vb and the system tray
Okay, here is a complex situation
Firefox 1.0 comes out tomorrow!
Shuffly Ruffly
Photoshop and Wacom tablets
Should there be a hardware forum?
hangman... it has a story line, and music from zelda 64!
Perl6 Grammars and Regular Expressions
My first calculator program...
delete a person (important) please help(THIS NOW WORKS)
Venus Transit
My logon prog
My logon program.
i'm back
[C++] Things you shouldn't be doing (and what you should)
colouring a picture
Get rid of buttons after entering a procedure... help
Modulos i
alpha blending
Space Clash
Yay James Bond animation
another hardware question
displaying objects in arrays
School Project.... PLEASE help
Tutorial request...
active textfield question
How can I have the FOR LOOP output what loop it is on..?....
Halo 2!
Switches in Turing
Program Suggestions... please & thanks!
Help with including a file
:: Piano Music ::
A snowMan made BY ME!!!!!!!!
Get a Job at Google
[C] - Simple problem I assume - displaying one output
Adding/Removing Array Values
Help on dynamic arrays
Turing + Computer
right click
Breaking up an Immage
How do I make a multiple-choice test using buttons?
Help with inserts?
Spackle Program
Help needed with P2P filesharing project
Exciting News! - Gmail goes POP3
need help please
text file help please (i stil need help)saving arrays of #'s
Is their an easier way of making an rpg game?
Is There An Easier Way To Use Turings GUI? (TEXTFIELDS)
How to think like a computer scientist
How do I make a Radio button quiz?
[Tip] For Turing <---> Java Conversions
calling info from text files
i am really stuck here (help)anybody?
Take the Nature Challange!
Turing preprocessor.
printing out a row of stars
Happy Diwali, Saal Mubaarak.
Drew and animated car, has to drive foreward, flip and back
[Ruby-tut] Easily creating strings
This will be the fastest deleted post
Sugguesttion for V3
Sorry Everybody :(
time_nanosleep() doesn't exist?
Just look at the thread, don't ask questions.
Better than Half-Life 2
National Spam Day
[Regex-tut] What are regular expressions?
Xbox Live
[Regex-tut] A gentle introduction
[Regex-tut] Alternatives, Groups, and Sets... oh my!
[Regex-tut] Multiples
I need some help on turing...
[Regex-tut] Cleaning it up
[Regex-tut] Groups Redux: Capturing Groups Intro
[Regex-tut] Capturing Groups: Inside the Regex
[Regex-tut] Nested Capturing Groups
[Regex-tut] Non-Capturing Groups
[Regex-tut] Sets: Ranges and Negatives
[Regex-tut] Non-Greedy Matches
row of stars from opposite side of screen
mouse clicking
C# vs. Java
takepic Function Specifications
re: permutations in C language,,not C++, a subset of the C++
Cheaply Animated Stick Man
help with making folders
Finding the Moon's position in orbit
omgomgomgomg! hl2
Moby Dock
For The Mathematics
First program(crazy stick man)
my very first vb program
favourite bands
Going from "put"s and "get"s to textfiel
Niffty Snake game(work in progress)istillneedtomakesnakegrow
Making your own firefox extension
MS-DOS copy update (1)
Really cool effect... play around with it...
scorched earth alpha preview...
3D Maze 1.2 ... again!!!!
Some fancy looking dots.
adding to a 2d array
ufo help
Flexible Arrays
[Regex-tut] Finding Variables in Turing
[Regex-tut] Case insensitivity and local modifiers
Dance, Voldo, Dance
What to do at 4 in the morning...
What to do at 4 in the morning...
Ma Pimpin truck
hardest ball game ever
Help with randint+moving
[Tutorial] Flexible Arrays - Become a Guru!
Finding the mode and median if the given numbers
Spiffy turing music from different moviesyesispentalotoftime
[Haskell-tut]Haskell Basics
another text effect
using an array to get an average
getting an average
battles in an rpg
Changing Font and Font size for entire program
Changing the Font Size
Simple Pong
Hope this is the right room...
range of letters help? plz
scrambling words
4-Dimensional Projection
formatting computer
[Haskell-tut] Lists
etch a sketch
Creating a file sorter
:: Word Fading ::
halloween thingy
2004 SpikeTV Video Game Awards
Vb Help.
new computer takes to long to load
My siggy
Splitting an Ethernet Connection
shitty/decent graphics card
Working on my game... fairly new to Turing... music help >
need help for scrambling and unscrambling the words for game
quick and easy question
Question about browsers
quick and easy question
Mario Ball
How do you move Polygons?
How to post
How do i run .patch files on windows?
Wav files not deleting
Testing my new l33t PHP skills.
Ruby... from Turing
Need Cash Register and Test Averageing Program Help
Duck Hunt
What my new Chat App Hopefully Looks like (Imagination).
VB Programmer with free time needed
inputting vowels, #s, etc in one string & output seperat
Putting an Immage on top of an immage
stopping repeated use of the return key
First program...dont make fun
Interesting Bug...
Unix Humor
christmas scene (very basic)
Avoiding Keydown Reset
Weekends at Waterloo
Help With GUI Login
Open programs
megaman style game
Running knippox Linux on RAID 0 ...
different type of pentium 3's
Input.KeyDown Troubles
where 2 get java
Blots (bingo and slots meet)
Learn how to use File IO - easy!
3D in turing??
Photoshop: DIffernt outline aorund text
reversing words
help with cards.dll
buttons in java
My First Job
Class program
Having trouble with 'unit'
Server a la beard0
PHPBB help!
new to java Need help!
Problem With Links in E-mails
Win32 GUI problem!!!!
rounding in java
Manual draft, chapters 1 - 14 with Foreword
my cool animation with an eyepoke
my cool animation with an eyepoke
Need Help with strings
Regex, breaking apart a string.
My program does not work properly
bush's latest change
bush's latest change
if statements help
Conversion Help Needed
western hangman game
:: Race Game ::
BF programming challenge
Mouse.Where help
animating objects without smearing
Funny Canadian satire website.
Help with co-ords...
Need help with my slime volley ball
Need a little help with checkers....
Just wondering...
Micro and Mini
hasch equivalent
Can someone tell......
paintbrush in paint program
Compile and Include?
Pure Slime Volleyball
Help reverse number
Micro and Mini
My radiobutton quiz- With problems that need fixing!
advertising anything
Creating AI for Euchre Game
Calculator (with sin,cos,tan)
amd 64
any place to downoad turing?
animate cover
moving a proc
flickerfree animation
Negative # reverse
animating with background
File Sharing Programs
how do you simulate keyboard presses?
Paint Revisited.
Quck Question for procedures!!! sould take just a sec
resetting a setscreen
:: Binary Translator :: Both Ways ::
help RE: Binary searches
can anyone help me with two dimensional arrays?
Angle Bounces and Redirections!!!
don't make fun! im new!
Possible "Flash" type movie in turing?
***Puzzled Farmer***
JUST now learning functions
How to post a created Turing program on internet using HTML
Quick question on co-ordinates
Snow help
Collision Issues [ Already Read the Turtorial ]
Carrying out dual keystrokes?
Turing Project Help
Does any one know....
How to get Slots to work
Simple Cash Registor Program
Delays!!!! need help bad
Magical Trevor!
Yo guys, i have some gmail invitations.
Hey I am Simon
Stickman Update Feb.23
Jennings has fallen.
Moving object with loops problem
File Manipulation - Code
need help plz
hey i need help plz part 2
[Perl5-tut] Perl5 Primer
Yo guys, i have some gmail invitations.
A cool Eyeball poking program
Cool Screen Saver
*Trying* to re-create a game in turing
tik animation
Card game shapes!!! moving procedures!!!
Cool Screen Saver
turing to C++
Freya: A game programming environment
Random Generation of cards (total in deck 40)
Backed up buffer...
How to rip flash from sites(with an example site)
Duplicating procedures & redrawing it x amount of times
Really need help with this hard assignment (to me)
calculator error
File name problem
Creating Executable JAR file (from java class file)
Bar graph type thing
Compsci's Back
My online game...Problem with pic.draw
Updated 3D Engine
Appending rows to the end of a JTable
negative bits?
negative bits?
i am in highschool, needing help from professionals.please..
brings back soooooooooo many memories.
how do you make a picture fade?
Changing fonts
help with net commands
Crazy dot!
yay doing english isu at 3 in the morning!!!
What video game's world would you like to live in?
Interesting effect
Fun With Bubbles
final project...
Randomizing Strings
How to make a Gate code in I used XOR....
importing pictures
Bill Gates' hair!
Norton Anti-Crap!
Whats with all the over-sized ANIMATED avatars?!?!
declaring a grid
How do you randomize questions on a quizk
How do you randomize questions on a quizk
help! Randomizing strings =\
help! Randomizing strings =\
Out of id numbers?
Please Help with "Guess the Word" game!!!
The Lockout
Randomizing/If Statement Help
Pacman Racer
Ending Proccesses using Turing
Ban Gay Literature!
Making a black jack game and need help
Bits are dandy, post count is rediculous.
More help with 3D Cube
How to get .gif s to work
Selection Construct
Sorting alphabetically
What's wrong with my code?
Finding how many lines are in a text file?
how do you make thoses awsome particle effects?
Pacman Racer 1.2...(The BEST Game Ever)!!!
Clusty or Google?
Equation of a line (y=Mx+b)
the best root beer
here all my stuf again dam
i need help moving it
Paint Program
Do Key functions work in 3.1.1 Turing?
Update on my pinball
Setting Boundaries for Key inputs
BlitzMax out for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux to follow soon
shooting from a picture
Text Alignment
I need help alternating code from 4.1 to 3.2, anyone help
Mathematics versus Computer Science
Pacman Racer 1.4...(CRYSTAL CLEAR)
jump with gravity
Help with RPG please! Tiling ~_~
Turing Download
Who banned masturbate?
mario game help needed
How to insert a timer (seconds)
[C++] Don't use arrays in C++!
Bryce 4-Graphic heart
Snake v1.10a Beta
I think Dan is taking things way to seriously.
People with Pens
Who wants my bits?
Moving to Linux
Merry Xmas!
Waring's Prime Number Conjecture
suggestion due to recent events
Peace out.
X-men Tactics
Random Number Sorting Issues
Front page hacked?
cant call procedure
Project Help,turing
Spam ---> Off Topic??
Any Ideas For A Drag Racing Game?
Graphics problem
my school project, come in and help me out
Help regarding my paint program!
What the hell are sticky keys!!! and how do i turn them off!
Locked Topics
M$ = Devil ... Linux = Cool Penguin!
Gmail error
finding highest and lowest marks out of the inputed marks
turing word processor
[FP] 3 Digital clock using Turbo C++
Ipod or Creative ZenMicro
[winoot 3.1.1a] Help importaing pictures
Radeon 9800pro in Slackware 10 using fglrx
help improve 3d rendering speeds.
[Tutorial] Java Vectors
random procedures
'How do i Import Pictures In Turing??????????/
I'm back
Colour selector/identifier
Missle Pong
KEYs down
Leaving cuz I seem to cause too much trouble
[ Solved ] Problems displaying background color (CSS)
Task Manager
.tur --> .exe
.tur --> .exe
Turing-ket Ball v 1.0
[Haskell-tut] A Gentler Introduction, with pictures! (New!)
How to draw a line controlled by user..
Compsci Blackout
Ok. I'm stupid but I still need "EXPERTS" help.
small suggestion
Ending A Process
Cool Keyboard
A Freaky sOuNdInG Animation
Applying to University
I got a new dvd writer drive...
spyware... help!!!
Megaman Map Storage
Good free hosting.
how do i convert a int variable into string variable
the demise of suprnova
Router is anoying...
is it possible?
Good PHP book for under $50?
Including a file??
how do you save the game??
3dmax 6 modeling
Video IN! damn thing ....
Test your skills (2005)
Safecracking from a computer science perspective
Whatdotcolor on OOT 3.1.1
Help Maximizing
Need Help With Code!!
Digital Keyboards
Follow along as Pac-Man is built
Visual Studio Express
Illegal pic identifier
Drawing in 3D space!!
Assistance in modifying code....
Dwite II
:: Litte MatriX Type thingey ::
No. We can't tell you where to download Turing.
BOXGAME Similar to Snake v1.10a Beta
rizzix 3d engine??
Anyone want to see dan get blown up with a bomb?
Which programming language should I learn? (Updated)
help with function
Thinking in C++
[b]Some help please!??![/b]
Modding Games
Swing GUI Problem
Check for collisions in new snake game
Hello everyone...A pickle of biblical proportions
Saving high score
where to download Java?
Moving with Java
Modficiation of Program
Modficiation of Program
Code modification....
Code modification....
Code modification....
Code modification....
snake game - the body (part 2)
Cannot allocate item error (pleas help me!!!!)
BOXGAME Similar to Snake v1.10a Beta
help with new game
transfering text from one document to another
input number lets u input that amount of numbers help
Font.Draw Problems!
HL2 Demo Released.
Poker Game
Windows XP Low Virtual Memory
Ripping from Audio CD's
Help with divide by zero error in 3d engine.
Need Help Making PacMan Not Eat Walls (collision detection)
Help with sorting array!
How do I program an exit?
Message System
:: Funky Optical Illusion ::
help with scrolling off the winidow
question on indenting codes
help with compiling a file
need help in making snow with "*"
fstream problem
Gates makes a fool of himself
Need help with Music.Play and Music.Sound
Ending a Process?
Happy Christmas
turing game
TypeCasting and Promotion?
Hey guys whats up? I really need some help
Anyone going to CUTC?
World's Shortest P2P app
my final project needs help, i cant get driectory listing
help :)
Problems with Hard Drive Installation
Blocksies Game for Summative
Halo Shooter
[Haskell-tut] Follow-up: Combining Functions
Shooting problems
Pic. allocated problem.
Pic.Save in Java Applets?
Help in Snake thing...
simple shoot
Overflow of Integer expression? what does this mean?
ok this is wat i have got(help me please)
Convert Help
Quit #100, okay now what does this mean?
Password program help
how do you change your nickname?
Animation Help
A small oval game
animation help
images disappear when snow falls...
Error Code 0x81000370 (MSN)
3ds max
Printer problems
encryption help
Redefining 'Build your own computer'
any tips on smog effects?
keyboard &mouse dont work
urgent! trying to get a drectory listing to traverse subdirs
Calendar program
Get firefox.
It's coming...
Looking Back at 2004
WANT A CHALLANGE?(pleaze help)[i](look at this question)[/i]
Help again...
Voodoo death pics!
Snow Falls
I'm new and was wondering if it is it okay if I....
help again...
a simple question
Making Peices start on a board game
Help with makng PACMAN!
cards trapping
turing and engineering assignment
Updated snake help...
Why Can't I Upload Archive
I really need this help please
Determining if a webpage has changed
[ Problem 2 ] Can't seems to get the right position
stopping from clicking over a spot
Reading Text from a file
Keeping Codes Simple.....
Help with music file
What does Dim stand for?
Random Strings?
Othello help
Schoolproj./ screwed NEED help?
trouble with smooth animation
Card Game (21) Dosent work... need help
Ubuntu [Day 3]
changing names
changing names
need help for ISP to do "If (a lot of buttons) then..&q
Help with Snake Game
need if section help for ISP
Help with Assignment!
"Spinning Blade Thing"
Looks good...
Java project help (java sorting)
I am back.
compsci poetry
News Bar
BLOCKSIES GAME!!! please check it out!!!
animation flicker help
I'm employed
:: Little Mind Game ::
Need help with mouselistener and MouseMotionListener
trouble with smooth animation
Accidentally Uncovered "Pixel Graphic" Display...
Selection using keys
need help to simplify
Drawing Pad!!!! (this is just an executable)
Random Directions Problem
Calendar Program
Help with star fly by program
Help with exiting.
One eye moster drawing...
where's linux?
Asterisk bouncing!!!
help with mbcs (multi byte character set)
2D and 3D Grachics program's
Do you need classes?
variables have no value
Pong X-Treme
Beginner tutorial
dice that do not roll
Copying one hard drive to another
does any one know a good video joiner?
Physics Engine
need help for no values
Turing source program request
flicker problem
turing coding
Loop Exit Help...
space background
"include" command help?
Help with Self-teaching methods
Other great computer science sites??
The Amazing Obfuscated C
Windows Longhorn
ghost collision detection
Why Should I Program Object Oriented
Air Hockey
question about set locale
Good C++ starter books
Blink 182 - Dammit
Pong Program : Input.Keydown, and Computer Controlled Player
AMD Turion... total pwnage
JOptionPane Help
PhoneBook Record
Help needed for my game hangman!!!
Uh-oh... booting problem
Batch Files
:: Dev-C++ ::
Is there a way I can change the button's colour?
I have large problem with Flash right now
Maximum upload limit.
multi button
Partitioning a hard drive.
Loops and Drawing for a menu, using keys and jpegs,need help
weird error with "Pic" Command
weird error with "Pic" Command
video recognition
anyone play socom for ps2?
[Graphics] Scratch
How To make a music player like windows media player
mouse to make an object disapper?-HELP
Playing music in java...
Trigular Motion
Removing an Element from a Flexible Array within a For Loop
"get" more than one word
Help with variable setting ... can they do this?
[Snippit] FPS Limiter
I saw some files (TURING)
I am doing mastermind Game; okay?
How Do You Delete A Folder?
Returning to input
Converting music formats
A movie me and my group made
Won't Calculate Score Correctly
is it possible
Pic.Draw help
Worm Class!!!
Enough of the Calendars already!
xbox ftp with my pc plzzz help
C or Java?
how to make a random math question generator?
Something really funny is going on...
4 in a row check
drawing in java applets
Flash MX Easter Egg
Music.Play and different versions of turing
Bomnbs Screw Up (Bomberman Game)
Putting a fraction into lowest terms
location detection for a side scroller
Help with...Lifelines in who wants to
The Real Creator of Compsci
how do i incorporate a timer
plz help, new 2 site and turing
What are pixel graphics?
Connect 4 check
shooter game -- checking colisions
Whats your school?
GUI text fields problems
3d space game (incomplete)
Code Optimizations
crashes after runnig 12 times
crashes after runnig 12 times
Searching and editing
RPG Final Beta
Text Effects
PRoblems with pacman collision detection
Using a button that calls a procedure with parameters
it only runs 12 times and then crashes
Re: GUI.TextField and GUI.ButtonFull
Making a .exe file
Can u see any errors???? plz post!!!
i was wondering if i can creat a password window...
Is there a way to.....
Problem with player turns
Checking if pieces are near each other
Shoot GEORGE BUSH!!!! (almost finished)
variable meaning??
3D models.
:: Examples Of What VB Can Do ::
A matter of life or death...
Shoot GEORGE BUSH!!!! (finished, pictures load properly)
[Ruby] missing mswin32-ruby16.dll
help with reading from a file
Counter strike clan
Pointless but kool
Graphic LEDs to display Binary?
RPG Map Maker (useful for FP's)
Animating two objects at same time
my final project, come lookie..
game for ISP crashes for no reason
Can this be simplified?
Can this be simplified?
CALCULATOR, DAMN this is hard
Process Help
Tic Tac Toe Program
PLEASE HELP FAASSSTT>>Project Due Tomorrow!!!
Understanding parameter pass..
Zylum's Worms - Java Style
IDE with code-completion
Java IDE with code completion
Testing my game
Connect 4
Multiple client chat
Internet lag - Tag
Help with Monopoly
update on my pinball again
[server] instead of apache?
ISP whatdotcolor problem DESPERATE HELP NEEDED
Falling From Sky
ASCII to Binary?
Mortal Kombat (fighting game)
database question
Martin Banned?
Problems with Window Close (QUICK ISP DUE 2MORROW!)
Checking if checkbox is unchecked
In need of coding checking
need help with changing a double to a string
How can I make this 2 player?
random numbers
Easy way to saving HIGH SCORE!!! (source code, chek it out)
If you want to know how to save high score, here it is!!!
Save High Score!!! (simple and has full explanation)
The pwnage never stops
More Bomberman Help
i need some help =S!!
Windows problems (not microsoft windows)
Changing Colours
Colour Changing 2
Athlon or Pentium
Connect 4 FINAL DONE!!!
Hmm breaking strings
Database Problems
PHP / MySQL Noob need's some help with News!
Java Text File Saving
No more 12, not more 14. 15 :D
Who here is sick,geting sick, or just got better?
mouse clicking
Random Words
help wit turing project
Collision Detection help Now with more complications!!!
First Module
dan messeges aaron
Tiles + Collision need help
Arrays are NOT my strong point... Array help needed.
Hey i need help with Random stuff!
checkers board layout
rpg game help
Piano Playing Program - I really need some help tonight
Piano Playing Program - I really need some help tonight
Entering Character Names > Moving to Next Menu
Help with Piano Program - I really need help tonight
Help with Piano Program - I really need help tonight
New Siggy
integration problem...
Jaxc needs one more thing to help
Crazy Eyes! >.<
Blast Off!
Blast Off!
Closing EXE Files
Closing EXE Files
Free Domains
Special Characters and Clear Screen
Help required with programming in Java
Overwriting File Info
Help with changing text colours
Help with File conversion-------NEVER MIND!!
seriously i need help bad
I am...
My first time
Ok i need help, i seriously cannot figure this out
Vipers Paint
need a help on setting up borland c++
Space Conquest Link
Piano Keyboard
Impure Mathematics
monopoly help >.>
posting just the file not the code
Amazing Free Hosting NO ADS
Amazing Hosting
1 More thing!
rpg game demo
Go Fish
[FP] RPG Map Maker
Attempt to use Parallelput returns weird error about drivers
DTrace Source released.
Martin's Programming Guide
Open source turing clone
For Matt S tiktest
My Prog. Intro
HelBreath Server
How to move an object properly
Daily Comics
Read/Write to mysql database, and a little phpmyadmin
Crazy Flag!
How to make a good Jeopardy game?
Youngest/oldest person on
Desktop Companion
Importing web/other programs
Dan.. 19.. booze..
chimeras—a hybrid creature that's part human, part animal
LOTR Animation w/t stick People
football game help
Mac Turing Code!?!?
Teacher needed..
Casino Game
Key gen for JBorland
Avatar problem
Thinking of making..
animation without loops
s-video and audio out probs
laptop for college
.exe to source code
Making a game into a .zip file that pictures can load from
Making Files into .exe
DnD Generated (Ill update frequently)
Simple number comparison for a beginner
what are the character values for enter and space?
Turing exe + resource hacker = stealth
Canadian Flag Program
Turing for begginners
help with double tapping
Text over Graphics
Computer Problem
software is crappy..... looking for new program
checkboxes question
I was pretty bored ... so i made this Maze.
wat is backwards compatible
Turing for Dummies #1 --> How to do texts
Simple game
Binary Trees
Actionscriptage - Read from files
Text Effects
turing to binary
bar under ur user name
Process Vs. Procedure
Some Animation thing
deleting OS
procedure problems
more procedure problems
Centre Text?!
A little guessing game
Pokemon causes cancer...
Another milestone!
Im Starting a POV-RAY 3D OpenGL Loader...
a = 3 values out of 5 values
my new hero
4 mod 6 = 4? 4 mod 8 = 4?
how to createfile in Turing?
Problem with Font.Draw, simple problem.
NetBeans Packages
Is there anyway to see the code inside the Turing EXE file
Win XP
Webpage Renders Weird
LANschool question
Antithesis (HL2 Mod, Working Title)
submission wont work (maximum quota)
Horse Racing
Help with shot trajectory
How much are you worth?
Winxp Parallel Port
Gun Killing
It's hard to believe....
ALU examples
The Shape Program
What to do with Luigi?
Zomg Episode III
Help regarding several numbers
Binary Converter
I want two windows, is that possible?
GUI Problem
online game
Binary Clock
Shape Program
GMAIL Invites
weird problem with if statement
my game of life
my Yahtzee
best anti-virus
Firefox main developer now with google
Computer poetry
My account
Animated Wolverine
PHP in a nutshell
How do I open a text doc?
Internet connection problems
the weirdest dam thing
.NET Assistance needed
Extremely glitchy line proggy
Obfuscated Coding Contest
something wrong with turing??
Regular expression problem...
Transferring data over IP
What is GCC..
Read From Text File
Forking Help!!!
Sebastian Svahn
How To Post
exiting loop
procedure with an array
Boolean Algebra
Moving in an Arc?!
CD labels
Dublicate Images
Underground search for 'God particle'
University to offer e-mail spam course
open GL =/
Basic windows graphics.
this is tripped out
Question about input
AI help
connect 5
Superbowl XXXIX
Coincidence... (proof of Illuminati interference)
Mode of chracters
Pic.New decoding
nEwB in Ubuntu.. please help
Accessing Files on a HD
Eye of the Tiger
Please DON'T post "omfg sooo trippy cool flashes!"
Math help
Turing Paint 1.0
help on candaian flag
[Snippit] Paint - the hard stuff
how do i find the sum of all numbers ?
Quality Graphics
Display Picture vulnerability discovered in MSN Messenger 6
Zombie Mass-Acre's (Its a game!)
Anyone want Gmail?
Delete Windows...?
nortron -another tron game
How do i put pics where i want them?
Turing Exe + Resource Hacker = Stealth!
Hey Martin..
Sugguestion on what to do with annoying people in res!
Missing Plugins
School Computer...
Generating Multiple Random Numbers
[bsh] Minesweeper
Simple problem : getting a median
Multi user chat program (max 4)
Lots and lots of errors...
New S-Engine Release -- Now Hosted on
how make a box using text mode,mine doesn't work please help
FrozenCore *New Working Link*
NDP accuses Wal-Mart of "economic terrorism"
NDP accuses Wal-Mart of "economic terrorism"
21 years of freedom
Optional Parameters for my Procedure?
.exe files
Best language for making games
Mark Jen was fired for blogging,
Turing Updates
New Compsci Course (at my school)
Simple Java compiler
playing mp3
Red Eye
Pointers to structures
Help for making fire
Question in a question
RPG (just the beginning)
A small text question...
Physics Simulations
text fields
removing the bar thingy
CCC 05
change the icon
free gmail invites
chr graphics vs. pixel graphics
restart application
Neuros Mp3 Player
loop question
really weird thing with file io
Merge sort
strange affect
How to open turing in turing!
alignment in turing?
Turing music
MSN Search or Google
Pixel Graphics Help Needed
optimize sort
This is a challenge
Array question
File Input/output help needed
Snake Game Threads Problem
A few questions on binary addition
Looping with GUIs
Rogers Yahoo Internet Browser
Behold! The magic of self-referring movie clips
3d engine
American Stupidity
FireFox download speeds
ands and ors in ifs
1-D and 2-D bouncing letter
Exiting A Loop
Math Problem
startin in VC++
Motion Formulas
Microsoft to teach l33t ?
Line direction
42nd Mersenne Prime has likely been found!
Workstations (Pictures)
getch Help!
File I/O to String
Laptops Kill Your Little Swimmers
Compare and Contrast #1
Compare and Contrast #1
Compare and Contrast #1
Binary Addition Program
Why You Should Avoid Processes
betaPAINTER ++ (Yes... its another paint program)
How to adjust the println?
Space invader
Binary multiplication...
Two more programs...
Adding within :?:
Binary Subtraction
Binary Subtraction
Binary Subtraction
Binary Subtraction
Binary Subtraction
Binary Subtraction
Record/Bullet fire
Text Position Help!!
max path length for odbc databases
String Limit
Paris Hilton Hacked
removing vocal
Old Man Carving
making two values in text box equal each other
Pointers Galore - Binary Trees and Linked Lists
Default values for function?
hey i tried to do this but it still won't work
Slowing Movement with custom-made Joystick
turing file into a .exe
Procedures Problem
Ideas for a final Project - (Look Here First)
SQUARE CHASE - 2 player game
Genetic algorithms
photoshop elemets 2 help
Get real number from textfield input
importing a picture with transparency...
clear GUI items from screen
textfields within a procedure
Odd post times.
My Copter Game
setting cursor
double forums?
Homemade Mariokart
phpbb2 mod
Get Font
Integer to string conversion?
Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003
Realstr help!
What about Russia?
Scientific notation
help with music
How do you put something?
In Java; how would you do comment lines?
Mouse Roller?
Flexible Array Help
troubles with making exe into t
Easy Linux Development: GNUStep
cant make a sprite move
1337 7ra|\|51a73r
Dr.Viper =trouble
Download Turing 4 FREE!!!!!!!
Simple animated text for intros!
New window?
What are bits used for (PS sorry didn't know where to post)
What are bits used for (PS sorry didn't know where to post)
Array help
where to find java
How to Eliminate the Dual Boot?
Sequences and Series
Each instance of a class?
Felxible array-polygon
test ur mouse
1st Person Shooter
whats with the forum page
base 10 to base 2
Need Help with Shooter
An array of an array
textarea size
waterloo CCC problem
Paris Hilton Numbers and Pics
shape tweening motion guide
is French really useful??
Programming Contest!
new science concepts
multiplcation table
Fraction class
Number pad to int
cards help
creating variables in a program
mIRC Scripting Forums?
[Tutorial] Processes -- Introduction and setpriority
Fixing the paint bucket in paint program
Syntax Quickref: Turing <--> Haskell
Syntax Quickref: Turing <--> O'Caml
Here is my attempt at pool
moving in an arc
getting rid of variables
Geometers Sketchpad
Removing an item in an array
goodbye my honey, for trigun fans
Weird slot
[Tutorial] Processes Part 2 – Normalizing Execution
I need a game
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[CCC 2005] Senior S1 : Snow Calls
[CCC 2005] Senior S2 : Mouse Move
[CCC 2005] Senior S5: Pinball Ranking
Fourm index X3
how to use locate properly?
Using FTP in turing
connect many comps, on many nets
Drawing a shape
Better version of DanSprite?
paint bucket... desparate help
Errr im practising and got stuck
String Manipulation
Tic Tac Toe! (Different then what you think)
Tic Tac Toe! (Different then what you think)
Tic Tac Toe! (Different then what you think)
decimal question
Colour detector..easy!
What are bits for?
Scrolling Text
3D Graphics with Haskell
Music File
Paint Bucket
strint with Arrays?
binary typer
[Tutorial] Simple arc movement
[Tutorial] Arrays of arrays and more arrays
I need questions!
MX help (i know its in the wrong section) sorry
Music Help
Inherting Classes
Mr.Makenzie i need help on array- horse odds and betting
Background Help
Question game
my firefox links turned into java script, help!!!
my firefox links turned into java script, help!!!
Variables/Values Help
[CCC 2005] Senior S3: Quantum Operations
Subtitle files
need help with playing the game again...
Design Patterns
Drawing a shape in VB 6
how to generate different odds of winning?
MMC Flash Memory Card
wats ur score on the CCC?
Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2 - Hot or not?
Tekken 5 : The End?
2D arrays
Help with my Internet Explorer!
Saving Record
Screen shots
Ball Collision Game
Quadratic Trinomials
parameter pass
coin problem
ideas for a project?
Intstr/strint and other
Loops for the Very Beginners!
Integer overflow in real8 div.
does compsci have a mod for flash??
[Tutorial] 2-D mapping I (eg. Tetris)
Pic.New / Pic.Draw help
[demo] process demonstration -- catch that ball
Box Map Maker
[Tutoral] different types of symbols
Table of Squares
Clone Invaders
How do you do flexible arrays in VB?
help me with turing!!!
Topic for a turing contest!
Saving to Binary
help me with turing!!!
Nothing else matters-Metallica
Post all of your sigs
2 dimensional array
atomic structure
If anyone needs free php & mysql hosting...
Whatdotcolour Help!
how can i go to pmall via sub?
Procedure help
[Haskell-tut] Custom Data Types
easier arc
* before identifier
SocketException Error
y doesnt this have an output??
RGB.AddColor Help!!
If Help!
Help with Ruby (Final Word)
Playing music while displaying an animation
Old VB's
Difference between Rand.Int and randint?
[Tutorial] Streams: fundamentals
[Tutorial] Networking: Sockets and ServerSockets
star wars rap lyric wanted
print page number in ms word
drawing rectangle help!
y helo thar tony
For templest :)
Need ideas for a capture the flag game.
Grid collision
Generating Random Numbers!
Syntax Quickref: Turing <--> Eiffel
Using a database?
Checkers help
How to add Registry values in VB?
Happy St. Patty's day!
Difference between .t and .tu
Comparer interfaces and efficient binary search?
Kubuntu screenshots
[Tutorial] Swing by example
Sprites - Is There Another Way?
Need a programmer for big help
Go - For those who want to learn
Importing text files help?
rounding real numbers
Non coding problem
Exiting this loop...
What to do in highschool and university.
another "i'm thinking of buying a comp" topic!
Snake Wall Collision
Snake Wall Collision
table of contents
Snake Growing
Coding Help
Screen Dimension Decrease
Text-Based-Dungeon "The House"
Uncle Worm, Leveling Up
Erasing paddle using View.Update
C++ debugger
Dual Screens
Calculate angle between two points
Scoring System
Playing Cards Arrays
Input.KeyDown numpad
Making Food
get is not displaying
help: inputting fixed # of characters for integers
Picture not showing
Tag Game
My avatar
how to make code execute
Help on programing a program that formats strings!
Shuffle card deck
Here is a nice PacMan game !
Keystroke recording
First Run Works, Second Doesn't...hmmm
Keystroke recording
Anime wallpaper
Stop Motion Animation Program
Starting VB. Looking 4 a tutorial site or somethin
Actionscript 2 tutorial?
SSI.php help needed
Reseting A Variable
Smoothly resizing a Run Window?
Credit cards and the uselessness of signatures
Squaring and Square Roots
Sorting numbers with strings
help new to programming
Inside Pixar
Plug : FrozenCore Arcade & Hosting
Cannot caluate the total
House Project
FPS's and your health
Clear screen
Character Movement Restrictions
colouring squares
need help with assigment
Come Watch team1596 In Missisaugua ontario? Robotics COmp.
reinstalation of windows 98
help ruby ahhh ugh help
hacking program - 1.1!!!!
html 4 wont work
need help with adding a sound clip
Typewriter Sounds
Working in the GHC Interactive Environment
hello world
Some questions about making a list
Need Turing!!!!!!!!
need fixing
New Forums?
The final version of betaPAINTER ++
Fun stuff: transparent screens
is Java a free? if so were can i get?
Happy Easter!
How to input variables from another form?
Stopping "get" and continue program?
changing resolution on ubuntu linux
Help with conversion program
structs :shock:
Getting Ruby
Getting Ruby
Java- Recursion
Is wi-fi teh suxxor?
Now you can do a physics project that ISN'T insanely boring!
Turing Black Jack help
Plz help me! I DO need Java Ready to Program
Inputting commands from file?
Quickly and Easily Storing Data
solitaire help
How to use the Right-to-Left option? (For another language)
easy nice looking energy ball in 5 minutes
Syntax Quickref: Turing <--> BeanShell
OMG Ma bios r teh sux!!1!
Black Jack
Uncle Worm
simple program help(real int problem)
The Greatest Online Mind-bender
Chess Board
if answer not = integer then?
String Manipulation
economics 101
Can you create a hacking program???
Possible Loss of Precision
stop fork? music
C++ Compiler/Help
How to recognize the date?
Lists With Columns
[code] tags and the sort?
win XP user accounts
Transparent Images
Polygon per-pixel control
Simple Collisions Using Images
Education by Example: Linked List
Black Jack
Help on Constructors
Simple Drawings
I think GD posts deserve bits
Canadian Flag
House Project
CD-ROM Drive Not Reading...
Formating a partition
Missile Defence
Programming in Ebonics!
Mario - Not Complete
Using const and references
help on a program that opens google and makes a search
Whats up? (A news update)
Difference Between Mod and Rem
RPGs with characters?
writing a scripting language
What is Ruby?
Want to Learn C++
Software Package Installers
CCC 2005 Stage II
Peregrine falcon webcam
What am i doing wrong here?
How do i read a file?
Some tips for Turing graphic artists
New: Google Gulp!
New Look
HELP!!! With the high score thingy...
File manipulation in C++
Throwing in the towel
Change Icons
Keyloggers in turing..?
help me please..about to make a point move randomly...
Stupid Prgram
compile application
Rolling Dice & Probability -- plz HELP!!
A Guide to Ruby IDE's
maze game help
MIT's Metaphor
Help with setting up boundaries
Need help removing a Trojan
whats smoothest way for movement?
.tu files
ball falling due to gravity
Using the internet?
Sin City
Weirdest thing I've ever made...
Haskell Example: Sieve of Eratosthenes
Java Website Development Frameworks!
Image manipulation snippet
Dead pope!
Menus: How to switch back to a processes undeclared??
error detection javascript/html
variables into different private statements
C++ to C (conversion help)
Turing Updates
The power of inject
Colorado Cracks Down on Left Lane Dawdling
Turing/c++ help
Online food
Turing Crashing
How come Boundaries Wiht Draw.Pic is different then drawoval
Help with Directories!
Multiple Users
Google Launches Satelite Search
Arrays In A Cashier Program
Arrays In A Cashier Program
Python questions?
[Python-tut] Classes: constructors, access, inheritance
Multiple notes!
Google Launches Satelite Search
modify a record in a tree
Question about VB and internet
Writing to a File - Cannot Access File
Congrats to Waterloo ACM team
Binary converter
Pictures on the program
[Python-tut] Functions: arguments, objects, decorators
I'm most interested in...
Integer variable in Font.Draw
Flickerating Font.Draw
Athlon model numbers
Merging Arrays
RPG Help
new forum for any1 who's interested
Change Auto Log-In
My iPod Shuffle Review
how to?
Introduction to Objects tutorial
Small words to capitals.
Swing help needed...
Software to slow video?
Program Help
Linking 3 programs into one --help
3 in 1 game continued help
York Science Olympiad
The Free Games Thread
[Python-tut] Control Flow: if/else, loops, exceptions
Gui Question
Procedure ending
I Need Game Makers
OMG People and there hack's
compile a program
Making a business rpg. Need ideas
Black Jack Game-Updated
Wood Food Processor! DESPRIT!!
Need help with first game
Clearing spaces in a string
Firefox Extension: FirefoxIE !! YUCK!! Disgusting!
can i make a photo file rotate!?
turings default font?
[C++] Multiple Inheritance and the STL
Three word story
Combo Prog
How do u keep a picture from bluring
Random Music Player
Ball Moving Towards Mouse
menu screen 3-in-1 program
More Swing Help needed...
registration forms
A Wizards Tale .... work in progress
How to create a help file?
Windows apps on Linux
Out put to data file
A Glimpse at Prolog
Assistance plz...troubling program..but so easy!
[Game Discussion] Good games that sucked.
combo box help needed
trouble installing ubuntu linux
Proxy Servers
Links for those interested in Computer Contests
variable type change
actual and formal equations
Need help with string manipulation
Anyone like poker? Free $25 from, no CC.
Need help with a music checking procedure
Need help with creating odds
And I was worried about the Hitchhiker's guide before...
program help plz
Networking question
Quick Way to Calculate Pi
Free VB6 alternative
if statements
if statement (i got no answers from tutuorial section...
HUGE turing lag. PLZ help
questions bout spacegame
Process List
Loop help
Tony's birthday...yesterday
Apple Announces Tiger Release Date
3D Mathematics
My Slot Machine Program
Space Combat - Updated Again
Graphics Size determined by variable
Do you smoke?
Portable Tile Generation System
How about some Cloned Meat!
if statement question
Turing Functions.
Help me with a mouse to graphic problem
The Dice Game
Directory Help
Images in Concave Mirrors - Demo
NOT a 'do my homework post' - Just a 'any suggestions?'
Audio editing programs
Playing with Prime Numbers [Help!]
Creating Turing EXE files to be hidden in processes
Finding the square root without the sqrt command
Slot Machine help
MySQL /etc/my.cnf tweaking
Fibonacci help
Help Wanted
Space Combat
SinCosTan (-1)
Help with whatdotcolor
Get Paid as you search online --- NO SCAM
Prime Palindromes
GarageBand Tunes *UPDATED*
[Game] ~Star Catcher~
My Computer asplode!
i need a bit of help
deleting 2d arrays?
Check my code -- I cant get it to run smoothly
current directory
Help with Colors
Zodiac program!
Having problems comparing values
how to make a counter?
Heck! I knew it... Dan can time travel!
Assigning Values
Look what I found...
I need help. - the new paypal. free $25 for pre-registration
using the mouse to draw shapes
E=Mc2 Program
Sprite Help
get statements screwing up my program
GUI - Relationships
vba create full path
Adding numbers binded as one interger
Image Map
help me with AI for Pacman
Help With Windows
microsoft publisher
Graphing Program
Building a computer this week
Attention all networking Guru's
help with pictures
Rand Ball proggy help plz
Networking Comps
Virus in one line?
iTunes and .ogg?
Collision code
Slot Picture Help
drawing on panels
How to make a money change program?
Slot Machine(Update)
Mario Game
pac-man help
how can i make a login page for my webpage..? pls hlp
Arrays in a marks program
Mailing list
blending font into the background
can someone fix this easy program for me
Favourite Audio Player
Need Ideas for Creating an Animation
'snake' help
First look @ turing need help!
laughing at lightning
Google Mini
Why does it say this?
Exit help
Ninjas or Pirates?
cadoes anybody know how to make a java music player?
help with 'tracking'
Function Failing to Give a Result
finding the distance
Move a drawfillarc
Any Sites for...
How to create interactive buttons?
How to recognize being "Idle"?
music for happy birthday
Closing the default windows
HTML Tags --> XML Document --> Flash movie (help)
Collision in Air Hockey Game
Program Problem
Got responsibilities on the Star Wars Episode 3 premier?
First Program......go easy on me.
Fun Mouse Game
Video Editing Software?
Flash, gif, video in turing?
multiple actions in an "if" statement?
Capture the flag
arctand function
Drawing a line
Help in animation
[Tutorial] Turing Graphics Extensions
images flikering =view.update ,cls
Microsoft to launch Windows XP 64 Bit Edition on Monday
Paddle Ball V2.0
Space Game
New Game Started
finding the mode of a 'double' array
Using a timer to save to high score when Exit
Need help using Loop as Accumulator and variable storage
PhotoShop In Turing
drawfill arc
All this worthless .NET sutff (,,etc)
Keeping Some Numbers, But Not Others
Good IDE for C++ w/ "Visual"
If you could do anything with your life...
The .NET Show
c++ detect usb?
colour guide program
the start of a fun point collecting game::updated::
Code hiding
Blockout Game Help
Blockout Game Help
Help with Craps Games
Latitude and Longitude
Multidimensional Arrays
For Loop Trouble . . .
MySQL and Java
Markbook program
generating page to redirect help
C#: Objects and Encapsulation - Hard to Comprehend
keyboard problems
Creating a .bmp and importing it
XBox 360 Images Leaked
Need help with password
Need help : Converting strings into int values
New Power Mac G5's Released
Array Subscript Is Out Of Range?
Stupid haunted house program
graphic show
Dice Games (Status: Away Working On ISU's)
Commanding To Draw In a Certain Place
Chat Program
Snake Game
Overloading Operator<<
iostream error
Jorbalax's Tools/Etc
Link sigs on the forum.....
Time Conversion
system("pause") help
Find someone to help change the game
Find someone to help change the game
Need Some Help with Menu for my game
MS Finger Print Reader
need help```~
Illegal picture ID Problem
where can i get c++
sorry but...
Excluding numbers
Card game
How do you.... (I'm a newbie)
collision detection problem help!
Color Codes!
pls help recognizing
Procedure/Process Info.
line moves in a circle formation
making a counter for an array
JButton Updates
OSX Tiger...
How to prevent the program from being closed?
Name Game Program
buttons dont work
Help with shooting
Car racing game --- mapping system help
Convert a MultiLine textbox Into strings for each line
a couple questions
Final year end project!
text field
game - function or procedure?
Game problem....
Game of Craps please read this
Fractal Tree
Ubuntu comrades: a question
Font Command Help
unreal tournament 2004
First Unassisted Program
need a program sugesstion
Running two procedures at once
help with for statements
2D array problem.
unable to see words and gravity does not work on ball
O'Caml Flexibility: Why You Should Check It Out
Drawing with Frame without using repaint()
Free Mp3 editors
Random integer help
Bomb Game
ball control using mouse help
Guessing Game
Microsoft to make cars that can't crash
Star Wars Gangsta Rap
Turing in Linux
matrix ending
Pic slowly drawn and slowly fade help
Animation Problem
small graphics program
Java programmer takes on Mono
Roulette Game
JDK Installing Link
I want to input a number and program makes # of input lines
random me please!
V3 Security Test (a "hacking" challenge)
OpenLaszlo - Web Development Platform
Jahia - An Impressive Content Management System
How to Loop?
Music Player----help
String to Enum
Changing pictures using a scroll bar
unsaved project....omg
Turing App
Classes and Voids
Creating save games
Evolution of a Haskell Programer
input at eof
create background in an appliction
Procedures won't take me back to main menu
Where to buy your xbox?
O'Caml for OO Programmers
Breakout game, need advice
Prity easy, but cant figure it out!
My helicopter game
Basic SinCosTan program
Mod (remainder)
GUI textbox output - removal of other text
Searchable Databases
Computer programmer...Software Engineer...whats the diff???
how does math distance work
I need help for my animation
How do u insert scroll bars???
buttons and screensaver
mouse function
Making a visually appealing menu
Ideas Needed!
help with buttons
process problem
DVD drive is messed up!
text with variables
absolute beginner
Exit a Program
Need help with whatdotcolor in my game
make a section of a program run when a variable = 10
net chat
Pong Game
collision (whatdorcolor?)...
CD Rom Limits
Arrays question
Colour Problems
Drag racer v.25
Key Listener Event
Norton AntiVirus
Lite Bright Program
Turing Bug
How can I import images into my program using JFrame?
how to get a string
Placing pictures one after another (RPG Character)
Name that distro!
Warning, new virus afloat on Msn Messenger
Changing the font size of text
Sentence Count
screen size help
Tic Tac Toe Help, Emergency
Videos in Turing
Another Movie me and my group made
Challenge yourself
String from DB into a variable
[Tip] Parsing POSIX/GNU style command-line args
Radio program
Radio program
Word Scrambler
Printing in turing
Need space filler for Tic Tac Toe, as well as win displayer
text line removal
strint help please
Scaling Font Text
plz help :D
Interactive Story
Control Problems via Input.KeyDown ()
question: is there an easier way of doing this sorta thing?
Cursor Problem
Input.KeyDown help...
Another Pong Game!!!!
RGB.SetColor help
RunTime Error: Inopened or dosed stream passed to 'setactive
XBox 360
Flickering Screen
Cheap (and old) graphics cards.
help with paint
help with paint
help with paint
A little help
error trap : "THE QUOTATION"
The Turing Walkthrough - Beginning to End
Chess, HAS AI NOW (3D)
Getting pass school restrictions
Black Jack In Turing
How can you "exit on command"
Crumbling Picture *optimized like I never believed possible*
123 to 7! Robotics Competition! PWND! Awsom robots in action
Tic Tac Toe Help (magic squares theory)
split screen
Chaging around mehtods
Sound Card in DOS?
Logging Trouble
Organizing this...
using buttons
Free Pascal 2.0 is Released
Can Turing control the mouse?
computer ai
Linux pronunciation
turing traffic lights need help
PS3 specs now available
Brain Boggling
Clearing Memory When Quitting
Combining Buttons With Procedures that Take Inputs
"The Code"
'mailto' links
O'Caml syntactic oddities explained
Graphics and Windows
Non-destructive partitioning
DEvc++ problem
returning multiple values
Breakout game (need help with some colour related functions)
Images on Buttons
POLL, Next Gen Consoles
trying to run this in the backround
space game
I've decided to be a little less of a jerk (credits)
The joys of cygwin
Help With Shooting
Ban School IP Address
Browser/Turing sort of thingy... Help?
Native List/Array Syntax Support
Procedures in Procedures, and "going back" buttons
Urgent HELP!!!!!!
skipping white spaces help
Star Wars: Episode III
VB Note Editor
M$ IE 7
Where should Ruby programmers look next?
need ideas for project
FrozenCore v2
ECOO Finals
Linked List
How to open a flash movie file in VB?
I just strated learning turing and I would like someone
Need Collision help
(RPG) Adding Items to the Inventory - Arrays
netscape 8
please help me, anybody???
Need help with chat client
Help Needed With Number Guess :D
Shake Window
Switching forms
[Source] Shaking Window
Space Invaders
Need help with tabletennis program
looking to buy a new hard drive
checking sig
Modding a File
My sig
help with site.
*Please Help*
[Tutorial] The Window. Module
Reading/Writing Flexible Arrays
Anime north anyone?
checking sig
Ice world
Firefox frame problems...
can whatdotcolor work in the grid?
Music playing thru GUI
Index Question
Picture Loaded in Condition Statement?
[C++] Properly Throwing and Catching Exceptions
For loop question
[Haskell-tut] Haskell for C Programmers
audio editing software
procedure inside procedure
New to VB and need some help.
Multiline ToolTipTexts
User input-text field destroys graphics
Allocation Error
reading multiple text files
[source] Maze Program in 100 Lines
Is it possible to use an ARRAY OF CLASSES?
Google Warning
My Past Work
Need mouse help
gDesklets and Rhythmbox?
C++ or Java
Time counting down simultaneously
Point Scale
Is there another way to fork sounds?
House prog
Tire Service Program, Need help with coding
Help with Array program
class porj. im having trouble with
Animating a character in a game
EliteTorrents goes down
How to close a window based on condition statement
Gui button conversion help... (code complete though)
Proper Posting Format Procedure
[Help] Exact Value - Trig Question
part screen cls
Help real quick, I gotta go in 4 mins eep
Mouse click... procedure run
Animated GIFs
Sending Graphics over net
Intellivision Games on Turing? - Astrosmash!
Is there a way to repeatedly draw a pic using 1 or 2 lines?
How my game?
Windows - Icons ordered reverse alphabetically
Dev c++ beta 5
Help! Slope problem
Critical Concepts
HOW U DO THIS ???????????????
Software drivers
Need a new mouse
I need help with Turing game(particulary with animations)
Concept: Composing image-pack to file and back
The desktops: (late) May 2005
Sports fan animation
Sports fan animation
Sports fan animation
Sports Animation
Scoring System
Sports Animation
War and Turbo 21
cls with dual screens
Tic Tac Toe
Flexible Arrays for snake/an "evil" process
need to make this soccer animation more smooth.
help with soccer animation
How Do U Make A Box Go Up and Down
Need help with pixel graphics animation
DVD burning
Regular Expression to match alternating characters
closing a screen after exit
Can someone plz help me
how do i make firework animation
Does anyone know zylum
Mario Vs. Donkey Kong
Problems loading text from an external .txt file online
Can not fix problem
Unknown window appears when program executed
File IO
animation using process
Downloading Via Turing?
how do you make 2 objects move at the same time
done in Paint xD
help on my summative
USACO problem
car physics
Buttons .... Procedures....more problems
What am i doin wrong:(
Can't Indent file
Can't Figure out wat im doin wrong
Paint Program
Having trouble putting things together
IT Company Name
"SaveFile is not in the export list of gui"
HELP AIGHT!??!?! IM LOST :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PMGF!!
RPG character movement
Collection of Progs
making only the close button disapear
Math.Distance/Moving on an Arc Problem
Using arrow keys?How?
Game problem help quickly please!
Linux - Change console resolution
turing battleship
Exporting a variable?
pinball high score file
Uncle Worm--Final Product--BETA
A Challenge (With Window commands)
complex data importation
Everyother Uni.
For those who don't have admin right to install FireFox!
Ending getch
Require some help with GUI Menu bars
OS Written in O'Caml
Full Screen?
GUI.CreateTextField help
I need help programming DDR
need Help as much as possible (arrays, random int)
Getting Graphic With O'Caml
Arrays And Counter -
info in procedures
Super Snake Final Product Help
Highlighting Text
My matrix program
The Best Snake Game
check out this site
For Submitting a Proggy!!! In Turing
Breakout-styled game problems
drawing colours
ckeck out my cool game
ckeck out my cool game
ckeck out my cool game
ckeck out my cool game
missle game 2
RPG Maps
how can i choose a circle and then colour with this code?
Very Important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
help me to put up multi windows in turning
Combo Boxes
Snake Game
Add Sound to Animation
HELP...How do i make this code work?
Need some more breakout help...
Another Challege With View.Set this time.
Procedures and Array help
Rorschach-esque Image Creator
Moduals and executables.
Finding the file directory and loading form other places
Process end
Placing variables in Font.Draw command
Multiple Module imports
question on vb so compilicated... need help!
"Cinderella Man"?
Trivia game summative help
New Blackjack
need help on a game
Fraction Program Using A Data File
Spawning asteroids
Swinging Mouse
Playing .mp3 music
Freeing Allocated Objects for a Class
Tabletennis program again, I need help with the angles
GUIs Don't Have to be Hard, Part 1: Gooey O'Caml
Visuals In C++
dialog box
Help with click-n-shoot program.
Cervantes' Snake
Help me get this shooting program working!
Skipping cin
help with going back to main menu
Tetris Stacking Shapes
Understanding Velocity.
Shuffle Algorithm
Need help with randomizing variables
how to make an iteractive form
more than one item in a menu
Calculate time
Fix this program - if exit trouble
C++ and O'Caml Ray Tracers Compared In Detail
[FP] X-Treme Pong - Vote in the Poll!
Luigi (mario with green instead of red)
making a luigi character help (will give bytes away for it)
game that wont jump??
Shuffle Puzzle
Apple switching to Intel chips
Windows troubleshooting database
[Tutorial] - Data file vs Hard Code
help with an intro screen
MS DOS looking turing!!
Help - Button Events - exiting out of while loops... HELP !
Text Twist Gamee... Help plzz
viewing a website in tree format
Help with destroying astroids
flexible arrays in java
Word Search.
Sharing entire C drive over network.
Random Turing Bug
PS2 Screenshots on
Comparing types with an equal sign?
Blackjack program
Rearranging numbers
Dragon Boating
<td> Question
help with pictures
Case of ~VS~ If statments
air hockey 2005 HELP!!!!!
Help With Breakout Killin Bricks
I'm having problem with my loop statements
animation help!!! *desparate*
Looking for a game program
[The desktops] June 2005
User input in Font.Draw
ready to use menu
Does anybody have a turing link??
moving a character help
Air Hockey
Not 100% turing Question
Copy File
Doing multiple things at once.
Hangman Help!!!
I really need help with arrays!
Array subscript out of range...
chess WITH AI
Bubble Trouble
Blender and Java 3D
Making a new game(Final Project) Opinions needed
Rand.Int (colours)
Need help with turing game
How do i make clicking of mouse shoot?
False, but only on every other iteration...
You Vote (The Best Snake Game)
Opening Router Ports
changing the function of this menu
Cool Drawing Program
Need Help with Putting Pause in Game...
Google Summer of Code
[FP] X-Treme Pong - Vote in the Poll!
Handy: Automatic Shutdown At Custom Time *ADDED WinXP!
what kind of easy game can I make?
Processes problem! Desparate!!!
If you ever run into a GPF errors trying to load jpegs...
Breakout! beta
Free iPods! Anyone do this stuff?
(more) RPG Help required
HELP!!!! -Implementation restriction -Block nesting too deep
Help datafile
Little hyelp with duck game please (wing help)
Help with duck game....please help (wing flapping)
RPG Starter...
Automatically locking old topics
need help with fp car game
Help with View.Update
Need sum quick help
Box movement help
Need Help with Procedure and Arrays
GUI return value help
Pacman Help
Another RPG Starter
Urgent!! Help with Mouse.Where
JTextArea vs. TextArea Problems
Highscore Library
My own directory maker
Help With Game
Simple Fibonacci Code
air hockey
Hey I need help on a defend your castle project
how to do delay in C++
[Help!] Error installing Office 2003
to few subscripts???
realsistic car physics
New Starwars invader!!!!
Space Invaders Help
how to do delay in C++
what is the fastest way of generating primes
what is the fastest way of generating primes?
Turing: Why would you teach this?
Making an Array fit into a Procedure Nice and Snug
PLEASE HELP with my program...
Need Help with Rocket Game (Bomb Animation)
picture importation
puck movement
please help with menu
Little attempt at an RPG
ok...u don have to read this..but..
How do u change font?
NetBeans info.
Life Jepeordy Game
Life Jepeordy Game
Life Jepeordy Game
calling up an array
Rogers censoring the internet?
help with understanding record
my enemy plane wouldnt shoot laser, help
combo boxes and .mp3 music
Replacing Turing
need help with my enemy plane again, this time i've the code
Intercepting lines
tictactoe help
Abstract Flower
global variables
Compsci Rollback?
Barebones Computer Kit for Linux
[FP] Battleship: General Aziz
BitTorrent Tracker (Fixed)
problem with soccer game
[Tutorial] Pointers
Dan needs a new server?
Need help for big Summer project. (Important)
What happened to VirtuPet post?
Shortest Path in a Maze
Java SDK for OSX
Multiple asteroids.
YAY revoltionary event inside
Getting into C++
Space Battle
Help with Firing bullets and collision detection
Windows "shortcut" help.
Hang Man
mod function
2D Arrays, or Something?
New Commands for Turing
planet thingy
Window.Open and opening a written file
a little help with pic.draw please
I'm new to the programming world.
Snow? The Beginnings of a Particle Engine?
Recreating the 'Show Possibilities As You type' effect
Storing Times in Variables
Why I hate people...
yep homer's back(database system with custom GUI)
[Tutorial] Very Basic
Basic php
Turing in VB, haha (Shell Commands)
air hockey help-detection of ball in net
Halo COSPLAY. Yeah.
George Fehr's Mini Golf
Mario Bros. has one annoying problem
Project: VirtuPet (Source + Doc + Compiled)
File apps
What happend to the google ads?
Buy XP or not?
Database with Custom GUI. Textfield V2 released
Triangle Procedure
[FP] Project: VirtuPet (Source + Docs + Compiled)
size of an array
Help With Minesweeper game
where'd the new gui go? check this out pls
Battlefield 2
Need help creating jar files
Tic-Tac-Toe A.I. WalkThrough.
ESLOC: Do you use it?
What do we do about Stealing Code?
Compsci V3: How you can help
Computer Science Exam Review
Opera Web-browser
Official DDR Homepad thread (was about PSX controllers)
Database (SQL) design tips
Video game graphics render errors
Rank Change
Learning Ruby over Summer
Best way about battling & spells in an RPG?
Looking for a graphic Person!!
Need help w/ organizing my program...
My Spacemines Game
Easily Sorting Complex Data
Blah Man!
Changing position of text cursor.
BufferedReader error?
Animation Assignment i- newer version with shooting
Limiting Form accepts
A Start on C++ Some First Programs/Questions
Might be making a game soon, need some help.
Icy Tower
how do you make a mini map?
[Source Code] HighScoreList class
chat program to chat at school with turing
Neat programs, not all mine though
Very First Thing To learn?
New U.S Court ruling
Creating new file?
Prime number counter
Compsci V3: Suggestions
CSS Help
diablo 2 bots
Digital Scythe
wierd problem in 3ds max
Respawning in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
Googles new nemesis
C++ and paltalk
Whitespace - The end to code theft
Windows Packets
What is Podcasting?
Playing Nicely
Database Help
Workin' at a desk with a dumb little placard?
Gravity attempt
moving and shooting
moving back...
Files with C++
how do you make your own commands?
[FP] Battleship: General Aziz
a game
Happy Canada Day!
a game
mod install
Home Remedies
Editing/Compiling Programs on Windows
Length of a string?
Application Form + Scroll Bar
Orbiting dots
typo = llama
Font help!
i need some help on procedures with button
Iframe like frame in flash
Scrolling title
Iframe like frame in flash
Residence Computer Consultant at Waterloo
Student Printer
Request a Tutorial
[FP] VirtuPet (with .t Source + Docs + Standalone)
Creating fill-out forms
Anyone going to U of Toronto? StarCraft Clan [LET'S DO THIS!]
[The desktops] July 2005
Writing to a file and adding on
Non-OS Specific NTP Server Time
New Laptop
Another files question...reading unkown files?
[Database] Candle Sparks
Starting C++
Free IBM 32MB Usb Key
recording .avi.mp4 format
Error on my applet
Serious problem with JTextArea
Give me a reason to stay
Ugh. Now problems running...
Running audio in your java applet.
Subtitles and SAMI
<Javascript> Close Window/Open Site in New Window
SWING and layout question
What's the best way to save a map?
Character Manager
Google: Official Toolbar (firefox)
How many tries did it take you to install Cygwin?
Firefox: Opening new windows in tab?
Java Queue Example
New Longhorn Screenshots
Switching to linux
Help with Input.Flush
Yet more flash abstracts
Reflections on OOP
Some Useful Javascripts
Dim Sum girl
TextFields Help
Eh, filtering people from PM?
how to do binary tree bst search?
How do 3d graphics engines work?
Tip: Iterating with an index
Nerds with girls
Free Telnet accounts that allow 'telnet'.
Programming ideas.
Sig and Avy Combo
How to make java 1.5 use java widgets
Help: Reusing trial software
Shuttle Launch
The Relationship Between "each" and "for"
I need help (Spyware) CLOSED
Page admin buttion added.
[Python-tut] Iterating Over any Object
neon glow
So confused about assembly?
Coding Style's own contest, would you like to have one?
What's in *your* playlist?
song suggestions for riffer madness
Closed beta test of email to sms
The Advantages of Eschewing IDEs for Learning
Let's all write short-stories!
Website Banner
Unknown Error - please dont delete, i cant explain the prob
JFrame (or any frame) - Create VS Extend
c or c+ or c++????????????????
Keyboard thing
Optimus keyboard
Java 'forgetting' about my class instances
Broken Quicktime ... again
Nickname generator plz help
Analyzing the Waterline, and Sand Bed Profiles using Java
map scrolling
Looking for firefox extension
Problem with A9CAD
Concept art for Quake III Arena clan site...
D: A Newbie-Oriented Tutorial
D: A Newbie-Oriented Tutorial
C VS C++
Writing to an ODBC Database
Regarding radom number generation
Some thoughts about the forum
Obtaining update for Turing
China unpegs its currency from the US dollar.
HTML to PDF conversion
Java String from ASCII value
Problem Bouncing
Java Hashtable Warning
how through connect to proxy server
GTA Hot Coffee Mod
Longhorn to be Named Windows Vista
University of Waterloo -- Student Life 101
keyboard input help
[Tip] Teach Java using BlueJ
Toshiba Satellite 1400 PROBLEM!!! Help!
[Tutorial] Easy Database in Java! (Under Construction)
Trouble with GMail?
Converting rgb to... um, rgb?
Problem with mutli commands
A good torrent site
Hello world wtf?
Compsci Down?
Logic Puzzle Challenge
only on numbers that end in 0
Video Help
Learning C: is this valid?
corriolos effect
Resolution and DPI settings
Programming a web browser?
PS1 DDR mat compatible with PS2 DDR?
Clear Screen/Review
Why you nick
Fakers beware: no more MS updates for you
File I/O
N Queen's Puzzle Solver
Swish Help
Question regarding program used to Code Java
Image Processing
Odd Even Path Puzzle Solver
Need a Host + domain maybe?
MSN "Dangerous Behavior" PAYING FOR REFS!
A Python One-Line Challenge
Where to go next?
[Python-tut] Using reduce
[Tutorial] An Introduction To Java
snake game help
Think About the Problem First
ERROR help, probably pretty simple 2 fix
[Tutorial] Recursion
Some Great Haskell Slides
A Preview of Gnome 2.12
My Dot Game
Turing for Linux?
Internet Explorer 7 - BETA1 - Windows XP Required - Download
Difrence in Input methods?
Whatdotcolour Conflict
Unicode in Java
Images in Java
Read before posting!
Got verts?
Awesome topic on Slashdot - Intelligent Design
encryption help no ord
Need help with these files!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2D Arrays
An Intro to Mono, GTK#, Glade and Such with Pictures
Queues and Stacks
Structs and Record Types
Creating Variables in run time
Help me, RPG problems!
how to put a real number into a file
Su Do Ku
Swing Look And Feel
javac in cmd; the only way???
Type Inferencing: Why it Matters
New MSN For Mac Update
CHAT PROGRAM -- Problems with multi-users
Hasch question, cheking to see if key pressed
interesting problem
IOI Online Contest
Improving Tutorials
Did he use a condom?
Interactive Font.Draw?
are there procedures like turning?
Something interesting...
SWING: Adding components during runtime
Conway's Game of Life!
Parallel port light chasers.
An error that I can't fix though it shouldn't be there
a mario style game called Little Dude
Total Noob quesiton
Back to university
The Start: Introduction, Comments, Output, Variables, Input
Gaming with the family... not always a good thing
Records, Part I: Declaration and other Introductory Concepts
my latest project.
How do I setup Crimson Editor to compile applets?
zylum3D v2
Quake 3 Source GPL'ed!
Desktops August 2005
Inheritence and Polymorphism
Creating New Variable Types
Hello, I just wanted to say Hi from Europe
Telephone Software
are there free programing languages
Tom West
Interface Inheritance
ZOMG! Google Talk! GOGOGO!
WinXP Networking Woes
something about David Hasselhoff avatars
[Tutorial] SWING: Controlling window closing
3 Way voice conversation client?
Ruby Script to .exe
Fast User Switching in Gnome
Eiffel and Java, a comparison by RIT
Azureus Help: hostexception
To clarify...
Kool problem
Free Opera Registration Codes
Native file chooser
Turing... DDE...?
Memory Error
Arkanoid Clon
Adding an ActionListener to JLists *AAH*
Coding preferences
[Tutorial] JDBC: Java DataBase Connectivity -- The Basics
Graphics in C and C++
building trees in Ruby
help with ports
Image map + link issue
String Manipulation
Java Strings whirlpool... oh my god!
Input at ANY time
To those with emails
Ubuntu fans take note
Python: Turning One List Into Another
Xfce news
First day of School... woo
Lots of Python talk lately
Getch help
Getting files off a linux partition
Pascal Aficionados: Oberon-2
Images need frames?
name thing
new iTunes!!!
Still VC++6.0
Haskell Brain Pain: Fibonacci Numbers
Help with images
Java Class
Firefox 1.5 Beta 1
Circle-Circle Collisions - Clipping problem
Turing 4.0.5?
I need Advice (alernatives to READY!!!!)
Mouse location
The Basics and more
A Request
Tricky Python question :)
"Expression Oriented Programming"?
Array of record, inside record :?
why is object oriented programming better?
website resize
I'm back!!
Help with Proc; Gonna need to know GUI too
The Turing Problem (Here's What happened with 4.0.5)
Quick question. How to change color?
Downhill/Mountain Biking
good newbie tutorials
Opening a web page
My rain program
Reminder/Schedualing program?
CG skills needed
Java Books - Which one to buy??
Compsci downtime+roll back+eveything_else_compsci
Teaching Ruby
Generating stand alone .exe
Personalize Google
Reading .TXT RPG "Maps" and tiling them correctly.
Opening more than one Turing window?
Password and Usernames loggin
22 Mac minis + 22 LCDs = Awesome
[Perl5-tut] Perl Intro: Scalars, Arrays, Hashes and Refs
Closing Windows
very basic decimal --> binary converter
help with strings and removing stuff
[Perl5-tut] Perl Intro: Subroutines and Scope
Just starting to learn C#
2 directional buttons?
ISU books
Swap values without temp
Flashing / cls / View.Update
bits system
Bouncing ball
Gandolf's spiel on compilers
[Review] Dell Dj Ditty vs. Apple iPod shuffle
help with ideas for program
Poll not adding up??
Haskell Programmers Take Note!
[Perl5-tut] Perl Intro: Conditionals
how do you download the programs
Structured break; and continue; statements
Tip/Trick: a bit of Javascript in Ruby
Opera Reaches 1 Million Downloads Thanks To Google
How do I control 2 lines at same time?
Collision Detection
[The Desktops] September 2005
Recent C++ Tutorial Noobie+
How compiler my projects.t
Grammar not Grammer!!!
Trying to teach my self php and mysql need some guidence
Need a better, shorter version...
Mouse.Where relative angle question
Article: Java Alternatives
Fate Error: Only variables can be passed by reference
help defeating case sensitive inputs!
Gaming Computers
Turboliux personal website
No Body does flash anymore????
Turing-MySQL (and maybe even PHP)
Paint Program
FMA movie
Syntax Highlighting Error...
seperating audio from a video file
i need a game idea for comp sci class
i need a game idea for comp sci class
Clearing the console screen?
Writing Ruby in C
shortening code pops up prob...
Test Your Skills: Python Thread
just a few question about program, on VB, thx
NetBeans 5.0 Beta
Ruby TYS
Please Help! Drawing a diagonal in C
Not sure why it won't appear...
should i learn java with, or without consoles??
Connect 4
registry help
University Fair
Yet Another Language to Check Out
file browser
file browser
Hunter S. Thompson
Does anyone know how to randomize colours?
Tic Tac Toe
Randint from a set of numbers?
Conver from real media, avi, wmv To mpeg.
Profile user information displaying help things w/ bits?
Shortning code
Java Trivia
St. Clair or Fanshawe?
Quick question on rounding :-)
quick question
Where to download Turing UPDATE?
THE MACS CREW 'little man'
Waterloo students meeting
Dynamic Web sites using dreamweaver
UDP question for VB 6.0
incorrect result -_-
pointes in VB
typedef in Java?
Recursive Binary search...
Tic Tac Toe: Please Check!
EXTREME GUESSING GAME!!!!!!(The Largest Guessing Game Ever!)
TerminalIO Class?
Need a text file input and output tutorial
program help
Need a text file input and output tutorial
10 minutes of blank
Yet Another Language to Check Out
Linux IDE
bullet-time pong
Graphics Movement?
Help with School Ms-Dos
RPG Mapping Help...
Final Verdict (Gaming Computer)
[Tutorial] Extending Turing to include custom functions.
Wikipedia Down?
No Cursor? Possible?
Reading into a file
[The Desktops] October/December 2005
Real vs. Int
How To Center An Input
global vs local variables
Programming Anonymous
Embedding Turing files in startup
Holy billy goat this is driving me QWUAKO!
Way to get rid of huge white bar underneath input?
see through colors
Love cooking? Hate writing? I have teh 1337 solution!
Why Java sucks
[Utility] Grids
Unable to upload files
Embedding Turing in a webpage?
RPG Code optimizing and Save feature help
math problems
Major Net Porblem
Dir.Get --> Stringing the info
Letters going up
assign variable to a picture
g sublevel for chemistry
[Tutorial] Bitwise Operators
fast score counter
Best program for its purpose
Help please.
Deleting lines in a file
Bubble Trouble [Source]
got bored in compsci so... i did this
Hey Guys! I am Back
Mouse Motion Listener?
Japanese characters in Eclipse
Java functions/procedures/processes
Firefox and Opera
Anyone remember me?
Anyone remember me?
Worm hole
Loading Images from a file and using in an applicatio
Error, cant seem to know whats happening.
Multiple Classes
UofT ECE anybody?
How do I change my OS?
Unspecified number of parameters for a function?
Limewire lags like a bitch
Alright guys, I give up.
Is anyone here fluent in written Japanese?
Making Pictures
Java toolkit
i fixed your color program(my first post)
Geometry and Discrete
Strings and Length
Turing ATM machine
Learning C++
Socket Programming
Laptop choice
Recognizing a space
The Economics of Open Source
JiangLing Landwind
Flashing Text
i dont know why this is coming up as an error
I've stopped caring too much about hardware but...
University of Windsor Programming Competition
Making a picture move to a scroll bar
MaddKarma emails?
A few things I need help with...
MaddKarma emails?
Haskell Question
Question For Class...
Breezy Badger
A Tutorial Challenge
eos and uninitchar. Help?
Pastafarianism - The Flying Spaghetti Monster theory.
Static backgrounds?
[source] BFS pathfinding algorithm
A 2nd domain........
New Server
Pick which game!
Trick Question?
Random Flashing
String Help!
Double Buffering
Colours to Avoid Using WhatDotColour
Cool Textile-Like Patterns
Pure Pwnage
JSF Tutorials/Examples/Anything
using the GUI.Alert function
what does this do?
Recognizing spaces as "Space"
Newbie Question
Matrix Pong
How to create a BOUNCY ball???
Star Wars Help
Turing 4.0.3 Update?
Jezzball Help - Arrays
Better FPS for games
Running things
Delphi and The Truth About Cars
Full Screen
24bit Color?
I need help to make my pic move useing the keyboard!
mathematical porgram
Transferring Files over the internet...
Help with Calculating Compound interests in loop
Computer Engineering Course
Interesting Cryptography program
New to turing??? Please read this!
this wont fill in the triangle help me out?
New Powerbooks.. and Quad G5!
joke program
GViM 6.4 for Windows - Save settings
Help with bank program
Picking a University
Real Overflow in expression?
Inputtting Text Questions
Programming Problem - Knight Move!
Help with school work: graphics and counted loops assignment
Size/Complex, etc: of your self...
Tower of hanoi
Speeding things up
Turing Multi Chat
Basic Class
How To Really Learn Pi
Yar! It's back!
Flexible Arrays
Gambit game in progress.
Highlighted text-input boxes
Connect four game help
trying to create a login
Make Turing Faster With Pic!
How to restrict number of characters for input
MSH - it's definately worth a look
length and index help
Sorting Strings Example
Web Standards
3d Game
How do you make a goto line in a program?
SpaceWarsX - an itneresting game I suppose
Quick contest (all languages)
Recommendations for a new Laptop <is for suckers>
sumtin wrong with the site or my comp
FrontEnd for TinyDrive
Beginnings of a spray thingy... Now with fading colour!!
To: Moderators, Re: My name.
Sheep Herding
Noise cancelling headphones
can someone help me(need to find out how to import pictures)
alt combos
Array Question
[Tutorial] Common Dialogs
Thinking of making a program to run with a game...
Java apps for cell-phones
the turing command "fork"
Help with a maze program
collision help
RGB Colours.
JSF Help
Visual Studio rots the brain
Pixel Manipulation in Turing
String help?
Operator Overloading and Java: IBM's take
Need GUI If/Button/TextBox Help
For Cervantes: quick O'Caml tour
My awsome effects name :)
University 2006
Python IDE
Generating 128 files with different names in one program.
Possible Down Time Topic
help with basics
Scoping, Conditionals and Loops
Computer virus's and protection:
DWITE October 27th - My solutions
Array Question
Importing a pic
Sound Program
Help with cursor animation
Prime Factorization Stack Overflow!
Noone is ever here, but just incase, look at this.
Hey All
Error trapping without loops
Programming Languages Suck
Trig Functions
Canadian Test the Server Contest
Need help for a couple of progs
Help required with Error-Proofing
How to do FrameRate Control...
Restricting variables to 2 decimal places
Conflicting Drivers(?) ATI + Nvidia = ???
Microsoft SFU (Usable?)
Fixing turing's Music.Play
Programming joke
JSF Project Ideas
hay i need some help on this fighting game i am making
Super Mario Text!
random number
help me with my pong?
why wont my paddle move
how do i use different keys for things?
[Suggesting Tutorial]
Programming Tip of the Day
Cool Ice Background
A tutorial: the beginning
Bug Test Request
Code to Convert an Int into a Spoken Word String
Why my resume sucks...
University Open Houses
Inventory Management Etc.
help for a n00b!
History Quiz
Need help with assignment
[Tutorial] Fun With Text
reading text / windows XP error
Help with playing sounds
simple text game
A Simple Example of Using Functional Programming
Matrix Car Chase Game
Array length of a long value
My first if statement program. can't figure out problem.
Secret Code Language: need help
New Proud iMac G5 Owner
duck latin
Globe and Mail University Report Card
i = non-i and an exponent question
Program bug
Piano anyone?
I think ArrayList is calling annoyCoder (Coder c) method
A password system
[Tutorial] Handling Forms
Error excecuting?
Blood Splattering
Bullet Time Pong
Doted line
help me out im so confused
Dice-Turing Help Needed :(
Faking system specs
rizzix... operator overloading, another thought
Need Help - Read/Write for a file
Need help with my character jumping... he won't come down!
Question about return type
Im feeling lucky!
Game - Pooyan from class project
Game - Pooyan from class project
Grid Snake
Help with Arrays in a Procedure...
Sort Words Alphabetically
"free" function for simple array.
Bullet Time Pong v.2
[Python-tut] Private Instance Variables
Hey Importing functions in C++?
How to configure Eclipse properly
math students
Count Shapes (II) Recursion problem!
pigLatin - Recursion version
Rock Paper Scissors Contest
Apple's Mighty Mouse
Apple vs. Windows
2 words, 1 variable NEED HELP
Crappy Programs
trying to make BlackJack
Need Some help on a prject.....
beginning of a racing game?
Desktop Viewing Software
Microsoft Outlook plugin or addon of some sort?
FP 2005/2006?
Lapsus's Pong
Error Trap Decimal input?
Function as a parameter
chalkboard project
Landover Baptist
Text collision help
variable type
u guys r harsh
Note about pointing users to proper forums
Strange Pointer Problems
Kill Bill's Browser
I need help
Evil program
im totally lost
LFS , a shooter game :D
There's a mistake in 5 simple lines!
Lyke omg, Compsci h4x!!@!11!21oneoneone!@!!1
strint help
transfer information
OS Experimenters, keep your eyes on this one
delete post-solved problem.
Playing Card Engine
Cmd Prompt
Problem Graphing Data
Wave Effect Program
Need Help- ball won't stay on scroll bar
View.Update + background trouble
Quick Question about Saving Grid Positions.
shooting game help
cool design maker
cool line maker
firewall help?
firewall help?
Input + when statement?
What's False and What's Not?
Why wont it go to the slide i want it to?
Sony Network Walkman NW-E507 on Mac
scope and freestore
Algebra Help.
Printing array
DOCTYPE, how to use it?
Another Bug Test Request
counting characters in a string
Attack of the Ducks!
[C++-tut] Making << Work With Your Own Types
Need help identifying a function
help with letter changer
my quiz program
What makes language X special?
Need Help with Gravity...
Dynamic WML
Transparent GIF/PNG with MS Paint.
Cool History Test
Crazy Train Intro to Song
Speed Finder
Smoke on the Water Song
Stairway to heaven
A stick man game but I have run into difficulties
This is a start of a quizz.
I got a big question about finding tutorials for maple 9, 10
Objective-Caml for C, C++, Java, and Perl programmers
Family Clans
Inventory System using Binary Files
geisha for Martin
Array of pointers
Calculator (with buttons and crap like that)
Unit 731
html like tags :: Computer Science Canada
what do you think happens when you die??
Do You Believe In God?
Evolution vs. Creation.
Quotes within quotes!
Help with a textfield
Quantum Theory
Inserted Sort :/
I'm stumped
No error message, and code does not fully compelet and ends
A Little Help On A Paint Program PLZ
can't make new directory.
Apple Intel Switch
Need Help on white in pictures
Sony, XCP, LAME, First4Internet
Pastafarianism - the game.
Do you find sylvester-27 amusing or annoying
Is 2+2 really 4
Checking for all divisible factor of a number
Is there a way to force your mouse to move?
University Applications 2005-2006
Need Assistance with algebra
Some More Advanced Graphics - Skifree Backcountry
What Comes Next?
Integers in Text.
Help with my program please
My First Game!
Need a quick help on getting the RGB of a pixel.
create a dll.
need help with this code!
Sprites in Turing 4.0.5!!!
Class List GUI
Class List GUI
Compsci CS 1.6 Server (Unofficial)
Help on Media Player.
E-mail []D rogram
Lopping Problem.
Microsoft's New Word: Accountability
iMac G5: The Best Gets Better
hide the dos window
Mario vs Bullet Bill
CSS Styling of <input type="file" />
Ruby's usage
A very thorough guide to style
Can you use Windows API to find the screen resolution?
where can we get sound effects for our games?
Getting Started on OpenGL
Boolean Algebra
Pause and Continueing a Game
This is my shooting game plz help me!
This is my shooting game plz help me!
This is my shooting game plz help me!
This is my shooting game plz help me!
my first program ever (suggestions/comments plz)
World Community Grid -- Join the Humanitarian Effort!
cls and then what?
iMac Impressions
"get" help
How do vectors work?
Adding Controls At Run-Time
Suggestions of mathematical theorems
How do I play sound without stalling?
Linux for PowerPC.
PSP - region free?
Filthy Rich, But Froogle
Need help on mouse hand plz
What do you Perfer Windows or Linux
Zylum's Worms - 2.0
Atomic Models
rpg help
using mod
nuclear fission+fusion
Changing size of applet
DWITE Turing Discoveries.
Who said you can't build your own Mac?
Need help with StringBuffer
Learning Haskell Slides
Damn it! My Card game doesn't wanna work
Rock-Paper-Scissors 15 and 25.
where can i download java???
does anyone know how to stop a certain musicfile?
Default window size?
can somone edit these
Decimal Rounding
[C++ tut] Functional Zen and C++
simple but addictive (guess that number) game
The "I hate losing game"
Contest Problem Types
thank you gandalf
never mind
Writing programs using SDL with linux and Makefiles
DWITE Java Judge Version
STL library like C++?
Determining the time, and date in turing
Salary Finder (Regarding records)
I need help (little thing)
Second Life
My Grade 10 CommTech Animation Lol
H E L P with creating border(s)
Paint and Platformer
IO problems...
We need your help. Help make DWITE better with Turing!
Help with text
DDR... For N64?!?!
help with length function
Attack of the... what? Baldur's Gate NPC's?
flash and turing
link prog
Extend Firefox Contest
Help with the hell song for sum 41
how do u get to the Actionscript in a new file?
Progress Bar
UC Sued Over Evolution Site
half a game
2 of my games
Calculator 2.0
Separation Code Help
New Game
phpnuke =S
Picture URL downloader idea (help)
Y R We Here? II : The application.
Moon for sale
i need help
first submission, and post
Turing oddities contest
Wanna make a program....
Firefox 1.5 is out
Opening a Form With Arguments
Jdraw v1.0 (prolly the only version that wil ever exist o.O)
Teaching Idiomatic Code?
How do you bind? - Before 2:30 If Possible
string arithmetic
How do you convert Strings to chars?
Mega Man Animation
Assigning Arrays
my SECOND program ever
More Japanese Strangeness
problems playing externally loaded sounds (mp3's)
Major Help Needed in Ap Comp Sci A
Pacman AI - A*?
Snake help please
GUI>... god
Rand.Int Command and Subtracting Arrays
Sprite Walking
Pacman Ghost Random Moving Pattern...WTF?
Help Needed!!!
Football by A.R.P.
glitch in game, code flawed?!
I love my Mac, the song
First Qubyte Created
procudure and button help
Astro-Advanced,another shooting game!
The God Warrior
75 Bands. Can you name them all?
Need help with loops
Zelda SNES style- test engine
custom protocol stack implementation, ad-hoc network
Fading Text
Scala and Java: A Quick Swing Comparison by Example
Addictive Game
robo rage on mini clips
SHA-1 Hashes
Dammit I've got another virus. Need help.....
Hangman Project - Hammering out the bugs
Colour Codes On Turing
Music, harmonics?
255 Colour Code Program
Binary to Decimal Converter
getting input
Tokenizer Help
FINALLY DONE PONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FINALLY DONE PONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally done pong!
Blizzard That Depends On Mouse Movement
2 player shooting game help
are there any flash tutorials? or walkthrough?
the index
Gandalf's Snake
Resulting Mirror Angles
Makin a Website
Bob Saget Is God
Simple Algorithms Contest
3D Pie Chart
Factoring contest.
strange NetBeans code
Have some trouble
Help with Character Graphics in Loops
I need help
help plz.. how do you move the screen?
Flash Game (Battle Pong)
Some questions
James Gosling
A new shooter - heli attack... ps. (not an update to lfs :D)
difficulty with a piece of code, tic-tac-toe related
Downloading High Definition TV Shows
String Functions
Handling Strings - Help
The Ruby Test
Different kind of progess bar
Desktop search integration with Eclipse.
Changing letters
The intro to hell song
Coolest and Evil-est Nickname!!
Possible Words
Number Guessing Game
ASCII Comparisons program
Beginning of a flying game
Multiple Choice Science Test
How do you create random integers in VB 6.0?
program flashes
Craps game.
need help again(srry)--finding angles
Sony Rootkit
Popup(s) on CompSci
School Violence Survey
Proper School Violence Test for Gr10 Students
Reassinging Constant Statements...
Dammit by Blink 182
starting a driving game
About FireFox 1.5
paint prog help
Post Turing Created Music in THIS thread.
two subsctipts? eg. q(x)(y)
Allowing Editing of Posts in Help Forums
Berkely Offering Free Course Podcasts.
DWITE is probably the most entertaining computer contest
Stand Alones and Net Games Wiki
Error proof Matchmaker
Mouse Click Location
Setting Program to Windowed Mode
Turing Help!!!!!!!!
forgot how to center text
Server Slow Down
Turing Help!!!!!!!!
Was this game made with Turing?
Money Code
obtaining audio from a video file? possible or impossible?
NET and routers
array!! plz help!
Pure Pwnage: Episode 9
Grade 12 Calculus
Anyone an expert on routers and ports?
Pic.Rotate Help
Space Game
lightwave effects
Need help with this div and mod stuff
How to go about coding a board game...
doing house project need help asap
A friend needs help....
Music and Pictures
Directory tree
New IRC Channel
What I did to my friends...
Searching for text from a file
URL networks?
Get that doesn't pause
Returning To Menu From Procedure
tiny problem, come pros!!!
parabolic arch needed in this dont know how to put it in
Different Computers Different Speeds
Computer Science / Computer Media combined Summative Project
Problem with picture while delsplaying words
Doing a project..need help asap
how to slow stuff down please help ASAP
final project due in a month any ideas
need help in making the ball bounce in a parabolic
Fixing Code
Ideas for backing up data
rRootage for PSP
Review: Ready to Program
Write a program that bounces a ball across the screen...
NEED HELP TO..binary and output the count to LED’s to screen
[O'Caml] Riemann Sums
how to downgrade?
Ball On Wall Glitch
help with changing progarm from day to night
how to clear variables when using again
Convert Lowercase word to upper
bouncing ball
Problem with my collision
Star Enlarge problem
aaahhh FP period is almost here
How come I get this error?
Array problem...
String problem... again..
Someone good at Assembly?
need help with smoke have code [b]please help[/b]
text file map help
Need help with garage and moon problems (code writen)
Texas Ranger...
Game question
cant switch color over to blue from black..
need some help with garage opening and...
error message
java.exe uses 100% CPU!!!
need to make the ebay logo in turing...
how to put .gif files into turing, anyone know how?
Computer Engineering TEE201-15
Space game start
Decoding program
GreyScale Converter
Agents' visit Chills UMass Dartmouth senior
Multiple Falling.
ViewHTML Procedure
Copyright Law
help with stars please
I am Turing Retarded Help me
Catching Bad String,Int,Char Values?
A Question to Waterloo Students...
WhatDotColor Image SCan.
Have You Got the Pot Noodle Horn?
help with game in flash
How long do you think this will take?
Coffee + Chocklate milk
Dover Intelligent Design Trial
Mod command problem? i keep on getting the same error?
Advertising site again...
Firefox 1.5 stability problems?
Need to reset Time for my game
View Online Images
What is longhorn??
Working on a final project...
GUI (Scrollbars,textfields)
Making objects fall
Intializing Applet
string sort
how to get output from Shell and put it in a VB Form
Shooting game
String Erase.
i dont get what the problem is
Microsoft to drop support for Windows
streamMP3 from the internet
For Cornflake
whois Report in Turing
Ogre3D Open Source Graphics Engine
Frame Rate
Turing 4.1
Problem with sequential files and output
New To Flash
I Need Desprate help with directories
Help on multiple choice quiz program
Syntax highlight and file attachment issues
Bits o' Scheme
C# Dark Ages of Camelot Emulation Project
game help
Binary by ARP
"off topic" forum problems.
Site problem
Final Fantasy III battle game help
A Challenge
Christmas Tree Program
Raiden Style Game
I don't see what's wrong with this line...
Swing and paintComponent
Christmas Tree Program
Any other way besides Time.Elapsed... :?:
Merry Christmas
Blood Splatter =P
Math.sin: sin(pi/6) = 0.4999999999999999994
disabling command button
scrolling functions in turing 3.1.1
split() method
Battleship (multiple quesions)
The ternary operator: redemption
DLL help
circular collision
sending info from one form to the other
Radio Button Help
MSN fun
Game Screens
What's the most shocking thing about language X?
New Features in Turing 4.1
Start of a new game
Questions about View.Update and process
Problem Importing Pictures
Coding Guidelines
Blind Guardian
applying to university
Please help me exit this loop
Penny Master beta?
P2P and Firefox
Help with a certain code
left shift
Lunar/DB adopts h.264
Graphics in GUI?
Mucc (55-69)
Slope to Degrees
Having two WORKING inputs for a applet
Partially Transparent/Semitransparent Pictures
Huge Multi-User Chat
Is functional programming difficult to learn/teach?
SC: brood war >_<
How to create dependent forms? (like MsgBoxes)
406 Error
Is It Possible To...?
NPC Help
[FP]Turing Movie Player
query time
Task Manager in VB?
animated gifs?
removing heatsink+fan from P4 530J
Parabola issue
An Introduction to Io
RGB and GUI collide
ftp/http file transfer
Converting from morse into english
A good MIDI writing/edting library?
[Tutorial] Online HighScore Module
Sending a HTTP "Host"
how to fix GUI
Program Crash
Sync folders OSX
RGB colour mixer
I need help with this program, i cant figure this out.
How Can I Improve This Program
I Need To Improve My Program and Need Feedback...
Circular Pong
Login script problem
Defend Your Castle
turing crashes
Line Break?
Custome Net.OpenURLConnection
Io: Control Flow
Io: Control Flow
Better OpenURLConnection
Help with Turing source code
creating Objects: how to have n objects?
Frozencore : Register And Win (iPod nano & T-Shirts)
forms lagging
Dumping funds in to
Turing PhotoShop Clone
good question
good question
decrypting ROT13 (vectors)
better way than cls?
passing values to other programs
Help with Turing GUI.Quit problem
The matrix (neo/morpheus convo)
question about MIPS (assambly code)
sine arc function?
GUI implementation
Why hate microsoft?
the sum of the sum of n integral squares
A quick GUI question...
What is the equivilent in Turing to this VB command?
Responding Heads
Operation signs
Dell surprises us all
command line arguments
NEW! Turing Rock, Scissors, Paper Tournament
objects into a Vector?
100,000 posts.
[Tip] Turing w/Grayscale Bug.
What is the problem with this program??
Start Of Game - Help With Controls,Movement
preventing a box from leaving the screen
Can someone please help me with my street lights program?
Files Input/output
Optimus Keyboard
math - elipse
Looking to hire Turin expert
Email Program
Optical Mouse Scanner
2005 backwards compatable with 6.0?
The safest OS?
3d models into Turing
fighting game ai help
A way to get kids interested in programming, perhaps
OMG!!!!! a flash drive?
Syntax or library
Suggestions needed : 'Calling' whole class programs
The beginning of my rpg.
VB in microsoft word???
Seek file command
Passwords in textfields?
Multi-threaded programming.
The Down Time Topic
Need Help with my Stoplight program I got one light...
Who's a music wiz?
Using Microsoft Access with Visual Basic.
mario and blocks
The iMac goes first
Horstmann Graphics with Dev C++
Meandering through Common Lisp
Learning Java. Is there any compiler.
3d modeling program
Classes Part I
Classes Part II - Object Interaction
Classes Part III - Inheritance and Polymorphism
Card Suit Java
Action procedure declared after the fact...
pls help me wit my program
AI Help
I need help with a selection sort
Mario game help
Chuck Norris Facts
text question-newb
Artillery Game (alot like pocket tanks)
how to add a counter and a add 7 for this problem?
Help with snake game project
Connect Four recent
Linux Distro Chooser
Connect the dots, Get better grades
FunctionalJ -- Java programming Functional style
Japanese character support for vim or emacs.
Numbers Game
Circles are such funny creatures.
brick program help??
Importing Bitmaps into Turing programs
Clearing A Certain Area
Using GUI button help
for hacker dan or tony
Rock Paper Scissors Game
help with making objects transparent
for hacker dan or tony
help to make recursive grid
Quips, Quotes, and Comebacks!
Start: Applet not initiated
Textarea "enter" to <BR>
help problem with buttons
GUI.CreateButton calling a procedure with a parameter list?
Sound Effects?!?!?!
Help with slowmotion in pong
Desktops Jan - Feb '06
Keystrokes error in textboxes
more than one movement at the same time
Stumped on GUI
DNA to RNA to Protein
Possible to run more then one command at once
Bomberman Game Progress!
Python 2.5 is coming
Windows Media & Xiph Formats support for iTunes/Quickti
IR Sensor and Emitter
help with car
Really Basic Game ideas
New to C++ help
Displaying Images using Swing
Procedure Vs. Funtion
[source] string/chain
Calendar Program HELP PLZ!!!!
password protect databases
positioning output
Game help
Help with fighting system
Movement Is "Glitchy"
Squished up Snake
Gnome/X11 clipboard.
images, keys and mouseclicks
For loop help
Monthly Avatar Contest
Help With A "GoTo" Type Command
i need help??
Merlin Platformer
some really weird stuff is happening
Binary/Base 10 Help!!
[source] jello
how do i make the ball go slower
Help me with my pong game
Connect Four Helped Need BADLY
Deep Blue Insane search!
help plz Pong
launch a program with turing
quotes and code
methods and variables
MSN Login Server Down?
Help With Collision,
A Series of Questions
converting module.
Checkers game
Brock MICA Contest
Linking Pictures through a Field
how do i move a guy in turing?
need pogram fixed wood be nice if i had help
need pogram fixed wood be nice if i had help
need pogram fixed wood be nice if i had help
need pogram fixed wood be nice if i had help
Help with Tic Tac Toe game
How To Make a ball shoot?
Arrays and Sequential Files
Arrays and Sequential Files
Arrays and Sequential Files
Arrays and Sequential Files
Operating System
Java - Flickering (fast help needed)
snakes and ladders
Matching card game problems.
Double tapping buttons?
High court upholds Oregon assisted-suicide law
Ski Free Backcountry
Error checking
Convert int to string.
Font.Draw Problem
Endless stupidity <- Learn from it (like me)
Mutiple loops running
Turing and php?
The Prompt Command.
Crazy Eights
record syntax.
Saving a game character / inventory
[Source] chat program
trouble with moving mutiple "AI"
Deep Space: Platformer
Spryte Module
Tic Tac Toe
Block Breaker collison detection
Time.DelaySinceLast and snake
[source] water
[Tutorial] Troubleshooting collision detection
The Perils of Java Schools
The Guerilla Guide to Interviewing
An escape character?
Space Invaders... Using an array for X and Y Of Enemies :?
Text box -> enter -> execute proc
including pictures
How to stop flickering?
Computer Science Students Outsource Homework
Imagine Cup 06
Animation for November
Short form VB names?
Pong =<100 Lines
CLS help...really easy question...
Boggle game help
if statement default case
Scala 2 Beta available
right click.
i need help making a picture move
How To Constantly Check Values?! Help=20 Bits
make a calculator that adds and subtracts in binary numbers
Why this dies
Pearls Before Swine - Final Project
Make a Char Jump
Another Highscore Technique
Another Record Error
pictures and cls
ppl plz help!!(access database program)
Battlefield 2 Double Dash
Shall we file this under "Google is evil"?
Improving Pong AI
using turing to send pic across the world
The Joys of MIPS
Help with arrays
I need help with my program, please help
I really need help plz
New here Some of my Work
setscreen help
Help With Compiling
Rebol Basics
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
Record Help
Sequential files in alphabetic order
Tyrells Showcase
How do you keep count of the user's guesses
An Introduction to SWT
How can i delay something specific?
Another problem
[source] rally racing!
Lines, and time.
help [movie review edit]
Need Help Making a Data Base that Accepts Names and Phone #s
Help Needed to exit a process (Music)
Change location that Turing finds music files
Radio Button Issue
Need Some Explanation on View.Update
Grade 10 Computer Engineering Technology class?
Playing Cd music, skipping songs?
Problem with backslash characters
Tutorial Request.
Please Help my ship turn
CCC Prep -- '98
GUI Text Field Help
Import error
[Tutorial] Removing DIV ads
dont understand why this doesnt work.
JAVA user input
[FP] Deep Space
Who won?
number guess
America Jr.
lowercase letters
Crazy 8 help!!!
Crazy 8 help!!!
Crazy 8 help!!!
Radeon X1900 WOOOHOOO!
[FP] Overhead Shooter
Dont know how to do collission with pictures
Help with my survey program!
millionaire game
DEEP at U of T
Random Play CD
WinXP on Mac bounty
Some Comic Frames - Done in Pencil
Saving files as .exe
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire (.exe)
People shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Simple question about fonts
Rubidium - Ruby IRC Client
text blackjack... tell me what you think
Shall we file this under "Google is evil"?
senior prank
Can anyone help me get my AI to work in my Othello program?
[tutorial] Case
help with my base converter
Turing Boxing
Two Player Same Keyboard?
Help with Tic Tac Toe game
Trivia program with count function not working correctly
Game: Bomb and Run
Sorting Names
Help With my shooting game
"offscreenonly" problem
iPod U
Fan Mail
Collision with
University in 2 years (wut to do)
have flexible 2d array, need to add element
Downloading a file from the internet
i need help with square roots
ne one kno where i can find java so i can start programing?
Super Mario
Matrix game
[Tutorial] SWING and the MVC
Banned Xbox 360 ad
indexOf on array
What should I use for this website?
button recall?
Connect Four and Squash
hey newby to turing Some of my work
Can u turn off Input.KeyDown?
WhatDotColour help
Video Mode
How to search for Files?
Segmentation Error
Hex'n in Turin', and the rising urge to break things
Downloaded files are unviewable
[source] tictactoe ai
Php-like explode and replace?
Mouse clicks
New Rank
attempt to read past eof error
A Few Functions
Interfacing With Parallel Port
is there any time counting class in java?
Jeremiah's Calculator
where can i find VB
real to int?
CLOS: Translations from Java and Ruby
Bubble sort
is there a way to exit a fork.
linksys wireless-g notebook adapter
MMORPG features.
DWITE Comments
My Project, Dungeon the game
gameServer Beta Testers
Shall we file this under "Google is--" ah fuck it.
Which of the Next-Gen. Consoles do YOU prefer?
Need some coding help
agent smith dodging game
new hd
Waiting for messages in a message queue
The Matrix Master has stepped down.
credit card program
Number game, made it in an hour, gimme feedback plz
Game by Robbie
With insane level-Robbie
Insane level added-Robbie
New and improved game by Robbie
Work @ Home Web Development (PHP/RoR)
Mouse Help
Any good tutorials/guides for creating windows/panes/frames.
RPG Battle Animation
Text Based File Browser --Comments/Suggestions Appreciated!
[Lisp-tut] Taking a format string apart
The Next Mainstream Programming Languages
Mouse-following text
Test your skills (2006)
How to take a picture from the screen and print it?
I cannot print the output screen from a standalone program
Cool Places To Work
Error 521
Blender: Flower in vase
Calculating interest / Help with functions
[Tip] Getting used to printf formatters NWN server
Difference, between net beans and ready....
Text Help
generating random real numbers
Help with displaying real values
Big Blue is Back...
Datafile write troubl
file sharing
[source]binary/decimal converter
Matrix stick movie
ressetting mouse coordinates
Multiple word inputs - Help please
Need some pointers....
Math program help.
Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy" and the JDK
Pong! - A slighty different take on the classic.
Looking for a suggestion
Funky JavaScript Problem
Why wont this loop properly?
Game making HELP...background
Yoda fight movie!!!!
this is a challenge
2006 Turin(g) Olympics
Gandalf's Particles
looking for a challenge
video converters
Burn badly built button borders!
My Matrix Pong
Recording RTSP streams.
music player problem
My finished Matrix Fight movie
Matrix Flash Trailer
Help: Saving and Analysing file names to determine extension
difference between statica and instance members
Wiki Permission Chages
tic tac toe
really simple array problem
filling out forms
Fully Functional Directory Copier
StringTokenizer problems
RPG game eperience calculating problem
string::substr(begin, end)
Japanese online suicide pacts
Trying to make Pong Networked...
MS Word/ Power point
Need some help....
Flash Website!!
HTML help with codes PLEASE!
char arrays
Removing characters from a file
Hex and Bin conversion.
Inserting numbers using arrays
What are 'objects as data records'?
Color String Help
Qbasic help please!
How to create an .exe file...?
Reading Week
Copyright Infringement?
Reading .txt files
Sikk physics "wave" program
Hello yall, I just made a pacman game!!!!
VB freezes!
Turing Chat - Emotion Problem
Help with GUI's
Turing Update (4.0.5)
need php tutorial!
AssertFailed - GUI.Quit Problem
Passing arrays
x64-compatible version of Turing?
pong game help
Help with some Input/Output....
help with text
Rays and atoms bounce
Rays and atoms bounce
rays atoms
Removing Commas From A String
string manipulation and arrays
Very nice forum!
What causes this error?
Help With My PacMan Game
V3 PreAlpha Preview
generating random pills
All hail Miyamoto!
xbox live
An Open Challenge
sorting strings via 2d array
DWITE Feb 21, Problem 2
<<I need to be BANNED>>
Looking for Links for Unbelievable Extreme Newbie
No WiFi for Lakehead
HELP - I can't spell and I'm too cool to do my own homework!
AOL & Yahoo E-mail Tax
program help
Chat program in VB
Justifying Text in Java
sending files to another computer with java help
LanSchool Hack
What to expect?
XP not detecting Antivirus
Smoother Animation?
help with changing portions of a word
Chat program, with a GUI (help)
Picture Cropping and Hasch Questions, Please help
Glasses and being nerds?
semi shading?
Why do programming and math go together?
Efficiency Problem
2 <= base <= 16 converter.
[List] The Best Algorithms
Card game file - save yourself some work
char BST of and equation
DVD not recognized by DVD drive
Unable to execute command 'ilink32.exe'
How to use winsock to make a chat program
Detecting Keywords
fork/process help?!?!
Save a file
Comma - Delimited - File (CSV) reading issue
Fatal Wish Game
Why Pascal?
CCC 2006
Need help with a text decoder/encoder thingy
Version Control System
sweet games
sweet games
World of Offline Gaming
Quick Tutorial on For Loops
Better than Google?
Drawing Cool Pictures Using Asterisks
Random integer
is c++'s != the same in java?
Check if a process is running
multi-user chat program
Possibly the best video game ever created
How do you find your own IP address?
Save chat history
Want to encrypt output files data?
Compilation Error
Working with big maps...
Admin lock...
Protecting coded windows...
Partition Problem
Using Comments
DreamHost Coupon Code (The Best Hosting)
Complete CCC 2006 Junior Analysis
"Clipping out" a picture
check out my support site
Turing Space Game
Out of these algorithms
Does any1 have or know where i can get ready to program Java
V3 User Alpha Tester
Pongggg help
Hack Quest
Error with XP
Red vs Blue
Firefox and Character Encoding
A question about a Questioning program..
A question about a Questioning program..
Think mac users are safe from hackers and viruses?
readLine() question
Recorded info
cant log in
Which Game Is Better?
O'Caml Lesson #1
How do you find the keycode for the key Print Screen?
Dissapearing router
Trying to make "Asteroids" game...
Japan photos, part 2.
help me in array
binary search
Is it possible...
Waterloo University
First Work... ever
I am very undecided about to get this laptop or not
strreal emulation
Html Pictures Not showing.
JavaScript and Animated Buttons?
making snake...
any timing feature in turing?
Microsoft loving U Waterloo
New to the forums and i have a few questions.
Microsoft Online Search!
Multiple swing Windows
Help with mouse movement
recursive functions
odd even
Weird out of country dictator....
Return Statements in If Statements
Someone help me please:
Double buffer problems
Tutorial CMS [How do i make it..or if there is a script [
Notice : compsci team
Sending program to system tray?
Need Help wth Time.Elapsed
To: Delos
Escape game
Cannot allocate item. Out of id numbers (max 1000)
A mistake in 3 simple lines!
Java File Search
Google video fun
char question
What Screen Resolution?
File Streams
M$ Madness
need help on decreasin speed
Turing 4.1
Your Favourite Song Lyrics
Turing -> C++ translator
how to deal with multiple return values
Most Complex Program?
COM+, winsock, or DCOM
COM+ and DCOM tutorial
O'Caml Lesson #2
Happy White Day!!!
Overheating Hard Drive?
Syntax Typo?
Happy PI Day
French look to open iTunes
need help with adding bg in a page with frame
Loading website in VB6 program
Game in the works
Making a calendar program?
How to do loop statements in C++?
Givin bits for multiuser chat program help!
New user, first prog
New user
Snake game
Microsoft Visual Studio Develop Mental Tour 2006
Send SMS text messages using this prog
linux raw packets (c)
I need help with a Math related question Please Help Me
Where to begin my game?
M4a to mp3 converters
Checking items in a list
NBA Live style free-throw sliders
input box
Closure demos in many languages
My poker game
Member info
Some random stuff i made
[source] High Scores Class
Gmail Invites anyone?
O'Caml Style Guidelines
Breakout type game
User defined arrays?
Used all the control names, need help with.. Arrays? =\
Blender Tutorial for Beginners*Note images will be uploaded*
Setting up a C++ compiler for Windows Command-Line
Hackers get Mac running Windows
New Web Browser
Javascript help
My pong game...some things I need help with
Help I can't figure this out
String Manipulation
Pong Help
Steve Pavlina
tic tac toe game
Futurama Returns
Laptop Graphics Cards
Logic Problem? Left bound > Right bound.
New project... what's that game called?
How do I create a delay in java?
Problems opening a user defined .txt file
Downloading HTML Source with Winsock
Dynamic Classes
Why Does M$ Do This so Often?
my pong game for assignment
List margins!
my pong game for assignment
Net.CloseConnection crashes
Variable Lesson
Basic, but I still need help!
Jumping Speed Algorithm??
Power Supplies
Bring me thine questions O' faithful servants
Weekend Web
Mutiny! ... or not.
PHP in HTML...
ASCII help
[Tutorial] Character Maps
index parameter limit
corrupted graphics??
Scoring System -- How would I set it up?
installing an OS from an image file
Python exe
University Of Waterloo
The Dir.Module
something wrong with this program need help!
Increase mouse speed?
CSS Transparency
PHP in HTML...
Ideas to strengthen ruby skills
Key Implication in Java 1.4.2 sdk (Ready to Program)
Doesn't the Split() function return an array?
Automatic scroll down
my program has 1 error need help
how to add decimal
drawing on screen from image file in c#
Easy Program
Physics - dissolving a compressed spring in acid
Kinda like Hit Detection
Bullet Game
Changing Variables
physics question about forces
Figure out the numbers
connecting a linksys adapter
Get 20
Not Another Encryption!!
Difficulty with Yahoo Games
PHP If Statments + Links
Inheritance/Constructor problem
Secret Message Program
Just To Prove Pops Wrong; I am Writing the Topic
Inventory Database Help
roman numeral special cases
Fun with arrays!
vending machine
Somewhat stupid question
Custom Fonts?
Program by Robbie
New program by Robbie
New program by Robbie
New program by Robbie
3D Imaging Software
Why Macs Suck
English project ideas
New program by Robbie
'.class' expected compiler error
Combat Game
physics - friction
Trouble compiling program.
Pointer Help for deleting from a list
3D dice
Index in Java help
List of commands
What makes a good RPG?
Please Help
real programmers
Robbie's Dodge the square Game
Desktops - March/April 2006
Hey, I'm back and such.
It's been a while.
[Tip] SpringLayout
Font and random numbers
In Search Of Wifi
um helppppppppp
shooting problems
oval animation
how do i import an image
Arrays of Objects
Quick question on Graphics
A Startling Admission
Multi sounds
Ignoring input?
Maybe this so-called "v3" is april fool's joke!
Can you beat 60?
Allowing users to edit an HTML table ?
Whats up guys?
Help with Pong --> Paddle Movement.
making a class with hsa console...
3DS Model converter
Help needed, ASAP!
Can someone make out what this says?
That crazy post 9-11 world we live in
I really don''t know how to do this...
A 1954 prediction of the home computer
Help with my Virtual Pet Program
Ubuntu Question
color text
Are you proud to be Indian?
Creating an image from an existing image
* Character
Trigonometry Help - Missle Tracking
Lower case to upper case
assign pics to variables
Yet another laptop advice thread...
odd sites
Greatest Flash game
Best/Worst Pickup lines...
HKL reflections for X-Ray Crystallography
Logging in
Turning off errors? (Python, no console, py2exe'd)
Who uses Bell High Speed?
help with my blackjack game
tic tac toe
filepaths in linux/windows
Apple Runs Windows, Pigs Fly.
What country / ethnic group has been most successful?
Do you, uh, rofl?
hasch command
Graphics issue!
Arrays help
Changing from 1 Letter to desired Number
Checking Name Legitimacy
text help
Just curious about Windows and keyboard input....
One of the 'better than average' Turing games ever made....
Instantiate an array of objects and class stuff
ascii '32' doesn't put space - help.
Can someone please compile a really simple program for me?
Getting Cygwin to recognize 'clear' command
c++ on free bsd?
Linking two programs
3D car modeling contest
battlefield2 and xfire
using the enter key in turing
How do i read one word from a datafile instead of the line?
file viewer
pass arrays to modules?
Next Toyota Prius to get over 100mpg
Turing bot contest!
how to study flash when you are a beginner
Picking a Programming Language for a Project
Colours and Boxes
Folow The Dots Game
Number guess
Multiplication Issue
Wondering how to stop errors..
Helicopter Game
sorting algorithms
Multiple choice adventure game
Shutting Down
Collition detection with speed
Walking "Algorithm"
Don't hit Bob
XSLT problems
[source] Credit Limit w/ AWT GUI, neat code tricks used
Warmer/Colder game
Making smart buttons for my web browser
Final project : help!!
What the **** is trig?
Which forum do you visit most at compsci
dodge ball
The Flying Game
Where's that quote from?
What the **** is trig?
Java on mac
Blob Game
Help with Menus with GUI buttons
Sorting objects by field
Changing .exe icon
Lamer - because I don't want to read the Tutorials.
how to use wizard
tree falling make sound??
best language
who gets Prime Minister?
Error: Cannot allocate item. Out of id numbers (max 1000)
Bullet Time pong
is there a way to force audio to stay in sync?
RPG style!
Perl Modules
The Fruit Game
How to use mouse commands to perform animations
Win Zip
two procedures at once
Is there any way to get Turing to calculate and display:
get font?
How do I move pics and change the pic at the same time?
What is True? What is False? I dont get it.
Turbo Pascal database program HELP
Space Game
Unicode Encoding and Byte Removal
Three Dimensional Array
Irregularly Shaped Buttons
Dates and times
Turbo Pascal Help! How to create overlapping text windows?
Hit Detection
Were to start with Java and XML
Not allowed to edit posts?
win32 console app with no window
flashing screen
I need help with making my web browser
Using sin and/or cos to jump
Då Vinçi Çode Ques†
Street Fighters
Font Again
mario needs to jump :(
Frozencore Register and Win : $1000
hacker dan
Real Time Strategy
Resources for learning Java's XML libraries.
Math Fourm?
[Tutorial] Simple obstacle detection/path-finding
[Tutorial] Simple obstacle detection/path-finding
Dodge the squares
help soon plz
Help me on Records and Forks please
Space and the unkown
Yet another problem with DP
sudoku puzzle generator logical error IRC Bot
Diagonal Movement
Space Shooting Game
Space Shooting Game
making a sprite run using multiple pictures-heres my code-
Shooting game
Elasticity in rope simulation
need help with a program
Aiming on Tanks Game
Google Calendar
deleting compsci account
Variable types and window titles.
Squash those bugs!
Stupid new technology!
how to make *.exe files from turing language
why does this give me an error?
why does this give me an error?
why does this give me an error?
why does this give me an error?
Network Tic-tac-Toe
why does this give me an error?
why does this give me an error?
why does this give me an error?
Object movement help needed!
Why did the chicken cross the road??
Roman numeral challenge!
Chess (No AI)
Questiong about useing intstr(number)
Trouble with xsl
VB classes and containers
Automatically Shutdown Windows w/ Timer!
Ping Pong
Sorting from a file
Mersenne Twister
Generating sprites while reading .txt files
Sieve of Eratosthenes
searching and retriving specific information in a file.
Paint Program.
View.Update 'Lag' issues
[C#] Rocket Commander
Fly the copter (SEETHRU) Turing version
Integer.parseInt throws format exception, what to do?
Trouble Shooting trig
World of Warcraft... (and other Blizzard goodness)
Formatted Output in Java 1.4.2
Helicopter Game
Random numers
Quiz program - elsifs and loops problems
processes in classes?
Screensaver with Editor
Arrays Help - How do you post a specific letter from a word
Need help with my web browser combo box
Tic Tic Toe in 1 line...well, sort of.
GUI.CreateMenu .. Help with disappearing issue plz!
Falling Squares
Trucking Program
View.Update & Pic.Draw?
PrintWriter deletes contents of file
Rotating line
French army wins?
Synchronization in Windows Media Player 10
?? Attempt to read past eof ??
can someone Direct me
Dodge the Boulders
Returning to main manu after game finishes
Mass file conversion
Rand.Int help
RPS game!!!! (rock paper scissors lol)
trouble using links to site?
Post Secondary Education
Multiplication Practice
Duck Hunt
Decrementing an array of classes
new computer file transfer probs
Some major help needed...
Some major help needed...
Reading multiple webpage directories
[FP] Real Time Strategy
Multiple Array Sorting (Code included)
math contest - fermat
references in java?
HELP with Paint Outline - URGENT!!
DWITE Recurting
DWITE Recurting
VC# directory.move error
Directory Reading
Changing Units
ericfourfour's Particle Engine
moving a square using a procedure
Volume Rendering
VB Books
Python: Pygame and Tkinter
Line Game
TheOneTrueGod's Particle System
Is this a turing limitation?
Basic platformer
help with moving a cursor!
The game of craps
Band Data Organizer
TXT combat (if and loop)
Sending binary files using the NET command
Where can I find a Complete Tutorial for Ready to Program?
Serpinsky Triangle with recursion
What Dot Color
Delay without Delay
Sql style variables
The Game of Craps I
java program
Put and get on the same line...
Run window bgcolour?
Gravitational pull game
Sys.Exec and making shell style programs
Question reguarding the "seek" command
blast off ...
Return the output of a program
trouble getting paint tools to work right....
VerifyString class, test for all numbers or all letters!
Turing practice contest!
Mandlebrot (w/ zoom)
The Great War
basic calculator
java music
ctrl+z ends my apps
Something to do with inheritance.
parking garage
Converting a string to a double
Wanting to learn VB!
RPS I'm new so don't spam me
pacman ?
Snake Help
turing_403_to_404d_update.exe Link dead
Turing Graphics Code Generator
Need Help With A Program (n00b) At Turing.
Cear screen
bouncing picture ?
My Space Game
This is all very informal...
Turing's GUI
MicroInfection Game
OpenGL or DirectX?
For loops
My C code is acting strange
Crimsonland Ripoff
Poker help
keeping your backround while clearing something infront ofit
array fun
Basic Snake
File save/load and menus
Whack a mole
Online Form Thing (Made in DreamWeaver)
pong help plz :(
A very weird problem that delays movement of my red square!
opening java files
Shootins problems
importing packages
guessing game
Wana learn Blitz or DrakBASIC
Building killer
car program
Options for Input.KeyDown?
My Drawbackround Procedure is not working properly
help with moving pictures
hit dfetection
Help with a horse race program, please
how do I work perl scripts into HTML?
physics - waves
[Q-Basic] Pong Game
Turing Application Download
A question on shooting...
The Customizer
Missile FIX
[source] circle - line segment collision detection
Input with Input.KeyDown is too fast?
Please helpme with angles and make the bricks work
Make this program asd good as possible ie) bricks work
Game, Fight Club
Moveable Objects
Nibbler A Fun Snake Game
Make this program asd good as possible ie) bricks work
My crippy mosue thingy.
Nip it in the bud
Exiting and re-entering multiple loops
CCC2006 stage 2 results
Grade 11 Computer Science Summative... some help needed
TextPad - Error: "The system cannot find the file Speci
Making a button press occur only once.
Help with determining score for a user.
integrating a high scores procedure into a program
integrating a high scores procedure into a program
integrating a high scores procedure into a program
integrating a high scores procedure into a program
Seperating foreground from background
Game: Terrorist Attack
connecting to a ftp server
Best Score
Here's my Tic Tac Toe game
Help on Helicopter game
Needed Help on Unit, Module etc.
Coverflow for OSX
integrating GUI into a program
integrating GUI into a program
integrating GUI into a program
integrating GUI into a program
Pacman Help
21 game (Blackjack)
BlackJack Help
Full Screen Windows
RPG game : battle formulas
How Can I Make A Transparent Background
How do I get VB to recognise two buttons are being pressed?
Help for adding sounds in Turing programs
My Old Pong Game
Searching through a textfile.
Anyone with Turing 4.1 want to help me?
Help with Interger Overflow
Quit with exe files
Help me with a Drawing Program
loop problem
Random music
Spy And Snipe
Desktops - May '06
CD/DVD Drive Problem
hours to days and hours
adaptor/battery problem
system restore
OK everyone, you can stop sacrificing the virgins...
My sigs
GUI problems
Effing pop-ups!!!!!!
Math.max function
Parametric (originally by catalyst in C++)
Find The Pearl
Rand.Int Tutorial (With Boxes)
Problem with Small Breaking Program.
time + type at the same time
first time using turing, help a fellow beginner out
path fider thing
changing from draw to sprite.
Guessing GAme
A little help please
A Car Movie
Findoing Mean Median and mode
PHP-Turing [Game]
bouncing pictures with two
Need Help With Import/Export var
Im made a program but some is not right but it should be
Windows XP Theme Missing!!!
Help with a circumference/area program
Mouse co-ordinate detection (Air Hockey)
Ball bouncing effect
Useful Procedures
help on my brick game
help on my brick game
How does VB move data to an xml file?
what should i take up next?
help on removing items from combo box
How do you invoke a class from another folder?
need help desperately again
Help with bounce
Read / Write
Help with Arrays
Learning HTML
My Best Program (Space Pong!)
how do you make a turing program as your desktop?
basic game
charAt for Turing
Help On My RPG
Help with clock
How can I move a polygon?
Rock Paper Scissors Compiler Error.
Help with moving objects
Drawing a Periodic Table
racing game
Help!!!! How to draw a ship in turing???
The DaVinci Code
OK, where is the brouse button to upload images?
problem with "procedure" statement
guess the number
Pong so far
Klingelton / Klingeltoene / Klingelton Gratis
hey guys and gals!
[Tutorial] General tutorial from
Program not compiling
Sorting multiple arrays
Trouble with Arrays and Processes*ugh*
how to open programs
Dance Dance Revoloution Help
random number HELP
read from file
Help with a inefficiant Checkers code
Having trouble with arrays and images
Mouse Help
Number Conversion help
Lost Magic
Global Variables
Font with Variable
Vista hardware specs reasonable
Firing bullets - angles - help?
Is it possible?
Progress Bar
Running turing files from turing
Snake Game.
Snake Game.
Snake Game.
Music and Picture from the internet
maya questions
reading material for C++
Need help
Beta RTS in Progress
Programming help: Centrigrade to Fahrenheit
Star Game
Numeric Password Generator
[Tutorial]Compiling Turing code
Giving a picture transparent properties above a background
Online tutorials
How Do I Email .txt Files?
Is There A Way To Hide a Window and Have Input?
The Weather in Thunder Bay
A password TextField
Creative ideas
Free Range Code wrangling
Help with encrypt/decrypt program
roller coasters
Writing in Turing with Arrays
Image Flicker?
Tab Control (Tutorial Request)
Project Euler
Why Can't I View Page Data?
Turing as a Functional Programming Language
Importing inherited classes
Drawing an oval at a permanent position
Little Firefox Icons
Using exponents
Tab Index (controlling Tab order)
Flickering Castle
Business Project Survey
Windows (Not the OS)
Program advice Please, thnks.
mouse trouble!!
Keeping window open in DevC++
Turing Excecutables
Using Sys.Exec with spaces
(Tutorial Request) VScrollBars
Is there any ignore warnings option?
Can Some1 Convert Python to Turing?
wheres waldo
Tutorial Site
Sapce gAme
Mouse Movement
Changing Cursor Arrow?
Dumb IE
Suggest Wings3D for Noobs it helped me out a lot....
Opening other turing files in the same window
Playing Music and Global Variables
Drop Down Menu/New Forms
How can I move my truck .
Opening and Reading the File.
Battleship question~
Transparent get?
Walls and Barriers... I Need Some Help...
Flickering Character
It just wont hit!
Outpost Defence (space game)
Moving Ball
Tank-Style game
multiple pictures of characters?
Help on Assembler Code for Robot
Help with classes in my game
Expandisng Output Screen Size
GUI help
Fraction Help
atempted game first program need feedback
Blackjack: wut you think?
Tic Tak Toe help
Tic Tak Toe help
better way to do this?
Returning to a Procedure
Sprites help
change color of a label?
Defend Your Computer
Change Icon
Records, arrays and redirection .. all in one huge mess!
Confirm Pass and gui text field help
Need Help making Jar File
fighting game help
Quick program, suggestions?
contact with certain points
Needing Help on Keeping Track of Websites
Help With Dance Dance Rev.
4 Classic game remakes
Lyrics File Downloader (for mp3's)
b trouble
Always on top
Help With a Length Formula
turing choice
Help me with this problem plz...
[QBasic 4.5] Stopping flickering on moving objects?
super mario
Sun Fighters V1.5
Search Button?
[Tip] Packages
Edit Feature!
Gr 11 Final Prject: Gravity Game
Help!!! i need to make a game shop grogram with data base!!!
string problem
Remapping controls to be used with Input.KeyDown
[FP] Forces - done!
Pong w/ classes
Question regarding arrays of JButton and ActionListeners...
Code Smells
Reading Files, Help Needed
Proc and Procedure
Help with net code
Help Needed Related to Randomizing Pictures
Enter carries over to menu (pac-man type game)
My version of Tic-Tac-Toe
My First Class
Snipe 'Em
Ageia's PhysX PPU
Error quitting .exe
[Tip] Graceful Degration
Sun Fighters!
help meeeee with load and save
[Tip] Secure Transmission
Smiley animation turing code
array of classes?
no value variables
Reverse Blurring?
Multi-Player Game
compiling source code
Netbeans Menu Exit
Eliminating Variables
Math.Distance [Tutorial]
Card Program
Disappearing Sprites?
Widgit ID problem
Second Programming Language
Lemmings test
writing variables in font
names and char arrays
calling classes
query not working
syntax error :(
The Invisible wall :?
Bit Log?
Border Layout ???
Microsoft, Yahoo!, and eBay
Change picture onclick...How can it stay changed?
Simple Internet Explorer Error; can't figure it out
one small quick question
JFrame location
alien invaders
I was just wondering
Conversion With 2 Languages Help
Detecting Files?
Programming Efficiency (Lines of code vs Code run)
[Tutorial] View.Set and View.Update
Playing Music; Intro and Looping Core Files
RPG Items
lottery time!
i was woundering
[Tip] Makefiles
public static....
JFrame and Container question
[Tip] Java's not the only game in the JVM town
Please, Need Help To Convert Decimal To Binary Numbers
Hey Need Some Code For Walls For RPG Please
KeyListen (outputs keycodes&keytext)
Disableing a button
running a internet macro at a given time
do loops
I need an idea for a final project
guessing game
Error using command prompt
FF06 trying to make a new RPG would like help
Sick FF06 Game
Frame Closing
need help with this program...
problem with random number stuck, what am i suppose to do
Adding picture to Turing Programme
Where to get?
how do you write program to put integers in order?
Hang Man!!!!!!
save my 4$$
A wave-mixing sound generator -> which language?
OO and Procedure programming
Random Procedures
Question about a flats game
Ubuntu Dapper released today
Seizure in a box, Ch-Ch-Check it out
how to import images
loading music
put chars(n) bug?
Rate my sigs
Exporting From For Loops
Room mate
Using a char without pressing enter
Restart program
how to add hyperlink to turing?
Space Shooters/Website
getch: argument is wrong type
Record types in classes
Fixing the flicker in my program
help for game
Argument is the wrong type
The Return of Mr. T (formerly known as Pwned)
Another problem :/
Turing Play music, is loop really needed?
Is it possible to have version 4.0.5??
Frequently Asked Questions (And Answers!)
Waterloo or University of Toronto @ Scarborough
[b]traffic Light intersection with breadboard and LEDs[/b]
unknown net error?
Menu screen help
Procedures and Parameters
I am getting random "Illegal picture ID" crashes
Exporting Variables from Procedures
Will this program work?
Help with strings
Help with strings
help on buttons
The Snake game
Random Slowness
Random Slowness
Random Slowness
Random Slowness
Random Slowness
Random Slowness
time counter/clock
moving fonts
when storing information can you...
getch: argument is wrong type
I need help with strings in my program please.
Air Hockey Help!
Why is the linux mascot a penguin?
So much for *that* debate
Time limit
Zombie game
The game of risk
Programming tasks for a slow afternoon
I need help with my project
How do I Use Rand.Int with a String?
Shooter Help
Shooter Help
Why does this file-listing module produce duplicates?
Turing Glitch Help
Turing Cafeteria Menu help =]
how to put pictures in the program??
5 player gaming program :idea:
how to put a pix into the program?
Quick GTK+ Example
WhatDotColour : MathDistancePointLine
finished final game
End If error
Attaching pictures
Cash Register
Your mouse
Turing VS C++ (Recursive Counting)
Google Talks: Peter Siebel - "Practical Common Lisp&quo
Working on Pacman ! Got stuck on something >.<
media player?
Check Colour Underneath
Game site
Parallel Put
Game site
How to get to IRC
Turing update
Calling on other programs
cant figure out
Time wasters ---
Pokemon Game Help
Aiming problem
my quiz game
Leader board
grade 10 final project
help on mastermind game
help on mastermind game
music in Dev cpp
Snake Help
TRON help.
variable has no value :(
War card game: WHAT TO DO NEXT?
War card game: WHAT TO DO NEXT?
Paint/Write Code (hard to explain!)
Trouble switching background images with CSS
ITS DONE!!! YAY!!!!! all bugs are gone
Deleting the pointer arrow head thingy
automated dates
JLabel manipulation
Any tips? I'm stuck on my game
Ah! Cafe menu again, but now I need help on something else..
Music mixing / DJ software
Sony Sues Microsoft
I need help with my exam questions
Is there a mouse click equivalent to Input.Pause
I've been using turing for 2 weeks.. I need 5 seconds !!
Yet another Paint Program...
Function pointers by example
help with a snake game plz :P
String and Unicode
turing 4.04d
login source code - could be refined to access something
cetroid finder
Length of a String
Playing 2 Files
Anonamously referencing procedures within a class
Saving Values
which way?
simple question
RE-Space Shooter
Ahh, image won't display
help with image program
why this on work?
program waiting
I'm trying to do a dral or no deal game
Help starting the gaming process
PHP Hit Counter
Net Neutrality at stake
Wanted: someone with skill. ( <= 56k, be warned)
Moving Shapes With Timers
Chemistry Question!
Insanely basic target shooter
why cant i see anything link
Souce - Program Console
If ElseIf statements
so somlicated...please explain this loop
difficulties understanding this loop.
VB dl
Problem with Font.Draw
I need help with file handling???
String to int
transfer files through the net between two machines
final project Tic Tac Toe
Saving large pictures that have been drawn on
Centering a page vertically
Hi i need help badly( connect 4)
Image Help
VB 2005 express edition
Concentration Help
adding arrays
Parallel Port interfacing?
piano keyboard help
Not a new concept, but ill try to do it right...
Trying to work on previews with a paint program.
which school is the best
Rockin' the Object-Oriented Casbah?
For the prospective university students
Another chem question, fairly urgent
Need help with my animation.
WC III clan?
questions about index function
Title page problem
Shell Program
help me with brick game
Help with Brick Break FSE
OpenUrlConnection is messed up:(
merging text with jpanel
Newb Question--Help reading an XML file and displaying conte
How Do I??
Is there any thing wrong with this?
Rob the Bank
missing bracket
Diplomacy RTS Beta 1.0
My Tribute to Silver Surfer and German Futbol (Soccer)
Boolean Parameter
Loops and Rand.Int --HELP!
3D Spherical Texturing
windows xp in visual basic
Flashing Name
Disable Minimization in a Frame
Something i dont understand, my teacher cant help
WoW clan
pong, hope you like, it has some music in it too!!
Problem with classes
Two dementional array help
Draw.FillStar Rotation
How can i Run Two Leds at the same Time?
Math - Sequences/Series
Best program I ever made [Comp Shut Down App]
URGENT Turing Timer Help needed
too big numbers
question about a data file
Need Help on Font Size of Numbers In Variable
flashy animation
Beginners Guide To DarkBasic Game Programming ---- download
Sun Fighters Final
Free hosting with turing?
Scrolling text
Another university or collage question thingy
Functions and Updating two values
Question about fonts.
Concentration Game Help
~Final VB project~ How do you use a database and store info?
FIFA World Cup 2006
Kate editor execute Ruby scripts
Full Screens
How do i make pictures be clickable? PLZ HELP ME THIS IS URG
Searching 4 Textfile
GUI buttons
!!!! PLEASE HELP ME !!!!
Spiders and creepy Crawlers
help me plz
how do i mirror images in turing?
Reading inputs
i need some help with human vs. computer
wat is boolean?
Blog and Wiki Down Time
is there a way to find out ...
help with a yahtzee game
F1 For Help...
Need Procedures Help
Tic Tac Toe with WhatDotColour
N00B Questions.
how do i delete a part of an array
How do you use the spacebar in the game
Password generator using optparse
Matrix text
Kate editor execute Ruby scripts
Pong help
Please help me link to #location; it messes up whole page
collision problem
Reading Text Files
EXCEL anyone?
Can you set it to use two buttons at once
[FP]Wolfenstein 3D
Stormy Orb Tutorial
pythagorean triplet
Problem with files
Moving pictures in VB
Drawing to the screen..?
PC freezing with Mouse.Where
Grade 12 Programming
Program after Turing.
Hitman: Blood Money
Game recording question.
.msi setup file?
Saving, how does it work
Legend of Legaia
Sort of RPG
RPG like game
What am i doing Wrong??
[C-tut] WIP - Whirlwind Tour of C
mysql_fetch_assoc error
Mouse Games
Live Gamertags
how to insert images
Why won't it let me exit?
Image Collision / Detection help please.
about compiling...
Collision Detection with distance from point to line segment
get using mouse
Double Buffer
Preload settings from text file?
music repeat
Collision, how does this work
Math with decimals
UofW CS course content
Putting on a website / .exe
too big for BigInteger
Screen stuff
I have a question...
My Space Invaders Gr. 10 ISU + My model pack
Simple Graphing Program
Reading Records Problem
Comparing and counting cards
Printing(An actual printer) files or text
Switching from one thread to another
Poker Code Messed Up
Helicopter...WITH PHYSICS, kinda, but it is cool!
[Tutorial]Enum - Enumerated Types
Good Sigs
Eliminating the Run Window
Dragon Slayer - RPG in the works
Wall Collision
Riddle me this, Batman.
[FP] - FPS
Turing RPG
Linked list in C
Converting a real number into a string
Before I start programming this...
screen saver
New idea, not sure if its been done or possible
[Tutorial] File I/O
TURING HELP, new here , help needed with my school project .
!UPDATE! PC cash Beta1.1
Drawing pictures outside of the paint method
String manipulation
Help creating a maze
if not get?
I bought darkblue nameshadow...But it wont show
Shooting Problem
Shooting Problem
Shooting Problem
Rendering whole planets in real time
Spore + _that_ debate = VG Cats!
Poker Hand Values
Video Editing software... suggestions?
Media Player Help
Dry Fire
Creating a scrolling animation within a <div> layer
Serial mouse on ubuntu won't work
reimage + reformat
Poker-Check and make changes if you must
Recursion Checkers AI
include and extend
The Timecube...
Air Hockey Game
Poker Flush- I know there is a better way to do this
Warning IE + MSN Music users
[Tutorial] Making .JAR Files (Java Archives)
Ruby.NET compiler
Acceleration calculations.
Poker code-minus straights HELP!
Help With Working With 'Enter'
Line-Line Interesection
Advanced Character Physics
Website I made
Marking Scheme + End Date
Ron Fedkiw's fluid simulations
[FP] Peg Solitaire
[FP] Stop At Nothing (file now exists)
[FP] Gravity Lander
Real Variables
my level class
New Computer
Listing a Directory Tree
Moving the way a object is facing
Game has sound on a no-sound computer!!!
Evasive Maneuvers 2?
I like to spam.
OVal detection
Decomposition of a number.
Summer Vacation
Bell allowing government to monitor users
Apache help needed
color detection
Command/Query Separation
Website Design/ Developing
[Source] The Debug Class!
Simple Two Dimensional Physics
Two Player Connect Four
Help With Array Subscripts
[C] strcmp vs. dereference and ==
SQL Insert Command, just learning; need help with syntax
[FP] RTS Engine
WIP - Pascal Whirlwind
Pope John Paul II did NOT believe in God.
Senate Panel Rejects Net Neutrality.
Graphics card questions
[FP] Arcade Racer
little fuzzy on Math.DistancePointLine
Program Help! Please!Important!
[FP] Fireworks!
Happy Canada Day
Stick Figure movement test
Executing an external files
[request]vista-like glassy effects
Favorite Channel
Hackers and... hackers
Forces Engine
Forces Engine
Value of const/final members in classes?
Rope Physics
An Open Challenge
JMenu Doesn't Appear
New Windows Screensaver :P
Help on API function
Flying Through Space?
Hey Guys, and girl(s)...
large counted loop
Can't get my .jar file to work
A question for the Epic WoWers.
Import script??
Noobie Needs Help
[Tip] Use methods
Can VB do reverse trigonometry functions?
I hate gtk-gnutella
List of banned books
Guts by Chuck Palahniuk
loading picture into J2ME
"New Windows Screensaver" V2
"New Windows Screensaver" V2
java indentation
Get you started on VB
Nicely done and informative!
Locate, Dissapear!
Error outputting DataGrid to Excel File
C++ as a better C?
Let's gouge Future Shop
Terrorist Attack
Turing's Built in Procedures?
Adding a HardDrive... and RAM
Drawing modes
Like Lyrics -
file reading logic problem
Computer Literacy
how do you convert videos to IPod
Having both Japanese and English Windows XP accounts.
Exit Problem
Dynamic Resize
[Tutorial] Benchmarking Draw.ThickLine with Turing
The Political Compass
Setting up a public access point.
Choosing a linux distro
Array conventions...
Algorithm for point to edge of a polygon
Where do I start?
Loading pictures in records
Final Project - gunbound shooting
Addition of Digits in integer
BSD on the Workstation
parallel port in java
Dynamic Arrays?
Problem printing website: nothing prints!
Unable to install Microsoft files
Class Inheritance and Naming in For Loops
USB Access
Using Sprite Sheets.
Maxx and Maxy trouble...
Where is everyone?
Parametric Equations (interesting 3d addition)
new guy
restart when stuck in a loop
Something important C++ is missing
Easy way to create a window (using openGL)
Timecube = Disproved
The Alphabet of Manliness
Datagrid output to excel: only displays in white ...?
August 7th?
Another Program Problem
What's your favourite pixellated character?
Finding time differences
Turing Predefs
desktop screen shot?
Side Scroller
Printing Trouble
Internet Explorer colours
Coding Conventions!
3-dimensional plotting : x, y, z axes
Mouse buffer?
Mouse Troubles
Methods as parameters
Little qick question.
[Tutorial] BigInteger's, Handle Very Large Numbers!
Forces vs. Evasive Maneuvers
first principles
Perfect CSS Layout
Tim Bray weighs in on Ruby
Half-Life 2 Portals Trailer
Leonard Nimoy
quick question - shared internet connection + Azureus
BoxLayout error
Forum templates?
Need Help With RPG Shooting Game
array out of bounds
cool debugging tool i made
classes objects
3D particles
CSS Hover
Class$#.class . . . what does it mean?
[App & Source] Hour Recorder
Google Open Source Project Hosting
GIMPS - The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
Code critique - vectors.
2006 Sysadmin of the Year
Can Some Help Me Please
The joys of Intercal
killzone vs halo
35 interesting things you learn about computers in movies
A little bit a clarification with returning objects.
Question about instanceof
Catch The Sparkles!
Im trying to get Base10 numbers to show as Base2
second derivative
Using Arrays to create a user-defined number of buttons
Advice for my new project (text rpg)
command to check integer?
Alexisonfire at the JLC
Getting started
Public members VS access methods
Generating all possible combinations
computation speed
Turing for PS2?
using music in turing
string to integer
Cool effect
PHP for parsing?
My God. Car insurance.
Packages and class by the same name.
Syntax highlighting in the forum
new to programming
new notebook
deafcon 14
10 ways to destroy the earth.
Quantum mechanics
UDP Chatroom
Valid xhtml links to google maps?
RPG Battle System
NTLDR is missing?
Any tutorials about Algorithm and Data Structure?
Internet Explorer autoscroll?
Grade 11 project: Paint Program
factorial and fibonacci functions
just a little 3d program
Timer Issues
Arguments arent quite right
Graph Analysis - Curve fitting
mario movement
Sudoku, version 1/2
Chaser Minigame
One of the math challenge problems
So... VB is the easiest way to create a GUI?
Not exiting at eof
2d array coordinates
Am i using Class's correctly?
Fibonaci Counter
for loop help
More Advanced Mouse Procedures
Cheap Computer > Productivity?
Flexible Arrays in Records
Little game i made
Sprite Help
Is it so?
battery icon
Transparent links for IE and FireFox?
Desktops - August '06
Falling Balls
WIP - Perl Whirlwind
Give your PC a Mac look
Collecting useless data.
CVS Recommandations
Array subscripts
comparing double to integer
(another) 3D program
Can processes be used in this way?
going to get a new laptop
Suggestions for Javascript/XML flexibility?
Initializing arrays
Will this 3d plotting procedure work?
Battle Test!
Sex up an array?
objects and vectors.
from swf to fla
keeping format of text file?
[HELP!] username and password program
Scrollbar help
windows authorization bug
Bash question
Animated gif
Vectors + Arrays
How to write Unmaintainable Code
GTA 4!!!! Or is it?
Alternate Code for click the Close Button in VB8(2005)
allow the user to input a space when getting a string
Help Me With My Pong Game
File Binder
Batch Files
IRC question
Arrow key help
Is it possible to create an installer exe?
Iv'e never seen a thread like this one...
How Do You Imput A Turing Encrypter/Decrypter...
Assigning Letter Values
Help get my menu to work better... (more details inside)
Things I miss since learning O'Caml
1001 Uses for a Sine Graph
Windows Processes
Yet Another RPG battle engine
favoutire X wm
Fish game
Flexible Arrays
Can I restore my computer
[Tutorial] Moving an Object Towards a Target
[App] Run Away from the Worm!
For Any mIRC Users, on
Petition to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities
Member IRC Handles Bad File Descriptor
Measuring a letter.
[WIP] Ultracraft (Snowcraft-Like Remake)
Miss PHP when you're hacking about in Rails?
Something I found Cruising Around
KingMax 1 Gb MiniSD for Sale
as crazy as wtd
Why does the line equation hate me so?
Macs and Turing
Intersections of two lines
Tactics Game
Final Project Contest?
formatting text file
How can I print my output in Turing?
Just do it
Forum Poster
Anyone a texture artist?
Have you texture a 3D object?
Dance Game
Eye Poking Program
RPG Classes (Cervantes come see)
V3 Public Beta
NO! We Can't Do Your Homework For You!
At University now :)
File Parser that uses <tags>
Pointer Issues
3D Shiny Ball
Newest Sig
[WIP] A Conceptual Bridge
need computing power
Desktops, sept 2006
Mini PCI
Dreamweaver Help
Help me compile simple program
Game slows down when music is added
IRC Channel Social Network Diagram
RPG 360* shooting (trig)
Flasch and a Mac
Age of Empires IV
Get into Waterloo?
College rather than University
menus/exit help
hard to pin point my mistake
Anyone NOT taking computer science at university?
Quick Functions Questions
Weird Hanging
Multidimensional flexible arrays using classes
Anyone find this disturbing?
laptop reviews
Controlling programs with time?
Turing ++ > Predefs to add functionality [Windows]
Splitting up digits into var
Making a Tournament Bracket
DWITE 2006-2007
How do I...
Best "Anything" in 20 Lines (Choose Your Language)
no execution
Following the mouse...
back to menu help
Passing 2D array by reference
Frame Animation Counter.
Form Snap To Grid
Trig calculations vs. lookup tables
start of a gui
Method for breaking a number into its digits
A Basic Game : Pong
Help Needed
Shut Down Fading Question
Can you do cross referencing in Turing?
GUI Help
How to create a Turing EXE
This deserves a post....
Online games.
Moving when something touches it
Particle Engine problems
Pow! A very simple source code.
How do I get audio info?
Programming with USB
funny stuff
Looking for great video game music.
noob needs help
Kinda stupid question but....
Level up your WoW character from 1 to 50 in 11 days!
Multimedia control doesn't want to play some audio files.
Running Turing from a website
sweet tank game
Still flickers with View.Update
[Tutorial] Packing and Deployment
Timer Class
Class subprograms cannot be subprogram variables
Title Bar + Threads + embeding fonts, any ideas?
Cedega/wine in linux?
File directory tutorial
organic chemistry
[WIP] [SML] An Introduction to Programming
DRM Awareness Day - October 3rd
Strange output
'Show Variables'
I need help to get some project ideas.
Need Help with Collision
Boost Libraries
Turing Upgrade
Ipod Games
Firefox 2.0
get command in
Attention Firefox Users!
pasting into turing run window
Images not showing up
Frequency Game!
I have a script error...
Ubuntu Edgy Eft Beta
Yes, another pong game.
WHAT! $50 for 1337 ninja ski11z!?
Java Applets
Cannot delete spyware in registry...
Volume in An Application
Picture box loses picture?
book suggestion?
If Statements
Final Project from Grade 10!
Delaying Functions
randomizing even numbers only
My New Style Sigs
Command & Conquer
Intel vs AMD Search
Deleting a file
How to change an image by only using the code?
Movies WORTH seeing.
First progy
My first progy
hidiously stupid question
How many gods are there?
Parse error in program
AMD Cool'n'Quiet Problem
factors of a number
collision help
Hiding the mouse cursor
Exploding Hello Kitty
Tile Mapping Question
google rant
it embrassments
comparing strings
Ready to Program (Java)
need help with prog plz
Why won't it let me post?
Error - but I can't find it!!
my program just wont clear screen
How do I use the common dialog control?
How come this keeps on getting overwritten?
triangular numbers
Waterproofing your Computer
Stupid counting error
Google Tube
Whats Your Favorite Linux Distro?
WoW Southpark
Cloning a hard drive?
Blind Man's Beer
Graphics error in Turbo c++ v3.0
Variable has no value...
Turing Student Edition/ Academic Edition
windows forms classes in the .net framework
Workings over time..
file io
Need help with colouring plz
strings and chars
Collision Detection
Lines or Circles...
Amazing web game
Basic Chat
Air Hockey
Air Hockey
Alert help please!
Need Help
Need help with golf game.
Writing/Reading to a file as a sting
Snake Game Help
Conclusion: Invasion!
Overclocking CPU and Graphics
My loop stopped looping O_o
Round to digits
Number List, having trouble!!
Probably one of the most common questions.
Creating Tables?
phpBB3 Beta 2
Plz can some1 explain the for i: 0..maxx by 20 command 2 me
smart draw help
Pong Help
Pacman help
for i command in graphics- help needed-urgent
Can't delete program
FILE SAVING assistance
formating / traversing hash
WIP - Bash Whirlwind
help with walking restrictions
Animations in 3DS
Need help with sprites., a reflection
Playing music in Turing Help Needed
Rain Code
Containre/JPanel problem
All combinations
Simple Color Help
Really Corny Space Game
any key pressed
creating files
Older computer won't work.
McDonalds gives MP3 players infected with spyware as prizes
Oval Collision Detection
Total noob here, Need some answers please.
Designating a My Music and My Pictures Folder
Random Bit of SML Code
JTextFields, getTexts as an integer?
The Language Thread
Help with showDialogWindow (there is an extra pop-up window
issue with mouse unfocusing window
Need Quick Help...
CSS Scrolling Inquiry
[Tutorial] 3D graphics
Crimson Editor output help needed
Saving and Loading files.
Neural AI high card low card
Phantom Gear
Simple quesiton
Using java to scramble letters
Anyone got a suggestion for a free video file converter?
First program(revised)
non-STL List Container [C++]
finding max value
Installing .ocx files to user's system32 folder?
Best Way to Teach FP
twinkl- twinkl litter star.~~ please enjoy~~
Encryption Technique
Encryption Done Proper
changing to lower case
Heres my program for grade 11 programming (1st project)
Getting with Font
Simple gravity program
Popup like window
Closing Program
Random numbers
FireFox + YouTube = CRASH?
Metroid Prime Hunters Online
Damage Calculations
Cheap Air Hockey
Cheap Air Hockey
What do easy data structures do to the programmer?
Wire vs. Wireless
Creating a Hack Proof/Protected Image
Desktops - October '06
Programs that do nothing
The Sieve of Eratosthenes
Heres my program for grade 11 programming (1st project)
3d graphics and distance question
sqrt ..
Directx or OpenGl?
A Ruby Rainbow - adding some colour
My parents
1st game, helicopter (update again oct 23)
Forces Source Code
MSN Virus
Trajectory help :D
Gravity Redone
Learning Algorithms
Official Halloween Thread?
Sweet vortex controlled by mouse
'Random shutdowns' and 'Choose bootup mode screens'
Problem with turing or my computer?
C++ Walkthrough
How to check if video type is compatible for DVD Player???
Request a Tutorial
Sniper game
Slide Puzzle!
Posting Source Code
How to make buttons call a function?
Opening files in Turing 4.0.4 (school)
Socket class for review/testing
Book Recomendations
Tank fighting two player game
Tank fighting two player game
Actually writing code question; Turing
Need help in a puzzling C++ problem.
Mario Theme Song
Map Sim Program
no echo when using view update
Opening VB 6.0 files in VB 5.0
very short (6 word) stories
Musical keyboard
Musical keyboard
Battleship question
Fun ball physics
[FP] Contest 06/07?
Each row will contain the row number
2005/2006 Contest Results
block breaker help
[WIP] C++ OOP Whirlwind
WIP - C++ OOP Whirlwind
EasyPlanner App -> store your contacts! saves them on fil
[WIP] C++ OOP Whirlwind
EasyPlannerApp -> stores contacts on a text file! need te
Easy Planner App -> stores contacts on a text file! plz t
My Easy Planner App!!! Stores your contacts... needs help!
Rotating the view in 3D program
Background Application
Saving PHP Data
moving two different for loops at the same time
Music Help
BitTorrent Site Admin Sent To Prison
Someone help me whith .httpaccess...
Latest Victim in Open Source Software
some noob help with end when please
Argh. Blue screen in GuildWars!?
How are you with PHP?
People ask me...
Tap dancing walk animation
Tracking mouse in abstract areas.
Help With Tables and Text
I Need Help On Angled Projectiles!
Kick @$$ Space Shooter
The Whirlwind Philosophy
Array trouble
Gaming Help!!!
Backflips And Star Blips
Clicking mouse button
[DrTran] Techy Photoshop Border
Font help
Help making a program on Visual Basic
Errors in Dev-C++
Rotate Around a Point
Microsoft Firefox...
[Help] How to make objects move with mouse.
Need Help Please,
flowcharting functions
[Help] New drawings, images created are not appearing !!
classes and clients
Ant Game
numbers in a line
a game with no name
[Help] Yet Again, proc and Loops, and loops in loops
[Help] Yet Again, proc and Loops, and loops in loops
Need suggestions for start up music.
Using multiple databases with PHP
Quick help!
need help...
Comparing Slopeangle to 360 Degree Angle
How do you make the hourglass appear?
Is there a way to rotate sprites?
loading thing
Psuedo 3d
A Test
A few questions...
Help with square root function (in C)
Need to debug my EasyPlannerApp
Need help debugging my EasyPlannerApp
Question about whatdotcolor
Why can't you call a function as input to your proc?
Trivia Game
Particle System
Particle Engine
Help with cordinates
A Little Tutorial About Procedures
Parallel Processes
help with understanding headers
Trivia Game
Tip: Writing Cleaner Code
need help with functions
Text Adventures
Simple program i made
Target Shooter
Target Shooter
anyone know how to do Frame rate?
web-based programming editor
A little help please!!!
need help with pic.rotate
random string line
Keyboard - if pressed as opposed to if down???
Array of Boxes
[C++] Picking apart "Hello, world!"
Colour Changer
Polygon Class
Arrays as a Result for a Function
Help with some issues for fighting game
Strange things happening in my Int class
spining a cube w/ lighting in C++
Compilation problems
Start of a vector class for turing
Turing Made Joystick
Mavis Beacon does not teach typing. MY TYPING TUTOR!!!
Process Trouble
cstring question
Automatic Execution
game help please!!!
Directory Scanning
IP locater
noob question about string manipulation
Splash screen?
Taboo: java?
The Flickering Mystery
Need help with PHP/MySQL
Adding location values in font.draw in loops/Scroll bars?
Brightening area behind text
no mouse pointer
Desktops - November '06
Reading portions of bmp pics
Academic - X06: GameCamp (Toronto)
Computer Science in University...
Number Guessing
UML diagrams
Reading Files Help (Visual Basic)
How to set height of button
isometric artists/texture artists?
Mathematical Imagery
Teacher changed final project need new ideas. Please help!
In regard to timing...
Search Engine
Open Turing (How to make turing)
Dell Optiplex GX150 Splash Screen showing random symbols
Catenation Limit for a Decoding/Encoding program
Miranda Character lists
W.T...FF!!! Can't do any commands from command prompt :@
Is There A Way To Assign Values Through Different Windows?
Closing the .swf window internally?
Getting Boot
collision help
Need Help for Math
AI Issues
Somewhat wncompleted, somewhat bloody zombie game
problem with string
character conversion
Access to Windows Control Panel
Grade 11 Turing Project: PAINT!
Multiple ball colision physics
Mouse Event Handler
calculating distance
online connection method for a game
Advice on Laptop
addition of strings in c++
Random Colours
learning flexible arrays
Bubble sort help...
[Io] Let's party OOP-style!
Java DL
Java DL
input of strings in c++
Impossible Program
Need help uploading multiple files
Another string problem
Does the 'empty?' method work?
pascal triangle
online tic tac toe tester needed
[Javascript] A little bit of OOP for the day
Learn it in a day languages
irc banage
java calendar
Try Perl6 now
Making a FOR loop repeat only once
[Tip]Executing Code Without the Command Line
"New Windows Screen Saver" V3
What does it mean to be a scripting Language?
Math Question
how to make mouse click in java
shape drawing
shape drawing
Graphics in buttons
Tired of Winders?
Flying through space
Flying through space
MAGIC Number GFX!! LOL!!
Your advice please...
&& vs & and || vs |
Don't Like Any Programming Languages? Write Your Own!
Reverse factorial function
[Haskell] Single Source All Paths
What have you gained from compsci?
Bug with Turing?
Bug with Turing?
Bug with Turing?
checking strings
Input moving in a different dimension
Let's Write the IRC Channel's Rules!
how to initialize const?
getting a character without having to stop the program
Shifting screen maze help
which program to choose
Code help
Stand-alone in Java??
Photoshop free virson?
Frames per second counter?
java program
java 3d
taking out the background in pictures (setting transparency)
Help With cleaning up and transparent pictures
simple paint
Stand Alone Prolog (exe[applicatioion])
I need help with my linked list program.
problem with Pic.Free
A few questions bout my program
How to approach a clustering problem based on unsuitability
Can I Start a Role Playing "Game" Here?
Another Yoda Fight... Except He Sucks in This One
Problems with Connect 4 (Grade 10 level)
[n00b]Code on how to not crash getting real if string input
Desktop Shortcut Renamer
Pic.ScreenLoad vs Pic.Draw
Turing Joystick Module PoC
Scheme TYS
Adding onto datafile trouble
The Fork Command
Jetman LVL 2!
datafile trouble
Playing .avi on a webpage
Small differences
How to define non inline methods of the template class
Program quitting
Problems with Menu
so it begins
Additional "sub links" in google?
Java Graphics
Sam's Teach Yourself C in 24 Hour...
Key Arrow help
Ready to Program Java IDE and Unicode?
Angled Collision Issues
Can someone post a slot machine game with betting?
Connect 4 (Partly Finished)
matrix text
var topic
error handling
Massive GIF Troubles
Virtual Private Networking (in C++ no less)
Scrolling Images?
Char Movement Help
how do you put an applet on the internet?
Guessing game
Style Query: Verbs vs. Nouns
Modifying that Old Xbox
C++ Architecture
help with this functions program
Randomations Studios: Looking for aspiring game developers
How easy is this program?
Almost done...except for one thing!
Not Understanding Colission
I am amazed by the skills of some people here
Help with a grid procedure
displaying Text in a scrolling text box...
object serialization
Turing Memory Manager
Cash Register help
converting miles to yards)
Arrow Keys
i was wondering if...
hate to be complete noob but...
Discreet Mathamatics
Game Source Code Requested
question about many avatars
need to solve a problem w/ uploading applet to internet
Vending machine help
whatdotcolour collision
Turing: PEEK and POKE commands
[Tip] Implementing Listeners
[Tip} Use Swing, for cryin' out loud
debug help
debug help
debug help
debug help
A Future in Computer Science?
how to UNDO?
Grade 11 Paint Project
structs, pointers and linked list
Arithmetic operator overloading.
TokenHerbz is seeing spam
[Tip] Avoid C-style structs in C++
[TYS] Generic C Linked List Node
[TYS] Visibility modifiers
Colission Is Killing ME!
[WIP] Draft of Style Guidelines
Graphics Help Visual Basic
I need some help with functions.
void * problem for spreadsheet
AzizTileMapEditor (Fetus)
Map editor: Storing tiles as one bitmap or separate
Get command with font.draw and/or textboxes?
WII: To get, or not to get...
Its Not Adding,
Graphics Help Visual Basic
Machine code
Word Cleaning Code
List Doesnt Fully Write
For Statement with Colision Detection?
Ze goggles zey do notingue!
Need a caption
loop help?
Cool screen effect
Shutting down using batch files
VAR topic
random movement like fish
Dragon Curve (Fractal)
First And Last Mario Level
Maze Game
Problem With DHCP Client
Pointer Issues
Decimal to Binary. First turing project ever.
How do you "cut off" a decimal?
Nintendo Quiz! (Mid Term)
PWN3d by BsoD
Drag-select problems with JFileChooser
Some Questions
Percentage Calculating program
CCC Anyone?
Decimal to Binary, Octal, Hex
Next gen game console war. Xbox 360 vs. PS3 vs. Wii
Need help with Changing variables
Help with PHP Upload
Congradulations [Gandalf]
MS-Dos Question
Blackberry Security: Ripe for the picking?
magic function
Single error
Poppy the Cat
Open, Write etc.
[Help] Send me !!
Paint bucket
Paint bucket
Liftmobober (odd but take a look :) )
picture copying using draw dot
[Tutorial] Arrays
Mouse Following Lock-On Help
I have a problem with my Quick sort code.
Capturing video from computer?
Weird xlint error with my linkedlist adding method
Paint Program for Turing
Mandelbrot Fractal
Turing To Java Translator?
DirectX 2d & 3d vector graphics
read and write files
aRcaDe Fighters ~ Perfecting Collision Help
arranging words alphabetically
How to make a simple ball bounce off walls?
command prompt mock off
Getting started.
Rapid animation prototyping with Processing
paddle ball
Have a 9 digit Integer(s displayed as the seperate numbers.
Super PI
[source] Webcam Video Target Tracking! (updated)
Sorting values in an array.
I'm new, and here's my first program!
Zelda Help!
adding video to a trivia program
Lookie what I found!
Multi-dimentional Arrays?
How do I find the first letter of the second word in string?
Displaying a timer for a game
.jar file not working
How do I import images into my program?
[color=red]This is my Game of Submarines[/color]
[color=yellow]This is a different version of a helicopter ga
T.T Aggignment due... help!
Import Sound
3D Game Engine (Work in Progress)
[n00b]Character/enemy movement synchronization
Changing Default OS
Desktops december 2006
My second program
[b]This is a text game [/b]
Sonic Edge
hangman help
An array of a record within a double array of a record
Mouse help
question about polymorphism
pic rotate help
Inheritance and Polymorphism
isp help - procedure "question" and decoding a lin
Help out in a homework - just new in haskell
tic tac toe "x and o" prob
Forking sound
Computer Memory
Help, accidently used process!
It's that time of year again.
RPG Problem
I'm Learning O'Caml!
Rolling with 9rules - best weblogs in the world
Grade 11 Paint Program
angle problem
Let's Reading!
Web Server Setup Help
Battle Algorithms
Computer/enemy AI
getting rid of useless stuff for reverse polish notation
[Pseudo Poll] In the name of science!
Almost Fully Functional Minesweeper
Custom Buttons
array script is out of range
start of a Mario game
window problem
Lingo Help
[TYS] O'Caml TYS for the day
what's the point of polymorphism?
Bucket Sort
Creting Your Own Format
Help with compiling
New To C++
Random numbers with no repeat
Reading Full Lines
Speed Math Tweek for 3D Game
tracing without break
DirectX 2d & 3d vector graphics
Random programs
turing loop
Collision Help Please
Hex to Decimal Converter
search engine
Yet Another Paint Program
Flash program
String class
String manipulation
Removing comma's from and integer?
whatdotcolor help
Pascal/C++ TYS
Yet another pointless and contentious thread.
Source Code formatter
A Shooting Array
Connect 4 Winning Help
Space Invader
Opening/editing files
variation in "get" statements.
Flash Vids...?
Fractal Tree
Command Prompt and Turing
Making VB6 Program Click Mouse For Me
Why Pointers
One of the most useful programs
"400 Bad Request" Error when logging in...
Need Help With Shoot out Game.
My division Program needs some help!
Storage Program Bugs
Paint Program Question
String Manipulation
String Manipulation
(WIP)Galaga, Tyrian edition (base)
ASCII Converter
Flipping a number
most effective way of making hangman?
Can't pass functions within a class....
What does?
Searching for files on computer?
C++ Compile error with classes and objects.
C++ cross platform TCP/IP library.
Copying and saving executable files
String Manipulation 2
Whos winning the graphics war
problems about animated graphs
Geometry thing.
My Third program
Moving Objects
can anyone help put a font.draw into a procedure???
ISP help - with my intro screen please!!!
An observation on OOP exploration
soccer game shoot-out
Base Protector Blocked!
Need some 3D help
moving a cmd box
moving a cmd box
stamping when a picture with transparency goes over
Adding digits in a number
Problem with svchost.
keeping track
New computer!! finally! (i think i got ripped...)
Linux Problems
Battle of the Titans!
Make sure someone enters a string
concentration game
Getter with filters!
Math Problem ...
Making a card game, need help on how to elimant a card
cant put a bmp of the screen :(
Is it possible to draw a picture without JPG/BMP file?
Virtual Methods
Support Coherent Posting!
help with getting turing to check if a file exists
Amazing stop motion video.
House Generator!
Triangle Maker
help with the font for the GET
Cool "Trading" Card Game
GUI help/ info
i need ideas on what to do for a turing project
'scor board' need help drawing numbers
need to make a grapical clock
Command of some sort when terminate = true?
friggin program
My first game.
Char Movement Help (Accidentally Locked Other One)
Arrow Keys again
troubleshooting help please
CPU stability test?
Animation Help Please
File In Use
Mouse Commands
Price of a domain name...
stacks and invariants
"Hard Drive Failure Imminent"
Data Structures and Boolean Logic
pls help me out in this
whats the vb equivalent of the cmd "ord" in turing
two questions
sorting name help
is there any way to make this smaller?
Help with Draw.Arc formula
Turing w/ Registry? ^_^
Logger a la Key
**Season's Greetings**
How do I import a picture into my program
Slot Machine
Snake game help
I need help on my final project.
now to make it go down
angle help.
GUI.ScrollBar = My Devil XS
Windows Help
Clock Type Program
Font.Draw help
Block Game
heyy need help 2 store file
AMD's future: an opinion
Command help..
Connect 4
Turing Password Field?
One Value Increasing..Other Not..
2 procedures at once/registering a maching point in a shape
Two swing question:
The World Henceforth Shall Forver Be Changed
word wrap?????
help with randint
Problem with Picture
Templating Engine: avioding bottle neck.
Ruby, but no Perl?
Ever Google Yourself?
Final Fantasy Style Battle Engine
Youtube fun
Great Programming Site
Opaque BG, clear text.
X-Men Legends II
X-Men Legends II
What DON'T you like about PHP?
new laptop
hide and seek
hex to string conversion algorith
shooting game
Web Design - Im Pimpin my site yo!
bejeweled game help
input.keydown... seems to favour the right arrow key... help
System.out.print color?
Christmas Final Project Pong
[Haskell] Functional Programming with Types : Wikibooks
Haskell Scheme for Programmers Notepad 2
[APRESS Free Ebooks]Practical Common Lisp - Peter Seibel
Test-based RPG Game
Displaying characters form Unicode.
A movie I made, tell me what you think
[C++ - Untold Stories] The Beginners Guide to the World
[Python and Lisp] Python for Lisp Programmers
454 kb Hello world program!!
dynamic frames per second adjustment
Google Talk - The IM for Programmers
user input in font.draw
Fun with yield
Why doesn't my code work?
Mario Game in development
[Tip]Functions or Procedures?
chemistry prog
RIP Saddam
warp speed thing
Using Arrays In Parimeters
button problem
If Statements
freedom of speech
Does anyone know the explanation of this !!!
What is
[Tip] Easy as Cake
jbutton border
keeping score
trivia: the longest suicide note in history
Functions and Procedures
exit button
php projects
Happy New Year 07
Arrowkey movement for Pong
Buttons Help
Arrays help or someother way
Putting a Password on a folder
buttons and user input
how to decompile class, and how to compile java applet?
Scanning a File
Quiz using Case command
String Sorting HELP
Conversion of integer to float ?? in Haskell
new window
I need some help
GUI.CreateTextFieldFull Help
How do i make an uploaded picture in turing move by itself?
Concept check
String.insert Problem
Difference between break; and continue;
volley balley game creation
Using counter to go by a calculation(help)
window help
I am new, just wanna check how good u guyz are
ebooks or books required ..
Help with racing game
Virtual Memory
Help with Side Scroller
new window help
Civ 4...opinions and debug help
I need help with a Math problem
First Experience with C Graphics..
Post Your Desktop Here
Testing - test out bbcodes and posting here.
Bug Report
V3 Live..........kind of.
A note to the creator of the new logo
Long Division Program
How can you tell if there is a memory leak?
Picture allocation trouble
Rotate Picture HELP!
[TYS] Properties
Rotation Help
My take on Mario
trading karma!!
right click wierdness
Java and Scala, a demonstration in code.
"New Posts"
Custom Titles
Program to enter number and then display average of them
Networking?? Command Prompt??
Apple iPhone
Really need help with this blackjack program I'm trying to make (I'm a nub ;_;)
Pic less than pixel move
Delay help
compiling haskell programs in windows.
Signature size.
iPhone from Apple
program proplem!
Form Features for Final Project
External/OS Question [Installing, booting, ext...]
[Tutorial] If - elsif - else statements
A mistake in 4 simple lines!
Problemm with http
Searching a File
Block Buster game
Better space invader
Boolean help
Mouse.ButtonWait ... difficult to implement?
program problem
Useful functions
Flickering Problem
Text-Based RPG: Saving the game?
Any good Search Engines?
[tutorial] AI for beginners
Networking in Ruby
Networked Instant Messenger, Multi User Help.
a couple post-compliling problems
Traits and Interfaces
Substring error message
Percentage/Progress Bar
Headache: 3 cols; 3rd col not complying.
"Array Subscript out of Range"... I'm stumped.
Turing exit program
Beyond Instant Messaging
How to configure, seven-segment display
java Graphing
program problem
Im making a Yahtzee game and i am really confused right now....its not working right
More help with Math needed
Yahtzee Game -- Urgent Help with Scoring
can someone [b] please [/b] tell me wut im doing wrong in my Yahtzee game program?
keyboard keys (help)
Would this be considered proper form?
Dragon Spires is on the Verge of a Resurection!
Dragon Spires is on the Verge of a Resurection!
Mortal combat song ;D
Hao I Get Turen Dl?
ZeroPaladn (thats me)
Renaming a class
Sound in AU Format not loading
sparkle/explosion thing
lights game (help)
Math Quiz
preg_match doesn't recognize \\2?
Super Mario bros. Tiling
Clearing GUI items
A bit of a rant re: "alternative" programming languages
I need help with a Zelda Game
help with a Fon.Draw workaround
Back Ground question
[BETA1] Online RPG
Next step
loop within a loop
Killing a process?
proc only to except 4 answers otherwise loop
Temporarily stopping a loop
Challenging Sum.
command to go to beginning of loop
Problems with cls and text
Flicker Issue
Is it possible to make a window resizable only vertically?
Culminating Project Helpage
Need help with AI for pacman
Indent Problem
Set Transparent Colour
Importing java files
HELP WANTED!!! in Turing i would appreciate it Greatly
Hosting and Ads
need help asap please
Remm Kah'sahn
Adding events to calendar
Circle Collision-Help Needed
a game i'm reworking. plz test it for me.
Why is randint taught?
Ready to Program IDE - Keyboard Help?
Help with Input TEXT from .txt
Error 54: Bad File Mode
how do i convert .java or class files to jar or jre files
Getting "Ready" (Java IDE) to work under Ubuntu
Turing Boxing: The Sweet Science
Seeing Double??
is it true??? DWITE at
Simple help with checking "DragDrop" event for a game
Opening Multiple Turing Files
How to open a ".txt" document in the Turing Execution Window.
Welcome Me!
Different Questions in True/False Quiz (Parallel Get)
Making a new file...
.gif assistance
Using Labels
Problem With Pic.Draw
Filescan delimiters
How to make calendar with a MS Flex Grid in VB 6?
Turing Refrence Will Not open...Period
How to change colour of font?
transparent problem
Perfect Circle - Circle Collision Detection
How to draw a grid using co-ordinate increments.
right answer
Close turing
help for tetris plz
Rotating images in an applet help
Linker issue! Can we make a linker troubleshooting guide here?
Music in Turing?
Gimp VS Photoshop: Here this now.
Help creating "Simon" memory game
Tic Tac Toe
Partial cls?
My 2ed Program ---PinBall---
Can we open images in Microsoft Visual C++
Concentration game =D
Dragonball Z Project
user input font
Mobile video card
How to cut up photos.
copy to clipboard.
Menu with procedures, syncing procedures with other procedures
source code. just an animation i did a while ago =D
My first shot at 3D
a good color finder
score track
The Monthly SRQONOR
score keeper is not working
Hello, Does Any One Care About Barloq? If so, click here!
How to assemble a team.
Help with the Win32 API
INTSTR Syntax example
Staff Forum posts...
Make & Makefiles
Paint Please Help (NVM) but use the codes
Which would you view first?
Slot Machine 2
Jbutton Help
Text Log
[URGENT] Lost file Turing Crashed!!!
What is Turing?
randomizing pictures
creating objects at run time?
bash script or makefile question
Formal Request: Saving's Heritage.
game help ~ ASAP
Combining C# and C++..
Rotating 3d cube, done in turing with changing vertecies
program/immage effects in turing...(scratch effect mainly)
saving a image
changing datafile
Spybot S&D Resident Annoyance
Java Jeopardy Game Help with Sound
Need help with Keypress
Can anyone help with this program
Sieve of Eratosthenes
need help with moving sprites
Picture box--picture transparancy
Quiz program -- restarting
Displaying variables with Font.Draw
rpg battle system
Executing Turing Program withing a Turing Program
Using arrays to create more then one same kind of objects
Object Depth, Page Buffer, and Sound question
xajax problems...
How to enable paste in an vb application
Fork Problem
What is Java?
how to stop a fork?
Rand Int
Awesome Space Shooter!!!
Points System
Wii Friends Codes
Flag not Executitng
moving my scientist dude
Mode Method Help
filling in space btween lines.
how to decipher a piece of text message using java?
Ode to Joy
Music help
An open invitation
Blinking problem while using procedure.
Blinking problem with proc commands
trying to make a maze
collision detection and movement questions
Logo help
Code Critique
better pong game
2D Array Glitch, this never happened before...
Multi-threading in C++
My Paddle Ball Game
how to assemble a team (take 2)
Mail Server problems
HILARIOUS COMIC STRIP (see signature)!!!
WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?
Ya first submission. Joomla!
Final Project Mario
Seeking advice to solve a flickering problem and picMerge not working...
GridBagLayout and GridBagConstraints Help
Shootemup help
Random Access File Help
crosshair, whitespace around image and collision problems [URGENT!!]
Collision Detection or something of that sort
Awesome Tank Fighter game Armored Crusade open source!
Some Scheming
ISU Summative - Connect 4 Game w/ AI
Visual Basic Battle.Test (Demo)
Final ISU - Chirurgical
PHP doesn't recognize x^y?
No Way to stop processes? URGENT
Text database; Which language?
Help for getting a limited amount of letters Urgent
Help with checking higest number Urgent
Need help with calling record in a class
Using member functions inside boolean statements.
A Little Help With Music Please
terrible quiz
My summative
OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client
Need Help With collisions
Storing images in an array?
Windows Vista Verdict
How evil are you?
addition help
Accessing RAR/ZIP files with turing?
average help
[BETA] SCPic - Reduce the number of allocated pictures
help please Tech
Computer Engineering help!
My final FSE project...
Looking for a quote origin
Looking for a quote origin
Need help posting my program in "turing submissions"
a little help with a for loop
I decided to learn java...
Scala news
a little help with a for loop
How do I use javadoc?
[Tip] 5 things wtd may not know in C++
Turing 4.1 Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is wrong with my drag program?
Box Collision Is Sticking
Prime Number Finder
LOOP help!
Scanning different lines
Randomizing Array Values
YouTube Blocked Video Viewer
Help With Aligning Font.Draw/Draw.Text
A Little OOP... C# Style
I have just started using turing. please help me
Sixty Second Space Shooter
Typing text through VB!
Asteroids! (beta). Quite well done, if i do say so myself :)
Rationalism vs. Empiricism
Problem solving
Some propositional logic questions
how to limit the position of Dialog Boxes to it's parent window
Making Sprite move around in circles
Working with and outputting Strings
Windows Command Prompt shutdown
Music Playability
need help with procdures
marquee help
Formula for Z?
pseudo-declaring functions/procedures
Looking for a language recommendation
Scanning a Directory
Game Graphics Wont Appear - Rared up for ur convenience. Donation if successfully helped.
K-Meleon Web Browser
how to seperate a string into characters?
Weird google error.
try ruby! (in your browser)
XMPP 1.0 Specification
I dislike Combo Boxes that do not show up right..
Object Oriented Design
XEmacs - Adding the Emacs modes you love and adore
Help with vista like transparency...if possible
Having trouble with altering line of input.
SPACE DEFENDER - My Grade 11 Summative
Menu bars
How Do You Use Linux?
So I just started learning Java in school...
Collection Class and Memory Manager
Multiplexing possiable?
Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested
Calling macros from C++
rounding float value
Anyone know anything about C# and XNA?
What is the difference between Class and ID?
Reading From .txt files and displaying the info in a combobox
Net connection errors
Efficiency Problems
List Files In Directory by Last Modified
Question on relative positioning of <div>s
Turing's no prob, Java not so much
Beginners Guide to Haskell
embedding flash into html...
What theme?
Checking dialog if available
Reading multiple variables from file
Init Position of Applet
Need to exit a loop
Help making a building!!!
[Tip] Smarter Conditionals
how to hacck a computer
how to make a class in java???
About the University of Waterloo's computer science programs... (Sort've off-topic)
Opinions on the term "AI"?
Changing a picture automatically.
Html/Javascript/Whatever Clock?
First shot at classes with Turing
help with shape animation please!!!
All your base are belong to us
Richard Stallman to give talk at Waterloo
help with for loops please(add 1 to 100)
SPACE DEFENDER - Grade 11 Summative - FIXED**
Best Canadian universities for CS?
Contest Problems
Open Language TYS
help with loops and shape drawings please
'-' an undifined method :S
what is a class?
Projecy Vexus
Movement problem(with Input.KeyDown)
Shad Valley?
Need help with a loop while doing something else
How much mark is needed for waterloo's computer engineering?
Sphere Online Judge
help with loop animation please
Co-op pros and cons?
new form newb question
Make a default page that's OTHER than index.html
How did you learn Java
Random Shooting Game
Code Snippets Manager
Godel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter
Scanlines Tutorial
Grade 10 Programming ISP- Space Game
Help with my game program please....blinking problem, and music problem
Random integers
making an equilateral triangle using draw.line and pythagorean theorem
Buttons - i need help plz
calling classes from other classes
New chat program. need sopme advice
Movement problem
The best way to choose a colour-submission
NetChat 2.0
Use a for loop for Efficiency
I lost my goal...need help/direction[Comp. sci degree related]
putting quotation marks
I'm going to be writing the waterloo contest this upcoming Tuesday...
bugs fixed in rpg battle system
Yesterday's Math contest(s)
Starting Programming
Media Player Help
Password field using GUI.CreateTextFieldFull?
equation help
Legal move in checkers
Shooting game ---> cursor not disappearing
I plan on making this game for my Gr. 11 ISU.
Hex AI
max limit
How to make an RNG
how do u save and load?
pong help
Sony Marketing 101
CCC 2007 Practice
How do you do ouput formatting ActionScript?
RPG Experimentation... some things I need help with
GUI Help
Before I finalize my course selection for grade 12...
need help with simple animation
Webcam Info, anyone?
Parent->Children->Children (Pointers)
for loop
Newbie Question
loop within a loop
java user input
cannonball game problem
The ideal price-point for online movies
default broswer in XP
Ccc 2007!
Confused help please
Today's waterloo programming contest...
Pointer help!?
comparing 2 strings
A Main Menu Problem
"Histogram" in turing
Two dimential array map grid????
real values with drawfilloval()
help with font
Booting from external HD?
Using Net commands...
interface being overlapped
HTML on a plam pilot...
A Helicopter/ shooter game
Help Needed, Like Now
Dark Angel's Crypt-o-CHALLENGE
Help with problem that i cant solve!
Bill Gates 1989 Talk in Waterloo
Phantom Gear (update/s)
Connect Four Checking...XD
Parameter Passing Help
Text - the social music revolution
Changing MsgBox title
Mini Putt map maker/engine
campus day
QuickSort implementation help
Hello, World!
2D Graphics
The environment, not your program, has crashed.
Help With Collision.
How would you fare in an interview?
My Old Splash
Stupid Pointers
Is your organisation outsourcing and/or offshoring programming?
Ze Frank on Procrastination
Help With A Simple ASCII program that I CANT GET TO WORK!!!
cstdlib.h Random numbers
Computer Science Or Computer Engineering
Nim Game and Goldbach's Conjecture
what stream..?
GUI Programming (windows)
Compile Time expression expected? -> Help
Scanning whitespace
Need help regarding this simple PHP/MySQL script
.exe file?
Finding Prime number..
Quiz program suggestions
Explaining parts of basic button program
Methods methods methods,(not ruby methods tho)
Question about compiling
Continued confussion with C++
CS Games 2007
how would i do this?
Extracting information off a website
This is driving me crazy!!!
Managing .rar archives
Slime Soccer
Home by Sony
Export to Lua
cout<<"hello world";
A-mazing game lol (bad pac man wanna b)
Favorite Language
First Game I Ever Made
Flexible arrays and input and output
Double to Int
Screen won't update.
Clear Mask Edit Box
Looking to Programming as a career, could use advice.
Question On Functions
Online Pong game I'm making... Annoying problem
Decimal to Binary
To count Word and Blank
Email Validation
what are the big programming contests?
Populating Text Box with PHP
VC++ 6 woes
Font : size, style, etc
Functions inside records
The Relevence of Mathematics as a Route of Problem Solving in Computer Science
Don't talk about ECOO until April 6th
My pre-made procedures!
Video Card Help
C++ Reference
Functional Programming at Google Summer of Code
Remove duplicate character from string...........?
Getting parallelput to work in Windows XP
XNA Line Segments
A folder that acts like a file?
need help designing a webpage
Make Executable
The "Freakman wants to be a Top 5 BitHolder Fund" needs your help!
cooling mat
Firefox won't download anymore.
Why don't you know about Code Monkey yet?
Html Links
favorite epidosde of...
Getting the current data in turing
C# - Threading Example
Treat Lower case letters the same as Upper case letters using ASCII
Circular collision with rotation
Pirates, Ninja's or Vikings?
PHP Hacking
What brings us to logic, math and computer science?
Reading file to pointer
PHP to excel
Simple MySQL Help
Outputting time into sections
[Tutorial] MySQL & PHP
Is everyone sufficiently excited about this new movie?
y halo thar!
Turing quits!
Acm Ispc
Desktops - March `07
Dream of Eagles Books ... Wondering about a title
Why does this give me an error?
read values from url
Stitching Images Project
Problem copying files from device to computer/SysPrep2.0
Can someone help with my connect 4 project
Java Or C
help with naming problem
Gussin game
move a circle
Student mark's program - need help
need help on tetris rotation algorithm
Pacman help
Can't make 2 simplexml_load_file objects?
Connect 4 errors but if someone can look at it and let me know whats wrong!
Finding the sum of a series below 15 terms
Binary Search Trees
Is this even possible in Turing?
Making a calculator using GUI
Full Game of Pacman
Connect Four Function
Fizz-Buzz: The Multi-Language Challenge
void *
http_get() or something similar?
Tetris 1.07
event driven programming in C++
Are you as genius as me?
Why does the title page disappear after the invaild intry
moving files.
Genius as me was deleted?
Big Numbers
anyone play tibia?
Accessing memory value in VB
Help with a grid system
The Genius Answer
interesting idea...simple password protected text editor in turing?
Check Duplicate record.........?
4 o'clock in the fricking morning
Procedure to Set Booleans
Question about multiple thread
Connect 4 procedures
CheckBox in Win32
Hello World! : Life Story Included >_>
Need help with Pictures
Memorization - Recursion
PHP chat room help
offscreenonly help
Bouncing Squares
ello thar
time.getDay troubles
How to Create a Multicolumn Listbox
A Slime Soccer Game
Functional TYS
Math Pastebin
Game trees and minimax -- tic-tac-toe
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Largest Internet Game of ALL TIME - 'Lost'
Image Transparency
Question about JFrame.setDef...
I Can't Move While Shooting Projectiles
Can turing use the GPU?
Extracting a digit from a double value.
Shooting (Redudant question probably)
Hey everybody
moving in a circular motion
On Linux
Fun Dice Game
Data Backup
Clean - The Functional Programming Language
Dice Roll
Dynamic Linked Lists
invader zim?
Google TiSP
whats wrong with the cursor?
Using the space bar for input
Help With Animation Program!
Random Picture Movement?
POV-Ray RAW triangle format making program?
3D Rotation Demo (going to be a game sometime)
Calculator Error
Scrolling Text
if statements and loop
Creating Raw files
Operating Systems
Programming Student in trouble... Please help!
Polygon and circle moving
I Can't Move While Shooting Projectiles
3D Snowflake Generator!
Ecoo 2007
Can you have multiple statements executed in 'shortened' conditionals?
Mouse Listener Blog
Removing the GUI's lame "extrusions,belvels,etc..."
GUI//Writing too files
Billards ball collision detection
Framework design.
Snake algorithm
command prompt always closes in a milisecond...o.o
Passing objects as parameters[Java]
o'caml recursion not working right
Thuvs"s 3D Engine Demo
how to find slop ?
A Thuvs Hello
Coin Change
[Help][Blitz]Animated Images
How are you, gentlemen?
Help with spinning wheel plz
Printing to file and saving work
[Game][Blitz] Soul Shooter Online
collision detection help
A lot of questions...
Java Problem
Computer knowledge!!
Who Here Isn't Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?
What the..Compsci Logo?
Work in Progress - TD?
anyone know how to use batch scripts?
Device List
Can Procedures Be Disabled?
Another Snake Game!
Need help drawing tangent, log, and exponent curves (C# but somewhat language independant)
Adding a KeyListener to a Disabled TextArea
Changing text color for a Disabled JTextArea
The social networking bandwagon.
Deleting topics
jumbled display signal
geometry help!
A program with functions
See through window.
I need help, fast!
Grade 10 ISU -- Brick game and Paint
Help with a hangman game
Question about .exe
Fullscreen help
Which is a better Comp Sc Degree
Problems with Decimal Symbols
Detection And opening files.
Inplace Quicksort Implementation
Bouncing, perhaps some Collision help as well.
Online Connect 5 / Gomuko
Pointers help
Deleting Flexible arrays
Wii+cash for PS3?
Calculus Integral Help
programming a proper GUI?
Procedures and passing arrays. How?
The Matrix program
Lotto 649 program:
Tileset Helper
Recursion for deleting
Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) Released
Teaching CS and "mainstream" languages: An Open Challenge
help with calling record
A ball physics program
Drawing Java
Jetpack fighting game
Score Table
How to use Backspace to remove a character from a String.
Formatting a text field
pointer question
Scientific Computation with Linux on the PlayStation 3
Picture Background
I have 2 months to complete my final Gr.11 ISU...
Halo 2 for PC...
Get answer problem
Really Easy Problem
The Digg Effect
Another really easy poblem but im too stupid to remember how to do it
Issue when switching between menus
Should topics be buryed when locked?
The Mandelbrot set
Space Station Platformer
Ask Key Value of Enter
Teaching CS: a follow-up challenge
Science Olympics at Western
In Search of a Rare PS1 Game
!!! Need To Make A Paddle!!!
Small Glitches
How to make a mulitmedia player in C
The awesomeness that is Wii
got a turing question
Recursion alphabetical
Javascript TYS
Making a Game
trig functions?
Sasuke sprits
Open Turing
Picture Transfer over the internet
Creating a poll with php
time.elapsed not working well
pac ninja :)
Desktops May '07
Rome total war battles!
09 F9 11 02 9d 74 E3 5b D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Help needed with Dance Dance Revolution arrows.
Help with arrays and objects?
fade out
Falling Sand Game - TURING
Regex Libraries
Chrispminis 2.0! New and Improved!!! With improved graphics, gameplay, and more features than ever!
button help
Yet another pac man game
Determining the color of an object
Anonymous recursive blocks?
Time.Elapsed at x time +5000..
My turing archive
Enabling Assertions in JCreator
Text Classes - Field and Box BugTracker
File Search
traffic light testing program
Horse Race Game...
Horse Racing... AHHH
mystery program...
Major changes in Waterloo's CS program offering
I need some help to crash cars...
haunted maze
Mathematics in Medicine: You can be a Mathematics major and go to Medical school
Net commands, and websites
Turing Calculating Percentage
Problem with SDL code...
Help with multiple bullets
Urgent Help -Photoshop Thing
Battle Ball
calculator using GUI
Concurrent Keyboard Input in Applets
[WIP] C# Whirlwind
Parallel ports
Software Engineering
Pic.SetTransparentColor is being a piece of crap!
Creating 3d scene with correct objects in fore and backgroun
Need help with 3D cube I'm making...
Help With GUI
Laser based oscilloscope
Some weird triangle thing with random colours
bouncing balls
winking face
Locating where my sprite is on the screen??
Zip Extractor Program
How to link turing programs?
need help editing.
First Person Shooter (Constructive Criticism Needed)
Haunted Maze
A little help plz?
RIP Pandora (in Canada)
hard drive crashed, how to recover files
Ghost AI for Pacman
Alpha Login Phase
Race Car Adjustment Program
Grade 12 ISU, need help
Array field of Type
[WIP] Smalltalk Whirlwind
Open text file directly upon execution
Car Rental with 4 different calculations
help with selection exercises
User Creation Crash.
hide the mouse
For loops inside an Applet's paint/repaint method?
The [WIP] Collection
3D Engine
Generating a Random Number
laptop mouse pad + Mouse.Where
Weight Conversion
IF U HELP ME.. ILL THANK U so much!!!!!!
Vb + Access
problem+screen+ graphic + setscreen
PHP Diff Algorithm
Method as a parameter
C++ Randint.. nucence
Trying to retrieve info. from JTextField
Help on putting up the background
See No Evil
default parameters
need help with the screem
Quick Sort
Will Pay $30CDN for Small Script
Help with tangents
pseudo-FTP program
Problems Involving Setscreen, Backgrounds and Mouse.Where
Searching a file
Writing to a file without overwriting anything
blank page
How much experience is needed to...
VB Web Data Mining
line crossings
Test Your Skills: Smalltalk Edition
idea for final grogram
Collision Detection Problem
Rand.Int Replication
3D Engine based on vectors -- HELP!
[Edited by Clayton]Lag Issues: Grade 10 ISU
Help wiht Tic Tac Toe Checking
Word Length Comparison
Gui Button Help
Simon Game, need help
Simulating Gravity/Other Game Help
New Fonts defaulted to Arial
Guitar Hero
digits of integers
Good ol' Etch-a-Sketch
How can I associate certain things to an array?
Stickman Kicking but wont reset to normal
simulated input
Programming for the complete newbie?
Input from a txt file!
help with pictures
Please Help! , Grade 10 ISU - Lag issues
Help with animation?
Little Programs
Help with Movement Speed
Grade 11 Isu I Need Help
Sweet Matrix Fight game!!!!!
confused with Pic.Free
Matrix reply
i really need help with clicking by mouse to return to the main menu "please look over"
select cell with right click
Connect 4 Mouse.Where Problems
Help with Collision in ISP
Racing Game Collission Issues! Please help.
major problems with ghost AI for pac ninja
Checkers movement/selection help
making piece move
Top-Down shooter demo
Adding a sound clip to a button (rollover image)
Snake not appearing
FPS v1.1
objbase.h not found :angry:
My start of grand theft auto game
My tank game
slot machine game
I need help with Sprites
Creating a .txt file within turing
Gravity Issues on gr10 ISP
What do i do now?????
Asteroids game - Need guidance with collisions, projectiles - kinda working, and gravity
Converting Int to Char
Help with virticle array out put
Placing imported Jpg's over Draw.Fills...
A way to keep those annoying siblings off the computer
Help needed with crazy jumping sprite! Thanks!
Help with multiplication thing- you'll see
My old zelda game
How to press 2 keys at once?
Function Check with Tic Tac Toe
Stickman Fight Game
How would i exit from a GUI???
Updating The Screen - "Keeping it fresh"
Flash Video (FLV) Player
GUI.ProcessEvent := false
Maze Game
Procedures dont get run
omega drivers
help with trajectories
Trying to make the road move by looping. Car appears to accelerate. PLEASE HELP
Connect 4 CHECK Problems....
haunted maze (major upgrade)
Why Wont This Exit!?!?
changing div height and width
help with background in blackjack
Need a little help implementing mouse in checkers game.
Robot Jumping Game
Need help with names
Win Function
case construct...the easy way
Counters and Accumulators
Do communists play monopoly? Why or why not...
let tha shootsting begin!!
Setting Up Visual Studio Express 2005 For OpenGL + Direct X
Sharing Memory Between Two Programs
applet -> none applet
Hey there!
Randomize Procedures
Battleship against computer
Making a simple platform game for an ISU
Only Half My Check Works
Ready to Program Crash
Hello Everyone!!
Ubuntu Setup Issues
Using gif sprites/animations and Drawing Polygons
I need help with a project that I am making...
getting one integer from Rand.Int
Distributed Computing Program (Concept)
Canadian IOI Team
URGENT!! i need to change a variable in a module from a form
A Little Scala Code
[Scala] A little code
my vb game - really fun / funny for others who may be watching !!!!
help with error when running applet
bullets and boundaires
FTP Account Issues
Need Help Here
Help needed with multiple sprites!
i request assistance with this grid
Help with spacing/alignment
Mark Book code for JAVA {NEED HELP!!!.......PLLLLLLLLLLLZZZZ}
i request assistance with this grid
Police Car
Hey, have you driven on the Information Superhighway??
traffic intersection
Help Please
Best way to implement friction in a pool game?
Continuous Movement in Snake
Tic Tac Toe Help
Racing Game !!! Complete game with a lap counter problem !!!!!!! Please Help
Racing Game !!! Complete game with a lap counter problem !!!!!!! Please Help
Screenshot not working
Flash Code and IF statement ?*&%^$
Grade 10 ISP - Nearly Done!
traffic lights flash help
Bank Machine Program: variable has no value
is double clicking arrow keys possible?
Seizure Machine
Just because I'm Wondering
Help with palindrome
Is it possible to paint on a JDesktopPane?
3D Rotation about arbitrary axis
I am currently workin on a turing trivia game, however, i am at the point where there are glitches in my loops.
Novice Question: Printing "/\" in Java
colour variable
[Tutorial] Introduction -> Pointers -> Part 1
Reading illegal characters
Those pop-up menu things that appear when you hover over them
Messed up output
V3 Software Updates
help with wheel of fortune - collision detection between pointer and triangle
New Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
New to Turing. Click buttons wouldn't lead to the pages wanted
Turing and Remote Controls
Metal Slug
Help VB thinks "75" is smaller than 25
Final Culminating project stickman game
Search Arrays?
Suggestions for Improvement to
Seting a transparent color.
Digital Clock
Tile engine / 2-d mapping
Make enemies shoot at me
Annoying advertising
Steel Rain game
Opening A File With A Turing EXE
Text Formatting
Turing house
Safari For Windows
Frustrations Toward the Parallel Port
GUI problem - "Assert Condition is False"
wheel of fortune program, what does this mean? - Illegal picture ID number '0'
tic tac toe player turn need help
Drop down menus
Delay without the Delay O.o
Interactive Color Index
Isu Maze game Points problem EDITED
[Tutorial] 2D Tile based games
My Circle Detection Program :p
Small Stupid Mistake - Infinite Loop... Help me before i rip my hair out!
Omelette Defender (Geopets)
ISU due tomorrow morning... my procedures arent working :(
loading plz
print sum
[ISU].::MageBattle 1.0::.
Tiles !!!! Very Hard ... but Possible !
shooter game with graphics
[Quick-Tip] "Pointers" C-Style
Package of Turing
Math Help
Java Fractal
Pac Ninja 1.0 (the complete version)
can you crack it?
Negative Space
Sun Fighters 2
Stop Error
Complex power to real number
"Variable has no value" error
School project
Colorizer / Mozzaiak Maker
[FP] Turing - Legend of Glory: Duty Calls
Pool game: Final Gr. 11 ISU
Ready to Program Compiller VS Uploaded
Turing Shooting Game
about the jobs in canada for java programmers
How can i fork two audio files at the same time?
Sprite help
Multiple Keystroke Values
Risk Game
Trying to execute a script
How to connect a parallelport
my first turing program- frogger! plz critique and suggest improvement
Shoot Em!!!!!!
Phantom Gear V.1.002!
Helpful text drawing procedures
Moving Asterisks
Turing words
Memory game project- fixing bugs
Yet Another Space Shooter
Useful module for drawing shapes (and a canada flag!)
My First game in Turing
Insert sort
Help with Sprites and Getch
Golden Sun 2 Music - All with Frequencies
Net commands - At it again.. need help :)
Sorting XML Nodes
help, attempt to read past eof
Best Matrix Program EVER!!!
Rendering and Editing video
Turing RealTime Net
Networking... What if i don't have two pcs?
Programing Experiment (FreeTuring)
Help in deriving a class
Manipulating the Mouse
MySQL Question (Table -> Table)
Trying to use class from GNU C++ library
Connect to more than two people?
What to do after graduation?
VB.NET + MS Access + .txt files = Please help :D
Desktops - June'ish '07
[FP] RecipeBook
Floating point operation accuracy
eBooks Request for McGraw Hill Ryerson books
The magical each_* solution!
How to use Windows API in C/C++?
Cool little app I made :)
jelly ball program
Reinstalling PHP on server.
Richard Stallman at the University of Waterloo TODAY!
Pownce invites
Guitar Hero
robocode loop help...
New Object names
A challenge
math problem
Approximation of pi
computer security
Good question...
mySQL help
[Example] Portfolio
Work In Progress - Eiffel Whirlwind
GUI Output to a printer
Changing Hosts
DEATHRACE-Finish first, or not at all!
Don't use Turing's GUI
I doubt it's possible, but...
Minesweeper (Final Project)
2d Tile Based Gaming -- Collision Detection Help
PHP won't mix HTML in properly
Dwite Shirt Logo
If you have hosting or mail read this!
When $_GET['whatever'] has no value...
JButton Alignment
software engineering and chemistry
[GUI]Setting a Text Location in a Text Box??
Minesweeper help
Function Prototype
How do you pronounce 'Dijkstra'?
Left and Right.
Don't Understand What's Happening Here...
dual core on XP
Automated Software Bug Detection
Binary trees
Print Screen?
Collision Help
operator overloading
Question on Applets and Swing
I will be back!
A fun read
Using Text Files as a Database
JCreator Compiling Then Executing Automatically
Linux more stable than XP?
Paddle / Ball Physics
Mouse Question
Does random_sample() exist?
A potential repair/sales business
A little web-server in OCaml (submission and question)
Buying a new PC
How to sort in descending order?
Gotta love Rogers
Question about macro __init
Keyboard question
Test my generic linked list class please.
rewrite rules
how do I create an exe file
Testing Efficiency?
Awesome Rpg!!!
Executing one Turing File from another
turing .exe problem
Help Desperatly needed on These Questions!!
Java Design Question
Engineering Science vs. TrackOne at UofT
logo help
CS at University of Windsor
Transfering files between OS
Grid Chasers + Mine Sweeper
Politics (split from Rogers thread)
Question on grammar and recursive definition
Question on grammar and recursive definition
Question on grammar and recursive definition
Question on grammar and recursive definition
Grammar and recursive definition help
Grammar and recursive definition help
recursive definition help
recursive definition help
Turing Net streams
Happy Birthday!
Complex multi-dimensioned flexible array reallocation
[VB6] Renaming a ListBox Item?
Momop's very own debugging guide to help you all out
Changing mail headers
Computer Science
GUI Math Quizzer, please check it out, i'm in grade 10
How cool is the XBox 360!!!
Memory Cell
3D module
program ideas
Database help-Reading and Writing saved variables
Integer overflow problem with turing's trig functions.
Compile a DLL in visual studio .net 2003?
module problems
Help please
[Tutorial] Enum - Expansion and Applications of Enum
Xbox 360 API
My RPG: Land of Norrayth
quick question
Reliability of C++
Favorite XKCD Comics.
Need help with the fibonacci Q-Matrix
launching: determining angles
oracle datawarehousing
One weekend left ...
Hasch problems.
Minimalism, FTW!
Python 3.0 Alpha 1 Released
Windows Capabilitys of Turing
End of summer desktop ;/ (Sep 07)
Hardest Computer Science Contest
A neat looking "fountain"
.net connection
C# Delegates
Role Playing Game Help: Gui + Input.keydown
Works in IE but not in Firefox
Randomizing an exact amount on the screen
Computer Science First or Second
Hello [Original thread name!!)
Solo Wing
Computer Science vs. Software engineering
new to java
how to program flash?
Laptop computer
Processors in laptops
If and elsif error.
This is my Debut Solo Project in Turing
put "Hello"
Start of wolfenstein 3D
Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby[For Ruby Newbies]
Want to help out Look here.
Static and Constant
RPG Game - Varriable has no value
Double Buffering in VB6
Thirty Minutes
fps help
How do you do square roots on turing? Im new so...
Attention XBOX 360 Fans/Owners
Fonts request
Need some help with basic coding
What programming languages are required for building an OS?
Hello. need to end program
Flag assignment
Sorting Arrays
Installing JDK 6....and where it goes.
I've finally tried 3d
Redirection after logging in?
Making a distance converter
C++ stack malfunctioning?
Need help generating maze
Dialogue Box
Count error. Basic starting program.
Graduate education in canada
Another Lame Text Game
The War on Wifi
An import question (java.* vs java.awt.*)
Starcraft vs. Warcraft!
Post-Secondary Computer Studies
Program closing too fast...
Even/Odd If Statements
Java Networking - Creating a Web Messenger
Some PHP Game Creation Tuts
Need Help With Sorting
Circles touching Lines
I'm Back!
Apple customer service nightmare
Forcing cmd
Output to text file
Hey, let's compile a list of useful software!
[VB 2005 Express]Multiple Lines on a RichTextBox?
Unix Filenames help
help with board/pegs
Hacking Attempts
Compact Disks
Everything About Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Computer Engineering
Could I get into Waterloo?
Help getting data from my STAMP using mscomm
prime number detector
Database Update Tonight
Random rant about dropping backpack.
Should I bother learning Dvorak?
long into a float
[Tut] Simple Photo Retouching/Manipulation Techniques - Part One
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3d10.h': No such file or directory
converting string to integer
User stopping the clock... how?
Halo 3 (Spoilers, probably)
Drawing a variable
Do People Think?
Combining characters
variable length strings
Simpsonized Portraits of Yourself
Fourm Updates
DWITE October
DWITE December
Flash if Bar
A jepordy triva game
Computer Science Education in Canada
New To PhP : Simple Email Form ?
UofT vs Waterloo (Engineering)
Yet another reason to attend Lakehead University
Word pyramid help
Integer to an ASCII char
Laser pointer... ish. help please
Trig angle detection
Need some help with some collision detection
Good Graphing software?
What is university life like?
STring Help
What should I look for in a Computer Science course?
Who is at Waterloo?
ECOO Dates 2008
Is Waterloo the only option...
Grid Designer
Is there any way to compile music into an .exe file?
MSc in Computer Science
need help with returning variables
How do you round doubles similar to how the printf function does it?
The most expensive 24 tracks ever
Internet Speed Limiter?
RGB.SetColour not working
Flexible function results?
Incrementing in Unix
i have a question about waterloo
Beta Testers Needed!
cannot execute
What Went Wrong?
Array of Functions
To all programmers!!
Interesting site I found.
classic pong
Ontario Election
Loading a Poll with Javascript, need assistance with the FireFox Code.
Freat way to manage pages
Help with collision detection for Space Invaders Remake.
What's the extension for?
funny thing i saw on the site
Stopping an object from falling through what is supposed to be the ground
Sudoku Grade 11 FSE
Running in conjunction with acceleration and Input.KeyDown
How do you reverse numbers?
Which courses should I take in highschool for either CS or CE? Question about which would suit me best...
Learning too write in C
[TYS] Parameterized Inheritance
Using a variable in an identifier
Slow marking?
Please help! Problem with run time error.
Determining the amount of digits, and storing the values in array
Compiolation difficulties of code, cannot understand where I am going wrong...
Controlling Game Speed
I/O for October competition
Asteroid Game Asteroids!!!!!!!!!!
What is the best language for a beginner programmer to start out learning first?
How do I scale images in gdi32?
How does free work in C?
Thinking about wether or not too learn Turing, need help with decision...
Dynamically resizing an array
[O'Caml]Why can't you name your compiled exe "program.exe"
Time Formatting
[Scala] Generics tip du jour
Need help with my space shooter for my turing class
HOw to create a die in turing?
Defend the school (lol) one click at a time
HOw to create a die in turing?
How to Clear screen?
[poll] pirates or ninjas
WhatDotColour and Collision detection
Turing wont open more than one window
New phpBB Virus?
Hi, Im new and I need your help with my project
I need help with snake game
Relative Movement
An Important Question: About programming and the internet!
McMaster Science Olympics
Pic.Draw is Making Me Angry
having issues outputting a string in reverse
windows says there is an ERROR!?
Bank Account Program - Transaction History
The Projekkt
How to get a number with spaces in between as a integer instead of a string
Checking if value pointed by pointer still alive?
How do I colour key in gdi32?
changing length arrays
Adding mouse to chess program, but I encounter a few problems, it says X has not been declared(before),now proedure....?
Net connection problem
New to Turing : Accumulator question
A Halo themed game
Is there a way to inport movies...
Some challenges...
Use. Code. Tags.
Re: How do you make a custom button?
Making a turing code a "Run Window"
Need help with server side stuff
reading string input
string.indexof question
Microsoft Announces F# Integration Into Visual Studio
Bouncing Frame
how can I show 3 cases in one if statement
converting decimal to binary using functions
Imagine Cup
ASCII, Machine Code, Basic Assembly Language
My First 3d Prog! : )
GMail gets better!
Problems seeing Swing
[O'Caml]Making program generic/polymorphic?
Creating Hunt the Wumpus....need help in a variety of areas. :S
Autumn Desktops
My quiz program : help need
efficient ray casting
Pong :D
Trig origin
Anti-Loopist's Answer to 1+2+3...
Subracting a varaible from an other varaible
brain warm ups
For Loops Help
Compiling Eclipse
Please Help!!!!!!! VB Beginner here.. I'm desperate.
Is Holt Software still in business
VB 6.0 String Help
Considering a transfer
Editing/compiling on a Mac
How do I poll events? Or at least take multiple keydown evets at once?
Shooter Game [In the making, but cool so far]
formal verification and testing(help)
Functions Help
Any Easier Way for Sprite Graphics?
Sprite module
Find someone can decode this text to number ,i can pay for that
Cool Spiro Graph Drawer
Odd String Behaviour
Need help with turings trigonometry procedures
Help with Grid Bag Layout
Deciding on a logo.
Help -Function get Prime fail to give a result
remove all bad words from form
Hex editing?
JApplet Problem
How can I make this game like gh.
s5 2007
Proxy Server
file output
Battleship (=\) attempt(using GUI), finding which button was clicked
Referencing Native DLLs
help changing [Input.Keydown] function
Coordinate based RPG
Hello there~
Game Speed Trouble?!?!
Help-Perfect and Happy number fail
Need help on getting the avg working on my calculator
Need help on my calculator
Help switch statemnts??
What's A Suitable Book for Learning C++ GUI Programming with VStd?
I need help with creating a slot machine using java.
LocateXY Help
can i get into waterloo
My ball won't come back ~ LOL
MySQL Server Downtime
box moving across screen help
ccc stage 2 Q#1
java Textbox
Java Sorting With IF Statements
Help with making the screen scroll
Sqauring Help ><
Linked Lists
Limiting decimals on a float output
Is it possible to...
Sorting Contest
need some help with mousewhere
Need some tips for the CCC.
i need help!please fix my battleship game!!!i dont know what to do!!
My Grade 10 Turing Project Battleships
How do I make a scrollbar?
How to move and shoot at the same time
Game Help - Sprite Collision Detection
RailsNite Waterloo - November 12, 2007
Binary Search
I cant move while I shoot!
Idea for program
Need help with Server stuff
Select Sort - Sorting Algarithims HELP
DICE program
pic creator
How to keep a score form procedure to procedure
Exiting Loops
Dev C++'s library
Dialog Box Help Request
Visual DICE program
Two problems both with strings
Suggestions for grade 12 ISU?
Engineering admission
ASCII values
Removing only background colour
Need help looping....
Turing Issues?
DICE - it works
Operands of boolean operators must be boolean?
Importing GIF Pictures
I need to make an animation please help!!
i/o file error
Drawing a Cross using Asterisks in Turing
I need PC.tu from old versions of Turing
Car Game
wow i cant find this mistake in these 6 lines of code
this linker error prevents me from launching my 800-line aircraft game!
DDR help Music
Hidden Bitmap Converter Beta (0.1)
i can has cheezburger
Behind the Scenes
A good resource for game sprites
Keyboard input
Very accurate ping tester!
Macbook wireles woes
Static Methods
unix code
What books do you recommend for C++?
Loading Sprites with DirectX - VS2005
scare attack
Java number precision
DDR demo/beta
unix command line arguments
good web editor?
Need help form mod
System Misuse Message on Loading Windows?
star wars jedi game
Q about Web Hosting
Magic Square Game!!
Collision Detection - Help... Again
Need help with the following;
Free webhosting for facebook apps.
Adding initial horizontal motion into a jumping procedure
Dice game help
A Couple of Questions About Waterloo
help with buttons
how to continue a program after a loop
Whoa! Cool . . .
Whats the best book to learn from?
moving around
Random Moving/Attacking
Help with drag drop.
Help please trouble
drawfill(x,y,green, ANYTHING)
Spring Physics Game
Jump help
Help me make a program
Online Pong
Artificial Intelligence.
Mario Party [Text Version] Ideas
Fishy Fishy
Changing Data Types and Undeclaring Variables.
End fork
World Community Grid
Collision Dectection
Collision Dectection - !!!AGAIN!!!
Collision Detection - AGAIN
help with Rand.Int if statements
File Quota Limits
button GUI
Clicking Help
Schools - Qantm
is it me, or ...
rain help
Thoughts on Action Procedures and a Dynamic Number of Parameters.
Help with opening a new file
need to copy for password program
Holt Software News (FREE TURING)
Where to get Turing
Turing 4.1.1a Download
Linux file backup
Can turing get Input.KeyDown input even if window is not active?
Help with Input.KeyDown not detecting held keys
Which Program...
Carleton CS
Elapsed Time Coding in Turing
Transparency in Turing
Is it possible to get rid of...
C / OpenGL question..
Hey yo, world!
Play Button Help
have anyone noticed...
This is ridiculous...
Hello everyone!~
Pong Collision border help
Canada DMCA
Scrabble Program Help
Sprites flashing, spazzing
RPG Game - First One Done :I
Just a little help
Morse Code Translator
Real Time Strategy (RTS) Game - Multiplayer LAN Problems
Sound Device
Ball Bounce Off Of!?!?!?!
Moving A Picture
Complex Process Functions Replicated in Procedures?
Image will not properly draw
Avoid Racers
Coop job in ottawa
Paddle And Ball Collision Help
Time Limit and Key Press Help
jump lame game
skech pad 2.0
eclipse help??
Moving Sprites
Button and Animation working at same time
song player
Playing MIDI File in C
Hey I'm Baz
Turing Memory program
Timing Problem
Help with ListView in VSTD2005
Cellphone Spectrum
"\t" in JOptionPane
Five O'clock
What's a Good Yet Free Compiler for C?
Colision Detection/Attacking....
Help with "Christmas Animations"
crane motor
how to make ball start on paddle.
using patched UXtheme.dll file
looking for an old submission(3D turing)
Key Bindings
RBG - Still Needs Work, But Begining
Implementation of DEFLATE.
Ruby or Python?
Need some help on setting up arrays and charAt
Ordering numbers from greatest to least... help
Creating animated desktops?
simple graphics
Programming ideas?
Colision again/ and fork music
Game Development or Computer Science?
Programming (NET)
rectangle picture collision
Parallelget and Parallelput
GR 11 work, bleach quiz
Generating random numbers from 1..12
Matrix Pong
Help with basic animation
Left or right shift detection
Spiro thing
Question about making a gravity game
snowing and shining animation
Custom Buttons with Variable Parameter Action Procedures!
Suffering with long driving?
Spinning "Party Tent" or Halo ring and Somewhat 3D
Shadow Comeing off a word
Help with test cases. [Pascal]
[Tip] Great book
Any suggestions?
RPG Upgrade System Help
help make a quiz in Jcreator
need help with background
Restart Program
print "Hello World"
Flash making program
bad movie
Block arguments =S
Brainfuck Interpreter
Shorter Death Handler For Bomberman!
Rotation Help
Help Please
Need help with Winsock
Looking for building Sprites
Do threads share same heap?
Quick Question On feasibillity (rand command, with use from a multidimentional arrays)
Displaying Images
wow... Deluge is amazing!
Rogers ISP -- not at all neutral net
my GUI Class [still in construction] - not so turing-y!
Help with pacman game
Get Postal Code
Stick fighting videos
Problem with "end" (?)
Quit # 51
Projectile game help
Deleting Facebook
Running two loops at the same time.
Help With This Game Please !!!
cannot submit
help with collision detection and making the bullet move randomly
problem with targets and mouseclick. Ball border line + target dissapear
Turing Programming With Joysitck
Need Help With Shooting Colisions!!!
Need Help With Shooting Collision!
Border's in Pac-Man
Question about Printf
Need help With Shooting Collision!
Getting Website Info
Help with loading words from notepad please!
Needing some tips
Variable Recognition Problem
School asssignment with loop and if help
Monsters of the Programming World
Ubuntu Troubles
help with playing music
Playing a video clip in Turing
what is in.nextInt() ?
Texas Hold'em poker game {hand outcome}
Turing Jetman help (Please i need help this is for my ISP)
Calculating speed of mouse
Save/Load stats from text file
Sorting Prime Numbers
Wtd u r a genius
I Need Java Help Please
is there a way...
Procedure that centers text
Pseudocode - Translation
Ultimate Pong
Java Project Help
Multiple Sounds at the same time
Simple Button Class
GUNBOUND GAME - help me pahleez!!!
Multiline File Reading for a 3D engine?
I could waterloo, but should I waterloo?
Snowflake - I need to "Simplyfy" it...
MAD psychics
Stickman Fighting Game - How to Jump?
i need fast help!
How to really make a secure login.
Bored - Made a font list
I need help with my game.......(breakout)
Freeway Frenzy
I Need Java Assignment Help Please
I Need Java Assignment Help Please
java help please
Text wrapping
My RPG Cant Get Some Things Right!
Street Fighter Game - How to Jump With Sprites?
Need help with my "VolleyBall" Game
Maze escape game... needs help with continuous animation
Ready to Program for Java Technology: Unknown source error.
My lock program
Is there a way for force stream audio keep on going next scene?
I require sprite animation help
How to add a score in my game
procedure and else if statements
Music.Playfile Trouble While Running The Program.
Game engines question
Changing To A New Screen.
Sprites ontop of Background
Simple Animation
Making my sprites jump
Animation timing help
[Tutorial] How to Jump
Can someone teach me how to make a robot that simulates human behaviour
Help is greatly needed!
[Tutorial] How to Post
Brick Breaker X!
How many numbers are there on a line?
Need help with project
auto_ptr can't maintain linked lists?
Can someone help me with my project?
Jetman Help 2 (gone far but stuck on problem now) plz help
CompSci ISU: Final Fantasy Zero
Gather Data From USB?
Assignment Help and Tips
Turing "Paint" with GUI, can't select multiple buttons...
Space Game from Grade 10 ICS
Congrats Tony (for getting on Reddit)
I need help with my isu!!! Email, not working
Why wouldnt this work?
I need help with my isu!!!
Turing Paint
cout <<"Hello World";
I need some tips with 3D graphics/coding
Accessing a variable from one class to another
Is it possible to assign a procedure to a variable?
Jan 08 Desktops
System.out.println("Hello World!");
Low Cost windows web hosting?
Video tutorials
Help learning C and choosing a complier
Compsci computer poll
Question about the AIF form in Waterloo.
From "Instructions" to Main Menu to UserInput1
I dont understand how to make buttons that change procedures
Health Bars for my RPG
Question about the AIF form in Waterloo.
How do you randomize wordS?
GUI ^_^ need info on qui. process event
Converting from string to int
Accesing a variable from different class
bubble sorting of ascend to descend
I need game ideas for ISU
Help needed making a new level
Map Help
dev-cpp questions and directx book recommendations?
changing from capitals to non-capitals NEED HELP
real4 and real number .I need help
Randomize Variable?
Help with z-index, or otherwise known as image mapping?
Dynamic Programming Tutorial
I could use some assistance...
My last summative for this year
Falling Ball Game.
My Blackjack program (with much more functions)
Loading question
Shooting Game with Pictures as Targets --- need help!
Condensing Trouble
Why can't a function be in a procedure?
So many programs- But which one to use?
A riddle!?
Wormy !
Swing delaying
Java exception.. why?
Ideas needed for a recursion based game.
class function access other private data member?
How do you play videos in Turing?
Turing on mac
Help with adding really huge numbers.
Assigning to a Record
Very Weird, it will take you 10 secs to solve
May someone assist me with an email change on this forum?
i made a selecting program for hockey but i messed up the loop part and i need help fixing it
My Award Winning Positive Huntington's Disease Page
Award Winning Positive Huntington's Disease Page
Reached end of file while parsing
Pixel Cars.
Golden Sun - The Lost Age Hacker 1.6
help on turing code (how to figure out exact change)
target game
what does your highschool teach (programming languages)?
Assignment in School with loops
the exit phrase
creating images and checking pixel in python
How many people hate <? instead of <?php to start a php document?
Tic Tac Toe Program
Tic Tac Toe Program
Tic Tac Toe Program
Tic Tac Toe Program
Array Problem
Digital Clock Help
Turing app in a run window
Converting Regular Turing File Into EXE?
Help with trivia game~!
how to use my own image as a button?
help with flickering
my GUI is messed up!
~Help ME~ click=color?
mp3 player / iPod
with a joy stick, how do you make a dot with a radius of 15 appear on the corner of your screen? for a school sumitive
how to tell viewer to put in a number between 1 to 5, then press enter, then it gives out the number.
cvs, svn, something else?
Generate random numbers, no duplicates.
Introductory computer science course
a quote :
a quote
how to ask for 2 numbers, then the computer adds the numbers and give out the sum.
Help with my check (no value?)
Java program into website
Array Records!!
rotating an image
IT's MY FINAL SCHOOL PROJECT .. plz help!:(:(:(
GUI Troubles
2 objects moving independently at the same time
Displaying a random word from a text file and scramble?
Pic Transparency, Collision detection. Need major help.
Trajectory problems
Requesting a random site for site ring.
Declaring multiple variables
Help with parallelput
fucntion construction
Instant Messaging?
Plz Help Parallel Porting
How to make a button work inside a procedure
Pausing a game
WoW Addiction
New picturebox at click event
Does anyone know how to make .exe
Putting exit command
7-segment decoder display interfacing
Making and filling in polygons and other things - for a summitive [Help]
Best language to use
I Need Help Wid Connect 4 Game In Turing !!!!! Sumbody Plzzzzzzzzzzz Help !!
Windows useraccount
Music Running IN a proc
your mmo
Need help with If statement + loop and strings
Quick question about Waterloo and the AIF.
highscore help
having big time problems with procedurees
Multiplatform collision and shorter code.
Collision in Pac-Man
Including via variables?
Quick question about Waterloo and the AIF.
Python Exercises
Graphics Tests
Question Regarding a Card Combinations Program
Having a background picture with a ball in front
Help me with Seek in Text Files
Having trouble stoping a "fork"
need some help...
Adding array variables together.
Help Me Plz
Title pages in games?
[FP] Jetman go to this one (this one includes the game)
How do you make a Menu???
MouseWhere Issues
Credits Scrolling Down
Cutting up an image.
How do you resize a picture
Final Project immediate help Please!!! due January 16th
Why can't i get character inside this code
Tetris help
Word scrambler- Assistance please
The WTF paradox
Grade 11 Game Final
Making Borders, and border detection.
Game Request
Game Request
Game Request
Game Request
I need help putting a game into compsci
My comp. science final project
fixed up trouble, you can download this one
display.update(rect) vs. display.flip()
Gr 9 final isp help please!! Due January 16 08
Posting a WIN.rar file
Binary Search Help!
GUI running with loop
Need Help With Lagging Program!
RGB Transparentcy? Or lack there of.
Music.PlayFile trouble Please help Final Project due tomorrow
Battlestone (Isometric RPG)
Error somewhere..
bouncy ball program: try to make it cool
Floating text
Displaying Variable on Screen with Draw.Text Issues
arrays initialization
Make jtext field better
Exiting A Procedure
January Dwite : Question 1 Line 4
help with an exit when statement!
User Input
tic tac toe game, please help finish
An example of flash
Why this no work! (whatdotcolour help plz)
importing video in java.
Slime Volley Ball
Two Stepper Motors?
"Calculator" Issues
sorting problems
Help on my project due in two days
Parallel port drivers
assistance with writing to file
how to put delays in procedures
Turing Submission~OMOK
A noncontentious thread with a point.
Creating GUI Records
drawing directly onto the desktop
Dan's birthday present.
Need help understanding boolean
Need help understanding what a and n are.
struggling at this java thing have a crappe teacher
Welcome to Computer Science Website
Pong collision note???
Issue with graphics
Collision problem
Race Horse C++ Program: Can anyone help me construct this program? PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Race Horse C++ Program: Can anyone help me construct this program? PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Race Horse C++ Program: Can anyone help me construct this program? PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Race Horse C++ Program: Can anyone help me construct this program? PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Whack-a-mole process/button gone awry.
Jetpack (Arcade Game) by me
Sound Finder
Deal or no Deal, stuck on randomizing briefcase values
Help Need It Fast
how to drag with arrow keys in turing
Help Again
Deleting pictures help
"For" Logic Error
Making Magical Squares In Java
Target Game Problems
Collision effect
Rounding to two decimal places
Most recommended college for programming.
Bar Help
A quick question about waterloo...
Background and Animation
random cirlces,press buttom and score
help with system.out.print
difference between cs and programming
Give me your idea if this is possible ....
Error when compiling exe file :\ help?
What languages do they teach in Waterloo or UFT for Software Engineering?
problem with firing with pictures
Help Writing a Program using a Joystick and Parallelget.
Computer/Cyber Forensics
Simpsons Trviva game re:
Mock Ccc
Trouble with Object Reference
Recursion Help! Does anyone know any good websites with examples!
Tic Tac Toe Problem
Question About Sequences and Buttons
Accessing variables
turing game help
Collision detection using threads
Online Game: Speed Issues...?
clearing pictures
Why won't it exit?
How do I read till the end of a file?
Matrix Text Effect Game
Race Horse C++ Program: Can anyone help me construct this program? PLEASE!!!!!!!!
procedure inside a procedure?
help using JPanel and JList
[FP] My jetman game completly finished and done.
Detect when key up?
Stay Alive - Game Help
Help Me Finish Game Of Pong For School!
Colors in READY
Why won't the music execute?
[Tutorial: Visual Basic .NET] Multi-Key Keyboard Input
Ball Bounce off the Bottom Brick
Simulating planetary motion
Java TYS
What programming language are you?
Parallel port IO
Stay Alive - Game Help - Disregard the other topic
Help with pong game or any game
GUI or Non-GUI?
Disabling Buttons After Use
A Simple Problem?
Font Size and Shape
Bubble sort
help with tic tac toe program
Need Help Fast
Randomizing Varible! PLEASE HELP!
Need help with while condition
Server Outage
sorting algorithm
finding time
Go Fish, Need help
[Halp] Need a Vista disk!
pacing man (otherwise known as pacman)
yoda dodge
Using Buttons and Returning to Start Menu
Parallelput light
Program using nested ifs
program using nested ifs
Halo vs Mario
Error message: Case selector is out of range.
Impossible Maze
pacing-man (also known more commonly as pacman)
[REQUEST FOR HELP]: How to allow screen to scroll?
PHP tool?
[RESUEST HELP]: How to run a turing program from a turing program?
Waterloo and Admission Averages
Car Physics - 2D Straight Line
Lists - returning all occurences of value
Links to my best posts
Turing Wars
Gradient Bound by a Shape
Tetris in Turing, Revised
GigPark (Tony's workplace) launches a Facebook app
Requesting some help.
Gradient Module
His Dark Materials - Movies
7 Day Assault - ICS3M Final
Out of curiosity, how early do they accept people for CS/Math faculty in Waterloo?
Snakes and Ladders, Mario Style!
finding some digits in an array problem
subprogram question
Sub program help
sub program help
subprogram help
Simple Clicking Program
[Tip] Wean yourself off of parallel arrays
Need help with ifs and cases structure!
Accepted To Waterloo?
Need help with game
DWITE 2006 January #5
Importing a shared library into Python.
Money Prize Ii
Mod Fuction
[tutorial] joysticks/joypads (finally)
Possiblility of a ethernet mouse????
the best way?
Will it fly?
Will it fly?
Will it fly?
What language DID you learn?
Will it fly?
Will it fly?
Emergency Maintenance
Tower of Hanoi
Will it fly?
Will it fly?
Will it fly?
File browse question
Turing Help for a beginner
May I suggest "D" from digitalmars
Trick code; dangerous code; triple XOR swap
Help neede regarding heuristic algorithms
Syntax for Resizing a Multi-Dimensional Array
Program HELP
Crystal Quest
Good day
Font.Drawing Scores
Your workstation (desk) setup
Need a Good ISP
Military Application - Design a Database Generated Map with Embedded Info
Turning pictures.
getting input from user to display on pygame screen
How did you get into programming?
Login Script With mixed HTML
Opening Text
Shortest Tetris Challenge
Trig Graphs+Angles
RPG Challenge
Will Pay To Hack This Site
Help needed in Java
Help needed in C++
another riddle
Cool Trick
Making Credits
Pong Help
May I suggest "D" from digitalmars
Dynamic Programming.
What does functional programming get you? Aggregate datatypes
computer science / engineering at Windsor
language, compiler and editor/ide you use?
graphing calculator
Developer looking for ideas
Help needed regarding binary trees
Counter in C
Life lesson: take initiative
sprites help
sprite help again corrected
Need an idea for grade 12 project for CS
Haskell Problems
someone is going to fail computer science
more help on sprites
Beginning-Exit Loop
Webmaster Wanted
Webmaster Wanted
Exiting a loop with mod
Missing dlportio.sys file- Can't use parallel port
Any language welcome challenge
Cooking Shrimp!
help with adding time
Movement before animation
Just Started Java
Java error - Help needed!
Useful Free Programs
moving my craracter
Help with heap sort
IE7 installation problems?
ISU Help
need help receiving data form excel file and update the data to another excel file using java
dynamic text
An Introduction to Java: Second Edition
An Introduction to Java: Second Edition
please a tutorial
How do You Make Trailing Image Effect?
Formatting Output and Type Conversions
The Paint Program Contest
Highscore Ranking
An unusual bouncing circle program
The legend of zelda : the lost tales (Alpha)
collision detection
[Scala] Java anti-patterns
collision det
Grade 12 CompSci Mac Substitute?
Check for Availible Fonts
Organizing Pictures for Movie
CS universities (grad/master) question
PointedCircle.FillRotate - Cool graphics you can make with circles.
CSS and Iframe
Thinking in C++: Your thoughts
missionaries and cannibals
Spartan war!
Dwite #5
Deleting Text Files?
Dynamic Programming Problem.
DWITE Round 5, Q#4: About test data
Feb 08 Desktops
Need help with my first program
Makefile question
Family Day
649 Lottery Program (Need Help)
Window Size
Open Question; Development methods
Vaidating form input with PHP, for text only field
Quick Question
A quick question about strings . . .
turing help, please help me to write another part
exit with anykey
Quick Question
New To Programming
Hiya World
Moving Fractal Tree
Ending Music
Help w/ Adding Music
Obfuscated Code Contest : Prize - 50GB FTP Account
CCC S4 2007 help
Text-based RPG
Need help with KeyListener issues in Java Pong Applet
making a menu...
Mario Movements
"Overflow in Integer expression"- how do i fix this?
Hey, wats up world?
The effective bandwidth of a speeding Toyota Matrix, redux
2D Side Scrolling Shooting Towards Mouse
Out for the Week
Investigating online course management systems
Simon Peyton Jones on Haskell and Functional Programming
DWITE#5 (in turing)
Paint program: Problems with a line tool
Saving Images in Pygame
HR technology map..
Is Virus Possible With Turing?
Loop Help Needed
Much Needed Dwite Modification
difference between procedure and function?
Turing on mac? WINE HQ/CROSSOVER
File Uploading
Help With Basic Commands
Post your Pets!
Capabilities of C++
Menu Efficiently
I need some help with the rotation
Visual Puzzles
Phun - a neat clip..
ftp upload?
Moving a pic, program crashes after a while
Found Out About CCC Yesterday...
Parallelget returns 120
Quick question from a super noob.
Rounding a number
Use only a certain digit in a number
Paint Junior
how to find next highest multiple of 10
Help my bullet slows down
How to export to an .exe that does not require turing?
Array of C-strings
HOw to check the extension in java
How to compare extension in java
Need help regarding a program
How to store arrays in an array? kind of?
Roman Numeral Converter Problem
Balances and coin problems
Critique my solution please.
Critique my solution please.
Critique my solution please.
Critique my solution please.
Anyone have any useful hints?
2d gaming like mario
View input as "*"
Mac vs PC
Java Matrix Package
How many people get enrolled into Waterloo's CS or SE each year?
Loop (continued)
Unlimited Variables (HELP!)
Unlimited Variables
Strange Behaviour
Arcade syle side shooter
Extreme Paint
Difference rather than subtract
Array Addition
Ccc 2008
little problem'o with the forking execv'o
document.write without deleting previous output
Insertion Sort For Words
Cube World
Finding a Window's LAN on Ubuntu
Shameless copying
Kind of Stupid Question (+=,-=)
How Do You Create A File?
[C#] A Little Bit of LINQ
i'm a beginner of me please!!!
school project that doesnt work!!!!!!
Wireless to wire?
multiple forms & variables
Collision Detection : oval+rectagle
A Map Maker
MADE an account for this question u download games
Made an account just to ask how do i download games
Interesting error...
Piping in client-server architecture
The most important contest
Vista, XP, or Other?
Trying to make simple "salary calculator" (im completely new to turing)
What's wrong here?? (turing)
where does the bad code come from?
Turing Tower Defense
Image to Ascii
Grid for Draw.FillBox
i need GUI help
please help, my program isnt work properly!!!
guitar( acualy possible
Should I use VB6 or
Java Token Parser
ECOO Contest 2008
Lambda calculus
Music and MIDI controls
Turing help.. This is the hardest thing :(
Animation ideas???
Input, Output and Variables
Highschool Computer Science Teachers and why they can suck.
0.999... == 1
penalty on retaking courses for UW
networking question
brownianmotion with rectangle
USB interfacing
Crash-Proofing.. Need help :)
How to erase when you type E, and plot when you type P
The Turing Initiative
Bugs in code
First turing program
formating ipod without itunes
Stop Time Illusion
Ball Drop
Mass Effect Content
Another fun phyiscs program
Hi Everyone!
U Waterloo tour 2008
me again, with another program i cant get to work >.<!
Bullet gets fast when Shooter near border, why?
Increase console size?
Lifebar Program
Help with creating an object.
Function program
Ccc 2008 #4
Map/ArrayList Help
What's the difference between:
Pi Day
Putting things in order...
flexible array of a class?
Illegal picture ID number error
need help with writeing formulas in turing
snake game
Some records are better off left un-broken [not for those with small intertubes]
Make Turing open programs
Make turing open up program
How to check for simultaneous keypresses?
Help me!
CE - Is it any good?
The Fire Dragon Chronicles(Title is still being decided).
What's Wrong????????
how do you draw a background file
the ball game
sendmail to myself
Help with Final touches
text repetition
Mouse.where / if statements
How do you rotate a sprite?
A pretty crude snake!
Turing Write
How do you write a loop that exits when any key is pressed?
Creating a program
connecting different python files
Help on parse trees...
making GUI in c++
Line Collision Detection?
[b]Help on parse (derivation) tree!...[/b]
can you have more than one loop going at once
Paddle Ball Game
CCC J5 2005 Bananas Help
moving objects and polygons
N-Queens Problem
Little array issue
Firefox Add-ons?
How Do I Avoid Processes?
Error Check for reading from text files
mousemovement deluxe
How to do CCC Senior input and output ?
Sending Pictures?
Which one should I take? (at waterloo)
File Broswer Function
HELP regarding bitwise operators!!!
how do you draw gif animations turing
REBOL 2.7.6 released!
picture out of ID numbers
Microsoft Experience
Help On Password Program
Drawing a Triangle in VB 2005 Express Edition
Need help with a few things...
Dev C++ and Net ?
Should Sprites be used?
For loop a string? (Super noob at Turing, Gr.10 Prog)
really fun game a must play
For loops inside nested if statements output error
Giving Random Values to an Array
nested for loops
The color thing..
Software Engineering - Waterloo
Structured Query Language
On file output, makes newline every time
Template Linking Help
Distinguish between positive and negative integers in loop?
Turing Menu for beginners
Simple Guessing game
Beginning graphics assignment
environment or not
Anyone know how to make a lazer writer?
Waterloo's first year CS, now in Scheme flavour
About the sprites..
Odd or Even Integer?
How can I make this a playable game?
Create a button with text that changes.
Slime Help
Net. Functions
File Type info
Google Code Tutorials.
Any Help Appreciated
Other than Waterloo?
What is the best RPG???
Computer Science stuff
Computer Scientists
Problems with accessing dlls in Vista
Picture exporting and importing (Hard to explain what I mean)
About Debug Command
How to change size of text field
University recommendations?
Duplicating a sprite
March 08 Desktops
Useful formulas for 2d physics?
Thoughts on Contests?
Happy Zombie Jesus Day
Array index out of bounds
Having percentage calculation problem
NetChat 5.0
Importing text and sorting help (or something)
program not working
Making a quiz
web page
pac man weighted AI
Scotts Budget Program
Creating Text on a drawing pad
Mackie's Birthday!
Help on recursive program!
[Tutorial] "Perfect" Following
Guitar hero
Capitals of Canada Quiz
program 'end loop's before I tell it to
how to save input from a text file in to array
Java Book
Bubble Sorting Help
Captiols Quiz
Anychance of a bubble sort tutorial being made ?
Automatic login
RaR files
Why can't class subprograms be subprogram variables?
Multi Threading
Window Follow
String Shuffler
Pong Remake (Player2's Paddle won't show)
Emulators for PSP
mark() in BufferedReader
Does Waterloo mind if...
There's no KEY_ button for the spacebar?
QBASIC parallel port program
qbasic program problem...
Circles & Perimeters + Points + Moving Question
Ending a Loop Accepting Strings
OpenGL & || Direct x set up
Need help in printing a line
Looking for Vista themes from trusted site
Executables won't run.
Passing variable values from form to form
String- Vowel Count in Java
Turing Basics
Current Mark Calculator
Quick Math Function Question
Music Player
CompSci Comic: Season II
Suggestion: Splash Page
Connecting Wii to Internet through a ad hoc
HOw to round decimal points.
Guessing Game
Copying classes with pointers
April 1st
Moving Text
How to type
Hilo game
Help, sorting 3 words.
Turing Boat
Another Guessing Game
Hi i am having some problems
Turing Help
Text document
How to make "Pacman" stop at a wall
Bonjour, Beautiful People :)
What makes a good programmer?
Dazzling and hypnotic kinetic pattern
Advanced Programing
Computer Science: A Science?
Is there a command to freeze the screen completely?
Input.KeyDown trouble
Problem with turing download links
Simple Program Errors - Variables etc.
Can someone help me figure out why my Lite-C wont work?
EeePC - Will You Purchase the EeePC 900?
EeePC - Will you purchase the EeePC 900?
Will you purchase as EeePC 900?
EeePC - Will you purchase the EeePC 900?
Will you purchase an EeePC 900?
Smallest (source code) webserver I've seen so far - REBOL
Internet II
Non Locking, Non-Multithreaded Multiple Client TCP Server
send the value of multiple form variables to server at once...
Do I need a sprite for this?
Java Error- Char!
how do i move a paddle
ECOO Regional Contest
sooo weird. can't run turing program
Tutorial: REBOL parse
newbie question about file streaming with variable filename.
Minimum data movements
importing sounds. which format is fastest?
Amaya - W3C's Editor/Browser
My Blackjack Game
How to make ripples shrink
Moving two balls at once
Arc tan
how to fade in?
A very crude Blackjack.
Pascal's Triangle and TriangularArray
Fun with trig and drawfillpolygon
Dir.Create, need helping intergrating a variable
Make a animation Jump
Polygon Animation
Spinning Flower
Need Help In Creating A Decimal to Hexadecimal Program
Help needed regarding a billiards game
Does anyone know how to Subtract and Add Octal??
Introduction: REBOL datatype!
Grade 11 Final in Progess
Bluej Java - Quiz Help!!!
[Tutorial] Making a 'Character' move
Add Boundaries
change sorter always prints at least 1
Anyone in here an Audio production junkie?
procedures, functions and arrays - how do i use/make them?
procedures, functions and arrays - how to
Horse game
Computer Science at Brock?
Sending ARP reply packets
File IO?
Help binding PCX textures in openGL with SDL
Binary downloading
Please Can someone help me on my project!!! =)
how to move ball diagonally
Biggest Number
Data files
Bug using binary search need help for school
floating point precision
Final Fantasy XI..Like it?
Using information to solve problems [part 1]
Statistical Mode
Determining direction of object
AP Computer Science
iostream error
Oh, Hai thar!
moving a stick figure
repaint not working in JFrame
times table
I Need Help!!
DaveAngus is leaving
[Tutorial] Data Type Usage
[Tutorial] Data Type Usage
[Tutorial] Data Type Usage
[Tutorial] Data Type Usage
[Tutorial] Data Type Usage
The backup problem.
Download Turing
Times table 2
Curruption and all that (A poll!)
Computer Science in Canada
[Tutorial] REBOL Values
Hangman- different problem>
sorting attributes of an object
3D space
pow() function
[Tutorial] REBOL cloaking
[Tutorial] REBOL cloaking
Animation exiting before executing final for loop
Need help with AI and setting boundaries and collision detection
sends 71 emails instead of 6?!!
Need a side project
RPG formulas
Donate Button
[Tutorial] REBOL Client Server
RTP to more basic Java
Help with computer programming project
Plz Can someone help me wiht my project!!!!! =P
Converting int to string
Where are you came form?
What does this do?
Color of a Bowling alley
How do i make this ball roll
Plz help with project!
fast search technique for collision detection
Recursion Error
Future Happiness
Shooting Bullets/Projectiles Help
Animation problem
Java Discrete Event Simulations for Wireless Network & Banyan Switch
Final Project Ideas
ActiveX component can't create object
Teach yourself programming in ten years
Nastynika's B-Day
Gif Videos
Do you know geography?
University of Waterloo's Frosh Forums Are Now Online
Help! Can't make decision.
Sorting Arrays
Request for Opinions: Ch
Most efficent way?
Card Game "war"
Data files
Applying for Grad School
Interesting c# (.net) benchmark
processes at startup?
pointless cool-looking program
Binary Search?
Netstream not capable of understanding carriage return?
R Review and Recommendation
Spring 08 Desktops!
Does not div/mod properly...
Traversing Directories
Development environment?
Universal Hack Program
Values Changing Mysteriously
Blank Turing File?
Random Stuff
Sys.Exec with spaces
Stopping Two Squares
Believe it? Or not? TIOBE List
Reading and Storing Data on the Disk
C++ debug error on turing? What?
Awesome Rick Roll Game
Class problem
Free online Ruby programming course
Basics of 3D In Turing
How do you make turing do two things at once?
Procedures in the GUI
make a conversation in turing!
I need help with my maze
Back to Waterloo
.getRGB () - how does it work?????
Getting a timer working
Big Shot
Mouse beep test
ARRAYS!!- Shift Down...
new features development [poll + feedback]
Stack blocks
HELP! Grade 10 Chemistry...
To fork or not to fork.
Does any one know how to start making yahtzee?
Need A Tutorial
Final Assignment?
Help... Getting data from netstream through HTTPS connection?
Comp. Sci Masters - Thesis or No thesis? (ONTARIO)
bits and karma?
Help Making A Deck Of Cards
Setting borders
procedures and functions-project ideas needed?
Anyone use Code::Blocks IDE?
Language with Music
Batch file needed to pass on arguments.
Ninja Box game...
Computer Parts?
Beasts of Mythology
Card/Deck Object Construction
Personal programming
turn string into call for procedure?
Not all CS teachers are evil
Needhelp with face cards for a deck.
Why...? (Variable error)
Some Math
Flickering Images
Guelph University (Humber): Taking this course
Physics, motion, and gravity in a Turing game
Help on Growing Ovals?
turing button question
Counter Problem
Collision detection issues...
Brawl Codes?
i don't know what i should call this game...
Copying output of run window
Network-wide LanSchool disabling program
Opening a Microsoft Works Database (.wdb file)
Stupid procedure problem
lag problem? or something else?
Database preferences
My person doesn't move?
Computer Science @ UofT: St. George
Counting Down
Jumping windows?
Had a small problem with a PHP script
URGENT!!!!>>>Can someone help me with turing graphic pleaaseee
Buttons, ifs, and array issues
Xemacs, lisp help
Matrix Neo
turing button problem
2 player chess
moving / rotating an object
International conference in information technology in education 2008.zjh
Repeating Program Errors
Java Quiz - Problem with random questions...
moving an animation with keyboard
saving to a file
Drawing program help :D
Compsci 101: what would you want covered?
making a botton?
Can/should I follow 8-stream even though I'm not in co-op?
Disapearing Background
Microsoft surface computing
who wants to be a millionare trouble
"How Much You Suck" Program
One-way Boundaries for game
Checkers has been Jordaslized
Math Equation Fun
Inform 7 - Natural Language programming
[Quick-Tutorial] Cheating
External Text file help
Increase in trajectory in game
Multiply Exiting
Painting program issue
Hey Y'all
How to move a form around?
Something is up with my keyboard...
A better way then QUIT?
Frogger Game
Languages written in their own langauge
Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
Maybe someone knows
Trouble with Font
Turing!!!! Can Any one help me to make a HangMan
Stupid and probably simple question...I jsut forget
Need help with Functions Assignment from Class.
text files and arrays...
What versions of Turing allow running of .exe programs?
Snake Game - NEED HELP
Snake Game - NEED HELP
Help?? Please?
Split tasks if possible?
Music player v2
Smiles and waves
The girlfriend project
Adobe announces Open Screen Project.
Traffic light program HELP!!!
Late collision and sometimes no collision
selecting single or multiple letters in a string type variable
the "Getch" procedure
read from file question
Take away decimals.
SaaS employment opportunities
Heres My Matrix Screen
Sprite invisible color
Jumping Over A Wall
A Quick Question on Networking
Yet another stickman death
RPG Game Crashes
Graphing Calculator
help with program using procedure and getchar
Procedure variables
Sprite sheet help needed
Help needed with snake game
need help on hot to get a line to point to the mouse
Extreme newbie
Incorporating Buttons into Multiple Procedures?
Gold at the end of the rainbow.
Average Help!
Bare Bones
Drawing a circle with the mouse
Bibliography Maker
Super Smash Bros type fighting system issues
Pacman's mouth
Immediate Help needed with snake game!!!! Please!!!!
Is there a volume type comand for sound in turing?
Regarding Switch/Case argument
The Meaning Behind Your Name
Olympic countdown help
Can't figure out a bug.
Please Help Me With Selection And Looping
Please Help Me With Selection And Looping
Please Help Me With Selection And Looping
Array subscript out of range?
Do you have problems?
pacman eating coins
Living off bytes .... I wonder
The Meaning Behind Your Quote
Exercise: Beeping!
[REBOL] Script to pull images out of web pages
Turing Server, a decent version.
Trouble with Collision in Program
Trivia and button help
Fickers in the Draw.Dot part
Newbe question - what is the name of key W, A, S, D
Need pacman sounds/images
Is it legal?
Sprites being offered
Sprites being offered
Help Starss
Selecting objects.
Insectoid's PacMan blog
Creating 2-D Arrays
Email in VB6
Blur effect
[table] tags and multiple columns
Turing Animation final project
How Do I Set My Parallel Port Via Bios for I/O
how to fullscreen an output from C++?
Final Project Ideas (No Games)
Convert file to wav?
(URGENT) Parallel Port Bidirectional? I really need to get this done
Spiders on drugs
Background Picture
Signing an Applet
Need help with applets
Exercise: Palindromes and Isograms
Bluej Tiling Engine
Exiting a program?
Visual Basic File Browser!~ Need help w/ Searching for Files
Need help with mouse input (VARY NUBE)
How to open a specific file through turing?
Turing Problem
Music file not playing
WinAPI Beep through external speakers
Turing Make an object move in a circular motion
space invaders help
Canada and Global enterprise
12 hour clock instead of 24?
Why I find Rebol virtually incomprehensible
Loop Questions
Maze help
Typography trivia; Uppercase, lowercase
Trigonometry with pic.rotate help
Analog Clock?
Fly Swatter Mini Game
If there a better way to make a fighting Game moves for characters besides a ton of processes?
Fighting game problem with Pic.Draw
ID for keys in number pad
"variable has no value"
Help with question bank for a trivia game
Word Unscrambler
Clicking to start
Declaring a variable so that it can used in the whole form
Face Shooter
need help with map editor
How do you attach a folder?
using arrays
My Calculator
help with guitar hero for turing
Sprite was freed?
Map Maker [with source]
Dark Link and Master Chief
Parabola and cosine and sine
Signature Thread, Rate Plox.
Help needed with Mouse-Control and Game-creation
Is shielding/blocking possible in a fighter game?
I need help with snake game!
Help with sprite animation
Color matching game
Randomly pick 10 out of 100?
Snake Collision Help
Battleship Game - Placing random ships
Rubik's Cube
Deleting Characters
Use WAP in VB6
Dijkstra's Algorithm... With Excel!
What do I need in order to make a Java multiplayer online game?
Visual Turing!?
Pacman game problems
VB Chat program Help
Need help on writing a program for integration ASAP
Help with making arkanoid in turing
Editing strings to delete, change and count parts of words
Pic.Rotate cut off pics
Morse Code Translating-disk file / manipulation
Mouse Input ?
A few ArrayList questions
Importing a picture
Riff Rampage
Turing TD Unlimited
Halo Sprite engine
"No post mode specifified." what?
Perpetual Motion Machine
Custom MsgBox?
Help with 21 card game
Looping Issues: Procedure Blockage
What is the better University?
Quick Loop Question
security system program
maze help
what kind of games can you make on VB
Pic.SetTransparentColor not working?
Field Widths
get and index and remove it in an ArrayList
Destructo Tank - Two Players Only
More efficient method of whatdotcolor?
GP3X Programming Team
Whats the Best Way to Find Heighest Number in A List?
Controlling a robot with the arrow keys through the paralleput function?
Computer Sci Career
Software Engineering - McMaster
Exiting Fork
File I/O and read
pausing the game
information from database
Engineering at Mcmaster and Queens
Trivia program, need help!!
any approximation algorithms for this minimization problem?
Need help in Visual Basic Pleaseee
Jumping Over a Wall
Snake Help!
Shooting Mechanic Help
How to make some thing jump like mario
Software Engineering: UFT or Waterloo?
Key Jamming speeds up the program, this is a problem........
HTML code
IRC in Turing
best key input for frame
Exit Program when User presses Esc
May Desktops
Retrieving String(Long) from Database, Specific Location
Whats wrong with my code?
Freelancer search a Job - php mysql javascript ajax webdesign
Counter help please!
Chess in making
input.keydown help plz
Waste some time!
Fighter Game Advice
Brand new
Reversing a string (recursion)
reading from text files
Could someone compile my code?
Business Informatics, good idea? i need help
Bubble Sort with a 2D array ??
Computer Science @ Waterloo vs Engineering @ McMaster
recursion problems
problem with char...please help thanks
Oz, Mozart and a good excuse to force yourself to learn Emacs
How to make object shoot
Is Cygwin/X worth learning.
Weekly Ruby Quiz
System Checker.
changing icons
Waterloo First Year
need helppppppp with my maze ..
Comic Strips
Mechatronics Engineering Vs Computer engineering
Warhammer; completely off topic.
How to make drawfilloval semitransparent
Just for fun
draw.text trouble
Background music
Bubble Sort Problem
OOP Quandry
Help with Rounding
Type Slicing Fun
Recurrsion in main menu
My best sigs
Media Coverage!
How to turn back?
Adding Control in another form
Decrease volume in audacity?
Trying to Find a Project
school choices
Flexible Arrays in Procedures
importing pictures.
importing a picture from a file and printing it out into a window
How to rerun the program?
Help With Making Custom GUI
MS University of Calgary
Got some sorting problems.
Visual C++ 2008
How to load png image file
Is it possible to calulate execution time?
String Manipulations
cls help
Turing Ideas
C compiler for OpenVMS
Waterloo or Guelph
What to use when I can't use Font.Draw
Deal or No Deal
Breakout problemo...
How to close the windows
Adding Background Music
How can I eject a disc?
Battery Rebuild?
need help
Firing off events without user input
what is a boolean
Database help
What does += or *= mean?
The History of the Quicksort
Button not appearing at the right spot?
Simple AI help ?
Opera web browser
Nothing comes up after cls?
HTML 5.0 Changes Draft
Mouse Help
How do i make this code?
need some millionaire style questions
Question about flexible arrays
Half-adders full-adders and electronics
Making a calculator [HELP]
A math question
creating random falling asteroids..
Question about controlling 7-Segment display on Turing
How do you control/move 2 objects
Obfuscated Perl
Help with program
My Grade 11 Final DONE
[FP] Greatest 3D Air Plane Game
Links/ Files in Turing
Is there a way to change the default font?
Operating System Check
Waterloo CS - Difficult?
Need help with transfering names from a txt file to array
MouseListener problems in a JFrame
utter vexation.
How to stop a music file after the mouse is clicked? Thx for helping
New Turing icon made in GIMP
Blackjack Help
pictures/animations in turing?
Help with Yahtzee
Opening file / VB6
Class Spirals
NullPointerException Error
Help with frogger based game please
Erlang-Scala Challenge: The Actor program.
Applet issues
Procedures not working as they should?
Project Help Please Using Parallelput !
Arrays and files - need help please
[FP] "Every Extend" Bomb Puzzle Game
[Rant]Whould you like your password with that?
Window Doesn't Close?
Rectangular Collison Detection
Canadian copyright infringement plans (ACTA)
Character Collision
Touble with Arrays and If's... making hangman
Column Sorting
importing Pics
Programming a TICTACTOE game help
Importing files into blender?
Waterloo CS: Digital Hardware option
Big Buck Bunny
Nonstatic/static Referencing
AI Jump?
Processing Data
Bio survey
Movement Based Maze Game - Help With Wall Detection
Help with Arrays
Music.PlayFile not working
Index/ hangman please help
How to take a "snapshot" of the XY coordinates to fire a bullet from an oval
CS @ Ryerson
Program Speeding Up
The Java Introduction: what's needed/wanted?
flash programming
[FP] Slot Machine!
Help with typing problem
Sniper Game
Problem with layering Icons
View.WhatDotColour Help Needed
Array of proc help
How would U make a tornado that moves or a car that moves
Does anyone know where i can download visual basics?
Randomly Choosing 10 out of 40
is it possible to use load to make an object
[FP] BugRacer
I need help in Visual Basic Pleaseee
Residence Deposit Return
RS232 control
Final Music Player
graphic equalizer coding in VB?
Background Picture
Help Writing a Game of Checkers
Compsci's Birthday
Can I Use This Picture?
MILLIONAIRE! [Can any one help make is better ]
Who Remembers When....
Some suggestion
Something for you art buffs out there.
If any of you guys work at any retail chains...
Need Help: Multiple Enemies
[FP] Sims Clone
New Language --- How should I learn it?
counting words in a line
Blackberry Enterprise Server
Recursive Landscape Project
Reducing Flicker in a program and drawing the right stuff
if statements and a bit of color assistance
compiling with 4.1.1
I still dont get how view.update works here is an example pls fix it
google shell
Need help with helicopter game!(game similar to jetman)
Help with parallelget and traffic lights assignment
Randomize Arrays to Variables?
Who is getting MGS4?
Waterloo residence question.
Need Help in my Program
need to create anagrams in turing
Read this book.
Paintball Game
Can someone help me please~
Scrolling title flashes. Help please.
Sayin' sup lol
keys being forced to run
Why work when theres COMPSCI!!
Email Program
Can anyone help me with this problem?
Give me something to do..
Is it possible to have code running in the backround?
Can anyone help with my game?!??
Need help with Grade 10 Game Proj.
Nothing after cls again?
using whatdotcolour for my game
Queens or Mcgill for CS?
I need help with ai
Email attachments being blocked
Reading files in a folder
mouse click
Need help with project
Ubuntu; free of charge
for a hangman game, how do i use a counter?
difficult with sub screens
Turing Virus
Is bad to have a variable decalaration inside a loop?
Randomizing order of numbers from 1 to 10
Please, need help with a driving simulation
URGENT! Snake Game: How do I make a tail that follows the path of the head and grows larger?
Question on collision detection
Help with rotating lines
Be brave
Help with menus not working when applet is show in HTML
Java and SQL: data mismatch
Help with project
When do you "know" a language?
Don't fall off. and yes, comment away.
just a picture of a future board game
FP issues
collision detection for cars
how can i get it higher automatically
Why do my radio buttons not work
Variable name from a string
Need help with a quick code
Running a thread for a specific amount of time
URGENT!!!!! Creating a stoplight
DrawFill Error
On campus or Off campus
Pathetic Little Particle Engine
After entering menu moves along with it .
Joystick Progam HElP!
Grade 10 Final - Snake & Particle Engine
Light show (parallel port interfacing)
Help me please need a more experienced programer
Loop not exiting?
turing hep--- randomizing
Assigning a string value to a char
Loop / For Loop Not Exiting
Off screen only
String Manipulation - Roman Numerals
millionaire-isu, can u help ??
Thesis proposal
opening excel
Draw.Beard command
Help with Timer Class
Putting a new image over existing one
won't add sum of an array
Keylogger in Turing
I Challenge help me
Textpad Document class
Running turing source files from another turing source file.
[FP] Monster Truck Master
Problem using keylistener to move an image
When should i apply?
Turing Return Page
Playing multiple sound files simultaneously
BlueJ - Help please, Array Needed?
random questions
Using an Array with collision detection
Lets all just take a moment
Moving a pic, plz help
3D programmer - few questions
Boom headshot
Anyone know how to fix this?
Gr.10 FP - AVOID
computer parts
VB Trivia
v4: What would you like to see?
Hello everyone
Why doesn't this statement work?
Converting Applet to Jar
Importing mp3 files
Collision Detection
Terminal Stupidity
Summative project-DDR
[FP] Multi-game console!
Input.KeyDown Help
Putting multiple variables into a text file
Hit Dection For Battle Ship Help
Gore quest
My final project Escape-Ship Turing game
New Panel not showing up
YAHWP(Yet Another Hello World Post)
need help with health code
Processing - pretty great open source IDE
Verify a running program
A bit too wise for me....
Where can i do Msc. SE(course based) in canada?
slow down joystick movement
Beach Day
Super Mario Battle
Dave Angus' BIRTHDAY JUNE 24TH!!!!!
LinkedList suitable for this?
How to output a text from txt file
Snake and a really basic encryption for the highscore list
DNA Games Game Pack (Chess, Minesweeper, MasterMind and Connect 5 (with Pente and Keryo-Pente)!!!!
Pong help :s I've never programmed in my life.
Help .. on this program
What does (String args []) mean?
Studying for a turing exam?
JLayer mp3- Need help creating jar
File Reader!
File Reader!
File Reader!
File Reader!
File Reader!
FILE READER!- help!!
File Reader!- Help!!
File Reader!- Help!!
selection sort best/worst case
Almost finished ISU, just a quick problem regarding vibrating particles...
Extras for a newb
Help on Python SPE and Executable File
Time Remaining count down
Pong - How to restart the game
Guitar Hero Game
So next year will be my first year at waterloo for CS
Please help with the question, many thanks!
Thesis and Project Proposal
New to ASP, Need help.
Key turing terms
Stuopoly (basically Monopoly)
Joystick pin and character
Change a OLE's file link?
How to clear an event?
Picture Particler.
Java Mouse Event
Prank Week
summative project
My Game
Pong game for school
My Turing Platformer Game
Compsci Gr 11 Final Project - Portal 2D
Prysx, Grade 12 Final Project
[FP] Polywars
Interpreting Terrible Code
FireFox 3!
Just to give you guys an idea how easy my gr. 12 exam is...standards need to be set!
LED Game
LED Game
LED Game
Led Game Need Help
Parallel Led Game
Parallel Led Game
Parallel Led Game
Parallel Led Game
Parallel LED Game
Parallel LED Game
Parallel LED Game
Parallel LED Game
Parallel LED Game
Parallel LED Game
Parallel LED Game
Shoutout box
Raycasting Sprites?
Checkers King Problem
The Threshold of Immortality
What is the best Graduate School for Computer Graphics and Visulization in Canada?
Take the Survey, Win Prizes!
Python tricks and tips
Jim Pretense is a lieing POS
How to make a 2d game.
Pictures from the new camera (big pictures)
Grade 10 FP / ISU : Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
Definition of Nerd and Geek
Random Integer
High school exam in computer science, naming an array
Multi-language golf contest!
Callback help!
basic build your own motherboard
out of ID numbers
New! Hey
I need help with File I/O
Write To Files Help!
My GUI box
Ahhh, finally the time has come.
Read to files help!
Some questions about Scheme
Guittar Hero Full Version
Chatroom Ideas
Multiple security holes in Ruby 1.8, 1.9
Business is picking up - WORKSTATIONS!!
Battle Chess
WAN networking through python
REBOL ... poke prod ... go look.
Technical Writing; OpenCOBOL
Guitar hero Help
Google CodeJam
Grades to get into Computer Science University?
Humour; Warnings.
Graduate Studies at Carleton
Video games degrees: 95% fail to hit skills target User Blogs
Turing 4.1 and Transparent GIFs
Light Cycles
Need a vim / perl guru
Need help compiling mixed C++ / Fortran code with MinGW
Overloading Arithmetic Assignment Operators
New offtopic suggestion
Bill Gates Dies
Blitz 3D Should this website have it?
New Medium Piece - Sitting Alone
IE Google pop up blocker problem help?
Alarm Clock
[FP] Squamm
[FP] MultiPlay
How to read until a blank line?
3D Perspective
Creative Spam Story Archive
Everyone watch Wall-e...NOW!
Grade 11 Final Project (maze with robots)
My gr 11 project
grade 10 mid-semester culminating
Is Computer Science or Engineering for me?
MinGW - Trouble With File Input and Output
How do I get the length of a node using recursion?
Last day to get XP.
slime volleyball
Any libcurl expertise here on
[Tutorial] From Turing to O'Caml - Days 1 through 14
Canada Day!
SQL Statement Error =/
.EXE program wont work. Bad object file header in .exe
[REBOL] The magic of numbers
Real Rpg Game! Not A Text Adventure!!! And It Saves!!!!!
Summer 08 Desktop
Can Turing lauch a Windows Explorer dialog for browsing a file?
CSIS - Information Technology Specialists
Your browser customizations
Operands of Set Operators must be sets?
email, sendmail and spam
what do you think of this laptop?
File I/O issues...
Putting together an indpendent study in CS
University of New Brunswick - Good for Computer Engineering?
Hey Guys
Toronto Meeting
Do, if, while
Which university would be good for Masters in Computer Science - thesis focused on new technologies like digital tablet
Any of you guys looking for a new quad?
project management software and data storage solutions
job opportunities related to Data Mining
Noobie Music Player
Long-term task execution
Object Drag System
My New Site
Our grade 12 final project a 3D "FPS"
Why did you become a developer?
Video File Help
Cart Machine (Sound Clips)
Brainfuck Generator - String
Tiles Game
Favourite Fantasy/Sci-Fi book(s)?
Looking for help with my PHP Connect Four game.
How to complie and run and input.txt. to check the output?
Using Websites While Doing CCC?
Totally New
Dungeons and Dragons
PHP Coding difficulties
Warhammer 40,000 Database
grad studies in artificial intelligence
Custom GUI
Online Computer Science Learning Idea
Final ISU Project - Homeworld Protector
Lexer/Parser experience?
So I got my room assignment at UW...
Final Fantasy XIII on the Xbox360
BufferedReader vs. Scanner
Don't buy HP(HP Horror stories to follow)
Help Using Nero Back Up
Apsect Ratio
Help Please
Code snippet: using O'Caml for quick tasks
AJAX: What have you done?
Tic-Tac-Toe Help
???Video Game Design???
Dynamic Programing
Projectile game - similar to Tanks
Questions Regarding C
Internet Browser
Is turing not able to receive data over port 443?
USACO Broken Necklace Help
Interesting response from Bell Wi-Max technical support.
C# with XNA GUI Library
Shiny linux-based phone... The Neo Freerunner!
PHP Coding Difficulties 2
Final Grade 11 Project: ChePokemon
[Tutorial] Polymorphism and Game Engines
A language for describing graphs
OCLUG meeting Aug 5th. A REBOL talk.
Ten Google Interview Questions that DID NOT COME FROM ME
Making custom TextField, need help with backspace
Foxconn deliberately sabotaging Linux and FreeBSD support?
Java web start packaging?
Functional Java
More gentle encouragement by the old guy - COBOL and other "boring" programming
Got any recursion or indirect recursion contest problems ?
iomanip.h does not exist in VC++ 2008
Have you learned a functional programming language?
Awesome Site to Find Specific Type of Contest Problems
guess the number on C++
DNS Vulnerability
Triangle-cube collision.
sorting a second arraylist in accordance with a first arraylist
Up and coming programming language? Falcon
3D Airplane Game Code Released
Linux help! - installation
How can I press two keys with a different outcome for each key singularally and a combined effect?
Ajax loophole
Dynamic Pathfinding, cutting-edge research!
don't know what is wrong
How to make a sprite go 360 and move correspondingly
Why is it that...
Twenty years married
Had to say thanks
How much are you worth?
Remote desktop
Custom Xmodmap for mathematical symbols.
Dramatic effect and acceptance letters
Tony's desktop...
Calling all Ottawa area users... are there any?
Other languages for the JVM
Tic Tac Toe checking for win
[Performance] Beat the pants off of my best time
Please give me some advice
Including PHP script in templating system
I am exasperated.
Generating plots with OpenCOBOL
Anyone try CUIL?
Changing default destination folder
how do I make the computer think a button is pressed?
Ingenious way to deal with binaries using SVN?
3d flying alladin rug
Legend of Zelda: The lost tales Alpha V2.0
Flugtag! (lots of pictures)
Textbooks for sale?
Hooking up AUX speakers to laptop
how do I make the computer think a button is pressed?
Voltage of CPU parallelport
cs grad admission in canada?
Beware the IDEs of Java? Opinions please
Any Konqueror pros here?
Visual basic and Guitar Hero Controller
LOL Virus
LanSchool Threatens With Legal Actions
How to I start?
need help in object orientated programming
View system properties on Remote Machine
loading pics into an array with a for loop
Alternating turns
internet problems hijacking 404
2 Submissions; Jelly Ball Program + Klondike (Solitaire) Card Game (With AI)
what am i doing wrong here?
Cyber Security Awareness Week - cash prizes for hacking competitions
Dot Slaughter. a game like GTA without the cars (PRE-PRE-PRE-PRE-ALPHA)
Learning to Program
LHC: Another month off
Mario-themed wall avoider thing
Billiads (pool) Alpha
cast off!
[Tutorial] Your Very First Game
My first day with Ubuntu.
It R mi Birfd4y 2day.
hello There
One Year Star
Lame Medabots game and how you can make levels for it!
Dislike being fed crap by our leaders. The blackout.
Diplomacy! (EDIT: See second page for game details, EDIT2: Game recreated elsewhere.)
Network Unstablity
programming or spoken language? same time to learn?
Article about art and technology
How do I make .exe out my Java?
Post Your Desktop
IOI 2008 online contest
keygen and person to person rings of trust
The "Why" of Video Games
defining time
Heading Back to School
Performance benchmarking?
Fun back to school challenge
help with input program
OCLUG September 2nd, OpenCOBOL and Django
South Park Space Invaders !!! with sound, multiplayer and highscores !
My RPG... not done but would like some input
2 Games and 1 Program
Ruby Graphics.
generating stand alone program
Help Making Buttons
Hello, I'm back
Virus [It's a Game]
How did you learn?
[CCC] Do you need to handle invalid input?
Which is Fastest? (Another Computer Question)
Pong sounds
Features of Common Lisp
[CCC] 2004 J4 Fractal, someone explain the logic for solution plz
Laptop Opinions
Point of Sales Program
Vb6 DataGrid Related..
WoW Auto Launcher
3D Code Help
computer science tutorial
How offten do u check your email?
Publishing a FAQ
[CCC] What happened to their website?
Printing All Outlook Attachments
me at ryerson
Calling all first year students!
Admission averages
Any math/comp sci contests in toronto?
U Waterloo ResNet policies
Ottawa meet!
Are Local Scopes Good Practice?
So ah...Wheres the math?
Admission Averages
Hardwre woes
Need help find common help topics!
SCJP 1.4 Mock exam
AVI-WIndows movie maker help
How important is volunteer and extra-curricular?
'read': identifier not found, short code plz help
Google Chrome
Help, Turing won't run!
malloc question
IOI 2008 - Congratulations!
turing.exe won't launch
Launching a program via a shortcut? (.lnk extention)
So what am I doing wrong?
Wall Help
"Press Any Key" Flashing Box
OpenJDK versus gcj
Hello from Oracle-unix
Election Time
Eliminate Turing
Please comment on my program (Simple TXT Writer)
Merge Sort
CompSci blog
[Pictures] My Time at Carleton
Finding lowest common denominator
Unusual Error Message PLZ HELP
More 3D Help
Copy Paste Code Only Works First Time
Raytracing help
"Hello!" said Stove
How to make seperate frames into a gif/emote?
Pacman Character
What is wrong with this simple java program?
Awesome and Complete Python Quick Reference.
quick question about speed in turing
[HELP] Circle to Line Collision
Some advice needed
Simple Card Layout Problem
iPhone app
relationship between library files and .cpp files
Help! Computer Engineering U of T or Waterloo?
UWaterloo CS Bachelor/Masters Completion Rate
Hello Everone, Mobius here
Alienized Angelina Jolie (Photoshop)
Help with Mouse.ButtonWait
Adding the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 50
[C++ book] Effective C++ Third Edition
Calling procedures
Drawing to Code
Need help with finite automata
E-Ink Blinking Magazine Cover
C# arrayoutofbounds
Cypher Image
If I needed VB 6 within a days. . .
Preparation for Co-Op
Missile.t Request
Some help with real varibles...
finding sum of all numbers until an eof of -99 is entered?
[HELP] Having a picture turn
I think people should know Richard Wright died today. EOM.
Girl trouble :P
Map Creator Help
Keyboard Scanner made easy!
generic code for writing structures, help me make it more generic
Totaly noob to VB
[Pictures] My setup at my new place - ottawa downtown
Fall 2008 Desktops
Crack the Code Challenge
My First RPG ( Needs Alot Of Help )
Automating Setup Wizard
Converting types
Scheme dictionaries?
String to Command?
A new math
Nice models and free models, new site!
Tic Tac Toe Help - Drawing X's and O's
Turing for Mac/Linux
Guitar Hero
Java-Stdin.readInt (), Is there an equivilant to this in C?
My computer randomly turns off when I play Starcraft.
File editing
Lie Detector
How to crack a Binary File Format
32bit floating point representation
Another Minesweeper
Light Bot - Programming Game
Two Video Cards
Your dream OS.
SQLite. Getting a formatted row
i need help with this math crap very badly
need help with "put" statement with quotations in them
running apps on the ipod touch
1 = -1
Firefox on Ubuntu problem
New Generation Tank
Fantastic contraption
outputing change in denominations
"Features" not bugs?
particle thing
Mark Your Solved Questions.
How to Make Pacman continue moving
Pong AI
Blitz 3d Help
Alien Attack - Animation
Phonetic Alphabet
first year at UW
Box with Curved Corners
Creating my own pong game
Array Help
creating fonts
Help! My laptop can't turn off!
Finding shapes using java
engineering Homework :(
becoming an game programmer
Computer Engineer? Computer Science? Software Engineer?
OpenCOBOL; Looking for a few good men
python help, Unit Conversion Program
Custom GUI
Break my site
[python-tip] Properties
The VEX robotics program
Quick programming challenges
Sprites do not show up/Games that use sprites don't work?
Ever want to know for certain what will kill you?
Accessing the Startup Folder
Increasing Loop
Oops I did it again, the new evil Britney Spears
What is the better language to learn?
I have "Environmental Error" when I try to run Turing 4.1.1
All the goodness we've ever wanted!!!!!
Doing if-and-else with String variables
SPORE lawsuit
Not sure whats wrong
District scholarship time! Ideas?
What are some good books on C?
"quitting a java program"
Drawing lines
Convertinga an old turing program to java..
Courses to get into Waterloo Uni for comp sci
Switch Function Problems!
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request, why?
Reversing An Array
How to enable Multiple Active Result Sets with ODBC?
Need help!!!
Big theta notation
Does anyone use PowerISO?
How do I use MinGW?
running total of numbers
The disadvantages of high school programming
Chinese student to study CS
Patterns and Designs from using RGB with "xor" mode
Am I doing my C codes right? They are failing to compile
predicate logic proofs
how do i make this simple program?
Procedure help needed
Java Strings (need help, won't take long at all for those who know what they are doing)
help with my program?
Blitz 3D Guitar Hero
how to make a range?
Experience Wii
Millionaire Project
Shadows in raycasting
VB 6 - Differentiating from characters to numbers (simplistic)
Can any1 help me with this Integer problem please??
Turing crazy hard math problem
Finding Factors of a number and more...
A simple "exit when" question
need increasing levels of difficulty and upgraded graphiks
ripple carry adder
Limiting input
Raycasting graphics
Easy Problem?
Can anyone help me with this real# problem??
Turing ALT-Commands or Special Characters
Tutorials on the wiki
string methods definitions
Reading Data From a File
confusion on looping :(
GUI Submenus
Larger Integers
Turing Mathematics
Last 32 bits of an integer
M.Engg (CSC) - few questions
help with simple program: USING constructor method
Err.. How to Post New Threads on those Locked Sections, eg. Java?
Fibonacci's Rabbits Problem
Election 2008
Help with a simple class project
Can anyone help me with grahpics on turing?
Scholarships for prospective CS/math major?
Why isn't the input working? Look to see code
Java for DOS
Drivers for an MDG Visionbook bought in 2006
Guelph's Engineering Systems and Computing degree - How does it fit into the "6 degrees of CS"?
how do i draw the olympic rings??
Java IO
Need help with top-down chart
Generating Random Strings..
My demoscene
Another demo!
Anyone Know If There Is A Color Chart For Turing
[polling] my house
Picture Frame
Uploading MP3 to server
Need help!!! some problems in c++
Conversion Error
Putt Putt
Riddle me this
On resume writing
UW CS Average
help with animation to move the car into the garage.
help with beginning code
Chessboard using a for loop
how to get user input in c++
scanf - integer to string
Employment opportunities or the lack thereof
String to binary
comparing a file line by line
Help me with pacman game ASAP please!!!
caught in a frustrating dilema, I really need to choose now.
Is there a Line.Draw that i can use wiht a return value?
Mail list
A glimpse into the mind of a computer scientist
what is.....
reading Double
Graphics terms
Shuffling Help
How to teach nested loops?
Project Euler Problem 17
Having Trouble moving circle up and down continuously
Comp Sci. Homework ~ Please Reply
A Star Search Algorithm
Old joke about computers and cars
Is there a way to block webpages?
Simple math problem
.t to .exe is this possible
Returning a output statement
Drawing in general (NOT RTP)
Initializing A Multidimensional Array
cLaunch WoW custom launcher
Executing a php script.
Favourite OS
Warhammer 40k Meets Technology
fading colors help
DWITE Today and Some Down Time
Live Chat
Problem 5 Oct. 2008
word for word comparison
Update MS08-666: Vulnerability in Server Service may Cause Apocalypse
Craps Program
Requesting Tutorial
How do I make this traingle flash with colors?
Router issues
GUI help (with the 'include' statement)
Bash shell programming: comparing directories
Clarification (function adapters)
My Verb Conjugator
The Tax Addition Program
3D Graphics in Turing
help with random number
cs4u@waterloo day
Guitar Hero Note
Virtual Box
dwite 5, 2008
Opinions; Choice of scripting language
help with game
Deterministic PDA for a particular CFL
0's problem
Java 3D Design Software
Perimeter Institute; Quantum Mechanics and Dark Energy
another game (for a friend)
Final Fantasy
Good Old Games-Fallout 1&2...
Function Calls
Two Questions : Multiple key strokes and Pic.Flip or something similar
Question about C++
BIG Computer troubles
Creating a list
Attempt to use Null Pointer (java.lang.NullPointerException)
Need Help with View.Set/Window.Open
Turing Help ( Variables, and how they work )
help haulting script at a certain spot (continuation on chose your own ending game)
3D engine by MihaiG Ver. 1.0
Help with making script continue on KeyDown.
Halloween Questions!!!
game almost done final touches need to be applyed
Help me with Font.Draw
Outsourcing: A Concern for Comp. Sci?
Changelevel in a maze upon collision help.
Downloading Youtubein HighQuality
Artist CLI Drawing Tool
*Help Replace a word in a string (RemoveString)
Drawing a shape at a collision location.
My RTS game
Need to know if this is possible. playing a music file after another...[help]
Determining if an input has value.
Vb 6.0
Post your school's speedtest.
New website layout... looking for some opinions
why ask why
My Piano Keyboard
Turing shouldn't be taught as a starter language anymore.
Is the joke on Dan?
Problem with particle system initialization
Grocery Problem
Does accreditation matter?
simultaneous graphics in turing?
Installing linux with boot camp
Temperature Converter
CE in Montreal. Good courses?
error, idk how to fix...
Trying to parse a string....
How do you work jGRASP debugger?
Is it possible to change resolution in Turing?
sniper progam problem
need help making an animation
Math Problem
Rotating Objects
Wondering how to find out when Easter will happen?
malloc help - segmentation fault
Dashed Line without using Draw.DashedLine
Passing a flexible array of record as a parameter for a function
Very basic, barely started space shooter
Hard Question ... For me atleast
CE @ Waterloo - dorms
Array subscript is out of range
OpenCOBOL ping
CS Masters: A V.S. B
Parallelput problem
Hard Question
BlackJack- With Sound!
Turing-drawn graphics as background
Basic Volume bar
Passing member functions as callback arguments
Greatest Super Soldier Design
CMD dir and file commands
min needs to be called upon first?
Weird Looping squares
I cant find one error in my program
string to integer?
Funny students.
Map -> Arraylist
replace function
Drawing Lines, boxes and crazy images Without HSA Console
Polygon Detection
Playstation 3
String Problem
File character replacement not working.
Designing a Binary Code System
Simple Question : 3D Graphics Engines
Need advice on game
My Version of MSPaint
Thicker lines in draw statement?
How to write good C++ code
Maths questions website
RGB and whatdotcolor
Cool Effects
String manipulation
How to make objects bounce of walls need help plz
Two-dimensional Arrays
How can I align the Starting Point?
Need help with do loop.
New web development forum, with downloads.
Something is wrong with my code.
Switching to the Y-Intercept?
Installing python 2.6 on mac
How do I flip the movement of this?
ANYONE KNOW HOW TO FIX MY PSP (USB related troubles)
Multiple Inheritance
String Manipulation :D
CS - why is not an engineering degree?
automata theory help
It's time to reveal it.
Eclipse + DrJava Ubuntu migraine
My FPS that is not FP.
How does the base function in intstr work.
Coding on a TI-89 Titanium Graphing Calculator
How to choice
Site Layouts
Texted-Based Game (Turing) by Jack140
Binary to Hexadecimal
A Detailed Tutorial of Raybiss by Jack140
What is your favorite Programming Language?
Cool Game
Need Help for FP!!!
Collision Detecting Involving HashTable
cls doesnt work after end loop!!!
how to tell a DatagramPacket's actualy size
Extracting pages from a word document
Lakehead Comp. Sci. Masters - Reputation?
IF button problem.
Series of generic computer programming questions (theory)
Whatdotcolor collision help
Whatdotcolor Collision help (script fixed)
Verifying radio button
reduce - reduce flashing :D
Comparing two Calendars
Unsure how to make sprites appear in a random location, and then have them fall to the ground. I'm pretty lost.
Moving a JTextArea to the bottom of a JFrame
Sound Check
Python help: Sockets
Programming Etiquete
Copthesaint's Turing Helper
I'm have some trouble declaring procedures after they are needed (CLICK TO READ MORE!)
Burn CDs with FreeDOS
Word Count in C
Single Random Number?
new Methods
Star Wars RISK
turing - help w digit sensing
Help with strint base conversion
Circular rope
highscore page scrolling?
Best ISP in Toronto for Hosting
I'm even coming here.
ITEC or CompSci?
Manipulating File Data
Zippy Race
integer to string with an array as a value
Perl Sentance Generator
User Defined Background?
McMaster Question. URGENT !!!
CCC contests 2009
how often do you use compsci
Looking for Help with Picture Transitions In Turing
Music Player App Upgraded version
Does anyone think there should be an XNA forum on
Spacing, Locating
Zombie takedown
Sorting a string
Need help writing an ArrayList into a file
Beta version of my Megaman Zero game
Gaming/Linux Computer - A Plan
Memory Simulator
Ideas for Gr. 11 Final Project
A Sad Day for Net Neutrality
Turing School Project - HELP - Hangman
Either Make Buttons with image backgrounds or make images buttons?
PC's Or Mac's Poll
GUI Pop up windows
Platforn to design on?
Cool Minority Report - Like Interface (from Slashdot)
BarCampWaterloo this Saturday
batch files for mac?
Website Design
Flash drop down nav bar
Running Turing on OSX, through CrossOver
My concerns about university
mario games!
Question about chars
cropping and rotating an image
km/h calculator
Linked List Problem in C#
Running multiple loops at the same time
Rising logo (stupid topic name)
Replacing Strings - for Hangman
My Mega Man X project
Making a CSS rule
help me expain this assignment on strings
4-bit adder (wired circuit)
Simple loop problem
Free Web Hosting.
Background Music, Picture, and Logo
3D Engine code release
Substring index greater than string length
Yay, Video Game Programming Course
mairo game follow up
Gr. 10 Game
Problem with Shooting (Space Invaders Game)
Skipping last word
Queens University Hires Thought Police
Stats Module (Data Management)
An octree class
my avitar (1 week poll)
Carleton drops cystic fibrosis from Shinerama Drive :(
How to make it so that game exits when circles hit mouse
Dwite Round 2 Q 1
PERL or Python in Dwite
World Puzzle Championship Question
Background help
Information on Parallel Systems
Stopping an Array from Taking More Values
Colour & Grahpics - HELP (Graphics, Colour, Fonts...)
Music - HELP (adding music to program)
messed up counter
IBM plans 'brain-like' computers
NEED Help with moving objects!!!
if statement seeming to be ignored?
Quick Pong Game
right or wrong counter
Turing analogclock help
how often do you use the chat room
the universe
checking if object is member of
Rand.Int Not so random...
Types and Flexible Arrays
Co-op programs and economic downturns
i need help in my essay
Sound Problems with my Computer
Building a binary tree
_3D module
What is DWITE
Tkinter confusion?
Need Help with my random questions
breaking a string down into characters
Robot, or Human?
Translating Global Variables as Structs?
Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
How does array of objects work in C++?
Math Problem
Take a Deep Breath and Calm Down.
recursive function problem
Re-Read without Close and Re-Opening
Interface design
Stop a Program From Starting Up
Adding/ subtracting/multiplying/dividing variables in Turing.
Web Javascript Question
Where is the pragmatism?
Gui record maker
Rotating Help needed!!!
C++ Ide
A couple questions that i need help with... they are preety simple
Solar system phyisics
PHP Frameworks
[HELP ME] Inputting Information into a Database
Quit #100
collision particles
HELP- Adding number not working
Time Trial
Problem with .Exe
Where should I apply?
MIOFile Module Failure #201 (15013)
My Pacman flying across the screen(movable)
Best forum software?
Grade 11 Mid-Term ISU
Parallel Array Matching
Graphplot Question
Javascript Libraries and Frameworks
A project website
Parallel port and XP
help with total words in a sentence and total amount of each letter
GUI's making my head hurt
textbook questions..need help...tu
5 buttons with text in them
Game Character Movement
URGENT: Diamond Asterisk, I wish I kept that program!
I realise this may be to much to ask
Question about installing boost 1.37 on Ubuntu Linux.
Redirecting keyboard presses?
A rpg game..
communicating with the USB port in Perl
Which college offers the BEST Computer Science learning department?
error check with multi-word variables
Sierpinski Triangle
i need free virus scanners
Simple Graphics Library
Strange behavior when compiling C++ for Fortran
pipes the game
.docx files
Game Map Problems
Game idea
Comments in an Input File
HELP PLZ , program being weird (turing)
Short story
Smight (the ball game)
Pronouncing Linux
Reading records from databases C#
Some more questions about university
How do I Start An Applet from Another Applet?
what are logic blocks?
Pseudocode problem
All my Perl questions!
The Falcon Programming Language needs YOU!
Hang Man High Scores
Health Bars
Zippy Race
Turing Game Problem [Flashing screen with multiple loops]
help wiht simple turing calculator (exe to code ?)
Fractal Skymap Generator
need someonone to make a countdown timer <any language>
Snake in progress
C++ beginner
Bigger buttons on a GUI
i need help in this code
Is there any way to allow more then one procedure be executed at once
Stop pictures from drawing on top of each other
Text files
Decimal to Binary
Mastermind V1.0
Java Applets
UW compsci/engineering reference
:CONTEST: Photoshop Skills!
Crash when using multidimensional arrays
Video Card !!!!
Optional Procedure and Function parameters
How is York for Computer Science?
Game Project....plzz Help Anyone...
Quize Project... Plz help...!
What is dotProduct
Using a Stack
Game Attack Key
Computer Science vs. Computational Cognitive Systems
Definite Shape Collision Detection
How do you randomize letters?
Can't get mousewait to work :(
IT programs in uni
Opinions on this way to view compiled work.
help counting numbers plz
Few questions
Paint Program... cannot draw continuous line
Allowing the turret head to follow mouse
Air Hockey Demo
Saving a dynamically changed form!
Monty-Hall problem model
It puts Dan's computer setup to shame.
which computer is better
making a diamond with *
How do you output the number and sum of the digits?
Studying for CompSci Exams
Changes coming with REBOL/3
Language comparison chart: suggestions?
Move with mouse
How is Athabasca for Computer Science?
does this program loop forever?
passing by reference vs passing by memory
Javascript onClick issues
A tiny bit of metaprogramming magic
Tuing Making box not go out of the screen problem
Need help with house animation
Symbols using ASCII codes.
2 problems (battle ship) and turing erasing problem
how to change the output screen size ?
Physics Lab Report (jokes)
how does delays work
3-bit and 4-bit adder!!!
Mass File Renaming
Procedures - ordering.
Drawing parts of snowman.
How do you get a GUI to go to the next section on a game when you click a button?
Paint Program - New User. :ss
Recording dates
Random Number Question
Any Suggestions??
If there wasn't enough reasons to switch away from IE until now..
How can I make this better??
Animating with a static background
Arrays Assignment help, plz read
My program won't run because of an error
Not Outputing Second Integer From A "scanf" To A "printf"
HELP with TextFiles
GH Redo
Sudoku Generator
finally...the countdown timer
Turing Fatal Internal Error
Stand button not working propper
You haven't learned Java if...
illegal radix 0
Grad School
Replacing a word with an asterix
Getting software (VB 6.0)
Terminating Process(es)?
So, i've just applied on OUAC
Nice set of icons
Max number of pictures...
Request a Tutorial?
Annoying Panic...
Big huge frigging problem
Creating Boundaries using Colours?
hastch problem.
encrypting codes
Need help with strings!
void main() error
Brainfuck Interpreter (Perl)
Target window and keyboard click, HELP??
Turing Troubles with Counters, Averages and Loops.
How does a computer compare numbers?
Flash - how do you update the display?
float conversion logic
A Problem With The "Get" Command
Beginner Turing Problem- variables???
Language choice and your reasoning behind it
flashing reduction while ina game
How to make button help!?!
Object Serialization
authentication - can i have a second look?
need help on improving code for christmas animations
Wishlist webapp, better late than never.
11th Grade activities most useful to career success
Turing Script Help (urgent)
Spring physics simulation, with gravity
Animation Question
unique username
2008 junior CCC question #4
flexible arrays in type record?!? (and also subprogram parameters)
I need to help me please Please data Mining
Button Errors
Game Help - Using Rand.Int in a Variable
How to write a delay function in ActionScript?
Hello To Everyone
Reference through nil pointer?
simple if statement question XD
Happy Happy Happy :d
Transferring to a BC University?
[help] can anyone help me???
Request for Opinions; MOODLE courseware
Turing Help (urgent)
octive problems?
PHP calendar
+= Vs. |=
why is program working weird after a while?
GIDS 2009 Java:: Save Big, Win Big, Learn Big: Act Before Dec 29 2008
Physics simulation of an elastic band
when program is ran, sprite in processes appears in correct location but then appear in random locations after a while?
Turing Game Help Needed [Problem with using the Larger Than and Smaller Than Signs (<,>)
Snakes and Ladders. Need help!!!
Largest number of a list
649 trouble
outputting a double to n decimal places
IpodTouch Video help (MP4)
Idea for a program...Can VB do it?
Trendnet Router help
Problem when declaring a large # of variable with loops
help with animation
Reason for taking summer school english?
Digital Copies of Films.
Jim Carrol band
Java Import Image Help!
Mouse game help
Windows error
Logout Issue C#
Array out of bounds?
Need help regaring shooting(Urgent)
Wasting time with Flash games; Bubble Tanks 2
Yet another OpenCOBOL spam with only a little bit of rat 'n it
Happy New Year!
Game Music/Sound Effects returns null
Using mousewhere while using GUI
Net.WaitForConnection CPU usage
Turning help with randint statement
2d collisions physics simulation
A simple problem, complicated for me- animation/looping
screen zooming and centering at the same time.
Simple Solution Required , help :)
Catalyst (And Other Perl Web Frameworks)
Simple Collision Detection
walking animation
Importing a picture and using it in an Animation?
what to use to have more than one word asigned to a string variable?
Formatting Numbers For Output
A couple of questions about C?
Music Player Help
smoke from chimmeney animation?
Turing Auto Walk Sprite HELP!?!?!?
Zooming for a Scope!!!! HELP NEEDED
Cannot allocate item. Out of ID numbers (max 1000)
Particle system for newbies(rain,snow,smoke,etc)
Looking for a good contest IDE
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3d10.h': No such file or directory
How to display c# source code as code on webpage
Can someone please assist me with this =/
Getting volume outputs from visual basic 5?
something you never want to do with windows
Need help on brick like game
Error When Executing Turing Program
Barbarien Bashers
Another Button Problem :(
Vb Help
Game Help (Triangles)
Need some help with a project!
Game Problem (Multiple Movements)
Waterloo Application Questions
double buffering =|
3 Bit Binary Adder Project
Game Engine problem (based off of the tutorial)
GUI Crashing with Keypress
Vb Command Text- Help
Animation + "button"
Help, Midi Won't Play Unless Media Player Running
Suggestions for PIE (Pyro Interface Engine)
Transferring to UWaterloo... is it even worth applying?
Determine instance
Career as a computer scientist
Battleship Help!!!!
Sockets - Client to Client...?
animation question
Is this code suppose to work, or is it for learning?
Turing Decimals?
VB Help- looping help
What can you do with a Ph.D in computer science?
What programming language is OOP?
A Bunch of Application Questions
Help with smiley face? PASS OR FAIL SITUATION!!!
Funny Quotes
Images in Java
2d SpaceGame
Paint in a separate class?
GUI buttons don't work on new screen.
A few things you should know going in...
Where can I learn to program in XNA game studio?
Windows Programming in C++
Help For Final Project!
I need some help with timers
Could I get some help to make this better??
How do you get it to take multiple word input?
Play music as background music?
Question for professional software engineers and or programmers
VB 6.0 - Translucent sprites
Pi at Sea Survival
getGraphics () Help
Complex button + procedure question
University Advice
rebol writes a rockin' REBOL tune
Multi-threaded design
Can we get some help?
Is it possible to make truing revert to a previous line of code?
Get first name of person- Weird error
Jobs [good paying]
need help with colision in a game
Snake Game HELP! --> Ive never programmed in my life! First project! HELLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. :D
how do you draw a line and make it swing in a full circle while one end of it is fixed on the screen?
A list of books starting after C Primer Plus?
Collision Problem
Anti-Virus Recommendations
Help With Basic I/O
Hello Compsci World
New To Forums, and, unfortunately, Java.
Robot Ideas
colision detection in game , with diffrent x and y radius
3d version of my 2d space game(incomplete)
REBOL Release 3 alpha 2.100.29 way cool
O'Caml TYS: many functions... one default
Share your tips, wisdom and finds
Dispose GUI
Flexible arrays in a record
Making A linear graph- I NEED HELP
Changing the display placement of an image
Connect 4 Urgent Help Please Help Asap
I am doing printf functions. What line is my constant string for syntax?
Program help C++ and window GUI app.
Transition from frame to frame
When applying for jobs...
Eeh gads!
strings on backgrounds
Pong Collision Detection
Animation problems
Piano game reaction time.
Animating Elmo, flickering problems.
Making circle pop up in random areas
Wait for paralleget
Need HELP with collision array and scoring.
help...with string tokenizing and assignin to arrays
Need help with parallelput
C Problems on Ubuntu
Parallelget Problem
How do I use parallelput in Java?
Can anyone tell me how ARRAY Works?
Music problem & Processing
Font.Draw with variables!?
battleship clicking help
How Do I
sound help
Check Turing's speed on YOUR computer
Help with platformer game
Game Attack Key
Christmas Scene
help please, in some functions
more help
My RPG game won't display stats.
Need Help with Radio buttons for amusic quiz
Help with sorting game
Calculation for project
Display problem.
Help with my little game
Isu Help Crazy Eights!!!
what to type for Input.KeyDown to get spacebar? (eg. Key_Up_Arrow is for up arrow key. What is it for spacebar?)
Turing Project
How do you set up a timer in turing? I wanna run a game and see how long a person takes to complete it.
Animation Question? How do you make an object go down or up
Hello from the iPhone
How to bounce a ball (oval) off a wall
help making memory game
help making memory game
What is wrong with this program
racing games laps reseting and such
Turing Math Quiz : TIK-20 ISP
simple animation
Help with turing storage
display a number variable using draw.text
Infinity: not so big
Basic Snake game - Help to make snake grow! :S Help?
Game Textures
uni and math
Picture Transparency
Weird Computer Glitch, any ideas?
Random Output
possibly the biggest rant of all time!
Moving from form to form
Turing Errors for vista
Bubble sort for Cards problem
shuffle a deck of 51 cards problem
Small X/Y Location Problem
color blending
Loops cancel out Mouse.Where - See inside for explanation
HELP! ASAP! Summative due on Monday!
Music Player won't play
[help]what' wrong with this?
Last and final problem with program
DWITE round 4 question 4
Parallelput with no parallel port
Life Advice from the CompSci gods
help wth input
Text.Locate by Pixels?
Big Oh Question
On "makefiles"
[help] Need to deal cards
My Particle Engine
Clearing a JTextArea
help with animation
declaration of sprite threw off the whole program. No animation was showing. What happened?
3D Space game in progress
How do you get a game to display a diferrent character for each different character that they chose.
Controlling the mouse using Turing?
This is why I love Turing...not
[tutorial] 3D matrix (rotation,translation,scaling, rotation around an arbitrary axis)
Moving an object in Turing
Seting variables with txt files
How can I do this?!
Sprites Program
How to make and if statement where 2 choices apply. if ontarioName = "ontario" or "Ontario".
array help!!!
HELP Unique card shuffling
GUI Help
[Request] I want to know how to program a bird's eye view RPG game
Jan dwite 2009 Q5
question about ORIGINAL BAISC
Decimals and Negatives
Crazy 8 Help =(
Pong Paddle Movement Problem
help with quiz
Scaling video?
Longest word and how long program
Sound help
Dont Know Why This is Wrong
help with buttons.. plzz
looping problems
Stuck on a turing program game checkers isu
Help with floats and formatting.
Collison Detection
Final Gr11 Computer ISU. (one that i'm pretty proud of too)
Re-installed Windows XP, only to find that several important drivers were missing!
Moving Amrm Problem
Drawarc question?
VS2008: Error LNK2019
compatibility issues
Game Questions Not Functioning
PC.ParallelPut tutorials.....
Game Enemy A.I.
Particle Engine
need help please
VB Studio 2005 Troubles
Can anyone tell us how to make the visual characters?
Spral black hole galaxy 3d
Christmas obfuscation
Commands. Please help.
Need some explanation
Next Gen User Interface Generator; yet to be invented
Turing 360 (A Must-have Turing program)
How would I combine these two programs into one?
Megaman ZJ (a Megaman platformer)
AI in Java for a card game
PC.ParallelPut ( anything) in if statement gives me error "Unable to find I/O port address [4]."
Moving Circle
Using String Manipulation to Change a Space to an Underscore
Desperate Help! Turing Project Grade 10
Two simple commands.
Creating Multidimensional Array with a Nonconstant value
turing portable run from usb, no mess
Need Help With My Turing Quiz Please
Problem Regarding Recursive Language
transaction query
pong power-up problem
away this week
i'm making a game
Generating Stand-Alone's in C++
Problem with using (i)'s in For loops
Highscore List
what should i do ?
C++ Struct Calling Confusion
Tic Tac Toe with 3D!
more AIF questions
a little adding pic help with my sickness game
OpenSourcing my opengl engine
Need help fixing program
Sort 2D array
Quick Question on main()
Looking for a program . . .
Smoke engine
3d RPG Game in Progress
having trouble reseting the variable(for hangman)
3D planetary gravity
IT funnies
Gamera(Pokemon Style)
Grade 10 ISU!!!!!!
Manifest Error
Simpler collision detection?
Help Me Please Im Stuck! (hangman)
Waterloo - Should I even consider?
LibPyro- Library that extends Turings functionality
timing sequential search vs binary search
Homework Helper (Solve quadratic equations etc.)
.NET Commands Help
please, feedback on my physics program
Help cant assign value to variable for weird reason : /
Is My Version Of Turing Broken?
Finding Sprites
3D Display Engine
Plz help
Help loading with DevIL (developer's image library)
Budgets broken
My version of Pong
MAking ruby programs dirt-simple to execute?
what Input.KeyDown is the shift key?
What's really rotten in Turing?
Mod Help!
Opening files with as a function?
How do you change the icon for the .exe file you created?
Matrix Raycasting Game
Opengl help
Opengl help
Rails question
Oh Noes! my marks :(
Object Oriented Help
Finding the value of pi=3.141592653589793238...
Top Down Shooter
Super Awesome Deluxe Plus
Knights and Knaves
Is there a way to get RTP java to work on a mac?
Anyone recieved the acknowledgement letter for York yet?
Exit statments
REBOL 3 alpha 2.100.32 PUBLIC RELEASE
adding a counter to the game
Start of a game engine (complete with Lua scripts)
tabs mess up in turing ide
CCC 07 S4 waterslide
Turing Paint
Error: Picture was never allocated....?
VS2008: Error C2679 help?
Creating my own text feild
Starcraft RPG
I Need Expert help For assert condition error
Need help for outputing prime number
different computation time for different languages, compensate?
Pygments; need a regex to replace \b
Difficulty of CS/CE.. at UW/UoT etc.
Numerical Methods
RPG Game Stats
My final project [Heli-Escape]
How to save turing in .exe format
spreeder (not a hoax)
Four-sided polygon?
whatdotcolor along a line connecting two points
Masters CS at UBC -- what are my chances?
Enemys don't come.
What does this fall under?
Computer Science at Ryerson
Rpg Shop...
how do i find a consecutive series
Working with Do while loops
I'm lost - Sorting
Need Help With Movement!!!!!!
Turing Paint
Turing Paint (thoughts, questions, ect)
Open CD-drive
String Class: long strings plus manipulation functions
turing not loading large image
seems like a stupid question- what is the syntax for a modulus?
Output always 0.0
REBOL 3 Alpha 33 for GNU/Linux
Software Engineering Question
Getting the Multi-Paradigm Language Falcon
[Falcon-tut] Falcon says "Hello"
Never Use View.Update
Can we get some help with starting a battle
Opening Files/ Directive / Mixup Problems
My Max Color Program
how much you will take to make this software???
Adware Situation
3d Strategy style game
Turing Tower Defense 1.1
Splitting strings from a list
39000 Turing Colors With Draw Procedure
Compiling in Linux
Computer Science or Computer Engineering
Help Deciding
Where you've been on Net not private
sorting once again...
Nerd Alert; Unix Epoch time is 1234567890 in just under 5 hours.
OOT, destorying objects
Generating random number between 1-10 and operator (*,+,-,/)
VB 6.0 to VB.NET
Binary reading
drawing thick arcs
help understanding integral function
career advice
Mock CCC (WCC)
Collisions with a platform
Mac vs. Windows: Cultural Differences
All Font Program
how do you recognize a pattern in a set of array?
February 2009 Desktops
ISBN Decoding issue
New Legal Threats Policy
jQuery Tabs CSS
Hockey Puck in the net Game
cannonball game
Help with our Game
x = x + ";" adds 2 semicolons to x?
Casting a pointer in Turing
Bouncing Ball
glitch in turing?!?! O.o 405 =/= 405
[CCC] 2002 S3 Blindfold
Name that ___!
This is for all of you chess/visual effects lovers
Java:: Output errors?
Marks SHOULD be fine, but $$$?e
What is the Waterloo Co-Op Computer Engineering program like?
Fermat question
Can't get my sprite moving.
Sorting vowels and consonants
Collections (real collections!) in Turing
DWITE Issues
Moving object problem
Decentralized, Open Social Networking
The Unofficial Cannon Ball Game Thread!!
Need Help!
Most addicting game ever
Help, if you wouldnt mind
Class help
Pong With Single Player - Suggestions?
Draw.text and cls, How do i get rid of this text????????
This won't compile, whats wrong with it
REBOL 3, New Documentation system (beta) unveiled
Best Way To Learn Python!
Java Games - Grade 11 ISU
Guelph Students - Area of Application
Turing combination help, using elsif if statements.
Whts Wrong With It
how to guarantee non-matching Rand.Ints ?
grade 2 computer test in China
Save Your Pictures in a Text File!
g++ compilation error
CCC test prep
Learning Java?
most effecive method of recording execution time
A few character moving questions
Dynamic Programming
number game
Ccc 2009
Got Owned on CCC
Binary Search Help
I need the opinion of a computer science student.
Ecoo 2009
And, or, xor, etc. on integers?
This Turing question is getting me confused!~ @_@
PS3 or computer
Shooting bullets
Gui Problem Please Help thanks
A DDR Clone, except not.
The 20line or less weekly contest!
Name that server!
U Of T-pump
help with cashier type program...
Easy Turing problem that I'm stuck on =[
Euclid Contest Preparation
Can't Access Turing Help Documentation.
Online Turing Documentation
animation part 2
Reading Code
Need help with the procedure
Play M8's Mini Golf
New Wiki Project: Technology of Sci-fi
Name that Server Part 2
vista help
Card Game - Need help generating valid combinations.
Custom Text Field
start up in ubuntu question
Prime Number program Help!
100000 Turing colors
All about compsci history
Why am I not connecting?
hasch help
Getting file name using Scanner?
help how to create this picture using for loop
Library files
Name that Server Part 3
need some help here >.<
A couple of questions about waterloo...
Army of Two sequel video impressions!
UW unofficial tour (+compsci meetup) 2009
question help
pattern matching issue
A different Draw.Fill
Combat Collision Detection
Tittle for my book . . .
Java Data Structure Problem
Need help on a single line of code
How to make a for loop inside a for loop?
multiple word variables
Question about marks
tdoc bbcode
How do you make an irregular oval rotate across the screen?
Broken PS3
Student ACM Chapter (Guelph)
Need a new language
Fitting Window.Open to screen
Alphabetical order
Repeat a statement
Ccc 2009 S4
Access the superClass' toString()?
Bubble Sort
prime numbers
Cash register
Long division in turing
Final Project: Whack-a-Mole
waterloo early acceptance?
Children, piping and execlp
my Future, could some one give me some suggestion
GNAT Programming Studio
Grad School Questions
Engineering a random number generator
UK Government Getting Real About Open Source
Faulty Loop! HELP!
changing an icon in a button
MySQL Confusion
Mass File Extension Converter
Sliding Tile Game
Tangent to a point on a circle.
Todds Gear Bag
Ruby, why the hype?
Sprite swapping and movement
People tell me Comp.Sci. is a path to unemployment
something simple that i can't figure out
Reading a question and the correct answer from a data file
Is C++ too dificult to be popular?
Carl, REBOL designer, takes a swipe at MS and mismanaged complexity
Basic Drive Exploring
Assistance on some 'loop' and 'for loop' questions, please.
Bubble sorting?!
How to throw a BSOD on a C++ program?
How to put data into a file?
Input Output help?
Secure Deletion in a Single Overwrite?
GUI feild select problems
automatic recursive tree sort problems
Math and Science courses?
WhatDotColor Problems
Array Question
Formatting after a transformer
{help} Turing setscreen max..?
GUI line choice field problem
Will I get transfer credit for first year CS courses?
include "file.t"
question about MFC
A useless but not humourless indicator of language crappiness
Basic Loading bar
need help on an airplane reservation program..thx
Giving a single variable the value of two other variables?
NEED some help with....
Accumulators won't work
pumping lemma help!
8 Puzzle Game
Gui Select Field problem, please help or tell me it won't work
hello guys cananyone help me?
Chain Linkz
I need help with pong
Fixing Turing Help Documentation
JAVA Getting and setting methods?
What to learn!
Basic Context Menu Class
How does cls work with View.ClipSet
menu runs slow, but fast sometimes
Random Statements non repeating?
A problem about the c++ programming.
CS enrollments up for first time in 6 years in US - IEEE
StringTokenizer Question
[USACO Monthly] March
Java Data Structure
Turing Help Keystrokes
Online Aplication.
Font.Draw variable that's a number
Need help for my minesweeper game
Economic Benefits of Green IT -- Free Webinar by IBM & MicroAge
decimal to binary conversion
taking programming courses when you are not out of high school?
program ideas
Chain Linkz 2 (Play M8's Game)
Drawing To Code
Loading pictures from files?
Images not showing up in JAR file!
need advice on cs grad admission
graph on turing?
[Python] Help with strings
C++ Iterators, using MinGW
First cut of a REBOL implementation of a brainf#ck interpretter
The problem about the pointer of function and the calling of a subfunction
Press Enter to continue
Help With Online Master Server
The amount of mathematics in CS...
I am intreasted in a career in computer science research....
Remove duplicate values from an array?
[Poll] CCC 2009 Results
How should the layout be? Music
WHAT!! So Confused
Any iPhone Programmers?
String length limit?
database gui
xbox help
CCC 2009 Stage 2 Cutoff
Any iPhone Programmers?
Hidden Turing Commands
Need help on Programming for interfacing~~~pros come in pleaz
data base program
Binary Search help!
What am I doing wrong????
How to input a command without pressing enter
Web-page design questions
Adding a selected Index from a JList box using the JButton. I'm so confused. :S
Computer Science and an unrelated second major (like French)
picture conversion
Hangman Game
i don' even know what to call this
Photo editing
Pong Menu help and WidgetModule.tu opens
Data Structure Recursion
opening a file as a parameter
BFS help
String literal ends at end of line
Output window copy/paste?
Capital punishment: Aye or nay?
Help needed
starting openGL
I need help with Java Program!!!!!!
why do I get the result like that
Socialism vs Capitalism
Apples vs. Oranges
Need an idea for a short animation
Help needed badly
Screen Saver
Deciding which university to pick
flash mx sockets sent through a router
St. Jerome's University
math topic arranging to descending
Your Perfect Video Game
Help!!!! Linked list ans database
Graphic Problems in Game
High Score Table help
dual boot
Laptop Recommendations
Need Help Urgently on Turing project
turing - help w positive #s
turing - help w current year
C program help
Suggestions for Diploma Thesis/Internship in Canada
Animation trouble
C program help
Circle collision
Data file
need help with processes
What is the usual acceptance % for Waterloo Comp eng?
Trajectory of Bullet
Netbeans 6.5 (Java) tutorial reference
[Python] Help with dividing with lists
Hear of April Fool virus? Protect your computer..
hit a key to remove picture
Help with finding a co-op in a recession
Help, MineSweeper!!
Number base and conversion wiki article
Help with abstract classes and getting data from a JList
Is it a best way to create a link?
April Fools
Creation of some sort of document?
Music.PlayFile (More than just 3 sounds at once?)
yes or no
WARNING: Random Occurrences of Cuteness
[HELP] saving / loading system minor issue
Help with inventory for RPG
How to input a char in java?
need help on boat
[Help] Picture issue
my second VB program
How to count 2 lettered words in sentence
How to make buttons???
RPG update
IBM to buy Sun? What could that mean to us programmer types?
A whhhaaattt?
Operating System confusion
small turing problem
[Help] Real value issue
Confused about modules assignment
WIP for an animation im making
Problem with lottery numbers
Ubuntu help
A dream...
What am i doing wrong?
Is there away to get information about indivdual pixels?
Really brief explanation of why Ruby's blocks are awesome
[Tutorial] Loading / Saving system
Your favourite Subject
Multiple sound in Turing?
What would some jobs titles of this kind of career be?
Not enought memory to indent file
program won't restart
turing - is this coding possible?
Class subprograms cannot be subprogram variables
I need some help with a project.
mobile phone spam?
Analog 60 second timer- How to make the hand rotate
Command Line and JDK folder
not having links to work properly
check box and radio dial javascript validation
java and c++
Converting Binary numbers to Decimal using decimal numbers
Need Help With Menu Item In Loop
A Guide to Pointers in Turing
Shuffle Board (Circle collision detection and response)
Need Basic help on a turing program!!!
Menu Won't Work In Loop
Circle Collision Responce
I need help in making morse code translator...
A Map Maker
Computer Repair Help!
Turing help
Removing Underscores from Strings
Help on Strings and Base Conversion
Need to find Turing 4.0.5
How to randomize columns picture slides down from and how to set difficulties for a game
Enviromental Error: What do I Do?
should i go UT or UW
[JavaScript] Sliding Tile Game ... help?
I don't know what this error means
Helping out a New Programmer
Key Module To Import
Program help?
can anyone please help me with this programming question?
Cube/Square Escape game concept
My First Program!
discrete math
can i make a basic unkown int?
having a problem with my game
Whoa what's going on! !?!?!!
Static and non-Static methods
is anyone else having problems with vc++ 2008 express?
Game :)
Help Please
Rolling Dice
Infix, Prefix and Postfix conversion
Uni students lazier and dumber than ever?
help with dice school project "dice program"
Home networking
Why do I get these disordered and unexpected result in the output file?
Syntax tags
Generator; request for opinions
Feedback for possible template for new posts
3D program, Camera help.
Fixing government, the programmer way.
Soccer Anyone?
arguments with .exe version of a program
problem makeing chart
access from os?
HP Card reader light always on?
Website Design
Dell Studio Laptop
Little Brother
Request for virtualization information
High School Courses for Computer Science Career
Implementing a template class Stack
not understanding this problem
What the heck is the difference between a "computer programmer" and a "software engineer"
turing - help w outputting numbers on 1 line
remove an item from a linked list?
converting int to string
turing - help w terms
how to submit UW entrance bursary?
Problems with a Question
turing - help w digits
Associated Arrays?
inclusive if statements
ball movement
The cup's half empty?
Grade 12 CompSci and CompEng cancelled for next year.
Turing Title Bar Help!!
ball bounce off the brick
asm in turing?
ActiveX Exe in Python
Help with Randomize pics and difficulty settings
Input from keyboard?
Webcomic list
New Threads on This Forum?
Tiling with SDL
Python Resources
Help with a few questions
Program restart on exit
Simple craps game
Video "Glueing"
Xbox Live
ubuntu not saving wep key
Hey can u plz help me out with this
What high school courses should you have to get into a computer science and/or software engineering degree?
Animation help please
2D Side scroleing shooter (not done yet)
jpanel size
Gui buttons
Questions about BSE at UW
Card Game: Thirty-One
Computer Science Basics: The Memory Hierarchy
Color Detection?
Back Button Help
Animation help
What does this equal to?
What Anti Virus Software do you use?
how to retrieve a deleted document in a computer?
Think I have a chance for UW Comp Sci?
Animimation Question that I'm haveing difficulties with
The Little Book of Ruby
a ubuntu funny
I need help with Java Program that Evaluates Algebraic Expressions
Weird segfault behaviour
Evaluate my Code!
Making A Facebook Type Program "Degrees Of Separation"
ANimation with stairs
THe Moon Animaion
Know any game tutorials?
HElp with image transfer
mini-contest: No selection-structure Tic-Tac-Toe
pi to 10000000 places
manipulating Windows' "Open With" function.
Help needed
how much does compsci cost?
Formula generator
3d graphing
Dice game
Two Questions
Animation problem
GIFs that turing accepts
Working for GSoC
Dual Booting Linux
Can you use a wireless router to recieve a wireless signal then share it wired?
external hard drive problems
mingw header source files?
recreate smb1 for nes in java
Load image to GD2 from MySQL BLOB
If command help!
a quick question on overriding methods
Two program problems
S Works
Animation Project Due Tommorow
Visualization Problem in Ubuntu
Typecasting in Turing
Need Some Help With Animation
iTunes died
Turing - Space Scene (Help needed)
Spell Check
Will Silverlight become the next big Internet standard?
Going to be upgrading mobo and video card?
star animation
rpg game map won't work
Haskell telling me code isn't indented properly
Redirect input or output to or from a file
Split Screen Shooter
Help for a gr 11?
JMenuBar won't show up on my JFrame
Summative Assignment Assistance - Basic Animation w/ Basic Pixel Graphics
Movement Help
Compsci class help(classes and methods)
How is my programming?
Making applications
VB Compiling confusion
Guelph... my chances?
Bad Science: AIDs Dissidents
dynamite joe
cool planet game
[Help] Get Statements
Bootloader problems
Windows 7
How do you embed a java applet in a C++ form
software engineering vs CS with software engineering option @ waterloo
"Music.PlayFile" error
[Problem] Is there any way to "Reload" a form when a button is pressed?
Sprite movement help
pong project
i never knew this was even possible
Polygon Triangulation (Ear Cutting)
Linking a wireless internet connection to a standalone desktop.
Would you pay for...?
new netbeans beta
hang man
Records being annoying
DDR Problems
Video games job portal
how to get the source code of a webpage with vb 6.0
Creating guessing games
2d Particle Engine
how do i output only integers when their are also decimal answers
My Syph v.1
Cooldowns and linking to keys?
Can Experts help improve my Hangman Code?
using system commands to import a font into the C:\Windows\Fonts
Holt Software closer to releasing source?
Array Help
32bit to 64bit c code errors
Password Protection
(help) forking 3 procs simutaniously
Turing's Future
Records not reading correctly
Integer Conversion problem
Turing Help file
Sockets and Threads
Process help (again)
random numbers placed in data file
[Help] Selection screen
Help with linked lists
Testing SIG
computer jack wear and tear problems
Applying for osap
Help using Classes and object orientation
how do you use eof without a file?
How to save Score
A beautiful new theory of everything
GR 11 turing help
where to get C++?
first SDL game
newbie help
tip calculator
Old guy meets new machine
Exit statement for procedures
preallocate files
[Release] Snail Racing [/Release]
[Help] Allocation error!
Spiral Back & Forth
Typing Game Help
car racing
Illegal picture ID
Need help with background/collision detection
compiling question
strings help
undefined reference to `sqrt'
Reach for the Top Provincials
Basic Paint
Turing music- Fix the code
Java Music Duration
Music in background for my game
Should I stay or should I go?
claims of free energy
Score count and and collision detection
Merge Sort > Arrays.copyOfRange
need help making a GUI in turing to control a robotic arm i made
DB question
How can I tell if the TV is HD?
Running a separate turing file with the system () command.
Who wrote the music for the first mario game (called 'Mario Bros.')
lots of questions about waterloo
Waterloo Co - Op
shrinking volume troubles...big troubles TT_TT
Store odering program
Hex Color
Salary for Computer Science
[Tutorial] Calculating Square Boundaries
Game help (moving circle)
What is the CS definition of hacking?
Getting rid of a computer and want to make sure all of the data is off the HDD?
Reverse Engineering Proprietary Programs
small math problem
Worried About a Site
anybody know if this exists?
collision detection/eating another bubble help
Hiring in waterloo??
How do you use wine on os x leopard?
Exit Statement
2d motion
It LIVES!!!!!(W7 RC 7100)
A bit worrided, think I will get into UW?
i find this intellectually stimulating
Help With Turing!!!!!!
3d engine: ordering of faces
Anyone here use 3MLE?
Game won't run.
please help!~
MY first game- problems
A Little OSAP Help
Project Proposal
Math problem
geany problem
Need Help Choosing Between Two Offers
need help turing wont draw a pic
java RE 6 wont run
Requirement for Software Engineering at Waterloo
Need Help Right Away!
Turing Shell
Why hello there!
Raycasting (Pseudo-3D) Engine - First Major Program
Swing Drawing JMenuBar under Runnable Container
REBOL 3 Alpha 51 (Linux) A53 Win (with VID).
hiding the mouse
Trying To Save Data In A Binary File @_@
javax swing freezing
Illegal Picture Id... Again
Girl problems!
Picking a Uni for next year!!
Need help on a turing program!! How to make only one option/output appear on the turing run window at a time @_@
File I/O getting information
animating over a changing background need help
Grants for Computer Programming Courses?
Whats wrong with this picture?
pilot colledges/universities
Please Please Help
I am now an Ordained Minister
Clicker Extreme!
Field saturation for Software Engineers?
Wireless Routers on University Campus?
CE vs SE vs CS
Please help me with this program...
Moving a Sprite Across a Screen.
Help with colour changing
help me? how do i get it to stay on the platform that is visible?
how do i get 2 or more for loops to work at the same time
Good Start, but I still need some help
Reading a novel called UGLIES
Best way to detect collision
Quick question about the c compiler
This post is in violation of the TOS
[ASK] Newbie del file
Unknown Error?
Which season is you!?
docking system complications
Changing a Text File Program to a Binary File Program (searching)
Objects-classes kind of question
Beyond Google and Evil
Objects outside/bigger than the document size... problem
Indexing Problem.
Maximum simultaneous keypresses
generating sentences
Physics Simulation Using Verlet Integration [WIP]
itunes problem
Help with my program.
Digital communication
Searching two db columns sim
Does Waterloo have Scientific Glassblowing? Also misc questions.
whats 30 letters long and rhymes with nothing (literally)?
Hello World!
Free Web Hosting for my fellow Canuck Programmers / IT colleagues
[Python] How do you change the mouse cursor?
Turing Menu help!!!!!!!! Multiple options menu
Decision b/w UTSC Comp sci joint math co-op and Brock comp sci and math co-op
HOW TO include button below sudoku puzzle? please help
Feeling down.
opening a new program
$10,800 a year for tuition, is it worth it?
School project
Health Bar help
How is Computer Science at UofTScarbrough?
setting up SDL on windows
Need a networking tutorial dont know how to do networking for game
How to remove Button?
Finally, a Ruby worthy of use.
Help with a simple anti-flood script
What is the point of Safari View add on for firefox?
Touch pad troubles
Several Sprite Walking
Transparent Sprites
Mac's like windows???
Magic the Gathering
Girls & Everything Else
racing reset
Basics of Turing (very basic)
Turing Program
Error parsing.
USB interface with stepper motor?
Controling USB through Turing?
Turing Picuture animation help!!
Summer Upgrades (and Down Time)
Rigid Body and Cloth Physics
HOW to set font size and color for JButton?
Anti-Virus/-Spyware & Firewall
not sure how to approach this...
A question regarding a thesis
PC controler
LAN issues...
[Hair-Colouring] Blue-Black results
Help cant call on function.
Tic Tac toe
I cant get my program to work properly
HELP-phonebook in turing
quick favour for 100 bits
Quick Ansi Library
HELP-phonebook in turing
Making multiple choise questions
animation helllllp NEEDED!!!!
Reading a variable and setting it permanently (dont want projectile to follow ships x co-ordinates)
Help with projectile collision detection
highlighting text in graphics mode
Paint Program w/ Crude Layers Feature
HELP-counted loops
I need help with turning lights on.
JavaScript Help
Favourite M*A*S*H episodes
changing screen size using corners of the run window
Paint Program Issue.
Asterisks are fun!
Help With Currency Program
need help closing program
Can functions return arrays?
DLX and Sudoku Solver
Help...GLITCH in my Program?
HELP-turing control
Maze Game
Maze Game HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Help with Simon game
doing more than one animations at the same time !!
any SPOJ users?
Hey need some help with dual run windows
RIP France-Anne Sweeny
What university has the best compsci and Arts program?
How can I output the input backwards?
Require help with Checking to see if a sound file is active
Search for a word program
5 min Sonnet
How much should a web dev intern make?
Procedure problem
Help compiling
world of warcraft guilding
computer control with turing?
Coding help
Need help with adding a timer
Turing Menu Help, Button Interface... Gr 12 project, need help please...due soon
Career Investigation
Help Adding a background for loop
DDR -- help
EDIT: solved
"get" prompt. Can't see what is being typed with cursor.
1 player game dosn't work won't draw or move well 2 player game works
PacMan's Movement
Pong game in progress Any suggestions?
My pong game! Any suggestions?
Error proofing user input
Rewritting a buffer for my game
Ruby as CGI Script
Tag Game
please help: pong game for school
Project Euler...
key combination
Problem with code for game for XNA 3.0 (Visual C# 2008)
Amazing Ubuntu Tutorials - For Beguines To Well Seasoned Pros
My Photo Gallery
Favourite Quotes
help please
Could someone make...
Arduino & C++
Moving with "sprites"
Hello People
Who Should Archie Marry?
Who should Archie Andrews marry?
Decimal to Binary
RMS Talk at Lakehead University
Forking, threading, wha?
Turing Sprites
(animation) MOVING DIAGONAL !!!
Need help asking random questions in a trivia game.
Headphone Recomendations
Nintendo Lightgun... How It works
Copying a Font to the Windows Font Directory
Are you a Speedcuber?
Video and Audio in Turing
Tic-Tac-Toe Help
GUI buttons with multiple choise questions
Maze blocks
Updating TextArea and imageicons?
help with summative, due tomorrow
Calling a procedure help!
First real game...
windows 7 troubles...
(C#) zedgraph alternatives?
You know you have no life when....
Ignoring IF staments
turing - help w screen output
Help, Turning on / off LEDS
Rebol FTP
Transitions in Turing?
Guitar Hero theme problem
Turing music stop help
Path follower
Block breaker - Ball HELP!!!
Ordering food online
turing - help w merging
Directory Referencing
what do you guys think ?
that's processing power
[Vid Tutorial - 8MB] Changing Turing Projects Icon
Culminating Project Help!
Hey guys
ingnoring the IF statement but I want the if statement to work
Seven-segment / calculator
Calling a PHP function from Javascript, Writing HTML in Javascript
Summer 2009 Desktops
Space combat simulation - Part of a full game
Array problem
PONG HELP - Need help bouncing ball off paddle?
Calculator / 7-segment LED
Soccer Suggestions
system command to run a .vbs?
Mastermind- i cant get the answer to output after the person has had 8 tries
Reinventing time...need help
Serious look at programming statistics.
turing help...........calculator
Moving the screen
Text transitions?
User-Created Types Across Multiple Files
3-year General vs 4-year Honours Degree (BMATH)
Snake game - How can i make the snake grow?
.xls [Spreadsheets] Converter
playing sound
Basic notepad app for Windows Mobile 6 Professional
How do you seach for a string in a 2 dimentional array?
Bumper Car Game- Need Help on Collision and Knock Back
IF statements.
Anyone going to UW in september and will be living off-campus?
Shoes and edit boxes
Sending Text Messages From My Computer?
Quick Argument Parsing
Getting terminal width
problem with .dll
How do I put text inside a picture.
turing pong
Debug Window
Loading Turing inside Turing
"round" command help.
NetBeans Packages > ClassCastException
Desktop+Netbook or Powerful Lappy?
Put statements.
The Sieve of Eratosthenes
Elimination of multiples - Sieve of Eratosthenes
Girl trouble
Pacman coins/dots
science it perfect
Single Dimensional Arrays: The Reversal Game
How to debounce a button?
i'm feeling really dumb
highscore problem
DDR help please?
turing - help w para port
Single Dimentional Array Reversal Game
Space Escape
Array help needed urgently! (responses asap please!)
Can pictures be used in/as an array?
Need help in installing in Haskell
Constructors in Turing
quit button
Animation Flickering...
Is turing still useable in highschools?
Going back to the beginning of a deck
Procedure Issue?
Final Project Loading Screen
7 segment display
Just a quick question about posts...
Can someone give me a quick tutorial on how to move sprite animation with arrow keys.
Website I've been working on
Baseball Game (Grade 10 Summative)
Robolab - Sumo Wrestling
Playing Backround Music WITHOUT Slowing Turing.
I neeed help with a turing jeopardy-style game pleaaase
Is laptop computer absolutely necessary at UW BSE?
Help installing shoes
User can crash my program by entering a letters instead of numbers
wicd failing
Process and procedure troubles
Pacman AI
Frantic Monkey Land
text size
Halo 6-player game
Help making keys do actions
Frogger Timer Issues
array element all have the same value
[Gr.11 ISU] Retroshooter (Geometry Wars Clone)
Help with drawfill
Random questions help
Tony @ Tokyo
Need help with this program..
HELP!!! I got NULL!
Pacman Ghosts Movement
Repeating objects
Web Browser
Question: Using GUI inside Classes Possible?
Cross Compiling Help
Keydown Input
Playing Multiple Music Files And Music Mixing.
im starting C# anyone know of any good books or tutorials
stupid keyboard (hardware help)
why google maps is awsome
Output: seven-segment
Crush the python!
Can't decide over course selection...
Anyway to get the length of a music file?
University of Toronto
Desktops at university?
My game for computer tech class
AdventureQuest - a simple RPG
first guitar song I wrote...what do ya think?
Tic Tac Toe
Help with Jumping Sprite
Run Time Error 340, Control Array Element (0) does not exist
What to do over summer?
need hangman turing game assistance
grade 11 isu : connect four
waterloo computer science
read file out of jar
To all saxophonists: set a world record! (shameless advertising)
---Program working on Vista but not Xp?---
I'm going to university and need a computer. Help!
Complex multi-linked list problem
Honors vs Regular degree
Function won't run
Does a framework like ROR degrade performance?
Need Some Help.
LAN / Internet Game
Filling a line design (is it Possible?)
What are the different methods to take input from a user?
Learning a programming Language
i made a pretty :D:D
Hello & some questions
Doubt with OpenGL
you know you are stupid and have a deathwish when...
[RPG] Fantastic Story
Preg_Match_All ............ syntax error!
IRC at work
Happy Birthday Alan
Comparison of Speeds in PHP
Compilation error: "expected primary-expression before "else" "
Al's Console Based Tic Tac Toe Game
Zomg Ir N00b
small shopping issue (non computer related)
Wii laptop mod
computer science masters: Windsor vs Concordia
Short Tutorial: Backtracking With Recursion
how do you exit a loop in java?
Best News Source
ICFP Contest 2009
[C#] Inheritance
Avoiding String "overload"
Did I make a mistake?
Preventing Dust Buildup
[SOURCE] Fantastic Story
DataMapper: Hierarchy System
A Survey on Religion
Please help me with game
Custom PC Creation
why stumble upon is awsome
Job Opportunity [Web Developer]
i hate my keyboard right now (need advise)
(Solved) Grabbing and displaying random word from a txt file?
Help Deciding on a Language for a Macro
Thesis Survival Guide
running pygame
Where do I find the source code for instrinsic functions in php?
Help with making my code smaller.
MinGW(GCC) Help
2D Side Scrolling Motorcycle Collision Response
Hardware Failure
muffin recipe wanted
Checking if the result is a natural number
Google Chrome OS
Help picking 2 non-math courses for UW Comp Sci Coop
Some random questions and some about UW - related to comp sci
Ruben's Tube...awsome youtube vid
Hmm..This year's summary
looking for proxy
Good games to play onlien with friends?
Need some advice on a web design
Vista "code" ...
Anyone renting off campus?
What is % average and how to interpret GPA
DataMapper - Pagination
use a key on a keyboard without "hitting" the key
Minesweeper Game
Non-Math Elective for CS(co-op) UW
163: a sport
First Year Advice ?
Getting Class Variables in class method
can't log into quest
how do I make a random falshing color.
Flexible Arrays / Timers
Computer Science in Vancouver
[Tutorial] Basic Game Programming: Minesweeper, Part 1
Apple blocks rival smart phones
Software Engineering Courses
How do you clear the screen?
A bit of javascript editing.
html not rendering in email
BitTorrent Metadata from command line?
can't get audio
Six Stars!
Help With Loop's
String Manipulation Exercise (Generating an nXn box)
How important is a Masters in CS in finding a good job?
String Splicing for Information.
hotmail/ Windows Live Mail problem
[Tutorial] Basic Game Programming: Minesweeper, Part 2
Google Jests with Recursion
Software virus problem
I graduated, but should I stay in this field?
Playing solid sine wave
300$ Laptop
Key event repeating input.
Timing accuracy.
need help with my laptop battery
Difference in program execution on Mac and on Windows
extremely ambitious might-not-even-work school club needs ideas and help
Ever wonder how much of your computer's information gets out there?
physics themed math 135 @waterloo
Some trouble...
Getting position certain way down a line segment
I prefer to program in...
Why do you hate C++?
Bachelor in CompSci -> Western Canada / USA?
Team oriented sourceforges
Hey First Year UW Students!
Subject: Business & Personal Webhosting Packages.
Phone choice
Web Development College in Toronto
Grade 11 U Computer Science Course
Printing a picture instead of a string
Mutual Recursion
Screen -> File using Hex Output
question about the promissory note for UW
Converting integer to string (as in binary), and back
what kind of laptop do i need?
Best Browser?
Super Smash Bros
winodws is even the most used OS on super computers (according to wiki)
A Top 30 list of Influential Programmers
Scheme as an introductory language
Advice on bottom up approach.
[Tutorial] Basic Game Programming: Minesweeper, Part 3
Whats up with the blog?!
Text file size limit when I use BufferedReader?
CSC165H1 S - Math Expr&Rsng for CS @ UofT
What's the point of parameterizing an ArrayList?
need help with an algorithm?
Objective C Memory Management
Possible web design/IT star trek-related project
Cheap(ish) wireless router recommendation please!
Should I work?
Input of a Single Key
Function help
Learning Ruby on Rails?
How do you extend battery life on your laptop?
Learning Ruby on Rails?
Picking a career
Congrats IOI team!
Falcon 0.9.4
OpenCOBOL is getting a Usage Manual
Quick client server with Falcon
explorer.exe taking nearly 4GB of memory
Quantum to Cosmos Festival: Ideas for the Future
a big family of useful bule-ray tools
Fedora ISO
sorting vowels from a given sentence
How do I package my program?
Storing binary files with DataMapper
help with ArrayList.toArray();
Some Visual Studio 2010 error when compiling that... I don't know if that's C++ problem, but anyways.
Computer help
Computer Woes
What is Digital Coaxial Cables?
Computer science tuition at Waterloo
Help with Headers
Co-op Jobs
How can I create a Virtual Network Interface?
[Tutorial] Basic Game Programming: Minesweeper, Part 4
Graphical Programs
concatenating Directories
Sprite help
Old guy recommendations
anyone tried developing iPhone apps?
writing to a binary file
exploding iphones
Computer science is great!
Write a simple source code
Obfuscated Code Contest
OpenGL headers
Can I use statements in the condition of an If Else statement?
Open source project involvement
#include <d3dx9.h> problems
Gaming Computer
Physics conundrum
OS help
What language should I use?
OS X & Malware?
Write the source code
Write the source code
GMail is down!
Are there any computer science research centers in Canada?
Anti-Virus/Security software trial version scam?
University of Waterloo on-campus internet restrictions?
University Transfers
Programs for Computer Repair and Maintence
Getting high school students interested in Computer Science
Curious about Video Games
Laptop Help
Studying Computer Science as undergrad and law as major?
research jobs in Canda redirecting to localhost?
Google Codejam
SPOJ: Prime Generator
two degrees or one?
changing java heap space? legit for contests?
Blizzard Entertainment at U of Waterloo
I'm a poor student. Help me save money!
Splitting up the files for a Project
When do you know When you've mastered a language?
Suggestions for encouraging new CS students to get involved with ACM student chapter
Do I have a shot at Waterloo CompSci?
just starting python
Dwite 2009-2010
Differences between:
Applications of Computers
New to programming. Program is not broken, but probably terrible.
Python + Eventscripts.
Some String to Integer Issues
University of waterloo
Q basic
Chaging location of X server
Game Frame rate and updating questions.
Compiling Java
Marine vs Ghosts - Upgrade to NinjaBox =)
weird syntax error
Who was the first
Looking for an anime show
Blipa "Ball bouncing game"
How to make a pogram output TeXt LiKe ThIs
Interfacing question
Weird Program Crash
Is there a difference between cache and regiister?
Removing Toolbar From Compiled* .exe
COmputer Architecture`
Is this proper?
Tic Tac Toe
How hard is a Computer Organization course?
Password or MAC filter?
RAM addresses
Questions about Computer Science at Waterloo
Help me Factor Polynomials in turing :D
How to make a pogram that remembers where you clicked and makes ball goto it
Dynamic max subvector sum
Comp Sci difficulty Vs. Software Engineering difficulty
MIME Debugging
Refresh iFrame Parent
Cory Doctorow at U of Waterloo
Whole Number Finding?
School Project Using Miranda
Saving as .exe
Smiley Face
Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
NYU Poly's CTF
Free speech?
Decision tree
C# vs C++
How to access a member variable of a record type in a module
Java and XML
compsci teachers
Spell Checker
Installing pygame on OS X
what are the all the point for draw shapes and fills
Quick Question About Variables
Bad object Header?
have varibles in place of line draw points
Is computer science for me?
Is it realistic to think that I will be able to get a research job in cs?
Prospects for Indian students pursuing higher education in Computer Science in Canada
the best wolframalpha conversation ever
Python HELP
problems with removing and adding swing components.
Help with satisfying conditions
Check if Divisible by 3
Game advice
Limiting Decimal Places
anti virus
Nov 14, 2009 @ Waterloo - Microsoft College Puzzle Challenge
Science Question - Nuclear Fission
can someone post a good website for turing colours
where the problem
Spacing in C
anti virus programming
Dynamic Programming Problem
Holder Class
Quitting a program, without error
what do i have to do
is one of you in my CS246 class?
Learning Python for beginners
Try to this challenge that involves you making a ball jumps on words like the karaoke effect
Open Files Without Opening Turing First Help Please!
Dynamic Programming Problem
Asteroids! My ICS3U FinalProj
Comparing Strings Help
Some trouble with my decreasing FOR loop.
A new plane
Help with solitaire game
Where I've Been
CompSci Vs ITM
Open Source OCR
15 Puzzle?
Linux Distribution?
Triple Boot Worth It?
What School?
Turing Tutorial Guide Fourth Edition Troubles!
Will I Get Accepted!?!
*Another* Do i have a shot at these universities? tread
Loading Tile Based Maps from text files
contiuning on the same line (looping)
Sorting schemes,best average and worst case in terms of its running time.
medieval RPG
XNA Game development C# zooming in sniper game
A.I rookie needs help on MiniMax Algorithm
Error with my instance class.
Procedure Quiz1 may only be declared...
Lighttpd- Check for scgi support
Ipod problem
Serly, stuck. [HDD fail.]
Solitaire - Allegro
List Correspondence
Spacing out text columns
Is a print button possible?
how to destroy the media
Getting Money back.
How to make the .t files into .exe files?
Writing a parser in C++
Writing a parser in C++
Which one to get?
Falcon and massively threaded code contest
Command Line Compiling on Mac OS
What's The Difference Between Management Information Systems And Decision Support System?
What Is Semantic Analysis?
Open Source Project Management Software
Get items of an array that match a condition
counted loop and random number [help]
Word scrambler
wing designing problems
Iphone on Bell and Telus Networks
Help Finding Proper Drivers
Instance Class
How to make A question and answer game?
hcard alternative link?
Problem with IBM CASCON Contest 2009 CodeSpy
Custom Game/Game-Engine and Censorship
Google Streetview - Now in Canada!
Oh Noes An Aircraft Is Loose
playing music problem (java, vb and turing)
Trivia! XD
Segmentation fault error. ?Maximum memory avalaible for each C program?
Having problems with a unit file and database
2nd day of turing! XD
Forking a gem?
Exit loop when something OR something
Transparent Color for text?
Object Avoidance newbie question
Generating random numbers between inputed x and y - LOOP
Pictures beside put statements
Dont kno what to call this?
Graphic Buttons?
Question about CS240
column problem.
error at readLine
How to edit files that you open onto a turing run window (text files)
How long is the break between coop and school?
Dwite Slowness!
New to Python
Need help simplifying code, for loops, ifs and arrays
Fail At Dwite
Number game!
Dwite Rules Clarification
#5 on DWITE
My DWITE Setup
DWITE 2009-2010 Round 1, Problem 2
Code still available even if team chooses not to show
About Structures and Nested Arrays
Help! Turing
java forums?
Display only odd number in arrary 1..10
Now this is hoe DDR should be
Help with loop/if clause
while Loop Help
Computer Science Promo
Project Euler Problem 12
Game Design/Development
Really want to study computer science but SO CONFUSED.
Change to directory inside of the current one ?
Math Question
University "Reviews"
Help with few questions in C++(Data Structure and templates)
Photoshop with Turing
Future Education Advise: Computer Science and Humans
Pacman Game Need help
Even Palindromes Help
Help with making a grid
speed comparison
Fast IO
MSDN Wannabe
Server / Client Help sending info for a Online Game
Dir Help Opening Music!
Collision Help
Why do CS students have to take the same math as math majors?
Correcting C++ program
Platformer Help.
How to return an .exe turing file into a .t file
A little thing I wrote bored in class sort of like Geometry wars
Depth, Width... Box.
Dice Game
Moving Two Balls Simultaneously
Need Help adding a counter
Computer Science and McMaster University
Mandelbrot Set Help
Help With Printing Integers
Can a AIF negatively impact selection into a university?
Holt software - Exploring Java workbook
resturant sysyem !!!!!!!!!
Parellel port programming
New REBOL 3 PARSE dialect. Pretty cool.
Java Graphing Help
Opengl java lwjgl Particle System (rain) help please!
Borderlands (PC)
vector/matrix program help
Index out of range exception error
Methods Java to Python help?
Circular Collision Detection
Short 2 player TicTacToe program
Simple, Visual C++ Source code to learn from
Are the requirements for Co-op much more stringent?
End instruction
Need help choosing an undergraduate degree!!!
Viewing txt file
Making Minesweeper in Ready To Program.
OpenGL Normals (java)
Outputting average of all non-negative marks and invalid marks (IF STATEMENTS)
Cointoss Game Help
Separate a Number's Digits
Turing Economic Pong (Beta Version)
Recursive selection sort in Actionscript
Using Font.Draw to draw integers
Sorting names ._.
Exiting Loop After a Delay Help!
if and elsif help
Internet Speed In MBPS
Compiler Source Code Optimization
Pictures not drawing unless i minimize the window?
5 minute survey
Problem with manual collision checking
Combining two dictionaries into one.
Help!!! Asap!!!
C Sharp help?
Need help on Resturant Menu system
Help with Mouse.Where
Comparing sorting algorithms
Physics/Compsci what to take...
Using Sound in turing
computer and electrical engineering students at UW questions for you
Turing Problem
Simulation of parallel put without a parallel port
Irregular shape.
What is Object Oriented Programing?!
Yet another Pong game, Complete, With Beeps, points and tone sweeps!
Why is the forum search engine so weird?
Starting value. to an ending value.
How to do vigenere cipher??
the best guitar player ever. (lol not me)
Google Go; a new programming language
Microsoft's Redemption
Road Rage (car-shooting game)
Remove duplicate spaces (in places)
Job Research Questions
Platforming Game
Reading a data file line with a space in it
Gui toolkit?
Fill using Drawline.
Cannot ping host PC from VM
GUI Button Creation
Returning multiple things and stuff in recursive functions (?)
how to find servers from the confort of your chair.
Remembrance Day
Math in turing and competing against the computer
/blog: Venturing beyond the office, with Computer Science
Fall/Winter 2009 Desktops
A question on "for" loop
what Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)
Olympic Rings overlap problems
Need help with a programming algorithm Glitches
low english mark, pls help
Encryption module
REBOL calling OpenCOBOL subprograms
UML: state diagrams.
Opening Files[C Sharp]
DarkBasic Pro Is Now FREE!!
Schools out East and West (of Ontario)
a few questions about UoWaterloo
Falling Snow actually works
Array problem for car-shooter
Firefox has a Warranty????
java help - Loop Application
traverse 2d array with foreach()
[URGENT Test] Desperately Confused, Instance Methods Invocation?
Can someone help me create a gui interface for this?
Need help syntax error i am just pretty much lazy and have no time have to do other work
Craps Game, Beginner Coder :(
Circular Queue
drawfill with triangle problems!
PHP : Display Live Stock quote
My Programs
Trouble with bitwise operations
How to I code a click from a usb mouse.
Getting the ASCII value , How?
[TYS] Summarize a list of numbers
duplicate a database
Safe Cracker
Is it possible to set the origin of a sprite/pic?
CS Books
need help with building a circuit
Emphasis on individual marks
C# vs C++
Not Equal to sign
Collision Detection Help
How do you run multiple procedure simultaneously? NEED HELP FAST PLOX!
init with multi dimensional arrays
Passing Variable and Saving Changes
Help Me With My Game!!!
How to rotate stuff in turing
Can you extract values from inside a procedure.
i need help iwth my game
Generating Random Values each time
i need a drummer
FTP anime radio
Jeopardy in Turing
Help needed with variables and Procedures.
DWITE #2 2009/2010 - Clarification in problem 3?
DWITE 2009/2010 R2 Q4 problem
Bullet in turing game is being weird. No idea how to fix, help needed badly.
Call a Global Variable?
DWITE 2008/2009 Contest #2 - problem 5
If no other point is reachable, the output line is just the "n:", with no trailing spaces.
The Snow is Falling!
Need help with a game "Poison Penny"
Another Math Question
ipod dev help (windows)
DWITE Round 2 #4
When did retarded become offensive?
the ambitious plan
Class Subprogram Varibles
Help with colour detection please!
How To Make object shoot
Making my character land on an object (making an object solid)
Javascript: Need easy answer to how to cause a keypress.
String Manipulation Problem
Gravity and jumping
Help needed with collision initiation.
Carleton CS and my Grades
How to make picture background transparent?
Millionaire Game in Turing
How do I input numbers into an array?
Can't Create Multiple Bullets
Command Line Arguments
help with arraylist
How do you get the x and y coordinates for the top right corner of an imported picture?
Relation between a text locate and a graphic locate
A quick quiz
UCOSP course for Winter 2010
Assembly Question
SLOTS error
Hey im a noob programmer and have created a relatively addicting game. Suggestions welcomed greatly.
UWaterloo Computer Science Software Engineering option
if/elsif help?
Ball bouncing around the screen
Is it possible for a variable to be two or more types?
MIPS vs x86 assembly language
Job Prospects for Canadian CS students abroad.
Need a turing game
How do I add a background color?
Really want to do Masters in CS:: Finding the right University
Joint Honours Waterloo?
assembly programming
Opinions on Redmine
How to swap letters?
make thing go up and down. make programs less glitchy.
Adding, playing, stopping music
Help deciding back-up (third choice) university
Just made my account here and Its my first question.
Side scroller...mabye?
Third question won't work
better bouncing balls
Grade 11 Pong Game
Grade 12 Box Pong Game
THe Program works but getting WAY TOO LONG!!!! Is there any way to shorten it.?
Are there any jobs in AI?
Classes, Good or bad?
How to make a scroll bar actually work like a scroll bar
global variable
Declare a minor, or use electives as stress relievers?
List of Turing Colours
Sprite.ChangePic (changing the sprites pictures)
Resetting Time.Elapsed
Need Help Attaching Pictures and animating them
Turing won't run? o_o
my pong game grade 9
Gravity For Sprites
Need help putting random integers in fixed locations
help with pong
Problem returning to GUI
I want to start robotics programming
Help me prepare for debate - We shouldn't bomb Iran
Need help with making buttons work and waiting for them to be clicked before continuing
Need Help Fixing Animation Problem
Music file won't end.
Follow the crosshair
u Toronto vs u Waterloo?
Notepad++ for Turing?
How to count each number??? (sounds confusing? read more)
Who is Hacker Dan?
how to make 2d arrays in turing
Computer Engineer and Computer Science
Shaders with c++
Shaders in turing??
help with this program.....
How much harder does UW CS get after first year?
how does mysql/php work with server/database/internet... and everthing else?
First Person Shooter Ideas
Diagonal character movement
Google chrome for Mac
error in program
360 degree movement
Platform collision using whatdotcolor (based off of the movement tutorial)
Space invaders aid!
Postgraduate studies in CS
How to identify numbers idividually (read more)
Physics in University
looking for an introduction to compilers
Sprite to pic converter
How do you make a single random number?
Canon simulator
Physics of bouncing
Error when using math with ints.
char array problem
help with PicMerge
Text on Picture Help
Names for childes
C# For loop help
need thlp with scicece isu
can someone help me...
Process Music and sprites!!! ( I know it sound confusing)
Side Scrolling Game
Disastrous term- am I screwed?
Prime Number finder.
Need Help Making Graphics Move By Themselves In Turing
Snake and Ladder in turing !!! HELP PLZ !!!!!
Coding Chess - Computer AI
Pic.Draw Transparency Pixel Glitch
Increasing the number in the list and having the same number for a certain times in the list.!!!!! CONFUSING.
Clearing The Form
Can't use "cout" in seperate functions
Don't really understand passing function arguments
University of Waterloo Facility of Mathematics AIF question
Program Not Creating Multiple Bullets
Marking a place in the code
To make my thread stand out...
How to make a sprite move on it's own
Scottish National Anthem
Super nick bros
Java Intro Book for an Absolute Beginner?
HELP ! i need a program that will allow a user to build a face!
Gx Os
move with background
Euclid Contest and Waterloo scholarships
Flexible Arrays in a Type Record...
Font Draw HELP !
Is it possible?? get
represention of light emitting objects moving in 2d space
Careers: Electronic Engineering vs Computer Science
Colour spectrum problem
Tell me about your career
ATTENTION: Mazer or anybody who knows how to contact Mazer
Running Batch Files
Vimy Ridge Siege part 1
Need Help Making A Collision
Issue with simple number counting application
Platform Help
having a problem with my computer
Collsion Detection Help For My Game
This isnt really help, just funny ;)
Code optimization
How to take information from procedures and put it in another procedure/ process
Does U of T have an minimum required average?
Ubuntu 9.1 trouble
Confusion between between "Programmer" and "Engineer"
Medieval Graphic RPG by S.P.I. Games
REBOL 3 Host Kits released to developers that ask
prob w/ OOP and importing
uWaterloo versus UBC??
Help needed with "if" statements.
Need Help on Arrays
Need help with Duck Hunt!!!!
Dwite Dec 09 #1
Need help with Duck Hunt!!!!
Battleship Help
Battleship Help
Bandwidth Monitor
Hangman Game (Graphics won't remain on screen)
Moving a sprite image diagonally?
2009-2010 Question #3
Trouble with "for" statements and counted repetition.
Windows 7 Language Packs
Gravity Help
Game- ready model shops
What command is used to make up pop up boxes?
Tic Tac Toe with AI, based on SDL
Prime numbers elimination method(c++ vs turing)
DDR game!!!! (Click Click revolution: Turing Edition)
A garbage collection question.
Array Help Really Fast Please
keeping track of time for a turn based game?
Moving in an arc - cos?
tic tac toe loops help !!
No post mode specified?
Soccer Game
help with mouse effects
Machine Gun Code not working
Sprite Collision
Collision Problem in Array
Help with keyboard access
Ideas for a game
Turing Music Programming Help
Music Help
Classic Palm Game - Vexed!
Realistic Movement & Player Control
Soccer Game Shot out help
Exit when with 2 for loops
Array with loops help
Disabling/Enabling Hotkeys
help with jumping in my game
"enter key" problem !!
Final Project Help-- how to set a fram invisable
My Final Project Tronesque Game
Button's using ButtonWait or whatnot
Only Sees the last row?
Choosing a Computer Science Program
how to create txt file
i4i vs Microsoft
Question about RSS
Animation Help
here is something i made in 10 mins
Programming In College
What am i doing wrong? it should work but it dosnt.
Formula solver
help turing dies with no error codes
alpha testers
Picture Button Help! Please Help!
Getting Started with artifical intelligence
animated gif files help
GUI Problem?
Bluetooth headphone shopping help pls.
What does segmentation violation mean?
Using an X window as an X display (or screen?)
Can Turing recognize colours?
Avatar = future version of Pocahontas ?
Where can I get an older version of Turing?
World of Warcraft- A scientific tool?
Getting Rid of Norton Internet Security
formatting error (HELP I NEED DISK SPACE i have 100gb that i can't use!!)
Can u Zoom in and out of photos on turing. IF any way, how so?
Getch (key) :d
Desktop PC Vs Laptop For Computer Engineer /or Computer Programmer
Why is there a part of one picture on the other, when I repeat the procedure?
Coordinates help?
Circular linked list help
how's computer science in Canada for an International student?
Fireworks in Turing, HELP PLEASE :D
transparent OLED display
Deleting in Linked List
Loading Bar for Millionaire Game
Play again help
yes or no button,yes = game restart, no = quit
Vista and Linux partition
Trouble making a target get shot by the shooter
Check to see if file is empty
sorce code for simple board game
trying to track my ship
Pizza maker
Need an Assembler/Linker
Turing - Looping, Delay, End Loop with BUTTONS
How to make 2d/3d int arrays in turing
Sudoku Program
Resolution problems
Is there a function in turing that does the opposite of strrealok ?
Easiest application ideas for the final project
Looking for Turing Command to send variables to server via internet
Freeing every single variable/array/function/procedure/imported files/pictures/etc
2 loops at once
Help With Platfromer Gravity
problem with my computer
Buttons -- Help?
moving animation help
Math Contestand UWaterloo
Stopping an Animation with User Input
How to make menu's
Exponents in Turing?
traffic light gui.... HELP
Space Shooter help please!!
Help with a Pizza Ordering Program & Radio Buttons
Transferring from U of Waterloo to U of T
Viruses, Trojans, and Worms?
Pic.FileNew ???
I can't win now?
Simple Graphics showing different colour Alphabet
Wutcha guys have to do for your FSEs?
Epic Contest of My Life?
I am making a tic-tac-toe program for my culminating and need help on a simple problem with my graphics!
How do you randomize questions in a quiz in Turing?
ATM Machine Help...
BattleShips(Minions) help
character movement and health ?
Why is my function shortage not working?
Getting VB to send the contents of a text box to a server.
I can't set a JTextField's value
Turing D&D game
What is the easiest way to randomize multiple-choice questions?
Collision Detection, please help.
How do you randmomize strings?
Textbox Assistance Required
Help with racing game
I need Help
Need proc to wait till button pressed
How do you randomize pictures?
Populating select tag
Making Menu's In Java
drawing two ovals at the same time
Disposing Old Buttons
sprite movement, and health
mousewhere help!
Image + Mouse Movement
Full Screen
mp3 crashes crossover
Exiting a process
Help with converting information from file to variable
shortening code: loading bar
Turing Help, Puting Jpgs To Make Video
Perpetual Ecookman Short Post Thread
Color Chart and Cordinate Grid
Use the GUI class within another class
Help me with this program please.
Best double major to go along with CS?
Parallel Put for programming remote comtrolled car!!edkedned
Array of Linked Lists
Planet Defense - game!
Making a Program Do 2 Actions at Once... please help
Please Help If You Can? Total beginner making a video game.
Making Independent EXE Files
stuck on video game
How can i make a timer for my program?
What is wrong with my program?
printf Table
Hey, Im new, and My Program has got a problem O.O
Moving a Picture
When randomizing numbers, how do I prevent the number to reoccur?
How to round a float or double to 2 decimal places?
moving a picture ... HELP
Glitch help in my program!
Getch Command Confusion
More Functional Color Chart
I don't know what is wrong with my program can somebody plz help me
how do i find the sum of 10 numbers in the array in turing?
game issues
how do i start this program?
stars warp 9?
Final part on my game to bring it together
make a program look smooth
Another new kid on the block
Brick Breaker Help
Computer Engineering Project
How are Battle phases done? Especially more Compilicated ones?
Reading one text file as part of an array?
Multiplying ints stored as an array
im lost can someone help me plzz
Exiting Loops and buttons
Calculator for CS and other courses at Waterloo?
I Need Help On This Fibonacci Sequence
need help with a "replay" button and a "next level" button
Help me with this program please.
Guelph CSers
Need help with collision detection cant figure it out
Platforming Game Character
How to get an Array from Text file.
need a way to limit the how many characters a user can type? =)
how do i write a pseudocode for the following?
Simple Turn-Based Battle
try writing this program?
difference between mousewhere and buttonwait?
Basic Two-Player Timer
Comparing two arrays
stuck on game
Job opp in Ottawa
health output wont want to work
Black Jack trouble
Procedure Problems
How Do You Delete A Drawfillbox?
Minor in CS at UW
Pdf To Text Conversion Code
Procedure within procedures??
Car animtaion help
Car animtaion help
health subtraction...please help
Random Next and Seed
Collisions and Using Radiant with images
Quiz Game HELP: Continue to next Procedure?
Procedures and arrays
Having troubles with my button
Help with collison detection
I Need Help With My Quiz Game
Collision not working? What am i doing wrong
Need help running a GIF
Scheme help
Problems with Code
Procedures in Procedures
button isn't working?
Animation help, importing images
Parallel Port Configuration in Turing Using Windows XP
Help dual booting Arch linux and windows 7
Creating a New Seed for Random
Quiz Game Animation Problem! Due tmrw, HELP asap !
Circular Collision Detection question
In game shooting Problem
Elliptical Collision Detection.
How to make red dots move constantly all at the same time
need help spawning enemies
Mirror effect
My first turing game...With some annoying glitches
Having a problem With changing a vertical line to Horizontal
ADD ME UP on Call of duty MW2!!!! Ps3
My Quiz [Not Done]
Rotating Picture in Wheel of Fortune Game
Generic Arrays
Having a problem with The "brownianMotion" program. Thanks
Help with making a random sequence of numbers 1-26
Creating a Simple Error Trap
Help!! Generating Prime Numbers
turing code for "Simon Says"
Turing Refrence Document
i placed the digits from 0 to 9 in random order but they must not be repeating? how do i fix this? nd help on da other1?
Oh collision, thou art a villian so foul
Moving the ball in Brick Breaker.
Need Help With Collisions & Boundaries
I need help with my Mario type game.
Desktop Wireless Card
View.Update isn't working (Full Program Attached)
Saving marks in an array program
Tic Tac Toe
DWITE question 3
Just need to work out the kinks of my program (aka, collision mechanics)
Grouping by Name Not Grouping Correctly
What is strintok
i dont understand why windows needs so much memory for error report
[GAME] Vector Wars
Black Jack Game loop problem in GUI - help greatly appreciated
Hi there.
Ready to Program with Working Generics?
Preparing for University
Math Quiz
objective -c /iphone app makeing help
timer issue in game
Best turing game made!!!
Paypal Back End Programming
Zombie Horde Game Culminating Activity
Waterloo - Looking for Roomates
Loop help edkened!!! urgent
Lights OFF Turing Adaptation
Tron Legacy's world
My Introduction
Finding Minimum and Maximum of numbers.
Random Ruby Ridiculousness
Looking for a Netbook Powerhouse
HackMan the RPG
I need an Online Tutor/Mentor !
How to set an executable as a screensaver...
Tetris ICS3U
Tic Tac Toe Perfect AI
Pac-Man ICS3U Final Project
Collison Detection, Help
PAPIJUMP almost done, scrolling help!
Button help please!
Grade 10 Summative - Pong Game
Grade 10 Summative - Ball Screen Saver
computer engineering
uninstalling Turing
Signature Problem
Connect 4 Checking Procedure Help
Accessing the internet
Brick Breaker... Please Help
Early thinking about university
Email on turing ASAP
i need help with the logic
Scrolling Screen in Platformers
Website Design: CSS and PHP
Python and SQLite
My Intro to Hello World
ipad hit or miss?
My very first game (very nice one too)
Starfleet Academy Hackits
Keyboard remapper with fn key support?
How to use JScrollPane and JViewPort?
Any good tutorials?
Free beer redistribution
Need some directions.
My Quiz
Need some help with courses.
bio project
A Particular Sort
Pocket Monsters Black(Pokemon)
mozilla firefox problems
Enumerating lazily
Splitting integers into parts
I hate my life, help
JCreator issues
Hello everyone
Introduction to computer viruses!!
what is your favourite browser and why?
CSC Google AI Competition - Tron AI
Confused on what to do...
Word unscrambler
Keyboard Cursor HSA Console
Found this game , kinda nice ..
need some help.. thank-you all who try
name organizer
tax+sales calculator
2 digit calculator
Emptyiness is about...
swingx organisation, please help!
how can i make this faster ??
Food Guide
Internetz blamed for poor literacy?
**new** Tactical Apocalypse
Failing to download files
Accepted to Waterloo Comp Sci- Conditional Offer
here is my final trivia game.
Need help creating an editable table
Other Majors
Importing HSA Console
streaming video's crash internet browser what?
Problem: Value is too large! Glitch?
Ready to Program;
Introduce myself!!!!!
Old school v.s. modern (Gaming)
Ending A Loop From Procedure
Help with Mouse.Where
Shooting Help
Dice Generator Probability
A "not" command in If Statements
Integrated Circuitry Programming
Problem compiling and getting "expected primary-expression before "else" error
Why do I only have 10 posts?
Ranks, awards, and stars...
First Java Program
Popdown menus
Best Value Computer in Today's market
What Turning game should I post?
Descending Objects Using Arrays
Bit shop restock...
University of Windsor Winter 2010 Computer Science Society LAN Party
Feasability- Virtual-Physical Reality
Parse a Sentence
Co-Op and Course Selection
Math quiz program
ez java program to start off
problem with prime numbers
Small antispam update
Co-op placement help pls.
Storing data from .txt file.
Having trouble with the ++ operators
Pirates, Vikings and Knights II is out!!!
CCC preparation
Mock CCC
Clear a portion of the screen
Waterloo has NEW Requirements!!?
The Best Universities
Software Engineering @ UFT as hard as everyone says?
Creating a Multiplication Program
Its about a googolplex!
CCC-2003-S5 help!
How does one get a website?
Computational Mathematics
Linking C & ASM (Mac OS 10.6)
Shoot help
Looking for a developer for hire!
Restrictions on the laptop h.d.d
Why was my previous post takin down?
Grabbing information help
Geometry Wars Clone
Basic Turing Functions
2009 Ccc S4
need help testing parent-teacher interview application
How To Make this Program
How to prepare for the CCC senior group?
Can anyone help with this problem?
Old Li-po Scary Tricks
Taking irrelevant courses to boost average...
Dragonball Z
Creating your own Joy Camera :)
Thread Necromancy Card Poll
String to char array conversion help.
Remove Post Count
Mod vs Rem
What Music You Listen To
Here we go, CCC2010 discussion zone!
Making change with no '1' coin.
Gaming: Laptop vs. Desktop
Database design program
GRD 10 millionare game w/ 12.6 thousand lines of code
the chaser korean rapidshare
loop and variable help needed please
Can someone please help!
Mario Movement Test
So....Has anyone been accepted yet
Programming Contest suggestions
What Language Did You Write the CCC in?
Turing Artist
Tile Set (birds-eye view)
Computer Science Internship/Coop
Recycle Basket Desktop Icon
Joke Thread
[Tutorials] html pictures (from your computer)
modded version of someone elses game, upgraded graphics
career choices
passing argument 1 of ?find? from incompatible pointer type
toshiba MK3008GAL (HDD) modding need help
Vector Calculus
How did you find
txt to English greasemonkey Script
Counting with loops
Small Gap - Really upset :(
2010 Olympics and Canadian Patriotism
What is Canadian culture?
Ice 3u Isu
Black Triangle
negative numbers and loops
Class Instances
Symbolic Calculators
program looping with procedures.
calculating pi
Problem Allocating Strings in a Dynamic Array of Strings
Flash sendAndLoad() not loading b/c of slow php, help?
What is this called?
Best of Turing, Jan 2009-Feb 2010
Password chcker help
You think you can Turing?
Loops errors
reading a particular line
photoshop to dreamweaver
strcmp Source
Syntax Errors and Assigned Value is wrong type
Menu Bar/Navigation with a photo that appears when you mouseover a category.
Very Basic PHP help required
Down sizing of text
Cannot allocate item. Out of id numbers (max 1000)
In regards to JToolBars
Flexible array help
Pokemon Black V2
Issue with adding JPanel objects with layout managers
HTML with lightbox
Waterloo Software Engineering
Storing Value of strtok
Computer Engineering Technology
Sketch Pad Ray 3.0
RE: Best of turing submissions
An odd way to do something.... Help?
Not statements...
Calculation program
Design a Company website cost?
DWITE Competition help
Which is your favourite gaming console?
Unlimited Args as Param
Career information interview - School project
Some visual effect
Wrong value stored in int?
TextInputFile & TextOutputFile help needed
Why can't programmers...program?
Where is it better to look for a job?
Program wont run
Tag Walkthrough
Popups on
Java Loops program erros
Loops program error no output
Mandelbrot Fractal
UW CS admissions
NextGEN gaming: Move (Motion)
Program wont loop
Julia Set Fractal
A Serious Speed Issue
Using parameters -- Infinite Loops
Scons tutorial?
Should the guy pay for the girl's meal on a date?
Harddrive Problems
Fractal Viewer/Generator app
Structuce Manipulation
We need some sort of library for general cross platform programming
Reading Records from BIN file
Load from File into Arrays
creating enums in the function scope, possible in any language?
What's the difference Computer Science vs Software Engineering at UWaterloo?
Transferring faculties
Theory of Computation: Finite State Machines
Why do i have to write getchar() to get an output?
CompSci OS
Loop from only one of many choices -Help please?
Java Question
How to end a Music.PlayFile program???
Looking for giggles
Again with the laptop hdd problems
Beginner with Swing
Virtualization Software
4D Projecter : Hypercube and Pentachoron/Hyperpyramid
Problem with Window.Close
Conway's Game of Life (Mac screensaver)
Mathematics for 3D Game Programming & Computer Graphics
Domain Name
How do you run code in C++??
Linked Lists in C
Youtube Anyone?
Mortgage program
Upper Year Courses to Take?
My First Game....
Mod jobs
ECOO 2010 Gag order
Calculations not working
VB Download [School]
A Quick Question About My Quiz
Dwite problem 3
Arrays in games??
how do i get xp mode on my windows 7 computer
Dwite 2010...#5
9k Members
Some one look at this i need help please
Random Quote Generator (may be offensive to some)
Sending KeyStrokes to another Application
Dwight Round 5 Question 4
Is This Normal?
Help!Turing String Assignment!! HELP PLEASE!!!
Vrtual ISO Drive
Going into compscie/advice please
Random Numbers and loops
Reading characters without having them show up on the screen?
How Do You Turn Code into .EXE?????
Lowest amount of bills/coins
Hi all, I am a full-time freelance Web designer.
Favorite WYSIWYG Editor
two questions
How to combine words to make a sentence
Can u put PNG PICS IN TURING ?????
TCP vs Sockets: A request for elucidation! (test your knowledge)
Math, Vectors and Drawing 3D stuff
How is the software engineering program at UW?
How do you Save a game and rerun it ??
Mathematical Foundations Help?
Big O notation of a recursive method
Unsure of what career to go in to
Need help with 'Click to continue' code
Another loop Question
Old, Unfinished Turing Game (with source included)
Programming in Notepad with cmd
Carleton, UBC or Queens
converting to ASCII
does waterloo need a mark of 75 in all prerequisite courses for computer science?
Computer science or software engineering?
Different DS versions
loop question
Fixing power supply
toronto district school board owning all student assignments?
Are users allowed to swear? lol
Look at my horse.
File Class
CompareTo method
Rock paper scissors! Exiting
Cartoon Character Helppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bezier Curve
Are scholarships based on your FINAL 2nd sem avg or midterm sem 2 avg?
Learning to use Applets
Some help with math involved with mouse in box
My Millionaire game... Completed... Help
generating least positive integer (mod function) help
Calling a function from another class
U of T lifesci trinity college application funny response!!!
Help with ROck paper sicosser game
Fun Phrases
future with compsci degree
Apple rejects Dashboard app for iPad
The Adventures of Purply Box!
markHAJDARI's Misplaced Question
How's my Java code?
Stickers | Turning a non-US-keyboard into an US-keyboad | Help wanted
What happens if you have older java?
AC sucks
Arrray Error
C++ vs. Visual Basic
Schematic for methoddox
Error: non-static method XX cannot be referenced from a static context
Installing Text:
Dlls in Visual Studios
Which is better: Fruit roll-ups or fruit by the foot?
Is Case Statements useful?
HTML Section?
Reading from file into arrays
creating a 5 pixel wide red box
Computer Science Waterloo
Mecatronics @ McMaster
Comparing Prices online
Physics and Boxes
Two programs reading/writing to the same file at one - possible?
Embedding a program in the desktop (similar to screenmates like eSheep)
Breaking a string into 3 variables.
Help With Graphics.
Picking First Year Courses at Waterloo CS
Need Help With Turing
Electric fields
Cant get Methods
basic famous algorithms
Seive of Eratosthenes optimizing
Best Value Cable Internet Plan
Sys.Exec problems
Help using a method
Clicker help
Is It Possible to make a Web Browser with Turing?
Using data from other classes
Electric fields
Computer booting problems
Pong Help
How does Geothermal Heating Work?
Showing off my workstation
Connect 4 With Amazing AI !!
delays like turing
Raycasting help
funny bill
New Macro
Problem with my animation.
C++ Tutorials?
MinGW Problem
Guelph or Queen's CS program?
Is it possible to move an object with case statements?
what song is this?
"Explosion" Help
Why are getters and setters that don't do anything a good practice?
Probability game
Reading your txt file
Graphics Problem
Particle formula help
Computer Humor
Behind The Nicknames II
Computer organization and characteristic of a processor
COOL! I just bought a runic Key Pendant, What ever that is!
Returning an array from a method to the main program
Cyber Bullying and the K.E.N Campaign
Will I make it to compsci waterloo coop?
Spring 2010 Desktops
Need so help with my java homework
Picking a Residence at Waterloo
iPhone 4G?
Graphics in C with SDL (part 0)
Assistance Needed - Button not working correctly for RPG style game.
Timer working alongside a get statement
Unable to properly use my Input.KeyDown!
pointer output confusion
Adobe Flash CS4 Code
Dwite #3
April 28 Problem 3
2009-2010 Round 6 Question 1
I can't connect to dwite
Fun with Telus Tech Support! lol
Convert iTunes to MP3
Help shooting in megaman program
If using strings in dev-c++
Lol Usa!
How do you restart a game in turing after you have shown them that you have lost or won
converting ascii to string
Turing in java (applet)
ECOO 2010 Finals
Doom, Wow... Just Wow.
Draw.Text and Get command
Animated GIFs in Turing
how to end a program
Computer science, where?
Ideas for Grade 11 Compsci Final Project
Does a major in computer engineering prepare you to be a hardware engineer AND a software engineer?
Hangman game problem
Assistance - Health Bar for RPG styled game?
music help
More Efficient way to do code - Allegro
length() and substr() Are Messed Up...
I need help with my program
Chrome is Fast and Google likes to Show Off
Java SSH / SFTP Libraries
intro to 3d doesnt work
Java Sudoku Generator
turing trivia project
turing buttons
Since everyone hated Bill C-61...
Computer Science vs Computer Engineering
Nintendo sales down...
Help.... with graphics
Adding background music
anti glare screen
How do I move an object using case statements?
MBA right after CS
Tell me about your job
How hard is it to get into computer science at waterloo university?
How is functional programming useful
Returning Things in Methods
Computational Mathematics vs Computer Science vs Mathematics @ UW
I Love Science Video Contest
Randomizing Squares
Text That Will Dissapear After A Specified Time.
Help with getting WASD to work?
KeyDown for only one input
Help with menu-oriented mousewhere program (exits and ending)?
High School question.
Layouts in Applets
End of Moore's Law?
Need Help making turing game which includes mouse
Strings and Spaces
Specific font for getting variables
Can't Play Music...
Setting Up To Learn and Use C
Access 2007 listbox won't refresh
Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
Check out my new siblog!
"Elsif" All of them can be true, how do you diffrentiate?
Why wouldn't it bounce??? SOLVED
Simple Question - Indenting
UWO computer science program?
Animating an object
Worst Mistake of My Life :(
Removing/Hiding the mouse
hi... again??
Particle System help
Shooting Help
Waterloo coop sequence?
Hiding the mouse
Pygame Image transparencies
Function confusion, whats the diff here?
delay problem using list...
Collision Detection Problem
Bounce and check bounce issues
Image Pop-up Javascript Error
A little worried...
So..New Laptop?
My Quiz
You @ Waterloo
Colour Collision detection
Executing a command when the program is interrupted
Spam and ToU/Privacy Policy Update
Spawning enemies help. No idea what is wrong.
How the heck...?
McMaster Computer Science
3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2010)
My Minesweeper.
DWITE Round 7 2010 ...
Examples of sucessful/intelligent people who do not have university degrees
What is considered "cheating" in programming.
Google Code Jam
Canadian Undergraduate Math Conference
That first co-op term at UW... for CS
Computer Science Research at the University of Toronto: Database Queries (Call for Participants)
HELP with SPOJ problem
Help once again. Mousewhere general.
Link to Website.
Should I take CS 115 or CS 135 for first year comp sci at waterloo with no previous programming experience?
Converting units in Java?
Network Battleship gr 12 computer science project
Variable char to int
java help
Best Programing Language
Pulseradio maleware attacks. (HELP ME)
Waterloo Mathematics vs. Toronto Engineering Science
Java Help!!! please Help!!
Attention steam looking for opponents
GrandMicky's quiz syntax errors
shooting help part 2
Gathering input when a button is clicked
Useful books
Need help preppin for September
looking for a college/ university with flight and CS
computer science @ uoft
I'm a Failure at Case Statements
Brick breaker in Turing?
a counting problem
Puzzle code...
Embedded Youtube player without .swf
I swar my proc's are broken sometimes. I need some help please.
Brock vs Laurier vs UTM help!
UofT math or Queens CS
Creating an array with a text document
Lightbox with Text
Question : Finding the closest intersection point for two moving objects
Whatdotcolour problem, too many colours?
Lightbox Question (another)
Box Platformer
Meego 1.0 release with netbook user experience
Compiling turing code with pictures and music?
Lua and Python Question
What should I concentrate my study on for the next few months?
Final Project Beta v.1 - What do you think?
keyboard input help
Job search advice?
'Is it possible to import a video into Java
GrandMicky's... some other thread
Turing Maze Help
Floorplan in Turing- Need Help!
Turing problem sheet
RTS - reasonable final project idea?
Implementing event listeners
Clearing Screen
Number larger than the largest datatype
Sending integers through the internet
Testing frameworks?
Assigning Values + Importing Multiple Images ?
Turing Conversion program
Implementing a Main Menu for options
My version of hangman
My First GUI Program
Spiral Draw
Any base to another
Decimal to any base
What language should I learn next?
WANTED: Verbose wordy advanced technical explaination...
Array to string
Wordle Project In Turing - Difficult task
array help
Movement HELP!
Cheating teams
Loading multiple files in Turing
sending asci codes over paralel port
Usb interfacing
Sprite jumping help
Case Statement?? Help!
Windows API Help file?
Where to go - UBC or UTSC?
flickerless menu
June 2 Contest
Looking for parts
comparing strings and characters
reading and writing to text file
Help tic-tac-toe input same same coordinate
having a problem with my computer
Bill C-32 (Canadian Copyright Bill)
Gravity Wells (highly customizable)
Output Help
TV Problems
Screen Scrolling from Text File
Object on top of another and text box
Urgent: Output and loop
What is a deferred procedure?
Picture Drawing Malfunction
Why constants and not variables?
Case statements.
Case statement
Simple Mouse.Where Program Help
A new error! :)
"Prototype" of functions
Array Methods
Battleship - Help?
Help with brick breaker!
Hexadecimal to Decimal
Customized Circle Drawing
Hey, wasup I'm Cezna
Walking animation help
Help with a Maze Game
Creating New Instances of a Procedure
How do you make a menu bar in a Turing game?
USB soundcard 5.1 software
Microsoft Excel Question
tell me please,,,
How do you animate a JPEG image?
Switching between .bmp images to create running effect(
Turing Color To Html Color
What are the advantages of statically bound methods, over dynamically bound?
Neural Network Designer
Creating multiple files with increasing numbers
Need help with running multiple procedures at the same time
Writing a null int to variable when reading file
Test Software
How would you draw a brick wall pattern for turing?
I need help !!!
User Upload Image (browse for folder for image)
Need Button and return help please
Can I resize an image in Turing?
How can I make The character eat an object
Port problems
help with my game- see how many times you can click the circle in a timelimit
Computer Problem, Help?
Blackjack game help
Multi-Time Zone Clock (Analog + Digital)
Need help i cant get this to work
How to do Modular Arithmetic?
Movement Help 2
Why are the players speeding up when shooting?
Multiple Problems in my game I cant solve
Can you save a picture that is created with turing to a bmp picture file?
help with my game please- I need the character to eat something
How do i draw a button on top of another button, and how do i erase said drawn on top button after
Really Important .. and EASY :)
How do I get my program to read text from a datafile?
Checkers Movement
Does a bad physics mark affect CS admission at waterloo?
What is the java code for an applet to make a picture? Would love your creations
With this code, how do i do this: the amount of time the mouse clicks without the user pressing the button constantly.
ParrallelPut Problem
How can I get this healthbar to decrease properly... and one other question
Globox Adventures :P
Colour Collision bricks
Click Click Defence
Computer Science Scheduling at Waterloo
could someone please comment this code for me
Need to fix a position of the ball
Morse's World
It's about time I said "Hi"
Printing Applets
Morse code translator
Turing Space shooter game
Accidentally Deleted a File Off Flash Drive
How can I make Items randomly appear in this game.
Pic.Draw Help
Tic Tac Toe Game Problem
How to make the Title of the window change?
I've set an image into the ImagePanel. What command can I use to change the image in the ImagePanel?
I Need Help On Finnal Assiment Worth Lots Of Marks
Cezna's Connect 4
Cyclops Shooter-Scoring and hit detection problems
Need help with my tic tac toe
Turing Space shooter game-hit detection and scoring problem
Full Colour Picture to Text (with ability to lock files)
pointers and memory allocation (noob question)
Delete topic?
SDL_image and SDL_LoadPNG (compile error)
Javascript pseudo-random with a given seed
hi can anyone help me with this?
What I need to know in practical working environment.
boolean help
What is a compile time expression?
Need some help (basic turing user)
Dictonary or Linked List
Trouble with multiple classes and header files
Generating Stand Alone Executable:
Linking a File to a C++ Program
.t files not working on my computer ? =S
Helllooo! :D
Should i take computer science gr 12
Brute forcing
Backspacing in my (text editor?)
Trouble with music file and "play again" in Tetris game
Defend your Wall!
Defend your Wall!
Fast Input/Output in Java
Graphing Calculator
[TUTORIAL] Pimp my program
Kingdom Hearts Game - Any Good Programmers Want To Fix And Efficientize My Program?
E3-Sony Move and Microsoft Kinect
Cezna's Pop Machine
African RPG: Walking Incorrectly
Windows 7 / Turing Error - NEED HELP
Do you need to have an honors degree to go to graduate school?
Do you think Computer Engineering might be for me?
hello guys need help regarding thesis... :)
Visual C# Question: Displaying Numbers in a Textbox
ActionScrip 2.0 help ?
Visual C# Question: Exponents
How do you make the computer search through the directories for files using C++?
Visual C# Question: Folder Dialog Displays
Huge residence issue, please help
Trying to call varuables from another source.
Visual C# Question: Display Folder Contents On Form
An interesting Read: Spirals
Ryerson, UofT, or Waterloo?
What to use to store blog posts?
Incredible Low Claculus Mark
Reading Specific Data in Files
Second thoughts about CS?
Animated Sprites Engine
How to start one program from another
Instrumentation / Control Engineering
two simple questions
HELP me to edit the codes of my VB space shooter
Jobmine Plus, much better way to navigate Jobmine for University of Waterloo students
Java Code Help!
Can I just copy this?
anything about Grande Prairie Regional College (GPRC)?
decimal to negative hex?
Osap - Residence
Help me using the invisible button to drag a movieClip
Flash Embed into Java?
Making a program for parents..need help.
Are many/any text books available on Kindle?
How Do you use a Printer (Peripheral) in Java?
Does someone is studying C.S in Ryerson?
Turing in C++
Has anyone Ever Used Game Maker 8?
Picture programming
Bluetooth driver issues.
Turing Attributes (scoping type,and else..)
Allegro Game Help
Computer programmers and software engineers
How important is the reputation of your university?
Saving a picture/image
Putting a program online/Implanting in a web-browing
How does && Operator Work in this code??
Computer Engineering
University of Toronto
MSNP server responding with 'null'/not responding to TWN token
help assigning list to variable
joint computer science and mathematics at U of Ottawa
Signature Leveling sites
Medieval RPG - Grail Quest
Group 1 High School Credits
University websites
Map Maker
a question of electronics
Not sure if I should go to Dalhousie or U of T
Switch Statement Help
Where to get textures
How do you install Linux?
Algorithm Help
Mixed up power cables for iPod dock... dangerous?
Interested in buying decent Hex game AI algorythm
Angreh Faic
C# @ Waterloo
Best C++ game engine?
random 7 number line generation with percentages
Variable Overwriten?
Nested Loops
Top 10 Computer Science universities in Canada
Recursive Checkers AI
implicit function declarations (and other ridiculous error messages)
CS Co-Op At Waterloo
Fopen Problem
libraries for date math?
Great Free Lectures on Computer Science!
Actionscript 3.0 help
CS at Algoma University?
Future UW students
Computer Science Salary
how to create a text box with scroll bars?
W3C Validator
int argc, char *argv[] vc++ 2010
List for storing names
Big Decision
Careers for computer science majors
Genetic Algorithms - Basics explained Part 1
A Question about being a computer science student
having trouble understanding include guards
Which picture format?
Opening a text file?
Yo-yo champion extracurricular?
P is inequal to NP
SQL: How can I limit a table to a given number of rows?
Software Engineering Advantages?
How do I find the intersection of a line and a cube
new computer for university questions
The best university/college for Game Design
sudoku programe
Questions regarding software engineering, computer science , and PEY at UFT
adding ram to laptops?
EE+CS, need advice please
UWaterloo Software Engineering compared to UToronto Computer Engineering Software stream
[Tutorial] Using Java's libraries to create a simple game engine
Job as extracurricular activity at Waterloo?
How to store multiple characters in a char variable?
Creating Online Games If Possible ?
CSS Mess
necessity of a laptop?
Auto Populate HTML Form textbox after selecting an item from my html listmenu
Pointers to chars
Auto populate textbox after selecting an item from my listmenu or combobox
"Source Modified, rebuild?"
How to use multiple source files
Simple Temperature Calculator
Random Number Guess Game GUI
Tic tac toe AI Help
Banjo Kazooie Furnace Fun!
Java programming:JOptiomPane method
When to Apply
Problems with the double variable type
Why windows only applications?
Universities for CompSci?? :D
Scotty V's Game Databse beta
HELP! Design Review & Risk Management topics required
Not being able to use pow()
Studying and working in Montr?al
prerequisite for computer science at university
FPS in Turing?
How important is Master's degree to Computer Science
How to change the colour scheme to basic?
best engine for 3d fps
Low(er) math marks... Soft Eng?
ArrayList.indexOf on a Class
Yes, I am back
Creating a program to augment 2D sprite detail: possible?
Mecatronics Expectations
Collision Class 2 player game
How to actually do....well anything in assembly.
Simple Os Checker
MinGW linker problem
UWaterloo software engineering textbooks
Convert decimal geoloxatilation to cardinal point (x,y)
Blizzard Poll
(Detecting Keystrokes When Window is not Active) and (Making an Invisible Window)
english with computer science at university
raycasting tutorial
Skip line when user presses enter
PHP Multiplayer Online Browser Fantasy RPG
How to move things I draw in Turing?
Incremental Raycaster Idea
C# Syntax Highlighting on Mac
Help with java
Now A Published Poet!!
bad chemistry mark D:
Unreal Engine 3 and cryengine 3
Simple Question
SDL Rect array problem
Intro & Career choice questions
Inputting Strings
Double Degree in Computer Science and Business Administration
Dynamically updating page layout
A Database with
a question about lasers
Math Help - DATA
Macbook pro issue
Curse you Mac!!
Art contest, Win bits!
Question about 2's complement system
new game vindictus. (keys wanted :D)
Data Storage Dilemma - need suggestions!
Probability Questions Help
Add 10 to x every loop URGENT HELP PLEASE
Network Research: Which universities are recommended ?
Turing and Webpages
Re-Arranging a String Imput
How to make Table in Java And clear Screen
How do i do this?
Does anyone know how to hack with C++?
Choose a program to study.
Netbeans Project
Creating a forum in phpBB
Extract chars from string
Recursion Trees with Recurrences
Dwite 2010-2011
CompSci degree = IT Career?
Calculating a series of numbers on Turing
PHP MySQL DB Issue - cant connect?
Object -> Object[]
Graphics: What can we spawn ourselves in code?
Modulus % Help
Parse a string of text in order to perform a calculation
Turing Run Error
N Sided Figures
Security, Layout, and Data-flow Testing
Calling one program from another
Mathematical Physics - Waterloo
array inside a function
Music. In General. Will not work.
Need Help with Quadratics question
Need some C++ Help
Brick Beaker Help
X to the power N
Remove a pointer
Bad interaction between Sprites and canvas?
Convert * to int
Urgent help
DirectX and Visual Studio 2010
Any other top universities for CS Co-op besides UW and UT ?
Multiple Definitions Problem
questions about string(1) converting
Turing loop help
need help with circular linked lists
Rainbow Lettering
Final Velocity Question
Number guessing game in"3 tries"
Emailer.php error
Fraction Help
TopDogBidZ BETA Contest
Are the AIFs for Waterloo the same or similar every year?
PHP - MySQL Data Storage Question
Need Feedback
Rune Key Pendant
if my avg in G12avg is 87%, whats my chance to get in Waterloo?
Ready to Program IDE w/ JDK 1.6 Setup
Help recognizing borders using View.WhatDotColour
Is there any way to program *but* dynamic programming?
Racing Game v2
free forum limitations?
physics test
my first turing program how is it
Thinking of buying a mac?
is there a way to close the output screen?
Turing Program
Essay For Waterloo Computer Science Application?
One messed up dell. need fixing help....
Difference between array and pointer
Running once... In a loop?
how to study for computer science exam
How often do you stare at the keyboard when typing?
Can Turing execute two procedure at the same time.
PHP post-db insert error
How to drag an object?
Just want to make sure how DWITE works....
Chess AI
Need help with x,y coordinate calculations
RCC University Info?
LCD controller
Wanted: Paid Project - Free Marketing Project
Decimal Places
How do i do this?
How do you use turing to make a snake eat things game
how to kill a proccess
DIVX web player for MAC not working....
font size help
font size help
Dwite Round 1
HELP loop problem
Need help with the input
A question about integers, strings, and a bit more
A question about 2D arrays
new comp need help with sound
Turing Graphics: Object Order of Appearance
PHP DB - 'order by X Y' not working
Looking for an opportunity in Canada
Round 1 Question 4
Somebody Tell me What im doing Wrong
How to calculate mew S and mew K?
Creating a Start Up menu
Optimized Sieve of Eratosthenes
Opening different exe files using turing
What Am I Doing Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!! Urgent
Creating and running a exe file using turing
Turing sound play is messed. please help
Script help
Infinite loop, can't find cause.
what does a stand-alone .exe file do
Power Pong 2
Level Runner!!!! Updated v2.0
help with Music.PlayFileLoop
Openign images for a program
Turing Memory Leak
How to delete elements in python using a del function
H bridge transistor circuit
Perl Deleting image
Help !!!:|
garbage collection in C#
Problem with making things go behind others in animations
Co-Op Program/First Year Salaries
error in program
Making Stars Flash
Animated Rain
Create Snow in Turing
just wondering
Make the stars flash randomly
Can someone help me. Its a beginner program. so ya
EXE error
converting EXE file icon
Create Snow Animation ??
If three numbers are divisible by two numbers
Hey guys I need help with my program.
Rotating Images towards the mouse (pygame)
Using arrays in a procedure
Running and stopping a particle script, without ending the whole program
Digital Design: Sequential Circuits
Compiling Open Source Projects
Encryption Error
How can I use a string variable inside Font.Draw
Does anyone know where I can find a good iseries site with technical data?
Buying a New Laptop...
Scheme- summing elements in a list within a structure
Functional points in softwear engineering
C# interfacing with other programs (C)
text rotate
Prove conservation of energy
Loop situation
Computing Science is the same as computer science?
Animating a car built with drawline+drawfill. need help
Getting better at Computer Science
Getting better at Computer Science
Recursion help
multiple loops. D:
gimp help
J Monkey
HELP: setting variables for basic edit fields
Platform Game Help
Programmed CountDown Timer ???
I need help with my iPod, please?
PHP 'include' speed differences
C# inheritance problem
Moving Platform?
Turing-Help with Fractions
Help jelly beans guessing game
loops - exit when a key is entered?
Javascript: Shuffle array and preserving keys
simple looping questions using turing
sorting technique c/c++ code
How do I enter different contests on Sims2 Free Time?
The role of courses like Discrete Math and Formal Languages in CS education?
1 Line of code split to 2 lines
Initializing an array of strings (char **s vs. char *s[])
Encryption program!need help
Lowest Common Denominator in Turing
code for a click counter
click counter- revised
What's the opposite of chars ('b')
display text on the same line in a loop
Simplifying Fractions (and sign help)
applying delay to a specific part of a loop
how to import turing files
Simple whatdotcolour Platformer
Highscore table help.
Turing Help Please !
North vs South: Canada and American Schools
How to get turing program working on webpage?
How to enter different loops with user inputs?
Multiple Home Pages [how-to firefox]
Rounding a Decimal to Two Decimal Places in Java
Vala/Genie versus Python opinion piece
convet int to string?
grade 11 compared to grade 12
convert int into number of spaces
Program will not read keyboard input.
Make Mario Stop Disappearing
Programs that can write themselves
is it possible to connect a MX revolution to a PC without the reciever??
calculating time complexity
Translating an english sentence to spanish using a given database
Which language I should learn to get a job easily?
November DWITE
Java + Bluetooth = ?
November Dwite Question 2 Problem
Dwite round 2 problem 3
Tony and the 10 thousand
How many people are doing USACO?
Sound in C#
[Tutorial] An Easy and Intuitive Tutorial to Java
Or not equal too question.
Looking To Pursue An IT Career - What'll I need?
Music Help
Books on Java?
paintComponent freezes?
Database Program Help- Saving
Books to Help Prepare for Math Contests?
Problem with GTK+ Application
flashing lights loop with falling snow problem
My rant on "cross platform"
Waterloo Computer Science without Computer Science in High School???!
3 dimensiopnal chess
Waterloo Computer Science Without Gr. 12 CS
Issues with achieving a "Bingo" in Bingo game.
Desktop Computer Recommendation?
Windows XP or Windows 7?
Need help installing graphics library on Mac Python
What drawfill would you use, to make an iregular shape such as a cloud, and a tree?
CS, Is it possible?
Is it possible to run Windows 7 via BootCamp on an iMac?
Turing Is Running Tooooo slow ??
Trivia Game Help
Reasons Y Python is Alsome xD
Got a question for Waterloo AIF.
Timex (Alarm, Stopwatch, Timer)
Ruby Questions. html error?
Help with Apache
Looking for free video editing software
pacman anitmation help
What is wrong with my subroutine
Play .wav sfx seamlessly?
Highest/Lowest value in an array.
Simple Platformer Help
if command problems
Biggest solar flare witnessed so far...
Restarting and Exiting
Troubleshooting packet loss
Chess Graphics
FeedBack Please.
ASP server help, (n00b question)
Oval Glow Effect
Could anyone help please?
Any way to easily determine coordinates in the Run Window? - Making a program read a file and ouputting the line
Need Help With Hangman Menu
transfer of admission to any canadaian universities
Help: Boggle in Java
How do you put an output "border" for animations so it doesn't pass outside the output screen?
Snake game with two players
How to delete corrupted files?
Error Message ?
Help with turing quiz please
How to implement layers in VB6?
Is This Good Programming Practice?
Math :s
What is the hardest Computer Science class in university?
Turing Assignment
Can Someone how me on my program?
SQL Database
Quick C++ NameSpaces Question
Contest 3 Start Time
How important is Vectors?
Cs Help
Loop in a Loop!! Urgent!!!!!!!!!
Pacman need help
SOLVED: INSERT mysql statement with apostrophe issues.
DWITE Round 3 Q#3 Clarification
Question 4
Getting OpenGL/GLUT to work
not enough lines in output?
Dwite Round 3
Clearing the Screen
problem with def name inside class?
Undefined reference to winMain@16
My sincere apologies
Astro Game Help.
Creating a sphere using GLUT
how to make a object that can move automatically? or can I make something like a track for it?
tetris dont have the code posted
Movement and shooting
Laptop hinge delema
How to use a series of sprites to make it look like someone is walking
Ruby Graphics:
Paint Program (Please comment)
"Clicking" array help
offscreenonly + mouse.buttonmoved/wait problem
Suggestions for a tutorial?
Jython execFile SyntaxError issue
Making the case for O'Caml as an introductory language
Online shopping
Java Applet - Counter Strike game
Masters in Computer Science - 3 Yrs of Industry Experience - Pls Advice
Game Menu Help, using the keyPressed method
How much operator overloading should be done?
Changing Array Values En Masse
Merry Christmas!
How can i get my code not to flacker?;D
Few questions about minesweeper
Having a dilemma in deciding which undergrad to apply to...
annoying security alert on EVERY WEBPAGE
Functions and Vec2d help
Fossil SCM
Java Method Help
Kill a process
python function question
Shoes Help:
Random numbers in buttons.
Can i get into Waterloo
No Game Title but help needed
Looking for a computer programmer for a start-up
Revisiting your code.
how to understand hard drive configurations and RAID WITH THE AID OF WATER COOLERS :D
Trying to setup SDL with DevC++, please help?
Random 4 LED Game Help
Help with LED please.
Please Be Gentle With Ur Help Older Godz
How to draw an animated graph to represent a ripple being reflected?
Need Help with Shopping Program (GUI Interface)
Happy New Year!
Challenge for 2011: functions
How to use an integer into a drawString command
Timer Help
Extending web scripting languages
Ruby is pretty cool, but tutorial lied.
I can't click my button.
Variable waste
Time.Elapsed Help
Get a truth table
How to have the user determine the height and width of a box coded from drawbox?
Break Breaker Turing help URGENT
Site Bug
Another Flickering issue
Need Help!!
Claytons' Conundrum With Reading & Writing Complete Type Records To File
(URGENT) Need help closing window and continuing.
Using a text File
Mean,median,and Mode Help
How can I create a platformer?
I Need Help For My School Project !! Urgent!!!
Thanks Compsci
Add a Enter button
Controlling loop cycle speed.
Anyone Know How To Make A Snake Game? Plz Put A Sample! :(
I assigned this variable but it thinks I didn't
UW waterloo 1st compsci coop job
Creating a zone on a sprite?
Help Me!
always allow problem
Stopping music when window is closed
I need help making a star animation as my background for my eclipse
Any University of Alberta/Calgary students here?
Number choosing program
Need help with my if / elsif !
My Final Project
Im having problems with putting spirites in my porgram i need help!
Help With Button Pressed
c# build dynamic expressions help
Pong game help
Cliff Raider
Modifying a turing file on a cd-r
BlackJack help - Variable has no value
Swype vs 8pen
Loop Fail
mandelbrot set in java
Planning for a Large Project...
result of 1/2w squared
[URGENT] I need file recovery help pls.
Question about target shooting game.
C# Drag and Drop Help
Can any1 help me to explain how does code "mod" works???
Closing window
Satisfiable and First Order Logic
I need help- Turing Calculator prgoram
Turing Multiple Sprites Problem (Illegal photo ID)
Turing Calculator
Illegal Picture ID
mousewhere in a target shooting game
Screen buffering in java.
Frustum Help in OpenGL
A couple dual monitor questions :3
Urgent Turing Calculator Help
coping program need help
Randomizing shapes
Clearing text only... or any other object Need Help Fast
Stoping the flas!
PHP simpleXML editor.
HELP!!! Making an if key pressed statement execute repeatedly after pressing the key only once!?
Folder Picture Output
how to delay counting speed?
Collision Detection
Binary Search
gui.creatextfield help
Colision problem
Turing Monopoly game troubles
Help With Millionaire Like Game
Calculator Questions
Buttons over buttons, or no buttons at all.
Need help with program
How to make the turing game "who wants to be a milionaire" ?
java 3d api installation trouble
image "button" rollovers
how to make a turing program that copys a file several times automatically?
help me with C:\WINDOWS\SysInfo.vbs
Let's Get Some Turing Games!
Timer in game Problem
Urgent Help for Calculator Program
How do you click a picture and then click somewhere else for it to appear??
How to not repeat a number when using randint?
Software Engineering after BBA?
Make Turing Ignore Text Input
jbutton on top of jlabel
Multiple Delay
How would you make the balls drop to the ground after drawing and make the other balls bounce off of the green balls??
running an external program, using the saved file as input for my java program?
GNOME, GObject, Glib or KDE and Qt
Nees help with BlackJack game!
Help with avoiding game
Passing a method as a parameter problem
Picture ID 0
how to do copying and pasting and also how to make a cursor
Help With Turing Trivia Game
Timer Code Help!!! Pleassee Help Thank You
Windows 7 Recovery Image
GUI button.... How to do an if GUI button pressed
physics parallel series circuit
Detecting a key press in java
Error Correction Help
Request For Help
Flashing Buttons
Procedure help
Simultaneous tasks?
proper format!
Possible to have turing run outside its program window?
how to make java applet window not-resizable
Castle Defender -Boxy the Boxinator
What am i doing wrong?
Character reading error
structure and pointers help
Rand.Int NOt working
Its about time I said hello!
23 Line Pong
Rounding minutes
Cube root help
Help. Exiting program?
Applying to University, Help Needed Fast!!
Array of Subroutines?
Help with game
What is engineering
Hangman help
What can programming skills be used for?
2 player game.
Variable Concatenation
Main menu
Java Applet?
Array naming convention
Please examine my program!
Running Processes With the Main Program
Need help with Cash register program.
i have a problem with my code
car decelarates phyiscs
Two Player Othello
Modifying the Random Number Generator Code for my purposes
My final project but having problem with it...
Making an image move
Turing Help
help with erasing cursor after it's been drawn
Ok... opening a new window!
Can you make this program?
What is this and what is its purpose?
How can I put this on 1 line
How do you..
Moving Images with arrow keys (while doing other stuff)
What to do next?
How can I perfect this "GoTo"?
The speed of light and expansion of the Universe
What should I do to make this
Turing and "NET" (emails)
Java File Input (Character by Character)
Software Engineering requirements
A farm & some particles
Undergraduate School Reputation and Graduate Program Admissions
sequences and series
NEED HELP: two dimensional to one dimensional projection matrix.
Help evaluating this in closed form? (with binomial coefficients)
matching algorithm.. a question..!!
deaparately need help with dialog boxes and graphics.
Particle thingy I tried :P
Clearing text from if statements at the end of a loop?
CRTC Metered Internet (UBB) discussion
.mov files
NetBeans w/ C++
my friends snake- sort of :P
Grade 10 in Grade 11 Comp Sci
Final ISU-Calculator
Windows Critical Error
Cash Register Program
Simple Keyboard Inputted Calculator
Is this possible? XOR question
phpBB -> Restricting Access to a Forum
Help with my snake game!
Ontario teacher site with some Python resources
Particle Emitter Try
Tuple index out of range problem
How to sort the integer by not using "array"
Project: Revolution
Seemingly Random Blank Line Insertsions
How to draw a circle by using sine and cosine???
pygame pixel array color swap?
turing to java conversion pdf
An anti-virus scan running on GNU/Linux, cleansing a Windows partition
Storing children class in Parent Class
The Goal: Network BOT (nothing bad)
Tic Tac Toe Game Problem
UW breadth and depth requirements
Waterloo Computer Science HELP! :(
Computer Science Degree Questions
To mods
CCC 2011 - Are you ready?
Really Easy Question
Perl Help
Important Computer Science skills
Spaces in strings - how?
What are good books on Python?
Internet Usage Monitor
line search?
The internet is a series of tubes
Patterned and repetitive code problem:
what book comes after C Primer Plus?
Tic Tac Toe Game
Java and mac
game not working
Project ideas
Swap function without temp variable
UW - Upper Year course info
Output File with same name portion as Input File ?
make turing count by 5
Ambiguous and definite automata to deterministic automata
How do you compare 2 lists to check if one of the list has one or more elements in the other list?
2011 Mock CCC
c download
McGill, Mount Allison, or Waterloo for Computer Science?
Are there any x86 ASM books?
Can I get in to University?
IBM Watson Jeopardy
redirecting files and reading them
How to get started in C++?
ubuntu customization
How to make the text is right-justified?
help i cant get turing online help manual
C++ String Handling
Out putting getting the middle letter of a string
sytem("pause") whats the big deal?
Using php to generate an image
Passionate Developer - Course Selection for Grade 11
cool menu
building a rig, advice please.
Python MemoryError when trying to split an element of a very large list
Cheat sheet to upgrade xna 3.0 to 4.0
Question 3
DWITE Problem 3 accident
PHP cURL Help - PHP to Java sever communication
help with if statement
Something Interesting Regarding Circle collision
Free Education GitHub Accounts
No sound
Functional Programming
Primary Divisors Help
Idea for game programming
LoZ game!
dual boot mac os snow leopard
Just Something Else About Circle Collision
Text Box
Finding the sum of a series.
Adding Increment of 0.1
ANSI C backtracking Need Help
New guy just learning
Difficult UWaterloo courses (CS444 Compilers)
Java fullscreen mode
Hello, I'm new here
Opening Folders using turing!!! plz help!!!!!!!!!!!
This is pretty neat:
help - perfect numbers
VB6 to how much it cost?
help - listing prime numbers
CCC 2011 Solutions/Analyses
Benefits of recursion
how can i errortrap a string
Maze-Navigating Robot
help - calender
How to make a user input diamond (User puts in the ammount of symbols in the middle row)
Instantiating an Array
Does anyone know who to access the parallel port Using C++?
Firefox 4, Hate it or Love it?
Oh OOP how I love you.
Fake CS job ads
HELP! Waterloo vs Toronto
Perfect File Compression is impossible.
Simulator display issues
UW CompSci
How to make an object slide across the screen
Turing Networking Limits
Possible 2011 Meet
help - computer guessing game
Calculation of a ball move to a certain coordinate.
Submitting a form using javascript Meet
Why is Waterloo's internet slower now?
Hello :D
div or mod by zero error in decimal - binary conversion program
add clouds moving and a snowman moving please appreciate it
standby list
Eine kleine ECOOpractice
how to get rid of a post/delete
ECOO for the WRDSB
Japan Earthquake
Pygtk Builder problem - builder not defined
Hla or assembly current position
Are you getting IE9 today? Or waiting?
File Streaming
Reading from file
counting the number of words in a string
Basic Prime Function Help
computer science
How to name folder in a different language on Windows 7?
Good photoshop book or video tutorials?
Linked list confusion :(
Line to Cursor
html5 validation
Simple Ping command: Single line command + arguments
Software engineering vs Comp sci (UVIC VS WAYNE STATE)
Waterloo Comp Eng usual Acceptance average
Need help making a Truth Table using Turing
"10 Minutes to Writing Your First Ruby Application"
An Overview of Python - Tutorial 1: Getting Python
Open source project
my own java applet in blogger
Help with 3D
An Overview of Python - Tutorial 2: Input and Output
Understanding your cogeco bill (it's all text)
Working with the Google Data APIs - Authentication
An alpha release of my OpenCOBOL FAQ as a book; shameless self-promotion
Python Performance Tips
What programming languages do I need to know?
Python unable to add to the code
Help on turing sounds/output problem..
Saving files and using arrays properly
An Overview of Python: Tutorial 3 - Control-Flow (branching)
Super confused about University decisions!!
Having troubles putting pictures into turing code.
Going into CS/SE
Awsome yet lagging shooting game
Quick question
I need help reversing a string
Saving a variable as a variable??
Handling fractions
Tetris help!
I need very basic turing help
Passing array info to a procedure
saving a bunch of variables not working
How to make a white box with a blue background that i can write in.
Arrays of procedures
Help with Tetris
Software design refresher
Programming microcontroller?
+= and -=
Who should I tell so this vulnerability will be fixed
MacRuby Guide
turing questions .
turing questions .
Passing array info into a procedure... again
BiCubic Interpolation Matlab
How to save Python 3 files as .exe?
Cat's game won't work
User input with Ready to Program (Holtsoft) without using the hsa console?
How do i make a string variable more than 2 words?
Stage 2
Help! Newbie question! Put two animation in one Execution windows!
Tetris anyone?
Is there any way to output the current Line?
2010 ECOO Board Question 3
How can I make the scores add up after each question?
char to string
Square and Circle collision detection not working proporly
school project
Need help in turing. Changing screens.
Need some assistance
Shhoting Game! Beta V4.0
Robocode Now in 3D
New Style
An Overview of Python: Tutorial 4 - Data Types and Repetition (Looping)
Single player pong (no a/i)
Looking for student programmers interested in gaining some real live experience in a new web start up
possible to obfuscate your code in turing?
Dynamic programming
Have a BSc in Psychology, want to learn Compsci (Software Engineering)
movement with arrow keys!
Grids, Backgrounds, Music, Movement, Interaction, and then some.
Draw.ThickLine help file is a little confusing
Javascript links in HTML Frameset (navigation)
Nooby help!
init commands for multidimensional arrays
Play two animation at the same time?
Tie game code not working in tictactoe
Dynamic two dimensional Arrays
shooting help
how to move an image
MTG Event Deck ....recomendations pls
Illiegal Key ? (200) whenever i try to press " or '. Help?
I need help in a few things
No Space Error Check
Calling a Method with Multiple Parameters
Turing Stand alone program
"*** can't assign to operator" error
Sending an E-mail
Flexible arrays in Records
Any recommanded reading on multithreading, or multiprogramming ?
Understanding fstream
Random Title; TROLOLOLOL.
Pie Graphs
Physics Contest Question!
Dice Program + Pie Graph
OAPT Physics Contest 2011 - Practice
Any advice on 3rd and 4 year elective course load? UWATERLOO
Grad School Abroad
honors Bsc double major in Math and computer science vs BSc with sepcilazation in computer science.
See-through box
Four Star Mon
assigned values are the wrong type
School and alcholohism or any other addiction?
Flying Bird Game ( it's similar to helicopter )
Leaving the trail behind
: * problems with Sys.Exec
loop help please
Recursively Scan a Directory
Tag 2.0
spacing glitch
Help on passing variables from php to javascript
dr java....might not have been initialized error What am i doing wrong?
CompSci Captchas
Jquery/Php help
Looping through MySQL rows
Font size with print?
Waterloo Acceptance
Sorting Integers in a comma delimited text file
Array SignOut Function problems
Data Management (probability) question, help please?
Moving Text across a background
Integer Sorter
Summative graphs
How to get eclipse working?
Is this good for Software Engineering @ Waterloo?
(Mathematics +) Software Engineering @ UWaterloo
Chopy Lines
Monitor Suggestions
Computer Science woes
How to set memory limits for judging a program?
waves and interference
Is there a tech bubble?
Jquery/Php Help(function is running twice)
Really Basic Question
Pizza Shop help
advice for turing games ie (risk)
Best way to store stuff in mysql
Header Guards Causing Classes to not be Recognized
Anyone has got accepted yet by Waterloo? Software Engineeing
Help with drawing images in the backround
Computer Programmer.
Help With a snake game?
Delphi help - SQL INSERT INTO problem?
University of Waterloo cs456 and cs454 question
JMenu Bar
Sockets -.-
Thinkpad T400 for sale
Orbital Game Help
Bitmap parsing
A competition using goto
Sizing the component a GUI
Integer Sorter
Error in paths
Another problem.
Turing stopwatch
pics on buttons?
collision detections
help - reversing string input
String does not contain?
Insectoid's Summer Programming Challenge
using time to add to rpg
Quick assistance
Hack/Reduce in Toronto
Will I get into CS Waterloo?
Web Programming Questions
help - listing strings in alphbetical order
Will you get into Waterloo?
Saving Directories and File Folders
Decisions, decisions, best future path?
Best path-finding algorithm
Dice + Bar Graph + Pie Chart
Different 'get' font and colour
Bomberman map
Getting an AudioStream to play more than once
unidentified index
PSN Down, Microsoft is happy.
How will AI change the world?
What's wrong with my code?
NHL Playoffs
Computer Science Java Help?
Java 3D
Creating buttons to store inputted data.
A* Help
Sending a Serialized ArrayList through a Socket using ObjectOutputStream causes loss of Data
Painting an Image onto a JPanel
A Lesson.
Null Pointer Exception...argh!
Help with square root program
Help with Avalanche Game
help - fillTriangle
Dropping physics?
Help with allowing users to buy tickets online
Conway's Game of Life and Minesweeper
Simple way to draw a grid for minesweeper?
How to make a functioning loop in Turing?
Math Question on Facebook
Program Crashes After Checking for Console Mouse/Keyboard Input
2011 Federal Election
Algorithm Passwords
Need a PC command line Texter
ways to transfer data between 2 computers
Find if its a odd or even number
What should I make for my ICS2D final?
Help Turing Functions Assignment
A cold call from Google recruiting
Making my program more "efficient"
Flashing Colours! Star and Stop.
Mah First Program Evar!
Rigging a "random draw"
What is Commerce?
server purchasing/management advice please
Putting user input into commands "colourback()cls" and "delay()"?
following a path? help please :D!
McGill CS grad trying to make the fields of Computer Science clear & exciting
help - moving a flag
How to prevent user input error!
How do you draw a box and fill it with a specific colour?
How do you center a Font.draw in the middle of the x - axis, (bottom middle)?
Flexible array problem
Bin Laden is Dead
How To Make Loop on This Program
try out program please criticism is appreshited
I might be way over my head... summer research with prof help
Royal Wedding
Haha, the bubble is hilarious.
Why, hello.
Convert 8 bit values to 32 bit
turing to python
Delete This Please
Shooting game (again)
Random Colour Tile Program
Help making all text white.
integer/short to byte array
trippy stuff
Time.Elapsed vs process
Climbing ladders and jumping
Help with Music and Buttons
Using Turing to create a truth table for a circuit through a computer
Incomplete Text-Based Adventure
What's your major?
I Cant Make The Sound Stop In A Loop
Waterloo Computer Science Co-op
make a menu in python
Search Return Key
Using net module not working
Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal
closing file stream during early program termination (matlab)
Procedures and Functins
Want that Chrome Gone?
It ends game when I put in this command?
Any good material on going from C++ to Java
For Each - why i cant do this?
How can I open an URL using Turing? What command do I use?
Whatdotcolour collision detection problem
Transparent pic backgrounds when rotating?
grabbing information off of a website (
Py audio Problem through VoIP
Classes in a module
Making an LED Turing Game?
Keep cursor inside predefined area, box
How to create button in Turing please help me thanks
help with SQL count and nested SELECT
Dynamic programing/ Greedy algorithm help
Update ancient software
Array+dynamic programming
How long a user is logged in for
Ecoo 2011
A question for a friend
my attempt at shooting
Coding effective Geometry wars Pacifism collision help.
Waterloo Computer Science w/co-op Admission Question
CompSci Jobs?
Detecting a Double Click
Need help to Jump Start my ISU!
"Curve Fitting"
Drawing a box exactly where you want it?
CompSci Co-op at Waterloo
Calculator Help
My First text-Based Adventure Game
Chess Game, need help with secondary click
Do you guys have any ideas for making a XML parser for Turing?
delay stacking
Order of Procedures?
3 Piano keys don't work?
College Transfer!
Java MouseInputAdapter
help - Simple Matrix-like Code
View.Update problem
How to destory/delete objects?
More efficient 360 degree movement + distance formula?
How can I store data with randint?
How to create a dropdown list
Python mouse commands
How many types of sounds are there in Turing?
What does "operands of boolean operators must be boolean" mean?
2D Scrolling game
How do I make curve/semi-circle paths? (Floats to int)
SQL MMORPG game security
Sprites in turing!!
FujiFilm Fk up....advice please.
Making an Etch-A-Sketch?
DANGER! ISP due next week
Jquery, getting more than one id in a function
High score help
Find the Error
Help with functions
Need a lot of help making a game!
String Manipulation NEED HEEEEELP FAST !!!!!
Controlled Random Integer?
help - moving things on an angle Minecraft Server
anti-factorial program help
help for a turing program!!
How to make button inside a button?
Help with arrays in Turing!! Grade 10 programming.
arrays problem
Processor Temperature
help - pong
ArrayList help :s
C++ and Java
Check to see if a key is held down?
Sorting Arrays in Alphabetical Order, capitals and lowercase
Java Jar
How to install JAva looks?
Chemestry ISU difficulties [can not find two compounds]
What should I do?
Need help with turing game
Can a procedure (for a GUI module) work within an if statement?
CCC Stage 2 Problem Solutions
Making a traffic simulator
How do you use letters (on a keyboard) to control an action?
My animations keep pausing, and I don't know why?
"Get" command with custom font?
How can I have a "popup box"?
Run Code from Specific Line?
Need advice on buying a PC
Need some help to improve my game in turing
Clicking detection
How would i go about making a pause button or pause key?
Loop Syntax Help
project c++
sin button doesnt work
Vectors Question
loading screen effect
Index function
dropping a table in sql
Battleship Gameboard
Really need help on Local Area Network connections..
Multi Threading a Server
What jobs can one get with a Computer Science degree?
Remainder of float division.
help! hangman game
For Vi/Vim Wizards
Sorting a List of Marks in the Least Number of Lines
South Carleton
Make and exe with my program in it?
Enhanced for loop through a 2D array
Java Menu Action Masks
Parallelput and Parallelget?
Shooter Script Contest
Geometry Wars v1.0!
Why are signatures still valid identification?
Probem with making a ring of circles in java?
Adding music in turing.
How do i play a sound when there is a music on going??
Java Games
Game scripts
Issues with whatdotcolor in platformer
Maze Help with case construct
Choosing a Graphics Library
Compsci Career Decision
console homebrew
6 grade 12 courses
Issue with stopwatch
Windows help
I need help to make windows appear when the user creates an error
Getting the value of a datafield in an arraylist of objects
Way to get turing to read the mount of .txt files in a folder
Router issues (or more accurately, Vista issues, related to a router).
Program Run Loop Problem! HELP!
Physics Engine on GPU
Android Webview and PDFs
How can I get a variable using a variable?
Other possible input devices
Player Controls
Good folks, suggestion please.
Folders for turing and searching folders in current direct
connecting to analysis server from
Adding borders to turingoutput screens.
Need help on the LAN Network Data Transmitting.. Too much Delay(ping)..
Snakes and Ladders help
Tradewinds: The Turingian Sea *PUBLIC BETA*
Graphical Library
Finding the end of a flexiable array
Error messages
Sprite Movement when key is pressed
Large amount of text - linking to file?
Paint Program that Works Anywhere
What courses should I take for first year Computer Science?!
Differentiating Click Events
Help needed with High School project
Cutting up a (large) picture
Help with Turing Tic Tac Toe?
Graphing Dots
Is there a limit on how you can type into Turing?
Strings being multiple words long
Help need an if satement that will differ which button is pressed!!
Lines Help
Mouse Commands: Mouse.ButtonWait and Mouse.Where
I think I'm Okay?
I need help fading images in or out
Need help with Game music
Could use some help
Programming knowledge
Generate Help
Program 'lags' from one screen to another.
Need help creating random values that can't be repeated
Google Code Jam
Checkers game, need assistence.
As always, another wandering soul~
Sudoku Problem
Interested in Internet Security, suggestions on learning?
Collision Detection in Java Applet
making boundries
Ordering numbers in ascending order.
Rank upgrades
Problem with Mouse.ButtonWait
Jbutton write to file when clicked
Problem with View.Update
Trouble setting up Visual Studio 2005
Jquery, printing to a specific class;
Problem Viewing Sprites from One Window to Another Window
help with making program continue
Turing Piano Program
Making Monsters in a game?
Which Game Should i Make for ISU
Problem With Collision
Pacman vs Random Debris
Multi Threading, safe code?
computer graphic help: 2d to 3d
how do I move an imported image back and forth?
Big animation
How to make an object shoot circles> like the game astroid
Collision Detection and Bounces
select statement wont produce result..
How can I fork processes who all have loops/for loops in them and get them to run smoothly?
Winsuck 7 Aero theme difficulties.
Random window opening
I need help on my vb project on deal orr no deal
Can I get into University of Wateroo?
Variable has no value
Need help with a turing eraser
University Stories?
Need help "mixing" two of my turing codes.
2D Tile Game Component Help
Anonymous Responds to NATO
Bullets vs. many Aliens collision - Need "efficient" method
BLUDBATH.T? (Turing game)
about Mouse.ButtonWait
Need help doing collision detection for moving objects
PCI to Parallel Port card using Parallelput
help - stop random number from repeating
Function and Procedure: Without Exponential Operator?
Turing Piano
Animation Help!
Need help with fork command.. possibly?
Mouse hit detection?
who wants to be a millionaire help
Need help with loops!
How do you delete everything but a drawfillrectangle?
High Score Table: Paddle Ball Game?
Converting an array to a new Array.
Procedure problems
Exiting loops and going back to start
unit testing in visual studio 2005
Waterloo CS Coop Course Selection
Input.KeyDown Not Working
Jumping on the platform
Mouse.ButtonMoved HELP!
Partial Transparancy of Imported Images - How?
Game Keeps Replaying
Formula Error?
Trigonometry Wars - ICS4U Final Project [Source Code]
Target Detection Help Required!
Need help with my Program
Specific Menu Options?
SIMPLE Space Invaders Game HELP??
Help with TAG. ( Making Who Wins RANDOM)
menu in with css troubleshooting
How clear put "blank" in a loop?
Free Books
Sprites help
Need help for my joystick!
I need a little help for ready to program java? My program will not compile? Want to help please?
having kind of a hard time of really LEARNING cs
Turing Score Problem!
Best comp sci programs
How to alphabeticize two inputted words when one of the words is capitalized?
cant get music to play properly in java (never mind i figured it out)
Chess - ICS4U Project [Source Code]
Eyespy game
How do I make a boost button for my game also how to do collision with this game?
help puting high scores in
Robotics in Ontario?
Deleting flexible arrays
Turing - Help With Scrollbars
Random Crashing
Dynamic Model Creation
E-learning denied - Full course load? >:[
Freelance Programmer Wanted
Turing will not OPEN any .t files and such!
Chess Game
Looking for 3D tutorials.
databases for smartphone apps?
OS Simulation
Pointer Location Changing
Thoughts on Google+
Should I retake ENG4U?
Do they do drug testing at the special olympics?
How to create a password for Visual Basic Projects or Form ?????????
Colouring problem in PS
Computer Science and Physics
Turing Interpreter - ICS3U Final Project
My messed up desktop region
An Overview of Python: Tutorial 5 - Functions, pt 1
Games for Windows Revamp
pushing data onto an array
Arrays and Mutability
Pac-man game
Half-Carry flag question
A 3D racing game I made
Math Problem
Java Keyboard Event
Waterloo Schedule
Brainfuck Interpreter
Plz Advise!!
Project Revolution
Bugs are sometimes cool.
Waterloo BMath/CS
Social Network Template
Speacialty in computer science?
Git on Windows Scripts [Python+AHK]
University Computer
C++ Multithreading
Looking for advice
Contributing is fun
Coop vs. Non-Coop
File reading difficulties
How do you make an animated video?
turing game object collision
Ancient Turing abbreviated syntax
Need help picking first year Computer Science courses at York University
Planned Minecraft computer for
Interviewing For Partners
unknown turning error
can i get into waterloo for cs
Accomodation in Montreal + Anyone Looking? - Fall 2011
Need help in For loops and while loops
Specifying Variables
ODBC with C++ to SQL
Question about Grade 12 courses
Uwaterloo CS courses
You've got to do that!
3d graphics and basic collision detection fps; proof of concept
2D graphics library suitable for graphing
findpattern help
General Programming Books
"3D" sound effect discussion.
My encryption ponderings
Mentioning Falcon again
Going to try out Linux Distro's
Sprite Animation
Are there any (side-effect) languages that guarantee commutative add?
Background for a side-scroller
PS3 Died... :(
2D Mapping
MAP Problems.
Help Me!!!
how are prospects for a community college grad in programming? (seneca@york)
Mathematical Physics
Questions on postdoc
UWaterloo CS offer - My story
Wii U
Shooting Multiple Shots
Tower Defense HP bar help
Debian Vs Ubuntu; Which to get?
Free billion dollar program idea in exchange for help lol.
University of Toronto or University of Waterloo for Masters in Engineering?
android security pattern
Need some clarification
UWaterloo CS136
Steve Jobs Resigns
help with a classic rpg dialogue box!
RIM stocks in the dumps heard rumor about google buying them? what is going on?!
Hey! what's up
PHP Help Wanted
Help to construct Suffix Arrays in O(nlogn) or better
Friendly F#: fun with game programming and XNA
Spacechute- 2D Platformer (not finished)
The Mobile OS War
2D Dynamic Terrain Generation.
Resnet Questions :)
Mac On a Laptop
Annotating PDFs
What programming language for Computer Science grade 12?
Looking to partner with a website programmer
Pink Hippo from university of toronto video
Battle of the file browsers!
Want to get rid of download keys
How do I setup, and use MinGW with Code::Blocks for C-99?
You have been denied the possibility to edit your profile.
Tips for reading alot of textbooks.
For computer science careers, how important is it what university you study at?
Anyone out there from Nova Scotia or the maritimes?
I'm back! :D
What exactly defines a software engineer and do you need an engineering degree?
Favorite Star Trek Character And Series? :D
2d map generation
2D map generation
Why does electronic banking take so long?
geting an random intiger in a sentance and adding it to a variable
Free Stanford Classes
Editing a code, Trying to add a replay y/n option - Need help
activeXObject is not defined
Help me comprehend some (SIMPLE) Pong coding
False Paternity
My first game; Paddleball!
Changing object's movement speed
Chrome Helper out of control!
Tutorial: Programming for Beginners
Tablet Issues
Help with simple grpahical program
University of Waterloo - Chances of me getting admitted for Fall 2012
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 1 error while running a socket programming code
how to make an object jump?
Help with Java Semiphore
68k Assembly for Mac
when i run my game it blink rapidly, how do i fix it?
How to make the window black?
Advanced Input - Keyboard and Mouse Events (Not Simple States)
Tip for choosing the right laptop for computer science majors
Java3d and Blender
good school to get into for computer science
Best laptop for Game Dev?
Need help with putting gravity into my game!
From Turing to...
File reading - getting the WHOLE line
grade 12 functions help
How to make only SOME of the screen colored with colorback
Importing Modules
I am trying to use the speakers on my midi keyboard as the default output device for Windows 7.
J2ME development
Undefined variable
Download Jcreator for free?
Question about CCC
time complexity and Big-Oh
Horner's method (polynomial)
Looking to buy a Tablet
Delete account
Why wont my shot show
Can I get into Waterloo?
some intriguing findings in physics
How to make a quit button.
A bunch of questions about being accepted to UW
Help with Retrieving Data
Copthesaint - Turing Writing
Recursive Java Method
Java timer while playing the game
last year's aif form for cs? (waterloo)
Equations in Turing
Questions/thoughts about different schools for computer science.
Seneca Computer Programming and Analysis
Approach to Timer Animation
How do I post?
Sorting confusion
javascript alert at certain point of applet
Simple Math Flash Card Game
AMA for getting a technical co-op job
Object layers in turing
Dance revolution similar sorce codes in java ME.
Help With Clock
Adding textures to .obj files in Java3D
hello world!
English conversation
Loop not exiting
CSS -> Header Background Image
4 player tag
Does anyone know a good average i need to get into UoFT Scarborough Co-op Comp Sci?
Steve Jobs' death
Assistance with some Game Elements
Analysis of Algorithms help
Textbooks and courses are the problem
Help with do .... while loop Conditon error
Trigonometry isn't working properly
Persistance of a number only one greater than 4 from 10-100
What % means in this code and what does it do in this case.
While Loop Trouble
Decimal Persicion Problems
Does anyone know of how to link code with external?
BlueJ Noob!!! Need some help writing some codes
Making Efficient Coding
Really Dell....... Really?
What is better? University of Waterloo Computer Science Digital Hardware Option vs Software Engineering Option or other?
2D arrays Turing help
Apparently we're supposed to arrest Bush.
Platformer (Climber)
Making an animation walk fluidly
goodbye, world - Dennis Ritchie
Struggling computer engineering student looking to possibly transfer to com sci? (UW)
Looping Trouble
waterloo computer engineering admission
Delay Method and Random #?
A backup choice for University...
Saving a Game to a txt file
Computer Science -> Game Design
Flexible array recycling help
Re: Print Method for Queue List
Boolean and if statement help
New to programming need help in visual Basic 10 assignments
Opinion on U of T comp sci programs
GUI subsitutes
Compression questions
Clickable buttons
I Think This Is Relatively Appropriate Under The Circumstances...
When I compile my work, it displace in another language.
The Walking Dead Season 2
My Favorite Song
Blackberry curve number blocker.
help with title screen and border with a keydownsketch
turing question pls help thnk you
Need help with the Java program (don't know how to construct a method)
Rotaing Planets
monster pathing problem
Java Applet Game Programming Tutorials
Need help with a space invaders games
boolean expression problem!
I have to take my Loan 2 program and convert it to a table I put a link to the image need help with the format design
Change Maker Help
On an internship.. no work :(
for loop add 1 to 10000 but skip all the values that have 5 in it.
Making moons orbit my planet
Max string (255)
Binary Tree For Stock Price
Has anyone started a CCPC (Canadian-Controlled Private Corperation)?
High Level vs Low Level in education
Carleton Computer Science / Physics Program
Greetings, fair Worldings!
VB 6.0 - Command Buttons And KeyDown
Applet will run in Applet Viewer but not in a browser
How to make a rectangle slide without going off screen
[Tutorial] picture guide on how to use a command line to run programs
how to write those funtions?
On Level Challenge
New Season
Help please
Is need help with a text based rpg
Superscript and Rounding Issues
Laptop Power Cord Issue
Dwite Oct 2011 Q1
Java Program Download
Platform Jumping Help
Help with FileReader/Writer in java please!
Turing Assignment
Turing Assignment
getchar() Help
Computer Science vs. Computing Science
DWITE Round #1 Solutions/Analyses
shifting number in an array
Remainder Theorem
Powerbutton modding?
Remainder Theorem v. 2
Need help with error messages
Anyone know about UOIT's CS program?
How do i get my program to quit when the number is less or more ~!!~~!! :(
Is there a big difference between coop and non coop?
Physics Question
Getting a second degree?
Upload quota
Animating Background picture, while having a picture in front (and staying there)
(exit) John McCarthy
Help making bulletproof turing program
composite video to hdmi?
Text Rotation
Help with conversion to lower case
Hello, I'm new and I need some advice!
MIDI Instrument Changing?
Loading the Jquery Library
Looking for Talented Programmer for New Innovative Dating Website
Catching Droped File On an application
Particle Syestem
stuck on a java question, help please
Changing Volume in Music?
Any CRA employees?
Mandelbrot Series Zoom
bullet shooting
How do I eliminate flickering for "for loops"?
Problem With Generating Standalone Program?
I need help finding out how to alter the code in the following way : Within the thread
turing dice game help
My Chase Game (Need a pic to chase my hat)
Java animation help.
lightBike help
How do you keep yourself motivated in a course where you're not doing well?
5+ bits the helper (please do not answer it for me, i only need help) I want to know how to do this next time.
RSA encryption algorithms
LF > A good video tutorial (please read thread for more detail)
Worried if universities wont accept me D:
CS Master's in Canada?
Dancing kitty animation in Turing
Laptops to buy
Having trouble posting a submission
FAIL score
Turing Help !! Urgent Please :(
My Turing Hangman
ERROR messages in records
icy arena
looping possibility?
Is PHP allowed?
bullet collision with object
2D Arrays in Hangman
Alphabetize a List
Cursor location for crosshair
Does anyone use C#? Just curious
Vigenere Encryptor problems
tower defense tower shooting help
3D in java programming
Turing Final Assignment (Highschool project)
different universitys for computer related courses
How do you make the for statement max number be the number of the get statement?
when i f10 on turing aka turing reference it says that the page was not found.
need help with my for sequence to correspond with my year for loop
Getting the Opening GUI?
Now how dumb do you feel?
Splitting a string accordingly
adding numbers in a for statement
Open Turing - 20-40% Faster Open Source Version of Turing With New Features
Making a rand letter?
C++ Visual studios
Chances of Coop at Microsoft
boolean satisfiability
Computer Science vs. Software Engineering
realstr problem
making an oval bounce to continue
Listing an Array backwards
Having Turing Interact with other programs
What do you guys think of universities outside of Ontario?
Idea for compsci site
randint array help
need help in changing a dot image to a .PNG image on the resource folder
My own open-source fully coded (no bugs) c++ engine
Should I outsource web development to india?
How do I create a random coloured flashing background
Import of Include?
Phone App
Looking for Young Web Developers/Entrepreneurs
OBJ Loader
array sort (rectangle x top left coordinate )
Python to Automate Internet Tasks?
Two Women Play Skyrim's Haunting Theme on Violin and Piano
Goto command or coding
Tutorial Request
java password generator stuck
Software Engineering, computer science, information technology or computer security?
Request tutorials
so sad
A foreign aid discussion, perhaps?
Hangman layout
random array generate
Finding a specific spot in a text file
Cartoons/Special Effects
Simple pointers
Array Subscript Error
How to Bucket Sort in Turing?
Game Development vs. computer science
Need Everyobes Help!!1
What is a odd-even sort?
Remove Line from File
First Submission
whatdotcolor is terrible. Here's a better one.
networking or programming?
GUI Widget Module Closure
invalid integer input?
im having a syntax error (please run the program and you will see it.
Importing Modules
Open Turing -- Fixed double click crash.
Which OS to run on these servers?
Looping a ForLoop?
Calling videos in turing 4.1
Email says its from nobody
Can anyone help me make lighning?
the impossible quiz:turing edition beta 0.5
How to get Animation in foreground of picture
I need help quick
DWITE Round #2 Question #5
background and text blending help
Slot machine
Round 2 Question 4 lucky solution
round 2 question 3 logic question
Round 2 Question 2
Math Program
Where can I go to learn about 3D programming?
Can turing use the interent
Compsci Missing its Legend
#5?? - DWITE round #2 30th Dec 2011
Sorting sequences
Service access client behind firewall?
alternate offers at UW
ISU : Soccer shootouts
Search and View Posts
Displaying filenames in folders
Goodbye... For Now
help with game?
ENG4U Online
DWITE io allotted time
Simple Brick Breaker
Synthetic Division
Can anyone tell me how to set java into english?
Video Tutorials from TheNewBoston
Turing and Conditions. Please help me.
Gui import
Saving highscore onto hard drive (I've looked at other "help" attemts but im still really confused)
No viruses for Mac eh?
Tachometer help needed. [looking for car geeks and circuit geeks]
RPG Mechanics
Hard drive failure, dynamic disk
How to clear the screen without clearing the button
Shooting game: what is not working?
Missile Shooting
Operators and Procedures Help
Dragon Rage
Variables in Font.Draw
C++11 support?
Compile Time Expression Expected Error with records
Graphics and jump
I Need Help Please!!!!
Wondering about collision movement directions wih a soccer game...
Multiple Object Movements in Turing
Making my ball move + collision (for collision, possibly give a tutorial link?)
back to main menu (GUI Problem)
help + bits
Server Properties File
error message help
heavy flickering problem
Adding PyPy to the DWITE judge
Yet another thread regarding Universities + CS
What are bits?
Taking out the middle-man
Help with my pong game
AIF for Waterloo
Randomization problem
Figuring out what class a variable is
SFSU Computer Science major in California - Good?
new disk I/o error?
My drawing program
hangman help VB
How can I pass through the color variable?
software outsource "threats" are laughable
parameters and arrays
Turing and the infinite series
Running Turing Code Through NotePad++ or Another Third Party Code Editor
Lamp moving animation
collision border
Turing help. PLEASE.
Decreasing my lives after death
how would I break a sentance into variables per word
quicker way to make bricks for brick breaker...
Deleting an object
Selecting dice procedure help
Remove Flickering (it came back) and program simple AI
simplifying boolean equation tej4mi
My PNG images are not loading.
Selecting a dice
Arrays With Multiple Amount Values in Procedures or Functions
Removing Vowels and spaces help!
need help with my final project.
Set iterator for loop decrementer position
Deleting the brick when the ball hits its
How to make it so that the program repeats it self?
How to put how many times a loop has executed in Turing?
How do you exit or continue in Turing?
Star question
HTML Forum?
Tic Tac Toe help!!!
Bullet makes enemy dissipear help
Soccer Program Errors-DISPLAYS-
Helicopter Game Help
Drawing a box in a procedure with boundries
Keyboard keys
Moving Box Upwards, Then Left HELP! D:
Creating a code for my assignment
Help with animating snow
Polynomial Derivative Calculator
Collecting items and restarting level, and using txt files for loading in a level in vertical-scrolling platformer
Doing stuff with CDs
c++ bgi graphics help
Interesting gismo
Help with space invaders code
long long vs double?
Laptop purchasing strategies
Line Thing
Cant get envelope moving in next scene for pixel graphics
Pong by chipanpriest
Hide and Seek
String Data Limit vs. Flexible Array
Minicraft's Source code
Tic tac toe help again
Loading an Image into Java?
Finding a File?
help me please need this for class
colouring only one character on the screen
Which Java to download
Need help with game
Turning integer into a character
Need Help with Collision and Screen Flickering
Syntax Error Help!
Button Help
My logic doesnt seem to make my A.I move!
What do you rather prefer? (Gaming)
Detecting a Diagonal Win
Local Minimum and Local Maximum of A Cubic Function
Tic Tac Toe
Typewriter print
Hamlet Rap (need help)
Cant get Message to appear
Process inside of a procedure
Computer Science vs Software Engineering
Syntax Problems
Matrix (sort of)
Creating .txt on desktop
Physics/CS double major at Waterloo?
trebuchet simulator in turing
Round 3 Question #3 - Error in the input file?
Make the A.I Paddle follow the ball
Round 3 Question 4 Trololololo
Reading from a .txt file (advanced)
premature optimization is the root of all evil
Basic Encrypter/Decrypter
Background behind swing item
Round 3 Question 3 Compiler Issues
help with my dice game! D8 pls
Real-time delaying
I can't seem to get detection to work on my program
Is newbie spelled wrong?
Making a cricle follow the x and y of another
Local Minimum and Local Maximum of A Cubic Function v.3
Java syntax is simular, please assist!
Merry Christmas
Trying to make sprites move? help?
Message box and Progress Bar Help!
Clicking Module
Putting my C++ project onto my website
UofT vs Guelph
WORLD programming language in alpha
Table pong collision
Just started my program
Xbox disc drive screwed up
Using Mac frameworks without xcode
what is the source code to place a backround music in my main menu?
Fibonacci Sequence
Some What Intelligent Random Map Generation
help Traveling along a border collision
how do you import JWindow to a java file from another java file?
Simple GDI+ Introduction For 2D Game Programming
How to make my ubuntu drive usable in Windows
Space invaders - speed of enemies
BigInteger values?
epub DRM?!
Turing GUI help needed
Suggestion for Compsci
University in US or Canada?
Intelligent Random Map Generation V2
Flood fill algorithm without recursion?
finding a random spot in circle
Ready to program vs Java JDK
Zeros of a Function
Turing Modules
Arithmetic Sequence
Deleting Full Directories?
Need Help With Cleaner
Cleaner Program Help
If Statements
Geometric Sequence
[Module] DetectButton
3rd and 4th year student of CA Universities HELP
need help with spacebar and bombs in game
PNG files
Help with this Collision Detection
Financial Application
Pong game work until loop, then freezes and doesn't output properly
I know you guys must be tired of these, but take a look at my Pong game? :$
Getting a job as video game programmer
Array of a class that accesses the array
Turing Pixel Animation HELP NEEDED
Qualities of a Computer Engineer
KICKS - Qix clone
Hi I need some help with this background and buttons
Realm Of The Mad God / MiniCraft Terrain System [Incomplete] [Source]
Need help with creating enemies in game
Reading Maze from File, Output is Backwards
cin error returning
going backwards with multiple procedures..
Need help going "backwards" with multiple procedures..
modern warfare 3 (xbox360)
negative karma
Primitive Data Exception Prevention
UW Students Forum is online
Calling Methods From Different CLasses?
Help on Creativity?!?!
Maze Game
New post delay
SEng Programs for a Westerner
multibutton tip
Assistance with AI
How can I make my program repeat as many times as the user wants?
Java Keyboard Input
Need some help with animated letters in disctinct order
Newb question
BAckground image in JFrame?
Multi-Threading and the future of CPU's
Help needed with horse racing game
A question about Queen's cs admission and my chances to get into waterloo cs+coop!!
Round 3 Question 5 Sample Case?
Need help with "shooting a projectile" and a "password menu"
How to make a fill bucket in paint?
Game Development Companies in Canada
Please fix the search results for Chrome!
ParralelPut Help
String java program help
Help with eof
Pygame spray paint tool
How does recruitment for CS undergrads go?
Need help adujusting similar screens
clear check method
Clearing the brick completely
Break out hit test
A complete game from scratch in C++ using SFML
Ubuntu for Tablets
Help with Breakout Game
Turing - Repeating a program help!
Text area with certain height and width (without GUI?)
attempt to read past eof
Broken Calculator Game Problem PLEASE HELP!
Getting individual RGB values for a pixel on screen
TVShack's student founder can be extradited to US, court rules
Turing button confusion
How do i use Font.Draw on a changing var?
How do i use Font.Draw on a changing var?
Risk-style map
exiting program
How to specify the location of the mp3 file when using Music.PlayFile
Need help in my application (Varible has no values)
random nextInt not working properly
Definite and Indefinite Integral
Question Regarding binary and hexadecimal
Insert song for applet java
Many spelling mistakes in the website's agreement
Could someone please help me understand this algorithm (for a singly linked list)?
[Module] Collision
opening a port on a secure network
Removing Extra Space From End of Text File
Need help with flickering
Girl Ruins Marriage
Music.PlayFileLoop not working
Font.Draw on an array
Early admission questions?
Which degree is better for computer jobs? and other Qs.
Making a reset button work proplerly
Hello World!
Help with Breakout Game
How to make a program more efficent by using arrays
Help with repeating
paying for answer
Comp sci or Soft Eng @ UW?
Turing Help
URGENT Collision Detection help
Projectile Shooting... STILL -.-*
Round 4 today
how do I make a gradient tool in python?
Question for Dwite#4 Problem 4
Is it possible to make a button that when clicked the program exits, and how can it be done?
And/or in turing
NEED HELP with Processes, procedures and animations executing smoothly ASAP ASAP
PLEASE HELP! Final project (specifically with buttons/labels/events)
Question 4, 2012 Jan
Solutions, DWITE 2011-2012 #2-4
Pause a loop
What am I doing wrong?
What am I doing wrong?
Font.Draw issues...
No Window
Creation of a running game for turing
Shooting multiple times
Card game for ISU (HELP)
Something is wrong with Turing...
Changing text background
Help making an exit button on this program using GUI
How do you make a seven segment display in turing?
help needed in turing ... editing....
Limiting Get Statements to a certain amount of letters
Menu issues...
Can Font.Draw delay each letter?
I need Help
URGENT Help with guitarhero esque game; a few errors and problems.
Inaccuracies in round (sind)/(cosd). Trajectory help.
Build It Yourself - Word Search
Mouse wheel
Broken Calculator: Help with Calculations
Function that requires variables
Racing Game - Opponent Cars Help
Font Draw
HDD Problems
how to translate from morse code to text. please help
Randomizing Integers and eliminating last picked
Help with making parallel put work
Help With Animation
Help me on my card game plox <3
A question about outsourcing
switching from turing to c++
Congrats to Insectoid
Turing Yahtzee
Snake Game
Making the program a .exe
Running something in backround?
New Open Turing Editor *Alpha* - Autocompletion, tabs, regex search and more
Jeopardy Game -Help Needed
need help!! make flashing LED
Pygame brush tool
Pizza Shop Program
How to import work try again buttons?
How to import work try again buttons?
3D Engine 0.1
2DCraft: A MineCraft inspired 2D game.
Windows 7 Sound Problem *EXTREMELY URGENT*
rpg game parallel port
UTSC or UofT St.George ??
Snake Game, getting the tail to follow the head. help please.
How to make .BMP Transparent? and GIF
Starting New In Programming Land [TUTORIAL]
Sphinx documentation system
How to exit using whatdotcolour?
qusetions for the imposible quiz
SPRITE Problems in my game, freed sprite problem.
[Module] Button Class
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire!
Pac-man pellet help
Help With Life Counter !
Any Way to Hide Cursor In Turing Window ??
How to show a sum of numbers?
Text manipulating with fonts
Urgent! which uni?
Using stand alone
Scrollbox Class
Computer Science is not programming. Software Engineering is not programming. Stop trying to make it so.
How to Bring turing to front of windows
Grade Calculator
Running a program fullscreen
Outputting Prime Numbers
Zeros of a polynomial function
Code "Handwriting" analysis
turing related questions
Computer Eng vs Electrical Eng
anyway to hide .bmp, like a Sprite.Hide ??
Computer Science at Carleton
Delete a Picture File
How to Navigate a Title Screen with arrow keys
Is Perfect TURING
Regarding the import in java...
Please Help, should be working but isn't
Printing 10 Numbers per row, then adding new row and printing next 10
Check Win Algorithm
Binary Theme Screensaver
How do you make objects move using the arrow keys and mouse?
LoL and Warcraft III
Centering existing coordinates after switching from set resolution to max
How to set the RGB value of a point?
Bill C-11, Canada's SOPA
Carleton/Ryerson/UofT for CompSci...which one?
question for a noob
standalone problems
Java and Programming for Beginners
SQL and C++
Why you might want to stay away from types...
View.Update Vs View.UpdateArea
Functions VS Procedures
Turing Coding Practises! Keep your code running Quickly!
Saving an Image Background as Transparent?
How do I declare a function / procedure before I create it?
Interviewing problem
maze solver help
G1 Written Test
[Module] Collision 2
Moving MBR from one drive to another.
How to use c++ to connect sql?
Picture not successfully created?
Turing / Open Turing website mockup. What else should it have?
How do you compare a bunch of different numbers from a loop?
man pages on Mac
background music for coding
selling maplestory account
Questions about CCC
How to: Base 64 Encrypting/Decrypting
Recursive function needs a return statement?
UBC BCS 2nd Degree
Insert, vary basic issue
Need help creating program!!! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!
How do you make an image rotate using Pic.Rotate and mouse controls?
Textbook question
Wateloo and U of T admission
Square Diamond Fractal Maps
Checking individual digits in an integer
CCC Senior Filename
Word processor help
Turing Help
Turing Help with flashing program
How do you get multiple enemies?
How do you get multiple enemies?
Recover account
University of Waterloo Admission?
physics association of physicists exam
How do you make an image to a background
Intersection of line segments
Turing Char weirdness
How to make popup messages to user when game is over or cars crash?
Need help with recursive solution that incorporates backtracking
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Can someone give me an idea on how to approach this problem?
Too late to apply to Waterloo?
when i try to find my run time it is always zero
Happy Valentines Day
Conveyor Survival!
When can we have mockCCC 2012?
End of statement expected error
java - input help
Javascript / ASP.Net / C# Question
Microsoft's Distribution Sucks.
UBC Admission?
Garbage Generator
Global Multicore Programming Challenge 2012- Deadline May15th, 2012
What are your thoughts on DART?
quit #51
Classic Snake [Source Code]
Resetting variables
Highscores List
Decision to study computer science
B?zier Curve
Problem With File IO-- Double-Spacing in Text File?
How do u set a pic as a background?
continuing studies after BSC and jumping to other fields in canada
Password saved
Can I have some text-only programs to test my Turing compiler?
Clear All Button Code
Close to Space Invaders
DWITE 2012 Round 5
Return string from a method
Can somebody help me clean this up maybe?! :D
Dr. Java tools.jar not working, cant find a compiler
Getting into University Tips
The Lord of the Rings Online
Obtain Upper Bounds of Multi-dimensional Array
Waiting for Sys.Exec to Finish Execution
Engineering acceptances
Need help on character control using the Input.Down and delay
CCC- (Java) Memory Constraints?
[C#] Reading and Writing from Text File
Buttons module
help... T_T
Unbale to upload video and PDF file to the folder
Turing Cosine/Sine Curve Question
turing code error loop
help with a While loop...invalid syntax?
Laurier vs Guelph
Site Error
LanSchool Bypass
Collecting, Storing and Organizing Data :)
Ccc 2012
VC++ Threading
Need help with calculating time.
Is this the most difficult field of study?
is there a way to find out if "offscreenonly" is enabled?
java.lang.NullPointerException when I create an object using my Turtle class?
Arduino Board Response Rate
turing age calculator
Decimal -> Hexadecimal
Applet Repaint Issues
How to properly use cos and sin to find angles?
Errors in Python
Why will my code not compile?
Help With randint
JLabel loop?
iPhone Apps without iMac
Creating a login page [HTML] {NEED HELP}
Passing functions as parameters
Valgrind error.......need help by tomorrow or wednesday plz thanks
Extremely basic program
Colts will release Manning
Python Matrix?
Microsoft Visual Studios 2010 Ultimate edition
Question for Someone who knows
Error Quit #100
turing help
School weighting and averages?
Trivia Game
Kinematic Calculator
Ottawa AppJam. Anyone else entering?
Improving my game
Elliptical Path
Exact solution to 6th degree poly
Permutations and Combinations
Wanted a Tutorial in c++ in toronto
Speed Differences
Looking for a text on tensors
Mathimatical Relationship
I hate Rasberry Pi
Error Report Sender ?
Sudoku Solver
Help needed for a turing program
Open Source Licensing
How to make a Cursor
change mouse cursor
Calling repaint() from a non-graphical class?
Moose -- LR Parser Generator
question from reading python functions tutorial
Pong game help
Sudoku Solver
Getch not detecting Ctrl?
Tiny Gravity procedure
Can Someone Please Help Me Out With This Problem?
Seeing if turing window is top on screen?
OOT RPG Framework
Anyone have a career in compsci?
Binary Dictionary Search
Criticisms on UI
Can't start turing!
Ball Classes
Creating a button with drawbox (ptinrect function)
Cannot Generate 3D spherical Model.
I think it's rather weird
Can you guys run a benchmark test for me?
Help with Loops
Long Distance Call Program - Please HELP
Which is the best University in Canada for Master in Computer Science
[Module] Custom Text
Networking problem
SQL : Triggers:
Mean in turing
Vector module
finding the upper of a multidimensional array
Naming a variable based off the value of another variable. (Horrific)
Fuzzy logic
Procedure Problems
A Brief History of InvSqrt
Beginner Java Programming Video Tutorials (noob Friendly!)
overloaded methods.
Default value of type-report not possible?
Randomizing Questions in Quiz Game
Programming courses online?
Find the Hurkle Help PLZ! :)
'tis my birthday!
Euclid eWorkshop Questions
UTSG vs. Waterloo Computer Science
Switch Statment with a variable number of cases
Need Advice: Ryerson vs. UOIT
Diablo III
Help me please
Drawing the Tower of Hanoi
Turing Graphing Calculator (Help)
Counting loops
Key being presseed before required
When are the certificates usually given out?
First Turing Program
Making Duck Hunt!!!!!!!
2012 CCC Stage 2 information
pictures wont load porperly
Turing Help Menu Broken
Mint Chip Challenge
making a button do a command
Turing Projects for Newbs!
movement of pacman
running time of algorithm
Hello Everyone
Problem with combining strings and then using it in Pic.Draw
Why am I getting a StackOverFlow Error?
Setting minimum window size?
Why can't I use the loop?
Procedure to turn integers into formatted strings
Help With MergeSort
Getting the ball to curve, present speed, and
Procedure Subprogram Help
Procedure Subprogram Help 2
Happy Birthday Music Code
Procedure Subprogram Help 3
Need Advice on What I should learn for Summer Programming job
How many 3rd year CS classes can I handle in one term? (at UW)
Business card titles
Using records with Draw.FillPolygon/Polygon
Rotation Matrix
CS Major at UTSC?
Which software should i use?
Produce a cash-register receipt for turing
Turing Machines
How To Use Methods In Java (Easy)
i nid help urgently...pliz
Turing Animation Trail
3D Warping
How do I put variables in alphabetical order?
Conway's Game of Life
Huzzah for the federal budget!
Variable value
Bioinformatics at Waterloo
Function Help
Procedure Rotate Help
Random Number Generator (Prevent Repetition, Store History of Numbers) Won't Output Numbers
Resetting a program
Mutible parameters
Splitting my program into multiple files (wrong argument type)
Web hosting for Python, Mezzanine, and Django
platform shooter
Diablo 3 Open Beta
Rot13 encryption problem
Really scared about Software Engineering at Waterloo
Turing Array Problem Help!
Mad Libs using Procedures
Would like some input
RS flipping
Starting salaries for field/searching for job in CS
String contains another string e.x.(This string blah ... contains ... This)
I'm trying to organize my buttons
Adding optional parameters to a procedure
turing questions help
I need help creating checker pieces
How to insert an external file to turing
Jobs with a Computer Engineering Degree
What should i do?
How to stop the movement of mousewhere temporarily?
Compare Two Strings in if Statement
drawpic issues?
Sounds and Static string
Python and openGL and fractals, oh my!
Implement by Problems
Quadratic Zeroes And Vertex Finder
Has character function for C#?
Can anyone confirm this language?
Visual Basic 2006 socket control
Why is this tower denfense program not working?
Turing Menu
Hello Universe
Moving Images Integrated into Turing
Newbish question - Exception loop?
One question help please
Font.Draw With Rows / Columns (Text.Locate())?
Putting Text to the Center and Right of the Window
Turing Procedure Problems
Using Raycasting in Turing
New Draw Module
Moving procedure
Turing "mod" fail
Need Help With GUI Buttons
Anyone wrote SL IB Math today? What do you think?
The C Programming Language. Ex1-13. HELP!
Visual C++ program version & other properties screen details
Help with Turing Background
Help with Turing Background
The Avengers
Importing not working
I need help creating a timer on my pac man isu game due tomorrow! Please help! URGENT!!!!
:= and =?
Request Turing Help
classes help
Graphics assignment
Bit shifting and Images
Couple questions
Returning arrays without known bounds
Import-based Turing
I/O Problems
underlining text in java
Turing Sorting Algorithm (Quick Sort)
How do I enter data into an array quickly?
Picking a graphics card
Illegal character in string literal
Integrated Graphics + high ram vs Dedicated Graphics + low ram
UW or UTSG for CS?
Waterloo University those funny guys
GUI Help
how to use hasch?
Declaring an object outside if statement?
McMaster University OR Western University for Computer Science
What School should i go too?
Collision and Flickering in my Turing game [Help a complete noob out please]
bouncing ball
Waterloo Software Engineering or Dalhousie Computer Science
View.Update not owrking
Help Question
GUI problem
Array Subscript is out of Range
Queens vs McMaster vs Guelph vs York vs Wilfrid vs Ryerson
Importing problems
Get statement vs. Background
Bank Machine program
Using the Box class
Help with Boggle Game?
Program is detecting green where there shouldn't be any
Help with Boggle Game?
Questions, pls come in
Binary Search Help
Turing Help
Turing background help
Ryerson vs Guelph !
Second Degree in Computer Science
Programming in JCreator Le
Leap 3D Motion Control System
GUI - Music Selection
Adding a language to the General programming languages section
Tic then Tac the Toe
XNA sprite animation question
Text flickers when character is on the ground.
Accumulator Question + Counter
File reading
Looking for someone who has knowledge with PG Dating Pro to help for $500
How to show only 2 decimals?
Univeristy of Toronto alternate offer
Math/FARM or CS (Waterloo)
Reconsidering my choice
Running Turing file from Turing program
How to ensure shape doesn't go off screen?
Problems with IDLE and NOTEPAD++
Help! Hard drive failure
McGill or Waterloo for Computer Science?
Picture cut off when using Pic.Rotate + Moving a picture forward in the direction it is currently facing.
(Turing) put "Hello world."
Arrays Question
How do I make an online game?
Need help on problem with a shop program
Why is this not working? (XML File)
Hole in my drawing
Could I get some help with this programming?
If you could change Turing
Single line for loops
Animated gif problem :/
The right and left click buttons
Game idea. i must make a game@@@@!!! Help me@!!@
Making a Paint Program
Hello i am a new dude
Visual output device for project?
Honours Computer Science Co-Op First Year Electives
Morse code to english
Pygame Graphics
Regarding Math in computer science [URGENT]
20 Things I Should Have Known at 20
Need help with arrays
One of my sprites is causing another one to stop existing
Accumulator Question + Counter
Forward Procedure + Loop Selection Help!!!!!!
Text-Based Adventure I was working on last year, figured I'd look over it and ask for some opinions on it
How to import a turing file into your turing program?
S.O.S I need help
How to call a procedure?
I want to learn OOP
Question about Extention
How to make a Timer
String Manipulation Module
Forward Procedure + GUI
NEED HELP [URGENT] ... well not really
GUI Quiz Points System Help!
Someone review my rig build please!
Prime Numbers
How do i create a drop box?
deleting put statement
Gui - Music Question
Turing Competition
computer help me plzTTTT HELP ME
A Turing Contest
HOw do i create a GUI and a calculations page? URGENT! Please help!!
Realm of the Mad God
how to write java code to detect the white string?
Final Project Time!
Turing Game need help!
Why does this not work
Looking for some advice.
Registering for CompSci. this Sep./12 Acadia.
Loop Reset Problem
Java Final Project Ideas?
Text From Symbols Program
Can't seem to apply the concept of arrays and flexible arrays.
Is there a free Canadian webmail provider out there?
Calculate Change Program
Help adding a few features to Tetris
[Help, please!] random non-repeating questions
World's Hardest Game recieving coin problem!
text help
Creating a game. Procedure skipping and repeated?
Advice about my Pong game.
RTP console method + MouseListener = ???
Moving Object with Multiple Shapes?
nested loop help
How to make moving object????????? HELP
Pathfinding Algorithm
Restarting game
Snake game
Level Hard on Tic Tac Toe
Help with my program Pong
How to add an interface?
Shifting array spectrum
Turing game code
Help With Music In Turing Please?
Java Sprites, Missile Homing
Tetris and BMP changing program
How do I reset Timer.Elapsed?
Turing Snake Movement Problem
Problems Error Trapping Integers
Air Hockey collision problem
Advice for Waterloo Computer Science
Parallel Get/Put
Ready to Program: console methods (esp. graphics)
Linguistics as a minor?
keeping the distance of a line
Bloons Tower Defense Game
How do I do this?
"Survivor" Game (Source Code Included)
Windows 8
Drawing a Chessboard using repetition
I need some guidance
Make A Window Active
Anyone has idea about IOI?
Minecraft server
Help with a software that is in C#
English to russian translation while keyevents are pressed
Complex object collision system (with bonus resizable array)
Google's Turing Machine
help making a drop-down menu GUI
Time to buy a dektop
dynamic path finding? i.e. set of valid edges are path dependent.
I need explaination for some concepts in C++
user inputing values of an array
Universities for a MSc. in Computer Science
truly understanding computers (and their history)
A Coin Game (Senior CCC 2012)
Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm Implemented In Minecraft
Trying to remember a website
Pokemon - Test RPG
LinkedList Swap
OUYA, The Android-Based Home Game Console
Ideas for Side Projects
Interview question: find common element in 3 arrays
I have a problem to find the cause of "invalid operands to binary %"
How do I change this bullet shooting into an array?
include/import problem
Seneca College in Barrie
New Open Turing Editor Beta - Now with inline documentation, parameter tips, code completion and more.
Help improve my computer lab
Need help with a Tic Tac Toe Program!
Help Open Turing
Looking for advice re: innovative career in Comp Sci
Roslyn API for .NET
Carleton vs University Of Guelph
Essential reading?
Segmentation Violation
[Module] Dictionary
Sorting Variables?
GUI vs programming, the unfortunate truth
Maryo! My Revolutionized version of super mario world (In developement)
The nature of everything.
Game Map Module
java.util.Scanner problem
Euclidean Algorithm (greatest common divisor)
Hello guys
[Class] Sliders
Computer security
My Computer Build
Canadian computer science programs for someone from a non-CS background
[Class] Custom Text
java applet only runs locally
Languages a programmer should know
Referencial Obfuscation
Keep track of session cookie in web client
System.out.println () NOT GOING THROUGH
Waterloo programs for U.S. graduate student
[Class] kindof buggy Spinner
Concurrency and Multithreading
Brain algorithms
Bitcoins (some free, but I've got nothing to spend them on)
Which one should i download ?
Fascinating quine plot
There is an error when i run my;"java. lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1"
Raspberry Pi Home Automation
Matching Sums Algorithm
Is Cs enough?
Distributed social networking?
Co-op sequence for Compsci at Waterloo
Mint Chip winnings donation
I need this software.
String library last letter not = new letter ?
Rant about studying for exams
Old guy, bragging and humbled
Ontario Bill on phone bills
Product Service Plans (warranty)
Notes on Array
Scientific Computing or Algorithm Analysis and Complexity Theory
The Helicopter Game
How is Computer Science at McMaster?
Any McMaster Students on here?
The flood assembled their armies and is ready to strike back
Help with formatting strings like %d
Python command line script
Code Review
ECOO questions
AP Exam- Now what?
Turing Get Statement Timer
C# or N8IV VC++ API
Help with picture location in folders
Ask for user input on the same line
CS Studies in Post Secondary?
help with flickering
Where do i start?
Eat The Sweets (Vertical Scrolling Platform Game)
Rave post; IPython
Hiding Images in Plain Site question
Inverse of a Function
New member, attending University
Testing out drawing shapes 2D to start
Getting ready for tertiary education.
I need help with java
Old GNU/Linux user looking for some Windows advice
Cognitive biases
Building a new gaming rig. Need suggestions.
Can't find this on google
SDL Problem
Help with Computer Science Assignment
Cannot find symbol method readDouble
Odd problem with generics in Java 1.7
School Alpha Program *NEED HELP*
Computer Club in my school
Totaling all values of randint problem
If statement will not execute.
Help with installing allegro in codeblocks?
Having problem moving things
Degree in Computer Science or Diploma in Computers and technology
Desperate for help with Comp Sci Lab (Intro)
Old guy; Windows PowerShell. Worth learning?
Abit of help simplifying this boolean statement?
Early University Application
Ogre3D (Need help) _ Urgent
Why can't my Java code run????
Ogre3D runtime errors
Google Code-in 2012
Importance of Job Experience in Co-op
Racket Assignment - Help Finding Error
Tables with locate
Filling a 2D array of integers with user input separated by spaces.
Track URLs visited on mobile devices
REBOL version 3 to be open sourced
Ogre 3D repost changed subforum
Turing Multiple Windows updating problem
Digital Music Library
Some Help Please :)
I'm trying to find an easier way to populate alot of ComboBoxes.
If a key is pressed...
Transferring to University of Montreal and I have some questions.
C is scary....
Java Applet House Design
_getch problem with unbuffered values
JPanel hurts my brain
Guessing game! need a new random number after the first round.
How Hard is Software Engineering in University of Waterloo
Manipulating text from the file
cannot find the solution
How to cls in python
Hangman - Text Part
Python Paint Program
Simple shortcut GUI app
Need plans for variable power supply
Variable has no value!?
Help! i can't figure out how to use loop!
Problem with Restarting Loop, and Counter
"Bouncing" a circle
How to do abosolutely amazin in GR11 English
Need help with VM Virtual Bo
Quiridor (using recursion)
Analog Clock Program
Memory Leaks in my C Program.
Test yourself
Questions About University of Western Ontario
VBS - Text to speech Program
We got a big one here :) Procedure's vs processes , collision detection, tell time between "a" to "b"
Multi-Dimensional arrays in Class
Professional advice needed
I cant stand people who think "hacking" is so easy
What type of loop should I use
Random screen fulla cyan?
rounding error
Moving A Polygon
Very Worried about getting into university
Is it possible to take in a parent class as a paramter to a procedure, and then identify what the child class is?
Printing output arrray
Operating System ~ In development ~ Error
variables defined by changing variables
Java beginner loop questions help!!
Removing multiple spaces and performing a wordcount on a text file
What kind of graduate school can i go?
need some help with IF
How do I write a security script so that it only allows users that have logged in to access this page?
Please Help Me
Beginner turing help- Accumulators?
Factorial Function Unlimited
Python for mobile development?
Toshiba laptop LCD screen broken
[Q] Inexpensive University for International Student?
Why isn't my team name showing?
Random Integer help!
Hangman (Actually good)
Is a Win8 Laptop Touchscreen Compatible with Windows RT Apps?
Need Help With Collision Recogniton
Back button
Languages used in class
Illegal Start of Type Error in Java Program
Computer crashes(?) coming out of sleep?
Recursive base conversion - unexpected output
A Man With Spikes
Need Help with Turing
Using Arrays?
Check if a string contains a word/sentence etc in Turing
Buttons not getting input + flickering?
Quantum computer for sale
Why are ARM Processors so much Cheaper than x86/64?
Coin Counter
Java Printing Question : Multiple characters through mathematical operations?
Trying Not To Match User's Input When Computer Gives Random Numbers "Lotto Game". Please Help.
Nested if Statements
Converting an integer to a string
Tree's, and Maze type problems
Help creating a program that converts decimal to octal with loops
Construct Foo with Method called from constructor.
Selection in turing?
Copying files
Is my avg enough for comp sci co-op / software engineering?
wired computer laggy
Help with Collision and platform generation in Turing
Need help!
Interactive UI and application RDC
Change Bios Logo
Internet speed up
Graphics card
A Problem Concerning Division
Hi everyone
I looking for someone who want make something with yourself knowledge
Kaykao says "Hello, Compsci!"
Buttons which change a variable
Mozilla and Chrome
Ld.exe errors in code::blocks 10.05
Voice-controlled personal assistant
How to output specific information only using arrays
Quick problem
Turing tutorial/book that is easy to use?
Help with buttons
This is a very basic graphics program I wrote for Turing.
Python running error
Python Tutorial
I had a problem about string
A* and Floodfill algorithms
2D Minecraft (teaser screenshots)
Waterloo or U of T Comp Sci Admission Averages
"Pascal's Triangle" generator using "Binomial Theorem"
Simple Recursion School Assignments
Chrome/Firefox Addons
BFS algorithm in grids/mazes
UofW admission, my grades
Who here creates the Dwite Questions? Can I use them for my app? I will credit your work.
Parsing Functions
Pathfinding error help
How do i uses textboxes in VB 2008 express edition
Multiple Loops
from college to a university, PLEASE HELP!
How can I have an interchangeable datatype?
How can I have an interchangeable datatype?
Quick question. (quick answer please)
Quick DFS prob
Python Sudoku Module
Quick Beginner Java Problem
How to get a logarithm of a number?
Wii U
Returning to school for Programming
will this work to solve complex matrices?
The sad state of computer science education
DWITE website?
Round 2 Q5
Round 2 questions
hi i need help in turing programming. how to do between programing
Book Recommendation
How sense the object ?
Suggestions on what to work on
I need help with collision detection!
Learning C++
Dijkstra Shortest Path
Anyone know pascal?
Good Beginner Program in C#?
How Would I Draw the Following Picture??
Grand Theft Auto VI's setting in Canada?
My Teacher
Why does this happen
Very basic turing help!
Any compilers compatible with Windows 8?
Cheat function and Copying Pictures?
Isp Is Evil!!!
McMaster CS cutoff?
Using loops to get all possible x,y co-ordinates of a value
ECOO 2012 Solutions & Materials
Rush Hour Project
Removing an element from a Linked List
Hello Fellow Friends
Computer science complete self-study program
Variables and draw commands?
After BSc in IT Degree?
Making coding that allows 2 player gaming
Need help with collision detection
DataFilePath Ubuntu
Is it possible to make an exception to write the DWITE without teacher supervision?
Stuck on a problem, Quick fix
Balls and Boxes and stuff.
Random compiling problem?
DWITE Round Cancellation
How to make exectution screen larger??
Execution Window not popping up when I press the run button
Blackjack Game help/ test
Potential google chrome vulnerability
using Font.Draw
clearing screen
Trying to make pacman turn directions
Bill 115 is a nuisance to students, and Whats Going to happen?
Recursion in Void Method
Beginner turing help (counters)
How to do you delete a post?
Longest Common subsequence
Turing Graphing Program (Trigonometry)
java programming help!
Help importing a Maze into Turing
Just got a conditional acceptance from UofW, anyone else?
UofW application
code i need help with
REBOL/3 is open source
Lag in a game and other things
Best Video Games of the Years 2000 - 2010
Android Image Issu
Teacher being weird?
How to make gravity
Help me Please
Looping a switch/case and adding a variable each time
Continued: Bill 115 is a nuisance to students, and Whats Going to happen?
File I/O problem.
LanSchool Cipher Algorithm
Moving and Shooting at the same time
Try out BubblEscape for Android
Please Help With My Game!!! Asap
How to use Font.Draw to draw a string longer than the width such that it will go to the next line
put statements overlapping drawings
Animation with buttons
Turing Tic Tac Toe Help
clear screen no working
Is there a way to transfer backgrounds from paint into turing?
Computer Science Specialization
Sorting Algorithm Help
Once you own a domain can you also have an email @ that domain or do you need website hosting?
Advanced Placement
Randomly generated platform program
Turing get statement over background/draw box
Help with University app
Input.KeyDown Problems... Seems to keep the value of the key until something happens...
Help with a text based RPG
Well that's one use of LanSchool
GUI Buttons
New starting language
Help with adjusting integers on a bell curve
JOptionPane help
How to return?
How to run multiple windows?
clear screen procedure in Turing for a game?
Help question
Turning java game into Android game
Pong paddle help
Back and in need of some Ruby Advice
ProjectEuler Problem 15
The Hobbit
The coins just don't come back
whatdotcolour Problem
Multiple Errors Compiling with Dev-C++
Project Euler Question 104
Never got this error DEV-C++: Permission Denied
Project Euler Question 265
[Warning] Converting NULL pointer type to NULL
Tic Tac Toe GUI help
Turing pong help
Turing for Beginners-What should I do?
Connect Four error trap help needed as well as correct looping.
Problem with program!!!
Turing Connect Four Stacking Problem
Importing Image on top of background
Slanted Lines and curves-river TURING
Animation on Imported Image
Project Euler yet again
How to "reuse" regular expressions
Help with on-screen writing
Lags in a game, Map stuff and others.....
Program is flashing
Pong on Turing
Rotating a Sprite.
Help needed combining javascript for parallax effect.
Traffic Lights Project Help!!!
Another uni application question (Waterloo in particular)
having trouble entering more than one entire into a record i need to something similar to a flexible array
Bezier Curve Drawing
Maze Problem
Console Connect 4
Playing 2 or more music/sound files.
Can't animate moon's rings!
Request Tutorial on Bezier Curves
Software Engineering at Waterloo
Pong in Turing
Making breakable blocks in a game
Trying to pipe a Python script
lagging program
Turing elevator floors help
Turing- help making a simple hangman game
not sure how to get Turing to write at the end of a file ie. adding a new entry to a list
Neeeeddd Helllppppp
Making C++ Application Communicate With Turing Application
black jack card help
How to change picture according to player movement?
Impossibruuu! - The Impossible Game Clone
turing (tic tac toe)
Issue With Methods Not Being Called
Timer and Time.Elapsed problem in Turing
Need Help With Simple Turing - Making Ball Move with Keyboard with Collision
Can I get Turing to close the Avi File
Bezier Curve Drawing {java}
Manipulate variable names
Konami Code Easter Egg
Looking for project Ideas
How to relocate a "get" statemnt and how t change its colour and font.
Pong ball
Animated Star isn't working
Cannot Find Symbol (checked all obvious problems)
Elevator floors help
if someone could please tell me how to get my instructions to be on the screen
how to make sure that the user cn not pick a spot that is already used in my tic tac toe game
Create multiple buttons to click in one procedure
Writing a Word in Reverse
Need help with my final turing assignment
Transparent Picture Background/No Picture Background
using real numbers in case?
Utilising data files with arrays to make a quiz
How to close a Jpanel
Please Help! Simple Hangman
Basic turing- need help checking words (Pleasee help!)
Problems with open/close command
Hit detection mishap
What is the recommended way of handling exceptions?
Self modifying turing program
Importing an image in turing-animation
Get Statement
Disabling certain sections of the screen
Trivia Game Glitch Related to Variables
Control problems with Turing.
avoider game
Gif animation
Problems with if statements
Text appear over box
Santa Drunk program, need help to fix this
need help to fix this scene. Can't intergrate snow program into the actual program
Display .mp3 names in GUI.CreateTextboxChoice
Thinking of Computer Science at Guelph? Read this.
Post-Graduate Certificate Programs
Turing Pong Project
What is the difference between a Computer Programmer/Engineer/Scientist
What is the most efficient way to do type conversions?
having two decimal places for realstr function
Need help with Brick breaker
Parallelput and parallel port problem
Opening .t files on windows explorer for windows 7
How Do You Make The Spaceship Shoot The Asteroid Need Help Due Monday Grade 11 Summutive
Turing - Blocking my dot using if whatdotcolor URGENT
Need Help With Hangman!! Please Help!
Need Help With Hangman!! Please Help!
I'm trying to add lines into the middle of a text file?
Turing SideScrolling Zombie Game Help
Send Data from Second Instance to the First Instance [C#]
help with animation
Help Turing Summative Translating underscores into spaces.
Collision Problem
Picture guessing game help for turing
memory card game help
Need help with a game ASAP (Exiting a loop when a picture reaches a certain location)
Should Blogger be Open Source
Creating system to record mouse click spots Tic Tac Toe
Ccc 2013
Need help with for structure (beginnger)
How to match two cards in my game
Error: Bad operand types for binary opperator
snake game counter help
Is there an exit Command to just close the program?
having trouble with betting system in my slot machine
ProjectEuler 411
CSCI Student in need!
Easiest way to Run a Python Script through a Webpage?
Please Help ME
Concentration Game help.
PloyCreate - Physics based puzzle game / simulator tool
Bundespolizei Ukash Virus issue
QNX - Real Time
App Dev
how do you output the number you click on?
OOP questions
Gotta Question
Python Tips & Tricks
General C++ Help
Mass 2D hit detection
What is Queen's Computing and the Creative Arts (COCA) Program Like?
Searching by category
Scratch Day Canada + Canadian Computing Education Day -- Feb. 22, 2013
Python embedded in COBOL
Need Professsional help [about my job]
What is the best way to get values from a config file?
PHP POST_Registration forum error
Co-op in high school
Turing on MasOSX?
QNX Help
AIF Waterloo
help with making random operators in python
What is the best way for a web server to run command line scripts?
Really need help with writing this program. i just dont understand what goes where!?
how to post form
Building a Low-Power NAS
Nerd heaven pile of technical documentation
Help understanding this File I/O Example
Having Trouble Implementing Gravity
What versions do I need?
Java Doubles for drawing and conversion help
Lunar Command Remake (Tycoon Game)
Turing Random Numbers
deleting pointers
[Class] ButtonGroup
Help With Collision.
q5 clarify
Urgent Help!: Parse Trees
DWITE Round 5 Analysis
turing help needed (graphics)
Dungeon Crawler Game Submission
Looping Procedure's
Procedure problems
My First Three Programs - details inside
what to take for second year CS at waterloo
help with finishing this programming this program off
Animation glitching
How to reverse a string by using recursion? Offline?
COBOL meets Shakespeare
Writing my own programming language
Procedure Greet Help
Need serious help [Hardware/software]
How to make KeyDown provide one output?
Help Making a Turing Program
Validating PHP dropdown menu
Help for if statements
DVD Drive Suddenly Not Working
Strangest error ever
C++ Standard Input Help
Can't click GUI Buttons if a loop is running - Traffic Light System
Need help with collision, and shooting!
Turing run mode resolution
How do I change my exe icon?
How do I make a computer sleep using a program?
Does your rank go up by posts?
Need Help with Turing Game
Information request; Programming Languages
Help for how to read more than one line from text file with intergers in it.
Help Completing The Exercise In Turing
Mousewhere , Process problem
Should I learn Java or C++?
How many bits do you get per post?
I need help getting started on c++
Drawing Circrles from left to right, 40 total, random colors
error: Not enough memory for dynamic array allocation
Vectors question
Does turings .exe file work on a computer that doesnt have turing on it
How do I reset Code:Blocks?
How can I change the syntax colour in Code::Blocks? Also, how do you disable spell check?
Please help fix my program :)
My exe file automatically closes
What languages does iPhone apps and Android apps accept?
Method Help
Snake Game Help
Java Method Help
Doubly Linked List Add method & Outputting problem
C Programming Loop Help Please!
Can I assign a variable with the value 0++ or something similar to that?
Difference between Visual C++ and C++?
Looping/conditional code help? (Beginner)
JTextField.getText() NullPointerException
Animating a jpeg picture on a made background?
USB to Parallel Port in Turing for Parallel get/put
Switch-Cases and enums
Tic Tac Toe game
The output of my program isn't what I want it to
Is it possible to make my tic tac toe game think for itself?
Turing Pong (paddle)
[FIXED]reating a flexible array of objects
Button help!
Animations and Image handling help!
character graphics program
Help me please
Problems regarding Font.Draw
Recognising Typing Error
How many languages?
Towers of Hanoi Question
Big-O Notation exercises
HTML Text Alignment Issues
[Tutorial] Rotating Pictures Based on Mouse Position
Access parallel port with windows 7 32bit
Clear Screen in Ready to Program
***Picture Helper for Turing (simple to use program to make different shapes and fill for your own program in Turing)***
[Tutorial] Custom Buttons Using GIF Animation
Just wondering about an array
Conferences/Other Opportunities
Random Syntax Errors???
The Many Colours of Turing
Lamer rank
One more python question!
What is more important for CS? : A degree from a reputable program/university OR Real world experience (Co op)?
Need help creating boundaries for a maze game
modify members of a struct
Help with randint in looping
Use code or syntax tags!
Changing Careers - Specialization Questions
Hello World!
Operator [][]?
cbrain, cbrain run
Autoit language
Programming Club at my school
Software development for Mac
Converting memory address (hex) to decimal
HS Co-op
Project Euler Problem 1
cout with pointers
Creating BMP Image contex
Looking for an upper year student/graduate student/professional
Greetings Galaxy
Custon Libraries
PacMan Help
huge problem :/
Start/Stop function using getch
ECOO 2013 Round 1 Solutions
Random Floating Point
Memory Allocation
mbed (embedded arm) usb hid client
need u'r help
Custom types and Embed Java in Python
How do I set MaxX and MaxY to the window?
Copying portions of a large array into a smaller one
Help with a Computer Science assignment!
Pong Help
3d raycasting
pong score help
Thoughts On UofR and UofS CS
Problem with exiting loops
Importing Images Into Turing
SE vs CS
CompSci MC Server!!!
Pong AI Help
Poll: Who is interested in playing a CompSci MC Server?
quadtree assignment
Remote Administration Tool - VenomWare
Pygame Crashing
Are Taking Computer Science courses in High School worth it?
How would I implement my classes into my program?
Error Help
The equals() method: Strings are the only things that will work
Turing Button Assist
Need help with Mouse.Where
Simulate a 100 times?
Is my computer good enough for university?
Is my computer good enough for university?
Need help with printing right angle triangle
what does init () do?
Loading multiple images of similar names in an array
Google Code Jam 2013 Qualification
My childhood, sung by one man.
Google result links take forever to load
Grade 12 Physics Momentum
CS vs SE vs BBA/BCS at Waterloo - Choosing the right program?
etch a scetch/paint program help
Translucent images in turing
Student project if interested.
Why are crappy keyboards becoming popular?
Co-op at UW CS
Scaling Swing components for the size of the screen?
Throwing exception in Java
hasch and getch program
How much do you understand about organizing your code?
The 2038 Syndrome: Second Coming of Y2K
JFrame.setVisible(true) is causing an error?
OOP program, Pure substitution vs extending types
beginner need help for button!!
Any way to check all variables in a specific class?
pixel graphics program (swapping)
pixel graphics program (swapping)
Waterloo vs UC Berkeley - Computer Science
Interacting with other files
Making a website??
Questions that i do not understand
Turing Picture Editor
ECOO 2013 Round 2 Solutions
Simulating the Monty Hall problem
Java UI Help
Screen blanker
[Console] How do I return to a previous line?
Amimation not exactly working. Please advise.
need help for twinkle rings!!
Given the circumstances will Math kill me in Ryerson University?...
Need help with buttons
how to get turing to interpret a string as a integer without using strint
C Array won't search Vulnerability
I can't seem to substring properly.
Changing \ to / for location
Some feedback
Sys.Exec to a certain path
Rate my servers
need help making a pong game there is an problem where it doesn't need to hit the paddle to bounce back not sure on fix
Need Help Asap
For people attending waterloo!!!
Waterloo program question
What's the cheapest and fastest way to get a university degree?
Animated GIF in Turing
Need help using pictures in an array on Turing!
Post your Internet Speed!
Grade 10 Simple Quadratic Word Problem Question
looping graphics
Fun Calculus Problem
Need help for moving smoke without trail
ECOO 2013 Round 3 Solutions
Embed games from other websites
Quadtree generator for BMP sprites
Another simple quadratic question!!!
Vector Dependencies with intial Movement and Gravity
Person waving problem!!
To declare a CO minor, or not to
Fastest Typer???
Ontario Canipre to get peoples' personal information
Turing Help
Turing Assistance
pacman please help
How to make an alarm clock
need help to reduce flickering
UofT transfer to Waterloo Computer Science
How to add a background to menu and game
Is Computer Science Honor Regular (without coop) worth it?
COLLISION does not work; help needed
Someone explain why this procedure won't work??
Keeping the lights on/off
How is it possible to have less posts than topics?
Array questions
What should I look for when choosing which university to go to?
Help with a math problem
Coop at McMaster vs Non-Coop at UTSC
Someone explain why 3 procedures won't work??
Can someone help me with Dance Dance Revolution on turing
Can someone help me with Dance Dance Revolution on turing
Stupid Drivers-Ed Website
FTP Server - Remote Keylogger
Help With Java Hangman!!
Todo Lists
Turing TIC TAC TOE: Need help with storing my variables
Can't get dice roller to work?
Any way to shorten this?
Random Number Generator?
***Picture scanner and replicator***
turing alarm + input feature
Getting administrator permission
Shame on Microsoft - Windows Installation Failed - Blue Screen of Death
Turing Loft, Kitchen and Bedroom Lights
How to get Lights to stop flickering
Need help for java game
Difficult calculus problem
Traffic Intersection
I need help how to make Olympic game with falling stars and moon and coach and referees and clouds on Turing please
Curve Sketching Questions
Help with smooth movement and collision testing in tile based game
Almost Done!!!
Finding if a point is within a shape.
Button problems
What kind of post secondary education will lead to a programming job?
Phone book help
Setting JFrame relative to another Jframe
bouncing a ball... PLEASE HELP
Turing: controlling the movement of a picture
Turing Assignment
Turing Question
Circular Collision Detection- HELP!
Curious old guy query
Battleship ~ Code problem
Can't bounce ball off of opposite wall; goes behind bricks and flickering too much - Need help with Brick Breaker
Visit websites through my website???
Avoid input repetition
Array Ball Question
Old Dog Needs Advice
Speed up Turing
Conway's Game of Life
How to update constructor?
"Illegal get item" error.
Full Time Labview programmer wanted
Animations in Java
Turing slows down
whats wrong with my program?
Triangle - Triangle Intersection/Collision Detection
Please help...TURING!!
getting a ball to bounce inside a rotating cube??
Creating a program that scans a specific document?
Awt Label Newline?
TuringPong V2.2.1
How to make a JInternalFrame non-clickable?
Showing damage to a block.
Essays, written in programming languages
getting a 3d rotating sphere to bounce inside a 3d box that is rotating in turing...
Student Jobs with Computers
Help with Buttons?
Computer Science - Carleton vs U of Calgary
One Way E-mail Addresses - University of Waterloo
Slope question
Help with spawning enemies
3D Sphere Creation + Rotation
URGENT! Airplane Game Collision Detect!
Collision problems - Need Lasers to hit and destroy enemies
Delay-Free Animation
BlackJack, school final project. Button help!!! ASAP
Need help with a high score program
Turing Help Quicly!!!!!! ASAP Need help to run this code please help asap
Why Does Ubuntu Appear To Be Smarter Than Windows 8?
WinAPI SetWindowsHook
Pure, the successor to Q
Thoughts on Xbox One vs PS4?
Flashing colours ????????
Scrolling Issue
Triangle and Point Intersection
Need help with game design and structure.
Gravity cube
How to define boundaries for text.
For loop testing all 255 characters only showing less than half the colours.
My internet sucks
Angles and trig
Compiling C with C++ header files and libraries
Convert a string into a variable name.
Find a variable in an array that points to anyclass
IP Address Stuffs
Define a parameter to be of any type.
Disable Turing Autoscroll
Quick question: What is # used for?
Tunes at work
Computer Science Laptop
University of Guelph CS
Memory Hexing Problem!
Java Game Help
Yes, it's another snake game...
Grade 10 ICS Summative - Minesweeper
Sensitive-looking files for TureCrypt partitions
Post your specs!
Carleton registration help
Windows 8 CHKDSK stuck at 100% for 8 hours already
User input
Major Security Breaches This Month
Which phone?
Prospective waterloo student -- failed courses?
Four of my favourite lines of Vimscript
Huge project, few questions
Equation solver
Accessing copy and paste
Sony Blu-ray Disc/DVD Home Theatre System BDV-E370 -> Dell Vostro 3560 BTX Laptop
Ideas for 3rd year project (CS and SE)
How to blow up image without graining
Javascript program help
How to begin understanding new languages?
Because it's old guy nerd funny
Bragging; small s.c.r.i.p.t.
Responsible crawler
Canadian Comp Sci Degrees without High School prerequisites?
A Namesless Game - Project Progress Thread
How can I land a business related internship with a CS background
How to check for the first empty element in an array?
FLoat why won't you work???
Minimum Competitive GPA for Admission into UBC BCS Program (Second Degree)
Flight simulator: VOR intercepts
How can I improve this Java program?
[C++ Help] When are linked lists used, exactly? And
[C++ Help] Question about Switch-Case statement
[Off-Topic] Anyone here from currently in Agincourt Collegiate Institute? :)
Question About Power Outlets in M3 1006 at the University of Waterloo
learn HTML
Whats a good keyboard size? Need advice quick :p
Computer Science for Atlantic Canada: Help
platformer problem
University of Waterloo Internet Connection Problem
Wheres picFadeOut????
Just a question, and some guidance needed please!
Simple encryption
[C++ Help (SDL)] How do I know what coordinate to draw things to?
My jumpy game problem
Hi there
My very first game !! XD
CS Masters effort vs Undergrad -- amount of effort
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
Weird "Illegal Picture ID Number '0'" Error
Upload Quota
A super simple python problem (I'm assuming).
Comparing Doubles?
Solutions for ask search toolbar
Proper Typing Technique - Required or Not?
Controlling RGB Light with Arduino using a Button
Is addition/subtraction the same with constant added/removed
Icon and JAR question
Big Oh quesiton
Do you consider yourself as an IT VISIONAIRE ?
MS thesis help
Need help with a number guessing game (from 1 to 100)
operating system question!
startup process question!
Pacman Screensaver
do you know how to make an open file box?
Where I can to download the latest version of XRumer???
Help me Prepare
Useful book
Turing printing fuzzy images
Getting my 7 Segment Displays to work with Arduino
Replacing char in String with Ints.
Need help with "Ready to program java"
command line question
The Bouncing Game and RPSLS Updated
First Android Brick Breaker Game
Any idea why this hash function is returning negative values?
Creating a diagonal periodic table
Keyword help not displaying
Parametric plotter
Printing forms in C#
Inheritance & Polymorphism Question.
just a general question
Turing Calculator (Simple)
Need some help using the Time.Date and string functions
Found exact solution for TSP
Relatively New : Pic.Width Incompatability (Invalid Pic ID) with Sprites
Collision Response Help (AABB)
game of throne speech
Help Animating Lines
How to access many different classes to randomly select one.
help with anagram finder
How to keep score in a quiz on turing?
Random Shape Drawer with menu
Compsci Glitch
Hardware and EE
BSOD - Help?
Turing help with creating a quiz! random order of questions every time?
My tree looks like it's bleeding
astronomy question
odd indices of an array
Web Automation
Probability Help
Assistance Request Vertdragon
Strange File Opening Artifact
Turing Help
Random Pill drawer and eating pacman
(Another) Snake Game - Getting The Snake To Collide With Itself
[RPG Game] Trouble with variables using another Font.
music file
Refurbishing Computers
Why are there so many distros?
Waterloo vs Carleton
Elm, Haskell based emits Javascript, CSS, HTML
getting java
Animation Game with Arrow Keys?
Need help with parallelget.
main menu button
Is it worth switching from UofT to uWaterloo?
SIN on Quest, Normal?
1066 MHz vs 1600 MHz RAM
Having troubles moving sprite across the screen using the arrow keys?
Type of work that gets outsourced
CreateHS (online high school coding competition)
Sad face, My Opera closing in March
Grouping Names(strings) into Two Categories??
Passing a method as a parameter
How to make a Sprite move, with the Animation
Average of Random Numbers
Nice cases out there?
Algorithm Pseudocode help!
Need help with hangman game
Turing with Variables--Please Help
Reading from file.
Having the Parabola show on the entire screen
Dice Game
Turing using Loops with Variables--Please Help
Reading Data From Websites
math plotting: graphics topic: how to create x-y plane
Eclipse -- how to turn off method showing function?
Ranting on Windows
Help with project
Refreshing Variables at a Constant Rate
2nd party software
GUI.CreateButtonFull text on button disappears.
I need some help with a game that has the same idea as Audiosurf!
UML Help?
Seeking help with turing word swapping program
Am I leaking with malloc?
Reading spaces in Turing
recursive method help
Can someone help me with fireworks!!!!
Reversing character and Words in a String.
No Access Violations, Then Access Violations.
How to create number ball game ?
Selective Sorting
I need help with a File IO project
Processes in Music - Creating Chords, Timers, etc
Online courses
How good is laurier cs?
Binary Search Help
Clear only part of the screen
What's the difference between = and :=
Custom Fonts?
Siri-like Program Help
Mouse Commands in turing
Help With Turing Hangman
Making a Border in turing
Car help
Can you make a Roguelike in turing?
Morse code decoder(translate morse code in to English)
Need java Android programmer with Bluetooth experience
Inability to Distinguish Flats, Sharps, Normal Notes
Pygame for java
Quick Animation Loop question!
RTP HSA Console Background Music???
Time complexity of recursive algorithm graph
GUI with loops?
How to put fill (color) a GUI.CreateLabelledFrame?
Turing chaging screen/clear screen help
Do classes need "self"?
Help with Visual C# Combo Boxes
Game List Organiser
Pages buttons proplem and add to cart button
Error when trying to use the Str.Trim command to count comment lines
Turing word highlighter only highlights the first occurrence of the word
QuadTree Help
Making a restart function
File Input (variable) and Appending Files
Game bug
Linux-specific overheating
Two Body Planetary Motion SDL
Issues with background music and looping
random map generator
Prim's algorithm
please help, How to do make scrolling background?
Hiding button after using it
How do you create if structures using GUI buttons?
File Input Output using arrays and loops
RPG Game Help
Dictionary Variables??
Grade 10 Student Needs Help!!!
Is it possible to use if commands when dealing with buttons?
Checking for Legal Moves in Checkers
Naming a variable with information saved within another variable.
Turing Help for Making Simon Says Game
Battle Test
Help on how to randomize flashing of objects
Is Dynamic Record Access Possible?
[C++ Help] SDL Platformer Game
To go to go grad school right after undergrad or not?
Difference between different streams
Getch interfering with Input.KeyDown, how can I use Input.KeyDown to read what key is being pressed?
How to Re-order an Array
Functions vs Procedures - Passing Arguments and which to use
Random Map Generator
Help on how to do User Input for Simon Says Game
Help on how to achieve clicking/user input using wheredotcolour and Mouse.Where
U of Waterloo AIF Question
Java Help
Hasch Key reading
Image overlays in Turing
Sword Art Online Turing Text Based RPG
Exit command/Coding for turing?
Prevent Keyboard Input
Seeking help for Health Bar for fighting game (Grade 11 Student)
Hangman Game help
Sorting numbers as they are entered?
Obtaining Current Time
Ping - Pong / Pong
A* Pathfinder
Variable has no value? But I put a value...
Random Terrain Generation
How to make a slide to unlock screen?
Craps Dice Game Help!
please help on my grade 10 Computer studies final project. (?&#9633;?&#65307;)
Trying to make a parabolic jump trail for characters mario-like game :(
Preloading Sound Files
How to make Turing sense that you have moved something to a certain position?
Game Timer Problem
Who Wants to be A Millionaire Game Help
Trivia Game Help Needed Please!!
Ball rolling down stairs?
Loops are messing up my program! Need Help!
[python] Something neat
Please Help!!!!!!!!!!! How To Make A Snake Game With Out Using Flexible Array???
turing city animation help
Need help with Mario program (Final project for grade 11)
Problem getting two obstacles being drawn on the same spot regardless of a for loop.
Product Key Questions
Break Command Help
For loop help
Turing Project Help!
Mario Puzzle panel: errors "System.InvalidCastException"
Need Turing Help!
Turing "Arugment is the wrong type" Error Problem
Sorry for the re-post, but i need help with my program ASAP with multiple loops!
How To Change the Cursor Colour In Turing!
collision detection on a scrolling game?
How to get Paddles to move in Pong Game
GNU Cobol 1.1 uploaded to
Turing game help. How to store answers from mouse click
Find Highest/Lowest Number in an Array
Controlling a ball with controller and parallel port
Repeating code
How does Rounding work in Python?
Turing Concentration Game Help
Stripe Capture-The-Flag 3
java.lang.NumberFormatException: empty String?
How to Study for Compsci Exams?
Fragmented Dimensions Choose Your Own Adventure Game FREE!
How to make an if command execute a procedure?
How to make an if command execute a procedure?
Passing arrays into subprograms
Laws of Boolean Algebra??
GUI Rock, Paper, Scissor's Game
Bad Object File Header?
Super/subclasses Help
Need help linking multiple procedures to each other.
UW and UofT Computer Science Admissions
Randomly Initializing array with class Objects
Inheritance help
Can't find the overflow
Library for playing audio in C
Resistor Colour Code Calculator
How to change the value of a parameter within the procedure
Mouse.Where is failing to respond
Living at Home VS Res VS Appartment in town
Split lines in python 2.7
Static Methods vs. Separate Class
U of Waterloo
Object Typecasting
Customizing Layouts of JComponents
Bitmaps with negative height values
I don't know how to use this easy loop . Please Help
Mock CCC 2014
Discrete Structures Question
Advice on how to organize my class's?
Codarch-A Java Application
Binary, Logic IC's, Bits, Bytes, Circuitry and Chips!
Minimum Spanning Tree of a Graph Solutions
Ccc 2014
How do i write to a new line in a text file with variable print?
10 Tutorials For Turing - Basics to advanced functions - VIDEO FORM
2D Physics in Game Development
moving car problem in turing please help
Turing Beat C++ in Performance?!?!
Bouncing Balls
Can someone explain this question
need help with array program
Issue with div and mod for coin calculating mini program
Help please?
Deleting Nodes w/ 2 Children from a BST
Help with algorithm in C
Failed Factorial
Computer Class: GUI numpad for a machine
Advice on creating a 2D tile based game involving object orientation!!?
Operating Systems or Artificial Intelligence
Exciting Artificial Intelligence Programming Challenge
Switching from CS to SE
Snake In Java
Characters not read correctly by scanf()
Graphics Made Easy
Moving Images
Code working in Eclipse but not in Sublime Text
Getting help with lwjgl
HELP - Illegal picture ID number '0'. (Probable cause: picture was not successfully created.).
JSON Library
Random numbers from 1-10
Unable to open file "Mouse". Trying to import Mouse into a .tu class.
How do arrayLists know what to take in?
Turing character graphics
Magic Eight-ball~ Help!
Code abruptly stopping for no reason.
Defining classes
I am working on a simple platforming project. need some advice.
help with arrays
What does += mean?
Importing classes from custom library of folders?
Loading a File in one program created by another program.
Character fails to interact properly with two faces of a wall
[Help] Changing/limiting values in a combo box based upon text field
University of Waterloo and EDX?
Sequential Access Data Files in java
Moving character's unit collision
Questions for computer science professionals? for interested student!
Randomnizing a LinkedList
Trying to figure out how to accelerate grahics with the GPU
Unable to remove elements from ArrayBag
Help me pls
Read and Write Command Help
View.Set("offscreenonly") and View.Update (or) View.Update(area) (0,0,maxx,maxy) Still flickering.
Issue with storing to Array
Google Code Jam 2014
Modelling a specific sort of curve
Resizing images in java
Importing Modules that are in seperate files?
how to make objects move on turing depending on the input
Second degree at UBC
Maze game
GTK 3, Broadway and an HTML5 websocket gui, for free
Walter Bright, article on Dr. Dobbs
True or false quiz program
Rhythm Game
parallel array concepts
parallelput and parallelget on same port at same time?
test score array to letter grade array
Help on resetting variables in loop of game
War card game help
vim, emacs, org-mode
Animation Method in Paint Method?
Illegal picture ID number 0
Loops Help
Help- Turing Pie Chart
Help : Drawing balls using arrays
Assistance - Predict O.O.T. output!
What am I doing wrong?
Turing is too slow
How to find the multiples in Turing?
Help with modifying the program turing
Counting to 15 with 7 segment displays?
Image not working -- Illegal Picture Number ID '0'
Ray Tracer With Reflections and AA
linked list data
My menu fails to exit
Traffic Intersection
Turing GUI Buttons Won't Clear
Help with the error- "Syntax error at 'End of File'. expected 'end if'"
Help Me Decide [Guelph, Ottawa, Carleton]
Need help with turing game menu
Computer Science Vs Computer Engineering
Which course should I choose Networking or web developing
Two dimensional array
strint not ok
Turing Help- Drawbox with mouse
Shoot multiple times
Can someone please help me move Kirby's eyes
Moving a circle a little from left to right
How do you move a circle in turing
Minesweeper game bugs.
I cant move Kirby's eyes
How to detect if a key is being held down?
Help me with my hangman game (GUI HELP)
So, I'm attempting to create a grid on the screen, and to do so, I've implemented a multidimensional array of Rectangles
Rock Paper Scissors + Reddit
Waiting for user input in Turing Game
Anyone interested in some game development?
Can you have if statements in with GUI buttons?
Flappy Bird Grass Animation
2048 Moving the Tiles
I need help with a traffic signal project I have for a class
Athabasca University Certificate in Computing and Information System
Issue with: Recursion/function call/old variable data
Emergency Help With School Summative
Need Help With My Brick Breaker Turing Game
Beat Creator, "Saving" The User's Choice
Vending Machine program problem
Beat Creator New Problem (Automating with Arrays)
Here's to hoping...
Radio Buttons and Regular Buttons (Main Menu BACK to user Input does not work :(
Moving console/output window position?
help this girl.. she's temporary blank :_)
Speculated Input.KeyDown Problem
Help - The speed at which my game runs on different computers
Creating Arrays Using BufferedReader
Question Regarding CompSci
Turing centipede game(having trouble increasing length)
I need help with boolean it wont run it
Try this game guys its a helicopter game
To make reports dynamically
This game i made for a project it wont stop reapting stuff can some one please help fast
Try this game guys its a helicopter game
How to make a super mario game
This game i made for a project it wont stop reapting stuff can some one please help fast and the tank part is messed up
i need help with making a cartoon design with sno falling in the background all i have is snow piling up please help
i need help with making a cartoon design with sno falling in the background all i have is snow piling up please help
Where can u get Java from
How to make a super mario game
I dont understand whats wrong please help
If you guys are bored and want circles to magically change colors randomly look at this and reply to say how it is
One thing quickly i am not a spammer but i have an exam tommorrow for computer science i need to know what this means
Need help on my Mario Game
Mario Game Help
Case statement error (Variable has no value)
Recursion MALfunction issue (
Character Selection Help
How much of a language should you know to get into open source projects
Getters and Setters, why?
Conway's Game of Life in Turing
Noah's Boat
NAIT Digital Media and IT vs Vancouver film school Game Design or something else?
Read about this on
Ideas on program layout
Mario Help Needed!!
Big O Notation :|
Add extension to a file
Github in Netbeans
error LNK2005: _Function already defined in student.obj
"a value of type "float" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "float *""
Long integers
Structures + pointers + functions + files + tutorial please!
Emulate Mouse/Keyboard
Access Excel data to arraylist
Computer Donations
PDF Textbooks
Using a procedure's code to call itself
ALPHA Script - Abstract & Unified Programming Meta-Language
Music files fail to load
Self Rolling Background
More than just 1 appear, and not all dispear after maxy
White Lines Wont Move!!!
How to change controls for a game.....
Wiring logic gates
Dice Game Help Please!
Sorting with cellular automata
'New' keyword
concatenating 2 linkedlist
Do I have chances to get into University of Waterloo as a international student?
How to Divide Polynomials using Python 3.3
Game Of Life
Access array without a for loop?
Please help me with my Turing homework
Need Good Comp Sci Questions
Returning 2D Arrays from a function
How do you use a variable declared in a procedure in another procedure
Windows 10 "Beta"
"Compile Time Expression Expected"
Indent error - Don't know what I'm doing wrong!
Thinking of Computer Science as Second Degree
Non thesis MS in CS
help with Pic.Draw
I have a problem with my code
Masters in computer science as an international student
Hello I am having a little problem with my code ! I would love a fast response!
Is there any command that could do this
Applying for university
Is there a command that will let me do this?
Can anyone make suggestions to make this program better?
Turing help for beginner. Please
delete a question
My Nim game for school wont stop properly
How can I change my username?
After I jump in my program it crashes if i try to run....
2D Soccer
Bachelor(Co-Op) vs bridge to Masters vs Second Degree - which is more practical when entering the field later in life
Second Degree, Computer Science
What is the program that I can use to divide two numbers that is not showing the remainder?
Logic Behind Checkers AI
Turing Crashes
Using Variables with Font.Draw
Freeing memory of a linked list
Text Files and OI
C++ Nested Loops
my turing work can anyone else do this if so post results please
"Dodge Ball" Game- Collision Checking Issues
I dont know what i'm doing wrong, help!
New to turing requesting assistance
Graphics in Java
Test Yourself in Turing?
Choose Your Own Adventure Epic! DEMO
How to go back to last step in GUI?
Once I quit the GUI can use it again?
counting number of words using first_of() and first_not_of()
Typing Game [Having Difficulties]
A few questions regarding CS and university
Any help with this grade 11 program relating to Pythagorean Triplets?
How do you get the 'get' command to accept two words instead of just one?
I NEED HELP WITH 4.2 Practice Question 11!
[HELP] create a typing program
I've Been Working On Calculating Coins!
help me plz
Drawing Game [Done button difficulties!]
help me plz
expected primary-expression before ?.? token
Check Out My Rock, Paper, Scissors Game!!!
I Need Help With This Case Statement!
Square roots
How to find median, minumum and maximum with random integers?
How to put this into chart form?
Wheres waldo on turing?
Turing Chat Program
Dodgeball Game: Player Glitch
Pascal's Triangle starting help
How to make symmetrical text in turing
Program crashes when using Net Commands
The Most Hated Game.... Flappy Bird Turing!
C++ Version of 2048
Game Programming vs. Computer Science
I need help with teeth and hair
Login In Turing
Login In Turing
Choose function with non unique elements
Project is a No Go
How to make the red dot stop at the edge of the window and not go out.
help with filling grid boxes
What books guide you through game development totaly from scratch in C++/Java?
A game I made for a seminar
Trouble with variables
Omg buttons and windows pls help window 1 closed error but window 1 cannot be closed? what
Help with Erasing while dragging objects
MultiDimensonal Array Question
Recommend Java framework/library for android 2D game development.
Can someone help explain "=" and ":=?
Tic Tac Toe Game
Controlling a Character and Having an Object Move at the Same Time
Listing Alphabetically?
should i learn this?
Need help with slot machine
Playing sounds while running the rest of the program
Variable has no value
hangman game turing
How would I create a scoring system for a game?
Return back to menu in case
I Need Mario To Lose A Life, But I Can't Figure It Out!
Animated Gifs in Java
I Need Mario To Jump, But I Can't Figure Out! Help!
How hard is it to get into CS in UW
My Game Crashes When I Move My Character About 95 Times! How To Fix!
Happy Holidays
Who can hellp me to fix my code for Tic Tac Toe?????
How to Limit a String? for a calculator
Help on How to Make Slot Machine Graphics Appear Spinning and then Stop Randomly
Recreating Windows calc in turing with GUI, help
Problems with writing a file
SDLC, Software Development Life Cycle, templates
HELP! Editing code for Dodgeball game.
HELP! Editing code for Dodgeball game.
articles on information or communication technology
I Need Help With Gui Buttons! Whenever I Apply, There Is This Glitch Where In Next Procedure Buttons Are Still There!
Help! How to Run a Timer and Other Commands at the Same Time?
How can I play an audio file during a for statement that stops playing when the for statement ends?
Making all 3 reels on a slot machine display at image at the same time
Help with View.Update placing
Game Programming @ George Brown College
I'm trying to make a new picture created when no keys are pressed. HELP PLEASE
Loading data from text file into two separate arrays
How do joint programs work?
Tic Tac Toe Help
Maze Game
Button doesn't work
Pierre Trudeau VB Trivia
Turing Canadian Animation
Worth the drawbacks?
HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game)
I'm making a quiz, in which I have to ask 10 questions randomly out of 20, how do I make sure no question is repeated?
Need help with collision detection on a rotated object
I am having issues in making a very basic game of pong
URGENT! - I'm making a Simon Says game and I'm having a little issue! Can someone help me solve this?
How can I use getch to input multiple characters?
University Applications
Talking Thread
Help turing combat
Looking for an outline
Flexible Multidimensional Arrays!!!
Four loop and 4 squares
Can't get a ball to bounce off four sides
What was Steam made with?
Tic Tac Toe Using Turing
Rock Papers scissors
How good is University of Windsor(UoW right ?)'s comp science graduate program ?
Curiosity Thread
Scan/ update string values in Turing?
I have a project for Computer Science and I need someone to code for me for a house project. I am willing to pay.
My First Game!!!
Turing Final Project
How can I have non-case sensitive input?
Call Of Duty Vs Battlefield, Best Fps Showdown
BEST TPS (third person shooter) SHOWDOWN
Ultimate Movie Series Showdown!!!
cannot get how to finish my bingo game
Turing Pool Game
Inequalities From Manipulating Real Value
Launching Animation
Mystery error. Need help.
Factorial Calculator, formula help :?
How do I get options to appear and when I press it how do I get a button that can take you back to the options?
Vetus Terraria!
Nim, the programming language that was Nimrod
Unknown Turing Music.PlayFile Delay Error
Using a "main.cpp" file to run several other .cpp files
A Note-Taking Program
How do you make the program do something on any keyboard button press *other* than a certain letter?
What Courses Do I Need to Get into University of Waterloo Computer Sciences?
University Programming Languages
I need help recreating this image into turing code!!!
How do you turn this image into code for turing?
Three Letter Acronyms
Array Subscript is out of range. What does that mean? Help
Weighted Test Mark Calculator
Java Basic! Need Help
How do I get turing to repeat a string a certain amount of times?
Counting the number of false Boolean expressions in a loop?
Is it possible to add every minute
CCC Results effecting university application
Typing in front of cursor
"Substring index is greater than length of string" (error)
Program is stuck at "Executing."
Game Menu
Expanding Numbers
Basic Turing Help for a beginner.
Course selections
counted loops (for loops)
Created the DVD "bounce" screen in Turing
Abstract classes calling abstract methods
Is there any reason why my teacher makes us use a for loop to draw static objects?
Can you guys take a look at my quiz
Urgent! Can't End Animation Instantly!
I'm new to GUI's, need some help.
Assistance With Keep on Truckin programming problem
Anime suggestions
Interesting Javascript
PLEASEEEEEEHELP MEEEEE ITS DUE TMR String index out of range: -1
Computers for school
What does 'Substring range bounds must be int type' mean?
Code Skipping/Misinterpreting typing
University of Waterloo Computer Science Admission Grade
Why can't BiS be used in TS problem ?
How to get in to video game devolopment?
Zodiac Sign Program
Making my character move left and right using sprites
Finding the max/min number of an array?
Paddle Side Collision
Input.KeyDown (chars) not working
Turing Calculator
How do I run multiple Turing files at once in Turing 4.1.1 windows 8?
Could someone help me with calculating hst im trying to figure out what i did wrong if someone could help thanks!
Collision Detection Help
Looping game back to main menu
Animations that reveal photo in background
Maze Game: Collision and Levels.
Defender(APPLE game) in Turing
Flash Actionscript 2.0
Stack Overflow and Recursion Depth
Ccc 2015
How to Use Java - JOptionPane Input Dialog
SDL2 console output
cant seem to get my clear button to work on my calculator
Computer Science at Western vs. Guelph
Lines with negative slope won't reflect laser beams!!!
Turing (Gravity Guy Game) HELP
New word, no vowels
Program ending abruptly.
If command help
Cannot allocate item. Out of id numbers (max 1000)
Creating and manipulating a m x n matrix
Mouse Help - Turing
Pseudocode Help
Moving pictures question.
2D Arrays Help?
Whatdotcolor not working!
Turing data file help
Collision Detection Help [Boxes Touching]
Final Project - Tetris
Which Computer Science Program? Guelph, Carleton, UOIT or Laurier?
University of Toronto (SG) vs Waterloo
turing help with games
Ready to Program HSA Console won't appear
No New Post!
Turing Program Help
Help With Turing Moving Images
adding chords in turing to make music such as pianoman by Billy joel
Index command help
How to make sprites move randomly?
How long do applications take
How to end a procedure with a button?
Trying to make quick sort, program crashes
HELP! I need to end a fork process for a long song!
Good CIS degrees in Canada
Turing Help Needed Please (Quicker The Better)
Hangman Alternating Words HELP????
Class vs. Module vs. Type
Turing Help Require: Making a sprite move across the screen when button is pressed (essentially shooting
Need some advice for my pong game please :)
Creating Online Judge from scratch
Ready to Program Java Pong Game moving paddles help
I'm making a game for class and I need help with a menu.
Turing Array help! URGENT
Please help this is worth 30% of my grade! URGENT!
Having a problem with making my snake grow in the game of snake
Turing Calling Procedures.
Favorite Programming software?
Screen size problem on various computers.
How well did you guys know how to code in highschool before you got into Computer Science/Software Engineering?
having troubles :/
Overflow Problem
Basic Pong Game Score Card
Computer bot / Randomizer - Simple
University of Waterloo Computer Science Transfer from Geomatics
Scoring System
Mouse Hover
Importing Image
Hide / Show Image
Final Project: Dust
Worth taking computer sci classes on the side of a BBA?
What will I have to "unlearn" after I have to take a compsci course that utilizes RTP Java?
International student pathway to university
uWaterloo vs. uGuelph? (Better school program vs. Personal Preference): CS
Turing program that creates other turing programs
Transfer Grades for McMaster University Computer Science?
What is Deadlock?
Multi-client network communication?
Hiding or Erasing Font.Draw
Racket Operations Guide?
Write a sequence of statements Myprogramminglab Python
Masters degree acceptance, specifically in AI?
Input in an if statement
Who Wants to be a Millionaire lifelines
My First Turing Animation --> Open to all criticism and tips, thanks! (:
Make a EXE Program that makes pictures popup?
Orbit! Help! Orbit around center of screen.
Visual Studio Question
IBM, Master the Mainframe contest challenge
2d platformer game map generation.
How to find the range of integers
ChangeMaker Help
2D platformer
How do I find the end of a line in a file I'm reading?
Having difficulty with an imported picture.
Help Please Just Need To Round
University of Guelph Software Engineering - Questions about the program
Morse Code Translator!
Calculating pay per weekly hours
Text appearing and dissappearing in Turing.
Simple Turing Number Game
Simple Turing Number Game #2
Have you been through this program transfer situation?
Hello Everyone...
Simple Turing Game #3
Creating a grade calculator using a linkedlist and array
Sorting a record by a user defined field
Stack overflow
Help Meeeee ; _______;
Turing Fork Command. Playing Music Notes.
How to calculate $/per kg?
Turing's version of "exit"?
Grid Library
Can someone please explain to me how to use words in 'for' statements?
Making special text move with the rest?
Is it good to have only one website for same kind of business?
Pong game Paddle hit detection issues
Problems with user input
Syntax Error at 'Integer Literal'
I cant seem to use a if statement to check if its even or not to then apply the collatzconjecture on it
How do I select lines from a file and output them?
Can't decide between these three choices (laptops)
Program not continuing.
Need Help Quick Please...
How do I make the if statement boolean if I need it to be as an integer?
output.println doesn't seem to save data to file
Better "get <var>" function?
Computer Studies Assignment Help
While loop repeats even if conditions are met
How to over ride maximum string length
Join two text files with a procedure, reverse a file with another procedure
Stick a Turing app into webpage.
Can someone do this for me ?
HELP!!!! says illegal picture id "0"
How hard is it to get accepted into CS at waterloo?
turing help please
Turing program that creates a .txt file
Experience from a student in UWaterloo Computer Science
Need Help With Project
question of Turing program
The mean
How to match users inputed numbers with random generator numbers
Trying to make a program to read a phrase and determine if it has use in anyway
Turing Animation Help
Turing Graphics Help
Smoke Tur Graphics
Angles in turing
Change Editor Window Font
Turing f10 documents for help
View.Set and View.Update
Animation Help
Help with counted loops and character graphics.
Smooth Movement on a predetermined path?
DMOPC '15 December Contest
The gensis of a programming language
Looking for a programmer
Need Help with animation (Beginner Coding)
Finding a new X,Y after rotating the image inside turing?
Making pane.add (Jbutton) do an action (Ready to Program
Adjust Window Height to Fit Text
Problems with picture commands
Grid detection in 2D Platformer
Creating A "Scene"
Switching around the sequence of numbers in an array.
Breadth-first Pathfinding in Turing Help
Array program is destroying my head...
Start Button
Computer Security
Help with round function
Color Wheel Game
Sprite remaining in middle, screen moving
Move Object At An Angle
Buttons and Storing data from randint commands
Check if array contains a value
Column Display w/ Multiple Fields, only three on at once
How to make the ball bounce, without using anything too complicated (no whatdotcolor or maxy,maxx) I want to find a simp
Error When Passing Array Into Procedure
Wrong Message When Not Allowed To Give Karma?
DMOJ New Year's 2016 Contest
Get Next Index?
Break Command/Passing Array Directly Into Procedure
Problems with GUI.Disable
Numerous Buttons used to switch procedures
Hello, Gr 12 student interested in Computer Science, need guidance on good uni programs
Turing Paint Program Help
Questions about Graduate School
Command on how to end all loops / code when a condition is met?
Creating a custom button
Help me with my code, I'm trying to get a specific integer from my .txt File
Widget ID number not found???
Quickest way to get to a number
Create an ACTUAL loading screen
Any decent choice other than UofT & Waterloo?
Connect 4 Game
Need People to Test My Game
Button is not working, due to procedure orders
More Variables???
Excellent prospects for an Analyst Programmer in Montréal, Canada!
Error Proofing Arrays
Computer Science Summative
Turing encoding program
Turing encoding program
changing spots on a 2-d array (ready to program java 1.7.1)
Text customization
Storing the data from randints for later use
Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac & Windows
finding the longest word in a sentence and remove it
2D Platformer Detection and scrolling
Using the include command for a program with processes?
Program: Chose where to start executing
Instantiating an interface
Sprite.Show doesn't work with include
Turing "Survey" need help
Help, Due tomorrow, Maxed out pictures (1000). How does one import a second program into the main program
Unable to make "food" disappear in a game of "Snake"
Turing crashes and does not display a "not your fault" thing
Error At Non-existent If Loop
Question on Strings
Tic Tace Toe Game HELP
How to simultaneously run two procedures without process
How do I find the highest mark in the numbers that user enters (loop)
Turing Animation Demo with Physics
Explain what thread in C++ is?
Turing connect four
5 Games in 1 Summative
tic tac to assignment help
Why you should avoid processes
Simon Says Game
Compiling Simple c++ Code Using Cygwin64
C# and .Net on Mac
File IO issues, probably a beginner / intermediate level issue
Moving Canadian Flag for school project HELP
Programming Language that can do things on my computer?
Help with button callback procedure
Moving Canada flag project
If Statements based on keywords in string variables.
Final Moving Canadian Flag HELP
Quiz String Similarity
Guessing Game
Keeping a drawn object inside the max of screen
Turing Problem solving question
DMOPC '15 March Contest
Indent Problem on Guessing Game
"Navigation" table
Turing How to check if a object has moved in a certain area
TURING ~ unexplainable error - HELP
I cant figure out how to make it so that you don't teleport if you jump when your under a platform
When animating a circle the outside box lines erase?
Operands of comparision operators must be scalar,sets or strings help
Image not loading in Turing
Keep on getting this indent error
Started making programming tutorials!
Fading MouseTrails
Save the run window in a plain-text file
Get statement with fonts
How to Stay on an Image in loop?
Help with my raindrops code
admission averages
Getting the "Invalid integer input" error and I don't know why
Bus stops problem
Turing Animation Help
Don't know how to do this, looking for where to start
If statements with more than one word
Great news for language experimentation
DMOPC '15 April Contest
Problems with IF statement and Buttons. Need GUI Help
Computer organization and design --- speed up things
Help! Arrays and loops
Using a Text file for collision help
how to make a timer and be able to get input running simultaniously
Can't make my car move
Making a game online
Getting input from user while running a loop at the same time
If statements
Turing- Slot Machine
Help with guessing the capitals java source code.
HELP FAST Syntax error at 'if'. expected ')'
Lightning-fast memcpy, malloc, and free implementations using opcodes
Blinking Stars
Turing Music
I NEED HELP w/mousewhere
choosing lines of command to run
Opening Turing And Environmental Crashes
Shooting Star
Box moving
Is is possible to be admitted into MSc in CS program with an Economic Degree?
Paintbucket in paint program doesn't work proper
Help with logo?
Add digits of a number, and then add the digits of the sum.
Goldbach conjecture (Python 3)
Can someone help me output into a file!
Traffic light program, animation speeding up for no reason!
University Programs - Choices and indecision...
I need help making a program that will decode morse code. I don't know how to start. Arrays would be ideal.
Insertion and deletion operations on strings
Help me Choose a University
Can you use variables in View.Set?
I can't seem to figure out a way to program the Simon Memory Game on Turing.. Does anybody have the code for it ??
Illegal picture Id number '0' plz help asap plzzzzzzzzz
Help with my Connect 4 win situations
[Video Tutorial] Text Field - Turing Programming
Is there a way to pause music in Turing?
Pic was freed error
Business informatics at a university in Vienna, Austria
Upside Down Number
Turing Game Collision Help
Need help with a chess game.
How do you animate your GUI?
URGENT: Merge Sort for Vectors Not Sorting...
trying to load new screen when character gets to end of current screen
Correcting Platform Collisions
I need help with a roulette game, I dont know how to make the roulette stop. Been trying for hours...
how to make object move up and down constantly?
Wheel program help
Taylor Series and Lewis Carrol Divisibility test in python 3.5 without using math module.
Scanner or Drawing Tablet? - Software Art Development
hello painted world
Visual C++ Importing fbx Files
Turing RPG Game (My Final Project)
Platformer with Level Editor
Difference: echo 'message' VS echo "message" ?
Displaying Preview Image of Websites w/o Scroll Bar?
iframe of HTML Files in Folder
I am looking for a short time Computer co-op Program!
What Language Should I use for Game Development? :shock:
Looking for some insight.
Loop within a loop?
Programmer-Analyst (Co-op) at NBCC?
convert a string to integer in all languages algorithmically(without standard functions)
Random number in certain interval without using any standard function(algorithm)
convert string to float in all languages(algorithm)
Array subscript is out of range
Runtime Reflection in Turing: You're in the big leagues now
Drawing a Curved line
Open a text file, Read each # on a line then goes on next line to read, match # to 3 generated #'s equals or not equals
Understanding (and tracing) complex Python programs
How do you add names and highscores using files and changing the value if beaten?
elseif problem
Hi I'm new here!!!
How to run multiple modules at the same time
RPG Help Program Finishing for no reason
Dividing strings over multiple lines?
Can you assign a variable as a delay?
Im so confused.
Duck Hunt in Turing
Pokemon name making
Can you set the whole screen a solid color?
Rudimentary turing gmae
What are the limmitations of Turing?
Function returns more than one value... tuto
immutable object string
Problem with declaring procedures
Importing Image in Python 3.5
Not enough memory to indent file
creating my online test using maps data stucture in java
Why is this working?
Need help removing contacts from a list
My game only shows (emphasis on shows) when I press arrow keys, I don't want that
Need HELP with Random integer steps
3D edition program
Need help making a health bar
Need to make a program to take in monthly rainfalls to an array and output certain info from that array. so lost.
What does this error message mean and how can I fix it?
How do I find the 3 highest values within an array?
need help with a turing program. detecting anagrams
How to make an object not go outside of the size of your screen?
Computer Science Final Project Simon Says Game
Crazy 8's
Help Making Battles
How to make something loop in a program and let a user click a button to continue?
setscreen (maintain aspect ratio)
Images Interaction together
My paper mario-esque RPG game
Problems with my tetris game
Procedures calling each other. Need help
Using Arrow Keys to move an image/object in Java Ready to Program
Turing:Buttons do not clear
My Image Will Not Stay On The Screen
Play multiple songs
I Need Help With My Turing Math Game
Need help to make my program go to a specific window properly
Need help, my program doesnt go back to a proc properly after an object reaches a certain point.
Visual Basic Online Restaurant Menu
Trouble loading pictures and variables
Keyboard Input Not allowed? When i exit game it gives me an error. help please.
Unable to remove GUI buttons
Whats your opinion on this coding games?
My Driving Simulator (well not really but close enough)
Window of Time
My Turing Computer Science Summative - Quiz
Help with Game!
Arena game
Simple Driving Simulator
coin pickups
Pausing system in my game
Need Help Studying!
Help with Turing commands to draw a banner
help with playing card program
help with these if statements
Optimizing your Turing code from the compiler's perspective
Help Needed - Mouse clicking registering only after 2 clicks
Looping procedures??
Real/Int problems (to do with Math.Distance)
Problem with shooting - probably click problem
Need solution - need to shoot at the same time i move
Make bullets fire at a constant speed?
Using a certain font
Operands of comparison operators must be of the same type?
Turing - Is there an easier way to do this?
Changing upper bound of flexible array inside of a procedure
Platform Help Needed
Help with Arrays
Sinking through Platform
Play Select Track?
How do I pause music?
Are we falling behind in Math and Science?
Facebook Ethical Hack
Need Help
How to hide a widget/GUI (not sure what to call it)?
Returning multiple values from function
Pong and menu help
Help with Logo (Turtle Graphics)
How do I add multiple rows of enemies in Space Invaders using an Array or loop?
ECOO Computer Programming Contest
Animation problems NEED HELP- Turing
ECOO Computer Programming Contest - How to Prepare
How to run procedures at the same time.
PHP : Embed Youtube Video When User Posts Its Url
First element of array (rest are fine) is a non-value half the time after shuffle
Creating a testing framework
Video Game Bots Programming first step
Help with colliding objects in an array
User choosing the number
System sort in Turing
Need to be able to run if statement during delay.
Method of decision
Algorithm to create possibility of a number ?? it's possible??
Typewriter Effect in Turing
Pacman Game. Can't stop at walls. Pls help
Is it possible to call a procedure inside a procedure, and if so, how?
Trying to make a pacman game. Pls help
Bizarre issue with View.Set command
A bug in Turing
Find My Error
Game becomes unplayable randomly at times?
Help for Pacman eating dots. Have no idea to do it.
Need help to make a score system on turing
Mouse.Where buttons do not disappear after cls'ing.
Sprite freed when there's no free sprite
My Galaga-esque post-modern post-ironic attempt at exploring the complexity of the human mind in relation to education
Free all images? (Pic.New/Pic.Free)
Stuck Slot machine code
Cannot allocate item. Out of id numbers (max 1000)
Find Number of Equal Consecutive Numbers
Find Digit(s) in an Integer
Player Attack Mechanics In Turing
Is it possible to have a procedure running in the background of a program?
help just starting to code for school cant figure out why wont work
Font.Draw not drawing text above sprite?
If statement not exectuing?
I'm Making A Text Based RPG And I Seem To Be Stumped
max id error with sprites... CONTINUED
Aborting a code
Making a GUI work in a loop
tic tac toe help
Turing program won't run; gives error message "Syntax error at 'loop'. expected 'end if'
Font being covered by box
Delay Function and Window
Delay Function and Window
Animating Characters
Programming Enemy Lives In a Game Not Working
Changing the colour of a radio button font?
Font used for the GUI?
Array subscript out of range error! I'm confused why!
Repeatedly Subtract Numbers
In need of help for my Turing Game!!
Button Help Pleasee
Turing Injector?
receiving data from external site for parsing.
dodge type game? fix the AI movement should be fun!!!
Programming for Novice Programmers! Imperative or Functional Visual Programming better?
I'm having trouble understanding the meaning behind each individual command
Spot The Shade (Game) - Culminating Project
The Royal Game of Ur
Please help, I am having an issue with part of my program.
Computer Science HS Assignment Reference!
Help Putting Different Colour Dots Everywhere w/ wo using images
The DWITE Website has Moved
Using a for loop to reference multiple variables with similar names
Turing Help Fast
I really love computer science but my average is very very bad?!!
Do I need chem for comp sci in uni?
Arduino IDE - RGB LED Method
JAVA 2D arrays assignment.
Are all High School Maths & Sciences required for engineering?
Binary Search Base Case help
Case selector out of range?
Connect 4 game variable problems
Google Chrome Dinosaur Game (T-Rex)
I'm writing a choose your own adventure game, delays too short or long, continue when hasch?
How to write out text in a diagonal line in Turing?
Hey,can anyone help me?
how to separate parts of a string
running 2 different loops at the same time
Help Plz I Am A Noob
replacing certain characters with others, and translating strings
Generate Mac-Compatible Stand-alone Program with Turing?
Compatibility with Windows 10
im confused on something on turing problems
Help with functions
Printing out Array Information?
Turing Asignment
GUI buttons help
How do I check my recent Posts / threads
As an international student in Canada, how long in advance should I apply for a full-time job before graduating?
Card game, WAR. LDHSS
Snakes and ladders (one player)
Animations with arrow keys
found my old mine sweeper game!!! give it a play!!
processes and if commands
Snakes and ladders V2 summative project
Help With Randomizing the sequence of a quiz or anything like a quiz.
Running procedures at the same time.
Beginner Java Code Trouble
I need help to understand how to create server and client programs.
Initialize an array in an if statement
Unturinged - 3D zombie survival game I made in highschool
Red Saga - 3D RPG Open Turing game I made in highschool
Turing Pong Help (bounce)
Function parameters and initialization issue
Snakes and Ladders Board
Who wants to be a millionaire help plz <3
Game Help
Simple Basketball Game
Simple Basketball Game - click to shoot
i need help with a game
How to combine Turing files
i cant get my collision detection to work
Game visuals glitching out.
Trying to find out how to display a number and increase the displayed number on screen
Help with ASCII art Canadian Flag
Turing Painting and song Game
Help me please
Computer programmer analyst vs software engineer
starting timer later on in the program
Help With Turing
Wait for mouse button press (outside of callback)
Open Turing
Reading External Process
y = mx + b quiz [FRENCH]
Arithmetic/Geometric - For/Loop
What is it like working in the computer science industry?
New Research Shows That Time Travel Is Mathematically Possible
Mystery Solved! This Is How The Pyramids Of Egypt Were Built
Freeing objects that contain arrays
Turing Alphabet Colour Program
How does this String Code work?
Confusion about creating Arc 5 pixels wide?
Turing String Manipulation Input
Dev C++ not running program
User input invisible?
how to return to game menu
How can I draw a heart in Turing?
Pong AI not working
How to make proper jumping for turing platformer
Career Presentation using GUI
GUI Interface
Average Height Program Arrays?
What do I do? Help? Process has no value?
Mario Game: How to create scrolling screen when character moves
Wilfrid Laurier Computer Science?
Guitar hero animation flickering problem
need help with ai on connect four turing
GUI in for loop can't be clicked.
Summative snake game not working
Clear screen for new level
Click Image or Box To Function As Button
Turing Long Exit when
Variable use issue
What software?
Need help with Turing platforms Please (Urgent)
procedure may only be declared at the program . module . or monitor
(URGENT) I need help with turings joystick interface values before monday June 17, 2018
Gui Not Declared Button Help
How to convert Turing file to apk
i need help with a math formula and translating it to turing lanuage
Playing music at the same time as program
Turing Exam
Mastering a Language
Turing Garbage Collection Proof of Concept
Array based collision detection
Mastermind Turing Game
Page Redirection Warning ( header location )
A Base for a 2D Shooter?
cant figure out how to move my image with out it dragging
Anyone who transferred credits from Computer Programming and Analysis to a University?
Making a snake game with character graphics and can't figure out how to make the snake's tail move correctly
Turing Community Discord Server
Change .exe icon; "Bad object file header in...", "Unable to read object file..."
What does this. refer to?
Top 6 ridiculous rules in many areas that you ever heard - skateboarding rules
Where is the Turing 4.1.2 source code?
Turing circle game
Need help with shooter game ASAP
Open Turing Help Menu
the upload thing doesn't work
Rain Help/ Animations
I need help with input
whats all involved in building an forum?
Space invaders in turing
Quitting Program
Pixel Graphics
It’s alive! Scientists create ‘artificial life’ on a quantum computer
Having a loop in the background while other programs are happening. 2 Buttons wanted. Make them bigger
Having a 'Click to continue' inside a loop
Procedure parameter in build-in function (such as GUI.CreateButton)
Character collision detection in Turing
Turing hangman game - Replace characters in a string
Issue with character replacement in a string
Pong Ball bouncing of paddles detection help
Creating moving object within loop, without stopping the rest of the program
Seven Segment Display Help
Local Hosted Web Page GUI? (RPi Dash Project)
Turing tetris removing and adding arrays
turing math tester program
How to exit in a case?
can someone program this form pls
Is there any way to use Dir.Change to enter a folder and then go to a folder that's connected by the root?
Having a hard time with the syntax here, "syntax error at tax, rateofPay and taxRate"
Turing Users: Remember ShapeScape?
importing sorted images in folders
HTML to PDF conversion
convert switch into an if/else statement
My remove LinkedList method not working
need help with inputting a text field...
Pls Help Me with Playing sounds after you press buttons on screen
C++ question
Turing Game Help, for Pool.
how to link java program to JSP
Which outsiders character are you quiz
My Characters wont stop flashing flickering blinking
Where to learn python for beginners?
C++ Output
Using Past String arrays and repeats in a new string array
Detecting when an array char of boolean is empty
game wont work :(
text animation not working
Maze Level help
simple ruby question!
The Age Program
Help with fixing a try catch problem
mystery dungeon inspired game
im making a quiz
Having problems getting my arrays to work
Celeste Snow
Turing Download MacOS Mojave 10.14.6
Counting words in sentence
Push any botton to continue help?
I Need to Write a Program that Can Encrypt a Message Using the Enigma Word Method
[Turing] I need help FAST! Error: Invalid Integer Input
Trying to count the amount of words in a line of text and I'm a little stuck
A Cool Note-Taking App For Learning And Research
need help for encrypter
What do you think the future of Turing will be?
Turing Assignment
Sierpinski's Triangle
I'm a special type of stupid
Any old C coders like me out there I need some help.
How to make a loop that loops a specific number of times ?
Sorting results display
The 'View' Module
Checking if user's input is an integer, real, or string
Turing Timer For Games
Help with loops and outputting different variables
Dell Optiplex GX150 Splash Screen showing random symbols
deleting OS
3L Tanks
Turing Dart Program Help
Turing Low-Level Documentation
Where is everyone at?
Running .t Files Directly in the Run Window
Suggestions on Online Programs?
C++ HELP for window32
Include vs Import
A critique of Blockchain/Bitcoin
ToS has a lot of typos
Turing file opening, assert condition is false
Turing Cash Register Assignment. Help Needed
trying to make tail grow in snake
Issues with procedures, making a battle sim.
anyone out there?
I made a platforming game
Variables vs Constants
project explaining what is coding
Mandelbrot Set Visualizer
Collison with paddle from pong
Miniscule Poker Hand Shuffler
From Turing to FreeBasic
Drawing Pixel Characters
Turing Pong Code not working
Negative Numbers Math Program
Thread Pool Theorizing
Other Versions of Turing
Writing some code to find the first 100 iterations of the 3x+1 problem
Process question
XBox Series vs Playstation 5
Searching and Comparing Colours
What is Turing?
Algebra of conditionals
The dumbest programming thing you ever did before you knew better?
Help with flexible arrays and procedures
Turing wont calculate the new total if added again+
Compile Java files using command line
Randomly select an equation expression (Turing)
.bmp images don't work properly
Introduction to Programming in Turing - PDF Corrections
Widget id not found
Tryna code sepret square going seprate directions
Getting Certain Values From Files
Procedure issue [SOLVED]
Duplicate end if, and program is stuck in a loop at a spesific area
Clueless on making a GUI Calculator...
Blackjack simulation
A new year of school, 2022-2023
I NEED this website!
Need Help With Organizing a List!
How to disable buttons after they are pressed
Star Race
Mapping platforms to an array
I've been writing
Trying to Locate Mouse Coordinates while having the Pic.Draw not covered up by lines or coordinates
Player Sprite Facing Direction using Rotations or Anything More Convenient than having to draw left and right costumes.
Assistance required with structuring a game similar in function to MYST. Mainly switching screens
Dot Animation Issue
How Do I Code A Pic.Draw to Sense Collisions from all points of Player.
Help with GUI
Need help fixing up my CPS test on turing
Data Structure with Python
Vector and Matrix Library for Turing

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