Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB
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 Introduction to Programming in Turing - PDF Corrections
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:03 pm   Post subject: Introduction to Programming in Turing - PDF Corrections

So I've been playing around with Kofax PDF Editor and I decided to do some minor changes to the Introduction to Programming in Turing digital PDF, without actually changing any of the content written by the author.

The changes I made include:

1. I've fixed the document paging. The first two pages of the document are simply labelled as A and B, while the rest of the paging now matches the book properly, using Roman numerals for the pages before Chapter 1, and then using regular numbers from page 1 of Chapter 1 onwards.

2. Since Holtsoft has been long out of business, I have removed any outdated contact information. I have simply left the name of the publisher and location of publication for referencing purposes.

3. Finally, I replaced the contact information removed with a note to visit for more information.

Anyway, 2 and 3 weren't all that necessary, but I hope you at least find the document a bit easier to navigate now. I certainly do. Very Happy


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