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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:19 pm   Post subject: Buttons

What is it you are trying to achieve?
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:32 pm   Post subject: RE:Buttons


PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:53 pm   Post subject: RE:Buttons

For some reason the buttons aren't showing anymore, can you tell me how i can show thoses, this is my code:

import GUI
var x2 := maxx div 2
var y2 := maxy div 2
const radius := 10
var speedx : int := -1
var speedy : int := 1
var font : int
var font2 : int
var movement1 : int := 0
var movement2 : int := 0
var keys : array char of boolean
var x := 175
var y := 0
colorback (black)
for i : 1 .. 25 %Counted loop makes the background stay black
for j : 1 .. 80
put " " ..
end for
end for
setscreen ("nocursor,offscreenonly")
font := Font.New ("Arial Black:18")
font2 := Font.New ("Arial Black:12")
Font.Draw ("Pong", 280, 320, font, red)

procedure startGame

Draw.FillBox (0, 600, maxx, 360, brightred)
Draw.FillBox (0, 00, maxx, 45, brightred)
Draw.FillBox (0, 175 + movement1, 10, 225 + movement1, brightred)
Draw.FillBox (630, x + movement2, maxx, 225 + movement2, brightred)
Font.Draw ("Player 1 Score", 5, 385, font2, blue)
Font.Draw ("Player 2 Score", 500, 385, font2, blue)
Input.KeyDown (keys)
if keys ('w') then
Draw.FillBox (0, 175 + movement1, 10, 225 + movement1, brightred)
if movement1 <= 360 - 175 - 50 then
movement1 := movement1 + 2
end if
end if

if keys ('s') then
Draw.FillBox (0, 175 + movement1, 10, 225 + movement1, brightred)
if movement1 >= 45 - 175 then
movement1 := movement1 - 2
end if
end if

if keys (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
Draw.FillBox (630, 175 + movement2, maxx, 225 + movement2, brightred)
if movement2 <= 360 - 175 - 50 then
movement2 := movement2 + 2
end if
end if

if keys (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
Draw.FillBox (630, 175 + movement2, maxx, 225 + movement2, brightred)
if movement2 >= 45 - 175 then
movement2 := movement2 - 2
end if
end if

Draw.FillOval (x2, y2, radius, radius, brightblue)
x2 := x2 + speedx
if y2 + speedy + radius > 360 or y2 + speedy - radius < 45 then
speedy := speedy * -1
end if
if y2 + speedy + radius > 175 + movement1 and y2 + speedy + radius < 225 + movement1 and x2 + speedx - radius < 10 then
speedx := speedx * -1
end if
if y2 + speedy + radius > 175 + movement2 and y2 + speedy - radius < 225 + movement2 and x2 + speedx - radius > 620 then
speedx := speedx * -1
end if
if y2 + speedy + radius <10 or y2 + speedy + radius>maxx then
Draw.FillOval (x2, y2, radius, radius, brightblue)
end if

end startGame
var startButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (maxx div 2 - 30, 60, 60, "Start Game", startGame)

procedure helpGame
Font.Draw ("Refer to the instruction manual", 100, 320, font, red)
end helpGame
var helpButtom : int := GUI.CreateButton (maxx div 2 - 200, 60, 60, "Help", helpGame)

exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:24 pm   Post subject: RE:Buttons

looks like you are clearing the screen after you process the buttons but before you draw them to the screen.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:30 pm   Post subject: RE:Buttons

where should i process the buttons?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:40 pm   Post subject: RE:Buttons

Good question. What are your choices? It would be before and after all the other major steps that your game is taking.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:16 pm   Post subject: RE:Buttons

Start game and help are the options

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:22 am   Post subject: RE:Buttons

well, the help text is only drawn when you press the button, it doesn't really matter.

You game loop right now is something like

   clear screen
   move stuff
   draw stuff to screen
   process buttons
end loop

but because the loop repeats over and over, it doesn't really matter after the first frame. We can describe it starting from any other point, as long as we maintain the same order of events. It is often helpful to take "draw stuff" as the last step. So what you are doing is:


  process buttons
  clear screen
  move stuff
  draw stuff
end loop

Thus your choices are:
[1]clear screen[2]move stuff[3]draw stuff[4]

You currently decided to place the buttons into slot [1]. I'll let you think about what that means.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:32 am   Post subject: RE:Buttons

I tried this, still doesn't work

import GUI
var x2 := maxx div 2
var y2 := maxy div 2
const radius := 10
var score1 : int := 0
var score2 : int := 0
var strScore1 : string := "0"
var strScore2 : string := "0"
var speedx : int := -1
var speedy : int := 1
var font : int
var font2 : int
var movement1 : int := 0
var movement2 : int := 0
var keys : array char of boolean
var x := 175
var y := 0
colorback (black)
for i : 1 .. 25 %Counted loop makes the background stay black
for j : 1 .. 80
put " " ..
end for
end for
setscreen ("nocursor,offscreenonly")
font := Font.New ("Arial Black:18")
font2 := Font.New ("Arial Black:12")
Font.Draw ("Pong", 280, 320, font, red)
procedure startGame %This procedure runs the game
Draw.FillBox (0, 600, maxx, 360, brightred)
Draw.FillBox (0, 00, maxx, 45, brightred)
Draw.FillBox (0, 175 + movement1, 10, 225 + movement1, brightred)
Draw.FillBox (630, x + movement2, maxx, 225 + movement2, brightred)
Font.Draw ("Player 1 Score", 5, 385, font2, blue)
Font.Draw ("Player 2 Score", 500, 385, font2, blue)
Input.KeyDown (keys)
if keys ('w') then
Draw.FillBox (0, 175 + movement1, 10, 225 + movement1, brightred)
if movement1 <= 360 - 175 - 50 then
movement1 := movement1 + 2
end if
end if

if keys ('s') then
Draw.FillBox (0, 175 + movement1, 10, 225 + movement1, brightred)
if movement1 >= 45 - 175 then
movement1 := movement1 - 2
end if
end if

if keys (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
Draw.FillBox (630, 175 + movement2, maxx, 225 + movement2, brightred)
if movement2 <= 360 - 175 - 50 then
movement2 := movement2 + 2
end if
end if

if keys (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
Draw.FillBox (630, 175 + movement2, maxx, 225 + movement2, brightred)
if movement2 >= 45 - 175 then
movement2 := movement2 - 2
end if
end if
Font.Draw (strScore1, 5, 370, font2, blue)
Font.Draw (strScore2, 600, 370, font2, blue)

Draw.FillOval (x2, y2, radius, radius, brightblue)
x2 := x2 + speedx
y2 := y2 + speedy
if y2 + speedy + radius > 360 or y2 + speedy - radius < 45 then
speedy := speedy * -1
end if
if y2 + speedy + radius > 175 + movement1 and y2 + speedy + radius < 225 + movement1 and x2 + speedx - radius < 10 then
speedx := speedx * -1
end if
if y2 + speedy + radius > 175 + movement2 and y2 + speedy - radius < 225 + movement2 and x2 + speedx - radius > 620 then
speedx := speedx * -1
end if
%If statement used for scoring
if x2 + speedx + radius > 650 then %If the x value is greater than maxx, then a point is added to player 1
score1 := score1 + 1
strScore1 := intstr (score1)
speedx := 1
x2 := maxx div 2
y2 := maxy div 2
elsif x2 + speedx + radius < 0 then %if the x value is less than zero, then a point is added to player 2
score2 := score2 + 1
strScore2 := intstr (score2) %Converts score to string value
speedx := -1
x2 := maxx div 2
y2 := maxy div 2
end if
end startGame
procedure helpGame
Font.Draw ("Refer to the instruction manual", 100, 320, font, red)
end helpGame
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
var startButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (maxx div 2 - 30, 60, 60, "Start Game", startGame)
var helpButtom : int := GUI.CreateButton (maxx div 2 - 200, 60, 60, "Help", helpGame)
end loop
end loop

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:35 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:Buttons

Salman @ Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:32 am wrote:

exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
var startButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (maxx div 2 - 30, 60, 60, "Start Game", startGame)
var helpButtom : int := GUI.CreateButton (maxx div 2 - 200, 60, 60, "Help", helpGame)
end loop

Can you explain what your code is doing here?
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:13 pm   Post subject: RE:Buttons

it creates the buttons, and the loop exits when gui.quit is called, whereupon GUI.ProcessEvent will return true and the loop will exit

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:15 pm   Post subject: RE:Buttons

When, i run it just the buttons won't clear

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:38 pm   Post subject: RE:Buttons

- how many buttons will it create (hint, it's more than 2)?
- when will the loop exit (that is, when will GUI.Quit be called)?
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:59 pm   Post subject: RE:Buttons

It will create 2 buttons, the loop will exit when GUI.ProcessEvent

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:17 pm   Post subject: RE:Buttons

I'm still confused with what to do
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