Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:05 pm   Post subject: First post-SPACE BATTLES

HEy tell me what you think of this game only one problem make a folder called Gui and put all pictures in there for the game to work


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:40 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Very buggy, but overall not a bad attempt. I won't even both mentioning the unmentionable game that was once created that blew us all away, because that has now since past. Suffice it to say that it had a similar idea.

In no particular order:
- you need to fix your Pic.Rotates, perhaps you should consider not using Turing's in-built one, since it was cutting off bits of your pics. You could always increase the overall size and hope that works.
Also, this part is really buggy, and selecting different ships for different players often crashes it.
- mouse clicking whilst selecting ships is a little sticky. Look up the various Mouse. commands and try incorporate Mouse.ButtonMoved and Mouse.ButtonWait - both very useful.
- two of the ships don't work. Not good.
- when a round is over, the text that talks about how to exit does not display.
Also, this input is not error trapped at all - too easy to crash.
- explosions are a little forced (to say the least) and somewhat buggy. Perhaps making your own particle engine to animate them...just kidding, that's pusing it.
- sometimes when selecting ships, you don't activate the confirmation window. Check that out.
- Player 2 can go off the main window, but player 1 is limited to stay on it...I'm guessing you wanted to use the entire background pic, but you haven't implemented that part yet.

I like the general movement of the game. Nothing to complex, just plain and simple. Once you get through this version, I'd suggest looking into procedures and functions to improve on everything you have. You at ~650 lines of linear code. Stick in some well created procs and fcns, and you could potentially half that number.
I'm curious, why did you name your pics folder "gui"?

+bits, if only for the evident effort.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:56 pm   Post subject: this is pretty cool..but try this

hey i liked ur game...but try this one, i did it in 4 days

this is pretty good...but try and do this one, it took me around 4days

Create a simple game. Place a "wall" in the centre of the screen with an opening in it which is 2x the Pacman's diameter. The Pacman should only be able to move from the left side of the screen to the right by passing through the gap in the wall. The Pacman will start on the left side of the screen, with a randomly located "pill" on the right side for the Pacman to devour. Once this pill has been eaten, a second pill will appear in a random location on the left side of the screen. The object of the game will be to devour the two pills in as short a time interval as possible.
1. To keep track of the time needed by the user to devour the two pills, look up the Turing time procedures wallclock and clock. One of these should be suitable. Write a brief summary of how each works.
2. To determine whether or not a pill has been "eaten", your program will have to calculate the distance between the centre of the pill and the centre of the Pacman. A little Pythagoras will help! If this distance is less than the sum of the radii of the pill and the Pacman, then the Pacman is touching the pill. Write the condition that you would use, assuming that the Pacman's centre is (x, y) and its radius is 20, while the pill's centre is (xPill, yPill) and its radius is 5.
3. In the diagram on the right, only the Pacman at A should be able to pass through the gap. Those at B and C should be able to move slightly closer to the wall, or along the wall, or away from the wall, but should not be able to move through or into the wall.
4. Add some graphics to the game!!
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