Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:06 am Post subject: Projectile game help
Can somebody help me create a game were the user has to hit a randomly placed target and the user must be able to choose were they shoot from by clicking the mouse, as well as being able to choose how hard they want to shoot the ball . If the user clicks in a space they are not aloud to shoot from, it cant let them, and it has to keep track of their score.
If you have any tips or even the whole code, please help me
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Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:15 am Post subject: RE:Projectile game help
this is just physics, the easiest way to do this, is just let user enters the initial speed and angle,
slap me if im wrong but i think the equation is this
x2 = x1 + V*cos(theta)*t
y2 = y1 + V*sin(theta)*t - (1/2)*g*t^2
and just draw the x and y of this dot or circle or w/e
and what if we have the whole code? we just give it to you? if only life was that easy..... hmm...
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:13 pm Post subject: RE:Projectile game help
Wait, are you having a turret type game, if so you'll need to find angles between the turret and the mouse co-ordinates before you can implement the previously stated physics.
this can be acomplished using turing's trig functions
such as
acrtand - tan inverse in degrees
acrsind -sin inverse in degrees
arccosd - cos inverse in degrees
theses commands also work in radians just drop the d at the end.
look at the turing help for trig for a fuller explanAtion
- happy coding
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:31 pm Post subject: Re: Projectile game help
Thank you soo much, at least now i can tackle this thing with some knowledge :
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:47 am Post subject: Re: Projectile game help
I need help with what I have so far, can anybody tell me how to fix when i shoot the ball; the target and the line disapear after you click and if you click above the line its supposed to say "->Please try again<-" and it does but its too fast for anyone to see :'(
"->Invalid Position<-"
setscreen ("graphics:max;max")
var font1, font2, font3 : int
var ovalx, ovaly : int
var start : int
var load : string := "Loading"
var displacement : int
var force : int
var launchx, launchy : int
var buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int
var zz : int := 1
var rad, rad2 : int
rad := 10
rad2 := 25
color (53)
locate (20, 60)
put " Click somewhere under the line to launch the ball from the cannon " ..
locate (21, 60)
put " The objective is to hit the target with the ball" ..
locate (22, 60)
put " Each time you hit the target, you recieve 10 points" ..
locate (23, 60)
put " If you miss the target, you loose 20 points" ..
end if
proc ball
for i : 1 .. 1000 by 2
displacement := round (1 / 250 * (- (i - 40 * force) ** 2 + (40 * force) ** 2))
drawfilloval (launchx + i, launchy + displacement, rad, rad, blue)
end for
end ball
color (53)
locate (20, 60)
put " How hard do you want to shoot your ball?"
delay (100)
locate (21, 75)
put " 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 "
locate (25, 70)
put "Force = " ..
get force
if force = 1 then
force := 1
elsif force = 2 then
force := 2
elsif force = 3 then
force := 3
elsif force = 4 then
force := 4
elsif force = 5 then
force := 5
elsif force = 6 then
force := 6
elsif force = 7 then
force := 7
elsif force = 8 then
force := 8
end if
colorback (grey)
if launchx > 1 and launchx < 2000 and launchy < 150 and launchy > 10 then
Draw.ThickLine (1, 150, 2000, 150, 5, black)
locate (20, 60)
put " ->Please try again<- "
locate (21, 60)
put " ->Invalid Position<-"
end if
end loop
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:34 am Post subject: RE:Projectile game help
what the hell is this?
what classmates? comparing with the codes, there are A LOT of similarities....
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:45 am Post subject: Re: Projectile game help
People saw what i posted and copied me :'(
But please, i need help with this.
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:23 pm Post subject: Re: Projectile game help
Murthtwo @ 13th December 2007, 11:45 am wrote:
People saw what i posted and copied me :'(
But please, i need help with this.
I hate it when peoleop travel into the future copy me, and then go back to there time and post it. We deftaly need to get some laws about code copyers using time mashens.
For the fools who do not get it check the post time of his post and the one he side copyed him.
Computer Science CanadaHelp with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!
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Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:14 pm Post subject: RE:Projectile game help
I noticed this too. The code in the other post is gone and who is OP.
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:18 pm Post subject: RE:Projectile game help
OP = Original Poster. The code is in a better place now.
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:04 am Post subject: RE:Projectile game help
U'm there are some huge flaws in your coding conventions. I noticed the if structure where you get the force from the user
if Force =1 then
Force := 1
end if
This is completely redundent.
Also ..
proc ball
for i : 1 .. 1000 by 2
displacement := round (1 / 250 * (- (i - 40 * force) ** 2 + (40 * force) ** 2))
drawfilloval (launchx + i, launchy + displacement, rad, rad, blue)
end for
end ball
I don't understand why you are using a for when animating something cuz it stops you from having two things at once moving..
this is why your drawline just pops up afterwords. also i don't get your implementaion of the mouse. And to those copying this. This is a begginers attempt at a game it's a good start but has huge flaws, if your going to bother copying copy from a good source and try to understand the code.
any way that was my rant
keep trying man
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:33 am Post subject: Re: RE:Projectile game help
petree08 @ Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:04 am wrote:
...And to those copying this. This is a begginers attempt at a game it's a good start but has huge flaws, if your going to bother copying copy from a good source and try to understand the code.
...keep trying man
dude you completely missed who copied it... Murthtwo copied this from Gergysun (that guy who asked a lot of questions but did his own work)
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:42 pm Post subject: RE:Projectile game help
you might want to read the fine print in dans post
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:28 pm Post subject: RE:Projectile game help
lol sorry but still there are a lot of people copying bad code.
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:09 pm Post subject: Re: Projectile game help
LOL, i know how i wrote the code... i know that the if force = whatver is completely not needed but still.
i used the proc ball and the displacement stuff cause..well...umm..we have to ..Its for a class. This was one of the *manditory* tihngs we had to do. **Excluding the proc**
i just used the proc to make it shorter in the long run.