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 Sun Fighters Final
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I could of wrote this in my sleep...
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I have no friends to play multiplayer with =(
 20%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 5

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:01 pm   Post subject: Sun Fighters Final

This game is 1 of my 4 ISU's. It can support a joystick if wired up corretly, and can have from 1-4 multiplayer action to avoid the sun! Have fun!


 Filename:  Sun
 Filesize:  349.92 KB
 Downloaded:  282 Time(s)


PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 2:45 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Not such a bad attempt. It does what it says on the box, which is always a plus. I like the addition of the music; the graphics are nice and minimalistic which serves their purpose well; the controls take a little getting used to though they might be a tad too sensitive.
A few detailed comments:
- since this is for an ISU, you should error-trap all input. The input of strings for int vars crashes the programme - a very basic flaw that is easy to eliminate.
- I notice some numbers at the bottom of the screen during game play. Are these supposed to be scores? If so, they don't work...the moment one crashes, the game restarts, regardless of how many people are playing. If the aim of the multiplayer mode is cooperativity, then say so. If it is competition, the say so as well...right now, when any player is fried, essentially all are.
- your code could do with a rehash. It's good to use procedures, but without parameters, it's like using fire hydrant to water the petunias on your balcony (assuming the fire hydrant stretched that far). Try move away from global variables and towards passable arguments. Case in point:

procedure Sun
    drawfilloval (round (sunx), round (suny), 100, 100, sun)     %sun body
    drawfilloval (round (sunx) - 40, round (suny) + 30, 10, 10, face)     %left eye

Could easily be:


proc Sun (x, y : real)
  drawfilloval (round (x), round (y), 100, 100, sun)

% or:
proc Sun (x, y : real, radius : int, sun_colours : array 1..3 of int)
% for more flexibility.

By using the latter, you could specifiy where to draw the object (x, y), how large (radius), and what colours to use (one for the 'body', one for the 'eyes and smile', and one for the 'outline').
- setscreen ("nobuttonbar;position:middle;middle") might help a little...
- please don't use quits. They are quite coarse. Create a flag to exit your main loop and set it off in your quit condition.

A quick and enjoyable game, but with many possibilities to be filled.
+ bits for the effort and well crafted presentation.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:20 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Yeah, my friend had trouble with the controls the first like 20 rounds, then he got used to them. As for your suggestion to exit my main loop, I should consider that because I don't like quit statments myself. Just never really pressed 'q' to quit because I just went back to my code while it was running, then re-ran it.

I am firmilliar with parimeters, and I should add some to the sun. I never got around to killing off a player and letting others survive until the last man standing, so I just made scores increase of whoever doesn't die.

Your suggestions will be implemented when I get home from my English exam today, even though I handed in this program already, I still like to do Turing on my own at home.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:31 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Never got around to it? That should only take about 2 minutes. (or maybe not? I didn't actually look at the code Razz)

Something like this should work


%check if the player is dead, if (s)he isn't allow movement
if player1 not dead then
       if Key(move_left_button) then
       elseif Key(move_right_button) then
       end if

end if

Do this for each seperate player and their keys.

Pretty easy right? Please correct me if there's a better way Razz

Other than that, it's a pretty good game. Nice work Exclamation

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:46 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I never got around to it because I dont feel like opening up the file on my USB Key, and I'm doing exams and mowing lawns, and checking forums and emails. Plus, I'm not in a programming mood. But once I;m in a programming mood, I'll do it for hours.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:15 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Ahhh..the programming mood. I'm always in it... it's probably not healthy... Razz

PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:52 am   Post subject: (No subject)

vahnx wrote:
Plus, I'm not in a programming mood. But once I;m in a programming mood, I'll do it for hours.
Im always in the programming mood when ever i get boring math homework. Laughing
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