setscreen ("graphics:1136;796,nobuttonbar")
var boxx, boxy, boxw : int := 0
var boxxx, boxyy, boxww : int := 25
var col : int := 1
var count := 0
var x, y, button : int
var colorpic : int := 0
var size : int := 5
var clear : int := 0
var opn : int := 0
var leave : int := 0
var shape : int := 0
var loc : int
var loc2 : int
var stsize : int
var getstshape : int := 0
var stamp : int := 0
var draw : int := 1
var fill : int := 0
var stampop : int := 0
var font : int
var scn : int := 0
drawline (0, 60, 1135, 60, 7)
drawfillbox (70, 726, 1135, 60, 7)
drawfillbox (75, 721, 1130, 65, 31)
process DoMusic
Music.PlayFile ("%oot/support/help/Examples/Data Files/music.wav")
end DoMusic
fork DoMusic
font := Font.New ("Arial:32:bold,italic")
assert font > 0
Font.Draw ("Alex Chalmers' Paint Program", 300, 380, font, green)
delay (4900)
drawfillbox (300, 350, 1000, 430, 31)
font := Font.New ("Arial:32:bold,italic")
assert font > 0
Font.Draw ("Welcome", 528, 380, font, green)
delay (4900)
drawfillbox (300, 350, 1000, 430, 31)
drawbox (1130, 790, 1000, 740, 7)
drawbox (85, 731, 200, 791, 7)
locate (2, 16)
put "OPEN" ..
locate (2, 128)
put "Clear Screen" ..
locate (2, 78)
put "Size Palette" ..
locate (2, 30)
put "Color in use" ..
locate (2, 3)
put "EXIT" ..
drawline (0, 726, 70, 726, 7)
drawline (70, 726, 70, 796, 7)
locate (6, 3)
put "HELP" ..
drawbox (5, 690, 65, 720, 7)
drawfillbox (726, 731, 791, 791, 7)
drawfillbox (796, 731, 846, 781, 7)
drawfillbox (851, 731, 891, 771, 7)
drawfillbox (896, 731, 926, 761, 7)
drawfillbox (931, 731, 951, 751, 7)
drawfillbox (956, 731, 966, 741, 7)
drawfillbox (971, 731, 976, 736, 7)
drawfillbox (981, 731, 983, 733, 7)
drawbox (5, 75, 30, 100, 7)
drawfilloval (17, 87, 12, 12, 7)
drawbox (35, 75, 60, 100, 7)
drawfillbox (40, 80, 55, 95, 7)
drawbox (5, 105, 30, 130, 7)
drawfillstar (5, 105, 30, 130, 7)
drawbox (35, 105, 60, 130, 7)
drawfillmapleleaf (35, 105, 60, 130, 7)
drawbox (5, 660, 30, 685, 7)
drawline (25, 660, 30, 665, 7)
drawline (25, 660, 13, 670, 7)
drawline (30, 665, 16, 675, 7)
drawline (16, 675, 20, 680, 7)
drawline (13, 670, 9, 665, 7)
drawline (9, 665, 9, 680, 7)
drawline (20, 680, 9, 680, 7)
drawbox (35, 135, 60, 160, 7)
drawfillbox (46, 135, 49, 147, 7)
drawfillbox (41, 147, 55, 149, 7)
drawbox (5, 135, 30, 160, 7)
drawfilloval (17, 153, 3, 7, 7)
drawbox (8, 138, 27, 146, 7)
drawline (11, 138, 11, 140, 7)
drawline (14, 138, 14, 140, 7)
drawline (17, 138, 17, 140, 7)
drawline (20, 138, 20, 140, 7)
drawline (23, 138, 23, 140, 7)
drawline (26, 138, 26, 140, 7)
drawbox (5, 165, 30, 190, 7)
drawfilloval (17, 183, 3, 7, 7)
drawfillbox (8, 168, 27, 176, 7)
drawline (11, 168, 11, 170, 31)
drawline (14, 168, 14, 170, 31)
drawline (17, 168, 17, 170, 31)
drawline (20, 168, 20, 170, 31)
drawline (23, 168, 23, 170, 31)
drawline (26, 168, 26, 170, 31)
drawbox (35, 165, 60, 190, 7)
drawline (52, 165, 60, 174, 7)
drawline (60, 174, 52, 186, 7)
drawline (52, 165, 42, 178, 7)
drawline (42, 178, 52, 186, 7)
drawoval (51, 179, 2, 2, 7)
drawline (51, 179, 57, 188, 7)
drawline (57, 188, 54, 184, 7)
drawoval (41, 172, 3, 6, 7)
drawfilloval (41, 172, 2, 5, colorpic)
locate (4, 55)
put "Size in use" ..
locate (4, 70)
color (31)
colorback (7)
put "x1 " ..
color (7)
drawfillbox (boxx, 5, boxxx, 25, col)
boxx := boxx + 30
boxxx := boxxx + 30
col := col + 1
if (col > 38 and col < 77) then
drawfillbox (boxy, 30, boxyy, 50, col)
boxy := boxy + 30
boxyy := boxyy + 30
end if
if col = 77 then
end if
end loop
mousewhere (x, y, button)
drawbox (35, 135, 60, 160, 7)
drawfillbox (46, 135, 49, 147, 7)
drawfillbox (41, 147, 55, 149, 7)
drawline (41, 149, 41, 160, colorpic)
drawline (43, 149, 43, 160, colorpic)
drawline (45, 149, 45, 160, colorpic)
drawline (47, 149, 47, 160, colorpic)
drawline (49, 149, 49, 160, colorpic)
drawline (51, 149, 51, 160, colorpic)
drawline (53, 149, 53, 160, colorpic)
drawline (55, 149, 55, 160, colorpic)
drawfilloval (41, 172, 2, 6, colorpic)
if (x > 5 and x < 30 and y > 669 and y < 685 and button = 1) then
mousewhere (x, y, button)
if (x > 35 and x < 60 and y > 135 and y < 160 and button = 1) then
end if
if (y > 797 and y < 827 and x > 1113 and x < 1141) then
randint (loc, 6, 45)
randint (loc2, 11, 90)
locate (loc, loc2)
put "What are you doing? There is an exit button fool! " ..
end if
if (x > 5 and x < 65 and y > 731 and y < 791 and button = 1) then
drawbox (450, 350, 750, 550, 7)
drawline (450, 520, 750, 520, 7)
leave := 1
locate (17, 73)
put "EXIT?" ..
locate (19, 69)
put "Are you sure?" ..
locate (24, 66)
put "Yes" ..
locate (24, 82)
put "No" ..
drawbox (500, 400, 575, 450, 7)
drawbox (700, 400, 625, 450, 7)
end if
if (leave = 1 and x > 500 and x < 575 and y > 400 and y < 450 and button = 1) then
end if
if (leave = 1 and x > 625 and x < 700 and y > 400 and y < 450 and button = 1) then
drawbox (450, 350, 750, 550, 31)
drawline (450, 520, 750, 520, 31)
leave := 0
color (31)
locate (17, 73)
put "EXIT?" ..
locate (19, 69)
put "Are you sure?" ..
locate (24, 66)
put "Yes" ..
locate (24, 82)
put "No" ..
color (7)
drawbox (500, 400, 575, 450, 31)
drawbox (700, 400, 625, 450, 31)
end if
if (x < 1130 and x > 1000 and y > 740 and y < 790 and button = 1) then
clear := 1
drawbox (450, 350, 750, 550, 7)
drawline (450, 520, 750, 520, 7)
locate (17, 73)
put "CLEAR" ..
locate (19, 69)
put "Are you sure?" ..
locate (24, 66)
put "Yes" ..
locate (24, 82)
put "No" ..
drawbox (500, 400, 575, 450, 7)
drawbox (700, 400, 625, 450, 7)
end if
if (clear = 1 and x > 500 and x < 575 and y > 400 and y < 450 and button = 1) then
drawfillbox (75, 721, 1130, 65, 31)
clear := 0
colorpic := 31
end if
if (clear = 1 and x > 625 and x < 700 and y > 400 and y < 450 and button = 1) then
drawbox (450, 350, 750, 550, 31)
drawline (450, 520, 750, 520, 31)
clear := 0
locate (17, 73)
color (31)
put "CLEAR" ..
locate (19, 69)
put "Are you sure?" ..
locate (24, 66)
put "Yes" ..
locate (24, 82)
put "No" ..
color (7)
drawbox (500, 400, 575, 450, 31)
drawbox (700, 400, 625, 450, 31)
end if
if (x > 85 and x < 200 and y > 731 and y < 791 and button = 1) then
opn := 1
drawbox (450, 350, 750, 550, 7)
drawline (450, 520, 750, 520, 7)
locate (17, 74)
put "OPEN" ..
locate (27, 60)
put "Canada Flag" ..
locate (27, 80)
put "Piano program" ..
drawbox (610, 355, 745, 400, 7)
drawbox (455, 355, 605, 400, 7)
end if
if (opn = 1 and x > 455 and x < 605 and y > 355 and y < 400 and button = 1) then
drawbox (450, 350, 750, 550, 31)
drawline (450, 520, 750, 520, 31)
locate (17, 74)
color (31)
put "OPEN" ..
locate (27, 60)
put "Canada Flag" ..
color (7)
drawbox (455, 355, 605, 400, 31)
drawfillbox (75, 721, 1130, 65, 31)
drawfillbox (75, 65, 426, 721, 12)
drawfillbox (780, 65, 1130, 721, 12)
drawfillmapleleaf (426, 65, 780, 721, 12)
colorpic := 12
opn := 0
end if
end loop
end if
drawbox (350, 731, 410, 791, 7)
drawfillbox (351, 732, 409, 790, colorpic)
if (x > 35 and x < 60 and y > 135 and y < 160 and button = 1) then
draw := 1
fill := 0
stamp := 0
end if
if (x > 35 and x < 60 and y > 165 and y < 190 and button = 1) then
scn := 1
end if
if scn = 1 then
drawbox (420, 760, 600, 780, 7)
locate (2, 54)
put "Click to fill screen" ..
end if
if (scn = 1 and x > 420 and x < 760 and y > 760 and y < 780 and button = 1) then
drawfillbox (75, 721, 1130, 65, colorpic)
scn := 0
end if
if scn = 0 then
drawbox (420, 760, 600, 780, 31)
color (31)
locate (2, 54)
put "Click to fill screen" ..
color (7)
end if
if (x > 5 and x < 30 and y > 165 and y < 190 and button = 1) then
draw := 0
stamp := 1
fill := 1
drawbox (455, 355, 605, 420, 7)
locate (25, 60)
put "Select size" ..
locate (27, 60)
get stsize
locate (27, 60)
color (31)
put stsize ..
drawbox (455, 355, 605, 420, 31)
locate (25, 60)
color (31)
put "Select size" ..
color (7)
locate (25, 60)
put "Select Shape" ..
drawbox (460, 370, 480, 390, 7)
drawmapleleaf (490, 370, 510, 390, 7)
drawstar (520, 370, 540, 390, 7)
drawoval (560, 380, 10, 10, 7)
stsize := stsize div 2
end if
if (fill = 1 and stamp = 1 and x > 550 and x < 570 and y > 370 and y < 390 and button = 1) then
getstshape := 4
colorpic := 31
color (31)
locate (25, 60)
put "Select Shape" ..
drawbox (460, 370, 480, 390, 31)
drawmapleleaf (490, 370, 510, 390, 31)
drawstar (520, 370, 540, 390, 31)
drawoval (560, 380, 10, 10, 31)
color (7)
stamp := 0
end if
if (fill = 1 and getstshape = 4 and y > 66 + stsize and y < 720 - stsize and x > 76 + stsize and x < 1128 - stsize and button = 1) then
drawfilloval (x, y, stsize, stsize, colorpic)
end if
if (fill = 1 and stamp = 1 and x > 520 and x < 540 and y > 370 and y < 390 and button = 1) then
getstshape := 3
colorpic := 31
color (31)
locate (25, 60)
put "Select Shape" ..
drawbox (460, 370, 480, 390, 31)
drawmapleleaf (490, 370, 510, 390, 31)
drawstar (520, 370, 540, 390, 31)
drawoval (560, 380, 10, 10, 31)
color (7)
stamp := 0
end if
if (fill = 1 and getstshape = 3 and y > 66 + stsize and y < 720 - stsize and x > 76 + stsize and x < 1128 - stsize and button = 1) then
drawfillstar (x - stsize, y - stsize, x + stsize, y + stsize, colorpic)
end if
if (fill = 1 and stamp = 1 and x > 490 and x < 510 and y > 370 and y < 390 and button = 1) then
getstshape := 2
color (31)
locate (25, 60)
put "Select Shape" ..
drawbox (460, 370, 480, 390, colorpic)
drawmapleleaf (490, 370, 510, 390, colorpic)
drawstar (520, 370, 540, 390, colorpic)
drawoval (560, 380, 10, 10, colorpic)
color (7)
stamp := 0
colorpic := 31
end if
if (fill = 1 and getstshape = 2 and y > 66 + stsize and y < 720 - stsize and x > 76 + stsize and x < 1128 - stsize and button = 1) then
drawfillmapleleaf (x - stsize, y - stsize, x + stsize, y + stsize, colorpic)
end if
if (fill = 1 and stamp = 1 and x > 460 and x < 480 and y > 370 and y < 390 and button = 1) then
getstshape := 1
colorpic := 31
color (31)
locate (25, 60)
put "Select Shape" ..
drawbox (460, 370, 480, 390, 31)
drawmapleleaf (490, 370, 510, 390, 31)
drawstar (520, 370, 540, 390, 31)
drawoval (560, 380, 10, 10, 31)
color (7)
stamp := 0
end if
if (fill = 1 and getstshape = 1 and y > 66 + stsize and y < 720 - stsize and x > 76 + stsize and x < 1128 - stsize and button = 1) then
drawfillbox (x - stsize, y - stsize, x + stsize, y + stsize, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 5 and x < 30 and y > 135 and y < 160 and button = 1) then
draw := 0
stamp := 1
fill := 0
stampop := 1
drawbox (455, 355, 605, 420, 7)
locate (25, 60)
put "Select size" ..
locate (27, 60)
get stsize
locate (27, 60)
color (31)
put stsize ..
drawbox (455, 355, 605, 420, 31)
locate (25, 60)
color (31)
put "Select size" ..
color (7)
locate (25, 60)
put "Select Shape" ..
drawbox (460, 370, 480, 390, 7)
drawmapleleaf (490, 370, 510, 390, 7)
drawstar (520, 370, 540, 390, 7)
drawoval (560, 380, 10, 10, 7)
stsize := stsize div 2
end if
if (stampop = 1 and x > 550 and x < 570 and y > 370 and y < 390 and button = 1) then
getstshape := 4
colorpic := 31
color (31)
locate (25, 60)
put "Select Shape" ..
drawbox (460, 370, 480, 390, 31)
drawmapleleaf (490, 370, 510, 390, 31)
drawstar (520, 370, 540, 390, 31)
drawoval (560, 380, 10, 10, 31)
color (7)
stampop := 0
end if
if (stamp = 1 and getstshape = 4 and y > 66 + stsize and y < 720 - stsize and x > 76 + stsize and x < 1128 - stsize and button = 1) then
drawoval (x, y, stsize, stsize, colorpic)
end if
if (stampop = 1 and x > 520 and x < 540 and y > 370 and y < 390 and button = 1) then
getstshape := 3
colorpic := 31
color (31)
locate (25, 60)
put "Select Shape" ..
drawbox (460, 370, 480, 390, 31)
drawmapleleaf (490, 370, 510, 390, 31)
drawstar (520, 370, 540, 390, 31)
drawoval (560, 380, 10, 10, 31)
color (7)
stampop := 0
end if
if (stamp = 1 and getstshape = 3 and y > 66 + stsize and y < 720 - stsize and x > 76 + stsize and x < 1128 - stsize and button = 1) then
drawstar (x - stsize, y - stsize, x + stsize, y + stsize, colorpic)
end if
if (stampop = 1 and x > 490 and x < 510 and y > 370 and y < 390 and button = 1) then
getstshape := 2
colorpic := 31
color (31)
locate (25, 60)
put "Select Shape" ..
drawbox (460, 370, 480, 390, 31)
drawmapleleaf (490, 370, 510, 390, 31)
drawstar (520, 370, 540, 390, 31)
drawoval (560, 380, 10, 10, 31)
color (7)
stampop := 0
end if
if (stamp = 1 and getstshape = 2 and y > 66 + stsize and y < 720 - stsize and x > 76 + stsize and x < 1128 - stsize and button = 1) then
drawmapleleaf (x - stsize, y - stsize, x + stsize, y + stsize, colorpic)
end if
if (stampop = 1 and x > 460 and x < 480 and y > 370 and y < 390 and button = 1) then
getstshape := 1
colorpic := 31
color (31)
locate (25, 60)
put "Select Shape" ..
drawbox (460, 370, 480, 390, 31)
drawmapleleaf (490, 370, 510, 390, 31)
drawstar (520, 370, 540, 390, 31)
drawoval (560, 380, 10, 10, 31)
color (7)
stampop := 0
end if
if (stamp = 1 and getstshape = 1 and y > 66 + stsize and y < 720 - stsize and x > 76 + stsize and x < 1128 - stsize and button = 1) then
drawbox (x - stsize, y - stsize, x + stsize, y + stsize, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 35 and x < 60 and y > 105 and y < 130 and button = 1) then
shape := 3
drawfillbox (350, 731, 410, 791, 31)
drawfillbox (726, 731, 986, 791, 31)
drawfillmapleleaf (726, 731, 791, 791, 7)
drawfillmapleleaf (796, 731, 846, 781, 7)
drawfillmapleleaf (851, 731, 891, 771, 7)
drawfillmapleleaf (896, 731, 926, 761, 7)
drawfillmapleleaf (931, 731, 951, 751, 7)
drawfillmapleleaf (956, 731, 966, 741, 7)
drawfillmapleleaf (971, 731, 976, 736, 7)
drawfillmapleleaf (981, 731, 983, 733, 7)
end if
if (x > 5 and x < 30 and y > 105 and y < 139 and button = 1) then
shape := 2
drawfillbox (350, 731, 410, 791, 31)
drawfillbox (726, 731, 986, 791, 31)
drawfillstar (726, 731, 791, 791, 7)
drawfillstar (796, 731, 846, 781, 7)
drawfillstar (851, 731, 891, 771, 7)
drawfillstar (896, 731, 926, 761, 7)
drawfillstar (931, 731, 951, 751, 7)
drawfillstar (956, 731, 966, 741, 7)
drawfillstar (971, 731, 976, 736, 7)
drawfillstar (981, 731, 983, 733, 7)
end if
if (y > 797 and y < 827 and x > 1113 and x < 1141) then
randint (loc, 6, 45)
randint (loc2, 11, 90)
locate (loc, loc2)
put "What are you doing? There is an exit button fool! " ..
end if
if (x > 35 and x < 60 and y > 75 and y < 100 and button = 1) then
shape := 0
drawfillbox (350, 731, 410, 791, 31)
drawfillbox (726, 731, 986, 791, 31)
drawfillbox (726, 731, 791, 791, 7)
drawfillbox (796, 731, 846, 781, 7)
drawfillbox (851, 731, 891, 771, 7)
drawfillbox (896, 731, 926, 761, 7)
drawfillbox (931, 731, 951, 751, 7)
drawfillbox (956, 731, 966, 741, 7)
drawfillbox (971, 731, 976, 736, 7)
drawfillbox (981, 731, 983, 733, 7)
end if
if (x > 5 and x < 30 and y > 75 and y < 100 and button = 1) then
shape := 1
drawfillbox (350, 731, 410, 791, 31)
drawfillbox (726, 731, 986, 791, 31)
drawfilloval (758, 761, 30, 30, 7)
drawfilloval (821, 756, 25, 25, 7)
drawfilloval (871, 751, 20, 20, 7)
drawfilloval (911, 746, 15, 15, 7)
drawfilloval (941, 741, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (961, 736, 5, 5, 7)
drawfilloval (974, 734, 3, 3, 7)
drawfilloval (982, 733, 2, 2, 7)
end if
delay (1)
drawbox (5, 731, 65, 791, 7)
if (x > 5 and x < 65 and y > 731 and y < 791 and button = 1) then
drawbox (450, 350, 750, 550, 7)
drawline (450, 520, 750, 520, 7)
leave := 1
locate (17, 73)
put "EXIT?" ..
locate (19, 69)
put "Are you sure?" ..
locate (24, 66)
put "Yes" ..
locate (24, 82)
put "No" ..
drawbox (500, 400, 575, 450, 7)
drawbox (700, 400, 625, 450, 7)
end if
if (leave = 1 and x > 500 and x < 575 and y > 400 and y < 450 and button = 1) then
end if
if (leave = 1 and x > 625 and x < 700 and y > 400 and y < 450 and button = 1) then
drawbox (450, 350, 750, 550, 31)
drawline (450, 520, 750, 520, 31)
leave := 0
color (31)
locate (17, 73)
put "EXIT?" ..
locate (19, 69)
put "Are you sure?" ..
locate (24, 66)
put "Yes" ..
locate (24, 82)
put "No" ..
color (7)
drawbox (500, 400, 575, 450, 31)
drawbox (700, 400, 625, 450, 31)
end if
if (x > 0 and x < 25 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 1
end if
if (x > 30 and x < 55 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 2
end if
if (x > 60 and x < 85 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 3
end if
if (x > 90 and x < 115 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 4
end if
if (x > 120 and x < 145 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 5
end if
if (x > 150 and x < 175 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 6
end if
if (x > 180 and x < 205 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 7
end if
if (x > 210 and x < 235 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 8
end if
if (x > 240 and x < 265 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 9
end if
if (x > 270 and x < 295 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 10
end if
if (x > 300 and x < 325 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 11
end if
if (x > 330 and x < 355 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 12
end if
if (x > 360 and x < 385 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 13
end if
if (x > 390 and x < 415 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 14
end if
if (x > 420 and x < 445 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 15
end if
if (x > 450 and x < 475 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 16
end if
if (x > 480 and x < 505 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 17
end if
if (x > 510 and x < 535 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 18
end if
if (x > 540 and x < 565 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 19
end if
if (x > 570 and x < 595 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 20
end if
if (x > 600 and x < 625 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 21
end if
if (x > 630 and x < 655 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 22
end if
if (x > 660 and x < 685 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 23
end if
if (x > 690 and x < 715 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 24
end if
if (x > 720 and x < 745 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 25
end if
if (x > 750 and x < 775 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 26
end if
if (x > 780 and x < 805 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 27
end if
if (x > 810 and x < 835 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 28
end if
if (x > 840 and x < 865 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 29
end if
if (x > 870 and x < 895 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 30
end if
if (x > 900 and x < 925 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 31
end if
if (x > 930 and x < 955 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 32
end if
if (x > 960 and x < 985 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 33
end if
if (x > 990 and x < 1015 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 34
end if
if (x > 1020 and x < 1045 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 35
end if
if (x > 1050 and x < 1075 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 36
end if
if (x > 1080 and x < 1105 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 37
end if
if (x > 1110 and x < 1135 and y > 5 and y < 25 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 38
end if
if (x > 0 and x < 25 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 39
end if
if (x > 30 and x < 55 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 40
end if
if (x > 60 and x < 85 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 41
end if
if (x > 90 and x < 115 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 42
end if
if (x > 120 and x < 145 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 43
end if
if (x > 150 and x < 175 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 44
end if
if (x > 180 and x < 205 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 45
end if
if (x > 210 and x < 235 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 46
end if
if (x > 240 and x < 265 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 47
end if
if (x > 270 and x < 295 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 48
end if
if (x > 300 and x < 325 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 49
end if
if (x > 330 and x < 355 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 50
end if
if (x > 360 and x < 385 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 51
end if
if (x > 390 and x < 415 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 52
end if
if (x > 420 and x < 445 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 53
end if
if (x > 450 and x < 475 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 54
end if
if (x > 480 and x < 505 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 55
end if
if (x > 510 and x < 535 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 56
end if
if (x > 540 and x < 565 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 57
end if
if (x > 570 and x < 595 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 58
end if
if (x > 600 and x < 625 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 59
end if
if (x > 630 and x < 655 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 60
end if
if (x > 660 and x < 685 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 61
end if
if (x > 690 and x < 715 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 62
end if
if (x > 720 and x < 745 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 63
end if
if (x > 750 and x < 775 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 64
end if
if (x > 780 and x < 805 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 65
end if
if (x > 810 and x < 835 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 66
end if
if (x > 840 and x < 865 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 67
end if
if (x > 870 and x < 895 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 68
end if
if (x > 900 and x < 925 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 69
end if
if (x > 930 and x < 955 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 70
end if
if (x > 960 and x < 985 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 71
end if
if (x > 990 and x < 1015 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 72
end if
if (x > 1020 and x < 1045 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 73
end if
if (x > 1050 and x < 1075 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 74
end if
if (x > 1080 and x < 1105 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 75
end if
if (x > 1110 and x < 1135 and y > 30 and y < 50 and button = 1) then
colorpic := 76
end if
if (x > 981 and x < 983 and y > 731 and y < 733 and button = 1) then
size := 1
locate (4, 70)
color (31)
colorback (7)
put "x.25" ..
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 0 and size = 1 and y > 66 and y < 720 and x > 76 and x < 1128 and button = 1) then
drawfillbox (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 971 and x < 976 and y > 731 and y < 736 and button = 1) then
size := 3
locate (4, 70)
color (31)
colorback (7)
put "x.5 " ..
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 0 and size = 3 and y > 67 and y < 719 and x > 77 and x < 1127 and button = 1) then
drawfillbox (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 956 and x < 966 and y > 731 and y < 741 and button = 1) then
size := 5
locate (4, 70)
color (31)
colorback (7)
put "x1 " ..
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 0 and size = 5 and y > 69 and y < 717 and x > 79 and x < 1125 and button = 1) then
drawfillbox (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 931 and x < 951 and y > 731 and y < 751 and button = 1) then
size := 10
locate (4, 70)
color (31)
colorback (7)
put "x2 " ..
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 0 and size = 10 and y > 74 and y < 712 and x > 84 and x < 1120 and button = 1) then
drawfillbox (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 896 and x < 926 and y > 731 and y < 761 and button = 1) then
size := 15
locate (4, 70)
color (31)
colorback (7)
put "x4 " ..
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 0 and size = 15 and y > 79 and y < 707 and x > 89 and x < 1115 and button = 1) then
drawfillbox (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 851 and x < 891 and y > 731 and y < 771 and button = 1) then
size := 20
locate (4, 70)
color (31)
colorback (7)
put "x8 " ..
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 0 and size = 20 and y > 84 and y < 702 and x > 94 and x < 1110 and button = 1) then
drawfillbox (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 796 and x < 846 and y > 731 and y < 781 and button = 1) then
size := 25
locate (4, 70)
color (31)
colorback (7)
put "x16 " ..
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 0 and size = 25 and y > 89 and y < 697 and x > 99 and x < 1105 and button = 1) then
drawfillbox (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 726 and x < 791 and y > 731 and y < 791 and button = 1) then
size := 30
locate (4, 70)
color (31)
colorback (7)
put "x32 " ..
end if
color (7)
colorback (31)
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 0 and size = 30 and y > 94 and y < 692 and x > 104 and x < 1100 and button = 1) then
drawfillbox (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x < 1130 and x > 1000 and y > 740 and y < 790 and button = 1) then
clear := 1
drawbox (450, 350, 750, 550, 7)
drawline (450, 520, 750, 520, 7)
locate (17, 73)
put "CLEAR" ..
locate (19, 69)
put "Are you sure?" ..
locate (24, 66)
put "Yes" ..
locate (24, 82)
put "No" ..
drawbox (500, 400, 575, 450, 7)
drawbox (700, 400, 625, 450, 7)
end if
if (clear = 1 and x > 500 and x < 575 and y > 400 and y < 450 and button = 1) then
drawfillbox (75, 721, 1130, 65, 31)
clear := 0
colorpic := 31
end if
if (clear = 1 and x > 625 and x < 700 and y > 400 and y < 450 and button = 1) then
drawbox (450, 350, 750, 550, 31)
drawline (450, 520, 750, 520, 31)
clear := 0
locate (17, 73)
color (31)
put "CLEAR" ..
locate (19, 69)
put "Are you sure?" ..
locate (24, 66)
put "Yes" ..
locate (24, 82)
put "No" ..
color (7)
drawbox (500, 400, 575, 450, 31)
drawbox (700, 400, 625, 450, 31)
end if
if (x > 85 and x < 200 and y > 731 and y < 791 and button = 1) then
opn := 1
drawbox (450, 350, 750, 550, 7)
drawline (450, 520, 750, 520, 7)
locate (17, 74)
put "OPEN" ..
locate (27, 60)
put "Canada Flag" ..
locate (27, 80)
put "Piano program" ..
drawbox (610, 355, 745, 400, 7)
drawbox (455, 355, 605, 400, 7)
end if
if (opn = 1 and x > 455 and x < 605 and y > 355 and y < 400 and button = 1) then
drawbox (450, 350, 750, 550, 31)
drawline (450, 520, 750, 520, 31)
locate (17, 74)
color (31)
put "OPEN" ..
locate (27, 60)
put "Canada Flag" ..
color (7)
drawbox (455, 355, 605, 400, 31)
drawfillbox (75, 721, 1130, 65, 31)
drawfillbox (75, 65, 426, 721, 12)
drawfillbox (780, 65, 1130, 721, 12)
drawfillmapleleaf (426, 65, 780, 721, 12)
colorpic := 12
opn := 0
end if
if (x > 981 and x < 983 and y > 731 and y < 733 and button = 1) then
size := 1
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 1 and size = 1 and y > 66 and y < 720 and x > 76 and x < 1128 and button = 1) then
drawfilloval (x, y, size, size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 971 and x < 976 and y > 731 and y < 736 and button = 1) then
size := 3
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 1 and size = 3 and y > 67 and y < 719 and x > 77 and x < 1127 and button = 1) then
drawfilloval (x, y, size, size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 956 and x < 966 and y > 731 and y < 741 and button = 1) then
size := 5
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 1 and size = 5 and y > 69 and y < 717 and x > 79 and x < 1125 and button = 1) then
drawfilloval (x, y, size, size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 931 and x < 951 and y > 731 and y < 751 and button = 1) then
size := 10
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 1 and size = 10 and y > 74 and y < 712 and x > 84 and x < 1120 and button = 1) then
drawfilloval (x, y, size, size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 896 and x < 926 and y > 731 and y < 761 and button = 1) then
size := 15
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 1 and size = 15 and y > 79 and y < 707 and x > 89 and x < 1115 and button = 1) then
drawfilloval (x, y, size, size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 851 and x < 891 and y > 731 and y < 771 and button = 1) then
size := 20
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 1 and size = 20 and y > 84 and y < 702 and x > 94 and x < 1110 and button = 1) then
drawfilloval (x, y, size, size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 796 and x < 846 and y > 731 and y < 781 and button = 1) then
size := 25
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 1 and size = 25 and y > 89 and y < 697 and x > 99 and x < 1105 and button = 1) then
drawfilloval (x, y, size, size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 726 and x < 791 and y > 731 and y < 791 and button = 1 and shape = 1) then
size := 30
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 1 and size = 30 and y > 94 and y < 692 and x > 104 and x < 1100 and button = 1 and shape = 1) then
drawfilloval (x, y, size, size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 981 and x < 983 and y > 731 and y < 733 and button = 1) then
size := 1
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 2 and size = 1 and y > 66 and y < 720 and x > 76 and x < 1128 and button = 1) then
drawfillstar (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 971 and x < 976 and y > 731 and y < 736 and button = 1) then
size := 3
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 2 and size = 3 and y > 67 and y < 719 and x > 77 and x < 1127 and button = 1) then
drawfillstar (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 956 and x < 966 and y > 731 and y < 741 and button = 1) then
size := 5
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 2 and size = 5 and y > 69 and y < 717 and x > 79 and x < 1125 and button = 1) then
drawfillstar (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 931 and x < 951 and y > 731 and y < 751 and button = 1) then
size := 10
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 2 and size = 10 and y > 74 and y < 712 and x > 84 and x < 1120 and button = 1) then
drawfillstar (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 896 and x < 926 and y > 731 and y < 761 and button = 1) then
size := 15
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 2 and size = 15 and y > 79 and y < 707 and x > 89 and x < 1115 and button = 1) then
drawfillstar (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 851 and x < 891 and y > 731 and y < 771 and button = 1) then
size := 20
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 2 and size = 20 and y > 84 and y < 702 and x > 94 and x < 1110 and button = 1) then
drawfillstar (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 796 and x < 846 and y > 731 and y < 781 and button = 1) then
size := 25
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 2 and size = 25 and y > 89 and y < 697 and x > 99 and x < 1105 and button = 1) then
drawfillstar (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 726 and x < 791 and y > 731 and y < 791 and button = 1) then
size := 30
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 2 and size = 30 and y > 94 and y < 692 and x > 104 and x < 1100 and button = 1) then
drawfillstar (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 981 and x < 983 and y > 731 and y < 733 and button = 1) then
size := 1
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 3 and size = 1 and y > 66 and y < 720 and x > 76 and x < 1128 and button = 1) then
drawfillmapleleaf (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 971 and x < 976 and y > 731 and y < 736 and button = 1) then
size := 3
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 3 and size = 3 and y > 67 and y < 719 and x > 77 and x < 1127 and button = 1) then
drawfillmapleleaf (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 956 and x < 966 and y > 731 and y < 741 and button = 1) then
size := 5
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 3 and size = 5 and y > 69 and y < 717 and x > 79 and x < 1125 and button = 1) then
drawfillmapleleaf (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 931 and x < 951 and y > 731 and y < 751 and button = 1) then
size := 10
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 3 and size = 10 and y > 74 and y < 712 and x > 84 and x < 1120 and button = 1) then
drawfillmapleleaf (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 896 and x < 926 and y > 731 and y < 761 and button = 1) then
size := 15
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 3 and size = 15 and y > 79 and y < 707 and x > 89 and x < 1115 and button = 1) then
drawfillmapleleaf (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 851 and x < 891 and y > 731 and y < 771 and button = 1) then
size := 20
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 3 and size = 20 and y > 84 and y < 702 and x > 94 and x < 1110 and button = 1) then
drawfillmapleleaf (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 796 and x < 846 and y > 731 and y < 781 and button = 1) then
size := 25
end if
if (stamp = 0 and fill = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 3 and size = 25 and y > 89 and y < 697 and x > 99 and x < 1105 and button = 1) then
drawfillmapleleaf (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
if (x > 726 and x < 791 and y > 731 and y < 791 and button = 1) then
size := 30
end if
if (stamp = 0 and draw = 1 and shape = 3 and size = 30 and y > 94 and y < 692 and x > 104 and x < 1100 and button = 1) then
drawfillmapleleaf (x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, colorpic)
end if
end loop