Game Engine problem (based off of the tutorial)
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Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:42 pm Post subject: Game Engine problem (based off of the tutorial) |
Soooo, I am trying to expand the Game Engne tutorial to work with my own game. Now a quick explination is...I want to make it so I can place objects as sprites instead of pictures. I am not exactly sure how to do this. Where would I put the Sprite.New, Sprite.SetHeight, Sprite.SetLocation, etc... I am really confused here.
code: |
class Player
inherit Mage
stepAmount := 4
body procedure DrawObject ()
Pic.Draw (PicId, posX, posY, picMerge)
end DrawObject
body procedure Update (Keys : array char of boolean)
if (Keys (KEY_DOWN_ARROW)) then
Move (0, -stepAmount, true)
end if
if (Keys (KEY_UP_ARROW)) then
Move (0, stepAmount, true)
end if
if (Keys (KEY_LEFT_ARROW)) then
Move (-stepAmount, 0, true)
end if
if (Keys (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW)) then
Move (stepAmount, 0, true)
end if
end Update
end Player
mageGame.t (driver):
code: |
setscreen ("graphics:640;480,offscreenonly")
include "mageEngine.t"
include "mageObjects.t"
var Engine : pointer to GameEngine
new Engine
Engine -> Create (3)
var Player_ : pointer to Player
new Player_
Engine -> AddObject (Player_) -> Create (".\\Mage\\BlackMageDownArrow.gif" ,320 ,60)
Engine -> Run ()
code: |
class Mage
export Create, DrawObject, Update,
posX, posY, stepAmount, Direction
var PicId : int
var ImageName : string
var posX : int := 400
var posY : int := 300
var stepAmount : int
var Direction : int := 0
var mageSpriteUp, mageSpriteDown, mageSpriteLeft : int
var magePicUp, magePicDown, magePicLeft, magePicRight : int
procedure Create (img : string, posx, posy : int)
ImageName := img
posX := posx
posY := posy
PicId := Pic.FileNew (ImageName)
end Create
procedure Move (x, y : int, relative : boolean)
if (relative) then
posX += x
posY += y
posX := x
posY := y
end if
end Move
procedure MoveDir ()
Move (round (stepAmount * cosd (Direction)), round (stepAmount * sind (Direction)), true)
end MoveDir
deferred procedure DrawObject ()
deferred procedure Update (Keys : array char of boolean)
end Mage
class GameEngine
import Mage, Input
export Create, Run, AddObject
var Entities : flexible array 0 .. 1 of pointer to Mage
var Keys : array char of boolean
var Fps : int
var FpsMilli : int
var lastTime : int
var thisTime : int
procedure Create (fps : int)
Fps := fps
FpsMilli := 100 div Fps
lastTime := Time.Elapsed
end Create
procedure Run ()
thisTime := Time.Elapsed
if (thisTime - lastTime >= FpsMilli) then
lastTime := thisTime
Input.KeyDown (Keys)
if (Keys (KEY_ESC)) then
end if
if (upper (Entities) - 1 > 0) then
for i : 0 .. upper (Entities) - 2
Entities (i) -> Update (Keys)
Entities (i) -> DrawObject ()
end for
end if
View.Update ()
end if
end loop
end Run
function AddObject (obj : pointer to Mage) : pointer to Mage
Entities (upper (Entities) - 1) := obj
new Entities, upper (Entities) + 1
result obj
end AddObject
end GameEngine
Well you don't have the files so it won't work, however that is the code there. So my problem is, instead of a picture I want that to be a sprite (so I can do some movement animation. Also, what if I don't want 8 point movement? Just 4 point? What do I change there?) |
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Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:41 pm Post subject: RE:Game Engine problem (based off of the tutorial) |
Well, there are a few strategies:
Simple, Easy Strategy:
Each player has their own image / sprite. In the class, add a method called "setup" (these are technically called "constructors", but I don't think Turing has those); that's where you would do your Pic.New and your Sprite.New calls. You should also add a "destroy" method (destructor) which calls Sprite.Free and Pic.Free.
Then, in move, you'd do the Sprite.SetLocation.
Harder, More Efficient Strategy:
A lot of your players may be using the same image (particularly if you want to use things like projectiles). It would be really cumbersome to load the same image over and over, so why not make a "library" of images. A library looks like this:
code: |
class ImageLibrary
function GetImage ( filename : string ) : int
% If we haven't loaded filename yet, load the picture, and store it in a list of filename-picture ID pairs.
% If we HAVE loaded it already, just return the ID, instead of loading the picture again.
end GetImage
end ImageLibrary
In this case, Pic.New is within ImageLibrary.GetImage, while Sprite.New is still in a constructor ("setup") method and Sprite.Free is in a destructor ("destroy") method. Pic.Free should only be called in ImageLibrary.Destroy, which is only called to clean up after your game.
This strategy is somewhat more difficult, but should save you headaches later with running out of the number of images you can load and performance issues.
4 versus 8-point movement
The solution to this is somewhere between the Update() and Move() procedures, you need to limit the entities to 4-point movement. |