Should you feel obligated to support your parents? (No ending time set)
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Depents on the situation (If so, list situation)
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Total Votes : 20
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:09 am Post subject: My parents
Hello all,
It is my first post
I want your thoughts on this:
Do you feel that because your parents may have supported you when you were younger, that you "owe" it to them to support them now?
(Pay the bills they run up etc, just because they did it for you when you were younger and unable to work)
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Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:25 am Post subject: (No subject)
They braught us into this world, and have to keep us alive untill we can doso ourselves.
The realation ship though, changes that, and generally people will take care of the parents, when there old.
But, theres homes to do that crap too.
I wouldn't want to do it myself, it be killer.. but i never know untill the cercumstances come my way.
>>Borrowing money, ok, giving it, NOPE!<<
Silent Avenger
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:10 am Post subject: (No subject)
well it all depends on your perspective. One way you could look at it as if they were taking good care of you and making sure that you have a good successful life and you should help them out when they need your help because they did this for you. On the other hand you could look at it as if it's their responsibility for them to take care of you as will be your responsibility to take care of your children so you don't need to support them. So it all depends on how you look at your situation.
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:10 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I see you haven't been properly greeted.
Welcome to!
As for your poll... NO! If are able to support themselves they should not be taking your hard earned cash. Of course, if they take a turn for the worse (laid-off, hospital, ect), feel free to help them out, financially or otherwise.
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:21 am Post subject: (No subject)
ZeroPaladn wrote:
As for your poll... NO! If are able to support themselves they should not be taking your hard earned cash. Of course, if they take a turn for the worse (laid-off, hospital, ect), feel free to help them out, financially or otherwise.
agreed with you bro. right now i've taken over one biff of the house due to the fact that my family is going through some rough financial times.
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:59 pm Post subject: (No subject)
You do realize that they have no reasponsiblity to take care of you at all. They could have just left you alone in the woods. And you might end up whatever. And your mother did carry you for 9 month and all the things they had to go through to give you a good life is something you should remember as a moral human being.
Why don't you think what do you want from your children in the future?
Most people dont' think of that because at this age, they dont' care, they just want to have fun, but out of all that, calm down and look at the future. It is just not a moral thing to do for not caring. You shouldn't complain about giving your parents $50 000, because do you ever think about how much money they put into you over the years? in order for you to get to where you are right now?
If they don't have to take care of you, they could have a much bigger house, much nicer car, much better vacation, more cottages, but they gave up all that just to give you a good life. Now, do you feel good to not help them when they are in trouble? when they ask for some moeny?
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:01 pm Post subject: (No subject)
That's one outlook, but the way I prefer to look at it is supporting the previous generation takes valuable resources away from the next (our children). Although, this is a personal outlook and in my case extends to education vs. healthcare, where I suspect I am alone in thinking this way.
Obviously, though, if you have the ability and your parents have the need, it is a little bit immoral not to help them out.
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:02 pm Post subject: (No subject)
we64 wrote:
You do realize that they have no reasponsiblity to take care of you at all.
Uh... that doesn't sound right. Do they not have to at least feed you and put a roof over your head until 18?
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Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:05 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I'l pull my own weight around the house, of course, but i wont pay for "bills they run up" ... that just kinda seems silly. I am expected to be responsible, in times of financial trouble, theres no doubt that i'd chip in, but since the initial question was
Mortua wrote:
Do you feel that because your parents may have supported you when you were younger, that you "owe" it to them to support them now?
(Pay the bills they run up etc, just because they did it for you when you were younger and unable to work)
and to that, i say no. they stil work, and so do i. Eventually, when i am older, and they are old and need assistance, it will be given. I will not expect my kids to support me, thats for damn sure.
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:57 am Post subject: (No subject)
yeah i still say no...
if they need money for operation to live, etc: like vital crap, sure, ill bust a nut to help them...
if they just "want" money, "want" this and that, screw that.
I dont care how much money they put into me, shoulda wrapped it if you didnt want the financhal burden lol...
Ofcourse to this say my mother will for over any cent she's got if i ask, and i dont know why :S, shes give give give
Personally if i got kids, i know it costs alot, and thats the "choice" or "risk" you take. Why should children have to reinburse there parents for there own choices. Dosn't make sence does it??
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:46 am Post subject: (No subject)
rdrake wrote:
we64 wrote:
You do realize that they have no reasponsiblity to take care of you at all.
Uh... that doesn't sound right. Do they not have to at least feed you and put a roof over your head until 18?
16. Buy you can choose who you live with when your 12. (if your parents are split up like mine)
Like I said, for your parents to ask money of you for no decent reason (they want a new TV), and if they won't pay you back, I wouldn't do it. Of course, like TokenHerbz said, if they are having trouble, you can (and should) help them to some extent.
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:44 pm Post subject: (No subject)
ZeroPaladn wrote:
rdrake wrote:
we64 wrote:
You do realize that they have no reasponsiblity to take care of you at all.
Uh... that doesn't sound right. Do they not have to at least feed you and put a roof over your head until 18?
16. Buy you can choose who you live with when your 12. (if your parents are split up like mine)
16, doesn't something go along with that if you're still a full time student, like they still have to provide the roof and stuff like that for you until yer 25?
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:13 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Blade wrote:
ZeroPaladn wrote:
rdrake wrote:
we64 wrote:
You do realize that they have no reasponsiblity to take care of you at all.
Uh... that doesn't sound right. Do they not have to at least feed you and put a roof over your head until 18?
16. Buy you can choose who you live with when your 12. (if your parents are split up like mine)
16, doesn't something go along with that if you're still a full time student, like they still have to provide the roof and stuff like that for you until yer 25?
thats highly unlikely ... where are you quoting this from?
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:55 pm Post subject: (No subject)
don't have to, but it saves everyone money if you live with your parents while your in college/university. Especially when you live REALLY close to your school (U of W is a 15 min drive from my house)
Silent Avenger
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:17 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Well if you live that close to U of W then yes living with your parents is a lot cheaper but if your in a situation like mine it's cheaper to live on campus or rent an apartment with some friends. I say this because i live 2 hours drive from the nearest University and that's driving at about 140km/h on the highways (I tend to drive fast) so commuting every day for 4 hours total a day would be really expensive.