Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:59 pm Post subject: Clickable buttons
What is it you are trying to achieve?
<Im trying to make my yes/no buttons clickable>
What is the problem you are having?
<they wont click>
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
< I used what it said in the Turing Walkthrough for the GUI and nothings happening. >
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
<Answer Here>
<import GUI
%%% WHAT I WANT THE BUTTON TO DO WHEN I CLICK IT%%% procedure NextQuestionMenu
locate(1,1) put"Ask the magic 8 ball another question" end NextQuestionMenu
procedure ExitGame
locate(1,1) put" Awww you can't tell me your done already....." end ExitGame
%% DECLARING MY VARIABLES %% var Question :string%the typing cursor var Answer :int% part of the array var valid :boolean%number check var words :array1.. 11ofstring%the answers %var Mouse.Where(350, 50, YesButton)
words (1):="Yes"
words (2):="No"
words (3):="Maybe"
words (4):="Thats for me to know and you to find out :)"
words (5):="Of course"
words (6):="I doubt it"
words (7):="In your dreams"
words (8):="Keep dreaming"
words (9):="How the heck am i suppossed to know?"
words (10):="Obviously"
words (11):="Absolutely"
%% PROGRAM%%%%% loop
valid :=true% sets questions to valid until it hits check
% Asking the question locatexy(200, 390) put"Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question"
% Getting a response locatexy(250, 250) get Question :*
% Make sure the question contains no numbers for i :1.. length(Question)% Represents the Character of the string for b :1.. 9% checks to see if the character, i, has a number. if Question (i)=intstr(b)then% If it does, it sets valid to false.
valid :=false% if it finds a number then it recognizes an improper question cls() exit endif endfor endfor
locatexy(200, 100)% position of answer and "invalid" comment
if valid then
Answer := Rand.Int (1, 11) put words (Answer) delay(2000)% lets person read answer cls()%gets rid of the answer locatexy(200, 80) put"Would you like to ask another question?" var YesButton :int:=GUI.CreateButton(250, 50, 0, "Yes", NextQuestionMenu) var NoButton :int:=GUI.CreateButton(350, 50, 0, "No", ExitGame)
else locatexy(200, 220) put"Thats not a question silly!!!" delay(1500) cls() endif
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:35 pm Post subject: RE:Clickable buttons
if i put the var YesButton things anywhere but where they are now i get an error message saying "procedure's may only be declared at the program, module or moniter level"
i have no idea what that means
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:44 pm Post subject: Re: Clickable buttons
If you would've followed the help on the other post, your code would look like this.
import GUI
%%% WHAT I WANT THE BUTTON TO DO WHEN I CLICK IT%%% procedure NextQuestionMenu
put"Ask the magic 8 ball another question" end NextQuestionMenu
procedure ExitGame
put" Awww you can't tell me your done already....." end ExitGame
%% DECLARING MY VARIABLES %% var Question :string%the typing cursor var valid :boolean:=true%number check var words :array1.. 11ofstring%the answers %var Mouse.Where(350, 50, YesButton)
words (1):="Yes"
words (2):="No"
words (3):="Maybe"
words (4):="Thats for me to know and you to find out Smile"
words (5):="Of course"
words (6):="I doubt it"
words (7):="In your dreams"
words (8):="Keep dreaming"
words (9):="How the heck am i suppossed to know?"
words (10):="Obviously"
words (11):="Absolutely"
%% PROGRAM%%%%% loop
valid :=true% Reset the question value % Asking the question locatexy(200, 390) put"Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question" % drawing the ball Draw.FillOval(330, 250, 100, 100, brightred) % Getting a response locatexy(250, 250) get Question :* % Make sure the question contains no numbers for i :1.. length(Question)% Represents the Character of the string for b :1.. 9% checks to see if the character, i, has a number. if Question (i)=intstr(b)then% If it does, it sets valid to false.
valid :=false% if it finds a number then it recognizes an improper question cls() exit endif endfor endfor locatexy(200, 100)% position of answer and "invalid" comment if valid then put words (Rand.Int(1,11))% CHANGEd else locatexy(200, 220) put"Thats not a question silly!!!" delay(1500) cls() endif locatexy(200, 20) put"Would you like to ask another question?" loop var YesButton :int:=GUI.CreateButton(250, 50, 0, "Yes", NextQuestionMenu) var NoButton :int:=GUI.CreateButton(350, 50, 0, "No", ExitGame) exitwhenGUI.ProcessEvent endloop endloop
Now, you're program does exactly what you told it to.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:48 pm Post subject: RE:Clickable buttons
well that one lets me click it but it goes haywire when i do
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Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:05 pm Post subject: Re: RE:Clickable buttons
sammi @ 16/10/2011, 1:48 pm wrote:
well that one lets me click it but it goes haywire when i do
Think about what your telling it to do. All your telling it to do is put a statement. You're not telling it to leave the loop, or to re do the program. Try something like this:
import GUI
%% DECLARING MY VARIABLES %% var Question :string%the typing cursor var valid :boolean:=true%number check var picked_button_1, picked_button_2:boolean:=false var words :array1.. 11ofstring%the answers %var Mouse.Where(350, 50, YesButton)
words (1):="Yes"
words (2):="No"
words (3):="Maybe"
words (4):="Thats for me to know and you to find out Smile"
words (5):="Of course"
words (6):="I doubt it"
words (7):="In your dreams"
words (8):="Keep dreaming"
words (9):="How the heck am i suppossed to know?"
words (10):="Obviously"
words (11):="Absolutely" %%% WHAT I WANT THE BUTTON TO DO WHEN I CLICK IT%%% procedure NextQuestionMenu
picked_button_1:=true end NextQuestionMenu
procedure ExitGame
picked_button_2:=true end ExitGame
%% PROGRAM%%%%% loop cls if picked_button_1=truethen put"Ask the magic 8 ball another question" elsif picked_button_2=truethen put" Awww you can't tell me your done already....." endif
picked_button_2:=false% Reset the buttons
picked_button_1:=false% Reset the buttons
valid :=true% Reset the question value % Asking the question locatexy(200, 390) put"Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question" % drawing the ball Draw.FillOval(330, 250, 100, 100, brightred) % Getting a response locatexy(250, 250) get Question :* % Make sure the question contains no numbers for i :1.. length(Question)% Represents the Character of the string for b :1.. 9% checks to see if the character, i, has a number. if Question (i)=intstr(b)then% If it does, it sets valid to false.
valid :=false% if it finds a number then it recognizes an improper question cls() exit endif endfor endfor locatexy(200, 100)% position of answer and "invalid" comment if valid then put words (Rand.Int(1,11))% CHANGEd else locatexy(200, 220) put"Thats not a question silly!!!" delay(1500) cls() endif locatexy(200, 20) put"Would you like to ask another question?" loop var YesButton :int:=GUI.CreateButton(250, 50, 0, "Yes", NextQuestionMenu) var NoButton :int:=GUI.CreateButton(350, 50, 0, "No", ExitGame) exitwhenGUI.ProcessEvent if picked_button_1=trueor picked_button_2=truethen exit endif endloop endloop
Now, with that we added a variable to tell us if we hit the button. If we hit the button then we leave the loop. When we leave the loop the program finishes the Main Loop and repeats it. So at the top, when it repeats, we have it do what we want the buttons to do, then after it does what we wanted it to do we reset the buttons.
Now, think of what you're telling the buttons to do, and what you actually want them to do. See if you can figure out how to make it all work properly.
EDIT: Also, you need to define your procedures AFTER you've made your global variables, not before.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:25 pm Post subject: RE:Clickable buttons
oh ok i'll give that a try and see if i can figure it out
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:31 pm Post subject: RE:Clickable buttons
i figured out another way to do it but it only works for one button....when i try to do it with the other button it gives me an error message...
import GUI
%procedure TryAgainButton
%put "Ask the magic 8 ball another question"
%end TryAgainButton
var Question : string %the typing cursor
var Answer : int % part of the array
var valid : boolean %number check
var words : array 1 .. 11 of string %the answers
%var Mouse.Where(350, 50, YesButton)
words (1) := "Yes"
words (2) := "No"
words (3) := "Maybe"
words (4) := "Thats for me to know and you to find out "
words (5) := "Of course"
words (6) := "I doubt it"
words (7) := "In your dreams"
words (8) := "Keep dreaming"
words (9) := "How the heck am i suppossed to know?"
words (10) := "Obviously"
words (11) := "Absolutely"
valid := true % sets questions to valid until it hits check
% Asking the question
locatexy (200, 390)
put "Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question"
% drawing the ball
Draw.FillOval (330, 250, 100, 100, brightred)
% Getting a response
locatexy (250, 250)
get Question : *
% Make sure the question contains no numbers
for i : 1 .. length (Question) % Represents the Character of the string
for b : 1 .. 9 % checks to see if the character, i, has a number.
if Question (i) = intstr(b) then % If it does, it sets valid to false.
valid := false % if it finds a number then it recognizes an improper question
end if
end for
end for
locatexy (200, 100) % position of answer and "invalid" comment
if valid then
Answer := Rand.Int (1, 11)
put words (Answer)
delay (2000)% lets person read answer
cls()%gets rid of the answer
locatexy (200, 80)
put "Would you like to ask another question?"
locatexy (200, 220)
put "Thats not a question silly!!!"
delay (1500)
cls ()
end if
var YesButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (250, 50, 0, "Yes", MagicBall)
var NoButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (350, 50, 0, "No", ExitButton)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
end loop
end MagicBall
end ExitButton
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:57 pm Post subject: RE:Clickable buttons
Okay, your getting an error message because you can't define a procedure within a procedure.
If you wanted you could make the second button's procedure say
proc ExitButton
end ExitButton
Then the program would stop when you hit the button.
Though I'd like to point out that if you used the code above this one, that you could simply change
if picked_button_1=truethen put"Ask the magic 8 ball another question" elsif picked_button_2=truethen put" Awww you can't tell me your done already....." endif
to make it do whatever you want... for example..
if picked_button_1=truethen locatexy(maxxdiv2, maxydiv2) put"Ask the magic 8 ball another question" delay(2000) cls elsif picked_button_2=truethen put" Awww you can't tell me your done already....." delay(2000) put"Alright, goodbye!" delay(1000) quit endif
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:01 pm Post subject: RE:Clickable buttons
sorry i was going to use your way but my dad said this way would be easier (he just told me hes good at computer programming as soon as i read your answer) so i'll try your way instead.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:08 pm Post subject: RE:Clickable buttons
ok i ran into another problem.......when i click the no button, i want the message to pop up and then the buttons to disappear but i can't seem to make them disappear
import GUI
procedure ExitButton
put " Aww you can't tell me your done already....."
put "ok fine......bye bye"
end ExitButton
var Question : string %the typing cursor
var Answer : int % part of the array
var valid : boolean %number check
var words : array 1 .. 11 of string %the answers
%var Mouse.Where(350, 50, YesButton)
words (1) := "Yes"
words (2) := "No"
words (3) := "Maybe"
words (4) := "Thats for me to know and you to find out "
words (5) := "Of course"
words (6) := "I doubt it"
words (7) := "In your dreams"
words (8) := "Keep dreaming"
words (9) := "How the heck am i suppossed to know?"
words (10) := "Obviously"
words (11) := "Absolutely"
procedure MagicBall
cls()%refresh screen
valid := true % sets questions to valid until it hits check
% Asking the question
locatexy (200, 390)
put "Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question"
% drawing the ball
Draw.FillOval (330, 250, 100, 100, brightred)
% Getting a response
locatexy (250, 250)
get Question : *
% Make sure the question contains no numbers
for i : 1 .. length (Question) % Represents the Character of the string
for b : 1 .. 9 % checks to see if the character, i, has a number.
if Question (i) = intstr (b) then % If it does, it sets valid to false.
valid := false % if it finds a number then it recognizes an improper question
cls ()
end if
end for
end for
locatexy (200, 100) % position of answer and "invalid" comment
if valid then
Answer := Rand.Int (1, 11)
put words (Answer)
delay (2000) % lets person read answer
cls () %gets rid of the answer
locatexy (200, 80)
put "Would you like to ask another question?"
locatexy (200, 220)
put "Thats not a question silly!!!"
delay (1500)
cls ()
end if
var YesButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (250, 50, 0, "Yes", MagicBall)
var NoButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (350, 50, 0, "No", ExitButton)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
end loop
end MagicBall
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:17 pm Post subject: Re: Clickable buttons
If you watch carefully the buttons are going away properly.
procedure ExitButton
cls() put" Aww you can't tell me your done already....." delay(2000) put"ok fine......bye bye" end ExitButton
This is what you're no button is doing. Nothing more, nothing less. When you hit the no button it clears your screen, it puts the message, it delays for 2 seconds, puts another message and thats it. It doesn't exit the loop (which is what is redrawing the buttons) it doesn't quit the game. The only thing it does is what is in the procedure's parameters.
......... Also, please put [ syntax="turing" ] before your code and [ /syntax ] after it. (With no spaces). It makes people want to help you more if they can read it