Error At Non-existent If Loop
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Message |
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:38 pm Post subject: Error At Non-existent If Loop |
What is it you are trying to achieve?
Run a process
What is the problem you are having?
It displays a error saying that 'then' is expected. This error is shown at the top of the mapcreation.t file
Syntax error at 'open' expected 'then'
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
going through the files, looking for open if loops, changing directories etc.
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Turing: |
%1rst file/Main.t:
setscreen ("graphics:640,540")
%setscreen ("graphics: offscreenonly")
include "Classes/var.t"
%include "Classes/sounds.t"
%fork salt
%Pic.FileNewFrames ("salt.gif", pics, delayTime)
%Pic.DrawFrames (pics, 140, 90, picCopy, numFrames, 50, false)
%for i : 1 .. numFrames
% Pic.Free (pics (i))
%end for
var frames : int := 0
for i : 0 .. 3 by 1
down (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Ephriam/Map Sprite/Down/" + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
up (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Ephriam/Map Sprite/Up/" + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
left (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Ephriam/Map Sprite/Left/" + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
right (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Ephriam/Map Sprite/Right/" + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
end for
process passive ()
if characterpos = 1 then
frames := frames + 1
Sprite.ChangePic (character, up (frames ))
delay (100)
if frames = 3 then
frames := 0
end if
end if
if characterpos = 2 then
frames := frames + 1
Sprite.ChangePic (character, down (frames ))
delay (100)
if frames = 3 then
frames := 0
end if
end if
if characterpos = 3 then
frames := frames + 1
Sprite.ChangePic (character, left (frames ))
delay (100)
if frames = 3 then
frames := 0
end if
end if
if characterpos = 4 then
frames := frames + 1
Sprite.ChangePic (character, right (frames ))
delay (100)
if frames = 3 then
frames := 0
end if
end if
if mapend = 1 then
end if
end loop
end passive
fork passive ()
include "Character Movement.t"
include "Classes/return.t"
include "test.t"
fork boss1
%2nd file: return.t
process boss1
if bossnumber = 1 then
include "ZebesianFight.t"
end if
if bossnumber = 2 then
include "DragonFight.t"
end if
if bossnumber = 3 then
include "KnightFight.t"
end if
if bossnumber = 4 then
include "AxeManFight.t"
end if
end loop
end boss1
%3rd file: MapCreation.t
open : stremin, "Maps/S"+ intstr(mapnumber )+ ".txt", get %get dat data
for decreasing j : 19 .. 0 by 1
for i : 0 .. 19 by 1
exit when eof (stremin )
get : stremin, nums
%put stremin
map (i, j ) := nums
end for
end for
for i : 0 .. 19 by 1
for j : 0 .. 19 by 1
if map (i, j ) = 1 then
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Sprites/Tileset/1.bmp", i * 20, j * 20, picCopy)
end if
if map (i, j ) = 0 then
drawfillbox (i * 20, j * 20, (i * 20) + 20, (j * 20) + 20, black)
end if
if map (i, j ) = 2 then
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Sprites/Tileset/3.bmp", i * 20, j * 20, picCopy)
end if
if map (i, j ) = 5 then
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Sprites/Tileset/2.bmp", i * 20, j * 20, picCopy)
end if
if map (i, j ) = 6 then
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Sprites/Tileset/4.bmp", i * 20, j * 20, picCopy)
end if
if map (i, j ) = 3 then
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Sprites/Tileset/1.bmp", i * 20, j * 20, picCopy)
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Sprites/Tileset/leftclosed.bmp", i * 20, j * 20, picMerge)
end if
if map (i, j ) = 7 then
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Sprites/Tileset/7.bmp", i * 20, j * 20, picCopy);
end if
if map (i, j ) = 8 then
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Sprites/Tileset/8.bmp", i * 20, j * 20, picCopy);
end if
if map (i, j ) = 9 then
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Sprites/Axeman/map.bmp", i * 20, j * 20, picCopy);
end if
end for
end for
%4rth file :AxemanFight.t
EnemyFlag := 0
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Sprites/BGBMP/32.bmp", 0, 185, picCopy)
%Pic.ScreenLoad ("Sprites/hud copy.bmp", 0, 0, picMerge)
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Classes/buttons/hud.bmp", 0, 0, picMerge)
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Classes/buttons/sword.bmp", 350, 30, picMerge) %80x80
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Classes/buttons/hp.bmp", 440, 30, picMerge)
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Classes/buttons/hp.bmp", 530, 30, picMerge)
pic1 := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Ephriam/Critical BMP/crit1.bmp")
width := Pic.Width (pic1 )
height := Pic.Height (pic1 )
pic1 := Pic.Scale (pic1, width * 3, height * 3)
sprite1 := Sprite.New (pic1 )
Sprite.SetPosition (sprite1, 400, 240, false)
Sprite.Show (sprite1 )
pic2 := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Axeman/basic/basic5.bmp")
width := Pic.Width (pic2 )
height := Pic.Height (pic2 )
pic2 := Pic.Scale (pic2, width * 3, height * 3)
sprite2 := Sprite.New (pic2 )
Sprite.SetPosition (sprite2, expos, 240, false)
Sprite.Show (sprite2 )
pic3 := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Axeman/basic/basic0.bmp")
width := Pic.Width (pic3 )
height := Pic.Height (pic3 )
pic3 := Pic.Scale (pic3, width * 3, height * 3)
sprite3 := Sprite.New (pic3 )
delay (1000)
for i : 0 .. 13
healpic (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/heal/" + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
end for
for i : 0 .. 13
healsprite (i ) := Sprite.New (healpic (i ))
end for
%Temp Vars
var hp1 : int := 305
var crit2, crit1 : int
var turn : int := 0
for i : 1 .. 5 by 1
axepic (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Axeman/axe/axe" + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
% width := Pic.Width (crit (i))
% height := Pic.Height (crit (i))
%crit (i) := Pic.Scale (crit (i), width * 3, height * 3)
end for
for i : 1 .. 5
axesprite (i ) := Sprite.New (axepic (i ))
end for
for i : 1 .. 31 by 1
crit (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Ephriam/Critical BMP/crit" + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
width := Pic.Width (crit (i ))
height := Pic.Height (crit (i ))
crit (i ) := Pic.Scale (crit (i ), width * 3, height * 3)
end for
for i : 0 .. 8 by 1
blood1 (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/blood2/" + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
blood1 (i ) := Pic.Flip (blood1 (i ))
width := Pic.Width (blood1 (i ))
height := Pic.Height (blood1 (i ))
blood1 (i ) := Pic.Scale (blood1 (i ), width * 3, height * 3)
end for
for i : 1 .. 8 by 1
crithit (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Hit effects/Critical/" + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
end for
pic1 := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Ephriam/Critical BMP/crit1.bmp")
width := Pic.Width (pic1 )
height := Pic.Height (pic1 )
pic1 := Pic.Scale (pic1, width * 2, height * 2)
Sprite.SetPosition (sprite1, 400, 240, false)
Sprite.Show (sprite1 )
critpic := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Hit effects/Critical/1.bmp")
critfx := Sprite.New (critpic )
blood1pic := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/blood2/0.bmp")
critblood := Sprite.New (blood1pic )
Sprite.SetPosition (critfx, 0, 140, false)
Sprite.SetPosition (critblood, 100, 320, false)
for i : 0 .. 21 by 1
bas (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Ephriam/Basic BMP/bas" + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
width := Pic.Width (bas (i ))
height := Pic.Height (bas (i ))
bas (i ) := Pic.Scale (bas (i ), width * 3, height * 3)
end for
for i : 0 .. 8 by 1
hit (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Hit effects/Basic/" + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
blood2 (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/blood1/" + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
end for
pic1 := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Ephriam/Basic BMP/bas0.bmp")
width := Pic.Width (pic1 )
height := Pic.Height (pic1 )
pic1 := Pic.Scale (pic1, width * 3, height * 3)
Sprite.SetPosition (sprite1, 400, 240, false)
Sprite.Show (sprite1 )
baspic := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/Hit effects/Basic/0.bmp")
basfx := Sprite.New (baspic )
blood1pic := Pic.FileNew ("Sprites/blood1/0.bmp")
basblood := Sprite.New (blood1pic )
Sprite.SetPosition (basfx, 0, 90, false)
%Sprite.SetPosition (basblood, 190, 280, false)
drawfillbox (335, 162, hp, 172, 40)
drawfillbox (15, 162, hp1, 172, 40)
mousewhere (x, y, button )
if hp < 336 then
EnemyFlag := 2
end if
%Enemy HP Modifiers
if HudClick (x, y, 350, 30, 430, 110) and turn = 0 then
randint (crit2, 1, 5)
if crit2 = 1 then
include "Ephriam/Critical.t"
hp1 - = weapon * 4
drawfillbox (15, 162, 305, 172, white)
drawfillbox (15, 162, hp1, 172, 40)
if hp1 < 16 then
EnemyFlag := 1
end if
delay (200)
locate (1, 1)
delay (2000)
randint (crit1, 1, 5)
if crit1 = 1 then
include "Axeman/crit.t"
hp - = 40 - armor
drawfillbox (335, 162, 625, 172, white)
drawfillbox (335, 162, hp, 172, 40)
turn := 0
include "Axeman/Basic.t"
hp - = 30 - armor
drawfillbox (335, 162, 625, 172, white)
drawfillbox (335, 162, hp, 172, 40)
turn := 0
end if
include "Ephriam/Basic.t"
hp1 - = weapon
drawfillbox (15, 162, 305, 172, white)
drawfillbox (15, 162, hp1, 172, 40)
if hp1 < 16 then
EnemyFlag := 1
end if
delay (200)
locate (1, 1)
delay (2000)
randint (crit1, 1, 5)
if crit1 = 1 then
include "Axeman/crit.t"
hp - = 40 - armor
drawfillbox (335, 162, 625, 172, white)
drawfillbox (335, 162, hp, 172, 40)
turn := 0
include "Axeman/Basic.t"
hp - = 30 - armor
drawfillbox (335, 162, 625, 172, white)
drawfillbox (335, 162, hp, 172, 40)
turn := 0
end if
end if
end if
if HudClick (x, y, 440, 30, 520, 110) and turn = 0 and hp < 610 then
healX := 420
for i : 0 .. 13
Sprite.SetPosition (healsprite (i ), healX, 230, false)
Sprite.Show (healsprite (i ))
delay (60)
Sprite.Hide (healsprite (i ))
end for
hp + = 150
drawfillbox (335, 162, 625, 172, white)
drawfillbox (335, 162, hp, 172, 40)
delay (10)
locate (1, 1)
delay (2000)
randint (crit1, 1, 5)
if crit1 = 1 then
include "Axeman/crit.t"
hp - = 80 - armor
drawfillbox (335, 162, 625, 172, white)
drawfillbox (335, 162, hp, 172, 40)
turn := 0
include "Axeman/Basic.t"
hp - = 30 - armor
drawfillbox (335, 162, 625, 172, white)
drawfillbox (335, 162, hp, 172, 40)
turn := 0
end if
% elsif HudClick (x, y, 440, 30, 520, 110) and turn = 0 and hp > 610 then
% put "You do not have enough missing health to restore hp"
% exit
end if
end loop
if EnemyFlag = 1 then %Emp wins
Sprite.Free (sprite2 )
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Classes/buttons/hud.bmp", 0, 0, picMerge)
delay (1000)
Sprite.Free (sprite1 )
mapnumber := 2
include "transition.t"
elsif EnemyFlag = 2 then %Enemy wins
Sprite.Free (sprite1 )
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Classes/buttons/hud.bmp", 0, 0, picMerge)
delay (1000)
Sprite.Free (sprite2 )
mapnumber := 2
end if
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
4.11 |
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Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 7:58 am Post subject: RE:Error At Non-existent If Loop |
It's likely you have a syntax error wherever you include 'mapcreation.t'. You didn't post that line of code here though, so I can't tell for sure.
Furthermore, I strongly suggest you stop using processes entirely and switch to procedures. Processes are difficult to control properly and will cause serious bugs that are very difficult to identify and fix. |