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 Racing Game !!! Complete game with a lap counter problem !!!!!!! Please Help
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:31 am   Post subject: Racing Game !!! Complete game with a lap counter problem !!!!!!! Please Help

The Code is complete, and the game works. The only problems that im having is making the lap counter work. When the "racer" crosses the finish line my lap procedue does no work. i want the "racer" to do 3 laps.

Any help is greatly appreciated !
Mess with the code all you want , as long as positive production is completed.


setscreen ("graphics")

var font1 : int
var keys : array char of boolean
var x, y : int
var lap : int := 0
font1 := Font.New ("Arial :20")
x := 230
y := 40

colorback (255)
procedure Track

drawline (190, 30, 190, 60, 70) % finishline

drawline (1, 1, maxx, 1, 79) %Border
drawline (maxx - 1, 1, maxx - 1, maxy - 1, 79) %Border
drawline (maxx - 1, maxy - 1, 1, maxy - 1, 79) %Boreder
drawline (1, maxy - 1, 1, 1, 79) %Border

drawline (75, 30, 500, 30, 0) %Track Outside
drawline (500, 30, 500, 100, 0) %Track Outside
drawline (500, 100, 560, 100, 0) %Track Outside
drawline (560, 100, 560, 300, 0) %Track Outside
drawline (560, 300, 480, 300, 0) %Track Outside
drawline (480, 300, 480, 370, 0) %Track Outside
drawline (480, 370, 300, 370, 0) %Track Outside
drawline (300, 370, 300, 270, 0) %Track Outside
drawline (300, 270, 240, 270, 0) %Track Outside
drawline (240, 270, 240, 350, 0) %Track Outside
drawline (240, 350, 75, 350, 0) %Track Outside
drawline (75, 350, 75, 30, 0) %Track Outside

drawline (105, 60, 470, 60, 0) %Track Inside
drawline (470, 60, 470, 130, 0) %Track Inside
drawline (470, 130, 530, 130, 0) %Track Inside
drawline (530, 130, 530, 270, 0) %Track Inside
drawline (530, 270, 450, 270, 0) %Track Inside
drawline (450, 270, 450, 340, 0) %Track Inside
drawline (450, 340, 330, 340, 0) %Track Inside
drawline (330, 340, 330, 240, 0) %Track Inside
drawline (330, 240, 210, 240, 0) %Track Inside
drawline (210, 240, 210, 310, 0) %Track Inside
drawline (210, 310, 105, 310, 0) %Track Inside
drawline (105, 310, 105, 60, 0) %Track Inside

end Track

procedure Char

Draw.FillBox (x, y, x + 10, y + 5, 10)
Draw.FillBox (x, y + 5, x, y, 255)
Draw.FillBox (x + 10, y, x, y, 255)
Draw.FillBox (x, y, x + 10, y, 255)
Draw.FillBox (x + 10, y, x + 10, y + 5, 255)
Draw.FillBox (x + 10, y, x, y, 255)
Draw.FillBox (x, y + 5, x + 10, y + 5, 255)

end Char

procedure Keys

Input.KeyDown (keys)

delay (4) % Sets Speed
x += 1

elsif keys (KEY_LEFT_ARROW)
delay (4)
x -= 1

elsif keys (KEY_UP_ARROW)
delay (4)
y += 1

elsif keys (KEY_DOWN_ARROW)
delay (4)
y -= 1

end if

end Keys

procedure Collision

if whatdotcolour (x + 5, y + 5) = 8
or whatdotcolour (x + 10, y) = 8
or whatdotcolour (x - 1, y) = 8
or whatdotcolour (x + 5, y + 5) = 0
or whatdotcolour (x + 10, y) = 0
or whatdotcolour (x - 1, y) = 0

Font.Draw ("YOU HAVE CRASHED!", 170, 190, font1, 8)
delay (1000)

Font.Draw ("GAME OVER!", 220, 130, font1, red)
delay (1000)

end if

end Collision

if x = 190 and y >= 30 and y <= 60 then
lap := lap + 1
end if

color (white)
put "Laps : " , lap



end loop

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:13 pm   Post subject: Re: Racing Game !!! Complete game with a lap counter problem !!!!!!! Please Help

Create several check point regions on the map where if the user passes through them, it will be noted down. The finish line will be the last checkpoint region , and can only count as a lap if all the previous checkpoints have been completed.

* use code tags* Wink

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:12 pm   Post subject: RE:Racing Game !!! Complete game with a lap counter problem !!!!!!! Please Help

can you explain how I would do this, or can anyone?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:53 pm   Post subject: Re: Racing Game !!! Complete game with a lap counter problem !!!!!!! Please Help

Something like this. I modified you code slightly.

setscreen ("graphics")

var font1 : int
var keys : array char of boolean
var x, y : int
var lap : int := 0
font1 := Font.New ("Arial :20")
x := 230
y := 40
var check1, check2, check3 : int := 0
colorback (255)
procedure Track

    drawline (190, 30, 190, 60, 70) % finishline

    drawline (1, 1, maxx, 1, 79) %Border
    drawline (maxx - 1, 1, maxx - 1, maxy - 1, 79) %Border
    drawline (maxx - 1, maxy - 1, 1, maxy - 1, 79) %Boreder
    drawline (1, maxy - 1, 1, 1, 79) %Border

    drawline (75, 30, 500, 30, 0) %Track Outside
    drawline (500, 30, 500, 100, 0) %Track Outside
    drawline (500, 100, 560, 100, 0) %Track Outside
    drawline (560, 100, 560, 300, 0) %Track Outside
    drawline (560, 300, 480, 300, 0) %Track Outside
    drawline (480, 300, 480, 370, 0) %Track Outside
    drawline (480, 370, 300, 370, 0) %Track Outside
    drawline (300, 370, 300, 270, 0) %Track Outside
    drawline (300, 270, 240, 270, 0) %Track Outside
    drawline (240, 270, 240, 350, 0) %Track Outside
    drawline (240, 350, 75, 350, 0) %Track Outside
    drawline (75, 350, 75, 30, 0) %Track Outside

    drawline (105, 60, 470, 60, 0) %Track Inside
    drawline (470, 60, 470, 130, 0) %Track Inside
    drawline (470, 130, 530, 130, 0) %Track Inside
    drawline (530, 130, 530, 270, 0) %Track Inside
    drawline (530, 270, 450, 270, 0) %Track Inside
    drawline (450, 270, 450, 340, 0) %Track Inside
    drawline (450, 340, 330, 340, 0) %Track Inside
    drawline (330, 340, 330, 240, 0) %Track Inside
    drawline (330, 240, 210, 240, 0) %Track Inside
    drawline (210, 240, 210, 310, 0) %Track Inside
    drawline (210, 310, 105, 310, 0) %Track Inside
    drawline (105, 310, 105, 60, 0) %Track Inside

    drawfillbox (531, 150, 559, 180, 38)
    drawfillbox (160, 311, 190, 349, 39)
    drawfillbox (160, 31, 190, 59, 40)

end Track

procedure Char

    Draw.FillBox (x, y, x + 10, y + 5, 10)
    Draw.FillBox (x, y + 5, x, y, 255)
    Draw.FillBox (x + 10, y, x, y, 255)
    Draw.FillBox (x, y, x + 10, y, 255)
    Draw.FillBox (x + 10, y, x + 10, y + 5, 255)
    Draw.FillBox (x + 10, y, x, y, 255)
    Draw.FillBox (x, y + 5, x + 10, y + 5, 255)

end Char

procedure Keys

    Input.KeyDown (keys)

    if keys (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW)
        delay (4) % Sets Speed
        x += 1

    elsif keys (KEY_LEFT_ARROW)
        delay (4)
        x -= 1

    elsif keys (KEY_UP_ARROW)
        delay (4)
        y += 1

    elsif keys (KEY_DOWN_ARROW)
        delay (4)
        y -= 1

    end if

end Keys

procedure Collision

    if whatdotcolour (x + 5, y + 5) = 8
            or whatdotcolour (x + 10, y) = 8
            or whatdotcolour (x - 1, y) = 8
            or whatdotcolour (x + 5, y + 5) = 0
            or whatdotcolour (x + 10, y) = 0
            or whatdotcolour (x - 1, y) = 0

        Font.Draw ("YOU HAVE CRASHED!", 170, 190, font1, 8)
        delay (1000)

        Font.Draw ("GAME OVER!", 220, 130, font1, red)
        delay (1000)
        %What evers bellow is for the check points :)
    elsif whatdotcolour (x + 5, y + 5) = 38
            or whatdotcolour (x + 10, y) = 38
            or whatdotcolour (x - 1, y) = 38 then
        check1 := 1

    elsif whatdotcolour (x + 5, y + 5) = 39
            or whatdotcolour (x + 10, y) = 39
            or whatdotcolour (x - 1, y) = 39 then
        check2 := 2

    elsif whatdotcolour (x + 5, y + 5) = 12 %This should really be 40 but it 40=12 in turing colour pallet
            or whatdotcolour (x + 10, y) = 12
            or whatdotcolour (x - 1, y) = 12 then

        check3 := 3

        if check1 + check2 + check3 = 6 then
            lap += 1
            color (white)
            put "Laps : ", lap
            check1 := 0
            check2 := 0
            check3 := 0
        end if

    end if

end Collision

if x = 190 and y >= 30 and y <= 60 then
    lap := lap + 1
end if

color (white)
put "Laps : ", lap




end loop

This is what i mean. Its not the best code in the world, and i suggest you read up on the turing walktrough to find ways to make your code better. Hope it was helpfull. Wink
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