type * pos :
x : int
xlast: int
y : int
ylast : int
gnum : int
gnumlast : int
move : int
end record
type * enemyDec :
Name : string
Race : int
Character : char
Status : int
HP : int
ATK : int
DEF : int
LVL : int
Special : int
Inv : array 1 .. 10 of itemDec
Position : pos
end record
var enemyReal : array 1 .. 50, 1 .. 20 of enemyDec
fcn Pathfinder (floori,ei,srcX,srcY,trgX,trgY,move,srcgnum,trggnum : int) : boolean % src is where you are searching from trg is your search target, though this algorithm is one source one target, it has no heuristic or move cost weighting, this algorithm also stores data much like a one source all target algorithm in the grid custom variable type that is wiped later, gnum refers to the number of the grid starting at the top left and going to the right, starting at the left on the next row upon hitting the end of a row, the reason the for loops end at 216 is because the amount of grid spaces in my program happens to be 216, the move parameter is to define how far a "unit" can move, probably useless to you
if enemyReal(floori, ei).Position.gnumlast not= enemyReal(floori, ei).Position.gnum then
grid(enemyReal(floori, ei).Position.gnumlast).tiletype := 0
end if
for i : 1 ..800 %resetting variables used for pathfinding, specifically variables used for storing if a grid space has been searched or visited before in a pathfinding equation to avoid overwriting previous path data
grid(i).pFind.searched := false
grid(i).pFind.visited := false
end for
for i : 1 .. 800 %pQ(i).active stores if that array section contains valid data, if it does not then the program has reached the end of the list of squares that it needs to search and could not find a path and will exit
pQ(i).active := false
end for
pQ(1).gnum := srcgnum %this series of statements sets the first grid space in the queue to be the source grid defined in the function parameters
pQ(1).gX := srcX
pQ(1).gY := srcY
pQ(1).active := true
grid(pQ(1).gnum).pFind.cameFromN := srcgnum %this is probably uneeded, but sets where the algorithm searched from to be from inside itself
grid(pQ(1).gnum).pFind.cameFromX := srcX
grid(pQ(1).gnum).pFind.cameFromY := srcY
grid(srcgnum).pFind.searched := false %making sure that the source grid is marked as unchecked and unvisited even though earlier it was set as that cause i wanted to make sure :P
grid(srcgnum).pFind.visited := false
cost := 0 %this cost variable makes sure the "unit" stops when it exceeds its movement abilities, probably not needed right now
searching := 0 %this variable increments to keep searching through the grid spaces in the queue(pQ)
searching += 1 %increments every search if the function has not found its target
if (pQ(searching).active = false) then %returns a result of false terminating the function when there are no more grid spaces to be searched as when a section of pQ has valid data its active value is set to true
result false
end if
if (pQ(searching).gY > 1) and (pQ(searching).gnum - 40) > 0 then %this is to make sure it doesn't search above the limits of the grid upwards and return a out of range error
if (grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 40).pFind.searched = false) then %replace 40 with how many spaces are in a row, 20 is used here to search the gridspace directly above it
grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 40).pFind.cameFromN := pQ(searching).gnum %stores where it searched from, knowing just that, a path can be constructed
grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 40).pFind.cameFromX := pQ(searching).gX
grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 40).pFind.cameFromY := pQ(searching).gY
grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 40).pFind.searched := true
if (grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 40).pFind.visited = false and grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 40).tiletype = 0) then %this sets the grid space to be marked as to be visited and searched from if they are not an obstacle and are not occupied by a "unit"
for i : 1 .. 1000
if (pQ(i).active = false) then %it finds the lowest number unoccupied array section for storing the values of the to be searched square
hpQ := i
pQ(hpQ).gnum := pQ(searching).gnum - 40
pQ(hpQ).gX := pQ(searching).gX
pQ(hpQ).gY := pQ(searching).gY - 1
end if
end for
pQ(hpQ).gnum := pQ(searching).gnum - 40 %i dont know why this is here again but just keep not that pQ(hpQ).active := true is missing from the above for loop iteration
pQ(hpQ).gX := grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 40).idX
pQ(hpQ).gY := grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 40).idY
pQ(hpQ).active := true
end if
end if
end if
if (pQ(searching).gX > 1) then %the same thing except instead of searching upwards, it searches to the left
if (grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 1).pFind.searched = false) then
grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 1).pFind.cameFromN := pQ(searching).gnum
grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 1).pFind.cameFromX := pQ(searching).gX
grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 1).pFind.cameFromY := pQ(searching).gY
grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 1).pFind.searched := true
if (grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 1).pFind.visited = false and grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 1).tiletype = 0) then
for i : 1 .. 1000
if (pQ(i).active = false) then
hpQ := i
pQ(hpQ).gnum := pQ(searching).gnum - 1
pQ(hpQ).gX := pQ(searching).gX - 1
pQ(hpQ).gY := pQ(searching).gY
end if
end for
pQ(hpQ).gnum := pQ(searching).gnum - 1
pQ(hpQ).gX := grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 1).idX
pQ(hpQ).gY := grid(pQ(searching).gnum - 1).idY
pQ(hpQ).active := true
end if
end if
end if
if (pQ(searching).gY < 20) then %searches downwards
if (grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 40).pFind.searched = false) then
grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 40).pFind.cameFromN := pQ(searching).gnum
grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 40).pFind.cameFromX := pQ(searching).gX
grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 40).pFind.cameFromY := pQ(searching).gY
grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 40).pFind.searched := true
if (grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 40).pFind.visited = false and grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 40).tiletype = 0) then
for i : 1 .. 1000
if (pQ(i).active = false) then
hpQ := i
pQ(hpQ).gnum := pQ(searching).gnum + 40
pQ(hpQ).gX := pQ(searching).gX
pQ(hpQ).gY := pQ(searching).gY + 1
end if
end for
pQ(hpQ).gnum := pQ(searching).gnum + 40
pQ(hpQ).gX := grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 40).idX
pQ(hpQ).gY := grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 40).idY
pQ(hpQ).active := true
end if
end if
end if
if (pQ(searching).gX < 40) and (pQ(searching).gnum + 1) < 40 then %dont ask why it searches up left down and then right
if (grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 1).pFind.searched = false) then
grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 1).pFind.cameFromN := pQ(searching).gnum
grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 1).pFind.cameFromX := pQ(searching).gX
grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 1).pFind.cameFromY := pQ(searching).gY
grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 1).pFind.searched := true
if (grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 1).pFind.visited = false and grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 1).tiletype = 0) then
for i : 1 .. 1000
if (pQ(i).active = false) then
hpQ := i
pQ(hpQ).gnum := pQ(searching).gnum + 1
pQ(hpQ).gX := pQ(searching).gX
pQ(hpQ).gY := pQ(searching).gY + 1
end if
end for
pQ(hpQ).gnum := pQ(searching).gnum + 1
pQ(hpQ).gX := grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 1).idX
pQ(hpQ).gY := grid(pQ(searching).gnum + 1).idY
pQ(hpQ).active := true
end if
end if
end if
grid(pQ(searching).gnum).pFind.visited := true %after searching everywhere around the grid space it is marked as being visited as to not be visited again, consuming unnecessary resources and slowing the function down
if (grid(trggnum).pFind.visited = true) then %checks to see if the target has been visited yet
pathlength := 0 %this stores how long the path will be as the path is constructed from target to source and needs to be put in reverse using a decreasing for loop for my purposes as the character would look wfloori, eird going from thfloori, eir target back to where they came from, this probably doesn't matter to you though
currentGnum := trggnum %current is used as the "unit" to measure the distance between source and target
currentX := trgX
currentY := trgY
pathlength += 1 %every time current is not back to the source the path length increments to store the length of the path
path(pathlength).gnum := currentGnum %the array path is used to store the whole path for cost computation, probably uneeded for you
path(pathlength).gX := currentX
path(pathlength).gY := currentY
currentX := grid(currentGnum).pFind.cameFromX
currentY := grid(currentGnum).pFind.cameFromY
currentGnum := grid(currentGnum).pFind.cameFromN
exit when path(pathlength).gnum = srcgnum %exit when the path is complete
end loop
for decreasing i : pathlength .. 1 by 1 %reverses the path to find if the path exceeds cost limits, again uneeded for you
cost += grid(path(i).gnum).pFind.mCost
if (cost >= move) then %returns false if cost exceeds move
result false
end if
exit when i = 2 %exits when next to target, set to one for exit when on target
end for
if enemyReal(floori, ei).Position.x not= Player.Position.x or enemyReal(floori, ei).Position.y not= Player.Position.y then
enemyReal(floori, ei).Position.x := path(pathlength - 1).gX
enemyReal(floori, ei).Position.y := path(pathlength - 1).gY
enemyReal(floori, ei).Position.gnum := path(pathlength - 1).gnum
if pathlength > 1 then
grid(enemyReal(floori, ei).Position.gnumlast).tiletype := 0 % Where gnumlast is the old gnum from before the execution of this function, this is so that squares don't get forever locked up as occupied
grid(enemyReal(floori, ei).Position.gnum).tiletype := 1 % Assigns the new one after so that if the enemy doesnt move the tiletype becomes 0 but then goes back to 1, instead of in reverse
end if
end if
result true %if the path passes through the test it returns positive
end if
end loop
end Pathfinder