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 Race Car Adjustment Program
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 12:37 pm   Post subject: Race Car Adjustment Program

Hey Guys, it's my first post here, I work at a Autobody shop and we've recieved a 1994 Camaro, Which is modified for the 1/4 Mile,((This becomes relevent in a minute)) and we are Trying to find a Programmer Who has a little bit of Knowledge with The programs which are used for modification on race cars, Basically, we are willing to pay someone to Fly over to us, inspect the car and figure out what it's connected to and how to modify it, we've got the car for a upward of 8 Months, so the quicker the better, and PLEASE if you don't know anything about this do not respond, as we are in dire need of a programmer with the capabilities of helping us, We do have some time, and we are willing to pay you for your time, We must make sure you are dedicated to this as we will be paying for your Accomidations and Food, Also we will be paying for your time as previously stated, So if you could help it would be greatly Appreciated

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 6:51 pm   Post subject: RE:Race Car Adjustment Program

We don't usually get these kind of requests. I doubt you'll find what you're looking for on these boards. Try some sort of employment place.

Also, moved to [Off Topic].
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