%%Tick Tack Toe
var playerx: boolean %%which player it is
var TL, TM, TR: boolean := false %%top lines
var ML, MM, MR: boolean := false %%mid lines
var BL, BM, BR: boolean := false %%bot lines
var random: int %%to see who goes 1st
var playgame: boolean := true %%to play game
var endgame: boolean:= false %%to end the game
var ans: string
%%This is so i can tell which player owns which tiles...
var mtl, mtm, mtr, mml, mmm, mmr, mbl, mbm, mbr: boolean %%If True - player 1, false = player 2
%%Picks which player goes 1st
%%Player 1's 1st
if random = 1 then
put "Player one goes 1st"
put "Player one is"," 'X'"
playerx := true
%%Player 2's 1st
put "Player two goes 1st"
put "Player two is"," 'O'"
playerx := false
end if
proc draw
%%Draws the TicTacToe lines
for i: 1 .. 5
end for
end draw
proc TopLeft
if TL = false then %%hasn't been pict yet
if playerx = true then %%1st player
for i: 1 .. 10 %%to fatten the X up
end for
playerx := false %%player 2 turn
mtl:= true %%player 1 owns it
else %%its player 2
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up the circle
end for
playerx := true %%now player 1 turn
mtl:= false %%player 2 owns it
end if
TL := true
end if
end TopLeft
proc TopMid
if TM = false then %%hasn't been pict yet
if playerx = true then %%1st player
for i: 1 .. 10 %%to fatten the X up
end for
playerx := false %%player 2 turn
mtm:= true %%player 1 owns it
else %%its player 2
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up the circle
end for
playerx := true %%now player 1 turn
mtm:= false %%player 2 owns it
end if
TM := true
end if
end TopMid
proc TopRight
if TR = false then %%hasn't been pict yet
if playerx = true then %%1st player
for i: 1 .. 10 %%to fatten the X up
end for
playerx := false %%player 2 turn
mtr:= true %%player 1 owns it
else %%its player 2
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up the circle
end for
playerx := true %%now player 1 turn
mtr:= false %%player 2 owns it
end if
TR := true
end if
end TopRight
proc MidLeft
if ML = false then %%hasn't been pict yet
if playerx = true then %%1st player
for i: 1 .. 10 %%to fatten the X up
end for
playerx := false %%player 2 turn
mml:= true %%player 1 owns it
else %%its player 2
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up the circle
end for
playerx := true %%now player 1 turn
mml:= false %%player 2 owns it
end if
ML := true
end if
end MidLeft
proc MidMid
if MM = false then %%hasn't been pict yet
if playerx = true then %%1st player
for i: 1 .. 10 %%to fatten the X up
end for
playerx := false %%player 2 turn
mmm:= true %%player 1 owns it
else %%its player 2
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up the circle
end for
playerx := true %%now player 1 turn
mmm:= false %%player 2 owns it
end if
MM := true
end if
end MidMid
proc MidRight
if MR = false then %%hasn't been pict yet
if playerx = true then %%1st player
for i: 1 .. 10 %%to fatten the X up
end for
playerx := false %%player 2 turn
mmr:= true %%player 1 owns it
else %%its player 2
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up the circle
end for
playerx := true %%now player 1 turn
mmr:= false %%player 2 owns it
end if
MR := true
end if
end MidRight
proc BotLeft
if BL = false then %%hasn't been pict yet
if playerx = true then %%1st player
for i: 1 .. 10 %%to fatten the X up
end for
playerx := false %%player 2 turn
mbl:= true %%player 1 owns it
else %%its player 2
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up the circle
end for
playerx := true %%now player 1 turn
mbl:= false %%player 2 owns it
end if
BL := true
end if
end BotLeft
proc BotMid
if BM = false then %%hasn't been pict yet
if playerx = true then %%1st player
for i: 1 .. 10 %%to fatten the X up
end for
playerx := false %%player 2 turn
mbm:= true %%player 1 owns it
else %%its player 2
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up the circle
end for
playerx := true %%now player 1 turn
mbm:= false %%player 2 owns it
end if
BM := true
end if
end BotMid
proc BotRight
if BR = false then %%hasn't been pict yet
if playerx = true then %%1st player
for i: 1 .. 10 %%to fatten the X up
end for
playerx := false %%player 2 turn
mbr:= true %%player 1 owns it
else %%its player 2
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up the circle
end for
playerx := true %%now player 1 turn
mbr:= false %%player 2 owns it
end if
BR := true
end if
end BotRight
proc win
% % % H O R R I Z O N T A L - W I N S % % %
%%player 1 gets top 3 tiles
if TL = true and mtl = true and TM = true and mtm = true and TR = true and mtr = true then
endgame := true %%to end game
for i: 1 .. 10 %%draws a line threw the victory
end for
put "P L A Y E R 1 W O N !"
%%player 2 gets top 3 tiles
elsif TL = true and mtl = false and TM = true and mtm = false and TR = true and mtr = false then
endgame := true %%to end game
for i: 1 .. 10 %%draws a line threw the victory
end for
put "P L A Y E R 2 W O N !"
%%player 1 gets mid 3 tiles
elsif ML = true and mml = true and MM = true and mmm = true and MR = true and mmr = true then
endgame := true %%to end game
for i: 1 .. 10 %%draws a line threw the victory
end for
put "P L A Y E R 1 W O N !"
%%player 1 gets middle 3 tiles
elsif ML = true and mml = false and MM = true and mmm = false and MR = true and mmr = false then
endgame := true %%to end game
for i: 1 .. 10 %%draws a line threw the vctory
end for
put "P L A Y E R 2 W O N !"
%%player 1 gets bot 3 tiles
elsif BL = true and mbl = true and BM = true and mbm = true and BR = true and mbr = true then
endgame := true %%to end game
for i: 1 .. 10 %%draws a line threw the victory
end for
put "P L A Y E R 1 W O N !"
%%player 1 gets bot 3 tiles
elsif BL = true and mbl = false and BM = true and mbm = false and BR = true and mbr = false then
endgame := true %%to end game
for i: 1 .. 10 %%draws a line threw the vctory
end for
put "P L A Y E R 2 W O N !"
% % % V E R T I C L E - W I N S % % %
%%player 1 gets left row
elsif TL = true and mtl = true and ML = true and mml = true and BL = true and mbl = true then
endgame := true
for i: 1 .. 10 %%Fatten the line
end for
put "P L A Y E R 1 W O N !"
%%player 2 gets left row
elsif TL = true and mtl = false and ML = true and mml = false and BL = true and mbl = false then
endgame := true
for i: 1 .. 10 %%Fatten the line
end for
put "P L A Y E R 2 W O N !"
%%player 1 gets mid row
elsif TM = true and mtm = true and MM = true and mmm = true and BM = true and mbm = true then
endgame := true
for i: 1 .. 10 %%Fatten the line
end for
put "P L A Y E R 1 W O N !"
%%player 2 gets mid row
elsif TM = true and mtm = false and MM = true and mmm = false and BM = true and mbm = false then
endgame := true
for i: 1 .. 10 %%Fatten the line
end for
put "P L A Y E R 2 W O N !"
%%player 1 gets right row
elsif TR = true and mtr = true and MR = true and mmr = true and BR = true and mbr = true then
endgame := true
for i: 1 .. 10 %%Fatten the line
end for
put "P L A Y E R 1 W O N !"
%%player 2 gets eight row
elsif TR = true and mtr = false and MR = true and mmr = false and BR = true and mbr = false then
endgame := true
for i: 1 .. 10 %%Fatten the line
end for
put "P L A Y E R 2 W O N !"
% % % S L A N T E D - W I N S % % %
%%player 1 wins with top left, to bottom right cross win - \
elsif TL = true and mtl = true and MM = true and mmm = true and BR = true and mbr = true then
endgame := true
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up line
end for
put "P L A Y E R 1 W O N !"
%%player 2 wins with TL - BR slash - \
elsif TL = true and mtl = false and MM = true and mmm = false and BR = true and mbr = false then
endgame := true
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up line
end for
put "P L A Y E R 2 W O N !"
%%player 1 wins with bot left, to top right cross win - /
elsif TR = true and mtr = true and MM = true and mmm = true and BL = true and mbl = true then
endgame := true
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up line
end for
put "P L A Y E R 1 W O N !"
%%player 2 wins with TR - BL slash - /
elsif TR = true and mtr = false and MM = true and mmm = false and BL = true and mbl = false then
endgame := true
for i: 1 .. 10 %%fatten up line
end for
put "P L A Y E R 2 W O N !"
% % % C A T S - E Y E % % %
elsif TL = true and TM = true and TR = true and ML = true and MM = true and MR = true and BL = true and BM = true and BR = true then
endgame := true
for i: 1 .. 20
end for
put " C A T S E Y E !"
end if
end win
proc game
if playerx = true then
put "It is player One's turn, 'X'"
elsif playerx = false then
put "It is player Two's turn, 'O'"
end if
var mx,my,mb: int %%Mouse chords
if mb = 1 then %%if mouse is clicked
if mx <= 75 and mx >= 0 and my <= 225 and my >= 175 then %%Location for top left tile
elsif mx <= 150 and mx >= 75 and my <= 225 and my >= 175 then %%location for top mid tile
elsif mx <= 225 and mx >= 150 and my <= 225 and my >= 175 then %%top right location
elsif mx <= 75 and mx >= 0 and my <= 150 and my >= 75 then %%Midleft tile location
elsif mx <= 150 and mx >= 75 and my <= 150 and my >= 75 then %%midmid tile loc
elsif mx <= 225 and mx >= 150 and my <= 150 and my >= 75 then %%mid right loc
elsif mx <= 75 and mx >= 0 and my <= 75 and my >= 0 then %%Bot left tile
elsif mx <= 150 and mx >= 75 and my <= 75 and my >= 0 then %%Mot mid tile
elsif mx <= 225 and mx >= 150 and my <= 75 and my >= 0 then %%Bot Right tile loc
end if
end if
end game
%%main loop
if playgame = true then
end if
if endgame = true then
put "Made By: The Legit Derek!!"
put ""
put ""
put ""
put ""
put "Please Tell me errors, etc:"
put "How to make this better?"
put "And rate it 1 - 10! :)"
put ""
put " E N J O Y !"
put ""
put ""
put ""
put "Would you like to play again"
put "'Y'/'y' OR 'N'/'n'"
get ans
if ans = 'Y' or ans = 'y' then
playgame:= true
endgame := false
TL:= false
TM:= false
TR:= false
ML:= false
MM:= false
MR:= false
BL:= false
BM:= false
BR:= false
end if
end if
end loop
put "Thanks For Playing"
put ""
put " BYE"