%Text Select
%By Tony Zhang
setscreen ("graphics:1000;650")
var x, y, nx, button, letter : int := 0
var colo : int := 9
var letters1 : array 1 .. 10 of string := init ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J")
var letters2 : array 1 .. 10 of string := init ("K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T")
var letters3 : array 1 .. 6 of string := init ("U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z")
var words : array 1 .. 15 of string := init ("computer", "speaker", "program", "video", "cat", "dog", "tiger", "driver", "soccer", "radio", "music", "science", "math", "basketball", "chess")
var random, counter, right : int := 0
var word, choice, let : string := ""
colourback (71)
process won
choice := "n"
for w : 1 .. 100
Draw.Text ("YaY, You won!", maxx div 2 - 100, maxy div 2, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), Rand.Int (1, 100))
delay (100)
exit when choice not= "n"
end for
end won
process lost
choice := "n"
for l : 1 .. 100
Draw.Text ("You Lost!", maxx div 2 - 50, maxy div 2 - 50, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), Rand.Int (155, 200))
Draw.Text ("The word was:", maxx div 2 - 150, maxy div 2, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), Rand.Int (155, 200))
Draw.Text (words (random), maxx div 2 + 60, maxy div 2, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), Rand.Int (155, 200))
delay (100)
exit when choice not= "n"
end for
end lost
Draw.Text ("Welcome to Tony's Hangman Game", maxx div 2 - 150, maxy - 20, Font.New ("serif:16:bold"), 40)
locate (3, 1)
put "Please choose letters from the alphabets"
drawfillbox (640, 170, 660, 410, 112) %post
drawfillbox (660, 390, 760, 410, 112)
drawfillbox (600, 160, 800, 180, 115) %ground
drawfillbox (730, 390, 740, 358, 114) %wire
drawarc (735, 345, 13, 13, 0, 360, 114)
%Random Words and Dashes
randint (random, 1, 15)
var dash : array 1 .. length (words (random)) of string
for a : 1 .. length (words (random))
dash (a) := "_"
end for
for a : 1 .. 10
%First Row
drawbox (90 + nx, 250, 140 + nx, 300, black)
drawfillbox (95 + nx, 255, 135 + nx, 295, grey)
Draw.Text (letters1 (a), 105 + nx, 260, Font.New ("serif:22:bold"), 56)
%Second Row
drawbox (90 + nx, 200, 140 + nx, 250, black)
drawfillbox (95 + nx, 205, 135 + nx, 245, grey)
Draw.Text (letters2 (a), 105 + nx, 210, Font.New ("serif:22:bold"), 56)
%Third Row
if nx >= 100 and nx <= 350 then
letter += 1
drawbox (90 + nx, 150, 140 + nx, 200, black)
drawfillbox (95 + nx, 155, 135 + nx, 195, grey)
Draw.Text (letters3 (letter), 105 + nx, 160, Font.New ("serif:22:bold"), 56)
end if
nx += 50
end for
%Out put
%Draw Dash
locate (8, 15)
for a : 1 .. length (words (random))
put dash (a) : 3, " " ..
end for
if Mouse.ButtonMoved ("down") then
var buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int
Mouse.ButtonWait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown)
if x >= 95 and x <= 135 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "a"
elsif x >= 145 and x <= 185 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "b"
elsif x >= 195 and x <= 235 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "c"
elsif x >= 245 and x <= 285 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "d"
elsif x >= 295 and x <= 335 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "e"
elsif x >= 345 and x <= 385 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "f"
elsif x >= 395 and x <= 435 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "g"
elsif x >= 445 and x <= 485 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "h"
elsif x >= 495 and x <= 535 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "i"
elsif x >= 545 and x <= 585 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "j"
elsif x >= 95 and x <= 135 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "k"
elsif x >= 145 and x <= 185 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "l"
elsif x >= 195 and x <= 235 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "m"
elsif x >= 245 and x <= 285 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "n"
elsif x >= 295 and x <= 335 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "o"
elsif x >= 345 and x <= 385 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "p"
elsif x >= 395 and x <= 435 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "q"
elsif x >= 445 and x <= 485 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "r"
elsif x >= 495 and x <= 535 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "s"
elsif x >= 545 and x <= 585 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "t"
elsif x >= 195 and x <= 235 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "u"
elsif x >= 245 and x <= 285 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "v"
elsif x >= 295 and x <= 335 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "w"
elsif x >= 345 and x <= 385 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "x"
elsif x >= 395 and x <= 435 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "y"
elsif x >= 445 and x <= 485 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "z"
end if
exit when ord (let) > 95
end if
end loop
%Wrong Letter
if index (words (random), let) = 0 then
counter += 1
end if
%Hangman face
if counter = 1 then
drawfilloval (735, 355, 15, 15, 89)
elsif counter = 2 then
drawfilloval (728, 357, 3, 3, black) % left eye
elsif counter = 3 then
drawfilloval (742, 357, 3, 3, black) %right eye
elsif counter = 4 then
drawarc (735, 345, 5, 5, 20, 160, black) %mouth
%Hangman body
elsif counter = 5 then
drawline (735, 340, 735, 280, black)
Draw.Text ("Help me please!", 795, 330, Font.New ("serif:16:bold"), 40)
elsif counter = 6 then
drawline (735, 310, 765, 340, black) %right arm
Draw.Text ("Help me please!", 795, 330, Font.New ("serif:16:bold"), 71)
Draw.Text ("Help me!", 795, 330, Font.New ("serif:16:bold"), 40)
elsif counter = 7 then
drawline (735, 310, 705, 340, black) %left arm
elsif counter = 8 then
drawline (735, 280, 765, 250, black) %right leg
Draw.Text ("Help me!", 795, 330, Font.New ("serif:16:bold"), 71)
Draw.Text ("Help! Help!", 795, 330, Font.New ("serif:16:bold"), 40)
elsif counter = 9 then
drawline (735, 280, 705, 250, black) %left leg
end if
%Right letter
for a : 1 .. length (words (random))
if let = words (random) (a) then
dash (a) := let
end if
end for
locate (8, 15)
for a : 1 .. length (words (random))
put dash (a) : 3, " " ..
end for
for a : 1 .. length (words (random))
right := right + index (dash (a), "_")
end for
exit when right = 0
right := 0
exit when counter = 9
end loop
%Play again
delay (1000)
Draw.Text ("Would you like to play again?", maxx div 2 - 130, maxy - 100, Font.New ("serif:16:bold"), 56)
drawbox (maxx div 2 - 100, maxy - 250, maxx div 2, maxy - 200, black)
drawfillbox (maxx div 2 - 95, maxy - 245, maxx div 2 - 5, maxy - 205, grey)
Draw.Text ("Yes", maxx div 2 - 75, maxy - 235, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), black)
drawbox (maxx div 2 + 100, maxy - 250, maxx div 2, maxy - 200, black)
drawfillbox (maxx div 2 + 95, maxy - 245, maxx div 2 + 5, maxy - 205, grey)
Draw.Text ("No", maxx div 2 + 30, maxy - 235, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), black)
if counter = 9 then
fork lost
if Mouse.ButtonMoved ("down") then
var buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int
Mouse.ButtonWait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown)
if x >= maxx div 2 - 95 and x <= maxx div 2 - 5 and y >= maxy - 245 and y <= maxy - 205 then
choice := "y"
end if
end if
end loop
elsif word = words (random) or right = 0 then
fork won
if Mouse.ButtonMoved ("down") then
var buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int
Mouse.ButtonWait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown)
if x >= maxx div 2 - 95 and x <= maxx div 2 - 5 and y >= maxy - 245 and y <= maxy - 205 then
choice := "y"
end if
end if
end loop
end if
nx := 0
letter := 0
counter := 0
exit when choice = "n"
end loop