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 make a calculator that adds and subtracts in binary numbers
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:28 pm   Post subject: make a calculator that adds and subtracts in binary numbers

proc optionmenu (var choice, font2 : int)

colorback (blue)
color (white)
font2 := Font.New ("Arial:19")
Font.Draw ("ADDING & SUBTRACTING BINARY CALCULATOR", 50, 400, font2, white)
Font.Draw ("Please enter your desired choice? Then type enter!", 50, 350, font2, white)
Font.Draw ("1. START", 50, 300, font2, white)
Font.Draw ("2. EXIT", 50, 250, font2, white)
locate (20, 40)
get choice
exit when choice = 1 or choice = 2
end loop

end optionmenu

proc calculatordesign
drawbox (1, 1, 600, 400, white)

%row number 1 of calculator (ON,1,4,7,+,Bin)

drawfillbox (170, 150, 240, 210, brightred)
locatexy (205, 180)
color (white)
put "1" ..

drawfillbox (360, 150, 430, 210, brightblue)
locatexy (395, 180)
put "0" ..

drawfillbox (170, 70, 240, 130, green)
locatexy (205, 100)
put "+" ..

drawfillbox (360, 70, 430, 130, yellow)
locatexy (405, 100)
put "-" ..

drawfillbox (270, -10, 340, 50, grey)
locatexy (305, 20)
put "Hex" ..

drawfillbox (360, -10, 430, 50, purple)
locatexy (395, 30)
put "Dec" ..

drawfillbox (270, 210, 340, 150, white)
locatexy (305, 180)
put "C" ..

drawfillbox (170, -10, 240, 50, brightgreen)
locatexy (205, 20)
put "="

end calculatordesign

proc getValue (var A : array 1 .. 8 of int)
var x, y, bnum, bud : int
var count : int := 1

for i : 1 .. 8
A (i) := 0
end for

buttonwait ("down", x, y, bnum, bud)
if x > 170 and x < 240 and y > 310 and y < 370 then
A (count) := 0
count := count + 1
elsif x > 170 and x < 240 and y > 230 and y < 290 then
A (count) := 1
count := count + 1
end if
locatexy (1, maxy)
for i : 1 .. count - 1
put A (i) ..
end for
exit when count = 9
end loop
end getValue

*************MAIN PROGRAM***************

var choice : int
var x, y, bnum, bud : int
var A : array 1 .. 8 of int
var font2 : int

optionmenu (choice, font2)

exit when choice = 2
getValue (A)
end loop
exit when hasch
end loop
Drakain Zeil

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:34 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I don't get it. What are you asking for?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:28 am   Post subject: binary calculator - question

i am asking for how to allow the calculator to add and subtract in binary. The program should flow like this
1. user enters 1st binary number
2. user then enters operation
3. user then enters 2nd binary numbers
4. calculation is done

***also it would be helpful if you could help me with making the buttons of my calculation clickable and be able to view what i am clicking in a screen for the calculator***

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:01 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

First of all, you should create a regular calculator system that just uses "normal" numbers (easy), then you should create a method of converting binary into integers and back again (not as easy)
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