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 Help with GUI title screen
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Jonny Tight Lips

PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 9:51 pm   Post subject: Help with GUI title screen

My code

setscreen ("offscreenonly,nobuttonbar,position:truemiddle,centre,graphics:640;640")
colorback(7) % Black

var clr : int := 218 % The color to assign to
var text1 : int := Font.New ("Times New Roman:32:Bold") % First Font
var text2 : int := Font.New ("Arial:72:Bold")

procedure newgame

end newgame

procedure loadgame

end loadgame

procedure options

end options

fork intromusic
fork introfx
for decreasing i : 39 .. 0
    RGB.SetColor (clr, 0, 0, i / 39)
    Font.Draw ("The War...", (maxx div 2) - (Font.Width ("The War...", text1) div 2), (maxy div 2) - 9, text1, clr)
    delay (50)
end for
fork introfx
for decreasing i : 39 .. 0
    RGB.SetColor (clr, 0, 0, i / 39)
    Font.Draw ("Has Begun!", (maxx div 2) - (Font.Width ("Has Begun!", text1) div 2), (maxy div 2) - 9, text1, clr)
    delay (50)
end for
Font.Draw ("James's", (maxx div 3) - (Font.Width ("James's", text2) div 2), (maxy div 4*3) - 9, text2, red)
Font.Draw ("Games", (maxx div 2) - (Font.Width ("Game", text2) div 2), (maxy div 2) - 9, text2, red)
var newgameb : int := GUI.CreateButton(maxx div 2-100, maxy div 2 - 40, 20, "New Game", newgame)
var loadgameb : int := GUI.CreateButton(maxx div 2-100, maxy div 2 - 70, 20, "Load Game", loadgame)
var optionsb : int := GUI.CreateButton(maxx div 2-100, maxy div 2 - 100, 20, "Options", options)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop

soundoff := true

Ok. First of all the GUI is not working at all. The buttens wont go down or anything and it just stop but still continues playing the music (music is in other file)

Second when I just striped it down to the gui it keeped going in a continues loop and would never end?

import GUI
var text2 : int := Font.New ("Arial:72:Bold")
procedure newgame
put "hi"
end newgame

procedure loadgame

put "hello"
end loadgame

procedure options
put "wow"
end options

Font.Draw ("James's", (maxx div 3) - (Font.Width ("James's", text2) div 2), (maxy div 4*3) - 9, text2, red)
Font.Draw ("Games", (maxx div 2) - (Font.Width ("Game", text2) div 2), (maxy div 2) - 9, text2, red)
var newgameb : int := GUI.CreateButton(maxx div 2-100, maxy div 2 - 40, 20, "New Game", newgame)
var loadgameb : int := GUI.CreateButton(maxx div 2-100, maxy div 2 - 70, 20, "Load Game", loadgame)
var optionsb : int := GUI.CreateButton(maxx div 2-100, maxy div 2 - 100, 20, "Options", options)

exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
put "the end"

Hope you can help. And sorry if I put to much code in this post Confused
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