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 Mechatronics Engineering Vs Computer engineering
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:01 pm   Post subject: Mechatronics Engineering Vs Computer engineering

I am interested in computer engineering/programming, but also have an interest in mechanical engineering. So now my question is, does mechatronics engineering have as much software courses as computer engineering, more or less? Since mechatronics is fairly new, is the job outlook good with that degree?
Prabhakar Ragde

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:26 pm   Post subject: RE:Mechatronics Engineering Vs Computer engineering

I'm looking forward to Tony's response on this one.

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:03 pm   Post subject: Re: Mechatronics Engineering Vs Computer engineering

Well, I'm not Tony, but I can hopefully help out a bit. Razz

I'm currently on my last workterm, having just completed 3B Tron.

Mechatronics Engineering has less software courses than Comp. Here's what you're looking at with MTE:

1A: GENE121 - Basic intro to computer programming, uses C++
1A: MTE100 - Intro to Mechatronics - program a Lego robot with "Not Quite C"
1B: MTE140 - Data structures & algorithms, uses C. If you don't know pointers by now, you will by the end.
2A: ME262 - Intro to Microprocessors and Digital Logic - what it sounds like. Control a gantry robot with a programmable logic controller. There was some ASM when I took it, but I believe they now do VHDL as well/instead.
2B: MTE204 - Numerical methods (programming + math, basically), uses whatever you want. I used MATLAB.
2B: MTE220 - Sensors and Instrumentation - some embedded programming of a circuit you build in C
2B: MTE241 - Real Time OS - Implement the key functionality of an operating system within a Solaris server (coded in C)
3A: ECE325 - Microprocessor Systems & Interfacing - More embedded programming in C. We wrote a WAV file player, down to making sure individual frames of audio were sent out in order.
3B: MTE360 - Automatic Control Systems - MATLAB & Simulink for modeling and control

4th year: Lots of options. I'm taking the ECE Applied AI course next term, which I'm sure will involve some programming. My digital controls course will also have software work, likely MATLAB/Simulink again. Full curriculum is here:, but the "Technical Elective" list grows every year, since they're still making courses.

As you can probably guess from above, the Mechatronics course leans more towards using software as a tool - there's less emphasis on the software architecture. However, this isn't limiting for co-op/full-time positions - I have a number of friends in the program who have gotten pure software jobs and have gotten the hang of things. (Google, MS, Amazon, various banking companies

The job outlook is excellent. It's my belief that no university degree can fully prepare you for your career, thus it's in my best interest to sacrifice a little bit of theoretical depth in, say, machine design in favour of some groundwork in electrical interfacing. I can always learn another programming language, but it takes a lot more mental effort to start from scratch in a field. Depending on how you've spent your co-ops, you'll be able to apply to jobs open to graduates of Elec, Comp, Systems, Mech, Software, probably a few others, and there are quite a few openings now that are directly targeted at Tron students.

Personally, I've specialized in the design of autonomous robots, which is a pretty "pure" Mechatronics job. However, people in my class have taken the program in several different directions. Some guys are virtually mechanical engineers with a "bonus" of extra understanding of motors & control systems, others tend more towards the electrical side but still know how to use SolidWorks. (3D mech design program) A bunch have gone into project management, since it's rare for problems to have a purely mechanical, software, or electrical solution.

From a software perspective, consider the explosion of embedded computers. New cell phones & cameras have accelerometers, for instance. If you're going to use one effectively, you need to understand the physical dynamics, the sensor's electrical characteristics, and how to interface it with your software. In general, it's good to have a mechatronics background when system crashes can manifest themselves physically.

I think this post is getting pretty long, so I'll cut it short there. Questions, feel free to ask.

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 2:05 am   Post subject: Re: Mechatronics Engineering Vs Computer engineering

I was hoping that Skynet would reply to this thread, as he probably knows the most about UW's Mechatronics degree. His view also offsets my possible bias, since I left Mechatronics for Computer Science.

Waterloo's ECE/CE website draws this relationship chart

Posted Image, might have been reduced in size. Click Image to view fullscreen.

Which is quite close to what I drew a year ago.

So simply put: no, Mechatronics does not have nearly as much "Software" as Computer Engineering. I think Skynet's description of learning "software as a tool" (a somewhat related view is talked about on the /blog) is quite spot on for the program.

I think the career outlook is somewhat of a mixed bag. It certainly offers unique opportunities. My favourite aspect of the program is that it lets you get a feel for all the various related fields. Though that being said, there's obviously not enough time to cover as much material as you would in more specialized programs, but that wouldn't necessary stop one from getting any of those jobs anyway.

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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 6:09 pm   Post subject: Re: Mechatronics Engineering Vs Computer engineering

As of right now i am leaning towards computer engineering, but i still have one year to decide as mcmaster's first year program is general. I also have another question about possible way of getting there. I live in Toronto (Etobicoke), so i am wondering of taking the GO bus or living on campus. First question, is it better to live on campus or to live at home? Second question: How long is the travel time from toronto/misssissauga border to mcmaster university? Also is there another bus service that can get me there other than GO service.....Thanks for your replies

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 7:23 pm   Post subject: Re: Mechatronics Engineering Vs Computer engineering

Junaid2pac @ Fri May 23, 2008 6:09 pm wrote:
First question, is it better to live on campus or to live at home?

I'd recommend spending your first year on campus. You'll get to know the University better, meet people, and generally have a more "University like" experience. Afterwards you can informatively decide if you prefer living in residence, on your own (renting from non-rez is also an option), or moving back home.
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