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 Getting the current data in turing
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:01 pm   Post subject: Getting the current data in turing

Hello i am trying to write a program that sloves this question:

9. Write a program that asks the user their name and date of birth, the program will output their age and appropriate comment whether they can have their G1, G2 and/or vote.

I am having trouble getting the current date so that i can calculate the users age so far i have this... I am using the function and turing 4.0.3 I belive that the problem is that is a string. Is there a better way to get the current day, month and year in turing. And i am sorry this is probley a really easy question. i am not really this bad at coding i just dont know the syntax in turing yet.

%Age displaying

var name, currentdate : string
var day, month, year, age: int

put "Please Enter your name"
get name : *
put "Please Enter your date of birth(DD MM YYYY)with spaces"
get day
get month
get year

if day > 0 and day < 32 then
    put "Invalid day"
end if

if month > 0 and month < 13 then
    put "Invalid month"
end if

currentdate := Time.Date
put currentdate

PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:06 pm   Post subject: RE:Getting the current data in turing

You may want to read up on string manipulation. Some useful functions you might need are strint() and length().

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:20 am   Post subject: Re: Getting the current data in turing


I got my program running with a static date it looks like this now...


%Age displaying

var name : string
var day, cday, month, cmonth, year, cyear, age : int

%Set current day
cday := 19
cmonth := 03
cyear := 2007

age := 0

put "Please Enter your name"
get name : *
put "Please Enter your date of birth(DD MM YYYY)with spaces"
get day
get month
get year

if day > 0 and day < 32 then
    put "Invalid day"
end if

if month > 0 and month < 13 then
    put "Invalid month"
end if
if month > cmonth then
    age := age - 1
elsif day > cday and age not= -1 then
    age := age - 1
    put "Error please try agian later"
end if

age := (cyear + age) - year

if age < 0 then
    put name," You are ", age, " and you are not yet born"
elsif age > 15 and age < 16 then
    put name," You are ", age, " and you can get your G1"
elsif age > 16 and age < 18 then
    put name," You are ", age, " and you can get your G1 then G2"
elsif age > 18 then
    put name," You are ", age, " and you can get your G1, and G2 and vote"
    put name," You are ", age, " and you are not old enough yet to drive or vote"
end if
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