even thou this topic was started before and erased due to the roll back.... i wanted to add some more books....to the list....
anything by
Clancy is great
i recommend "The bear and the dragon"
Dan Brown is great...
Da vinci,Angels and demons...etc.
Bryce Courtenay.
"The power of one" was a really great book....
feel free to add....
as posted before
Clavell,Chricton,Cusler...are all great to..... Harry poter if u want a n easy ISU read...Tolkein is great also
:"feel free to add.... ":
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Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:28 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Jack Whyte has very good Roman era historical fiction books. Very good reads.
Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:47 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Oh you're talking about his series of books based around the history of King Arthur.
lemme think back, I think when I was back in grade 8 I decided to pick them all up from the library and read it during the 2 first weeks of summer:
Fort on the river's bend
Eagle's brood
Singing Sword
Saxon Shore
Eagle's brood is definitely my favorite.
Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:53 pm Post subject: (No subject)