Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:00 pm Post subject: Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
What is it you are trying to achieve?
make my screen scroll sideways when i reach the end. the actual program is game2.t the rest are just things that either go with it or i use to try new things out
What is the problem you are having?
dont know where to start
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
looked at tutorials, and also at the help section but i cant seem to find anything about a side scroller
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
<Answer Here>
<Add your code here>
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
Everything is in the file, game2. t is the actual game the rest are either for the game or codes that i tried seperately then used in the game. if anyone could also help with the shield it would be greatly appreciated.
Next, write down on paper exactly what you want the side-scroller to do. Will it follow your character exactly, proceed through the level at a given pace which the player must keep up with, or what? The simplest version is to centre the view around the player.
Work from that towards making an implementation.
Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:40 pm Post subject: Re: Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
all i basically wanted to do is have it centered around the player so wherever he goes it follows i guess. like if he goes decides to go backwards then it should show the stuff previous.. do you get what im trying to say? or should i rephrase it?
Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:42 pm Post subject: RE:Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
Well that does sound like you know where to start. Can you put together a little demo to test out the concept? (player staying center, and background moving left/right)
Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:02 pm Post subject: Re: Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
var x, y : int
var click : int := 1
var pic : int := Pic.FileNew("guy.bmp")
var map : int := Pic.FileNew("map.bmp")
var z : int := 0
mousewhere (x, y, click)
if x = maxx div 2 - 10 then
z += 10
end if
end loop
here is what i have so far if you would like to test it
Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:25 pm Post subject: RE:Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
Wait, do you want the background to move only when the character is at the edge? That works in things like RPGs when you switch rooms, not so much in a platformer game (maybe).
It'd be much easier if the character is always in the center (& jumps up/down), while the background always scrolls.
Think of it this way -- when you press RIGHT, if the character stays in the same spot and the background moves LEFT, then that works.
Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:29 pm Post subject: Re: Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
true that could work to but what happens when i want to reach the edge? does the screen keep on trying to move or does it just stay there when its the end of the map?
so what ur saying is when i press Right instead of my character moving 3 spaces to the right the screen moves towards the left? right?
oh i see what ur saying ) i tried it out and it works kinda lol
Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:00 pm Post subject: Re: Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
well i kinda got it to work but its a bit glitchy lol here is the code if you could please check it and hint some places where i could modify it a bit
var win := Window.Open ("graphics:640;480,offscreenonly")
setscreen ("graphics:450;450,nobuttonbar,position:center;center,offscreenonly")
colorback (white)
color (black)
var map : array 1 .. 2 of int
map (1) := Pic.FileNew ("level1.bmp")
map (2) := Pic.FileNew ("level2.bmp")
var z : int := 0
var sprite : int
var pic, pic1 : int
var chars : array char of boolean
var posx, posy : int
var velx, vely : int
posx := 50
posy := 50
velx := 0
vely := 0
var HP : int
var HL : int
HP := 100
HL := 100
var damage : int := 1
var gravity : int := 1
var jump_speed : int := 60
proc Timer
var timeRunning : int
timeRunning := Time.Elapsed
var milliseconds := timeRunning mod 1000
var seconds := timeRunning div 1000 mod 60
var minutes := timeRunning div 60000
locate (1, maxcol - 4 - length (Str.Trim (intstr (seconds))) - length (Str.Trim (intstr (minutes))))
put minutes, ":", seconds, ".", milliseconds
end Timer
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and whatdotcolour (posx - 10, posy + 24) not= black then
sprite := pic1
elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and whatdotcolour (posx + 10, posy + 24) not= black then
sprite := pic
velx := 0
end if
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) and posy < maxy - 25 and whatdotcolor (posx, posy - 10) = black then
vely := jump_speed
end if
if whatdotcolour (posx, posy) = black then
gravity := 0
vely := 0
posy += 10
elsif whatdotcolour (posx, posy + 50) = black then
vely := 0
gravity := 10
end if
%% HP%%%
if whatdotcolour (posx + 10, posy + 48) = green then
HP += 1
elsif whatdotcolour (posx + 10, posy) = green then
HP += 1
elsif whatdotcolour (posx - 10, posy + 48) = green then
HP += 1
elsif whatdotcolour (posx - 10, posy) = green then
HP += 1
HP := HP
end if
if HP > HL then
HP := HL
end if
if whatdotcolour (posx + 10, posy + 48) = red then
HP -= damage
elsif whatdotcolour (posx + 10, posy) = red then
HP -= damage
elsif whatdotcolour (posx - 10, posy + 48) = red then
HP -= damage
elsif whatdotcolour (posx - 10, posy) = red then
HP -= damage
HP := HP
end if
if whatdotcolour (posx, posy + 24) = blue and chars (' ') then
posx := 410
posy := 100
end if
if whatdotcolour (posx, posy + 24) = brightblue and chars (' ') then
posx := 175
end if
if HP < 70 then
drawfillbox (1, maxy - 6, HP, maxy - 1, 43)
end if
if HP < 40 then
drawfillbox (1, maxy - 6, HP, maxy - 1, red)
end if
drawbox (1, maxy - 8, HL, maxy - 1, black) %health box outline
end MAIN
var rayman : int := Pic.FileNew ("rayman2.jpg")
rayman := Pic.Scale (rayman, maxx, maxy)
Pic.Draw (rayman, 0, 0, picCopy)
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_ENTER)then
end if
end loop
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars ('q') then
end if
%Hp Bar
if chars ('v') then
HP := 150
HL := 150
drawfillbox (1, maxy - 8, HP, maxy - 1, 9) %inside healthbox
if HP < 160 then
drawfillbox (1, maxy - 6, HP, maxy - 1, 43)
end if
if HP < 60 then
drawfillbox (1, maxy - 6, HP, maxy - 1, red)
end if
drawbox (150, maxy - 8, HL, maxy - 1, black) %health box outline
end if
if chars ('c') then
HP := 200
end if
if chars ('z') then
jump_speed := 80
elsif chars ('x') then
jump_speed := 60
end if
if HP < 1 then
put "Game Over!"
delay (1000)
end if
delay (50)
end loop
Window.Close (win)
Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:03 pm Post subject: Re: Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
Monduman11 @ Fri May 14, 2010 7:29 pm wrote:
what happens when i want to reach the edge? does the screen keep on trying to move or does it just stay there when its the end of the map?
There could be special cases for starting/ending the map. The detail could be nice, but it introduces complexity and is not necessary for the game. Some platformer games just surround their levels with walls, so that the player can never reach the edge of the visible map.
Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:07 pm Post subject: Re: Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
Tony @ Fri May 14, 2010 8:03 pm wrote:
Monduman11 @ Fri May 14, 2010 7:29 pm wrote:
what happens when i want to reach the edge? does the screen keep on trying to move or does it just stay there when its the end of the map?
There could be special cases for starting/ending the map. The detail could be nice, but it introduces complexity and is not necessary for the game. Some platformer games just surround their levels with walls, so that the player can never reach the edge of the visible map.
i have a basic wall made that the collision detection should stop at the only problem is that the character just walks over it and i cant seem to stop it lol
Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 9:43 am Post subject: Re: Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
well thank you for the help ill see what i can do and how to fix the wall problem... i will try to figure out the rest by myself but if i cant ill come back here cause you guys are really helpful. thank you for everything again
Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 12:45 pm Post subject: Re: Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
umm i have another question... how would you make the character shoot things from its mouth or hands. either or. i know it has something to do with the position of the character but other than that im stuck
Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:41 pm Post subject: RE:Final Project for gr 11 Computer Science... side scroller problem
kk could someone help me it is like that problem but easier please my problem is i cant get my background to move and also how to make gravity so my charcter isnt just floating or keep going up