Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:12 pm Post subject: Movement before animation
Hi! I'm having a problem with the movement of my character and my animation. The problem is, when I press on any of the arrow keys the picturebox moves before the animation starts. If you have any suggestions they would be greatly appreated!! The code is in a sub routine that is called when I press the up arrow. The movement for the rest of the arrows is ecatly the same except for the pictures.
If mover = False And Y > 0 Then
LinkWalk.Size = New Point(21, 24)
i += 1
If i >= 5 Then
Y -= 2
End If
If i <= 1 Then
LinkWalk.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.LinkUp1
ElseIf i > 5 And i <= 9 Then
LinkWalk.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.LinkUp2
ElseIf i = 13 Then
LinkWalk.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.LinkUp3
ElseIf i > 17 And i <= 21 Then
LinkWalk.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.LinkUp4
ElseIf i > 25 And i <= 29 Then
LinkWalk.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.LinkUp5
ElseIf i > 33 And i <= 37 Then
LinkWalk.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.LinkUp6
ElseIf i > 41 And i <= 45 Then
LinkWalk.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.LinkUp7
ElseIf i > 49 And i <= 53 Then
LinkWalk.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.LinkUp8
ElseIf i > 57 Then
i = 0
End If