setscreen ("offscreenonly;nobuttonbar;graphics:1200;950;position:center;center;title:Shoot 'Em")
var x, y, b : int
var kills : int := 0
var oldbutton : int
var health : int := 5
b := 0
proc aimer
drawoval (x, y, 310, 310, 12)
drawoval (x, y, 309, 309, 12)
drawoval (x, y, 308, 308, 12)
drawoval (x, y, 307, 307, 12)
drawoval (x, y, 306, 306, 12)
drawoval (x, y, 305, 305, 12)
drawoval (x, y, 304, 304, 12)
drawoval (x, y, 303, 303, 12)
drawoval (x, y, 309, 309, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (x, y + 300, x, y - 300, 10, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (x - 300, y, x + 300, y, 10, 12)
end aimer
proc building
drawfillbox (80, 0, 1120, 900, 4)
%First Window
drawfillbox (100, 860, 350, 640, yellow)
%First Window
%Second Window
drawfillbox (360, 860, 610, 640, yellow)
%Second Window
%Third Window
drawfillbox (620, 860, 850, 640, yellow)
%Third Window
%Fourth Window
drawfillbox (860, 860, 1100, 640, yellow)
%Fourth Window
%First Window
drawfillbox (100, 600, 350, 380, yellow)
%First Window
%Second Window
drawfillbox (360, 600, 610, 380, yellow)
%Second Window
%Third Window
drawfillbox (620, 600, 850, 380, yellow)
%Third Window
%Fourth Window
drawfillbox (860, 600, 1100, 380, yellow)
%Fourth Window
%First Window
drawfillbox (100, 340, 350, 120, yellow)
%First Window
%Second Window
drawfillbox (360, 340, 610, 120, yellow)
%Second Window
%Third Window
drawfillbox (620, 340, 850, 120, yellow)
%Third Window
%Fourth Window
drawfillbox (860, 340, 1100, 120, yellow)
%Fourth Window
end building
proc features
drawfillbox (120, 700, 180, 640, 15)
drawfilloval (170, 660, 5, 5, 7)
drawfillbox (400, 440, 460, 380, 15)
drawfilloval (450, 400, 5, 5, 7)
drawfillbox (900, 180, 960, 120, 15)
drawfilloval (950, 140, 5, 5, 7)
end features
type bombs :
bombx : int
bomby : int
end record
var bomb : array 1 .. 4 of bombs
for i : 1 .. 1
randint (bomb (i).bombx, 100, 900)
randint (bomb (i).bomby, 130, 700)
end for
for q : 1 .. 2
randint (bomb (q).bombx, 100, 900)
randint (bomb (q).bomby, 130, 700)
end for
type peoples :
peoplex : int
peopley : int
peoplex2 : int
peopley2 : int
peoplex3 : int
peopley3 : int
dir : int
end record
var people : array 1 .. 5 of peoples
for i : 1 .. 5
randint (people (i).peoplex, 120, 1070)
randint (people (i).peopley, 670, 670)
randint (people (i).peoplex2, 120, 1070)
randint (people (i).peopley2, 410, 410)
randint (people (i).peoplex3, 120, 1070)
randint (people (i).peopley3, 150, 150)
randint (people (i).dir, -4, 4)
end for
%Main Loop
colorback (7)
oldbutton := b
mousewhere (x, y, b)
%%Top Building
for i : 1 .. 5
drawfillarc (people (i).peoplex, people (i).peopley, 20, 20, 20, -10, 6)
drawline (people (i).peoplex, people (i).peopley - 30, people (i).peoplex + 0, people (i).peopley - 20, 7)
drawfilloval (people (i).peoplex + 5, people (i).peopley + 10, 3, 3, 0)
people (i).peoplex += people (i).dir
if people (i).peoplex < 120 then
randint (people (i).peoplex, 120, 1070)
randint (people (i).peopley, 670, 670)
end if
if people (i).peoplex > 1070 then
randint (people (i).peoplex, 120, 1070)
randint (people (i).peopley, 670, 670)
end if
if whatdotcolor (x, y) = 6 and b = 1 and oldbutton = 0 then
randint (people (i).peoplex, 120, 1070)
randint (people (i).peopley, 670, 670)
kills += 1
end if
end for
%%Top Building
%Middle Building
for i : 1 .. 3
drawfillarc (people (i).peoplex2, people (i).peopley2, 20, 20, 20, -10, blue)
drawline (people (i).peoplex2, people (i).peopley2 - 30, people (i).peoplex2 + 0, people (i).peopley2 - 20, 7)
drawfilloval (people (i).peoplex2 + 5, people (i).peopley2 + 10, 3, 3, 0)
people (i).peoplex2 += people (i).dir
if people (i).peoplex2 < 120 then
randint (people (i).peoplex2, 120, 1070)
randint (people (i).peopley2, 410, 410)
end if
if people (i).peoplex2 > 1070 then
randint (people (i).peoplex2, 120, 1070)
randint (people (i).peopley2, 410, 410)
end if
if whatdotcolor (x, y) = blue and b = 1 and oldbutton = 0 then
randint (people (i).peoplex2, 120, 1070)
randint (people (i).peopley2, 410, 410)
kills += 1
end if
end for
%Middle Building
%Last Building
for i : 1 .. 4
drawfillarc (people (i).peoplex3, people (i).peopley3, 20, 20, 20, -10, 5)
drawline (people (i).peoplex3, people (i).peopley3 - 30, people (i).peoplex3 + 0, people (i).peopley3 - 20, 7)
drawfilloval (people (i).peoplex3 + 5, people (i).peopley3 + 10, 3, 3, 0)
people (i).peoplex3 += people (i).dir
if people (i).peoplex3 < 120 then
randint (people (i).peoplex3, 120, 1070)
randint (people (i).peopley3, 150, 150)
end if
if people (i).peoplex3 > 1070 then
randint (people (i).peoplex3, 120, 1070)
randint (people (i).peopley3, 150, 150)
end if
if whatdotcolor (x, y) = 5 and b = 1 and oldbutton = 0 then
randint (people (i).peoplex3, 120, 1070)
randint (people (i).peopley3, 150, 150)
kills += 1
end if
end for
%Last Building
if kills >= 20 then
for i : 1 .. 1
drawfilloval (bomb (i).bombx, bomb (i).bomby, 10, 10, green)
bomb (i).bomby -= 1
if whatdotcolor (x, y) = green and b = 1 and oldbutton = 0 then
randint (bomb (i).bombx, 100, 900)
randint (bomb (i).bomby, 130, 700)
end if
if kills >= 50 then
for q : 1 .. 2
drawfilloval (bomb (q).bombx, bomb (q).bomby, 10, 10, 56)
bomb (q).bomby -= 1
if whatdotcolor (x, y) = 56 and b = 1 and oldbutton = 0 then
randint (bomb (q).bombx, 100, 900)
randint (bomb (q).bomby, 130, 700)
end if
if bomb (q).bomby < 0 then
randint (bomb (q).bombx, 100, 900)
randint (bomb (q).bomby, 130, 700)
health -= 1
end if
end for
end if
if kills >= 60 then
bomb (i).bomby -= 2
end if
if bomb (i).bomby < 0 then
randint (bomb (i).bombx, 100, 900)
randint (bomb (i).bomby, 130, 700)
health -= 1
end if
end for
end if
if health <= 0 then
end if
color (yellow)
put "Position X: ", x ..
locate (2, 1)
put "Position Y: ", y ..
drawbox (0, 1000, 150, 914, yellow)
locate (1, 18)
put "Objective:" ..
locate (2, 18)
put "Kill All Of The People" ..
drawbox (168, 1000, 390, 914, yellow)
locate (1, 42)
put "Money:" ..
locate (2, 42)
put kills ..
drawbox (408, 1000, 490, 914, yellow)
locate (1, 52)
put "Buildings Health: "
locate (2, 52)
put health, "%" ..
drawbox (508, 1000, 710, 914, yellow)
locate (4, 50)
colorback (red)
put " The Downtown Office" ..
delay (15)
end loop
%Main Loop
colorback (7)
color (0)
locate (1, 1)
put "You Lose!"
put "Total Kills: ", kills
end loop