Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 8:48 pm Post subject: New bees newbee program! |
This is a program that i made for school. It's sort of a contest. Lets see how many of you can answer the questions!! (most are pretty easy though) PS. I YOU GET SOME BITS, PLEASE!?!:
%declaration section
import GUI
var key : string (1)
var name : string
var exitp, draw1, draw2, draw3, draw4, draw5, draw6, mainmenu, main : int := 0
%answer to question(userInput)
var input6 : int
var input7, input8, input9, input10 : int
var score10, score9, score8, score7, score6, score5, score4, score3, score1, score2, total : int
var font1, font2, font3, font4, font5 : int
font1 := Font.New ("Juice ITC:30")
assert font1 > 0
font2 := Font.New ("Juice ITC:100")
assert font2 > 0
font3 := Font.New ("Matura MT Script Capitals:58")
assert font3 > 0
font4 := Font.New ("Matura MT Script Capitals:16")
assert font4 > 0
font5 := Font.New ("Matisse ITC:30")
assert font5 > 0
var star, star1 : int := 200
var num := 50
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 7)
locate (13, 25)
colorback (7)
%This is the stars in the background
for x : 1 .. 200
randint (star, 1, 640)
randint (star1, 1, 400)
for f : 1 .. 20
drawdot (star, star1, 0)
delay (1)
drawdot (star, star1, 0)
end for
end for
for x : 0 .. 640
drawbox (0, 1, 0 + x, 1, 0)
drawbox (4, 5, 0 + x, 5, 0)
drawbox (8, 9, 0 + x, 9, 0)
drawbox (12, 13, 0 + x, 13, 0)
drawbox (16, 17, 0 + x, 17, 0)
drawbox (20, 21, 0 + x, 21, 0)
drawbox (0, 398, 0 + x, 398, 0)
drawbox (4, 394, 0 + x, 394, 0)
drawbox (8, 390, 0 + x, 390, 0)
drawbox (12, 386, 0 + x, 386, 0)
drawbox (16, 382, 0 + x, 382, 0)
drawbox (20, 378, 0 + x, 378, 0)
drawbox (0, 1, 0, 0 + x, 0)
drawbox (4, 5, 4, 0 + x, 0)
drawbox (8, 9, 8, 0 + x, 0)
drawbox (12, 13, 12, 0 + x, 0)
drawbox (16, 17, 16, 0 + x, 0)
drawbox (20, 21, 20, 0 + x, 0)
drawbox (620, 398, 620, 398 - x, 0)
drawbox (624, 394, 624, 398 - x, 0)
drawbox (628, 390, 628, 398 - x, 0)
drawbox (632, 386, 632, 398 - x, 0)
drawbox (636, 382, 636, 398 - x, 0)
drawbox (640, 378, 640, 398 - x, 0)
delay (8)
end for
%progess bar
for x : 0 .. 500
Font.Draw ("Math", 80, 260, font2, 0)
delay (10)
Font.Draw ("Contest", 300, 180, font2, 0)
drawbox (70 + x, 125, 70, 113, 0)
delay (1)
locate (18, 40)
color (103)
put x div 5, "%" ..
locate (17, 10)
put "Loading..." ..
end for
play ("2<d>2>d<")
delay (1000)
process playmusic
for x : 1 .. 3
play ("8>c<88>b<8<c>88>b<8<c>88>b<8<c>88<c>8>a<8>a<8>a<8>b<8>c<88>b<8<c>88>b<8<c>")
play ("88>b<8<c>88>b<8<c>88>b<8<c>88<c>8>a<8>a<8>a<8>b<8>c<88>b<8<c>88>b<8<c>88>b<8<c>88<c>8>a<8>a<8>a<8>b<")
end for
end playmusic
fork playmusic
procedure title
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 255)
locate (13, 25)
color (0)
colorback (black)
%This is the design in the background
%This is the stars in the background
for x : 1 .. 300
randint (star, 1, 640)
randint (star1, 1, 400)
drawdot (star, star1, 14)
end for
Font.Draw ("Math", 270, 368, font1, 103)
Font.Draw ("Contest", 320, 330, font1, 103)
end title
procedure pauseProgram
color (0)
locate (10, 26)
put "Press any key to countinue..."
locate (11, 40)
getch (key)
end pauseProgram
procedure intro
Font.Draw ("This a math test containg 10 math question.", 130, 300, font4, 103)
Font.Draw ("5 of which are multiple choice and 5 that are answerable.", 70, 280, font4, 103)
end intro
procedure goodBye
locate (8, 28)
put "This program was written" ..
locate (10, 39)
put "by:" ..
Font.Draw ("THE MAN", 50, 150, font3, 0)
end goodBye
procedure dis
setscreen ("graphics:360;500")
drawfillbox (0, 0, 360, 500, 78)
drawfillbox (5, 35, 355, 475, 55)
Font.Draw ("Hi-Score", 100, 430, font5, 53)
color (53)
colorback (55)
Font.Draw ("Name", 10, 380, font5, 53)
Font.Draw ("Score", 240, 380, font5, 53)
locate (10, 2)
put "1. ", name
locate (12, 2)
put "2. -" ..
locate (14, 2)
put "3. -" ..
locate (16, 2)
put "4. -" ..
locate (18, 2)
put "5. -" ..
locate (20, 2)
put "6. -" ..
locate (22, 2)
put "7. -" ..
locate (24, 2)
put "8. -" ..
locate (26, 2)
put "9. -" ..
locate (28, 2)
put "10. -" ..
total := score10 + score9 + score8 + score7 + score6 + score5 + score4 + score3 + score1 + score2
locate (10, 34)
put total, "%"
locate (12, 34)
put " - "
locate (14, 34)
put " - "
locate (16, 34)
put " - "
locate (18, 34)
put " - "
locate (20, 34)
put " - "
locate (22, 34)
put " - "
locate (24, 34)
put " - "
locate (26, 34)
put " - "
locate (28, 34)
put " - "
for x : 1 .. 445
drawfillbox (5, 35, 0, 35 + x, 54)
drawfillbox (355, 35, 360, 35 + x, 54)
delay (1)
end for
for x : 1 .. 360
drawfillbox (0, 475, 0 + x, 480, 54)
drawfillbox (0, 35, 0 + x, 30, 54)
delay (5)
end for
if total <= 50 then
for x : 1 .. 350
Font.Draw ("Could have done better!!", -300 + x, 0, font1, 0)
delay (10)
Font.Draw ("Could have done better!!", -300 + x, 0, font1, 78)
end for
Font.Draw ("Could have done better!!", 50, 0, font1, 0)
for x : 1 .. 350
Font.Draw ("Good Job!!", -200 + x, 0, font1, 0)
delay (10)
Font.Draw ("Good Job!!", -200 + x, 0, font1, 78)
end for
Font.Draw ("Good Job!!", 150, 0, font1, 0)
end if
GUI.Show (main)
end dis
procedure namep
GUI.Disable (draw6)
setscreen ("graphics:360;500")
drawfillbox (0, 0, 360, 500, 78)
drawfillbox (5, 35, 355, 475, 55)
Font.Draw ("Hi-Score", 130, 430, font5, 53)
color (53)
colorback (55)
for x : 1 .. 445
drawfillbox (5, 35, 0, 35 + x, 54)
drawfillbox (355, 35, 360, 35 + x, 54)
delay (1)
end for
for x : 1 .. 360
drawfillbox (0, 475, 0 + x, 480, 54)
drawfillbox (0, 35, 0 + x, 30, 54)
delay (5)
end for
locate (10, 2)
put "Please enter your name:" ..
locate (11, 2)
get name
end namep
procedure userInput10
GUI.Disable (draw6)
GUI.Show (mainmenu)
locate (7, 1)
put "10) What is the sum of 12 and 23 and 100?" ..
locate (8, 1)
get input10
draw6 := GUI.CreateButton (300, 150, 16, "Submit", namep)
if input10 = 135 then
score10 := 10
score10 := 0
end if
end userInput10
procedure userInput9
GUI.Disable (draw6)
GUI.Show (mainmenu)
locate (7, 1)
put "9) The sum of four positive integers is 22. What is the largest possible product of these four integers?" ..
locate (9, 1)
get input9
draw6 := GUI.CreateButton (300, 150, 16, "Submit", userInput10)
if input9 = 900 then
score9 := 10
score9 := 0
end if
end userInput9
procedure userInput8
GUI.Disable (draw6)
GUI.Show (mainmenu)
locate (6, 1)
put "8) At most how many Sundays can occur in a single year?" ..
locate (7, 1)
get input8
draw6 := GUI.CreateButton (300, 150, 16, "Submit", userInput9)
if input8 = 53 then
score8 := 10
score8 := 0
end if
end userInput8
procedure userInput7
GUI.Disable (draw6)
locate (7, 1)
GUI.Show (mainmenu)
put "7) What is 23 x 2?" ..
locate (8, 1)
get input7
draw6 := GUI.CreateButton (300, 150, 16, "Submit", userInput8)
if input7 = 46 then
score7 := 10
score7 := 0
end if
end userInput7
procedure userInput6
GUI.Disable (draw1)
GUI.Disable (draw2)
GUI.Disable (draw3)
GUI.Disable (draw4)
if GUI.GetEventWidgetID = draw2 then
score5 := 10
score5 := 0
end if
GUI.Show (mainmenu)
locate (7, 1)
put "6)What is the diameter of a circle with the radius of 12?" ..
locate (8, 1)
get input6
draw6 := GUI.CreateButton (300, 150, 16, "Submit", userInput7)
if input6 = 24 then
score6 := 10
score6 := 0
end if
end userInput6
procedure userInput5
GUI.Disable (draw1)
GUI.Disable (draw2)
GUI.Disable (draw3)
GUI.Disable (draw4)
if GUI.GetEventWidgetID = draw2 then
score4 := 10
score4 := 0
end if
locate (7, 1)
GUI.Show (mainmenu)
"1) An amusement park charges $8 for an adult ticket, and $6 for a children's ticket. On a certain day, a total of 150 tickets were sold for a total cost of $1020. How many more children's tickets were sold than adult tickets?"
draw1 := GUI.CreateButton (175, 200, 16, "50", userInput6)
draw2 := GUI.CreateButton (275, 200, 16, "30", userInput6)
draw3 := GUI.CreateButton (375, 200, 16, "102", userInput6)
draw4 := GUI.CreateButton (475, 200, 16, "90", userInput6)
end userInput5
procedure userInput4
GUI.Disable (draw1)
GUI.Disable (draw2)
GUI.Disable (draw3)
GUI.Disable (draw4)
if GUI.GetEventWidgetID = draw2 then
score3 := 10
score3 := 0
end if
locate (6, 1)
GUI.Show (mainmenu)
put "1)A family pays $800 per year for an insurance plan that pays 80 percent of the first $1,000 in expenses and 100 percent of all medical expenses thereafter." ..
put "In any given year, the total amount paid by the family will equal the amount paid by the plan when the family's medical expenses total which of the following?" ..
draw1 := GUI.CreateButton (175, 200, 16, "$1000", userInput5)
draw2 := GUI.CreateButton (275, 200, 16, "$1200", userInput5)
draw3 := GUI.CreateButton (375, 200, 16, "$8000", userInput5)
draw4 := GUI.CreateButton (475, 200, 16, "$600", userInput5)
end userInput4
procedure userInput3
GUI.Disable (draw1)
GUI.Disable (draw2)
GUI.Disable (draw3)
GUI.Disable (draw4)
if GUI.GetEventWidgetID = draw2 then
score2 := 10
score2 := 0
end if
locate (7, 1)
GUI.Show (mainmenu)
put "1) 123 x 12=" ..
draw1 := GUI.CreateButton (175, 200, 16, "1440", userInput4)
draw2 := GUI.CreateButton (275, 200, 16, "1476", userInput4)
draw3 := GUI.CreateButton (375, 200, 16, "144", userInput4)
draw4 := GUI.CreateButton (475, 200, 16, "1236", userInput4)
end userInput3
procedure userInput2
GUI.Disable (draw1)
GUI.Disable (draw2)
GUI.Disable (draw3)
GUI.Disable (draw4)
if GUI.GetEventWidgetID = draw2 then
score1 := 10
score1 := 0
end if
locate (7, 1)
GUI.Show (mainmenu)
put "2) 123 + 3934 + 230948 =" ..
draw1 := GUI.CreateButton (175, 200, 16, "324546", userInput3)
draw2 := GUI.CreateButton (275, 200, 16, "235005", userInput3)
draw3 := GUI.CreateButton (375, 200, 16, "12354", userInput3)
draw4 := GUI.CreateButton (475, 200, 16, "230006", userInput3)
end userInput2
procedure userInput1
GUI.Disable (exitp)
GUI.Disable (draw5)
GUI.Show (mainmenu)
locate (7, 1)
put "Lets start the test!!!" ..
locate (8, 1)
put "1) x+y=39" ..
locate (10, 1)
put " y=24" ..
locate (12, 1)
put " x=?" ..
draw1 := GUI.CreateButton (175, 200, 16, "x=12", userInput2)
draw2 := GUI.CreateButton (275, 200, 16, "x=15", userInput2)
draw3 := GUI.CreateButton (375, 200, 16, "x=4", userInput2)
draw4 := GUI.CreateButton (475, 200, 16, "x=139", userInput2)
end userInput1
procedure mainMenu
setscreen ("graphics:640;400")
color (0)
Font.Draw ("Click either of the two buttons to move on", 130, 300, font4, 0)
draw5 := GUI.CreateButton (1, 200, 16, "Take the test", userInput1)
exitp := GUI.CreateButton (1, 25, 16, "Exit this program", goodBye)
end mainMenu
main := GUI.CreateButton (150, 480, 16, "MainMenu", mainMenu)
mainmenu := GUI.CreateButton (450, 340, 16, "Go back to Main menu", mainMenu)
%main program
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
goodBye |