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 Help with square root function (in C)
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:51 pm   Post subject: Help with square root function (in C)


I'm new to but have been reading here for quite a while. I'm also a bit new to the world of computer science(not professional level yet though, still in HS lol) and there are many things that I have me a little confused.

Well, I'm doing some excersice programs, and I need to write a function that will display all the numbers of the fibonaci sequence that are smaller than 500 and have a whole sqare root. Also, the function must display how many numbers have a whole square root (so, if only 1 number has a whole square root then display "1").

I'm trying my best to understand all this, but I seem to be having lots of problems with programming. I'll keep trying, and I hope you guys can help me out here. Thanks you so much in advance

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:32 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Welcome! the hardest thing i find about CS is how to break the problem down into smaller solvable pieces.

I digress

You probably know how to, write a program that will generate the fibonacci sequence.

So write a functio nthat will test whether if a number is a perfect square.

then simply run the function on each of the element of the sequence, and add 1 to a counter if your function returns true.

wrap everything up in a for loop of 500, and you're done!

If you need more help, post some of your attempts so we can give you proper guidelines.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:51 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

This is what I've been trying to do, but it doesn't seem to work when I include it in the program


whole (int f);

int x=0,y=1, f;

      for (f= 0; f<500)
      {    x = f;
          f = x + y;
          y = x;   }

if (sqrt(f)*sqrt(f)==f)
return (1);

 return (0);


I know it's probably all wrong, but I don't know what else to do. I'm determined to pass this course (I must, since it's too late to drop it lol).

Thanks Smile

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:37 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

since the 500th's fibonnaci number isn't that big; just calculate all the perfect squares that are smaler then it, and all the fibbonacy numbers; compare and ouput the same.


fib1 = 1, fib2 = 1, nat = 1, tmp, count = 1

while n < 500
  count += 1
  if fib2 > nat*nat then
    tmp = fib1 + fib2, fib1 = fib2, fib2 = tmp
  else if nat*nat > fib2 then
    nat += 1
  else if nat * nat = fib2 then
    output fib2 + "is a perfect suare, and is the " + count + " number in the fib. squence"

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:39 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

[edit type followup] replace n in the loop with count, and make the >'s <
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