Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 8:34 pm Post subject: Tool of Various Uses
This is primarily for those highschool students whom are victimized by an oppressive school with a poorly built security system. Start this baby up and you've regained your ability to open explorer(to open drives a-h), command, notepad.. whatever. As a side, it boasts my pool hockey engine and various statistics about the machine you're running on.
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 9:07 pm Post subject: (No subject)
This will only work if your school has there network/comps set up poorly as u kind of side. Most school that know what they are doing will have disalowed this. Athougth there are allways other wase to get around things. Also some schools disalow the comandpromted in such a way to make it so Sys.exec dose not work in turing.
P.S. whould it not be easer just to make a short cut file to the c or w/e letter driver then make up a proagme to do it?
Computer Science CanadaHelp with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 9:58 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Sure, it's easier to do things the easy way, but as i'm on my summer, and i'm damn bored.. so I do whatever it takes to waste an hour.
And I find it hard to believe that you can set the OS to completly dump usage of command.. although later systems of windows use command the least, its still the final layer of basic->binary conversion which is sent to the cpu. (Or, as my engineering teacher tells me)
Though, I do remember that the thinware clients my school uses (winserver 2000 booting off of linux) completly screwed up any attempt to open cmd. (using vb, no less)
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 2:03 am Post subject: (No subject)
Ya trust me... they can disable command prompt lol... can they ever haha they thought they closed up all the gaps... then boom! I netsend the whole school network... that was the end of that good times...
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:16 am Post subject: (No subject)
They do disable the command prompts, but one thing I haven't figured out was how I was able to access everything the students didn't have access to, therefore getting my undeserved title of "hacker" although I don't do a bit of that... they even disable the right click function, which is stupid too, I also had access to that. My guess is I was complaining to my teacher once about this, and some other teacher overheard ... but yes, they do disable command prompts here.
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 11:21 am Post subject: (No subject)
Hrm, definate bitches they are... but it's nothing a good ol' Knopix boot cd can't fix >_<
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:29 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Krabjuice wrote:
Hrm, definate *****es they are... but it's nothing a good ol' Knopix boot cd can't fix >_<
Note: Some of the claims about lanschool below have been fixed in lanschool v7.0
LOL, thats one way to go about it.
Another dum school sceuity thing is LanSchool. They use it to wtach what you are doing and to conotrl any computer that has it on it. It is basiclkl a poorly made trugin virus. The funny thing about it is that it is extreamly easy to take it over if you know about how packets work on a netwrok and some basick network progaming. That makes for alot of fun displaying an image on the screen of every computer in the school at the same time . Also if your school borad has all there comps netwroked together and uses lanschool u could take over every comp in the school borad at the same time, even more fun . But since they ushely get made about that the bigested things i ever did was just take over the compsci lab and shut down the monotring software school wide.
Computer Science CanadaHelp with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:13 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Yeah, my school network is LANSchool. Basically, theirs is setup pretty well, I can get into just about anything, but to use it...."Access is Denied! Contact your system administrator..."blah blah blah. If I could bypass that, lol, I could change the grades of anyone in the school.
I remember I got bored in a communications tech class, and started going through DOS trying to bypass restrictions to test out deleting peoples network login...didnt work, but the teacher got word of it anyways, and threatened to get me kicked out of every computer class the school could, I wiped my network file, got my compsci teacher to make me a new one, and started fresh. Lol, and the basic thing we all did to prevent the teachers from screwing around with our computers, was CNTRL-ALT-DELETE at bootup, END TASK>>LANSchool-Student. There, no more teachers watching us and controlling us. Quite fun days, cant way to take it a step further when I learn Java, muahahaha.
Oh yeah...this is probably a horrible idea, but who thinks I should hand over a virus I made (called RicoStrike, it starts in C:/windows, ricochets to c:/Program Files, then to c:/my documents, then to c:/, deleting every file it comes upon. And while its doing this, it reruns the virus in a different window over and over, and opens all the files on the desktop over and over, so the only way to stop it is to shut off the computer.) to a specific person who wishes to use it on the network at school? Lol, probably a horrible Idea, because that person can gain access to an administrative login, and could open that file on every networked users file, and crash every computer with a user online on it. Bad idea right?
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Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:55 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Hacker Dan wrote:
This will only work if your school has there network/comps set up poorly as u kind of side. Most school that know what they are doing will have disalowed this. Athougth there are allways other wase to get around things. Also some schools disalow the comandpromted in such a way to make it so Sys.exec dose not work in turing.
P.S. whould it not be easer just to make a short cut file to the c or w/e letter driver then make up a proagme to do it?
My school has a really poor network. On the Windows XP / 2000 machines that log on to the server over the network all you do is pull the ethernet cord on a computer you've used before, when it says that it can't access your remote profile, reconnect, hit enter, setup the proxy settings in explorer.. done, full admin settings. Why I've resorted to such hackery is that, c'mon, the school's disallowed right clicks! That's just plain evil, anything you can do with right-clicking you can do any other way, it just becomes a REAL inconvenience. That and they've blocked the remote desktop ports. All because a few idiots uploaded 50 MBs of pr0n jpegs into the "Student-to-Teacher" drives.
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:59 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Delta wrote:
Ya trust me... they can disable command prompt lol... can they ever haha they thought they closed up all the gaps... then boom! I netsend the whole school network... that was the end of that good times...
That's how I got booted from the school network for 3 months and had to do do janitorial work for one. All because one little asshole in grade nine ratted me, pos newbs. I logged into his account (the school uses citrix, c'mon, they might as-well unprotect the SAM file and let me change everyone's passwords), set-up the proxy server, went to every pr0n site I could think of, and got someone to say they saw him surfing them... done.
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:59 pm Post subject: (No subject)
DanShadow wrote:
the basic thing we all did to prevent the teachers from screwing around with our computers, was CNTRL-ALT-DELETE at bootup, END TASK>>LANSchool-Student. There, no more teachers watching us and controlling us.
Wow your school most have messed up instaling lanschool b/c when it is installed right it will not show up in the ctrl-alt-delete progame list. May be you just have a realy old verson of it. Is it realy that hard for schools to set up networks/computers right? i say they ether set them up right or just leave off all the sercuity crap!
Computer Science CanadaHelp with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:53 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Well, my school has TONS of computers all networked, so there is a fair bit of LANSchool-Student loads up at bootup, and for like 5 seconds its visible on CNTRL-ALT-DEL....and then disappears. In that window, I can disable admin security.
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:16 am Post subject: ..
Our schools pretty secure... the teachers forget to log out 75% of the time
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:08 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I always enjoyed hiding dameware on my computer at school and using that to shutdown other peoples computers/steal exams/end other peoples processes/remote control other computers. Great fun, especially once i got a hold of the sam and system files.
And who remembers bess, the opression puppy? I don't, but what I do remember is a handy "create new internet connection" shortcut that I used to neuter that puppy. Good times.
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 3:05 am Post subject: (No subject)
Krabjuice wrote:
I always enjoyed hiding dameware on my computer at school and using that to shutdown other peoples computers/steal exams/end other peoples processes/remote control other computers. Great fun, especially once i got a hold of the sam and system files.
Thasts a litte to scripted kiddyish for my tastes.
Krabjuice wrote:
And who remembers bess, the opression puppy? I don't, but what I do remember is a handy "create new internet connection" shortcut that I used to neuter that puppy. Good times.
They put the puppy down, it was found out that the poleop who made the bess proxy server system for schools was sotring and keeping the data on teens web shurting habits and then selling it to big comapys and orgaizations (incuding the pentagone in the U.S.) w/o the school, school borads or students permision.
Computer Science CanadaHelp with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!