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 Using Microsoft Access with Visual Basic.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:19 am   Post subject: Using Microsoft Access with Visual Basic.

Ok guys and girls! Listboxes have been troubling me a lot... but I need to use them. Lets get to the point now! I am totally new with Microsoft Access and

I want to add the table onto a form and use it. Could someone help me that. After putting the table on the form, I need to do the following. Please help!


I managed to create a table using design mode.

I have a three columns in the table.

I have five listboxes and a bunch of variables.

I want the stuff from listbox1 to go into the first column.
I want the stuff from listboxes 2 - 5 to go into the second column.
I have some constant variables that I need to put into the third column.

Could someone help me with this. My program deadline is coming up. If you could give me a code. If yes, please tell me all the variables you need etc etc. I have no clue about this stuff.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:42 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

i personally have problem with this too. but it's not exactly same ...
Crying or Very sad
it's even worse...
i have to do this data base program for my school final, so i did a airline booking program on vb, but for some reason, the program works perfectly at my house using (odbc, ado and data grid. Qote: 98 microsoft access and vb). everytime i ran the program at my school's comp, when exit the program so i can save the data into the database, there is this error says something about not supporting the program... it's pretty weird Confused
by the way the school have microsoft office 2003, but i still don't think the problem is because of that.
i forgot the exact word of the error, so i'll up date this post tmr with a pic...
so expert plz help!~!!!! Shocked
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