Option Explicit
Private Const strPlayer As String = "player"
Private Const strComputer As String = "computer"
Private Const srtDraw As String = "draw"
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Static intPlayerScore As Integer, intCompScore As Integer, intDrawScore As Integer
Dim intPlayerTotal As Integer, intCompTotal As Integer
Call dealcard(imgPlayerCard1, intPlayerTotal)
Call dealcard(imgPlayerCard2, intPlayerTotal)
Call dealcard(imgPlayerCard3, intPlayerTotal)
Call dealcard(imgComputerCard1, intCompTotal)
Call dealcard(imgComputerCard2, intCompTotal)
Call dealcard(imgComputerCard3, intCompTotal)
If winner(intPlayerTotal, intCompTotal) = strPlayer Then
lblWinner.Caption = "You Won!"
Call updatescore(intPlayerScore)
Call showscore(lblScore, intPlayerScore, intCompScore, intDrawScore)
ElseIf winner(intPlayerTotal, intCompScore, intDrawScore) Then
lblWinner.Caption = "computer won!"
Call updatescore(intCompScore)
Call showscore(lblScore, intplayercsore, intCompScore, intDrawScore)
lblWinner.Caption = "It's a draw!"
Call updatescore(intDrawScore)
Call showscore(lblScore, intplayer, intCompScore, intDrawScore)
End If
End Sub
Sub dealcard(ByRef imgCard As Image, ByRef intPlayerTotal As Integer)
Dim intCardNum As Integer
intCardNum = Int(10 * Rnd + 1)
If intCardNum = 1 Then
imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture(card1.wmf)
ElseIf intCardNum = 2 Then
imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture(card2.wmf)
ElseIf intCardNum = 3 Then
imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture(card3.wmf)
ElseIf intCardNum = 4 Then
imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture(card4.wmf)
ElseIf intCardNum = 5 Then
imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture(card5.wmf)
ElseIf intCardNum = 6 Then
imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture(card6.wmf)
ElseIf intCardNum = 7 Then
imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture(card7.wmf)
ElseIf intCardNum = 8 Then
imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture(card8.wmf)
ElseIf intCardNum = 9 Then
imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture(card9.wmf)
ElseIf intCardNum = 10 Then
imgCard.Picture = LoadPicture(card10.wmf)
End If
intPlayerTotal = intplatertotal + intCardNum
End Sub
Function winner(ByVal intPlayerTotal As Integer, ByVal intCompTotal As Integer) As String
Const intlimit As Integer = 21
If (intplatertotal = intCompTotal) Or _
(intPlayerTotal > intlimit And intCompTotal > intlimit) Then
winner = strDraw
ElseIf (intCompTotal > intlimit) Or _
(intplatertotal > intCompTotal And intplatertotal <= limit) Then
winner = strPlayer
winner = strComputer
End If
End Function
Sub updatescore(ByRef intWinner As Integer)
Const intWinPoints As Integer = 1
intWinner = intWinner + intWinPoints
End Sub
'Sub showscore(ByRef lblLable As lable, ByVal intplayer As Integer, ByVal intComputer As Integer, ByVal intDrawScore As Integer)
lblScore.Caption = "you:" & intPlayerScore & vbCrLf & "Computer: " & intCompScore & vbCrLf & "Draws:" & intDrawScore
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub