% Christmas Tree! %
% By:Chris Pan %
% Designed to draw a Christmas Tree based on height, input by user. %
% Many concepts learned at
www.compsci.ca %
% TextDelay feature taken from Ted Livingston's Last Hope RPG %
% and Menu loosely based around George Fehr's Mini Golf menu, mostly concept. %
% Music template taken from bored_hacker's Mario Song. %
% TextDelay, menu, and/or music will be removed upon request. %
var height : int
var treeheight, treewidth, treestart : int
var colTitle : int := 12
var colPlay : int := 2
var colHelp : int := 113
var colQuit : int := 2
var colBack : int := 113
var colBallProb, colBall1, colBall2 : int
var starsize : int
var fontTitle, fontSubtitle, fontCredits : int
var mx, my, mb : int
fontTitle := Font.New ("Arial:48")
fontSubtitle := Font.New ("Arial:30")
fontCredits := Font.New ("Arial:18")
%text delay
var text : string
var y1 : int
const tempo := 240
%Note-Duration (or rests)
const w := round (2000 * (120 / tempo)) %Whole notes
const h := round (1000 * (120 / tempo)) %Half Notes
const q := round (500 * (120 / tempo)) %Quarter Notes
const e := round (250 * (120 / tempo)) %Eighth Notes
const s := round (125 * (120 / tempo)) %Sixteenth Notes
const w_dot := round (w * 1.5)
const h_dot := round (h * 1.5)
const q_dot := round (q * 1.5)
const e_dot := round (e * 1.5)
const s_dot := round (s * 1.5)
const w3 := round (w * 2 / 3)
const h3 := round (h * 2 / 3)
const q3 := round (q * 2 / 3)
const e3 := round (e * 2 / 3)
const s3 := round (s * 2 / 3)
const G := 392
const Gs := 415
const Ab := 415
const A := 440
const As := 466
const Bb := 466
const B := 494
const C := 523
const Cs := 554
const Db := 554
const D := 587
const Ds := 622
const Eb := 622
const E := 659
const F := 698
const Fs := 740
const Gb := 740
var spotx : int
var spoty : int
procedure TextDelay (y1 : int, text : string)
for i : 1 .. length (text) %sets for loop's length to texts amount of characters.
color (10) %green
locate (y1, maxcol div 2 - length (text) div 2 - 1 + i)
put text (i) %types one character
delay (30)
color (2) %faded green
locate (y1, maxcol div 2 - length (text) div 2 - 1 + i) %retypes character in diff colour
put text (i)
end for
end TextDelay
%Moon Secret
procedure moonsecret
View.Set ("graphics:639;399") %Set screen to 639 by 399 pixels (default)
colourback (black) %sets background to black
Font.Draw ("Moon Secret", 200, 350, fontSubtitle, colTitle) %draws title text
text := "Welcome to the Moon Secret"
y1 := 5
TextDelay (y1, text)
text := "This is basically a list of all the secrets in the program."
y1 := 7
TextDelay (y1, text)
text := " 1. Clicking the top bauble will randomly change the colour of the baubles."
y1 := 9
TextDelay (y1, text)
text := "2. Clicking on the leftmost star will cause it to expand. :)"
y1 := 11
TextDelay (y1, text)
text := "3. Look at the snow on the ground, one dots should be larger and red."
y1 := 13
TextDelay (y1, text)
text := "Click it and a black hole appears. Click again to stop it."
y1 := 14
TextDelay (y1, text)
Mouse.Where (mx, my, mb)
colBack := 113 %sets back button colour to faded red
if mx > 9 and mx < 119 then
if my > 9 and my < 59 then
colBack := 12 %when mouse moves over button, button changes colour to bright red.
end if
end if
if mx > 9 and mx < 119 then
if my > 9 and my < 59 then
if mb = 1 then
exit %when button is clicked exit procedure loop
end if
end if
end if
Draw.Box (10, 10, 118, 58, black) %draws the back button
Font.Draw ("Back", 20, 20, fontSubtitle, colBack) %draws the back text
View.Update %updates the screen
end loop
end moonsecret
%Spot Black Hole
procedure blackhole
var colBlackDecide : int
var colBlack : int
var BlackPosX, BlackPosY : int
Mouse.Where (mx, my, mb)
randint (colBlackDecide, 1, 3) %choose colour of line
randint (BlackPosX, mx - 100, mx + 100) %choose x position for line
randint (BlackPosY, my - 100, my + 100) %choose y position for line
if colBlackDecide > 1 then
colBlack := black % 2 in 3 chance for black line
elsif colBlackDecide = 1 then
colBlack := white %1 in 3 chance for white line
end if
if mb = 1 then
exit %when user clicks, end blackhole
end if
Draw.Line (BlackPosX, BlackPosY, mx, my, colBlack) %draws lines towards cursor, creating blackhole effect
end loop
end blackhole
procedure drawtree
colorback (white) %sets background to white
color (black) %sets text colour to white
locate (5, 20) %locates text
put "Choose height of tree between 11 and 20"
locate (6, 39)
get height %get user input
if height > 20 then %error if input exceeds 20
locate (8, 13)
put "Thats higher than 20, choose a number between 11 and 20"
locate (9, 22)
put "Hit any key to enter in a new height"
elsif height < 11 then %error if input is under 11
locate (8, 13)
put "Thats higher than 20, choose a number between 11 and 20"
locate (9, 22)
put "Hit any key to enter in a new height"
exit %otherwise move on to tree
end if
end loop
View.Set ("graphics: 650; 600") %set screen to 650 by 600 pixels
treestart := height * 22 %sets top point of tree
treeheight := height * 16 %sets height of tree, by characters (characters are 16 pixels high)
treewidth := height * 8 %sets width of widest part of tree.
colourback (1) %sets the background colour to dark blue
Draw.FillBox (1, treestart - treeheight - treeheight div 10, maxx, 1, white) %draws the snow on the ground
for groundtexture : 1 .. 100 %draws random black dots for "texture"
randint (spotx, 1, maxx)
randint (spoty, 1, treestart - treeheight - treeheight div 10)
Draw.FillOval (spotx, spoty, 1, 1, black)
if groundtexture = 100 then
Draw.FillOval (spotx, spoty, 2, 2, red) %last spot is secret
end if
Draw.FillBox (10, 10, 118, 58, black)
end for
%tree draws tree with a green triangle
drawline (325, treestart, 325 + treewidth, treestart - treeheight, black) %draws line from top point to bottom right point
drawline (325, treestart, 325 - treewidth, treestart - treeheight, black) %draws line from top point to bottom left point
drawline (325 + treewidth, treestart - treeheight, 325 - treewidth, treestart - treeheight, black) %draws bottom to bottom line
drawfill (325, treestart - 10, green, black) %fills the tree triangle with green bordering it with black
%trunk draws trunk so its a quarter of trees height and a third of tree width
Draw.FillBox (325 - treewidth div 3, treestart - treeheight, 325 + treewidth div 3, treestart - treeheight - treeheight div 4, 4)
%star %draws a star on top of the tree with a proportionate height
starsize := height * 7 div 5
Draw.FillStar (325 - starsize, treestart - starsize, 325 + starsize, treestart + starsize, 14)
Draw.FillOval (550, 550, 30, 30, 14) %draws the first yellow circle
Draw.FillOval (530, 550, 22, 22, 1) %draws a second smaller blue circle to create a moon
Draw.FillStar (480, 540, 500, 560, 14) %draws 3 stars
Draw.FillStar (200, 500, 220, 520, 14)
Draw.FillStar (540, 350, 560, 370, 14)
var baubledis : int := height * 4 %sets proportionate bauble distance
var baublesize : int := height * 2 div 3 %sets proportionate bauble size
var baublecol : int := 12
var baubleset : int
randint (baubleset, 101, 103) %sets initial colour
var starenlargex1, starenlargey1, starenlargex2, starenlargey2 : int
starenlargex1 := 100
starenlargey1 := 320 %sets initial star size
starenlargex2 := 120
starenlargey2 := 340
Mouse.Where (mx, my, mb)
colBack := 113
%back button
if mx > 9 and mx < 119 then
if my > 9 and my < 59 then
colBack := 12
end if
end if
if mx > 9 and mx < 119 then
if my > 9 and my < 59 then
if mb = 1 then
end if
end if
end if
baublecol := baubleset
if baubleset = 101 then
baubleset := 12
elsif baubleset = 102 then %sets initial bauble colour
baubleset := 14
elsif baubleset = 103 then
baubleset := 1
end if
if mx > 325 - baublesize and mx < 325 + baublesize then
if my > treestart - baubledis - baublesize and my < treestart - baubledis + baublesize then
if mb = 1 then
randint (baubleset, 1, 50) %if top bauble is clicked, then randomlu
end if
end if
end if
%draws 5 baubles
Draw.FillOval (325, treestart - baubledis, baublesize, baublesize, baublecol)
Draw.FillOval (325 - baubledis div 2, treestart - baubledis * 2, baublesize, baublesize, baublecol)
Draw.FillOval (325 + baubledis div 2, treestart - baubledis * 8 div 3, baublesize, baublesize, baublecol)
Draw.FillOval (325 - baubledis, treestart - baubledis * 10 div 3, baublesize, baublesize, baublecol)
Draw.FillOval (325 + baubledis, treestart - baubledis * 11 div 3, baublesize, baublesize, baublecol)
%moon secret
if mx > 520 and mx < 580 then
if my > 520 and my < 580 then
if mb = 1 then
moonsecret %if user clicks on the moon then execute moonsecret proc
end if
end if
end if
%star enlarge. thxto gandalf for help debugging this.
if mx > starenlargex1 and mx < starenlargex2 and my > starenlargey1 and my < starenlargey2 and mb = 1 then
starenlargex1 -= 5
starenlargex2 += 5
starenlargey1 -= 5
starenlargey2 += 5
end if
Draw.FillStar (starenlargex1, starenlargey1, starenlargex2, starenlargey2, 14)
delay (40)
%spot blackhole
if mx > spotx - 5 and mx < spotx + 5 then
if my > spoty - 5 and my < spoty + 5 then
if mb = 1 then
blackhole %if user clicks on random red point then execute black hole
end if
end if
end if
Font.Draw ("Back", 20, 20, fontSubtitle, colBack)
delay (5)
end loop
end drawtree
procedure help
Font.Draw ("Help", 270, 350, fontSubtitle, colTitle)
text := "Welcome, this program is designed to generate a Christmas Tree."
y1 := 6
TextDelay (y1, text)
text := "First choose new tree in the main menu, when a new window opens."
y1 := 8
TextDelay (y1, text)
text := "Then input the height of the tree, from between 11 and 20, Yay!!"
y1 := 10
TextDelay (y1, text)
text := "Now that the tree has been drawn, try clicking something."
y1 := 12
TextDelay (y1, text)
text := "There are many secrets in this program."
y1 := 14
TextDelay (y1, text)
text := "See how many you can find."
y1 := 16
TextDelay (y1, text)
text := "Oh, and turn up the volume. There is music. :)"
y1 := 18
TextDelay (y1, text)
Mouse.Where (mx, my, mb)
colBack := 113
if mx > 9 and mx < 119 then
if my > 9 and my < 59 then
colBack := 12
end if
end if
if mx > 9 and mx < 119 then
if my > 9 and my < 59 then
if mb = 1 then
end if
end if
end if
Draw.Box (10, 10, 118, 58, black)
Font.Draw ("Back", 20, 20, fontSubtitle, colBack)
end loop
end help
process music %contains jingle bells and deck the halls
%Jingle Bells
Music.Sound (C, q) %output sound based on frequency (pitch, length)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, q)
Music.Sound (C, h_dot)
Music.Sound (C, e)
Music.Sound (C, e)
Music.Sound (C, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, q)
Music.Sound (D, w)
Music.Sound (D, q)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (E, w)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, w)
Music.Sound (C, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, q)
Music.Sound (C, w)
Music.Sound (C, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, q)
Music.Sound (D, h_dot)
Music.Sound (D, q)
Music.Sound (D, q)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q)
Music.Sound (D * 2, q)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, h)
Music.Sound (C * 2, h)
%Start Chorus
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, h)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, h)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, q_dot)
Music.Sound (G * 2, e)
Music.Sound (A * 2, w)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q_dot)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, e)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, e)
Music.Sound (A * 2, e)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, h)
Music.Sound (C * 2, h)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, h)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, h)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, q_dot)
Music.Sound (G * 2, e)
Music.Sound (A * 2, w)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q_dot)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, e)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, e)
Music.Sound (A * 2, e)
Music.Sound (C * 2, h)
Music.Sound (C * 2, h)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, h)
Music.Sound (G * 2, h)
Music.Sound (F, w_dot)
delay (w_dot) %rest
%Deck the halls
Music.Sound (C * 2, q_dot)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, e)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, e)
Music.Sound (A * 2, e)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, e)
Music.Sound (G * 2, e)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q_dot)
Music.Sound (G * 2, e)
Music.Sound (F, q)
Music.Sound (E, q)
Music.Sound (F, h)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q_dot)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, e)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, e)
Music.Sound (A * 2, e)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, e)
Music.Sound (G * 2, e)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q_dot)
Music.Sound (G * 2, e)
Music.Sound (F, q)
Music.Sound (E, q)
Music.Sound (F, h)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q_dot)
Music.Sound (A * 2, e)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q_dot)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, e)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, e)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, e)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q)
Music.Sound (D * 2, e)
Music.Sound (E * 2, e)
Music.Sound (F * 2, q)
Music.Sound (E * 2, q)
Music.Sound (D * 2, q)
Music.Sound (C * 2, h)
Music.Sound (C * 2, q_dot)
Music.Sound (Bb * 2, e)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, q)
Music.Sound (G * 2, q)
Music.Sound (A * 2, q)
Music.Sound (F, q)
Music.Sound (D*2, e)
Music.Sound (D*2, e)
Music.Sound (D*2, e)
Music.Sound (D*2, e)
Music.Sound (C*2, q_dot)
Music.Sound (Bb*2, e)
Music.Sound (A*2, q)
Music.Sound (G*2, q)
Music.Sound (F, w_dot)
delay (w_dot) %rest
end loop
end music
%Title Screen
View.Set ("graphics:639;399") %set screen to default size, 639 by 399 pixels
colourback (black) %set background colour to black
fork music %fork the jinglebells music
colourback (black)
colTitle := 12
colPlay := 2 %sets menu option original colours, faded.
colHelp := 113
colQuit := 2
Mouse.Where (mx, my, mb)
if mx > 245 and mx < 420 then
if my > 210 and my < 245 then
colPlay := 10 %when user moves mouse over play button, play button brightens
end if
end if
if mx > 285 and mx < 375 then
if my > 140 and my < 175 then
colHelp := 12 %when user moves mouse over help button, help button brightens
end if
end if
if mx > 288 and mx < 378 then
if my > 70 and my < 105 then
colQuit := 10 %when user moves mouse over quit button, quit button brightens
end if
end if
if mx > 245 and mx < 420 then
if my > 210 and my < 245 then
if mb = 1 then
drawtree %when user clicks play execute drawtree proc
View.Set ("graphics:639;399") %set screen to default size when proc ends
colourback (black) %reset background to black when proc ends
end if
end if
end if
if mx > 285 and mx < 375 then
if my > 140 and my < 175 then
if mb = 1 then
help %when user clicks help execute help proc
colourback (black) %reset background to black when proc ends
end if
end if
end if
if mx > 288 and mx < 378 then
if my > 70 and my < 105 then
if mb = 1 then
Font.Draw ("Thank you for trying Chris's Christmas Tree", 90, 225, fontCredits, colTitle)
Draw.ThickLine (85, 215, 560, 215, 2, 10)
delay (1000)
end if
end if
end if
Font.Draw ("Christmas Tree", 105, 325, fontTitle, colTitle) %draw the buttons
Font.Draw ("New Tree", 245, 210, fontSubtitle, colPlay)
Font.Draw ("Help", 285, 140, fontSubtitle, colHelp)
Font.Draw ("Quit", 288, 70, fontSubtitle, colQuit)
Font.Draw ("By: Chris Pan", 255, 290, fontCredits, colTitle)
%Glitter Effect
randint (colBallProb, 1, 2) %chooses colour of title balls
if colBallProb = 1 then
colBall1 := 10
colBall2 := 12
colBall1 := 12
colBall2 := 10
end if
Draw.FillOval (140, 50, 10, 10, colBall1) %draw title balls
Draw.FillOval (50, 160, 10, 10, colBall2)
Draw.FillOval (140, 270, 10, 10, colBall1)
Draw.FillOval (50, 360, 10, 10, colBall2)
Draw.FillOval (500, 50, 10, 10, colBall2)
Draw.FillOval (590, 160, 10, 10, colBall1)
Draw.FillOval (500, 270, 10, 10, colBall2)
Draw.FillOval (590, 360, 10, 10, colBall2)
delay (5)
end loop