Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB
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Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB  

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 I have a project for Computer Science and I need someone to code for me for a house project. I am willing to pay.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:07 am   Post subject: I have a project for Computer Science and I need someone to code for me for a house project. I am willing to pay.

What is it you are trying to achieve?
Achieve some code

What is the problem you are having?
I need code for the house project

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
Im trying to solve the problem of not having any code. Its a simple project but I simply don't know how to code. Pretty much there is a house and there are light in it and they have to turn on when someone opens the door. Also there should be a security code to enter after opening the door.

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
I haven't started any code.


<Add your code here>

Please specify what version of Turing you are using

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:18 am   Post subject: RE:I have a project for Computer Science and I need someone to code for me for a house project. I am willing to pay.

Its a simple project but I simply don't know how to code.

Maybe you should have paid attention in class.

I haven't started any code.

There's your first problem.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:21 pm   Post subject: RE:I have a project for Computer Science and I need someone to code for me for a house project. I am willing to pay.

Now's an excellent time to start!

From the description, I can't tell if it's a physical house model with wires, or just an image on the screen. Either way, there's no code there yet. So tell us about what you've done for this "house", and what you think the next step should be.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 12:54 pm   Post subject: RE:I have a project for Computer Science and I need someone to code for me for a house project. I am willing to pay.

Just a heads up, paying people on the internet to do something for you *usually* doesn't work out very well.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 12:56 pm   Post subject: RE:I have a project for Computer Science and I need someone to code for me for a house project. I am willing to pay.

And I also believe that asking people to do your work for you is against the rules of the forum.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:38 pm   Post subject: RE:I have a project for Computer Science and I need someone to code for me for a house project. I am willing to pay.

I lol'd at this post, your laziness astounds me.
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