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 Reading illegal characters
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:32 pm   Post subject: Reading illegal characters

For my final project for compsci class, I am trying to make a media player. I am currently trying to get the track information from the mp3 files id3 tags, but when I read in a line of the file, Turing tells me there is an illegal character in the string. Is there anyway I can get Turing to ignore these characters, or deal with this problem in any way? As far as I know, Turing doesn't have any support for Exceptions/Error Handling.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:34 pm   Post subject: Re: Reading illegal characters

Use "read" command, and read a sequence of bytes as opposed to "getting" the whole line from the file. Reason is some characters are used to represent the uninitialized state of a variable. Displaying these characters will cause an error. Wink

Its interesting that you are trying to read a mp3 file. How are you going about decompressing it. If i remember right, you need to know Huff encoding which involves creating a balanced structured tree, not something learn in your average high school class Confused Plus if i remembered right you need a bit of knowledge on second year university calculus and the Fourier series.
Seems to be a tight project good luck. Wink
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