// The "Matrix2" class.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.sound.sampled.*;
public class Matrix2 extends JWindow
private static BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));
private int bufferWidth; // Image buffer width
private int bufferHeight; // Image buffer height
private Image bufferImage; // entire Image buffer
private Graphics bufferGraphics;
int LH = 1; //Letter Height
int LA = 1000; // Letter Amount - 1
int LLP = 0;
int x = 0;
int DS = 7;
int scry = 10;
int scrx = 10;
static String file = "";
int[] [] Letters = new int [LA + 1] [5];
int[] [] Chars = new int [LA + 1] [7];
public int i1 = 0x4E45; // letter values for the random letters
public int i2 = 0x4E45;
public int i3 = 0x4E45;
public int i4 = 0x4E45;
public int i5 = 0x4E45;
public int i6 = 0x4E45;
public int i7 = 0x4E45;
public int i8 = 0x4E45; // end of letter values
Random generator1 = new Random (); // random letter generator for all letter values
public void initializer () throws IOException
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new FileReader ("Matrix Settings.txt"));
ANTIALIASING = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine ());
LH = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine ());
LA = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine ());
DS = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine ());
scry = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine ());
scrx = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine ());
file = in.readLine ();
public Matrix2 ()
initializer ();
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println ("Unable to initialize, wrong Settings");
Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().getScreenSize ();
setSize (dim);
setBackground (Color.black);
setVisible (true);
for (int I = 0 ; I <= LA ; I++)
Letters [I] [0] = generator1.nextInt (scry);
public static void music ()
// From file
AudioInputStream stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream (new File (file));
AudioFormat format = stream.getFormat ();
if (format.getEncoding () != AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED)
format = new AudioFormat (
format.getSampleRate (),
format.getSampleSizeInBits () * 2,
format.getChannels (),
format.getFrameSize () * 2,
format.getFrameRate (),
true); // big endian
stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream (format, stream);
// Create the clip
DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info (Clip.class, stream.getFormat (), ((int) stream.getFrameLength () * format.getFrameSize ()));
Clip clip = (Clip) AudioSystem.getLine (info);
// This method does not return until the audio file is completely loaded
clip.open (stream);
// Start playing
clip.loop (Clip.LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY);
catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e)
catch (IOException e)
catch (LineUnavailableException e)
catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e)
public void draw (Graphics g, int x, int y, int LC, int LS, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, int i8)
x = x * LH;
Graphics2D g2;
g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2.setRenderingHint (RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,
g2.setRenderingHint (RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING,
FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext ();
Font f = new Font ("Arial Unicode MS", Font.PLAIN, LH);
char c1 = (char) i1;
String s1 = new String ();
s1 = String.valueOf (c1);
TextLayout tl = new TextLayout (s1, f, frc);
char c2 = (char) i2;
String s2 = new String ();
s2 = String.valueOf (c2);
TextLayout t2 = new TextLayout (s2, f, frc);
char c3 = (char) i3;
String s3 = new String ();
s3 = String.valueOf (c3);
TextLayout t3 = new TextLayout (s3, f, frc);
char c4 = (char) i4;
String s4 = new String ();
s4 = String.valueOf (c4);
TextLayout t4 = new TextLayout (s4, f, frc);
char c5 = (char) i5;
String s5 = new String ();
s5 = String.valueOf (c5);
TextLayout t5 = new TextLayout (s5, f, frc);
char c6 = (char) i6;
String s6 = new String ();
s6 = String.valueOf (c6);
TextLayout t6 = new TextLayout (s6, f, frc);
char c7 = (char) i7;
String s7 = new String ();
s7 = String.valueOf (c7);
TextLayout t7 = new TextLayout (s7, f, frc);
char c8 = (char) i8;
String s8 = new String ();
s8 = String.valueOf (c8);
TextLayout t8 = new TextLayout (s8, f, frc);
if (LS == 2)
g2.setColor (new Color (120, 255, 130));
tl.draw (g2, x, y);
g2.setColor (new Color (60, 255 - (255 / LS) * 1, 60));
t2.draw (g2, x, y - LH);
if (LS == 3)
g2.setColor (new Color (120, 255, 130));
tl.draw (g2, x, y);
g2.setColor (new Color (100, 255 - (255 / LS) * 1, 110));
t2.draw (g2, x, y - LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 2, 0));
t3.draw (g2, x, y - 2 * LH);
if (LS == 4)
g2.setColor (new Color (120, 255, 130));
tl.draw (g2, x, y);
g2.setColor (new Color (100, 255 - (255 / LS) * 1, 110));
t2.draw (g2, x, y - LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 2, 0));
t3.draw (g2, x, y - 2 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 3, 0));
t4.draw (g2, x, y - 3 * LH);
if (LS == 5)
g2.setColor (new Color (120, 255, 130));
tl.draw (g2, x, y);
g2.setColor (new Color (100, 255 - (255 / LS) * 1, 110));
t2.draw (g2, x, y - LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 2, 0));
t3.draw (g2, x, y - 2 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 3, 0));
t4.draw (g2, x, y - 3 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 4, 0));
t5.draw (g2, x, y - 4 * LH);
if (LS == 6)
g2.setColor (new Color (120, 255, 130));
tl.draw (g2, x, y);
g2.setColor (new Color (100, 255 - (255 / LS) * 1, 110));
t2.draw (g2, x, y - LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 2, 0));
t3.draw (g2, x, y - 2 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 3, 0));
t4.draw (g2, x, y - 3 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 4, 0));
t5.draw (g2, x, y - 4 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 5, 0));
t6.draw (g2, x, y - 5 * LH);
if (LS == 7)
g2.setColor (new Color (120, 255, 130));
tl.draw (g2, x, y);
g2.setColor (new Color (100, 255 - (255 / LS) * 1, 110));
t2.draw (g2, x, y - LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 2, 0));
t3.draw (g2, x, y - 2 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 3, 0));
t4.draw (g2, x, y - 3 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 4, 0));
t5.draw (g2, x, y - 4 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 5, 0));
t6.draw (g2, x, y - 5 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 6, 0));
t7.draw (g2, x, y - 6 * LH);
if (LS == 8)
g2.setColor (new Color (120, 255, 130));
tl.draw (g2, x, y);
g2.setColor (new Color (100, 255 - (255 / LS) * 1, 110));
t2.draw (g2, x, y - LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 2, 0));
t3.draw (g2, x, y - 2 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 3, 0));
t4.draw (g2, x, y - 3 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 4, 0));
t5.draw (g2, x, y - 4 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 5, 0));
t6.draw (g2, x, y - 5 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 6, 0));
t7.draw (g2, x, y - 6 * LH);
g2.setColor (new Color (0, 255 - (255 / LS) * 7, 0));
t8.draw (g2, x, y - 7 * LH);
public void update (Graphics g)
paint (g);
public void paint (Graphics g)
// checks the buffersize with the current panelsize
// or initialises the image with the first paint
if (bufferWidth != getSize ().width ||
bufferHeight != getSize ().height ||
bufferImage == null ||
bufferGraphics == null)
resetBuffer ();
if (bufferGraphics != null)
// this clears the offscreen image, not the onscreen one
bufferGraphics.clearRect (0, 0, bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
// calls the paintbuffer method with the offscreen graphics as a param
paintBuffer (bufferGraphics);
// we finaly paint the offscreen image onto the onscreen image
g.drawImage (bufferImage, 0, 0, this);
//If a delay is needed to freeze the letters, insert it here
private void resetBuffer ()
// always keep track of the image size
bufferWidth = getSize ().width;
bufferHeight = getSize ().height;
// clean up the previous image
if (bufferGraphics != null)
bufferGraphics.dispose ();
bufferGraphics = null;
if (bufferImage != null)
bufferImage.flush ();
bufferImage = null;
System.gc ();
// create the new image with the size of the panel
bufferImage = createImage (bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
bufferGraphics = bufferImage.getGraphics ();
public void paintBuffer (Graphics g)
for (int I = 0 ; I <= LA ; I++)
Letters [I] [0] = Letters [I] [0] + DS;
Letters [I] [3] = 0;
if (Letters [I] [0] > scry + LH * Letters [I] [4])
Letters [I] [1] = generator1.nextInt ((scrx / LH));
Letters [I] [4] = generator1.nextInt (6) + 2;
Letters [I] [0] = 0;
Letters [I] [2] = 0;
if (Letters [I] [0] > Letters [I] [2] + LH)
Letters [I] [3] = 1;
Letters [I] [2] = Letters [I] [0];
if (Letters [I] [3] == 1)
for (int h = 6 ; h >= 1 ; h--)
Chars [I] [h] = Chars [I] [h - 1];
Chars [I] [0] = generator1.nextInt ((0x9FA5 - 0x4E00)) + 0x4E00;
for (int I = 0 ; I <= LA ; I++)
draw (g, Letters [I] [1], Letters [I] [0], Letters [I] [3], Letters [I] [4], Chars [I] [0], Chars [I] [1], Chars [I] [2], Chars [I] [3], Chars [I] [4], Chars [I] [5], Chars [I] [6], Chars [I] [6]);
repaint ();
public static void main (String[] args)
new Matrix2 ();
//music ();
} // Matrix2 class