%Declares graphics
setscreen ("graphics")
setscreen ("graphics:vga")
setscreen ("graphics:788;502")
setscreen ("nocursor")
%Declaring Variables
var name : string
var subject, history : int
%Set background and color of font
colorback (black)
color (white)
delay (1000)
%Asks name
var fontname : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("Please Enter Your Name", 265, 300, fontname, yellow)
locate (14, 45)
put "" ..
get name
delay (200)
%Asks for subject
delay (200)
var fontsubject : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("Please Choose a Subject:", 235, 300, fontsubject, yellow)
%Font for "1. History"
delay (200)
var fonthistory : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("1. History", 265, 280, fonthistory, yellow)
%Font for "2. Science"
delay (200)
var fontscience : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("2. Science", 265, 260, fontscience, yellow)
%Font for "3. Sports"
delay (200)
var fontsports : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("3. Sports", 265, 240, fontsports, yellow)
%Font for "4. TV"
delay (200)
var fontTV : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("4. TV", 265, 220, fontTV, yellow)
delay (200)
locate (13, 61)
put "" ..
get subject
delay (200)
%Line on right hand side
drawline (505, 0, 505, 400, red)
delay (1000)
%Font for $100
var font50 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("1. $100", 650, 10, font50, red)
delay (30)
%Font for $200
var font100 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("2. $200", 650, 30, font100, red)
delay (30)
%Font for $200
var font200 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("3. $300", 650, 50, font200, red)
delay (30)
%Font for $300
var font300 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("4. $400", 650, 70, font300, red)
delay (30)
%Font for $500
var font500 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("5. $500", 650, 90, font500, green)
delay (30)
%Font for $1,000
var font1000 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("6. $1,000", 649, 110, font1000, red)
delay (30)
%Font for $2,000
var font2000 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("7. $2,000", 649, 130, font2000, red)
delay (30)
%Font for $4,000
var font4000 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("8. $4,000", 649, 150, font4000, red)
delay (30)
%Font for $8,000
var font8000 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("9. $8,000", 649, 170, font8000, red)
delay (30)
%Font for $16,000
var font16000 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("10. $16,000", 648, 190, font16000, green)
delay (30)
%Font for $32,000
var font32000 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("11. $32,000", 648, 210, font32000, red)
delay (30)
%Font for $64,000
var font64000 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("12. $64,000", 648, 230, font64000, red)
delay (30)
%Font for $125,000
var font125000 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("13. $125,000", 647, 250, font16000, red)
delay (30)
%Font for $500,000
var font500000 : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("14. $500,000", 647, 270, font500000, red)
delay (30)
%Font for $1 Million
var font1million : int := Font.New ("Cooperplate Gothic Bold:14:bold")
Font.Draw ("15. $1,000,000", 646, 290, font1million, yellow)
delay (1000)
%Font for "Mr. Millionaire"
%var fontMr : int := Font.New ("Engravers MT:14:bold")
%Font.Draw ("Mr.", 556, 380, fontMr, yellow)
%var fontMillionaire : int := Font.New ("Engravers MT:10:bold")
%Font.Draw ("Millionaire", 506, 340, fontMillionaire, yellow)
%delay (2000)
%Randomizing History Quesstions 1 - 5