Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 7:41 pm Post subject: Basic platformer
Here's a little platforming action I put together, all turing graphics, and great collision detection.
LEFT & RIGHT arrows - move left and right
SPACE - jump
CTRL - crouch
Walking - left, right, jump, crouch
Hanging - left, right, jump up (jump), fall (crouch)
There's nothing but simple platform movement, no baddies, no weapons, no health, just movement.
setscreen ("graphics,offscreenonly")
var x, y, ang, bodyLength, maxYSpeed : int := 15
var ySpeed : real := 0
ySpeed := 0
var key : array char of boolean
var inAir, yGood, left, hang : boolean := false
proc walkLeft
if key (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
ang -= 7
x -= 3
left := true
for i : 1 .. 15
if View.WhatDotColor (x, y + i) = black then
y += 1
end if
end for
end if
end walkLeft
proc walkRight
if key (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
ang += 7
x += 3
for i : 1 .. 15
if View.WhatDotColor (x, y + i) = black then
y += 1
end if
end for
left := false
end if
end walkRight
proc jump
if hang = false then
if bodyLength = 33 and key (' ') and inAir = false then
y -= 2
elsif key (' ') and inAir = false then
ySpeed := 10
end if
if key (' ') and inAir = false then
ySpeed := 13
end if
end if
end jump
proc crouch
if key (KEY_CTRL) then
bodyLength := 33
bodyLength := 45
end if
end crouch
proc gravityAndCheck
if View.WhatDotColor (x, y) ~= black and hang = false then
inAir := true
end if
hang := false
yGood := false
if ySpeed > 0 then
y += round (ySpeed)
elsif ySpeed < 0 then
for decreasing i : 0 .. round (ySpeed)
if View.WhatDotColor (x, y + i) ~= black and yGood = false then
if View.WhatDotColor (x, y + bodyLength + i + 15) = black then
yGood := true
inAir := false
ySpeed := 0
hang := true
hang := false
end if
if hang = false then
y -= 1
end if
yGood := true
inAir := false
ySpeed := 0
end if
end for
end if
if View.WhatDotColor (x, y) ~= black then
ySpeed -= 1.25
end if
end gravityAndCheck
proc drawScreen
Draw.ThickLine (0, 5, maxx, 5, 2, black)
for yi : 50 .. 250 by 50
Draw.ThickLine (yi, yi, yi + 60, yi, 2, black)
end for
Draw.ThickLine (300, 300, maxx, 300, 2, black)
end drawScreen
proc drawGuy
drawline (x, y + 20, x, y + bodyLength, black)
drawline (x, y + 20, x + round (sind (ang) * 5), y + 20 + round (cosd (ang) * 10), black)
drawline (x, y + 20, x + round (sind (ang + 180) * 5), y + 20 + round (cosd (ang + 180) * 10), black)
drawline (x + round (sind (ang) * 5), y + 20 + round (cosd (ang) * 10), x + round (sind (ang) * 5), y + 5 + round (cosd (ang) * 10), black)
drawline (x + round (sind (ang + 180) * 5), y + 20 + round (cosd (ang + 180) * 10), x + round (sind (ang + 180) * 5), y + 5 + round (cosd (ang + 180) * 10), black)
ang += 90
drawline (x, y + bodyLength - 2, x + round (sind (ang) * 5), y + bodyLength - 2 + round (cosd (ang) * 10), black)
drawline (x, y + bodyLength - 2, x + round (sind (ang + 180) * 5), y + bodyLength - 2 + round (cosd (ang + 180) * 10), black)
if hang = false then
if left = true then
drawline (x + round (sind (ang) * 5), y + bodyLength - 2 + round (cosd (ang) * 10), x + round (sind (ang) * 5) - 7, y + bodyLength - 10 + round (cosd (ang) * 10), black)
drawline (x + round (sind (ang + 180) * 5), y + bodyLength - 2 + round (cosd (ang + 180) * 10), x + round (sind (ang + 180) * 5) - 7, y + bodyLength - 10 + round (cosd (ang + 180) * 10),
drawline (x + round (sind (ang) * 5), y + bodyLength - 2 + round (cosd (ang) * 10), x + round (sind (ang) * 5) + 7, y + bodyLength - 10 + round (cosd (ang) * 10), black)
drawline (x + round (sind (ang + 180) * 5), y + bodyLength - 2 + round (cosd (ang + 180) * 10), x + round (sind (ang + 180) * 5) + 7, y + bodyLength - 10 + round (cosd (ang + 180) * 10),
end if
ang -= 90
if left = true then
drawline (x + round (sind (ang) * 5), y + bodyLength - 2 + round (cosd (ang) * 10), x + round (sind (ang) * 5), y + bodyLength + 10 + round (cosd (ang) * 10), black)
drawline (x + round (sind (ang + 180) * 5), y + bodyLength - 2 + round (cosd (ang + 180) * 10), x + round (sind (ang + 180) * 5), y + bodyLength + 10 + round (cosd (ang + 180) * 10),
drawline (x + round (sind (ang) * 5), y + bodyLength - 2 + round (cosd (ang) * 10), x + round (sind (ang) * 5), y + bodyLength + 10 + round (cosd (ang) * 10), black)
drawline (x + round (sind (ang + 180) * 5), y + bodyLength - 2 + round (cosd (ang + 180) * 10), x + round (sind (ang + 180) * 5), y + bodyLength + 10 + round (cosd (ang + 180) * 10),
end if
ang -= 90
end if
drawoval (x, y + bodyLength + 5, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (x, y + bodyLength + 5, 4, 4, white)
end drawGuy
Input.KeyDown (key)
ang := ang mod 360
delay (10)
if x < 0 or x > maxx or y < 0 or y > maxy then
x := 5
y := 5
end if
end loop
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Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:04 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Crouch & Jump seems to push me back to the start (bottom left corner). If I'm on a platform at that time, I seem to fall through the platform, first.
Pretty cool graphics!
Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:03 am Post subject: (No subject)
Unless that's on purpose to let you jump down from a platform (just as CTRL lets you drop down when you're hanging).
I like the hanging bit. The whole thing is very "stickman sam" without the shooting.
Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:31 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I like it, just more levels, and you'll be in bussiness
Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 5:48 pm Post subject: (No subject)
problem...when i jump while trying to go off-screen to the left, it disables the jump for the rest of the time using the program
Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 7:43 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Fixed it up a bit, added some better graphics, made it more of a "game". 3 levels, and you can make levels easily. In a future version that I'm making, I'm adding in a level timer, to actualy make it a game. Don't fall too much or you'll die (just restart that level).
After you finish the last level it just crashes unless you have another level made... so make some levels and post them here so the game can continue forever... and ever... and when I actualy make the game, I'll add in some of your best levels.
Anyways, have some fun with making some challenging levels. I will have a level maker in the next post, to make it alot easier. Remember that you can climb across, and yes, crouching and jumping is supposed to make you fall through.
one last thing, try to make it out the far left exit in the first level, if you can figure out how (and yes, there is a way)
Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:48 pm Post subject: (No subject)
mapmaker, works with anything if modded (go for it)
make sure you save it to the same directory as the game
[1]click a tile on the bottom to select
[2]click a position on the board to place tile
[3]rinse and repeat if necessary
click S and then type a number then press ENTER to save
click L and then type a number then press ENTER to load
will save as level#.txt and will load level#.txt (unless modded)
elegable maps must include
[1]a single outline of "metal" (won't be editable anyways unless program modded)
[2]atleast 1 exit, may include more "challenging but faster" exits
[3]ground peice at bottom left corner (spawn point)
for them to be placed in future versions of the game
setscreen ("graphics:550;450,offscreenonly,nobuttonbar")
var font1 : int := Font.New ("serif:25")
var mx, my, mb, Level, fileNo, info, current, count : int := 0
var tiles : array 0 .. 9 of int
var xy : array 0 .. 19, 0 .. 15 of int
for i : 0 .. 9
tiles (i) := Pic.FileNew ("images/fore0" + intstr (i) + ".bmp")
end for
for x : 0 .. 19
for y : 0 .. 14
xy (x, y) := 1
end for
end for
proc exportLevel
get Level
count := 1
open : fileNo, "levels/level" + intstr (Level) + ".txt", put
for decreasing y : 14 .. 0
for x : 0 .. 19
info := xy (x, y)
put : fileNo, info
end for
end for
close : fileNo
end exportLevel
proc importLevel
get Level
open : fileNo, "levels/level" + intstr (Level) + ".txt", get
for decreasing y : 14 .. 0
for x : 0 .. 19
get : fileNo, info
xy (x, y) := info
end for
end for
close : fileNo
end importLevel
proc drawScreen
Font.Draw ("L", 0 + 2, 17 * 25, font1, red)
Font.Draw ("S", 25 + 3, 17 * 25, font1, red)
drawbox (0, 17 * 25, 25, 18 * 25, black)
drawbox (25, 17 * 25, 50, 18 * 25, black)
Pic.Draw (tiles (current), 0, 0, picMerge)
drawbox (0, 0, 25, 25, black)
for i : 0 .. 9
Pic.Draw (tiles (i), i * 25 + 50, 0, picMerge)
drawbox (i * 25 + 50, 0, i * 25 + 25 + 50, 25, black)
end for
for x : 0 .. 19
for y : 0 .. 14
Pic.Draw (tiles (xy (x, y)), x * 25 + 25, y * 25 + 50, picMerge)
end for
end for
end drawScreen
proc setTile
if my = 0 and mb = 1 then
if mx = 2 then
current := 0
elsif mx = 3 then
current := 1
elsif mx = 4 then
current := 2
elsif mx = 5 then
current := 3
elsif mx = 6 then
current := 4
elsif mx = 7 then
current := 5
elsif mx = 8 then
current := 6
elsif mx = 9 then
current := 7
elsif mx = 10 then
current := 8
elsif mx = 11 then
current := 9
end if
end if
end setTile
proc setXYOnMap
mx := mx - 1
my := my - 2
if mb = 1 and mx >= 1 and my >= 1 and mx <= 18 and my <= 13 then
xy (mx, my) := current
end if
mx := mx + 1
my := my + 2
end setXYOnMap
proc loadSave
if mb = 1 and my = 17 then
if mx = 0 then
elsif mx = 1 then
end if
end if
end loadSave
Mouse.Where (mx, my, mb)
mx := mx div 25
my := my div 25
mx := mx * 25 + 12
my := my * 25 + 12
drawfilloval (mx, my, 3, 3, brightred)
Time.DelaySinceLast (10)
end loop
Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:37 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Wow! Great game.
I'd love to see this with some enemies, and a scoring system (via collectible gems and the like).
+20 bits
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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 5:51 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Newest update
-working steel boxes (now prevent verticle movement too)
-2 newer levels (and a few tweeks to old)
-looping game (doesn't quit after last level, starts back at 1)
future updates
-game timer
-points system (maby collectables)
I don't realy want to add enemies, but I'm thinking about the collectables. The games supposed to be just a platformer, so there a small chance for enemies.
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 9:55 pm Post subject: (No subject)
just a question, is the game supposed to lag a little or is it just my computer's problem. the guy seems to be moving very slowly compared to the first one with just the platforms.
oh and btw. great game
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 1:36 am Post subject: (No subject)
Doesn't lag for me ohgeez_.
btw, how do you beat level 4??
I had to cheat just to see level 5, which was easy like the first 3.
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:13 pm Post subject: (No subject)
There's a technique that you have to figure out on your own that allows for most of the levels to be completed very easily, and in level 4, I guess I didn't compensate for those who haven't learned the technique. And no, the technique isn't in the game like a hidden move, you just have to press the right button at the right time.has something to do with jumping and crouching
Well, here's a level pack download with level 1-8, all edited a bit to make it completable without the technique.
just paste this into the platformer folder, or copy the files into the levels folder and overwrite the old ones.
Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 12:15 pm Post subject: nice........
very cool game
i found some probles though...
i just downloaded your new level pack and it wont go past level 5. maybe its because your checking for the next level procedure
procedure nextLevel
if View.WhatDotColor (x, y + 10) = brightred then
level += 1
end if
end nextLevel
and maybe you forgot to put the brightred colour in the level
also is the game supposed to go back to level 1 when you finish?
proc levelImport
realX := 37.5
realY := 55
ySpeed := 0
xSpeed := 0
life := 100
bodyLength := 45
colorback (white)
if File.Exists ("levels/level" + intstr (level) + ".txt") then
open : fileNo, "levels/level" + intstr (level) + ".txt", get
for decreasing y : 14 .. 0
for x : 0 .. 19
get : fileNo, info
tileImage (x, y) := info
end for
end for
level := 1 %||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||right here
end if
end loop
locatexy (230, 190)
put "LEVEL " + intstr (level) ..
delay (1000)
end levelImport
because it just repeats level 5 over and over again
anyway some suggestions:
(1) have a lives counter and when you run out go back to level 1
(2) items that give you points, lives. etc
(3) some baddies that you have to dodge
(4) a highscore list
Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 5:56 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Now, those two problems that your talking about actualy don't exist. You just fell for the Level 5 trick, ever try actualy going through the level and not trying to run across the gap? Your just falling into the pit and not completing the level. Good try though.
The baddies may or may not be added in, and a points system is being put in place, along with the "highscore list".
Now about adding in items, I'm thinking of making it so you can fly through the level, or go the long way and collect items for points. The health system is staying as is, because with the new points system, it works out.
Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 9:29 am Post subject: (No subject)