Ah Ha! so i've figured out a way to do it this is what i've got and it works
proc jackrun
var pics : array 0 .. 10 of int
var sprite : int
for i : 1 .. 11
pics (i - 1) := Pic.FileNew ("G:/game/Jack" + intstr (i) + ".bmp")
if Error.Last not= 0 then
put "Error loading image: ", Error.LastMsg
end if
end for
sprite := Sprite.New (pics (0))
Sprite.SetPosition (sprite, 0, 100, false)
Sprite.Show (sprite)
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
x := x + 1
Sprite.Animate (sprite, pics ((x div 2) mod 11), x, 100, false)
delay (100)
end if
end loop
end jackrun
now if i wanted to make him go a different way would i just put an elsif and just copy what i have and add a few variables, or...?