Trying to call varuables from another source.
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Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:25 am Post subject: Trying to call varuables from another source. |
What is it you are trying to achieve?
Im trying to finish up on a game i started and wanted to know
if there was a way to call varuables from a procedure or
a file so i could make it more flexible or update varuables that
where already called above
What is the problem you are having?
My problem is calling varuables above from a file or a procedure
"I already know if a varuable is called in a procedure it can not
be called out side the procedure".
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
iIwas trying to learn more on how to load files from other places
that and I was trying to look around useing a function,process,
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Look aside the picture and music. Thats as small as i could get it.
Turing: |
<setscreen ("graphics:700;600,nobuttonbar,position:truemiddle,centre")
process Menu_Music
Music.PlayFileLoop ("Menu_Screen_Music.mp3")
end Menu_Music
process Ingame_Music
Music.PlayFileLoop ("Ingame Music.mp3")
end Ingame_Music
process Attack_Sound
Music.PlayFile ("Attack.wav")
end Attack_Sound
process Click
Music.PlayFile ("Click.wav")
end Click
process Sound_Lost
Music.PlayFile ("Sound Lost.wav")
end Sound_Lost
process Sound_Won
Music.PlayFile ("Sound Won.wav")
end Sound_Won
process Sound_Defended
Music.PlayFile ("Defend.wav")
end Sound_Defended
process Game_Lost
Music.PlayFile ("Lost.mp3")
end Game_Lost
process Game_Won
Music.PlayFile ("Won.mp3")
end Game_Won
var civilization_number, total_number : int
civilization_number := Rand.Int (2, 25)
total_number := civilization_number
var mousex, mousey, button : int
var number, number1, number2 : int
var x_location, y_location : array 1 .. civilization_number of int
var civilization_name : array 1 .. civilization_number of string (20)
var female, male : array 1 .. civilization_number of int
var player_soldiers : array 1 .. civilization_number of int
var death : array 1 .. civilization_number of boolean
var random, ending_game : int
var clr : int := 218
var text1 : int := Font.New ("Times New Roman:50:Bold")
var text2 : int := Font.New ("Times New Roman:30:Bold")
var User_Name, created_by, game_over, game_winner : string (20)
var castle : int := Pic.FileNew ("Castle.bmp")
var castle_player : int := Pic.FileNew ("Castle_Player.bmp")
var images1, images2 : array 1 .. 32 of int
var fire_number : int := 1
var images_ 1, images_ 2, images_ 3, images_ 4 : array 1 .. 16 of int
var gate_number : int
var gate_picture : array 1 .. 17 of int
User_Name := "User_Name"
created_by := "Created By:"
game_over := "!Defeat!"
game_winner := "!Victory!"
for i : 1 .. 16
images_ 1 (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("gate_bar (" + intstr (i ) + ")" + ".bmp")
images_ 2 (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("gate_bar1 (" + intstr (i ) + ")" + ".bmp")
images_ 3 (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("gate_bar2 (" + intstr (i ) + ")" + ".bmp")
images_ 4 (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("gate_bar3 (" + intstr (i ) + ")" + ".bmp")
end for
for i : 1 .. 17
gate_picture (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("gate " + intstr (i ) + ".bmp")
end for
for i : 1 .. 32
images1 (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Fire1 (" + intstr (i ) + ")" + ".bmp")
images2 (i ) := Pic.FileNew ("Fire2 (" + intstr (i ) + ")" + ".bmp")
end for
proc Loading_var
for i : 1 .. civilization_number
female (i ) := 1
male (i ) := 1
death (i ) := false
civilization_name (i ) := "Civilization: " + intstr (i )
player_soldiers (i ) := 0
end for
ending_game := 0
end Loading_var
proc Civilization_Loading
for i : 1 .. civilization_number
x_location (i ) := Rand.Int (10, 660)
y_location (i ) := Rand.Int (10, 460)
end for
end Civilization_Loading
proc Civilization_Maped
for i : 2 .. civilization_number
if death (i ) = false then
Pic.Draw (castle, x_location (i ), y_location (i ), 0)
end if
end for
Draw.Line (0, 500, 700, 500, red)
Pic.Draw (castle_player, x_location (1), y_location (1), 0)
end Civilization_Maped
proc Civilization_Menu
gate_number := 1
for i : 1 .. 17
Pic.Draw (gate_picture (gate_number ), 0, 0, 0)
gate_number := gate_number + 1
if gate_number = 18 then
gate_number := 1
end if
delay (50)
end for
end Civilization_Menu
proc opening
gate_number := 1
for i : 1 .. 16
Pic.Draw (images_ 1 (gate_number ), 248, 196, 0)
Pic.Draw (images_ 2 (gate_number ), 248, 150, 0)
Pic.Draw (images_ 3 (gate_number ), 248, 102, 0)
Pic.Draw (images_ 4 (gate_number ), 248, 47, 0)
gate_number := gate_number + 1
if gate_number = 17 then
gate_number := 1
end if
delay (50)
end for
end opening
proc closing
gate_number := 16
for i : 1 .. 16
Pic.Draw (images_ 1 (gate_number ), 248, 196, 0)
Pic.Draw (images_ 2 (gate_number ), 248, 150, 0)
Pic.Draw (images_ 3 (gate_number ), 248, 102, 0)
Pic.Draw (images_ 4 (gate_number ), 248, 47, 0)
gate_number := gate_number - 1
if gate_number = - 1 then
gate_number := 16
end if
delay (50)
end for
end closing
procedure decreas
for decreasing i : 31 .. 16
colourback (i )
delay (25)
end for
end decreas
procedure increas
for i : 16 .. 31
colourback (i )
delay (25)
end for
end increas
procedure Game_Over
fork Game_Lost
for i : 0 .. 39
RGB.SetColor (clr, 0, i / 39, 0)
Font.Draw (game_over, (350) - (Font.Width (game_over, text1 ) div 2), (300) - 9, text1, clr )
delay (50)
end for
delay (2750)
end Game_Over
procedure Game_Winner
fork Game_Won
for i : 0 .. 39
RGB.SetColor (clr, 0, i / 39, 0)
Font.Draw (game_winner, (350) - (Font.Width (game_winner, text1 ) div 2), (300) - 9, text1, clr )
delay (50)
end for
delay (2750)
end Game_Winner
procedure intro
for i : 0 .. 39
RGB.SetColor (clr, i / 39, 0, i / 39)
Font.Draw (created_by, (350) - (Font.Width (created_by, text1 ) div 2), (300) - 9, text1, clr )
delay (30)
end for
delay (250)
for i : 0 .. 39
RGB.SetColor (clr, 0, i / 39, i / 39)
Font.Draw (sawyer_chamaillard, (350) - (Font.Width (sawyer_chamaillard, text2 ) div 2. 5), (250) - 9, text2, clr )
delay (30)
end for
for decreasing i : 39 .. 0
RGB.SetColor (clr, i / 39, 0, i / 39)
Font.Draw (created_by, (350) - (Font.Width (created_by, text1 ) div 2), (300) - 9, text1, clr )
delay (30)
end for
delay (250)
for decreasing i : 39 .. 0
RGB.SetColor (clr, 0, i / 39, i / 39)
Font.Draw (sawyer_chamaillard, (350) - (Font.Width (sawyer_chamaillard, text2 ) div 2. 5), (250) - 9, text2, clr )
delay (30)
end for
end intro
proc Team_var
if player_soldiers (number1 ) >= player_soldiers (number2 ) then
player_soldiers (number1 ) := player_soldiers (number1 ) - player_soldiers (number2 )
player_soldiers (number2 ) := 0
fork Sound_Defended
delay (250)
end if
if player_soldiers (number2 ) >= player_soldiers (number1 ) then
player_soldiers (number2 ) := player_soldiers (number2 ) - player_soldiers (number1 )
player_soldiers (number1 ) := 0
fork Sound_Lost
delay (250)
end if
if player_soldiers (number1 ) >= 0 then
male (number2 ) := male (number2 ) - player_soldiers (number1 ) div 2
female (number2 ) := female (number2 ) - player_soldiers (number1 ) div 2
end if
if male (number2 ) <= 0 or female (number2 ) <= 0 then
fork Sound_Won
delay (2500)
death (number2 ) := true
total_number := total_number - 1
end if
if male (1) <= 0 or female (1) <= 0 then
death (1) := true
end if
end Team_var
proc population_groth
random := Rand.Int (1, 2)
if random = 1 then
male (number ) := male (number ) + female (number )
elsif random = 2 then
female (number ) := female (number ) + female (number )
end if
end population_groth
proc computer
random := Rand.Int (1, 3)
if random = 1 and death (1) = true then
random := Rand.Int (1, civilization_number )
var pos : int := 1
for i : 1 .. civilization_number
if player_soldiers (i ) >= 1 then
for j : pos .. civilization_number
pos + = 1
if random = i then
number1 := number
number2 := i
if number = i then
number2 := j
end if
end if
end for
end if
end for
random := Rand.Int (1, 2)
if random = 1 then
random := Rand.Int (0, male (number ) - 1)
male (number ) := male (number ) - random
player_soldiers (number ) := player_soldiers (number ) + random
elsif random = 2 then
random := Rand.Int (0, player_soldiers (number ))
male (number ) := male (number ) + random
player_soldiers (number ) := player_soldiers (number ) - random
end if
elsif random = 2 then
elsif random = 3 then
end if
end computer
proc population
number := 1
for i : 2 .. civilization_number
if death (i ) = false then
number := i
end if
end for
end population
proc Player_Lost_Won
if death (1) = true then
ending_game := 2
end if
if total_number = 0 then
ending_game := 1
end if
end Player_Lost_Won
proc Civilization_Borders
var pos : int
var collision : boolean
pos := 2
collision := false
for i : 1 .. civilization_number
for j : pos .. civilization_number
if x_location (i ) >= x_location (j ) - 20 and x_location (i ) <= x_location (j ) + 20 and y_location (i ) >= y_location (j ) - 20 and y_location (i ) <= y_location (j ) + 20 then
collision := true
end if
end for
if collision = true then
end if
pos + = 1
end for
exit when collision = false
end loop
end Civilization_Borders
proc Civilization_Finding
if death (1) = false and button = 1 and mousex >= x_location (1) and mousex <= x_location (1) + 20 and mousey >= y_location (1) and mousey <= y_location (1) + 24 then
fork Click
Mouse.Where (mousex, mousey, button )
put "[View Status]"
put "[Train Unite]"
put "[Exit]"
if button = 1 and mousex >= 3 and mousex <= 100 and mousey >= 585 and mousey <= 595 then
fork Click
end if
if button = 1 and male (1) >= 20 and mousex >= 3 and mousex <= 100 and mousey >= 570 and mousey <= 580 then
fork Click
player_soldiers (1) := player_soldiers (1) + 10
male (1) := male (1) - 10
end if
if button = 1 and mousex >= 3 and mousex <= 44 and mousey >= 553 and mousey <= 563 then
fork Click
end if
put civilization_name (1)
put "Male:", male (1), " Female:", female (1)
put "Soldiers:", player_soldiers (1)
delay (25)
end loop
end if
for i : 2 .. civilization_number
if death (i ) = false and button = 1 and mousex >= x_location (i ) and mousex <= x_location (i ) + 20 and mousey >= y_location (i ) and mousey <= y_location (i ) + 24 then
fork Click
Mouse.Where (mousex, mousey, button )
put "[Spy]"
put "[Attack]"
put "[Exit]"
put civilization_name (i )
if button = 1 and mousex >= 3 and mousex <= 37 and mousey >= 585 and mousey <= 595 then
put "Male:", male (i ), " Female:", female (i )
put "Soldiers:", player_soldiers (i )
end if
if button = 1 and mousex >= 3 and mousex <= 60 and mousey >= 570 and mousey <= 580 then
fork Attack_Sound
delay (2000)
number1 := 1
number2 := i
end if
if button = 1 and mousex >= 3 and mousex <= 44 and mousey >= 553 and mousey <= 563 or death (i ) = true or death (1) = true then
fork Click
end if
delay (25)
end loop
end if
end for
end Civilization_Finding
proc Game
Mouse.Where (mousex, mousey, button )
put "[End Turn]"
put "[Menu]"
if button = 1 and mousex >= 3 and mousex <= 73 and mousey >= 585 and mousey <= 595 or death (1) = true then
fork Click
end if
if button = 1 and mousex >= 3 and mousex <= 76 and mousey >= 570 and mousey <= 580 or death (1) = true or ending_game = 1 then
if ending_game = 1 then
fork Menu_Music
end if
if ending_game = 2 then
fork Menu_Music
end if
fork Click
fork Menu_Music
end if
delay (25)
end loop
end Game
proc Game_Menu
Mouse.Where (mousex, mousey, button )
if button = 1 and mousey >= 212 and mousey <= 234 and mousex >= 299 and mousex <= 399 then
fork Click
fork Ingame_Music
end if
if button = 1 and mousey >= 163 and mousey <= 186 and mousex >= 299 and mousex <= 399 then
fork Click
end if
if button = 1 and mousey >= 115 and mousey <= 140 and mousex >= 299 and mousex <= 399 then
fork Click
colourback (black)
end if
if button = 1 and mousey >= 70 and mousey <= 93 and mousex >= 299 and mousex <= 399 then
fork Click
end if
fire_number := fire_number + 1
if fire_number = 33 then
fire_number := 1
end if
Pic.Draw (images1 (fire_number ), 1, 1, 0)
Pic.Draw (images2 (fire_number ), 571, 1, 0)
delay (50)
end loop
end Game_Menu
fork Menu_Music
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
Turing 4.0.5
Any help would be most helpful.
"Even if its negative so i can start another". |
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Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:52 am Post subject: Re: Trying to call varuables from another source. |
First, it is variables, not varuables.
Second, in the future, post an attachment instead of copy-pasting the code, as that is too much code to read through.
Third, try using:
Turing: |
include ("'file name here'.t")
You probably shouldn't be using variables in a seperate file though, if I correctly understand your problem, which I am not totally sure I do.
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:12 am Post subject: RE:Trying to call varuables from another source. |
It sounds to me like what you want are "parameters". The syntax goes like this:
Turing: |
proc doThings ( parameter : int )
% Fill this in for yourself
end doThings
You can then call it as follows:
Turing: |
var a : int := 3
doThings ( a )
% or...
doThings ( 3 )
You can also use parameters with functions, but not with processes.
You need to master parameters before you move onto learning about classes. Object-oriented programming is difficult enough at first without missing knowledge on basic things like parameters. |
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:19 pm Post subject: RE:Trying to call varuables from another source. |
Well mainly what I was trying to do was reset all the civilization_numbers so they can have a new number. When I run it now and click play and say there where 5 castles including my self
then click exit and play again there are still 5 castles. I wanted to know if I could run the program from the top again with out haveing to close and reopen it or open from another source because when I use a procedure I cant call the varuables outside of it. I was hopeing to learn more about useing the file's. I'v been creating games since my com tech class which the teacher was no help and I wanted to learn more so I would be able to goback and rebuild some of my other games. Thanks for the posting. |
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:14 pm Post subject: RE:Trying to call varuables from another source. |
Just put the initilizations and the loop you have now in one big loop, and go to the beginning of this loop when you want to restart the game. |
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:03 pm Post subject: RE:Trying to call varuables from another source. |
Lol. Thank you did'nt think of that before i also have another idea im going to try. Thanks for the posts. |
Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:15 am Post subject: RE:Trying to call varuables from another source. |
No prob.
Btw, very cool avatar (much betta than mine)! |
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:12 pm Post subject: RE:Trying to call varuables from another source. |
Mmm I seems turing allows this to run only so many times, though i moved on, but i just wanted finish up this post. |
Sponsor Sponsor
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:19 pm Post subject: RE:Trying to call varuables from another source. |
Did you free the images before reloading them? Or just don't reload them? Turing only has memory space for 1000 images. |
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:30 pm Post subject: RE:Trying to call varuables from another source. |
Well, i'v lost interest with this game, i have started a new game in which i'm hoping to get some help on. |