var winID : int
winID := Window.Open ("position:800;350,graphics:800;350")
View.Set ("nocursor")
colourback (red)
process DoMusic
Music.PlayFile ("piccccc.wav")
end loop
end DoMusic
fork DoMusic
%Import computer picture
var comppic : int := Pic.FileNew ("computerback.bmp")
Pic.Draw (comppic, maxx div 2 - (Pic.Width (comppic) div 2), maxy div 2 - Pic.Height (comppic) div 2, picMerge)
var fontID : int := Font.New ("Franklin Gothic Medium:16:bold")
Font.Draw ("Welcome To", 300, 300, fontID, green)
Font.Draw ("...", 350, 275, fontID, yellow)
%3D effect for "The Ultimate MB!!"
var size : int := 40
var text : string
var text1 := "The Ultimate MB!!"
var ch : string (1)
var afontID : array 1 .. size of int
for i : size div 2 .. size
afontID (i) := Font.New ("Tahoma:" + intstr (i))
end for
procedure Text3D (text : string)
for t : 1 .. length (text)
for i : size div 2 .. size
Font.Draw (text (t), t * size, 170, afontID (i), 20 + floor
(i / size * 15))
end for
end for
end Text3D
% You have to insert the picture before the text, so that %
% the text will overlap the picture %
Text3D (text1)
%ball animation
%"enter any key"
var bfontID : int := Font.New ("Arial:10:bold")
Font.Draw ("Press any key to continue...", 597, 25, bfontID, blue)
getch (ch)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%second page%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
colourback (3)
var sizea : int
var text2 : string
sizea := 15
var text3 := "The Ultimate MB!!"
var cfontID : array 1 .. sizea of int
for i : sizea div 2 .. sizea
cfontID (i) := Font.New ("Tahoma:" + intstr (i))
end for
procedure Text3D1 (text2 : string)
for t : 1 .. length (text2)
for i : sizea div 2 .. sizea
Font.Draw (text2 (t), t * sizea, 315, cfontID (i), 20 + floor
(i / size * 50))
end for
end for
end Text3D1
Text3D1 (text3)
%%Import computer picture
var comppic1 : int := Pic.FileNew ("file4.bmp")
Pic.Draw (comppic1, 90 div 2 , 40 div 2, picMerge)
%3rd button
Draw.FillBox (550, 40, 667, 90, 5)
Draw.Box (550, 40, 667, 90, 1)
var dfontID : int := Font.New ("Arial:12:bold")
Font.Draw ("Exit", 590, 60, dfontID, black)
%2nd button
Draw.FillBox (550, 140, 667, 190, 5)
Draw.Box (550, 140, 667, 190, 1)
var efontID : int := Font.New ("Arial:12:bold")
Font.Draw ("Start Game", 562, 160, efontID, black)
%1st button
Draw.FillBox (550, 240, 667, 290, 5)
Draw.Box (550, 240, 667, 290, 1)
var ffontID : int := Font.New ("Arial:12:bold")
Font.Draw ("Instructions", 562, 260, ffontID, black)
%%%mouse detect--*click*
var x, y, btn : int
Mouse.Where (x, y, btn)
if x >= 550 and x <= 667 and y >= 240 and y <= 290 and btn = 1 then
colourback (blue)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%instructions page%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
var ifontID : int :=Font.New ("Arial Narrow:10:bold")
var gfontID : int := Font.New ("Tahoma:15:bold")
var hfontID : int := Font.New ("Arial:12:bold")
Font.Draw ("Click on screen to go back to main screen...", 530, 25, ifontID, yellow)
Font.Draw ("Instructions!!", 5, 325, gfontID, yellow)
delay (800)
Font.Draw ("1) After clicking 'Start Game', you are led to a screen with an empty motherboard and several ", 50, 260, hfontID, yellow)
Font.Draw ("motherboard parts on the side.", 67, 240, hfontID, yellow)
delay (800)
Font.Draw ("2) The object of the game is to drag and place the parts in their correct place on the ", 50, 180, hfontID, yellow)
Font.Draw ("motherboard.", 67, 160, hfontID, yellow)
delay (800)
Font.Draw ("3) For each correct placement, you receive one point and LEDs perform an effect on the", 50, 100, hfontID, yellow)
Font.Draw ("posterboard included. If placement is incorrect, part next to lighted LED illustrates", 67, 80, hfontID, yellow)
Font.Draw ("correct placement.", 67, 60, hfontID, yellow)
delay (100)
Font.Draw ("Good Luck!", 340, 35, hfontID, yellow)
elsif x >= 550 and x <= 667 and y >= 140 and y <= 190 and btn = 1 then
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Start Game Page%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
elsif x >= 550 and x <= 667 and y >= 40 and y <= 90 and btn = 1 then
colourback (6)
var ifontID : int :=Font.New ("Comic Sans MS:12:bold")
Font.Draw ("Thank you for Playing...", 16, 327, ifontID, green)
delay (10000)
Window.Close (winID)
Window.Hide (winID)
end if
end loop