Can Experts help improve my Hangman Code?
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Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 1:18 pm Post subject: Can Experts help improve my Hangman Code? |
please help me improve till its a fun and hard game to play with.
Turing: | % Modification done to Tony Zhang's program
%By En Luo & Wei Luo
% declaration of varibles
setscreen ("graphics:1000;650")
var x, y, nx, button, letter : int := 0
var colo : int := 9
var lettersI : array 1 .. 10 of string := init ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J")
var lettersII : array 1 .. 10 of string := init ("K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T")
var lettersIII : array 1 .. 6 of string := init ("U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z")
var words : array 1 .. 15 of string := init ("biotic", "combustion", "bedrock", "grassland", "exothermic", "glucose", "ozone", "microclimate", "precipitation", "ecosystem", "nitrogen", "tangent",
"vector", "weather",
var random, strike, right : int := 0
var word, choice, let : string := ""
colourback (64)
% Winning stage
process victory
choice := "n"
for w : 1 .. 5
Draw.Text ("Good Job, You Won Dude!", maxx div 2 - 100, maxy div 2, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), Rand.Int (1, 100))
delay (100)
exit when choice not= "n"
end for
end victory
% Losing stage
process failure
choice := "n"
for l : 1 .. 5
Draw.Text ("You Lost Man!", maxx div 2 - 50, maxy div 2 - 50, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), Rand.Int (155, 200))
Draw.Text ("The word was:", maxx div 2 - 150, maxy div 2, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), Rand.Int (155, 200))
Draw.Text (words (random ), maxx div 2 + 60, maxy div 2, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), Rand.Int (155, 200))
delay (100)
exit when choice not= "n"
end for
end failure
Draw.Text ("Welcome to En & Wei's Hangman Puzzle Game: Science Terms", maxx div 2 - 300, maxy - 20, Font.New ("serif:20:bold"), 70)
locate (3, 1)
put "Please choose letters you think will appear in the word"
drawfillbox (740, 170, 760, 410, 212) %post
drawfillbox (760, 390, 860, 410, 212)
drawfillbox (700, 160, 900, 180, 115) %ground
drawfillbox (830, 390, 840, 358, 114) %wire
drawarc (835, 345, 13, 13, 0, 360, 214)
%Random Words and Dashes
randint (random, 1, 15)
var dash : array 1 .. length (words (random )) of string
for a : 1 .. length (words (random ))
dash (a ) := "_"
end for
for a : 1 .. 10
%First Row
drawbox (90 + nx, 250, 140 + nx, 300, black)
drawfillbox (95 + nx, 255, 135 + nx, 295, grey)
Draw.Text (lettersI (a ), 105 + nx, 260, Font.New ("serif:22:bold"), 56)
%Second Row
drawbox (90 + nx, 200, 140 + nx, 250, black)
drawfillbox (95 + nx, 205, 135 + nx, 245, grey)
Draw.Text (lettersII (a ), 105 + nx, 210, Font.New ("serif:22:bold"), 56)
%Third Row
if nx >= 100 and nx <= 350 then
letter + = 1
drawbox (90 + nx, 150, 140 + nx, 200, black)
drawfillbox (95 + nx, 155, 135 + nx, 195, grey)
Draw.Text (lettersIII (letter ), 105 + nx, 160, Font.New ("serif:22:bold"), 56)
end if
nx + = 50
end for
%Draw Dash
locate (8, 15)
for a : 1 .. length (words (random ))
put dash (a ) : 3, " " ..
end for
% Alphabets
if Mouse.ButtonMoved ("down") then
var buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int
Mouse.ButtonWait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown )
if x >= 95 and x <= 135 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "a"
elsif x >= 145 and x <= 185 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "b"
elsif x >= 195 and x <= 235 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "c"
elsif x >= 245 and x <= 285 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "d"
elsif x >= 295 and x <= 335 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "e"
elsif x >= 345 and x <= 385 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "f"
elsif x >= 395 and x <= 435 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "g"
elsif x >= 445 and x <= 485 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "h"
elsif x >= 495 and x <= 535 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "i"
elsif x >= 545 and x <= 585 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "j"
elsif x >= 95 and x <= 135 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "k"
elsif x >= 145 and x <= 185 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "l"
elsif x >= 195 and x <= 235 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "m"
elsif x >= 245 and x <= 285 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "n"
elsif x >= 295 and x <= 335 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "o"
elsif x >= 345 and x <= 385 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "p"
elsif x >= 395 and x <= 435 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "q"
elsif x >= 445 and x <= 485 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "r"
elsif x >= 495 and x <= 535 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "s"
elsif x >= 545 and x <= 585 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "t"
elsif x >= 195 and x <= 235 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "u"
elsif x >= 245 and x <= 285 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "v"
elsif x >= 295 and x <= 335 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "w"
elsif x >= 345 and x <= 385 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "x"
elsif x >= 395 and x <= 435 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "y"
elsif x >= 445 and x <= 485 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "z"
end if
exit when ord (let ) > 95
end if
end loop
%Wrong Letter
if index (words (random ), let ) = 0 then
strike + = 1
end if
%Hangman face
if strike = 1 then
drawfilloval (835, 355, 15, 15, brown) % head
elsif strike = 2 then
drawfilloval (828, 357, 3, 3, blue) % left eye
elsif strike = 3 then
drawfilloval (842, 357, 3, 3, blue) %right eye
elsif strike = 4 then
drawarc (835, 345, 5, 5, 20, 160, red) %mouth
%Hangman body
elsif strike = 5 then
drawline (835, 340, 835, 280, purple) % chest
elsif strike = 6 then
drawline (835, 310, 865, 340, brown) %right arm
elsif strike = 7 then
drawline (835, 310, 805, 340, brown) %left arm
elsif strike = 8 then
drawline (835, 280, 865, 250, black) %right leg
elsif strike = 9 then
drawline (835, 280, 805, 250, black) %left leg
end if
%Right letter
for a : 1 .. length (words (random ))
if let = words (random ) (a ) then
dash (a ) := let
end if
end for
locate (8, 15)
for a : 1 .. length (words (random ))
put dash (a ) : 3, " " ..
end for
for a : 1 .. length (words (random ))
right := right + index (dash (a ), "_")
end for
exit when right = 0
right := 0
exit when strike = 9
end loop
%Play again
delay (1000)
Draw.Text ("Would you like to play again?", maxx div 2 - 130, maxy - 100, Font.New ("serif:16:bold"), 56)
drawbox (maxx div 2 - 100, maxy - 250, maxx div 2, maxy - 200, black)
drawfillbox (maxx div 2 - 95, maxy - 245, maxx div 2 - 5, maxy - 205, grey)
Draw.Text ("Yes", maxx div 2 - 75, maxy - 235, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), black)
drawbox (maxx div 2 + 100, maxy - 250, maxx div 2, maxy - 200, black)
drawfillbox (maxx div 2 + 95, maxy - 245, maxx div 2 + 5, maxy - 205, grey)
Draw.Text ("No", maxx div 2 + 30, maxy - 235, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), black)
if strike = 9 then
fork failure
if Mouse.ButtonMoved ("down") then
var buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int
Mouse.ButtonWait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown )
if x >= maxx div 2 - 95 and x <= maxx div 2 - 5 and y >= maxy - 245 and y <= maxy - 205 then
choice := "y"
elsif x >= maxx div 2 + 95 and x <= maxx div 2 + 5 and y >= maxy - 245 and y <= maxy - 205 then
choice := "n"
end if
end if
end loop
elsif word = words (random ) or right = 0 then
fork victory
if Mouse.ButtonMoved ("down") then
var buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int
Mouse.ButtonWait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown )
if x >= maxx div 2 - 95 and x <= maxx div 2 - 5 and y >= maxy - 235 and y <= maxy - 205 then
choice := "y"
elsif x >= maxx div 2 + 95 and x <= maxx div 2 + 5 and y >= maxy - 235 and y <= maxy - 205 then
choice := "n"
end if
end if
end loop
end if
nx := 0
letter := 0
strike := 0
exit when choice = "n"
end loop |
Mod Edit: Remember to use syntax tags! Thanks code: | [syntax="turing"]Code Here[/syntax] |
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Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:11 pm Post subject: RE:Can Experts help improve my Hangman Code? |
well...where are you looking for the program to be improved...
i like having people keep proects as they would want them and guiding them through the process of doing that (so do most people here) |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
Dusk Eagle
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 5:02 pm Post subject: Re: Can Experts help improve my Hangman Code? |
I just have one question: Is this code for school?
Either way, one suggestion I have it to avoid the use of processes. Instead, use procedures and functions, and pass values into them using parameters, rather than using global variables (explained at url above). This may not make your game more fun, but it will make it's coding better, which can only help you in the long run.
Finally, do you see anything repetitive about this code?
Turing: |
if x >= 95 and x <= 135 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "a"
elsif x >= 145 and x <= 185 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "b"
elsif x >= 195 and x <= 235 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "c"
elsif x >= 245 and x <= 285 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "d"
elsif x >= 295 and x <= 335 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "e"
elsif x >= 345 and x <= 385 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "f"
elsif x >= 395 and x <= 435 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "g"
elsif x >= 445 and x <= 485 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "h"
elsif x >= 495 and x <= 535 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "i"
elsif x >= 545 and x <= 585 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "j"
Here's a much better way of doing this. I'm giving you the first section of the code this time so that you learn to avoid ultra-repetitive lines in programming and instead look for better algorithms. Think how much effort this could have saved you:
Turing: |
for i : 0.. 9
%insert the y statements yourself
if x >= i* 50+ 95 and x <= i* 50+ 95+ 40
put chr(i+ ord("a"))
end if
end for
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