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 Planned Minecraft computer for
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:02 pm   Post subject: Planned Minecraft computer for

I plan on making a *very* basic computer in minecraft on our server. After testing around with different things such as non-volatile ROM, quick access RAM, delay line memory, and piston transistors (including piston transistor RAM, very compact actually), I've decided the common memory issue is possible to overcome. So here's what it will feature:

-A section of ram for code
-A section of ram for data
-3-4 EPROM "harddrives" that will have buttons for auto-loading into ram, allowing programs to be re-used and switched without clearing and rewriting everything. 2 of these harddrives will be in protected land, with important test programs, to prevent griefers from destroying or messing with the programs, and any rest I decide to build will be outside, allowing anyone to write their own programs to test.
-A very slow processor that will execute the commands in the code ram as brainf*ck code. This small instruction set will make it easy to create, while still being able to do anything, given enough memory and time.
-A 10 byte buffer with a screen that is 10x8 to show the contents of the buffer
-A stack (for loops and stuff)

I haven't fully settled on the command list yet, however I'm pretty sure it will be like this:
000 decrement data
001 increment data
010 decrement pointer
011 increment pointer
100 read data from keyboard
101 write data to screen
110 if data is 0 then skip ahead to find the next 111 (each 110 encountered along the way makes you have to search for 1 more 111) otherwise push instruction ptr onto stack
111 if data is not 0 then copy the instruction ptr from the stack and go there otherwise destroy the top thing on the stack

this makes each bit have a meaning bit 1 meaning whether it is something to do with incrementing/decrementing or if it's more abstract, bit 2 is whether it alters the data or a pointer of some sort, and bit 3 is either increment/decrement or I/O or beginning and end.

I still need to decide whether to go with piston RAM, which allows random access, or delay line memory, which means the computer will have to wait till the byte comes up. The delay line memory means the memory will have a ratio of nearly 1:1 whereas the piston RAM takes at least 4x2 for each bit, not including I/O (which needs to be done for each one, unlike delay line which allows a common I/O line).

If you guys have any opinions on this, or any suggestions on better RAM, an idea for a really good screen that is compact and easily visible let me know, and I will see if I can implement them.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:47 pm   Post subject: RE:Planned Minecraft computer for

Well, if you need some redstone I have a fair amount.
Also make sure to take care of any creeper problem when building it. Annoying little buggers.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:42 pm   Post subject: RE:Planned Minecraft computer for

I'm going to wall it off competely first, then I'm going to turn mobs off.

And yes eventually I will need stuff like that, I will be building a donation chest for people to donate to the computer, but obviously you guys want some results first.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:48 pm   Post subject: RE:Planned Minecraft computer for

Sounds good, just post the coordinates here.
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