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 SIMPLE Space Invaders Game HELP??
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:07 pm   Post subject: SIMPLE Space Invaders Game HELP??

What is it you are trying to achieve?
For grade 10 computer science I need to create a game of space invaders.

What is the problem you are having?
I don't know how to code to return to the main menu after the aliens touch the ground because the variable is stored as an array of int.

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
I've tried if statements and using like when yEnemies <0 then exit (along the lines of that)

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
% SpaceInvaders.t
% Started on June 8,2011
% Starts a game of Space Invaders

% Enables the graphics and sets the screen size to 1000 x 700
setscreen ("graphics:1010;695,nobuttonbar,nocursor,position:centre,truemiddle,offscreenonly")

% Declares variables
var titleFont : int := Font.New ("Courier New:89:bold")
var buttonFont : int := Font.New ("Consolas:45")
var otherTitleFont : int := Font.New ("Segoe UI:70:bold")
var mainTextFont : int := Font.New ("Segoe UI:20")
var enemiesPics : array 1 .. 5 of int
var player : int := Pic.FileNew ("player.bmp")
var playerTitle : int := Pic.Scale (player, 300, 200)
playerTitle := Pic.Rotate (playerTitle, 90, -1, -1)
var enemyTitle : int
var x, y, button, level, counter, numEnemies, enemyType, xPlayer, xShot, yShot, direction, numDead : int := 0
var xEnemies, xEnemiesOriginal, yEnemies : array 1 .. 60 of int
var enemies : array 1 .. 60 of boolean
var shot, titleShot, titleEnemy, directionChange : boolean := false
var keys : array char of boolean

% Initializes pics
enemiesPics (1) := Pic.FileNew ("enemy1.bmp")
enemiesPics (2) := Pic.FileNew ("enemy2.bmp")
enemiesPics (3) := Pic.FileNew ("enemy3.bmp")
enemiesPics (4) := Pic.FileNew ("enemy4.bmp")
enemiesPics (5) := Pic.FileNew ("mothership.bmp")
enemyTitle := Pic.Scale (enemiesPics (2), 200, 200)

% Ensures the fonts and pictures exist
assert titleFont > 0
assert buttonFont > 0
assert otherTitleFont > 0
assert mainTextFont > 0
assert player > 0

% Scales the pics
for i : 1 .. 5
assert enemiesPics (i) > 0
enemiesPics (i) := Pic.Scale (enemiesPics (i), 50, 50)
end for

% Checks to see if the mouse is hovering over a button
procedure ButtonCheck
Mouse.Where (x, y, button)
Font.Draw ("back", 435, 130, buttonFont, brightwhite)
if x > 383 and x < 616 and y > 100 and y < 200 then
Font.Draw ("back", 435, 130, buttonFont, brightblue)
Font.Draw ("back", 435, 130, buttonFont, blue)
end if

exit when x > 383 and x < 616 and y > 100 and y < 200 and button = 1
end loop
end ButtonCheck

% Sets the basic layout for a level
procedure SetLevel
drawfill (0, 0, black, brightgreen)

counter := 1
% Draws the enemies only if they have not been destroyed
for rows : 1 .. level + 1
exit when rows = 9
for xPosition : 1 .. 641 by 70
if enemies (xPosition div 70 + 1) = true then
Pic.Draw (enemiesPics (rows), xPosition, 700 - (rows * 70), picMerge)
xEnemies (counter) := xPosition
xEnemiesOriginal (counter) := xPosition
yEnemies (counter) := 700 - (rows * 70)
end if
counter += 1
end for
end for

% Draws the player
Pic.Draw (player, xPlayer, 0, picMerge)
end SetLevel

% Used to move enemies
procedure UpdateLevel
drawfill (0, 0, black, brightgreen)
for i : 1 .. numEnemies
% Moves the enemies sideways
if direction mod 2 = 0 then
xEnemies (i) += 1
xEnemies (i) -= 1
end if

% Moves the enemies down 70 pixels if the right/leftmost enemy hits the right/left side of the screen
if direction mod 2 = 0 then
for decreasing j : numEnemies .. 1
if xEnemies (j) >= maxx - 50 and enemies (j) = true then
for k : 1 .. numEnemies
yEnemies (k) -= 70
exit when yEnemies (j) <1
end for
if directionChange = true then
direction += 1
directionChange := false
end if
end if
end for
directionChange := true
elsif direction mod 2 = 1 then
for j : 1 .. numEnemies
if xEnemies (j) <= 0 and enemies (j) = true then
for k : 1 .. numEnemies
yEnemies (k) -= 70
exit when yEnemies (k) <1
end for
if directionChange = true then
direction += 1
directionChange := false
end if
end if
end for
directionChange := true
end if

% Redraws the enemies if they are still alive
if enemies (i) = true then
if i <= 10 then
Pic.Draw (enemiesPics (1), xEnemies (i), yEnemies (i), picMerge)
elsif i <= 20 then
Pic.Draw (enemiesPics (2), xEnemies (i), yEnemies (i), picMerge)
elsif i <= 30 then
Pic.Draw (enemiesPics (3), xEnemies (i), yEnemies (i), picMerge)
Pic.Draw (enemiesPics (4), xEnemies (i), yEnemies (i), picMerge)
end if
end if
end for

% Redraws the player
Pic.Draw (player, xPlayer, 0, picMerge)
end UpdateLevel

% Creates the title screen
procedure Title
drawfill (0, 0, black, brightgreen)
Font.Draw ("SPACE INVADERS", 3, 600, titleFont, white)

% Draws the buttons
drawfillbox (50, 100, 283, 200, brightwhite)
drawbox (50, 100, 283, 200, white)
drawfillbox (383, 100, 616, 200, brightwhite)
drawbox (383, 100, 616, 200, white)
drawfillbox (716, 100, 949, 200, brightwhite)
drawbox (716, 100, 949, 200, white)

% Draws the button text
Font.Draw ("start", 84, 130, buttonFont, blue)
Font.Draw ("help", 435, 130, buttonFont, blue)
Font.Draw ("quit", 765, 130, buttonFont, blue)
end Title

% Contains the main game
procedure PlayGame
Music.PlayFileLoop ("Deadmau5 - 8 bit HD.mp3")
% Initializes variables
level += 1
exit when level > 4
direction := 0
directionChange := true
numEnemies := (level + 1) * 10
for i : 1 .. numEnemies
enemies (i) := true
end for
numDead := 0

% Draws the player
drawfill (0, 0, black, brightgreen)
xPlayer := maxx div 2 - 75
Pic.Draw (player, xPlayer, 0, picMerge)

% Draws the level start message
Font.Draw ("Level " + intstr (level) + " Start", 225, maxy div 2, otherTitleFont, white)
Font.Draw ("Press any key to start", 360, maxy div 2 - 30, mainTextFont, white)


% Sets up the level

% Gets user input for the controls
Input.KeyDown (keys)

if keys (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
xPlayer -= 5

% Ensures that the player does not go off the screen
if xPlayer <= 0 then
xPlayer := 0
end if

% Updates the player
drawfillbox (xPlayer, 0, xPlayer + 150, 100, black)
Pic.Draw (player, xPlayer, 0, picMerge)
end if
if keys (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
xPlayer += 5

% Ensures that the player does not go off the screen
if xPlayer >= maxx - 150 then
xPlayer := maxx - 150
end if

% Updates the player
drawfillbox (xPlayer, 0, xPlayer + 150, 100, black)
Pic.Draw (player, xPlayer, 0, picMerge)
end if

% Shoots
if keys (' ') and shot = false then
shot := true
xShot := xPlayer + 75
yShot := 101
drawfilloval (xShot, yShot, 5, 5, white)
end if

% If the shot is on screen, then moves the shot
if yShot > 100 and yShot < maxy + 5 and shot = true then
yShot += 12
drawfilloval (xShot, yShot, 5, 5, white)
shot := false
end if

% Checks if there is a collision
if shot = true then
for i : 1 .. numEnemies
if Math.Distance (xShot, yShot, xEnemies (i) + 25, yEnemies (i) + 25) <= 30 and enemies (i) = true then
enemies (i) := false
numDead += 1
shot := false
end if
end for
end if

exit when numDead = numEnemies

% Moves the enemies
end loop
end loop
end PlayGame

% Contains the instructions
procedure Instructions
enemyType := 0
drawfill (0, 0, black, brightgreen)
Font.Draw ("Instructions", 250, 620, otherTitleFont, white)

% Draws the text and sample pictures
Font.Draw ("The objective of the game is to destroy all of the enemies.", 10, 550, mainTextFont, white)

for xPosition : 50 .. 650 by 150
enemyType += 1
Pic.Draw (enemiesPics (enemyType), xPosition, 425, picMerge)
end for

Font.Draw ("You are the fighter at the bottom. Use the left and right arrow keys to move.", 10, 400, mainTextFont, white)
Font.Draw ("Press the spacebar to shoot. You can only have one shot on screen at", 10, 330, mainTextFont, white)
Font.Draw ("a time. You will move slower when a shot is on screen to recharge.", 10, 300, mainTextFont, white)
Pic.Draw (player, 840, 280, picMerge)
Font.Draw ("The objective of the game is to shoot the aliens before they reach", 10, 230, mainTextFont, white)
Font.Draw ("the bottom of the screen.", 10, 200, mainTextFont, white)

% Draws the "back" button
drawfillbox (383, 100, 616, 200, brightwhite)
drawbox (383, 100, 616, 200, white)

% Checks if the button is pressed or moused over
delay (200)
Mouse.Where (x, y, button)
Font.Draw ("back", 435, 130, buttonFont, brightwhite)
if x > 383 and x < 616 and y > 100 and y < 200 then
Font.Draw ("back", 435, 130, buttonFont, brightblue)
Font.Draw ("back", 435, 130, buttonFont, blue)
end if
exit when x > 383 and x < 616 and y > 100 and y < 200 and button = 1
end loop

end Instructions

% Starts the appropriate procedure

% Initializes variables used for the title animation
xShot := 699
titleShot := true
titleEnemy := true

delay (200)
% Draws a simple title animation
Pic.Draw (playerTitle, 700, maxy div 2 - 100, picMerge)
if titleEnemy = true then
Pic.Draw (enemyTitle, 100, maxy div 2 - 60, picMerge)
end if
if xShot < 700 and titleShot = true then
drawfilloval (xShot + 2, maxy div 2 + 50, 10, 10, black)
drawfilloval (xShot, maxy div 2 + 50, 10, 10, white)
xShot -= 2
end if
if titleEnemy = true then
if Math.Distance (xShot, maxy div 2 + 50, 200, maxy div 2 + 50) <= 110 then
titleShot := false
titleEnemy := false
drawfillbox (100, maxy div 2 - 60, 300, maxy div 2 + 140, black)
drawfilloval (xShot + 2, maxy div 2 + 50, 10, 10, black)
end if
end if

% "Shoots" on screen if the spacebar is pressed
Input.KeyDown (keys)
if keys (' ') and titleShot = false then
titleShot := true
xShot := 699
drawfilloval (xShot + 2, maxy div 2 + 50, 10, 10, black)
drawfilloval (xShot, maxy div 2 + 50, 10, 10, white)
end if
if xShot < -12 and titleShot = true then
titleShot := false
end if

% Checks if the buttons are pressed or moused over
Mouse.Where (x, y, button)
if x > 50 and x < 283 and y > 100 and y < 200 and button = 1 then
elsif x > 383 and x < 616 and y > 100 and y < 200 and button = 1 then
elsif x > 716 and x < 949 and y > 100 and y < 200 and button = 1 then
elsif x > 50 and x < 283 and y > 100 and y < 200 then
Font.Draw ("start", 84, 130, buttonFont, brightwhite)
Font.Draw ("start", 84, 130, buttonFont, brightblue)
elsif x > 383 and x < 616 and y > 100 and y < 200 then
Font.Draw ("help", 435, 130, buttonFont, brightwhite)
Font.Draw ("help", 435, 130, buttonFont, brightblue)
elsif x > 716 and x < 949 and y > 100 and y < 200 then
Font.Draw ("quit", 765, 130, buttonFont, brightwhite)
Font.Draw ("quit", 765, 130, buttonFont, brightblue)
Font.Draw ("start", 84, 130, buttonFont, brightwhite)
Font.Draw ("start", 84, 130, buttonFont, blue)
Font.Draw ("help", 435, 130, buttonFont, brightwhite)
Font.Draw ("help", 435, 130, buttonFont, blue)
Font.Draw ("quit", 765, 130, buttonFont, brightwhite)
Font.Draw ("quit", 765, 130, buttonFont, blue)
end if
end loop
exit when x > 716 and x < 949 and y > 100 and y < 200
end loop
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