Creating a New Seed for Random
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Prince Pwn
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:11 pm Post subject: Creating a New Seed for Random |
What is it you are trying to achieve?
Changing my random seed inside the program.
What is the problem you are having?
I can manually change it in the code, encryptionKey = 15, but cannot change it when I execute the program, 4 - Change the Key.
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
I've organized all my variables at the top and in my code, examined the code, and I'm stumped.
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Turing: |
Program: Encryption v1.0
Date: 1/17/2010
View.Set ("graphics;nocursor")
var debug : boolean := false % Show debugging output
const ubound : int := 26 % Size of alphabet
var encryptionKey : int := 15 % Encryption key
var randNum : int % Used to hold a random number
var encryptionLetter : array 1 .. ubound of char % Stores each letter in order
var encryptionStorage : array 1 .. ubound of char % Stores each letter perminantely
var alphabet : string := "" % Stores the alphabet perminantely
var encryptedAlphabet : string := "" % Stores the encrypted alphabet
var ch : char % Used for character input in menu
var convertMessage : string % Message to convert
var message : string := "" % Message after conversion
var encryptedMessage : string % Encrypted message
var decryptedMessage : string % Decrypted message
for i : 1 .. ubound % Counts the alphabet
encryptionLetter (i ) := chr (64 + i ) % Fills each letter uniquely and in order as capitals
alphabet + = encryptionLetter (i ) % Fills the alphabet
end for
/* Main Menu */
put "My Encryption Program"
put "---------------------"
put "1 - Encrypt a Message"
put "2 - Decrypt a Message"
put "3 - View the Key"
put "4 - Change the Key"
/* Makes user select an option */
delay (0)
ch := getchar
exit when ch = '1' or ch = '2' or ch = '3' or ch = '4'
end loop
/* Encrypt a message */
if ch = '1' then
Rand.Set (encryptionKey ) % Starts a sequence of pseudo-random numbers
message := "" % Blanks message
encryptedMessage := "" % Blanks encrypted message
for decreasing i : ubound .. 1 % Counting alphabet backwards
randNum := Rand.Int (1, i ) % Sets random letter from 'a' to 'z,y,x...'
encryptionStorage (i ) := encryptionLetter (randNum ) % Store random letter into storage
encryptedAlphabet + = encryptionStorage (i ) % Stores the alphabet randomly
encryptionLetter (randNum ) := encryptionLetter (i ) % Sets that random letter back where it cannot be reached on next loop
end for
if (debug ) then
put "\nAlphabet:\t\t\t\t", alphabet
put "Encrypted Alphabet:\t\t\t", encryptedAlphabet, '\n' ..
put "Generated an encryption key:\t\t", encryptionKey, '\n'
end if
put "\n>> Please enter a message to encrypt:\t" .. % Prompts user input
get convertMessage : * % User input
for i : 1 .. length (convertMessage ) % Scans through message to convert
if ord (convertMessage (i )) >= 97 and ord (convertMessage (i )) <= 122 then % If the character is lower case
message + = chr (ord (convertMessage (i )) - 32) % Converts to upper and appends
else % Anything but lower case remains the same
message + = convertMessage (i ) % Appends character to final message
end if
end for
for i : 1 .. length (message ) % Scans through the message
if ord (message (i )) >= 65 and ord (message (i )) <= 90 then % If the character is in the alphabet
for j : 1 .. length (encryptedAlphabet ) % Scans through encrypted alphabet
if message (i ) = alphabet (j ) then % If current letter in message matches the alphabet
encryptedMessage + = encryptedAlphabet (j ) % Appends encrypted letter to message
exit % Exits the loop to save time
end if
end for
else % If the character is not a-z
encryptedMessage + = message (i ) % Add it, unencrypted
end if
end for
/* Output for user */
put ">> Encrypted message:\t\t\t", encryptedMessage ..
put "\n>> Encryption key:\t\t\t", encryptionKey
put "\nPress any key to continue..."
/* Encrypt a message */
elsif ch = '2' then
decryptedMessage := ""
message := "" % Blanks message
put "\n>> Please enter a message to decrypt:\t" ..
get convertMessage : * % Input message
for i : 1 .. length (convertMessage ) % Scans through message to convert
if ord (convertMessage (i )) >= 97 and ord (convertMessage (i )) <= 122 then % If the character is lower case
message + = chr (ord (convertMessage (i )) - 32) % Converts lower case character to upper case character and appends it to final message
else % Anything but lower case remains the same
message + = convertMessage (i ) % Appends character to final message
end if
end for
put ">> Enter the decription key in decimal:\t" ..
var decriptionKey : int
get decriptionKey
var decryptedAlphabet : string := ""
Rand.Set (decriptionKey ) % Sets the decryption key
var decryptionLetter : array 1 .. ubound of char % Stores each letter in order
var decryptionStorage : array 1 .. ubound of char % Stores each letter perminantely
for i : 1 .. ubound % Counts the alphabet
decryptionLetter (i ) := chr (64 + i ) % Fills each letter uniquely and in order as capitals
end for
for decreasing i : ubound .. 1 % Counting alphabet backwards
randNum := Rand.Int (1, i ) % Sets random letter from 'a' to 'z,y,x...'
decryptionStorage (i ) := decryptionLetter (randNum ) % Store random letter into storage
decryptedAlphabet + = decryptionStorage (i ) % Stores the alphabet randomly
decryptionLetter (randNum ) := decryptionLetter (i ) % Sets that random letter back where it cannot be reached on next loop
end for
if debug then
put "Decrypted Alphabet:\t\t\t", decryptedAlphabet ..
put "\nAlphabet:\t\t\t\t", alphabet, '\n' ..
end if
for i : 1 .. length (message ) % Scans through the message
for j : 1 .. length (decryptedAlphabet ) % Scans through the decrypted alphabet
if message (i ) = decryptedAlphabet (j ) then % If letters match
decryptedMessage + = alphabet (j ) % Add to decrypted message
end if
end for
if ord (message (i )) < 65 or ord (message (i )) > 90 then % If character is anything but 'A' - 'Z'
decryptedMessage + = message (i ) % Add to message
end if
end for
/* Output for user */
put ">> Decrypted Message:\t\t\t", decryptedMessage
put "\nPress any key to continue..."
elsif ch = '3' then
/* View the key */
put "\n>> Current encryption key: ", encryptionKey
put "\nPress any key to continue..."
elsif ch = '4' then
/* Change the key */
put "\n>> Current encryption key: ", encryptionKey
put ">> Enter a new key: " ..
get encryptionKey
end if
end loop
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
Sorry if it's hard to read. I'm running on two 1680x1050 so I can read it all fine. |
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