Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:55 pm Post subject: Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
I have 77average
English 54
However, I did amazing on Euclid
I got 80+ Would I be able to get in to waterloo computer science?
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Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:25 pm Post subject: RE:Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
i feel your pain buddy, i feel your pain..........
good luck to you
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:39 pm Post subject: RE:Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
why don't you call, ask how much that 80+ would be worth, do the extra essays, most of call!
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:52 pm Post subject: Re: Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
I think a lot of this is misconception, sure your grades have to be good for some schools; but they are mostly looking at what you can achieve as a whole!
Just DO THE BEST YOU CAN! is the easiest way to get into university, and apply to where you want to go! sure I am currently going to University of Waterloo, and I have only one main reason that separated it from the other schools (such as UOIT if it is still called that) for me; and it is co-op. I believe no matter where one will go they will be successful as they want to be depending on the amount they want to push themselves to get those grades and to get marks.
So you should know by now that marks do not mean everything, but universities do base you on them cause they cant have interviews with every last student that applies. Choose the universities you want to go and apply to them accordingly and hope for the one you want to go to the most.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:43 pm Post subject: RE:Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
54 in english? Shouldn't that be your highest mark? IMO it's the easiest course.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:53 pm Post subject: Re: RE:Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
CodeMonkey2000 @ Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:43 pm wrote:
54 in english? Shouldn't that be your highest mark? IMO it's the easiest course.
I find that English is the subject that varies the most. I have had teachers where it was such a joke the class average was in the nineties, and others where its a struggle to stay above 80.
Heres hoping for an easy English teacher next year, I'll probably ask around and switch classes if I get unlucky.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:46 pm Post subject: Re: Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
I agree with Ultrahex here. Remember, UW is not the only school in Canada with CS.
That said, you still have a chance with that average *if* you can bring it up a bit by the end of the year. 80+ on the Euclid is certainly impressive, but they aren't going to accept you on that alone.
I was accepted with a similarly low average (79 IIRC, not including a 95 in distance pre-university calc course from UW - I'm not sure how they interpreted the calc mark, but I know it was a factor). It was a late acceptance which meant I couldn't get in co-op or rez, so I would recommend avoiding that if you can get an earlier acceptance. I'm also not sure how the admission averages have changed this year, but I know enrollment is up.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:43 pm Post subject: RE:Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
If you have a 77 avg and 54 is your lowest in English ... that means your other marks in math & comp courses must be fairly decent. and if you did well on the euclid you obviously excel in math so it depends how much they care about non-math courses. your english mark would be the only thing that would bring you down. if you have a lot of extracirriculars then you could have a decent chance.
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Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:15 pm Post subject: RE:Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
Paul, were you in any clubs or participate in any extra curricular activities? I think universities really appreciate that.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:22 pm Post subject: RE:Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
dk, i am going to be very honest with you. From what i know of u of w, there is probly litte chance you can get in with a 54 in english even if it is for a math realted program. Also an overall average of 77 is porbly cutting it close even if all your corses where in the 70s.
The good news is that it's not the end of the world and you still have options. Other universitys in ontario and canada just care about the overall average (rather then looking at each invudla class average as well) and extra curricular things more then waterloo and have lower admisions standars so you probly can get in to computer sci at many other univeritys in canada.
If you have to get in to waterloo and no other school will do then you can retake english in summer school or take another semster of high school to get your english and overall average up.
A general rule of thumb is that all your coureses should have an avarage of at least 70% and an overall average of at least 75% if you want to get in to most universitys.
Computer Science CanadaHelp with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!
Prabhakar Ragde
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 7:37 am Post subject: Re: Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
Paul: enrollment is not changing, but applications are up.
Let's turn the question around. Why does Waterloo CS/Math (and most other similar programs around the country) insist on Grade 12 English? Because it's not about just getting it running or getting the right answer. It's about communicating about your work and through your work.
Anyone capable of getting 80+ on the Euclid is capable of getting 70 or more in English. It's a matter of priorities, and the answer is not to find an "easier" teacher or to take it in summer school. The answer is to work on it and master the skills needed, which will be used in university and throughout your life. --PR
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:57 pm Post subject: Re: RE:Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
CodeMonkey2000 @ Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:15 pm wrote:
Paul, were you in any clubs or participate in any extra curricular activities? I think universities really appreciate that.
I was in model parliament, hockey, ultimate frisbee, and volunteering. I was also pretty successful in a number of local programming and math competitions, which I'm sure helped.
Paul: enrollment is not changing, but applications are up.
Oops, thanks. That's what I meant to say, but I wasn't paying enough attention to my wording.
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:20 pm Post subject: Re: Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
UW has a high admission because they have a rigorous program that not everyone can handle. Let me take a stab in the dark. You're lazy. Up until this point you have laughed at your procrastination and joked about your own laziness. It is starting to have a real effect on your life. I don't care what university you go to; if you are lazy you wil get much less out of your experience.
Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 7:06 am Post subject: Re: Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
McKenzie @ Thu May 01, 2008 8:20 pm wrote:
UW has a high admission because they have a rigorous program that not everyone can handle. Let me take a stab in the dark. You're lazy. Up until this point you have laughed at your procrastination and joked about your own laziness. It is starting to have a real effect on your life. I don't care what university you go to; if you are lazy you wil get much less out of your experience.
McKenzie is right on target - trust me man, I learned the hard way. You better take McKenzie's advice here if you don't wanna suffer later on. It takes some effort and lots and lots of cussing and patience. But you have to start doing your work. Believe me, regardless of which program you go to at University, you are expected to do work on time - nobody cuts you slack.
As per your average: I believe you need a minimum of 60% in ALL of your courses which means that you need to bring your English to atleast 60%. Also, there are SIMILAR TO COMPUTER SCIENCE programs at UW which you can enrolled into easily. I think (back in 2003), the accepting average for BioInformatics was 70-75%. They also offer Computer Science in different faculties so check out the related averages required.
Besides, University of Waterloo is not the only university, in Canada, all undergraduate programs lead to an equal standard/recognized degree. It is only graduate and PhD degrees where it matters which University you attend. Check out Ryerson University's Computer Science - a decent program and a suprisingly low requirement.
Prabhakar Ragde
Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 8:58 am Post subject: Re: Would i be able to get in to waterloo?
ali_dada @ Fri May 02, 2008 7:06 am wrote:
Also, there are SIMILAR TO COMPUTER SCIENCE programs at UW which you can enrolled into easily. I think (back in 2003), the accepting average for BioInformatics was 70-75%. They also offer Computer Science in different faculties so check out the related averages required.
Not quite. Bioinformatics is built on top of the core Bachelor of Computer Science degree, and is considered a CS program. The admission cutoffs dropped below 80% in 2003 and 2004 because of low interest, but we found that the weaker students we let in could not deal with our program, so now we do not admit students with an average below 80% unless there is other evidence that they can handle our courses. Computer Science is not offered in other Faculties. There is a program called Computational Science within the Faculty of Science, but it is a Science degree with some computational aspects. Those students take our CS minor courses.
Besides, University of Waterloo is not the only university, in Canada, all undergraduate programs lead to an equal standard/recognized degree. It is only graduate and PhD degrees where it matters which University you attend.
Not quite. Some programs are simply better than others, just as some teachers are better than others. The worst CS program in Canada is much worse than Waterloo. Waterloo has some "brand recognition" among employers, but this is dwarfed by what an individual brings to a job, and the best student in that worst program is probably better off than the worst student from Waterloo. But that best student has had to manufacture many of their own opportunities, which are a little easier to find in a good program. Five years after graduation, where you got your degree and what marks you got are irrelevant, except in terms of how they have influenced your subsequent work experience. --PR