setscreen ("graphics:150;150,nobuttonbar,title:Tic-Tac-Toe")
var board : array 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3 of int := init (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
function win : boolean
for i : 1 .. 3
if board (i, 1) not= 0 and board (i, 1) = board (i, 2) and board (i, 1) = board (i, 3) then
Draw.ThickLine ((i * 30) + 15, 115, (i * 30) + 15, 35, 3, red)
result true
end if
if board (1, i) not= 0 and board (1, i) = board (2, i) and board (1, i) = board (3, i) then
Draw.ThickLine (35, (i * 30) + 15, 115, (i * 30) + 15, 3, red)
result true
end if
end for
if board (2, 2) not= 0 and board (1, 1) = board (2, 2) and board (2, 2) = board (3, 3) then
Draw.ThickLine (35, 35, 115, 115, 3, red)
result true
elsif board (2, 2) not= 0 and (board (1, 3) = board (2, 2) and board (2, 2) = board (3, 1)) then
Draw.ThickLine (35, 115, 115, 35, 3, red)
result true
end if
result false
end win
var mx, my, mb : int
drawbox (60, 30, 90, 120, 7)
drawbox (30, 60, 120, 90, 7)
drawbox (30, 30, 120, 120, 0)
var count := Rand.Int (1, 2)
mousewhere (mx, my, mb)
if mx > 30 and mx < 120 and my > 30 and my < 120 and mb not= 0 then
if board (floor (mx / 30), floor (my / 30)) = 0 then
if count = 1 then
drawoval ((floor (mx / 30) * 30) + 15, (floor (my / 30) * 30) + 15, 10, 10, 7)
board (floor (mx / 30), floor (my / 30)) := 1
elsif count = 2 then
drawline ((floor (mx / 30) * 30) + 5, (floor (my / 30) * 30) + 5, (floor (mx / 30) * 30) + 25, (floor (my / 30) * 30) + 25, 7)
drawline ((floor (mx / 30) * 30) + 5, (floor (my / 30) * 30) + 25, (floor (mx / 30) * 30) + 25, (floor (my / 30) * 30) + 5, 7)
board (floor (mx / 30), floor (my / 30)) := 2
end if
count := (count mod 2) + 1
end if
end if
mousewhere (mx, my, mb)
exit when mb = 0
end loop
exit when win
end loop