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 A Series of Questions
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 9:34 pm   Post subject: A Series of Questions

Just started HTML a week ago and have no clue how to use it. The tutorials are not helping me in the desired areas and was needing some help. I have quite a few problems and was wondering how it could be solved. Thanks for the help.

A) Adding more than one picture in a single line. (Ex. Having one big picture in the middle and 4 smaller pictures at the left and right sides without putting them in a new line. Guessing a table is needed.)

B) A complete hand to hand walkthrough of webpage footers.

C) Adding a borderline through and behind a picture. (Ex. -----O-----) Going through the picture but then hidden where the picture lines exist.)

Again, thanks for the help and sorry if I said something that has already been posted or answered.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:21 pm   Post subject: Re: A Series of Questions

fear01 wrote:
A) Adding more than one picture in a single line. (Ex. Having one big picture in the middle and 4 smaller pictures at the left and right sides without putting them in a new line. Guessing a table is needed.)
Instead of placing each image inside paragraph tags, put them all inside the same tag.

Don't do:
<p><img src="image.ext" alt="alternate text" /></p>
<p><img src="image1.ext" alt="alt text 1" /><img src="image2.ext" alt="alt text 2" /><img src="image3.ext" alt="alt text 3" /></p>
You could use tables for better alignment, but they're easy to get confused with when dealing with bigger designs.

fear01 wrote:
B) A complete hand to hand walkthrough of webpage footers.
What exactly do you mean by webpage footers? Something like the following?
There have been 1000 unique hits in the past week.
Powered by phpBB 2.0.11 © 2001, 2002 phpBB Group
That's done with PHP, not quite HTML. Although most web languages can be used to include footers as well.

fear01 wrote:
C) Adding a borderline through and behind a picture. (Ex. -----O-----) Going through the picture but then hidden where the picture lines exist.)
I'm a little confused over this one as well. You want the line to go behind the picture, but in the middle of it? If that's the case, try this.
<p style="z-index:2;"><img src="image.ext" /></p><p style="top:100px;"><hr /></p>
Provided the image is only 200 px high, it should work well. I'm not 100% sure if it'll work, but it should.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 7:01 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Thank you for the help, but I was wondering if anyone would like to help me with some other things as well. Like I have said I have been working with HTML for a week and do not know the full extent of its power. Therefore I was wondering if anyone could help me with the following:

A) Anyway to make a navigation bar the opens with the options without having to click. Someone similar to the image swap thing in which when you put your mouse over it, the icon changes. But for navigation bars.

B) Yes, a HTML footer that displays the time, date, and last modified at thing.

C) having a faded background picture that is in the centered and not tiled.

D) A search feature.

Thats about it for now, and thank you for all the help and its members!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 7:46 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

fear01 wrote:
Thank you for the help, but I was wondering if anyone would like to help me with some other things as well. Like I have said I have been working with HTML for a week and do not know the full extent of its power. Therefore I was wondering if anyone could help me with the following:

A) Anyway to make a navigation bar the opens with the options without having to click. Someone similar to the image swap thing in which when you put your mouse over it, the icon changes. But for navigation bars.
You'll have to explain this a bit more, but I imagine it's possible using javascript and CSS.

fear01 wrote:
B) Yes, a HTML footer that displays the time, date, and last modified at thing.
If you want it to display an updating current time you need to use Javascript. If you want to show the time the page was loaded, again Javascript. Unless you are dynamically generating content then it's by far easiest to just write the last modified date into the page.

fear01 wrote:
C) having a faded background picture that is in the centered and not tiled.
Using CSS that's not too hard. Really using CSS and xhtml anything is possible in supported browsers. IE is not a supported browser however.

fear01 wrote:
D) A search feature.
Search requires more then just HTML unless you are using Google and it's site search feature. You'd have to go look at the google site to find out how to do that... or google for it Razz

If you could post a link to the pages you've created that might help us out...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:03 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

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