Battleship Help
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Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:35 pm Post subject: Battleship Help |
What is it you are trying to achieve?
Determine a hit or a miss in battleship.
What is the problem you are having?
When trying to determine hit/miss by coordinate, problem drawign grid, if you minimize then maximize the window, grid will finish drawing, and it gets stuckk in my "guesscheck" procedure.
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Turing: |
setscreen ("graphics: 660;660;offscreenonly;nocursor")
var shiplocx: array 1.. 17 of int
var shiplocy: array 1.. 17 of int
var gridcheckx:= 335
var gridchecky:= 305
var a:= 0
var x := 30
var y := 570
var subx := 30
var suby := 540
var desx := 30
var desy := 540
var pboatmov, submov, desmov,batmov,acmov : array char of boolean
var map : array 1 .. 2 of int
var sbcheck := 0
var subcount, descount,batcount,account := 1
var compx, compy, compx1, compy1, compx2, compy2, compx3, compy3,compx4,compy4, dir, dir1, dir2, dir3,dir4 : int
var compcount := 0
var gridx, gridy, gridx1, gridy1 : int
var patrol, sub, des,bat,ac : int
var next := 0
var batx := 30
var acx := 30
var baty := 510
var acy := 480
var guesscheck:= 0
patrol := Pic.FileNew ("pboat.gif")
sub := Pic.FileNew ("submarine.gif")
des := Pic.FileNew ("destroyer.gif")
var pboatcheck, subcheck, descheck,batcheck,accheck := 0
var subrotatecheck : int
var subrtate, pboatrotate, desrotatecheck,batrotatecheck,acrotatecheck : int
var target: int
var guessx,guessy: int
guessx:= 330
guessy:= 300
var guess: array char of boolean
subrtate := 0
pboatrotate := 0
subrotatecheck := 0
desrotatecheck := 0
batrotatecheck:= 0
acrotatecheck:= 0
var compcheck:= 0
proc Guess
if guesscheck= 1 then
target := Pic.FileNew ("target.gif")
Pic.Draw (target, guessx, guessy, picMerge)
Pic.Free (target )
Input.KeyDown (guess )
if guess (KEY_UP_ARROW) and guessy< 300 then
guessy + = 30
elsif guess (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and guessy> 30 then
guessy - = 30
elsif guess (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and guessx> 330 then
guessx - = 30
elsif guess (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and guessx<600then
guessx + = 30
elsif guess (KEY_ENTER ) then
% guessloc:=1
end if
end if
end Guess
proc gridcheck
put gridcheckx
if whatdotcolor (gridcheckx,gridchecky ) = 15 then
shiplocx (a ):=gridcheckx
shiplocy (a ):=gridcheckya `
a+= 1
end if
gridcheckx+= 30
gridchecky+= 30
exit when a= 18 or gridcheckx>= 600 and gridchecky < 30
end loop
put shiplocx (10)
end gridcheck
proc grid
var gridx, gridy, gridx1, gridy1 : int
gridx := Pic.FileNew ("1-10.jpg")
gridy := Pic.FileNew ("1-10-2.jpg")
gridx1 := Pic.FileNew ("1-10-reverse.jpg")
gridy1 := Pic.FileNew ("1-10-2-reverse.jpg")
drawfillbox (0, 660, 330, 330, black)
drawbox (0, 660, 330, 330, brightred)
drawbox (1, 659, 329, 331, brightred)
drawline (30, 660, 30, 330, brightred)
drawline (60, 660, 60, 330, brightred)
drawline (90, 660, 90, 330, brightred)
drawline (120, 660, 120, 330, brightred)
drawline (150, 660, 150, 330, brightred)
drawline (180, 660, 180, 330, brightred)
drawline (210, 660, 210, 330, brightred)
drawline (240, 660, 240, 330, brightred)
drawline (270, 660, 270, 330, brightred)
drawline (300, 660, 300, 330, brightred)
drawline (0, 630, 330, 630, brightred)
drawline (0, 600, 330, 600, brightred)
drawline (0, 570, 330, 570, brightred)
drawline (0, 540, 330, 540, brightred)
drawline (0, 510, 330, 510, brightred)
drawline (0, 480, 330, 480, brightred)
drawline (0, 450, 330, 450, brightred)
drawline (0, 420, 330, 420, brightred)
drawline (0, 390, 330, 390, brightred)
drawline (0, 360, 330, 360, brightred)
Pic.Draw (gridx, 0, 630, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (gridy, 0, 330, picCopy)
Pic.Free (gridx )
Pic.Free (gridy )
drawfillbox (330, 330, 660, 0, black)
drawbox (330, 330, 660, 0, brightred)
drawbox (331, 329, 659, 1, brightred)
drawline (360, 330, 360, 0, brightred)
drawline (390, 330, 390, 0, brightred)
drawline (420, 330, 420, 0, brightred)
drawline (450, 330, 450, 0, brightred)
drawline (480, 330, 480, 0, brightred)
drawline (510, 330, 510, 0, brightred)
drawline (540, 330, 540, 0, brightred)
drawline (570, 330, 570, 0, brightred)
drawline (600, 330, 600, 0, brightred)
drawline (630, 330, 630, 0, brightred)
drawline (330, 300, 660, 300, brightred)
drawline (330, 270, 660, 270, brightred)
drawline (330, 240, 660, 240, brightred)
drawline (330, 210, 660, 210, brightred)
drawline (330, 180, 660, 180, brightred)
drawline (330, 150, 660, 150, brightred)
drawline (330, 120, 660, 120, brightred)
drawline (330, 90, 660, 90, brightred)
drawline (330, 60, 660, 60, brightred)
drawline (330, 30, 660, 30, brightred)
Pic.Draw (gridx1, 330, 0, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (gridy1, 630, 0, picCopy)
Pic.Free (gridx1 )
Pic.Free (gridy1 )
end grid
proc comp
if compcheck= 0 then
gridx := Pic.FileNew ("1-10.jpg")
gridy := Pic.FileNew ("1-10-2.jpg")
gridx1 := Pic.FileNew ("1-10-reverse.jpg")
gridy1 := Pic.FileNew ("1-10-2-reverse.jpg")
drawfillbox (0, 660, 330, 330, black)
drawbox (0, 660, 330, 330, brightred)
drawbox (1, 659, 329, 331, brightred)
drawline (30, 660, 30, 330, brightred)
drawline (60, 660, 60, 330, brightred)
drawline (90, 660, 90, 330, brightred)
drawline (120, 660, 120, 330, brightred)
drawline (150, 660, 150, 330, brightred)
drawline (180, 660, 180, 330, brightred)
drawline (210, 660, 210, 330, brightred)
drawline (240, 660, 240, 330, brightred)
drawline (270, 660, 270, 330, brightred)
drawline (300, 660, 300, 330, brightred)
drawline (0, 630, 330, 630, brightred)
drawline (0, 600, 330, 600, brightred)
drawline (0, 570, 330, 570, brightred)
drawline (0, 540, 330, 540, brightred)
drawline (0, 510, 330, 510, brightred)
drawline (0, 480, 330, 480, brightred)
drawline (0, 450, 330, 450, brightred)
drawline (0, 420, 330, 420, brightred)
drawline (0, 390, 330, 390, brightred)
drawline (0, 360, 330, 360, brightred)
Pic.Draw (gridx, 0, 630, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (gridy, 0, 330, picCopy)
Pic.Free (gridx )
Pic.Free (gridy )
drawfillbox (330, 330, 660, 0, black)
drawbox (330, 330, 660, 0, brightred)
drawbox (331, 329, 659, 1, brightred)
drawline (360, 330, 360, 0, brightred)
drawline (390, 330, 390, 0, brightred)
drawline (420, 330, 420, 0, brightred)
drawline (450, 330, 450, 0, brightred)
drawline (480, 330, 480, 0, brightred)
drawline (510, 330, 510, 0, brightred)
drawline (540, 330, 540, 0, brightred)
drawline (570, 330, 570, 0, brightred)
drawline (600, 330, 600, 0, brightred)
drawline (630, 330, 630, 0, brightred)
drawline (330, 300, 660, 300, brightred)
drawline (330, 270, 660, 270, brightred)
drawline (330, 240, 660, 240, brightred)
drawline (330, 210, 660, 210, brightred)
drawline (330, 180, 660, 180, brightred)
drawline (330, 150, 660, 150, brightred)
drawline (330, 120, 660, 120, brightred)
drawline (330, 90, 660, 90, brightred)
drawline (330, 60, 660, 60, brightred)
drawline (330, 30, 660, 30, brightred)
Pic.Draw (gridx1, 330, 0, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (gridy1, 630, 0, picCopy)
Pic.Free (gridx1 )
Pic.Free (gridy1 )
randint (compx, 1, 10)
randint (compy, 1, 10)
compx := 330 + compx * 30
compy := compy * 30
randint (dir, 1, 4)
if dir = 1 and compy < 270 and compx < 630 then
drawfillbox (compx, compy, compx + 30, compy + 60, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx, compy, compx + 30, compy + 60, black)
compcount := 1
elsif dir = 2 and compy > 90 and compx < 630 then
drawfillbox (compx, compy, compx + 30, compy - 60, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx, compy, compx + 30, compy - 60, black)
compcount := 1
elsif dir = 3 and compx > 390 and compy < 300 then
drawfillbox (compx, compy, compx - 60, compy + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx, compy, compx - 60, compy + 30, black)
compcount := 1
elsif dir = 4 and compx < 600 and compy < 300 then
drawfillbox (compx, compy, compx + 60, compy + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx, compy, compx + 60, compy + 30, black)
compcount := 1
randint (compx, 1, 10)
randint (compy, 1, 10)
compx := 330 + compx * 30
compy := compy * 30
randint (dir, 1, 4)
end if
exit when compcount = 1
end loop
randint (compx1, 1, 10)
randint (compy1, 1, 10)
compx1 := 330 + compx1 * 30
compy1 := compy1 * 30
randint (dir1, 1, 4)
if dir1 = 1 and compy1 < 240 and compx1 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 + 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 + 65) not= darkgrey then %UP
drawfillbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 + 30, compy1 + 90, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 + 30, compy1 + 90, black)
compcount := 2
elsif dir1 = 2 and compy1 > 120 and compx1 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 - 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 - 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 - 65) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 + 30, compy1 - 90, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 + 30, compy1 - 90, 7)
compcount := 2
elsif dir1 = 3 and compx1 > 420 and compy1 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx1 - 5, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 - 35, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 - 65, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 - 90, compy1 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 - 90, compy1 + 30, 7)
compcount := 2
elsif dir1 = 4 and compx1 < 570 and compy1 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 35, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 65, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 + 90, compy1 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 + 90, compy1 + 30, 7)
compcount := 2
randint (compx1, 1, 10)
randint (compy1, 1, 10)
compx1 := 330 + compx1 * 30
compy1 := compy1 * 30
randint (dir1, 1, 4)
end if
exit when compcount = 2
end loop
randint (compx2, 1, 10)
randint (compy2, 1, 10)
compx2 := 330 + compx2 * 30
compy2 := compy2 * 30
randint (dir2, 1, 4)
if dir2 = 1 and compy2 < 240 and compx2 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 + 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 + 65) not= darkgrey then %UP
drawfillbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 + 30, compy2 + 90, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 + 30, compy2 + 90, 7)
compcount := 3
elsif dir2 = 2 and compy2 > 120 and compx2 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 - 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 - 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 - 65) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 + 30, compy2 - 90, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 + 30, compy2 - 90, 7)
compcount := 3
elsif dir2 = 3 and compx2 > 420 and compy2 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx2 - 5, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 - 35, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 - 65, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 - 90, compy2 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 - 90, compy2 + 30, 7)
compcount := 3
elsif dir2 = 4 and compx2 < 570 and compy2 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 35, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 65, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 + 90, compy2 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 + 90, compy2 + 30, 7)
compcount := 3
randint (compx2, 1, 10)
randint (compy2, 1, 10)
compx2 := 330 + compx2 * 30
compy2 := compy2 * 30
randint (dir2, 1, 4)
end if
exit when compcount = 3
end loop
randint (compx3, 1, 10)
randint (compy3, 1, 10)
compx3 := 330 + compx3 * 30
compy3 := compy3 * 30
randint (dir3, 1, 4)
if dir3 = 1 and compy3 < 210 and compx3 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 + 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 + 65) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 + 95) not= darkgrey then %UP
drawfillbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 + 30, compy3 + 120, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 + 30, compy3 + 120, 7)
compcount := 4
elsif dir3 = 2 and compy3 > 150 and compx3 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 - 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 - 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 - 65) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 - 95) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 + 30, compy3 - 120, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 + 30, compy3 - 120, 7)
compcount := 4
elsif dir3 = 3 and compx3 > 450 and compy3 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx3 - 5, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 - 35, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 - 65, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 - 95, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 - 120, compy3 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 - 120, compy3 + 30, 7)
compcount := 4
elsif dir3 = 4 and compx3 < 540 and compy3 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 35, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 65, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 95, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 + 120, compy3 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 + 120, compy3 + 30, 7)
compcount := 4
randint (compx3, 1, 10)
randint (compy3, 1, 10)
compx3 := 330 + compx3 * 30
compy3 := compy3 * 30
randint (dir3, 1, 4)
end if
exit when compcount = 4
end loop
randint (compx4, 1, 10)
randint (compy4, 1, 10)
compx4 := 330 + compx4 * 30
compy4 := compy4 * 30
randint (dir4, 1, 4)
if dir4 = 1 and compy4 < 180 and compx4 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 + 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 + 65) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 + 95) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 + 125) not= darkgrey then %UP
drawfillbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 + 30, compy4 + 150, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 + 30, compy4 + 150, 7)
compcount := 5
elsif dir4 = 2 and compy4 > 180 and compx4 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 - 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 - 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 - 65) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 - 95) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 - 125) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 + 30, compy4 - 150, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 + 30, compy4 - 150, 7)
compcount := 5
elsif dir4 = 3 and compx4 > 480 and compy4 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx4 - 5, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 - 35, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 - 65, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 - 95, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 - 125, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 - 150, compy4 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 - 150, compy4 + 30, 7)
compcount := 5
elsif dir4 = 4 and compx4 < 510 and compy4 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 35, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 65, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 95, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 125, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 + 150, compy4 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 + 150, compy4 + 30, 7)
compcount := 5
randint (compx4, 1, 10)
randint (compy4, 1, 10)
compx4 := 330 + compx4 * 30
compy4 := compy4 * 30
randint (dir4, 1, 4)
end if
exit when compcount = 5
end loop
compcheck:= 1
elsif compcheck= 1 then
if dir = 1 and compy < 270 and compx < 630 then
drawfillbox (compx, compy, compx + 30, compy + 60, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx, compy, compx + 30, compy + 60, black)
compcount := 1
elsif dir = 2 and compy > 90 and compx < 630 then
drawfillbox (compx, compy, compx + 30, compy - 60, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx, compy, compx + 30, compy - 60, black)
compcount := 1
elsif dir = 3 and compx > 390 and compy < 300 then
drawfillbox (compx, compy, compx - 60, compy + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx, compy, compx - 60, compy + 30, black)
compcount := 1
elsif dir = 4 and compx < 600 and compy < 300 then
drawfillbox (compx, compy, compx + 60, compy + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx, compy, compx + 60, compy + 30, black)
compcount := 1
end if
if dir1 = 1 and compy1 < 240 and compx1 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 + 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 + 65) not= darkgrey then %UP
drawfillbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 + 30, compy1 + 90, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 + 30, compy1 + 90, black)
compcount := 2
elsif dir1 = 2 and compy1 > 120 and compx1 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 - 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 - 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 - 65) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 + 30, compy1 - 90, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 + 30, compy1 - 90, 7)
compcount := 2
elsif dir1 = 3 and compx1 > 420 and compy1 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx1 - 5, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 - 35, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 - 65, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 - 90, compy1 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 - 90, compy1 + 30, 7)
compcount := 2
elsif dir1 = 4 and compx1 < 570 and compy1 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 5, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 35, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx1 + 65, compy1 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 + 90, compy1 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx1, compy1, compx1 + 90, compy1 + 30, 7)
compcount := 2
end if
if dir2 = 1 and compy2 < 240 and compx2 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 + 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 + 65) not= darkgrey then %UP
drawfillbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 + 30, compy2 + 90, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 + 30, compy2 + 90, 7)
compcount := 3
elsif dir2 = 2 and compy2 > 120 and compx2 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 - 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 - 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 - 65) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 + 30, compy2 - 90, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 + 30, compy2 - 90, 7)
compcount := 3
elsif dir2 = 3 and compx2 > 420 and compy2 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx2 - 5, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 - 35, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 - 65, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 - 90, compy2 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 - 90, compy2 + 30, 7)
compcount := 3
elsif dir2 = 4 and compx2 < 570 and compy2 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 5, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 35, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx2 + 65, compy2 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 + 90, compy2 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx2, compy2, compx2 + 90, compy2 + 30, 7)
compcount := 3
end if
if dir3 = 1 and compy3 < 210 and compx3 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 + 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 + 65) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 + 95) not= darkgrey then %UP
drawfillbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 + 30, compy3 + 120, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 + 30, compy3 + 120, 7)
compcount := 4
elsif dir3 = 2 and compy3 > 150 and compx3 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 - 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 - 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 - 65) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 - 95) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 + 30, compy3 - 120, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 + 30, compy3 - 120, 7)
compcount := 4
elsif dir3 = 3 and compx3 > 450 and compy3 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx3 - 5, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 - 35, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 - 65, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 - 95, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 - 120, compy3 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 - 120, compy3 + 30, 7)
compcount := 4
elsif dir3 = 4 and compx3 < 540 and compy3 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 5, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 35, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 65, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx3 + 95, compy3 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 + 120, compy3 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx3, compy3, compx3 + 120, compy3 + 30, 7)
compcount := 4
end if
if dir4 = 1 and compy4 < 180 and compx4 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 + 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 + 65) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 + 95) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 + 125) not= darkgrey then %UP
drawfillbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 + 30, compy4 + 150, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 + 30, compy4 + 150, 7)
compcount := 5
elsif dir4 = 2 and compy4 > 180 and compx4 < 630 and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 - 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 - 35) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 - 65) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 - 95) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 - 125) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 + 30, compy4 - 150, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 + 30, compy4 - 150, 7)
compcount := 5
elsif dir4 = 3 and compx4 > 480 and compy4 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx4 - 5, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 - 35, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 - 65, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 - 95, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 - 125, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 - 150, compy4 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 - 150, compy4 + 30, 7)
compcount := 5
elsif dir4 = 4 and compx4 < 510 and compy4 < 300 and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 5, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 35, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 65, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 95, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey and whatdotcolor (compx4 + 125, compy4 + 5) not= darkgrey then
drawfillbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 + 150, compy4 + 30, darkgrey)
drawbox (compx4, compy4, compx4 + 150, compy4 + 30, 7)
compcount := 5
end if
end if
end comp
proc place
Pic.Free (patrol )
patrol := Pic.FileNew ("pboat.gif")
if pboatrotate = 1 then
patrol := Pic.Rotate (patrol, 90, - 1, - 1)
end if
Pic.Draw (patrol, x, y, picCopy)
if pboatcheck = 0 then
Input.KeyDown (pboatmov )
if pboatmov (KEY_UP_ARROW) and y < 570 and pboatrotate = 0 then
y + = 30
elsif pboatmov (KEY_UP_ARROW) and y < 600 and pboatrotate = 1 then
y + = 30
end if
if pboatmov (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and y > 350 and pboatrotate = 0 then
y - = 30
elsif pboatmov (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and y > 350 and pboatrotate = 1 then
y - = 30
end if
if pboatmov (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and x > 30 and pboatrotate = 0 then
x - = 30
elsif pboatmov (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and x > 30 and pboatrotate = 1 then
x - = 30
end if
if pboatmov (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and x < 300 and pboatrotate = 0 then
x + = 30
elsif pboatmov (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and x < 270 and pboatrotate = 1 then
x + = 30
end if
if pboatmov (' ') then
if pboatrotate = 0 and x + 35 < 300 then
pboatrotate := 1
elsif pboatrotate = 1 and y + 35 < 570 then
pboatrotate := 0
end if
end if
if pboatmov (KEY_ENTER ) then
pboatcheck := 1
subcheck := 1
end if
end if
if pboatcheck = 1 then
sub := Pic.FileNew ("submarine.gif")
if subrotatecheck = 1 then
sub := Pic.Rotate (sub, 90, - 1, - 1)
end if
Pic.Draw (sub, subx, suby, picCopy)
Pic.Free (sub )
end if
if subcheck = 1 then
Input.KeyDown (submov )
if submov (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
if subrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (subx + 5, suby + 95) not= 15 and suby < 540 then
suby + = 30
elsif subrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (subx + 5, suby + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (subx + 35, suby + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (subx + 65, suby + 35) not= 15 and suby < 600
suby + = 30
end if
elsif submov (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and suby > 350 then
if subrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (subx + 5, suby - 5) not= 15 then
suby - = 30
elsif subrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (subx + 5, suby - 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (subx + 35, suby - 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (subx + 65, suby - 5) not= 15 then
suby - = 30
end if
elsif submov (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and subx > 30 then
if subrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (subx - 5, suby + 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (subx - 5, suby + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (subx - 5, suby + 65) not= 15 then
subx - = 30
elsif subrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (subx - 5, suby + 5) not= 15 then
subx - = 30
end if
elsif submov (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
if subrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (subx + 35, suby + 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (subx + 35, suby + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (subx + 35, suby + 65) not= 15 and subx < 300 then
subx + = 30
elsif subrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (subx + 95, suby + 5) not= 15 and subx < 240 then
subx + = 30
end if
elsif submov (' ') then
if subrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (subx + 38, suby + 3) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (subx + 64, suby + 3) not= 15 and subx+ 89 < 330 then
subrotatecheck := 1
elsif subrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (subx + 3, suby + 38) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (subx + 3, suby + 64) not= 15 and suby+ 95< 660 then
subrotatecheck := 0
end if
elsif submov (KEY_ENTER ) and subcount = 2 then
sbcheck := 2
subcheck := 2
end if
end if
if pboatcheck = 1 then
subcount := 2
end if
if sbcheck >= 2 then
des := Pic.FileNew ("submarine.gif")
if desrotatecheck = 1 then
des := Pic.Rotate (des, 90, - 1, - 1)
end if
Pic.Draw (des, desx, desy, picCopy)
Pic.Free (des )
end if
if subcheck = 2 then
Input.KeyDown (desmov )
if desmov (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
if desrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (desx + 5, desy + 95) not= 15 and desy < 540 then
desy + = 30
elsif desrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (desx + 5, desy + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (desx + 35, desy + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (desx + 65, desy + 35) not= 15 and desy < 600
desy + = 30
end if
elsif desmov (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and desy > 350 then
if desrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (desx + 5, desy - 5) not= 15 then
desy - = 30
elsif desrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (desx + 5, desy - 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (desx + 35, desy - 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (desx + 65, desy - 5) not= 15 then
desy - = 30
end if
elsif desmov (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and desx > 30 then
if desrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (desx - 5, desy + 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (desx - 5, desy + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (desx - 5, desy + 65) not= 15 then
desx - = 30
elsif desrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (desx - 5, desy + 5) not= 15 then
desx - = 30
end if
elsif desmov (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
if desrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (desx + 35, desy + 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (desx + 35, desy + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (desx + 35, desy + 65) not= 15 and desx < 300 then
desx + = 30
elsif desrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (desx + 95, desy + 5) not= 15 and desx < 240 then
desx + = 30
end if
elsif desmov (' ') then
if desrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (desx + 38, desy + 3) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (desx + 64, desy + 3) not= 15 and desx+ 89 < 330 then
desrotatecheck := 1
elsif desrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (desx + 3, desy + 38) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (desx + 3, desy + 64) not= 15 and desy+ 95< 660 then
desrotatecheck := 0
end if
elsif desmov (KEY_ENTER ) and descount = 2 then
subcheck := 3
sbcheck:= 3
end if
end if
if subcheck= 2 then
descount := 2
end if
if sbcheck >= 3 then
bat := Pic.FileNew ("battleship.gif")
if batrotatecheck = 1 then
bat := Pic.Rotate (bat, 90, - 1, - 1)
end if
Pic.Draw (bat, batx, baty, picCopy)
Pic.Free (bat )
end if
if subcheck = 3 then
Input.KeyDown (batmov )
if batmov (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
if batrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (batx + 5, baty + 125) not= 15 and baty < 510 then
baty + = 30
elsif batrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (batx + 5, baty + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx + 35, baty + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx + 65, baty + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx + 95, baty + 35) not= 15 and baty < 600
baty + = 30
end if
elsif batmov (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and baty > 350 then
if batrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (batx + 5, baty - 5) not= 15 then
baty - = 30
elsif batrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (batx + 5, baty - 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx + 35, baty - 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx + 65, baty - 5) not= 15 then
baty - = 30
end if
elsif batmov (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and batx > 30 then
if batrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (batx - 5, baty + 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx - 5, baty + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx - 5, baty + 65) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx - 5, baty + 95) not= 15 then
batx - = 30
elsif batrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (batx - 5, baty + 5) not= 15 then
batx - = 30
end if
elsif batmov (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
if batrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (batx + 35, baty + 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx + 35, baty + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx + 35, baty + 65) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx + 35, baty + 95) not= 15 and batx < 300 then
batx + = 30
elsif batrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (batx + 125, baty + 5) not= 15 and batx < 210 then
batx + = 30
end if
elsif batmov (' ') then
if batrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (batx + 38, baty + 3) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx + 64, baty + 3) not= 15 and batx+ 119 < 330 then
batrotatecheck := 1
elsif batrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (batx + 3, baty + 38) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (batx + 3, baty + 64) not= 15 and baty+ 125< 660 then
batrotatecheck := 0
end if
elsif batmov (KEY_ENTER ) and batcount = 2 then
batcheck := 2
sbcheck:= 4
subcheck:= 4
end if
end if
if subcheck = 3 then
batcount := 2
end if
if sbcheck >= 4 then
ac := Pic.FileNew ("carrier.gif")
if acrotatecheck = 1 then
ac := Pic.Rotate (ac, 90, - 1, - 1)
end if
Pic.Draw (ac, acx,acy, picCopy)
Pic.Free (ac )
end if
if subcheck = 4 then
Input.KeyDown (acmov )
if acmov (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
if acrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (acx + 5, acy + 95) not= 15 and acy < 540 then
acy + = 30
elsif acrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (acx + 5, acy + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (acx + 35, acy + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (acx + 65, acy + 35) not= 15 and acy < 600
acy + = 30
end if
elsif acmov (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and acy > 350 then
if acrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (acx + 5, acy - 5) not= 15 then
acy - = 30
elsif acrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (acx + 5, acy - 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (acx + 35, acy - 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (acx + 65, acy - 5) not= 15 then
acy - = 30
end if
elsif acmov (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and acx > 30 then
if acrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (acx - 5, acy + 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (acx - 5, acy + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (acx - 5, acy + 65) not= 15 then
acx - = 30
elsif acrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (acx - 5, acy + 5) not= 15 then
acx - = 30
end if
elsif acmov (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
if acrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (acx + 35, acy + 5) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (acx + 35, acy + 35) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (acx + 35, acy + 65) not= 15 and acx < 300 then
acx + = 30
elsif acrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (acx + 95, acy + 5) not= 15 and acx < 240 then
acx + = 30
end if
elsif acmov (' ') then
if acrotatecheck = 0 and whatdotcolor (acx + 38, acy + 3) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (acx + 64, acy + 3) not= 15 and acx+ 149 < 330 then
acrotatecheck := 1
elsif acrotatecheck = 1 and whatdotcolor (acx + 3, acy + 38) not= 15 and whatdotcolor (acx + 3, acy + 64) not= 15 and acy+ 155< 660 then
acrotatecheck := 0
end if
elsif acmov (KEY_ENTER ) and account = 2 then
subcheck:= 5
guesscheck:= 1
end if
end if
if subcheck = 4 then
account:= 2
end if
end place
proc main
delay (100)
end main
end loop
end loop
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Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:42 pm Post subject: RE:Battleship Help |
the exit when in gridcheck may never be true.
first off what is the variable gridcheckya cuz you have it in gridcheck but nowhere else. also does a ever equal 18 or does gridchecky ever go below 30 (it can't when you keep adding to gridchecky) |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:28 pm Post subject: Re: RE:Battleship Help |
mirhagk @ Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:42 pm wrote: the exit when in gridcheck may never be true.
first off what is the variable gridcheckya cuz you have it in gridcheck but nowhere else. also does a ever equal 18 or does gridchecky ever go below 30 (it can't when you keep adding to gridchecky)
Yea, dumb mistake was in a rush as the bell rang when i was writing that and wanted to get to lunch. Will possibly need more help. You will all know if i do soon. |
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