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 MIPS vs x86 assembly language
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:30 pm   Post subject: MIPS vs x86 assembly language

Hello there,
I study at York University, Toronto. I have a question regarding the course im taking right now.
It is Computer Organization CSE2021. Basically, what we learn there is:
- translating code to assembly using SPIM simulator
- verilog HDL
- and many more complicated stuff

So the question is: Why other universities study x86 assembly, for example in CarletonU(Ottawa)... others prefer MIPS?
And what is more perspective nowadays?

Thanx in advance!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:45 pm   Post subject: RE:MIPS vs x86 assembly language

MIPS is simpler, and so it could be studied in full and in greater detail. 2nd year Waterloo course builds a compiler for the MIPS architecture. In parallel, there's also a hardware architecture course -- something that would not be practical to do with a CISC architecture such as x86.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:46 pm   Post subject: Re: MIPS vs x86 assembly language

And what is more perspective nowadays?

Personal answer; study MIPS, RISC and remove complexity from the world.

Professional answer; like it or not, humans love complexity and pay bigger bucks for large, complex, hard to grasp in entirety, easily broken systems. These systems come with a counter-productive, human "I figured it out, armn't I smart" response and that's what bosses and customers pay for. A sense that they are smart, and that you helped them look smart. Even though we all know deep down that the solution is for crap and far too expensive. Intel, Oracle, SAP, Windows, C++; the list of successful (and in my humble opinion) yet broken technology is long indeed. The list of successful (meaning successful in the mainstream) yet small and beautiful technology is far shorter than science should dictate. Human nature wins over science just about every time.

Choose a path. Honour, inner peace and a sense of lone wolf ... or ... more/easier money and going with the flow.

I try and rail against complexity but have experienced periods of unemployment because of that stance.

In defence of the large. One of the neat things about big applications and frameworks is that while they may be easily broken, they don't usually fall down. At any given moment; most parts work, most data is safe and most people that need to use the system can get on with their day unhindered. But ... someone will have grief, usually a lot of it, and usually avoidable.

One down side to small and beautiful is that if the "does one thing and does it well" is broken for the task at hand, sometimes the task can't be completed until "small" single purpose replacements are found. If that task is on or near the critical path, it can be stressful for everyone.

The same defence goes for chips and assembly instructions. Complex can be ok, but in my humble, should not dominate. But it does, so when you need to be professional, you suck up any personal feelings and get on with carpe per diem (seize the money). Wink

Edits; plentiful, magic "not space" whitespace from a clipboard
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