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 RIM stocks in the dumps heard rumor about google buying them? what is going on?!
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:00 pm   Post subject: RIM stocks in the dumps heard rumor about google buying them? what is going on?!

So RIM has apparently lost value (20bucks now highest was 80) and many people are speculating that the company is going to fold, but I have also heard the rumor that Google may buy out RIM.
If anyone can add some KNOWLEDGE BASED input that would be great.

p.s - Should I buy RIM stocks no yay/nay simply on the fact if they do start to go under... but Google buys them and they stay as RIM it could become worth a lot more. Then again if Google outright buys them...then what?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:15 pm   Post subject: Re: RIM stocks in the dumps heard rumor about google buying them? what is going on?!

ecookman @ Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:00 pm wrote:
p.s - Should I buy RIM stocks no yay/nay simply on the fact if they do start to go under... but Google buys them and they stay as RIM it could become worth a lot more. Then again if Google outright buys them...then what?
I would think that short-selling them now would be a good idea...and then you can even out if such news comes out. Until then, you could make at least some money from their ongoing failure.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:20 am   Post subject: Re: RIM stocks in the dumps heard rumor about google buying them? what is going on?!

Well, you can read about their current financial situation in articles such as this. They may not be doing as well as they have in the past, but they're far from dead. The people predicting the death of the company are the same ones who drink kool-aid.

Let's not forget a certain fruity company who 10+ years ago was pronounced dead.
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