Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:47 am Post subject: Sorting
many programmers have problems with sorting large amounts of data...but is there really an easy way
Bubble Sorting-
bubble sorting seems to be the easiest way to sort out a large amount of data but is also the most inefficient..
Make a bubble sorting program for the following text file with 1000 numbers (1-100)
buble sorting works on he basis of
a being ur first number in the set
b being the second
c being a helper variable
so u compare
a < b,a>b, a=b
if a is smaller than the second ...thats we leave it
if a is larger than b....we know b must go first then... but how do we switch it?
here come our helper variable c
so u assign b - c...then a-b then b-a and everything switched nice and easy....
but how efficient is our code? how do we find out?
well that easy
for every "swap" occuring u increase a counter and you have how many swaps occured....
usualy thats as low as u can get for bubble sorting..
here comes the tricky part...
for every compare u do ur counter increases by 1
if u have an if statement that has the following if
a < b,a>b, a=b
u cant increase te counter for each by 1.....!
for the first u increase it by 1..
for the second u increase by 2(rember u also compared it with the first and the second)
and forthe 3rd u increase it by 3!
there must be a more efficient way than this!
to see who make the most efficient bubble sorting program with the least number of compares and swaps
no cheating...ppl will check ur code and u will be burned
heres my table for data
El Comandante-
try and beat that.....rember u cant beat swaps unless ur not buble sorting!
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Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:45 am Post subject: (No subject)
you said so yourself, bubble sort is very inefficient on large sets of data because it is an O(n^2) algorithm. so there is no reason for us to use it. stick with quicksort or bucket/radix/counting sort. they are not difficult and certainly within the reach of a highschool student.
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:38 am Post subject: (No subject)
I have a tutorial on sorting in progress.
Otherwise, the algorithms mentioned are widely available on the net.