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 Virus [It's a Game]
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:49 am   Post subject: Virus [It's a Game]

A cheap 3Dstyle, fast paced game where you control a Mysterious Computer Virus while attacking a mainframe. However it won't be easy with all those anti-hack programs sent after you trying to protect the stability of the server. Attacking key points will bring down other areas, keep in mind the maps are generated differently each time.

This is a project I dug out of the grave. I started it awhile ago, and I finally decided to spice it up fixing its speed issues and bugs.
This isn't exactly a launch version, the minimap still has a few bugs on the stretched maps. I also want to add more of a background story or something maybe in the beginning. It also needs a Game Over screen.

If your puzzled as to what to do, hit the yellow blocks and avoid the blue things...

Modified the life count, Easy is still Hard.
Added a slightly buggy background of marquee code.

The Settings I have aren't all that balanced, so if your up to it look in the main loop for these declarations after loading the map.

% ~Line 450

p_acc := 0.05 % Acceleration
p_dec := 0.03 % Slow down speed
p_max := 7 % Max  Speed

e_acc := 0.1 % Acceleration
e_dec := 2 % Slow down speed
e_max := 9 % Max  Speed

Virus [Release v3].t
Virus [Source] [Lives + BG]

 Filename:  Virus [Release v3].t
 Filesize:  28.81 KB
 Downloaded:  342 Time(s)

Virus [Release v3].t
Virus [Source]

 Filename:  Virus [Release v3].t
 Filesize:  26.19 KB
 Downloaded:  162 Time(s)


PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:13 pm   Post subject: RE:Virus [It\'s a Game]

Excellent game man. Was it your intention for the player's navigation to be hard? Anyways its a great game.

Maybe you can add things for the player to regain lives or power-ups(shield, speed etc..). There great potential for your game. Just spitting out ideas.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:14 pm   Post subject: Re: Virus [It's a Game]

Cool game, I really like the graphics too! I agree with riveryu that moving around was a little difficult at times. Very good game though.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:14 pm   Post subject: Re: Virus [It's a Game]

Foo to not being able to edit a post that's been replied to.

I messed around with Pic.Blur for the menus, I also added Simple diagonal movement with the mouse. I'm debating on making it 8-directional or 360 degree movement with the mouse...

I'm still messing around with the settings, I upped the acceleration to lessen the ice rink effect which is what makes it so hard to steer.

I did have a boost thing in the origional before i got picking at it again. I took it out since it was overly bugged. I'll look into more powerups later, but right now I'm off to eat ribs.

Virus [Release v3].t
Virus [Source] [+ A lot]

 Filename:  Virus [Release v3].t
 Filesize:  33.21 KB
 Downloaded:  165 Time(s)


PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:00 pm   Post subject: RE:Virus [It\'s a Game]

Wow, very nice game! I really enjoyed playing this one, and as mentioned there is alot of potential for this game to grow. Powerups, game-types, enemy-types and other features could really expand the game. Nice simple graphics too, not hard on the eyes. Movement could be adjusted in the options menu maybe? Things like acceleration, turn speed, etc would be nice to be customizable.

Overall great game,
+ bits

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:07 pm   Post subject: RE:Virus [It\'s a Game]

Very nice game, I really like the 3D effect you used with the 'buildings'

Is there any purpose to the green ones right now besides representing the mainframe?

I don't have many bits but you're getting some Razz

Zren @ Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:14 pm wrote:
Foo to not being able to edit a post that's been replied to.

I hear you man, I wish we could at least edit attachments : /

PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:48 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:Virus [It\'s a Game]

Warchamp7 @ Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:07 pm wrote:
Is there any purpose to the green ones right now besides representing the mainframe?

Not really. I have a few ideas though as to what to do with them though. Right now they are considered "Safe Places" for you to rest or escape from the anti-viros. So to make things fair, I'm thinking of adding a timer into the variables that will cause the program to eventually turn into a red [deleted/destroyed] file. Either shrinking the size of the program [Box] or causing the colour to change into red as you 'attack' them. I don't really want to do the same to the yellows since it will cause a dull waiting period that is necessary to play the game.

I'm also thinking of adding in a new box element. This one will make you be destroyed on hit instead of the AI. I dub them named Viro-Police HQ. These are not the only things I've planed though. I've thought of other things to add, the only problem is the way I've constructed the game, and that means I will have to probably rewrite most of the program. I don't exactly have time planed for this right now, but I WILL get it done in time, before I have to head back to writing in Java because you all know how good my Java is...

Anyways, thanks for all the comments everyone and anyone who d/l and played the game. I hope you'll do the same for when I finally complete this again.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:51 am   Post subject: RE:Virus [It\'s a Game]

Sounds sweet...

Maybe I should make a game using my "3D" model, it is pretty much the same thing as yours...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:20 am   Post subject: RE:Virus [It\'s a Game]

Great game. i had some issues with moving tho. It seems like you adding the mouse was just an extension to the previously-used keyboard movement by your code. You are incorporating 4-directional movement with a mouse, which is bizarre. Instead of reusing the old 4-directional movement, consider having the ball accelerate towards the point you click on using the x-y coordinates relative to the red ball, and work out your acceleration and whatnot from there

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:05 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:Virus [It\'s a Game]

Carey @ Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:20 am wrote:
It seems like you adding the mouse was just an extension to the previously-used keyboard movement by your code. You are incorporating 4-directional movement with a mouse, which is bizarre. Instead of reusing the old 4-directional movement, consider having the ball accelerate towards the point you click on using the x-y coordinates relative to the red ball, and work out your acceleration and whatnot from there

I am, kinda when I said said I was working on 360 movement. I've been looking at The_Bean's "Perfect" Following Tutorial, which is more generally known for it's distance between 2 points. I had already been wanting to incorperate tails with their own x,y coords. howevermy code isn't structured to add them very easily. Which is why I want to thoroughly plan out my next steps.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:17 pm   Post subject: Re: Virus [It's a Game]

wow this is awesome 1 of the better games i have played
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